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Owner of Popular Afghan Restaurant in Canada Bamyan Kabob Racist attack on Pakistanis!

London, Ont. restaurant speaks out after racially charged video goes viral
Published March 23, 2021 6:32 p.m. ET
Updated March 23, 2021 7:23 p.m. ET
By Nick Paparella
CTV News London Reporter

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LONDON, ONT. -- It is a disturbing video taken Saturday afternoon at the Bamyan Afghan Cuisine restaurant in downtown London.

In it you see an employee at the Richmond Street restaurant verbally abusing a male and female who appear to be customers.

After a racially charged rant he tells them to get out of the premises.

“It's definitely hurting our business,” says Hadayat Beedar, the manager at Bamyan. He says the person at the centre of the controversy is one of the co-owners who has been let go.

“As of right now he is no longer working, we can consider him fired,” says Beedar. “It's between the partners that need to determine what to do, maybe one would buy out the other one, kind of deal.”

London police have been called in to look into the incident.

“So right now we are making efforts to pull the store video from the business owner who is more than happy to provide that to share the other piece that's missing,” says Deputy Chief Trish McIntyre. “We encourage the complainant to come forward.”

Beedar, who was not at the store on Saturday when it happened, says the in-house video is about 12 minutes long.

“They released that video but it’s only one-sided, so I’d like to know what happened on both sides.”

Beedar says Bamyan has been in business on Richmond Row for more than six years and this is the first time something like this has happened.

He says at the moment the man at the centre of it all is not commenting.

“I'd like to see him apologize,” says Beedar, “Offer an apology to the public, especially to our Pakistani brothers and sisters, we look forward to serving them even more and better than before.”

Would like to see what happened b4 this incident...there might have been a provocation from the other side too...otherwise no one would go mad like that especially considering the fact some thousands of pakistanis that have already visited that.
Afghandoos doing best what they are good at which is morning. No wonder their country is in the gutter and they have to live abroad. Namak Harams will always remain Namak Harams doesn't matter how much you feed these snakes.

The incident you keep referring to us is where a bunch of sissy as men grouped together and attacked people with Families who were watching a cricket match. How would you respond to barbaric people who have no regard for rule of law or have never been able to spend a day in a democratic and progressive country?

If you think Afghans are really that great when it comes to fighting then ask them to pick fight with Pakistanis on any given day of the week and they will get their answer the very next moment.
Stop bragging man...we all know what ghoris, gaznavis , baburs did to West Punjab.
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Would like to see what happened b4 this incident...there might have been a provocation from the other side too...otherwise no one would go mad like that especially considering the fact some thousands of pakistanis that have already visited that.

The visitors were Indians so it's very likely they demanded the evil Muslim Afghan stop making kabobs out of Holy gaumata.
90% of their customer base is Pakistani, I see most of their restaurant going out of business soon, let me send this video to everyone I know.
Would like to see what happened b4 this incident...there might have been a provocation from the other side too...otherwise no one would go mad like that especially considering the fact some thousands of pakistanis that have already visited that.

there is a business rule regardless of what customer might or might not have said....customer is always right because he pays your salary.
Would like to see what happened b4 this incident...there might have been a provocation from the other side too...otherwise no one would go mad like that especially considering the fact some thousands of pakistanis that have already visited that.

Stop bragging man...we all know what ghoris, gaznavis , baburs did to West Punjab.

West Punjab lol? Well, then imagine what would happen to Indians where Sikhs (Punjabis) are considered the bravest ethnicity rest all are just walk-overs.:lol:

Then why your Afghans are not able to settle their Durand line? Just like you guys they ride on high horse but that reality is very different.
Well, to be honest, they all are racists. They have feed so much poison against Pakistan by Indian's and Ghani's, Abdullah Abdullah's and Karazai's etc. propaganda that they see Pakistanis as enemies.

They treat Pakistanis as black and inferior people.
I deal with them here in my line of work, so I know their behaviour very well.

Most of them, declare their fathers dead when applying for asylum, when as a matter of fact, their fathers are very much alive, they talk to them, build big houses for them in Afghanistan.

They talk bad about Pakistanis behind their backs, in Dari and Pushtoo. They get shocked when I respond to them, understanding both languages, I know what they are saying.

Therefore, this is not shocking to me at all.

True but here it turns into real war, cars smashed, guns used to shoot up shops, people stabbed.
lol most on here only seen this recently we had this back in 90s here in UK. If you go to eat at their restaurant they are arrogant and serve you cold dish on purpose and serve after long time. Plus they talk in their own language about you. avoid all this Afghani restaurant. I avoid some Arab restaurants too.
it is usually the immigrant types that have this mentality. In afghanistan they are consevative but damn here they become ***** with weird haircuts. with tight jeans etc.
90% of their customer base is Pakistani, I see most of their restaurant going out of business soon, let me send this video to everyone I know.

there is a business rule regardless of what customer might or might not have said....customer is always right because he pays your salary.

Also share their phone number, I'd love to give them a call.

I was asking about the baseball bats in dicky type of lawsuit.

But why does the video start only with him yelling. Surely there must have been some prelude to that.

Didn't Afghans also beat Pakistani fans up outside a cricket stadium in the UK during the world cup (or was in Champion's Trophy) recently?

@lastofthepatriots you need to come out of retirement man. What is this happening.

Cheers, Doc

maybe in london, up north it is diff story.
Also share their phone number, I'd love to give them a call.

what you do is go on google reviews and give them bad feedback and then make big order lolz and then refuse.
West Punjab lol? Well, then imagine what would happen to Indians where Sikhs (Punjabis) are considered the bravest ethnicity rest all are just walk-overs.:lol:

Then why your Afghans are not able to settle their Durand line? Just like you guys they ride on high horse but that reality is very different.

past pride blinds the mind.
Also share their phone number, I'd love to give them a call.

no need bro, he most definitely was a refugee in Pakistan and spend his time serving Pakistanis then he came to Canada, opened a restaurant and guess what.....serving Pakistanis again...i would be pissed too
maybe in london, up north it is diff story.

what you do is go on google reviews and give them bad feedback and then make big order lolz and then refuse.

past pride blinds the mind.

You are very naughty :chilli:
You are very naughty :chilli:

fcukem i hate this kind of ppl. type in al aqsa restaurant stockport. make good kobedi but a year ago they started to act funny so i stopped going. But my friends bro and his friends went there the owners/workers made a joke afer that they were begging them not to destroy their restaurant . chairs were thrown, throwing bits of food, they started to make big orders and eat but kept making more orders, talking loudly, customers walked out. lolz
Normal Afghans with some Islamic education don’t behave like that and it’s also not a racial enmity between us. Pakistan is the real Pashtunistan (my wife is Pathan) with the most Pathans in the world, it’s just those secular ethnofascists making trouble. Pakistan and Afghanistan should form a unity! But for this both parties need to get their act together.

Asking to form a country with people who have been against us since our very inception isn't a smart idea. They have never liked us nor will ever like us.
You can tell RAW injected venom agaist us. Well time to treat him and his indian sponsor in their language.

They have always been against us.
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