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Overcoming language barrier between God & humanity (a real quran based dictionary)


Nov 11, 2010
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A verse by verse short conceptual and contextual interpretation of the Quranic Surahs with explanations.



Things will be explained as this work progresses in due course. For reference I am using surah number and verse number where need be. There are 114 surahs in the Quran. The longest surah in the Quran is AL-BAQARAH surah 2 and the shortest AL-KAWSAR surah 108. The text of the Quran is approximately divided by people into parts for various reasons eg people who wish to read the whole Quran in a month can do so by reading one part daily which is called a juz because there are thirty of them. If people wish to finish reading the whole Quran in a week they can read one whole part called manzil because there are seven of them. The Quran is not an ordinary book written by human beings so to understand it one has to first familiarise oneself with Arabic alphabet set and its meanings because that will greatly help one with vocabulary of the Quran. The other vitally importance concept to understand is TASREEFUL AYAAT ie information about a particular thing is discussed under different headings or surahs so one has to know where else a particular subject has been discussed in the Quran and after getting all information together one has to interpret the Quran in such a way that there does not arise any conflict with in the text of the Quran or between the text of the Quran and concrete realities in the real world. This will help people see the full picture the Quran wants to show people about something. Word AAYAH itself means a fact or mark or sign or evidence etc etc so just as we human beings interpret real world realities after observing and understanding them so we need to do in case of the Quranic text as well. Just as the universe is an interactive thing for human beings to learn about so is the Quran. Just as we cannot interpret the universal realities without carefully observing and understanding them so we cannot interpret the text of the Quran either without carefully observing it and understanding it. This is why the Quran tells people who have learned sense to make sense of things to ponder and reflect over its words, verses and explanations deeply and widely. Nothing makes sense on its own when it is cut off from its purpose in a vacuum or in isolation, nor do words used in the Quran unless we have deep understanding of their background or context. This context is origin and development of human language which defines words and their possible meanings. The other context within that context is God speaking to mankind using human language. Unless people realise God has his own agenda which people need to understand they cannot understand the message of God just through words. Agenda of God is to explain to people his purpose for their creation and what they need to do and how they need to do it in order to fulfil that agenda. No sensible person does anything without a purpose or an agenda so why should God when he claims to be wise? This also explains the purpose for which God created things and the purpose has to be a sensible one because it has to reflect wisdom of God. So one can see how deep and wide one has to be able to think before one could attempt making sense of God’s word. It is not a case of a person picking up a book from a shelf at random and reading it. This is the reason despite most of the people reading the books which they take for God’s word they have no sense of what those books actually say and whether it is right or wrong. It is because most of the human beings still have not educated themselves to the level which is required for proper understanding of the word of God. This is why this work on the Quran will be found very different from many others, mainly because it challenges concepts most people have in their minds about God. However, one will only get better picture of what I am trying to explain here after reading this work right through. With help of this work people to come should be able to produce much better works on the Quran as time marches on. This work should be able to provide people with necessary tools and basic framework for proper understanding of the Quran.

Meanings of letters in Arabic alphabet set.

To begin with one should be fully aware of the fact that letters used in Arabic alphabet set are not Arabic in their origin as we know Arabic today rather they have been adopted from other ancestral and sisterly languages of Arabic as we define and give different names to languages due to some differences and word ARAB itself has a root AIN, RAA and BAA meaning a language that distinctively identifies or defines things. In the Quranic context it means a language that distinctively identifies or defines a way of life called deen of Islam or SABEELALLAH as opposed to any way of life that is called kufar. Deen of Islam means a way of life that if understood properly and followed faithfully can lead mankind to a blissful, dignified and secure existence in this world and in hereafter. The same way of life is called way of life advised by Allah ie sabeelallah. The way of life called kufar is any way of life that can lead mankind to the opposite end ie harms and destructions by hands of each other in this life and in hereafter. The reason is one way of life is based upon concept of human brotherhood therefore upon the ideology of living for each other by ensuring well being of each other through full help and support of each other and the other based upon rivalry and animosity due to living for oneself at the expense of all the rest ie living on the basis of personal gains at the expense of each other.

This is why one way of life can lead humanity to unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community in this universe which is called the kingdom of God and the other to its own destruction by hands of each other as enemies. As for human language, it is one and the same language in reality but as people developed the language went through changes from being very simple to becoming very complex and it was identified as separate languages due to groups of people separating and moving away from each other and modifying it in their own ways in different areas of the world for different natural and personal reasons. This is why it is just as right to call it one and the same language that has been modified by people in many ways or to call it different languages on geographical basis, so the modification of the language that came about through Hebrew people became Hebrew languages and modification by people in Arabia became known as Arabic despite the root language being the very same just like human being who are the very same people as a specie. Just as there is no broken link between generations of people otherwise we will not be here so there is no broken link between language and generations of people unless a branch went totally dead. This is why any people of any area can claim their language is original human language because if they try and trace back their language to its roots they will find this is a fact. Just as human languages are branches of the very same human language tree so different life forms are branches of the very same tree of life.

The original human language was based upon gestures by people and then they coded or modulated gestures with sounds for speech and then they came up with idea of pictures for gestures and sounds for purpose of writing down their thoughts for purpose of memory and communication. They drew pictures of things for meaningful concepts or explanations so when later people turned pictures into letters they still represented original meanings due to original concepts being attached to them. These letters which we call alphabet simply mean ALIF and BAIT ie the first and second letters of the human language alphabet set in Greek format. Therefore alphabet letters already had meanings given to them long before they became Arabic letters or Hebrew letters. As explained already letters were originally pictures of things eg picture of a bull was used for alif, of a tent for baa, of a basket for taa and so on and so forth. So it is not difficult to see how human language came about. Meanings for letters were further derived from given names to letters. For example since taa=basket it meant it was some sort of container and so all sorts of containers could be taken as meanings of letter taa. This is why womb or box or room or chamber or coffin or tomb etc all are perfect concrete root meanings of letter taa. It is because any concrete meaning taken for a letter also apply to anything that is like the meaning taken in some sense therefore this idea or mechanism expands numbers of meanings of a letter. Moreover what is true in case of concrete realities is also true for concepts eg word constitution can also be taken as meaning of letter taa because it contains all information about an organisation eg its set-up or structuring or procedures or practices etc etc. Moreover letters are words which themselves have sets of roots which expand their meanings even more.

Not only that letters also have positive as well as negative meanings depending upon their contexts of use. For example, letter haa meaning fence can mean things either on one side of the fence or on the other eg a wall or partition either keeps something inside it or outside of it for one reason or another. So it all depends upon the context of use as to what is the proper sense of a letter or a word in its context of use. The main thing to remember is that letters and words have many meanings but the contexts of their use limit them and that is how things are made sensible. For example, take letter ALIF it has many different meanings eg bull or something like bull in some sense, bull head, ox, cattle, stick, one, unity, oneness, God, power, leader, authority, chief, manager, controller, staff, strength, one thousand, love, affection, energy, yoke, teacher, master, to learn, to teach, to lead, to guide etc etc. Since Letter alif is a word in Arabic which is from root ALIF, LAAM and FAA this also gives it meanings related to letters LAAM and FAA as well. This is how root for ALIF ends up having so many different meanings. These meanings are expanded further by way of what letter alif means or anything like it means in some sense eg if we take it to mean staff then staff is sign of power or authority as well as strength and togetherness of things or people as a team etc. Staff is also used for controlling animals or people or as help and support in some sense. This is how meanings of word ALIF keep on expanding and this is why it is used as part of many roots of many words but people only use whatever they need to use for their purposes and that is what we find in dictionaries to some extend while rest of meanings are ignored because they are not understood for their use yet. This is why dictionaries are based on common usage of words among a people for their meanings so they are not complete source of reference for words and their meanings and this is the main reason for it. Moreover each letter is part of many different roots for many different words which also shows the extent of their meanings. So if one never uses stick for fighting it does not mean word ALIF has nothing to do with word fighting. It is just a matter of need for use of something that brings out a particular meaning of a word which we call contextualised meanings. This is why even if a situation does not arise for use of something it does not mean having it is useless because it may become useful in the future.

So even if a situation never arises for use of a particular meaning of a word yet word does have all the meanings of it within it regardless we are aware of those meaning or not or have discovered them or not or used them or not. In case of real world realities they were there already but we did not manage to discover them for ourselves till we were able to do so therefore that does not mean they did not exist just because we did not know about them. This is why the Quran cannot be understood properly till people become aware of these like facts and then try to see what the Quranic text may be telling us in it. This is why even if nobody gave a particular meaning to the text of the Quran before us we can because we could be the first people who have discovered those meanings. The main criterion for truth of meanings is whether we end up with a proper sensible message of the Quran or make a mess of it that makes no sense. Yet another point we must understand is that all words which use any particular letters in them reflect meanings of all of them though one can only use just one at a time due to limitation put on the words by their contexts. For example, letter alif is used in many words in the Quran and so are used all other letters of the alphabet set so their meanings are reflected in all of them from alif to yaa but only and only context decides which of the meanings apply in each case and the rest are therefore ignored. A context is like a frame or framework or chassis of something in which things belonging to it are supposed to be fitted to complete it into a whole thing.

This is how 28 letters in alphabet set give us so many words and so many meanings which we call our human language. The fact is some words we use in Arabic language have multiple roots as already explained due to being borrowed from different languages. Another thing we need to know is the fact that Arabic letters have alphanumerical values for purpose of counting ie 1, 2 and 3 etc etc. Alif=1, baa=2, jeem=3, daal=4, haa=5, wow=6, zaa=7, haa=8, twaa=9. Yaa=10, kaaf=20, laam=30, meem=40, noon=50, seen=60, ain=70, faa=80, swaad=90. Qaaf=100, raa-200, sheen=300, taa=400, saa=500, khaa=600, zaal-700, zwaa=800, dwaad=900 and ghain=1000 etc etc. In time long ago there were no separate symbols for writing numbers and doing calculations. So letters besides having linguistic meanings also had numerical values and meanings. Most of these alphanumerical meanings of Arabic letters are also borrowed from earlier languages eg letter ALIF=1 or letter BAA=2 in Hebrew etc as well. Yet another point to remember is that all letters have meanings which are not exactly the same but they overlap very much as we expand their meanings by going into their detail which will become obvious as we progress in our study of the Quranic text. Although I am explaining what I came to know there is much more which I have no idea about and is yet to be discovered and shared about origin and development of human language as well as the message of the Quran.

