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Oxford Debate: Partition of India.

Regarding your post-script alone: it was just another phase, in no way distinguishable from any other phase in the relentless advance of the British in India.
I agree. The German invasion of Poland was just a phase in a sequence of phases that took them across Europe and beyond during 1930s/1940s. But from Polish perspective it was very seminal even for them. Similarly while Brotish conquest of the coterminous Pakistan or Indus Basin was just another example of wanton imperial lust that they had exhibited across huge parts of Africa, Americas and Asia but to the people of the region coterminous Pakistan it [forced integration 1843/49] was a seminal event as it set the scene for 1947. Had British ran out of steam or got occupied by another European war that exhausted their energy Indus Basin would have remained outside of British India.

And that would have led to entirely differant historical trajectory for what was coterminous Pakistan. How things would have played out is matter of conjecture and guessing but certainly there would have been no partition and a whole industry out there jawing on about "part, parti, partition" would be unemployed.

Now back to music and scheming to make "loads of money". It's that time of year. Weather has finally taken a turn for the good in UK. fresh dafodills entice and promise a great summer. Infinite possibilities beckon. And I have this urge this summer to satisfy my desire. Buy a Porsche. Either 9/11 or Pananmera. Black with cream leather.
Well they used to live in Bombay. So they adopted the local costume there.

We Pakistanis do not wear Saris.

Yes Jinnah was a Muhajir.

But now we Pakistanis reject saris. Saris is not our culture.

Kameez Shalwar is our culture for both men and women. And Gharara for women.

@Corona what my amish friend is trying to say

The piece of clothing is of little value. Just by wearing a western attire wont make him secular nor Fatima wearing a saree a conservative or cultural or whatever

There was no pakistani culture like there was no united india culture. People simply lived together just like they do in africa ruled by warrior kings.

Seculars proposed a loot exploiting the cultural weaknesses while fundamentalists argued for rights accordingly.

Jinnah was therefore a fundamentalist muslim secular
Italian job
Okay I was about to go but you got me thinking. Yeh know I have a Mini Cooper. But my mind drifts back to early 1990s. My friend had the original Mark 1 red mini. We had bought a large Victorian house as investment and turned it into 6 studio apartments. But we had a problem. It had a huge ugly paved garden with weeds sprouting eveywhere. Low on cash we were scratching our heads what to do. As we drove past a park a hammer hit my head. That night we came back to the park. Pulled out the freshly planted greens from the arboretum including their root balls. The Mini was not able to hold much but we did three runs.

Week later our garden to the "Willow Studio Apartments" had the best, nicest frontage in the county courtesy of the local councils parks department. We were overwhelmed by yuppies wanting to sign up to lease the apartments. Now that was our "P*aki Job". We merely relocated the nice greans to a more needy location so it was actually a more cost effective use pof tax pounds. Now you know why politics is a no, no for me in UK.

If I did not have aversion to bombs and lynching I would fit perfectly in Pakistan in middle of nawaz and Zardari.
Okay I was about to go but you got me thinking. Yeh know I have a Mini Cooper. But my mind drifts back to early 1990s. My friend had the original Mark 1 red mini. We had bought a large Victorian house as investment and turned it into 6 studio apartments. But we had a problem. It had a huge ugly paved garden with weeds sprouting eveywhere. Low on cash we were scratching our heads what to do. As we drove past a park a hammer hit my head. That night we came back to the park. Pulled out the freshly planted greens from the arboretum including their root balls. The Mini was not able to hold much but we did three runs.

Week later our garden to the "Willow Studio Apartments" had the best, nicest frontage in the county courtesy of the local councils parks department. We were overwhelmed by yuppies wanting to sign up to lease the apartments. Now that was our "P*aki Job". We merely relocated the nice greans to a more needy location so it was actually a more cost effective use pof tax pounds. Now you know why politics is a no, no for me in UK.

If I did not have aversion to bombs and lynching I would fit perfectly in Pakistan in middle of nawaz and Zardari.
I did not watch the videos yet.

But I will say that partition was the only solution to the communal problem.

Muslims were about to become minorities in their own lands, and by partitioning the land it ensured that Muslims would remain a majority in their own lands.

Partition was the right thing to do.

How do you decide which is a Muslim land ?
Why won't they let this go. Who gives a shi*t? People don't want to associate with you, they move on, you should move on too. Why this unending randi rona?
indians cant let go like they cant let go of their rape victims whether its on the train or alley ways, or some minority or some tourist from Europe. They want revenge period to satisfy their ego.
@Corona what my amish friend is trying to say

The piece of clothing is of little value. Just by wearing a western attire wont make him secular nor Fatima wearing a saree a conservative or cultural or whatever

There was no pakistani culture like there was no united india culture. People simply lived together just like they do in africa ruled by warrior kings.

Seculars proposed a loot exploiting the cultural weaknesses while fundamentalists argued for rights accordingly.

Jinnah was therefore a fundamentalist muslim secular
Amish! Lost all train of thought when I read that. LOL:rofl:
The phrase "Partition of India" itself is wrong, there was no India before partition. India became india after Muslims of south east asia earned freedom for themselves and others after sacrificing millions of lives.

Interestingly all participants are Indian including a fake Pakistani

lol why is Sabriyah Saeed wearing a Sari? Is she an Indian? LOL.

Pakistanis do not wear Saris.

Agreed with you. Pakistan gots its independence from Britain, not from India.

I do not know why the Sabriyah Saeed is wearing a Sari lol? How bloody stupid can a person get.
Well they used to live in Bombay. So they adopted the local costume there.

We Pakistanis do not wear Saris.

Yes Jinnah was a Muhajir.

But now we Pakistanis reject saris. Saris is not our culture.

Kameez Shalwar is our culture for both men and women. And Gharara for women.

Sari is not common in Sindh, Pakistani Punjab, Balochistan, and Pakthunkwa and in Pakistani Kashmir.

All Pakistanis reject Saris except the Muhajirs.

I want Saris to be banned in Pakistan.

Maybe Fatima Jinnah wore a Sari in pre-partition days, but now we Pakistanis are different from Indians.
Right. People should switch to local costumes? So hijabs should be banned in Canada?
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