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Overseas Chinese orphans (courageous people)


May 23, 2011
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在缅甸掸邦北部的尽头,在中国云南西南的底端,在一个远离中原的地区,有一支汉民族已经在此生存繁衍了300多年。这支汉族就是生活在缅甸掸邦果敢及周边的汉族,在缅甸被称为果敢族。现在的果敢位于缅甸掸邦东北部,面积约1万多平方公里,人口约15 万。

300多年前明朝灭亡之际,明朝的一些官员和百姓追随永历皇帝朱由榔(桂王)从广西贵州和云南一路逃亡最后流落缅甸。公元1661年十二月,吴三桂带领十万清兵开进缅甸,逼迫缅甸交出永历帝朱由榔并押解回昆明,一年后永历帝被吴三桂缢死在昆明的逼死坡。但仍有不少随朱由榔逃入缅境的文武官员、各类随从和大批百姓仍死不降清,流落在现今缅甸北部和中国云南西南的荒山野僻之地顽强生栖繁衍,其中包括闯王李自成手下的名将李定国,他沿路护卫朱由榔进入缅甸,此后又长期在边境地区与清军周旋,朱由榔在昆明被杀后不久他即病故在现中老边境勐腊县;通过300 多年艰苦而漫长的日子,这些流落他乡的人员最终发展成了今天缅甸的果敢族和这一区域其他称谓的汉民族。


1968年后缅甸人民军进驻果敢,1989 年果敢成立“缅甸掸邦民族民主同盟军”,同年获缅政府承认成立“掸邦第一特区”。该辖区于2002 年实现了基本禁绝罂粟种植,在当地的民族历史和禁毒的历史上迈出了一大步。

A branch Han called "courageous family", and the Chinese called the bold text!

In the northern end of the Shan State of Myanmar, southwest China's Yunnan bottom, in a far away from the Central Plains region, a Chinese national has to survive and multiply in a 300 years. Zhezhi Han Chinese living in Myanmar's Shan State is the bold and the surrounding Han Chinese in Myanmar are called courageous family. Now the bold in the northeastern Shan State of Myanmar, an area of ​​about 10,000 square kilometers, a population of about 150,000.

The occasion of the demise of the Ming Dynasty 300 years ago, some officials and citizens Ming Emperor Zhu Yongli followed by the palm (Gui Wang) from Guangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan, the last living all the way to flee Burma. Year in December 1661, led one hundred thousand Qing Wu Sangui entered Burma, Myanmar, forced to hand over Yongli emperor, Zhu and escorted back to Kunming by the palm, one year after the death from hanging Yongli emperor was Sangui beaten to death in Kunming slope. But there are still many fled into Myanmar with the palm Zhu territory by the civil and military officials, all kinds of followers and a large number of people still refuses to drop clear, now living in northern Myanmar and Yunnan, southwest China's land of barren hills and tenacious wild secluded breeding habitat of Health, which Rereading the famous men, including John Reading, Chuang Wang, Zhu from his palm along the guard to enter Myanmar, has since long-term deal in border areas and Qing Zhu was killed in Kunming by the palm that died shortly after he is in the old border Mengla; by 300 years of hard work and long days, these persons to flee their homes eventually evolved into today's courageous Burmese ethnic and other titles in this region of the Han nationality.

Long, courageous people, and with the British colonists fight the Japanese invaders made an important contribution in the struggle for national interests to pay a heavy price. Temperature in Myanmar-Chinese era, Myanmar and Chinese characters shall be canceled, but not allowed to teach Chinese language, in order to preserve their own traditional Chinese, courageous people were forced to accept the "courageous family" in the title, and they speak dialects The Chinese called the bold language, the use of Chinese characters as bold text, the ultimate guarantee to pass the extension of Chinese culture.

In 1968 the people of Myanmar after the military stationed in bold, courageous established in 1989, "Shan State of Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army", founded the same year by the Myanmar government acknowledged "the first of Shan State Special Administrative Region." The area in 2002 to achieve a basic ban on opium poppy cultivation in national history and local history of drug taken a big step.


:undecided::coffee::hitwall::what: what ?
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