It will take some time before many more people start studying these things and help us make yet better sense of the message of God. This work is just the beginning in this direction so it should not be taken as a conclusive last word. It is because thoughts and works of God cannot be encompassed by limited minds of human beings. All we human beings can do is, try our best to make the best possible sense of things with help and support of each other by thinking and doing as much as we can to the best of our abilities. Despite our best efforts we human beings may still fall well short of what we are supposed to achieve or accomplish but that should not lead us to disappointment or desperation. We are only created to do our best and leave the rest to God so long as we are doing that we are fine. The plan of God for humanity is like building a house wherein there is room for all of us to do different things for it and once they are brought together we will have a very nice house for ourselves to live in. This is why for the time being we are all thinking and doing different things regardless we know them properly or not but they are helping humanity move in the right direction bit by bit. We are all busy making doors and windows and bricks etc etc for the same house regardless we have the idea of the house plan or not. However if we knew it then it will have made our struggle much more meaningful and easier as well as we could have ended up getting the end result quicker rather than fooling about in the dark knowing not what we are doing and why. This is why learning the Quran and following it can make a huge difference for us in sense of our struggle by cutting down our painful suffering drastically.

Letter ALIF means stick or something like stick in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also strength, toughness, power, authority, God, revelation of God, staff, crew, company, companionship, association, organisation, circle, administration, management, governing body, government, regime, team, unit or unity, one or oneness, base, origin, root, foundation, ground, reason, rationality, teaching, learning, ox, bull, ox head, chief, head, leader, leadership, ruler, ruling elite, top or best people or things, one thousand, many, love, affection, connection, relationship, link, contact, support, reinforcement, cattle, energy, yoke, something that keeps things together, glue, protection, preservation, shepherd staff or something like shepherd staff in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, strong authority, a stick with a sharp end or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, spear, arrow, pencil, tool, weapon, instrument, pillar, beam, column, obelisk, pole, bamboo, penis, rope, string, girder, man or human being or person, father, ancestor, forefathers, husband, carer, guardian, brown or earth colour, jugs, flagons, human female breasts, herbage, pasture, yield of the land, long time, eternity, wild animals, abundance, plentiful, prosperity, trace, clue, sign, proof, remains, evidence, mark, symbol, label, brotherhood, compatriot, lote tree, silk, value, principle, precept, standard, criterion, reference point, guidance, guidelines, dirt, contamination, impurity, human kind, the whole creation, crookedness, to hail from, to resort to, to revert to, to refer to, to roam about, to lie, to deceive, to turn something upside down, to ruin, to be absent, to go away, to eat or consume or devour, to reduce, to prevent, to deny, to agitate, to be restless, to feel pain, to seek refuge in, to swear, to take an oath, to shine, to radiate light or heat or both, to be leader or father or mother, to belong to same circle ideologically or practically or mentally or physically, to guess, to estimate, to conjecture, to be angry, to guide, to lead, to command, to tempt, to differentiate, to hope, to mull over, to ascertain, to expect, to be trustable or reliable, to rely upon or be relied upon, to be safe, to ensure safety of, to give security to, to ensure safety and security of or for, to feel safe, to trust, to have full confidence in, to be trustworthy, to confess, to forget, to be soft or kind or tender hearted, to tame, to be sociable, to detect or perceive, to stick, to glue, to attach, to hook onto, to learn , to teach, to be a master, to be a teacher, to be a scholar, to beat, to fight, to strike someone or something with a stick or something like stick, to control, to handle, to manage, to administer, to love, to desire, to lust, to fancy, to like, to encourage, to urge, to push, to drive, to move, to motivate, to inspire, to exhort, to blow, to blow air out lungs, to bellow, to blow trumpet, to whistle, to inflate, to expand, to give a signal to someone or something, to expand, to enlarge, to stretch, to detail, to blow up, to explode, to gossip, to slander, to accuse someone or something falsely, to discuss, to debate, to dispute, to cause or create gaps or gulfs or distances or disputes or differences or rifts or dissentions or tensions or fights or wars, to cause break or discontinuity or disconnection, to sever ties or break off links or relationships, to boycott or isolate, to depart or move away or separate, to leave, to leave behind, to leave alone, to save, to rescue, to preserve, to shield, to guard, to defend, to protect, to hide, to cover, to wrap up, to veil, to high, to be lofty, to be long lasting, to be permanent, to be durable, to be purposeful or useful, to injure, to ham, to damage, to father, to husband, to get up and go, to be on the move, to continue, to prepare to go, to go wild, to abandon, to desert, to live forever or for a very long period of time, to flee from one’s master or keeper, to rebel, to acquire, to obtain, to accomplish, to achieve, to refuse, to disobey, to cease to be or stop being consistent, to possess, to be benevolent or beneficial, to mother, to care for, to lookafter, to disdain, to loathe, to dislike or hate, to be averse, to refuse, to come or arrive or reach, to bring, to grant, to bestow, to reveal or disclose or expose, to show, to demonstrate, to present, to be comfortable, to have luxuries, to be affluent, to be wealthy, to mark, to track, to trace, to give a clue, to leave a sign behind, to favour, to prefer, to transmit, to radiate, to hand down, to be deep rooted, to be stable, to be firm or solid, to be immoveable, to endure, to commit a crime, to be guilty of a crime, to make someone face consequences of one’s harmful and destructive thoughts and actions, to inflame, to incite, to be fast, to engage, to employ, to go into a contractual agreement with, to award or reward, to collect something, to hoard, to store, to fix a time and place, to make an appointment, to take or take hold or possession of, to put a stop to, to infer, to imply, to deduce, to accept, to take on board, to take away, to remove, to select, to delay, to postpone, to put behind, to end, to defer, to suspend, to hold back, to lag behind, to take as a friend or bother or supporter, to be like brothers, to befall, to afflict, to ripen, to snare, to convey, to return, to pay up, to prepare, to know, to inform, to permit, to allow, to seek permission, to declare, to proclaim, to announce, to give leave, to give ear to, to listen, to monitor, to observe, to be resourceful, to be potent, to be creative, to procreate, to be flat, to be fatty, to be touched, to have dominion over, to stay put, to be settled or settled down, to brace, to buzz, to hum, to draw near, to be in hurry, to be coward, to shackle, to fetter, to chain, to bind, to capture, to imprison, to base or found, to offend, to assault, to anger, to take after, to be like, to console, to cure, to mend or repair, to cut, to be ungrateful, to promise, to pledge, to enter a covenant, to eradicate, to begin or commence, to go first, to be foremost, to be the first one, to become due, to be or become populated, to weigh down, to wriggle, to interpret, to make sense of, to moan, to sigh, to bolster, to fortify, to be mighty, to be tough, to be powerful, to be without spouse, to have no consort, to have no wife, to have no partner, to fall due, to tarry, to pause, to assure, stick or something like stick in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter ALIF see root ALIF, LAAM and FAA.

Letter BAA house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also tent, shelter, sanctuary, refuge, chamber or secret chamber, cave or cavern, breathing space, room for manoeuvre, roof over head, prison, dungeon, secret room, space, hiding place, partition, divide, wall, barrier, hurdle, container, cabin, box, shield, defence, preservation, tomb, grave, womb, coffin, room, chest, confinement, limitation, restriction, constriction, link, connection, relationship, attachment, protection, refuge, base, foundation, origin, building, structure, tradition, custom, precedent or example, rule of law, constitution, patronage, guardianship, looking after, taking care, family, clan, tribe, party, group, team, circle, body, organisation, company, canopy, umbrella, roof or ceiling or enclosure, community, following, support, household, back up, reinforcement, cover, influence, over shadowing, with or within, difficulty, hardship, obstruction, obstacle, blockage, poverty, narrowing, origin, base, foundation, principle, hand, power, authority, grip, grasp, understanding, comprehension, building, structure, framework, skeleton, outline, something that gives shape or appearance to something, something that gives something its importance or worth or value, something that gives something its size or colour or weight or qualities or attributes or characteristics or properties, something that makes something what it is in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, stress, strain, tension, worry, concern, anguish, anxiety, distress, adversity, vengeance, suffering, calamity, misery, wretchedness, ocean, river, something vast in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, reservoir or storage, great storage of information or knowledge, huge amount of problems or difficulties, tendon, height, prominence, tower, fortification, proof, evidence, something multilayered or has multi stories or levels, slowness, gradual, something that happens suddenly or unexpectedly, intense hatred, loathing, morrow, beginning of the day, first fruit, virgin, firstborn, crowding, pressure, stifling, breakage, dumbness, muteness, inability to express oneself, tip of the finger, the entire finger, arms and legs, constancy, odour, sons and daughters, principles, precepts, values, basis, foundation, wonders, doors, ways, choices, means, formula, trick, technique, uncultivated land, uncivilised or uncultured people, stagnation, regression, recession, mind, thought, heart, living quarters, apartments, departments, disposition, inclination, leaning towards, biased, a place where an activity or event takes place, allegiance, pledge, covenant, promise, declaration, to wrap up or cover up or envelope or veil or defend or lock up or imprison or capture or arrest or restrict or constrict or confine or contain or isolate or boycott or separate or back up or support or reinforce or save or rescue or hold or stop or stand in for or cover for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold back or prevent or stop someone or something from being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with care or looking after or shelter or protection or home or guardianship or patronage or roof over head or breathing space or room for manoeuvre or cover or hiding place or defence or rescue service or refuge or sanctuary or surrounding or atmosphere or environment or enclosure or container in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a family or clan or tribe or group or circle or team or company or organisation or association or place or country or companionship or friendship or following or support or backing in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to belong to or have a link or connection or relationship with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or control or grip or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have reach or grasp or understanding or comprehension about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be instrumental or involved in something happening or making something happen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked or deceptive or cunning or tricky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bend or mould or modify someone or something according to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to link or join or connect people or things to each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to handle or manage or deal with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be destitute or broke in some in some way for some reason or purpose, to stay or remain away or at a distance from others in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to multiply or increase in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overflow in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to search or look for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to dig up something for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to claw the dust for something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to treasure or store or hoard or gather or collect something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have no descendents in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to spread or disperse or disseminate or scatter or sprinkle or broadcast or publicise something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rush out or gush forth or come out forcefully in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to diminish or reduce or narrow down something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deny full dues to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut throat of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be stingy or miser or niggardly or begrudging or covetous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to begin or initiate or lead or start something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take the initiative in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to originate or produce or create something out of nothingness in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to change or replace or alter something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be fat or fleshy or old in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to appear or become manifest or exposed or visible or obvious or evident in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to divulge or disseminate or squander or waste or sow something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cure or prove or disown something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be clear or pure in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to come out in the open in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to depart or leave or go away or move away or pass away in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to leave alone or behind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be free of dirt or impurities or guilt or crime or obligation or responsibility or liability in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be dedicated or devoted or committed to something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be pious or law abiding or dutiful or righteous or duty bound in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be prominent or influential or high profile in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to out do others in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to empty bowels or defecate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to duel or combat with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bare or naked in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shine or be dazzled or become belligerent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lie down on the chest in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have plenty of something or grant or bestow something in abundance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to twist or tighten something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to confirm or verify something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan or plot something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to break forth or slash or come out in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to scowl or frown or do something prematurely in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be gloomy about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to travel or move or shift or budge or crumble or collapse or decompose or disintegrate or give way or break down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to increase or expand or extend or stretch or enlarge or grow or blow up or explain or detail something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to surpass or be lofty or reckless or daring or fight fiercely in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to smile in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be intimate with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or perceive or watch or have something in sight or view in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to marry or enter a contract with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fail to appreciate others in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attack or assault or better or seize someone or something forcefully or with violence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be false or become nullified or idle or van or void or useless or worthless in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become undone or come to nothing in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to send or awake or provoke or incite someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rise or raise or uplift or elevate something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to strew about or squander or disarrange or cause things to disarray in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be far or go far or remove something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become mature or angry in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bitten by a mosquito in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be ignorant or foolish or stupid or senseless in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go over or beyond expectation or limit or reference point in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to seek or go after or wish for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to split up or gash or plough or travel around in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to sprout or shoot in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remain or stay behind or wait or survive or continue something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to do something early in the day in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wail or cry or bemoan or lament over something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mark a plot of land or abide in a place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to swallow or swallow up something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reach or arrive at some point in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to exhaust something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attain a high degree or eloquence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to exaggerate or convey or announce something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to test or strive or put on trial in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to afflict or make someone or something suffer a calamity or disaster or devastation or catastrophe in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to degenerate or become worn out in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give or pay attention to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be dumbfounded or taken by surprise in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be perplexed or stunned or stupefied in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to please or make merry in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to neglect or abandon or avoid or leave alone or desert or leave someone or something unattended in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to challenge someone to a combat or debate or curse or condemn someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to obscure or unintelligible in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be ill mannered or rough or rash or corrupt or lazy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fall or decline or become low profile in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to do or have or use something at night in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attack by night in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to disappear or vanish or become invisible or hidden or concealed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to end or expire or be no more or become extinct in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become white or whiten something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to buy or sell or deal or interact or agree or participate or take part in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to acknowledge someone as ruler in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to exchange or trade goods or services in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to declare fealty or loyalty to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in between or in the middle in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to clarify or declare or explain something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be absent or disconnected or divorced in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, womb or something like womb in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter BAA see root BAA, YAA and TAA.

