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Oxford Debate: Partition of India.

Nice try Indian.

There is zero Indian influence in Pakistan.

In Pakistan everyone hates India.
Huge numbers of Pakistanis love Indian movies, food and dramas.

Every new fashion in those programs are immediately available in Pakistani stores for your consumption.

Indian cultural invasion cannot be stopped.

You can cry as much as you want but this cannot be stopped.
You are badly mistaken. Pakistan is a different entity and was borne out of necessity. Religion is one dimension. There is no going back. Not until planet earth seizes to exist.

Indians need to accept this reality. There really is no point in daydreaming.
I don't accept..What you call Pakistan is the land of Indus to me which is an organ of present day India for thousands of years...it's hardly 70 years since it got separated..I believe in plans designed by god or some super natural power or whatever you may want to call it..Something tells me that super power will rejoin pakistan with India
I don't accept..What you call Pakistan is the land of Indus to me which is an organ of present day India for thousands of years...it's hardly 70 years since it got separated
I heard a English guy say that he refuses to accept India as it was they who built it, gave it form and only 70 years ago separated from Britain.

And don't forget only in 1849 that the British forced what is Pakistan today to become India.

Huge numbers of Pakistanis love Indian movies, food and dramas.

Every new fashion in those programs are immediately available in Pakistani stores for your consumption.

Indian cultural invasion cannot be stopped.

You can cry as much as you want but this cannot be stopped.

All Pakistanis hate India, especially the religious and those in the military.

Yes Indian cultural invasion can be stopped.

China is seen as another force in South Asia.

You Indians cannot win. You know you are trolling.

I know you Indians have an inferiority complex that we Pakistanis rejected India for an independent state.

Now go cry me a river.
I don't accept..What you call Pakistan is the land of Indus to me which is an organ of present day India for thousands of years...it's hardly 70 years since it got separated..I believe in plans designed by god or some super natural power or whatever you may want to call it..Something tells me that super power will rejoin pakistan with India
You are right in a sense that Pakistanis are the real "Indians" and Vedic civilisation begins in coterminous Pakistan.
But remember Bharat is also hardly 70 years old just like Pakistan.

1872: Sher Ali Afridi also called Shere Ali. He assassinated Lord Mayo, Viceroy of India on 8 February 1872. He was a prisoner at Andaman and Nicobar Islands at the time.

Sher Ali worked for the British administration in the Punjab Mounted Police during the 1860s. He came from the Tirah valley in Khyber Agency (now a Federally Administered Tribal Area) and worked for the Commissioner of Peshawar.

Lord Mayo, Viceroy of India from 1869, was visiting the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in February 1872. On 8 February, when the Viceroy had almost completed his inspection and was returning at 7:00 PM to his boat, where Lady Mayo was also waiting, Sher Ali Afridi appeared from the dark and stabbed him. Sher Ali was immediately arrested by 12 security personnel. Lord Mayo soon bled to death.

Sher Ali Afridi was condemned to death and was hanged on the gallows of Viper Island prison, on 11 March 1873.

Photo Courtesy: Nadeem Omar Tarar


He was hanged and then burnt to ashes so that no tomb or grave is erected. Also a message was delivered to his Deobandi captive fellow mentors or Deobandi Ulema (In same prison ) who encouraged him to kill Lord May, that no proper Muslim Burial will be offered to offenders. He was from village Qadam in present day Jamrud Khyber Agency and from kukikhek clan inhabiting around famous Baab e Khyber gate or Darwazaa

1872: Sher Ali Afridi also called Shere Ali. He assassinated Lord Mayo, Viceroy of India on 8 February 1872. He was a prisoner at Andaman and Nicobar Islands at the time.

Sher Ali worked for the British administration in the Punjab Mounted Police during the 1860s. He came from the Tirah valley in Khyber Agency (now a Federally Administered Tribal Area) and worked for the Commissioner of Peshawar.

Lord Mayo, Viceroy of India from 1869, was visiting the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in February 1872. On 8 February, when the Viceroy had almost completed his inspection and was returning at 7:00 PM to his boat, where Lady Mayo was also waiting, Sher Ali Afridi appeared from the dark and stabbed him. Sher Ali was immediately arrested by 12 security personnel. Lord Mayo soon bled to death.

Sher Ali Afridi was condemned to death and was hanged on the gallows of Viper Island prison, on 11 March 1873.

Photo Courtesy: Nadeem Omar Tarar


He was hanged and then burnt to ashes so that no tomb or grave is erected. Also a message was delivered to his Deobandi captive fellow mentors or Deobandi Ulema (In same prison ) who encouraged him to kill Lord May, that no proper Muslim Burial will be offered to offenders. He was from village Qadam in present day Jamrud Khyber Agency and from kukikhek clan inhabiting around famous Baab e Khyber gate or Darwazaa
Can I ask why you have posted this story?
Just a history nothing special. Partition Sequence.
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