Letter TAA means container or something like container in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also basket or wicker basket or womb or coffin or chest or heart, being, essence, box or room or chamber or a hiding place or refuge or shelter or protection or cover or wrapper or surround or wall or partition or separation or divide or isolation, circle or house, household or people who share same place of residence, mud, clay, snake or serpent or adder or something like snake in some sense for some reason or purpose, ark, boat, ship, passenger or people carrier, luggage or load, luggage or load carrier or transporter, vehicle, means of travel, liability, consequences, result, outcome, creditor, follow up, following, entourage, conformity, unity, togetherness, merchandise, something sellable, commerce, merchant, seller or buyer, with or within or close, below, at the foot of, dust or earth, poverty, playmate, people of similar age, base of neck, area between breasts and collar bone, need or want, companions, watering place, storage or reservoir, upper chest, collar bone, good food, forlorn, spinster, misfortune, destruction, hair matting and dirt accumulating on the body due to lack of proper body care, dregs of a well, marginalised people in a human society, heap, mound, dune, hill, pile, mountain, elevation, something complete or perfect or whole or entire, oven, furnace, environment, atmosphere, surrounding, something that heats up or is hot, law or scripture, one time or one turn, fig or fig tree, expanse of desolate unmarked featureless desert, wilderness, to guard or preserve or defend or protect or save or rescue or secure or lookafter or take care of or confine or limit or imprison or arrest or capture or catch or hold or contain or constrain or confront or oppose or restrict or limit or prevent or hold back someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone with home or womb or coffin or room to manoeuvre or space to breathe or roof over head or care or looking after or patronage or guardianship or backing or support or reinforcement or environment or surrounding or atmosphere or household in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to belong to a family or clan or tribe or party or community or circle or association or organisation or company or household or place or country in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have links or relationships or connections or relatives or friends or companions or colleagues in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut off or separate or isolate or boycott or sever ties or links with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to depart or move away from or leave alone or leave someone or something behind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to feed or nourish or maintain or sustain someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put walls or hurdles or obstructions or obstacles or barriers or blockages or barricades in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause trouble or difficulty or hardship or problem for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome or overpower or overwhelm or conquer someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stamp down or crush or flatten or beaten or straighten something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become stable or balanced or symmetrical or properly proportioned in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become orderly or settled down or calmed down or properly rooted or ground or founded or anchored or based in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fail or come to ruin or perish or become destroyed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to eradicate or shatter or break down or fragment or disintegrate or decompose or break into pieces or annihilate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to follow or succeed or pursue or send or go or come after or be consistent with or support or reinforce or back up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to abide by or comply with in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to accompany or adhere to or stick or attach with or hook or hold or hang or catch onto someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to subjugate or humble or yield or defeat or humiliate or disgrace or dishonour someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to collect or bring or hold together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attend or pay attention to or take care of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to coordinate or handle or manage something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to protect or prosecute or sue someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to barter or exchange or trade or deal with or carry out a task or replace or change one thing with or for another or alter something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to buy or sell something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become broke or poor or rich or wealthy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become covered with dust in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become compliant or docile or tame or mild or submissive or obedient or dutiful or cooperative or unresisting or accommodating or manageable or persuadable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to live in ease or comfort or luxury or be affluent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with good things of life or cause someone or something to be opulent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to irrigate or water something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to maintain or sustain someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become corrupted due to ease of life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to relinquish or abandon or neglect or forsake or leave behind or alone or finish with or do without someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let someone or something be or do or have or use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take someone or something to task or hold accountable or responsible or liable for something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to render something into something else or change state or condition of existence of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fall on one’s face or meet with disaster in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become dirty or dusty due to lack of self maintenance or grooming in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to dredge up a well or to do something well in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to perfect a skill or be skilful or experienced or expert or eloquent or perfect or fully trained in something some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to agitate or mount or heap up or knock down or lay down or to be tough or stocky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to throw or lay someone face down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to read after or recite something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to perform or carry out or fulfil some task or mission or goal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to come to an end or expire or complete or finish something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to return or go back in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mend or repair or fix or modify someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to relent or repent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to turn to or incline towards someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wander around or become lost or be conceited or obstinate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, womb or something like womb in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter TAA see word TAABOOT or roots TAA, BAA and TAA or TAA, BAA and HAA or TAA, WOW and BAA or SAA, WOW and BAA etc.

Letter SAA means skeleton or something like skeleton in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also infrastructure or supporting framework or something like supporting framework in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hanger or something upon which something relies or is hanged or built in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a structure that gives something its shape or form or support or foundation as to what it is as a concrete reality or as an abstract concept in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a framework or mechanism or machine or structure for making or knitting cloth, draft plan, mould, outline, body, bony or solid structure, model, sketch, main supporting frame of a structure, chassis, frame, clothes or garments, clothe hanger, scarecrow, staff, support, structure, building, ladder, ruin, destruction, a group or party of horse riders or fighting men, the centre of water trough, downpour, cascading, pouring forth, waterfalls, goodness, snake or serpent, channels cut in the mountains by flooding, a capable person, something heavy, heavy loads, responsibility, weight, importance, eminence, hearsay, heard of sheep, wool, a group of people following each other blindly, a ditch in which water seeps or gathers, little water, yield of trees or plants, fruit, outcome, result, offspring, full milk, wealth, equivalent of something, a ditch to which water returns, stones stacked on top of one another, a meeting place or a place of gathering, reward, recompense, a resort, dwelling, abode, animal enclosure, a place of residence, widow, divorcee, to make clothes in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wash clothes in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hang clothes on a cloth hanger for drying clothes after the wash in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hang something upon something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fabricate or to make cloth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something rely upon someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grab someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to protect someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to repent and reform in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stand firm or make someone or something firm in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be fixed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to prove something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to transfix something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be constant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give something its firm shape, to accomplish, to firmly root or anchor found or establish someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make fast something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold out, to set fast, to firmly hold shape or form or position, to stay in shape or keep in shape, to hold fast onto someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to confirm or verify something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to immobilise someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to restrain or tie up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to catch or detain or take someone or something as captive or prisoner in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bolster, to be steadfast or persistent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be firmly rooted or anchored or grounded or founded or based in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sure in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to perish or become ruined or destroyed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be diligent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be lost in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be slow or sluggish or phlegmatic in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to discourage or cause to lose heart or become coward in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to turn away in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to frustrate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to impede or prevent or hold back someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to divide into groups or parties in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be reticent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gush out or forth or flow forcefully in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to flood or irrigate or wet or wash or soak or submerge someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to do something to the utmost in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wear out or be overcome with strain or become exhausted or weakened, to conquer or overcome or overpower or gain victory, to be solemn, to battle strenuously, to vanquish or defeat, to rout someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to point out faults, to abuse or insult, to rebuke or reproach or upbraid or blame or reproof, to moisten or soil or wet, to bore or perforate or puncture or pierce a hole, to heighten, to kindle or light or set alight, to shine or shine up, piecing bright light, to straighten, to beat or mould or put in correct shape or form in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to find or locate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to dispute, to overtake or be over taken in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to weigh, to find something heavy or weighty or burdensome, to become reluctant or hesitant, to find something oppressive or distressful or dull, to become pregnant or heavy with child, to dig for water, to fruit or bear fruit or bring about an outcome, to price or value or put a price or value on someone or something, to fold or double or bend or twist or turn, to praise, to exclude or exempt or make an exception, to repeat or recycle, to return or comeback, to come to a gathering or meeting, to repay or pay back, to volunteer, to be requited, to clothe or cover or wrap up, to raise or elevate, to stir or excite or motivate or agitate or exhort, to plough, to chase, to dig up, to rage, to rebel, to break up, to look into, to abide in a place, to live in a place for a long time in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join or link or connect people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be clever or cunning or tricky or deceptive or sharp or cute in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, skeleton or something like skeleton in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, container or something like container in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter SAA see word SABBAT or roots SAA, BAA and TAA or SAA, WOW and BAA. Word SABBAT means something that gives something its concrete and firm shape or structure or body or frame. For example, a dummy of human shape is used for displaying clothes to show how clothes will look when they are worn by a real person, so dummy acts as framework that gives shape to clothes for display.

Letter JEEM means camel or something like camel in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also foot or walking on foot beauty or durability or reliability or nobility or greatness, beast of burden or something that has capability of carrying heavy load or responsibility, something that can be relied upon as a solid base or foundation, mule, donkey, elephant, beast of burden, someone or something trustable or reliable, liquid, fluid, flooding, devastation, disaster, calamity, catastrophe, bloodshed, death, destruction, something plentiful or in abundance, heavy rain, greenery, wealth, treasure, luxury, ease, comfort, happiness, sadness, sorrow, regret, pain or suffering, unhappiness, shedding tears or crying, the crust of the earth, hard rocky land, any kind of well, a well with plenty of water, a large mouthed well, a deep or shallow well, sorcery, magic, falsehood, idol, giant, tyrant, almighty, proud, perverse, mountain, intrinsic nature, idiosyncrasy, population, massive, masses, crowd, great multitude, gathering, collecting, adding, bringing together, collection point, meeting or gathering place, hill, crowds of people, nation, community, human populations, forehead, the two sides of the forehead, cheese, cemetery, chief, ruler, leader or leadership, group of horses, pools, basins, cauldrons, collected drinking water, storage space or place, large watering troughs, seedling, body, corpse, impurities, structure, crouching, mound, pile, grave, barren land, stifled plants, paucity, great fire, blaze, intense fire, ancestor, grandparent, luck, fortune, greatness, glory, something magnificent or majestic, hard work, seriousness, something new, middle of the road, something straight, correct path, main road, high way, level road or land or ground, something symmetrical or properly balanced or beautiful or adorable or durable or lasting or permanent, something enduring, streaks or tracts or droves, wall or walling-in, an enclosure, pustules, smallpox, spear, arrow, bow and arrow, gun, ship, rocket, car, motor, aeroplane, a stick with a pointed end or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, disputation, contention, contending, fighting, fragments, chippings, shreds, breakage, the young of domestic animals, trunk of palm tree, the base of a tree, firebrand, burning log, piece of a burning wood, a burning branch, deficiency, birds and animal of prey, predators, hunters, barren land, locust, land savaged by locust, clear or cloudless sky, sunny day, track, rail, galaxy, crime, guilt, land afflicted by drought, famine, dry land, plain treeless land, barren land that does not hold water, a mouthful of drink, cliff, precipice, undercut bank, slippery mountainside, overhanging cliff, overhang, volume, capacity, an unlawful act, aggression, transgression, crime, evil doer, wicked, criminal, ocean, river, stream, channel, the way of things, vessel, boat, young female, overseer, stars or planets or both, sailing, part or portion or share, group, daughters, offspring, anxiety, given to collapsing under stress, recompense, taxation, tribute, penalty, requital, one who undertakes to do something instead of another, retribution, payment in return for something, effigy, image, statue, group of people or animals, physical constitution, whatever a body is made or comprised of, payment set for a task to be carried out, bribe, scarab, seedling, scum, flotsam, corruption, falsehood, waste, rubbish, something worthless, something ineffective or inconsequential or unimportant, scabbard, eyelid, large pot bowl, separation, commotion, raised and mixed voices, excitement, headscarf, an outer garment that covers the whole dress, a large veil, overall or something like overall in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, skin, leather, hide, toughness, ice, something heavy or weighty or burdensome, deep rooted tree, seat, sitting place, social gathering, assembly, place for meeting or assembly, rank, old age, ancient, evacuation, banishment, exile, main or key points, essence, hosts, troops, armies, forces, groups of people, something in its entirety or in total or all of something, the whole thing, altogether in a body or organisation or team or circle or company, elegance, sentence, thick or long or thick and long rope, something worthy or comely, something free rancour or bitterness, generous, copper, forelock, side, part, aspect, view point, the great part, partner, neighbour, strange or stranger or foreigner or outsider, one who takes a side, biased, one who inclines or leans to one side, direction, wings of a bird, side or arm, hand, error, harm, damage, flank, upper arm or armpit, blame, censure, discordance, financial obligations, helpers, supporters, companions, place of hiding, enclosure, the hidden people, strangers or foreigners, night, inside, foetus, garden or paradise or bliss, verdant, madness, possession, insanity, heart, snake or serpent, shield, the world of jinn, invisible people or things or forces, harvest or yield or crop, fruit ready for picking, barren land, desert, hardship, poverty, ability, capacity, volume, power, authority, extreme effort, the outer appearance of a person, appearance, a loud voice, equipment, gear, rig, ignorance, illiteracy, lack of information or knowledge, lack of education or training or both, foolishness or stupidity, someone uninformed, undiscerning, unaware, the angry, the aggressor, the abuser, ignominious, hell, stoppage or blockage, barrier, obstruction, frustration, round pool, compliance, generosity, excellence, nobility, rain laden clouds, the select, well bred, neighbour, adjacent, injustice, spouse, someone going the wrong way or straying away, deviant, bordering one another, beam, road, crossing, prize, hunger, starvation, famine, belly, the interior or inside, valley, cavity, atmosphere, the arch of the sky, air, the space between the earth and what appears to be the sky, large expanse, midair, a large ditch for collecting rain water, neck or neckline of a garment, long beautiful neck, breast, bosom, entrance, an opening in a garment, to come or come to or reach or arrive or approach, to bring or bring about or create or cause or make or do or commit, to overtake, to go, to visit someone or something, to offer, to get or obtain or gain, to penetrate, to hunger or starve or go hungry, to yearn for something, to rummage, to peer about, to ravage, to loot or plunder, to play havoc, to overrun, to cross or help to cross, to pardon, to disregard or ignore or forgo, to overlook or pass over, to lag or leave behind, to pass by, to go further, to allow, to pass off, to be within easy reach of one another, to be next to each other, to seek or ask for refuge or asylum or provide with sanctuary or shelter, to live or reside or dwell in the neighbourhood, to protect against, to be neighbour of, to veer away, to tilt or deviate, to be unjust or unfair, to seek a horse, to pierce or make a hole or perforate, to cut out, to roam or go about, to clear away, to respond or reply or answer, to grant or bestow, to accede a wish, to be hollow or hollow out, to save or come to the rescue of, to obey or be consistent with, to answer or respond to a distress call, to follow the call of, to be quick temper or rash or peevish, to be wild or lawless, to be void of knowledge, to not to know, to fit out, to prepare or make ready or equip or arm or adorn or ornament, to expect, to rig up, to provide with necessary provisions or supplies or sustenance, to declare or proclaim or say openly or in public, to speak loudly or openly, to raise the voice, to raise alarm or warn or alert, to draw attention, to finish off, to be quick and light footed, to announce, to broadcast or publicise, to be pure, to be loud, to be open, to strive or exert, or tire oneself, to struggle or campaign or fight, to squander or waste or misuse, to pick, to wound or injure, to harvest, to shield or cover or cover up or engulf, to tilt or lean on, to deviate, to incline towards or descend, to go over, to turn away, to put to one side, to avoid, to disdain or shun or bar, to ward off, to rebuke, to stay away or keep someone or something away from, to protect or save or secure from, to be spared from, to turn someone aside from, to make someone avoid someone, to be abound or plentiful, to relax, to evacuate, to clear the way, to manifest or expose or disclose or tell or reveal or divulge or bring to light, to immigrate, to disperse or displace, to clarify, to appear or come in view or full view, to polish, to remove, to depart or move or shift or go away, to honour, to exalt, to glorify, to rise or rise above, to sit down or take a seat, to rank in a battle, to strike, to lash, to flog, to whip, to duel, to take heart, to be tough, to put, to attack, to assail, to fetch, to place, to feed, to move or stay away from, to keep off or keep a distance, to dislike or hate, to be coarse in manner, to be antagonistic, to cater for, to disdain, to shun, to be obligatory, to cleanse, to uproot or pull out, to knock down, to make or make something be, to arrange, to put in order or organise, to create, to constitute or constitute something as, to attribute, to instil, to construct, to raise, to put up, to bring into being, to ordain, to bring about, to provide with, to appoint or appoint for, to fix as a tribute or reward, to attribute something to, to assign to, to prepare, to facilitate, to make ready, to find, to appoint, to put in charge, to endeavour, to probe, to test by hand, to examine, to spy, to embody, to take concrete form, to coagulate, to be next to the body, to dye or colour with saffron, to stand in for or take the place of or cover for, to repay, to reward or award or compensate, to punish or make one face consequences of one’s harmful and destructive thoughts and actions, to divide, to partition, to traverse, to make do with, to fill in, to blow, to sail, to break something into two, to continue, to be constant, to stream, to sail, to pass away, to pick, to harvest, to acquire for oneself, to deserve, to sweep away, to wash away, to shovel away, to drink, to sip, to gulp down a mouthful of drink, to gulp down a mouthful of unpleasant drink, to eat up or devour, to cut off or cut out, to kill or kill off, to peel, to bare, to strip, to pull, to drag or drag along, to draw, to ruminate, to accumulate or add together, to adorn or beautify, to be kind or treat well, to have good character, to ask for something nicely, to collect or gather or assemble or amass or hoard or reassemble or round up or marshal or muster, to gather or come together, to unite over, to be of same mindset or attitude or behaviour, to have same ambitions or desires, to concur, to bring face to face, to unite or become one or united, to decide, to be compact, to be faultless, to be whole or perfect, to gain, to earn, to seek pasture, to overwhelm or overpower, to commit or commit a crime, to go to war, to wound or injure, to defame, to invalidate, to strive to earn one’s living, to stand firm, to be erect, to amputate, to deny food to someone or something, to sever or cut off or break off, to hinder, to braid, to twist tightly, to be well built, to knock down, to dispute, to plot, to put together or join, to unite around, to resolve, to agree unanimously, to plead or argue the case for, to debate or argue in a contentious manner, to exalt or to gather, to walk to a watering hole, to carry weight or load or burden of responsibility, to low or cry for help, to grow tall and plentiful, to be stout, to be anxious, to be distressed or disturbed or fretful, to be prone to anxiety, to cut or cut off or sever, to set or fix or repair broken bones, to mend or restore, to assist, to force or compel, to entice, to tempt, to incite, to induce, to lead into, to be impregnable, to have absolute power, to be massive or huge, to be cowardly, to create or form or shape or mould, to be flat, to strike on the forehead, to embarrass, to hold the head down, to be ashamed or humiliated, to collect water in a basin, to ask or request or demand, to select or choose or elect or single out, to invent or forge or fabricate, to bow or kneel down or submit or give in or accept superiority of or be humble before, to collect taxes or dues, to collect water for future use, to single out, to transplant, to uproot or pull out, to eradicate, to lie down on one’s chest, to lie face down, to be heavily laden, to be alert and ready to act or react to someone or something, to fail to grow or develop properly, to deny or disown or reject something, to become penniless, to give the lie to or deny categorically, to ignite or light a fire, to make or prepare a grave, to renew something, to be worthy of something, to soak or submerge or wet or wash or drench or dip or drown someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause flooding in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to water or irrigate plants or farmland in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to affluent or have a life of ease or comfort or plentiful or luxury in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause plentiful or abundant rain in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring forth abundant greenery in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give or maintain life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to flow or drip or run in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overflow or cause flooding in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to transgress limits in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go over or beyond norm or expectation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encourage or urge or motivate or exhort or move or drive or push or compel or force or inspire someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or instruments or weapons or equipments or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, camel or something like camel in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter JEEM see word JUMAL or root JEEM, MEEM and LAAM.

Letter HAA means fence or something like fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also wall, tent or house wall, partition, separation, outside, inside, protection, preservation, defence, covering, isolation, boycotting, rope or cord or string, division, dissension, rift, blockage, stoppage, limit, restriction, prohibition, split, obstruction, barrier, grains, seeds, plants, bulbs, core of the heart, the very being, essence, affection, love, loved one or friend or relative, dew, trace of an old mound, striped cloth, embroidery, silken material, ink, writing, learned or knowledgeable person, scholar, priest, rabbi, mullah, guru, teacher, monk, Sufi, master, power or authority, grip, control, jurisdiction, prison, cattle disease of swelling of the stomach caused by overeating and gas, knot, belt, girdle, track lines, trails of ships, wake or trace or clue, orbits of heavenly bodies or stars or planets, halter, link, connection, ways or means or ways and means, covenant or pledge or agreement or pact, snare, stratagem, trick, wiles, fate, decree or ordinance or decision or verdict or judgement, something black or blackness, ill-fated, door keeper, eyebrow, screen or curtain, seclusion, head fracture, proof, argument, evidence, pilgrimage, a year, a period of one year, a yearly event, stones or rocks or boulders, enclosure, room, space, a cunning or tricky person, brains, discerning faculty, something earmarked or designated for a specific purpose, something reserve for exclusive use, safe passage, migration permit, bosom, lap or front of a garment from the waist to the knee, enclosure of any type, rocky hill, container, bedroom, bathroom, toilet, kitchen, limitation, confinement, private quarters, apartments or departments, dam, the one who holds back, high waves, hardship, difficult situation, new, novel, youth, incident or happening or occurrence or event, something fresh or newly created, discourse or lecture or talk, conversation or chat, statement, tiding, news, narration, story, tale, account, lesson, example, caution or warning, advice or a piece of advice, topic, subject of conversation or talk, piece of information, dream or vision or ambition or imagination, boundary, edge, ledge, iron, something tough or hard or solid or dense, prescribed limits, laws, pupil of the eye, walled or fenced garden, greenhouse, cultivated land, plough or ploughing or digging or tilling, tillage, prepared landscape, a large deep ditch for storing water, a water holding dam, a planted garden or a planted garden with fruit bearing trees, something rough or stony or hard, difficult going land, rocky hard going terrain, caution, alertness, precaution, spear or arrow, weapons of war, tools or instruments or equipments or machines of all kind, war, fight, lion’s den, palace, temple, place of honour, stud in a coat of armour, sanctuary, refuge, shelter, house or housing, plantation, wages or earnings, fruits of labour, treasures or riches, wealth or goods, field or farmland, reward, recompense, award, crops, yield or harvest, land prepared for sowing seeds, thick tangle of reeds or trees, arbour, a critical situation, prohibition, crime, blame, reproach, censure, rebuke, impediment, constriction, constraint, severance of the tendon of a camel’s front leg, resolution, anger, resentment, heat or intense heat, heat of the sun, thirst, volcanic rocky land, a free person, the best of anything, silk or silk material, garrison, intense desire, greed, selfishness, base person, corruption, an ignorant or a foolish or stupid person, side, a craft or vessel, trade or profession, commerce, fire, flame, burning fire, palm tree pollen, movement, agitation, the joint between the head and neck, inviolable place, that which is under one’s protection or care, womenfolk or people or children or animals or crops or things or wife or husband or parents or weak or elderly, something held as or is forbidden or illegitimate or illegal or unlawful or taboo, something unacceptable or abhorrent or sanctified, sacred territory, someone prevented or banned from being or doing or having or using someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, held sacred or God sent commandments, forbidden or sacred thoughts and acts, the one deprived or disadvantaged or destitute or desolate, nest, den, cave, group, faction, party, band or gang, confederates, allies, supporters, followers, opponents, partisans, joint forces, good lineage or great ancestry, honour, glory, sufficiency, accountant, plenty, in accordance with, a meticulous reckoner, thunderbolt, projectile, force of destruction, deep sorrow or anguish, weariness, destitute, bare or naked or stripped, faint noise, whispering sound, hissing sound or noise, concealed gentle sound, churning sound, movement, agitation, campaign, cauterisation, evil omen, successive, consecutive, constant, unabated, something that brings about harm or destruction, misfortune, beauty, goodness, balance, symmetry, something properly or correctly proportioned, something complete or perfect, good works or works which make things beautiful or properly balanced or proportioned, a good reward or award, the best, uprightness, correctness, righteous, insects, yield of the farmland, summoner, pebbles, gravel carrying wind, hail showering clouds, measles, fuel, stone showering stormy winds, walking briskly, a timid or submissive or humble or celibate or ascetic or chaste or abstemious person, a miserly person, reed mat, residue, result or outcome or effect, waste or reject, fortress or fortification, armament, a married person, stallion or steed or horse, purity or chastity, brain or mind or mindset, discerning faculty, ability to express oneself clearly, urban area, a human population settled down around a water source, adjacent to water, a community settled down near a place of learning and teaching knowledge, an educational institution, strife, that which is attended or witnessed, foot of a mountain, depth, bottom of the valley, firewood, gossipmonger, pieces or debris or wreckage or fragments or smithereens, a cruel person, a glutton, crusher or smasher, enclosure, animal pen or fodder, barn, container, luck, good fortune, a fortunate person, a share, an allocation, entourage, household, daughters, extended family, grandchildren, in-laws, family lineage, briskness, hoof, hole in the ground, pit or ditch, a former state, custodian or guardian or keeper, rancour, sides of a mountain, paucity, condition of chafing or abrading or wearing out of feet due to travelling barefoot in the hot desert, retention of urine, saddlebags, long space or span or period of time in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, span of a year or years or eighty years, a curved and elongated sand dune, socket into which the head of thigh bone fits, truth or reality, proof, purpose, the right to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, calamity or affliction or disaster or devastation or catastrophe or destruction, an argument or an explanation or the best possible explanation, applicable right, a norm or system or a set standard or tradition or custom or practice or procedure, constitution or rule or rule of law or ordinance or law, a recognised right or share or claim or privilege, duty, dues, just claim, justice, fairness, liability, responsibility or liability or burden or load or weight, something real or concrete or solid, something as it should be or as it ought to be, as a duty incumbent upon, bit of bridle, wisdom, knowledge, sound judgement, will, scheme of things, realm, kingdom, domain, zone, area, jurisdiction, government, officials or office holders, prudence, a government department, firm or clear or obvious or manifest or firmly founded, an oath, throat, larynx, gullet, windpipe, famine, extreme ends, dates ripe at one end, locale, residing area, township, stopping place, way station, spouse, place or time where something becomes lawful or unlawful to do or to have or to use, clemency, nipple, a young goat, ornament or entourage or jewellery, dowry, gratuity, sweet, stinking mud or stinking black mud, foul, murky, muddy, praiseworthy, redness, donkey, ***, carrier, mount or ride, big boulders, beasts of burden, donkey or mule or horse or elephant or camel or the like, a camel’s litter, a lamb, results or consequences of thoughts or actions, child during pregnancy, foetus, embryo, period of pregnancy, death, hot boiling water, a bath, fever, coal, black choking smoke, thick black smoke, intense fire, an intimate friend, family, pigeon, close relative, canopy of hot fire, intense environment or surrounding or atmosphere, anger, hot-headedness, zeal, fervour, impetuosity, something burning hot or blazing, manhood, maturity, blasphemy, denial of God, wickedness, breaking an oath, perjury, abomination, roasted meat, inclination of the toes to one side, the right or proper way to be or do or have or use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, roof of the mouth, experience, practice, expertise, skill, a mouth halter, moaning sound of a she-camel longing for her young, yearning, mercy or compassion or kindness or tenderness, relatives on mother’s side, parents and brothers and sisters, fish or great fish, whale, ship or vessel, need, errand, poverty, resentment, objection, something necessary, back of animal’s thighs where tail begins, property, agility, disciples, marked contrast between black and white in a woman’s eye, fair skin, oyster shell, something pure or clear or clean or unadulterated, zone, area, someone or something unfamiliar, around or all around, about or round about or near about, circa or in circle or circulation of, condition or state, method or trick or technique or formula, ways or means or ways and means, circumstance or a set of circumstances, movement or shift from one place to another, way out, solution, dark colours, shades of dark or black, reddish black or dark red colour, dark green colour, colour of dead vegetation, intestine, coil, protrusion, sides, bewildered, confused, place of escape, flooding, menstruation, time or a point in time, duration or period, a certain time or a time period, at the time of, a span of time or a while, life, living, living things, animal kingdom, livelihood, sustenance, provisions, fertility, rain, greetings, bashfulness, shyness, shame, modesty, adder, serpent, snake, turban, something that goes round and round, district, life span, to baptise, to bring to life or give life to, to restore to life, to live or be alive or survive or remain alive, to be hesitant or modest or feel shy, to celebrate the memory of , to greet or salute, to occupy with activity, to keep vigil, to keep alive, to bring to life or maintain or sustain life, to fix a regular time, to await an opportunity or a chance, to look or watch out for, to approach or draw near, to rebound or recoil, to befall, to curtail or cut down or decrease or restrict, to go through monthly periods, to flood, to escape or look for an escape, to jack or lose concentration, to be or become distracted, to be or become puzzled, to stray, to project, to, to coil, to intervene, to cut off from or break of relationships or ties or links with, to separate between or come between or be in the middle of, to beguile or deceive or trick, to plan or contrive, to refer, to try, to interpose, to prevent or be prevented, to be in mortal danger, to become locked in or up, to engulf, to gain full knowledge of, to envelope from all sides, to overtake, to hold off, to exclude or avoid or turn away from, to leave one position or rank or party or group to join another, to press together, to side with or take the side of, to dispute or fight over, to decrease, to debate or have a dialogue or exchange of ideas or words with, to return to or go back to, to prevail over, to take complete control over or of, to gain mastery over, to seize or take possession of , to contain, to need or want or wish or desire or require, to dodge, to eat or devour by the mouth, to educate and train oneself to be able to live in this world properly, to massage the roof of the mouth with soft dates, to move away from what is wrong or incorrect or improper or inappropriate, to incline towards what is right or correct or proper or appropriate, to abandon common beliefs and practices, to incline or deviate or swerve, to roast meat by sealing it up inside a fire, to mix wine with water, to cause sliming of a horse by inducing sweating or making it train or work hard, to fail to honour an oath or promise or declaration, to clean or purify oneself, to , to burn or be burnt, to heat up or be heated, to avoid in-laws, to rebel or rise up, to become due, to become ill, to develop a fever or strong desire for, to bathe, to heat up, to bear along or put up with, to be made to carry something, to be carried or borne, to lay something upon someone or something, to load or place a burden or responsibility upon someone or something, to provide a mount or ride for someone, to shoulder a burden or responsibility, to undertake or take or assume responsibility or charge, to commit to some cause or mission, to incur, to push or move or drive away, to fruit or produce an outcome or effect or result of some thought or action or cause, to conceive or carry a child or become pregnant, to attack, to load or burden or charge someone with a responsibility, to charge or change with, to carry off, to take up, to carry or sustain or bear or bear up, to be difficult, to be fair in colour, to dye or colour red, to commend or recommend, to praise or adore or exalt or glorify, to introduce, to dredge, to accumulate stinking black mud, to grace or honour, to enjoy or be glad or happy, to sweeten, to adorn or ornament or arm or prepare or equip or make ready or decorate, to a sensible or prudent or steadfast or consistent person, to put up with or bear or be patient or enduring or forbearing, to live in one’s imaginary world, to have wet dreams, to take a legal partner as wife or husband or work mate or colleague, to violate sanctity of constitution or law of God, to ascend, to alight, to fall upon, to become inevitable, to solve or dissolve, to undo or become free or untied or released, to make or become permissible or lawful or legal or allowed, to terminate one’s travel or journey, to take up residence, to come down, to unpack, to shave or shave off hair, to fly, to hover or circle in the air, to circle, to enter into an alliance, to become an ally, to swear or take an oath, to be solid, to agree mutually to bring a dispute before a chosen judge, to ask someone to be a judge or judge something, to entrust someone with judgement, to choose or appoint someone as a judge or arbitrator, to find a solution, to decree or ordain or command, to conclude, to give legal verdict or pass a judgement or decision or decide a case, to know or recognise or be familiar with, to arbitrate, to express an opinion, to sentence, to judge between, to govern or control, to curb or restrain, to be logically consistent, to be wise or reasonable or reason based, to rationalise or reason things out, to be correct or right, to merit or qualify for or deserve or be worthy or suitable or fitting or right for a use or purpose,, to ascertain or attest, to establish or base someone or something upon firm foundation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to come true or become a reality, to cause to overcome or overpower, to cause to manifest, to be made to follow a commandment or tradition or custom or rule of law or a system or practice or procedure, to become necessary or necessitated, to take firm hold of, to be realised or turned into a reality, to be or become just, to justify or explain, to prove a point or claim or accusation or allegation, to give or deliver to someone one’s dues, to be the centre of, to be sure or make sure, to verify or confirm or affirm, to prove true or the truth or reality, to reach maturity or puberty or adulthood, to curve or bend or turn or twist, to importune, to press or put pressure upon, to be learned or knowledgeable, to harass, to exact, to dispute, to welcome, to be gracious, to clip or trim, to watch or keep an eye on or spy on, to anger or hold grudge, to be constant or consistent, to be attentive or alert or aware or conscious or awake or diligent, to learn, to entrust, to remember, to internalise, to save or rescue or secure, to guard, to maintain, to expose or bring to light or let know, to return or return to the original or former state or condition or recover, to carve or engrave or etch, to dig or search or look for information, to aid or assist or support or back up or reinforce, to take care of or look after or care for, to ban or prohibit or prevent or stop, to fence in, to break or sever or shatter or fragment or crush or smash up something into small pieces, to put off or suspend or delay or postpone, to forgive or overlook or let go or pardon, to unload or unburden, to alleviate or lift out of or uplift or raise or raise out of or relieve or release from pressure, to reduce, to take down, to gossip, to gather wood for burning, to be taken or handed over, to live near or by, to border on, to be resident at or of, to be current, to be in hand, to be ready, to submit something to someone for approval, to put forward, to bring about, to bring, to cause to be present, to arrive or come to, to reach or approach, to witness, to attend, to be at home or at ease, to be present or not be absent or disconnected, to lie down dying, to bring or fetch, to calculate or work out or figure out, to endure or bear or put up with, to number or enumerate, to stick with, to record or keep record of, to comprehend or understand or have a grip or grasp over something, to marry or take a women in a legal or lawful wedlock, to store or keep in store or store up, to be chaste, to be inaccessible, to be immune, to fortify or tighten, to be or become straitened or incapacitated or disabled or besieged or trapped or imprisoned or enveloped or entangled, to abhor or shrink from, to besiege or encircle or surround or encompass or embrace, to be cut down or mown down or destroyed or levelled, to do something with exactitude, to twist a rope tightly, to become clear or evident or manifest or obvious, to fit in properly or become settled, to torment or punish, to fuel or aggravate or make a situation worse, to pelt with pebbles or hailstones or gravel debris, to migrate or evacuate or move or shift, to resurrect or resuscitate or bring to life or bring back to life, to make a people lively or active or energetic again, to cause uprising or upheaval or tumult or anarchy or lawlessness or disorder to chaos or confusion, to raise or rise up, to array or muster or marshal or bring together, to call or invite for gathering or meeting, to ruin, to sharpen up or make clever or intelligent or tricky, to rally around, to assemble or gather or collect or gather together or round up, to be fair or gracious, to be kind or compassionate, to be charming, to treat someone well, to do something perfectly, to improve or make better, to deem good, to act properly, to approve or favour or appreciate, to be or become good or fine or beautiful or adorable or appreciable or desirable or wanted, to be decisive or determined, to be unlucky or unfortunate, to finish or complete or terminate, to flee or run for one’s life, to destroy or annihilate, to remove the dust, to attack or assault or strike hard, to kill or slay, to probe or feel around or spy or find out or gather information about or collect intelligence about, to find out or search out or discover or uncover, to feel or perceive through the senses, to become defeated or humbled or submissive, to collapse or fall or tumble down due to fatigue or tiredness, to become broke or penniless, to become tired or worn out, to withdraw or take out or away or exclude or subtract, to regress or retract or contract or shrink or become small or retreat, to abate or recede or settle down or calm down or be at rest, to be naked or bare, to come out, to be without headgear or clothes, to grudge envy, to be fitting, to exact retribution, to count, to surmise, to anticipate or expect or foresee, to mistake for, to deem or take something to be, to fancy or long for, to investigate, to presume or suppose, to assume, to consider or think or deem, to take to task or hold accountable or answerable or responsible, to calculate, to submit or yield or accept defeat or be humble, to reckon or reckon with, to suffice or be sufficient, to afflict harm or destruction or afflict with devastation or calamity or catastrophe or disaster, to grieve or sadden or worry or be anxious or cause sadness or distress or grief or sorrow or regret or unhappiness or restlessness or unrest or disturbance, to cause hardship or trouble or difficulty, to divide or partition, to gang up, to take great care in achieving or accomplishing something to the full, to afflict, to seek out something with intent, to pursue meticulously, to be worthy, to make or declare something unlawful or sacred, to respect or honour or venerate or revere, to preclude, to be agile or lively and intelligent, to move or shift or budge or dislodge, to rub away into powder, to scrape away, to wear down by rubbing, to abrade, to long for, to be ill or bad tempered, to file away, to erode or eradicate, to burn or set alight or scorch or burn away, to approach or come from the side or sideways, to alter or change or exchange or replace or trade, to take on a profession or trade, to be hot or spicy, to distort or pervert or bend or twist, to incline or be attracted towards, to show bias or prejudice, to move aside or deviate or veer off or slant, to starve or cause hunger, to emaciate or cause to be lean or fit or thin, to be mentally or physically degenerate, to be in danger of death or destruction, to perish, to corrupt, to give comfort or provide someone with things that ease life, to be solicitous, to be caring with sharing, to be full of concern for, to worry or be anxious about, to be meticulously on one’s guard, to take extra care, to covet or be covetous or jealous or envious, to rip open, to peel or scrape off or strip bare or naked, to guard or watch or spy on, to set right, to dedicate or consecrate or appoint someone or something for mission or service of God, to set free, to help one gain freedom, to liberate, to intensify, to be or become hot, to lack what is needed, to carry out a resolution or decision or intention, to reap what one sows or harvest, to deny one’s responsibilities or obligations to others or rights of others, to depart or distance or move or go or shift away or stay away, to be twisted or turned or bent or crooked or wicked or deceptive, to intend or have intention of or for, to perforate or pierce or make a hole or break into or through something, to refrain from being or doing or having or using something, to impede, to commit an offence, to oppress or cause distress, to plough or till or sow seeds or plant, to work for one’s survival or better or proper living, to cultivate or till or prepare or culture or groom someone or something, to wage war or train or prepare for warfare of some sort, to be reckoned with, to be attentive or alert or vigilant or careful, to avoid or ignore or neglect someone or something, to make someone alert or aware of something, to guard against something or take precaution, to be in awe of something, to be mindful or conscious of or pay attention to or show concern for, to fear or be concerned, to warn or caution, to beware or be on one’s guard, to be in mourning, to oppose, to act contrary to, to have sharp eye for something, to be or become angry, to distinguish, to delimit, to sharpen, to hone, to carve, to define, to initiate or cause something to come about, to acknowledge or appreciate, to show gratitude or be thankful to, to acquaint or make someone familiar with, to tell or inform or make aware or alert or enlighten, to narrate, to speak to, to reveal or disclose or divulge, to expose or bring something in the open, to originate or create, to happen, to dote on, to take care of, to be a hunchback, to put a stop to something, to stone, to solidify, to deny access, to declare legally incompetent, to freeze, to argue or dispute or fight with one another or each other, to defeat someone in an argument or combat or duel or debate, to test the depth of head fracture, to make pilgrimage or visit a sacred or holy place or person, to undertake a sacred mission or journey or movement, to campaign or strive for, to argue or dispute or fight or struggle, to defeat or overcome or overwhelm or overpower, to debar or shut off or exclude, to urge or spur on or encourage or move or exhort or inspire or rouse or push or drive or motivate or stir or incite or instigate, to be fast or swift or quick acting or energetic, to brisk or move briskly, to be agitated or continuously in motion or on the move, to braid or weave tightly, to conceive a child, to make irreversible, to shield, to defend, to protect to separate or break off, to isolate, to cover or cover up, to hide, to veil or screen or seclude, to half, to cut or cut off, to boycott, to isolate, to break up or fall apart or disintegrate or decompose, to love, to prefer, to favour, to choose, to select, to render likeable or loveable or acceptable or preferable, to endear, to wish or desire or like or want, to make beautiful or happy or pleasant, to detain, to restrict, to confine, to endow, to delay, to stop, to block, to prevent, to hold back, to keep back, to bloat, to be frustrated, to come to nothing, to be or become undone, to render useless or worthless, to be futile, to be of no avail, to be in vain, to disappear or vanish, fence or something like fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, camel or something like camel in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter HAA see word HIJAAB or root HAA, JEEM and BAA.
Letter KHAA means unbalanced or wrongly founded structure or something like unbalanced or wrongly founded structure in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also a structure built on unstable or fragile or delicate or weak foundation or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, an unstable structure or something like an unstable structure in some sense. something that gives false impression about something or is like something that gives false impression about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something misplaced upon something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something placed upon something unsoundly or infirmly, something impure or hollow or empty or void or unstable or infirm in some sense, something that causes loss or death or destruction or injury or damage or failure or disorder or anarchy or chaos or confusion in some sense, something disgraceful or troublesome in some sense, tent, shelter, hiding place, a woollen tent or house for living in, a woman who does not come out of the house or is not an outgoing personality, someone who does not socialise or keep oneself to oneself, secrets, treasure, wide low land, deep valley covered with herbage, impurities, foreign objects or elements in something, something impure or adulterated, something dirty or harmful or destructive, harmful or destructive thoughts or actions, harmful or destructive ideas or practices, harmful or destructive systems or structures or procedures, harmful or destructive programs or goals or guidelines or constitutions or laws, something sickening or nauseating or repulsive or disgusting or revolting or repugnant or offensive or abhorrent or obnoxious or nasty or .loathsome or vile or foul or obscene, the inner self, something intrinsic, news or an item of the news, tiding or report, record of affairs, the one who knows something well, understanding or comprehension, knowledge of the internal secret state, bread or a loaf of bread, wounds or injuries, loss of limbs, the encasing of grains inside corn ear, a small Bedouin tent, numbness, relaxation, treachery or betrayal, perfidious, a seal, sealing material, a ring, the end part, the one who concludes or finalises or completes something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, the one who comes last in order or the one with whom a process ends or completes, finality, the finishing one, the crowning touch, the final or finishing touch, that which is concluded or ended or completed, cheek, pillow, lateral side, furrow, groove, ditch, trench, bed room or chamber, the jugular veins, friend or companion or confidant or lover or mate or colleague, straggler, a yield, land taxation, taste, solution of a problem, way out of something, regular payment, tribute, dues, toll, duty, poll tax, mustard seeds, a large chunk of meat, sound of blowing wind, sound of falling water, sound of falling stones, rumbling, snoring, purring, palm tree branch, approximation, lying, a large water basin, estuary, nose, trunk, face, front, personality, notables or prominent or people who have influence or power, gap, hole, perforation, rag, store, storing place, treasury, a store keeper, the one who handles or manages things or keeps them under control, warden, guardian, prison guard, treasure house or store house, knowledge, control, power, authority, resources, storehouses, forsaken or outcasts or rejects, isolated, loss or shortfall, a cheat, wood or lumps of wood, timber or pieces of timber, wooden poles or pillars or beams, barren dead land, low land with dry vegetation, a low hillock, dates killed by frost, dry rotten herbage, small holes in a sieve, a keyhole, small breaks in the clouds, something in particular or specifically, alone or only, poverty, straitened circumstances, need, opposite side of a cloud, opposite corners or edges of a stack, handles, antagonist, opponent, opposing party or group, defendant, disputants, litigants, adversaries, contentious person, advocate, animosity, thornless or smooth, laden with fruit, meadow, herbage, plantation, plant or tree, green colour, greenery or green herbage or foliage, fresh, alive with green, fragrant, verdant, youthful, inexperienced or unskilled or untrained, new, downward inclination of the neck, sound of battle, rumbling in the stomach, something done by mistake, evildoing, an affair or a matter, ailment, trouble, concern, business, situation, a public speech or sermon, a marriage proposal, discourse, discussion, argument, furrow, roads, a hook, lines, pen markings, writing, stripes, living quarters, plan, intention, step, footsteps, way, tracks, weakness caused by hunger, low flat land, a low flat hill, affluence, ease, relaxing situation, light load, a small group of people, camel’s foot, lightly armed or equipped, easy moving or moving with ease, digging up, excavating, grave robber, something secret, secondary feathers in a bird’s wing, something well hidden, secrecy or privacy, mountains, rocks, mind, heart, spirit, the very being, the very essence, the very heart of the matter or being, eternity, a mole like animal, a mixture, a component, the four humours, base or common people, partnership, partners, husband, cousin, neighbour, associate, kinsfolk, tattered garment, back, backside, behind, rear or in the rear, an offshoot, a son, a generation, a follower, succeeding generation, discrepancy, contradiction, contrary, opposite, inconsistency, heirs, inheritors, the entire creation, the human race, natural disposition, innate nature, luck, share, portion, standing, a fragrant substance, stature, design of creation, stage of creation, manners, habit, custom, traits, opening, aperture, breaches, gaps, wine, vinegar, anklets, through, amongst, between, within, friendships, wide open space, a cell, a hive, something of the past, passage of time, pasture, that which is spent or used, intoxicating drinks, wines or spirits, head cover or gear, face or head guard, grapes and other fruits that may be fermented into wine, great army, the hollow of the foot, a heavy garment of the striped wool or silk, famine, type of lotus tree, bitter fruit, inedible fruit, fragrance of the blossoms of fruit bearing trees, thick axe or adze, pig, wild boar, ulcers afflicting the neck, shelter or hiding place of deer, an animal killed by choking, necklace, constriction, the mouth of a valley, a small aperture, diphtheria, anything offered or dedicated to other than God, the lowering of an ox or a cow, weakness, low land between high hills, ambiguity, confusion, vain discourse or idle talk, fear, peril, dread, fright, awe, concern, worry, unworthy act, fighting, household, servants, helpers, ownership, property, an overseer, disloyalty, falsehood, a furtive glance, a vicious traitor, derelict, wasteland, emptiness, ruins, fallen down, the losing arrow in a game of fortune, frustration, goodness, excellent, the choice, the best, preference, much wealth, great property, good things for life or living, thoughts or actions or ideas or practices outcome of which ensures well being of mankind, righteous people, streak, line, thread, wire, string, rope, needle, tailor or tailoring, spectre, ghost, apparition, shadow, pride, conceit, snobbery, horse riders, horses, cavalry, riding forces, mole on the skin, personal disposition, camel litters, pavilions, canopies, overhangs, a structure that overhangs its foundation, top story of a building that extends beyond its lower story, a protruding or extending or overhanging rock on a hill top, a cliff-hanger, suspense, to be secure, to hold back, to settle or reside or dwell or stay in a place, to be proud or arrogant, to be made to look like something else, to be made to appear in an imaginary form, to foresee, to suppose or presuppose, to fancy, to tailor or make something fit something, to stitch up, to sew, to seek guidance before being or doing or having or using something, to seek the best, to have the choice or option, to put ahead, to be purposeful or useful, to be good, to come to nothing, to go wrong, to be disappointed, to be uprooted, to break a covenant, to deceive or defraud, to fail a trust, to fall on hard times, to look after or take care of, to glace furtively, to shortchange, to give false advice, to betray, to accord, to scatter, to show pride, to enable or make possible, to authorise, to bestow or grant or give in ownership of, to warn or admonish, to come against, to sense or experience, to decrease or shorten, to frighten or be frightened, to fear or worry or be anxious or be in awe of or revere or show respect, to speak evil of someone, to talk abusively, to plunge into malicious gossip, to indulge in idle talk, to shake up, to engage in a discussion without much knowledge, to plunge into a subject heedlessly, to ford, to wade, to show cowardice or be a coward, to weaken at the time of need, to low or moo, to strangle or stifle or choke, to have a work zone or an area of jurisdiction, to have an orbit or path to follow, to follow a path or retrace a course, to shrink away, to contract or shrink or retract or withdraw or draw back or become smaller, to be rough or crude, to take by force, to be haughty or arrogant, to be slim around the waste, to bear a grudge, to leaven or ferment, to intoxicate, to infect, to be thoughtful or contemplative, to faint, to die out or expire or become extinct or dead or ineffective or uninfluential or useless, to let go or ignore or forgive or overlook, to become time honoured or ancient or old, to become the norm or tradition or custom, to be in seclusion along with someone else, to be on one’s own, to produce herbage, to go past in time, to divorce, to set free or be set free, to be solitary, to vacate or be vacated or vacant or empty or unoccupied, to be intimate friends, to persuade, to go in between, to lie or fabricate or forge or invent a lie, to design or program or plan, to be creative or imaginative, to form or shape, to recreate or create anew, to be capable, to wear out, to be of good character, to estimate or guess, to attribute falsely, to assume a certain disposition, to deal tactfully with others, to be shapely or comely, to create or originate, to be diverse, to oppose, to dispute or disagree, to vary, to be absent, to hold back from, to compensate or replace something spent or lost, to go against someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to impact something behind someone’ s back, to act or do something in someone’s absence, to act as deputy, to come or go after or pursue, to follow or cause to follow, to alternate or change, to fail to keep a promise, to be contrary, to differ or be different, to be appointed as a successor or ruler or governor or representative, to succeed, to replace, to be a straggler, to delay, to lag behind, to be put behind, to break a pledge, to disown, to dislodge or move, to draw off or out, to take off, to combine with, to know or recognise or be familiar with, to associate, to intermingle or socialise or mix or participate or take part, to blend, to choose or elect or select, to favour someone with something exclusively, to distinguish someone with, to fully or completely or purely or totally devote or dedicate or commit oneself to a movement or mission or task or goal, to draw or retire to one side , to draw away from others, to extricate or release or free or disentangle or disengage or detach or excuse oneself, to be sincere, to be alone with, to join someone, to arrive, to save or rescue or reach safety or bring to safety, to befriend, to be unblemished, to endure for a certain period of time, to cause to become immortal or live forever, to give oneself completely to, to cling or stick to, to take to, to incline to or lean towards, to gain immortality, to last or endure for a long time or forever, to stay or remain or reside, to wear some kind of trinkets, to like someone or something, to be well contented, to grow old without showing physical signs of old age, to be eternal, to be forever, to remain put for a long time, to be silent or inaudible, to be or become obscure, to endeavour to hide of conceal oneself, to bring out in the open, to make explicit, to appear or be visible or obvious, to conceal, to be dominant or influential, to be master of or an expert in, to be unperceived, to be or become invisible, to vanish or disappear, to hasten or make hurry up, to urge or encourage or motivate or drive or exhort or push or inspire or move, to consider as rash or incapable of serious thoughts, to make light of an intense or a heavy situation, to consider light enough to handle or manage, to lighten or lessen, to be or become or prove to be light or scanty, to consider a s easily influenced, to treat with contempt, to take lightly, to be quick witted, to move quickly, to be light hearted, to be light, to travel in single file, to travel at ease, to bring down or demote, to die, to walk at ease, to take it easy, to be affluent or have easy or comfortable or luxurious life, to lower, to whisper, to hold an exchange of words in low voice, to enjoin quietness on one another, to keep one’s voice inaudible, to muffle one’s voice, to endeavour, to die suddenly, to become still, to become subdued, to become inaudible, to become feeble, to avoid, to overtake, to sail, to hook, to walk briskly, to be quick acting or fast moving, to blind, to dazzle, to grab or get hold or hang of, to snatch or snatch away, to transcribe, to write or write down, to intercede or plead, to speak on behalf of, to talk or speak to, to propose for marriage to a woman, to speak or give talk or lecture, to address or make a speech, to make a mistake or be mistaken, to commit a crime, to err or deviate or move aside, to veer off or away from the correct path, to miss the target, to be meek or yielding, to lower one’s head, to be lonely, to be blessed with plentiful or abundance of something, to be a glutton, to munch on soft fruit, to become shrivelled, to become stale, to cut the thorns off a branch, to crack, to twist, to contend or combat, to make counter allegations or claims or accusations, to recriminate, to dispute or disagree with or over, to allege or claim, to quarrel or fight, to defeat in an argument, to argue or debate, to mix colours, to stick on or attach, to mend, to stitch or lace together, to favour, to single out, to choose above others, to belong to a small circle, to be in dire straits or be hard up, to feel concerned, to know, to hope, to dislike or loath or disdain or look down upon, to fear or dread, to be empty or desolate or uninhabited, to be awe struck or seized with awe, to stand in awe, to hush, to be quiet, to be course or rough or harsh, to uncivilised or uncultured or ill mannered, to be wild or untamed, to mix together, to be scrawny, to be dim witted, to stiffen up, to cause the earth to subside or collapse or cave in, to become emaciated, to be hungry, to disappear into the earth, to eclipse or have an eclipse or go into an eclipse, to be swallowed by the earth, to fail or be a failure or a loser, to shortchange, to suffer a loss, to mislead or misguide, to give short measure, to cause a loss, to give less than rightly due, to decrease, to lose or incur a loss, to perish or come ruin or become destroyed, to go off path or track, to lose one’s way, to stray or go astray or deviate, to cut off, to scorn or rebuke, to frustrate or be frustrated, to dull or be dull, to impair, to spurn, to humble or defeat or overpower or overcome, to reject, to suffer humiliation, to abase or debase or discredit or put to shame or embarrass, to humiliate or disgrace or dishonour or bring low or down, to exercise self control, to manipulate, to force or compel, to take a shortcut, to keep safe or secret, to store up, to fabricate or forge a lie, to falsely attribute, to be ignorant, to be foolish, to feign, to invent something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pierce or make a hole in something, to lie, to guess or conjecture or speculate, to estimate the amount of fruit carried by a branch of palm tree, to die or expire or end, to fall or fall down or crumble or collapse or cave in, to surprise, to enjoy affluence, to be something very small or negligible or unimportant, to cut something into small pieces, to shed fruits of a palm tree before they ripe, to show up or become obvious or visible, to resurrect or revive or raise or elevate, to turn out, to join a fighting company, to escape or run away, to excavate, to find or search or dig out, to show or demonstrate or expose or bring to light or make manifest or obvious, to deliver, to save or rescue from, to take out, to put forth or out, to cast out or forth, to bring out or forth or extract, to produce, to expel, to drive or chase out or away, to rise, to burst forth, to issue, to grow out of or spring from or protrude, to go forth or advance or move forward, to get or go out, to learn a skill, to train or gain experience, to be patchy, to yield, to blossom, to show ability, to cultivate, to deduce, to explain, to eject, to depart or leave or go away or move away, to come out, to emerge, to issue, to exit, to demolish or cause to fall down, to pierce or perforate or make holes, to level, to lay waste, to pull down, to desert or abandon or neglect or forsake or leave alone or leave one on one’s own, to let down or cause to become vulnerable, to stay put, to weaken, to fail to support, to stay or lag behind or be left behind, to take a friend or lover, to try to double cross, to become stagnant, to take precautions, to delude, to cheat or seek to deceive, to become divided into factions or groups or parties, to furrow or cut a channel, to stamp, to reach destination or end of journey, to complete or conclude something, to wear a ring, to cover or stand in for, to cover up or hide, to secure, to enclose, to seal or seal up or block, to die out or become extinct, to be mischievous or cause trouble or difficulty or hardship, to ruin or destroy, to cheat on an agreement, to degenerate, to decrease, to craze or madden, to confound, to mark or label or brand, to drive insane or be mental or insane or mad, to confuse or be or become confused, to go about aimlessly, to strike with two feet, to beat off leaves of a tree, to be beaten low, to drive hard, to bake or knead, to beat or beat about or beat with two hands , to seek information, to test, to sense, to inform or be aware or informed or made aware, to be experienced or skilful or an expert, to mix things up or become confused about them, to be or become criminal, to be vicious, to be or become corrupt, to be dirty or unclean or impure or bad or wicked, to show respect, to soften or be soft, to have tender or kind or humble heart, to be or become humble or submissive or obedient, to be low profile or debased, to be on the way to falling down, to keep safe or secret, to take something as valuable or to treasure it, to hide something for safe keeping, to intoxicate someone with something in some sense, to hit or strike or attack, to cheat or betray or breach an agreement or cause corruption, to be treacherous, to abate or die down or calm down or subside or lie low or settle down or become stable, to vacate, to take something by force, to use a cutting tool or weapon, to abuse or use something abusively or inappropriately, to fear or cause to fear, to show concern, to become awestruck, to create or be creative, to have vision or imagination or ambition, to stitch or sew, to prick, to be good or best or excellent, to end or stop or block or seal or conclude or complete something in some sense, to lag or stay behind in some sense for some purpose, to let fall down or let down, to deny help or support or assistance. improperly or wrongly founded structure or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter KHAA see word KHAYAAM or root KHAA, WOW and MEEM.

Letter DAAL means door or something like door in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also tent door, controlled entry or exit, blockage, obstruction, prevention, obstacle, restriction, limitation, resistance, impedance, partition, something that is fixed in a place or position etc yet flexible as well like a door, the pathway or road or gangway or doorway, a way into or out of something, a way to be or to do or to have or to use something, formula, trick, technique, entrance, entry or exit, controlled entry or exit, port, interface, buffer zone, no man’s land, protection, security, custom, habit, persistence, way, manner, attitude, case, situation, as usual, the way something is usually or normally done, constant, diligent, members of the animal kingdom, living creatures in general, creatures that move in or on the earth, thudding or thumping sound, back, backside, buttocks, the tail end, root, origin, the last or end part, the tail end, at the end, closely after, an outer garment, the one wrapped up, the one who revives or brings something back to life, the one who reenergises or rejuvenates something, the one who puts life back into something, something baseless or refutable or null or void or useless, someone defeated or vanquished, abject, secret, confidant, ill feeling, cheating, defects or faults or fractures, loneliness, emaciation, downsizing, narrowing down something, guest, outsider, a place of entering, gateway, a crevice, a hiding place, falsehood, deceit, guile, fraud, smoke, haze or haziness, clouds of dust or mist, confusion, famine, drought, hunger, poverty, the heat of the day, a hideout, a shield, rank, level, station, degree, stage, step, a sheet for writing on, flood channel, filling of teats with milk, increase in income, a great pearl, profusely pouring, abundantly flowing, pearl like, a learned person, a person who is constant in his studies, the bottom or lowest level, a hiding place or a hide out, nails, ropes with which ship planks are tightened or bound, a big hefty man, a great she-camel, fasting or binding or bonding material, a spy, a plot, sand or desert adder or snake, barren stony land, the caller, a call or an invitation, invocation, an adopted child, warmth, a fireplace, warm clothing, food and wool obtained from animals, ways and means of obtaining warmth, provisions, a forceful person, a great flood, a defence, level sand dunes, low banks of mud, short stout horses, humpless camel, an even or levelled place or ground or piece of land, a well travelled camel, a middleman, marker or pointer or indicator, proof, guide, bucket or pale, anger, a useless good for nothing person, tears, brain, a concussion, sunstroke, blood, blood revenge, this life, the world, a vile person, something within easy reach, hanging low or down, time, eternity, long time, age, fate, hardship, calamity, catastrophe, disaster, devastation, destruction, time from the beginning of the world to its end, events, passage of time, great pressure, full to the brim, constant, blackness, dark or blackish green or very dark green, large number of people, fat, grease, oil, a sprinkle of rain, red leather or red painted leather, affluence, desert, wisdom, rationality, reasoning, logical consistency, a circle, a round, a halo, a frame, a wide open space between mountains, a dwelling or house or abode or mansion, village, town, city, neighbourhood, a dweller or resident, a great setback, something taken in turns, something going from one to the other, something that circulates among a restricted group, the eddy of a whirlpool, cyclone, something lasting, judge or judgement, rule or ruler, control or controller, handler, manager, debtor, creditor, punishment, reward, custom, habit, practice, tradition, rule of law, constitution, law, code of conduct, way of life, way to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, religion, creed, dogmas, beliefs, faith, conviction, slave, subject, servant, the true or firmly founded or proper way of life, way of life advised by God, teachings of a way of life, reckoning, counting, calculation, the ones judged or controlled or constrained or compelled, a gold coin, to stand up for oneself, to own up, to submit or surrender or accept defeat or dominance of someone or give up oneself, to compel or force or push, to be owned, to be enslaved, to be consistent with, to obey, to lend or borrow, to hover, to be diligent, to preserve or guard or protect, to last, to remain, to continue, to persist, to be constant, to cause to succeed by turns, to alternate, to work in turns, to be a bone of contention, to go one situation to its opposite, to hand over, to exchange ideas or opinions or things, to transact, to run or operate, to roll, to dissuade, to dispute or argue with, to have or suffer a setback, to handle or manage, to treat, to circle or go round or turn or revolve or rotate or orbit, to afflict or be afflicted, to be trained or skilled or experienced or expert, to be solemn, to ambush or come upon by surprise, to take things lightly, to be reconciliatory, to compromise, to sweet talk, to be sycophantic, to look sprightly, to wet, to act hypocritically or insincerely, to anoint, to be oily, to set things tightly close to each other, to fill up to the brim, to fill up, to spill, to empty out, to apply continuous pressure, to be afflicted, to be more likely or probable, to be worse, to be lower in value or status, to be less in duration, to be less or fewer in number, to be less in distance, to cause to come near, to behave despicably, to become bare, to approximate, to bring close, to approach, to be near or close, to be red in colour, to bleed, to annihilate, to cause great damage, to break the head of, to vanquish or humble or defeat, to kill by a blow to the head, to fracture a skull, to fill up a cup water, to rain, to shed tears, to enter without permission, to attack or assault, to visit with great punishment, to crush or destroy or obliterate, to smother, to bury, to inflict great punishment, to shake up violently, to let down or fail, to use one’s good offices, to offer money as a bribe, to submit a proof, to deceive, to lead on or lure, to approach or get closer or come or draw near, to hang down, to let down a bucket into a well, to lead to, to show or demonstrate, to point someone to, to give a clue to or indicate, to act brazenly, to be coquettish, to be coy, to be at ease, to enquire, to prove or seek proof, to guide or seek guidance, to incline over the meridian, to set or rise, to pass meridian, to face hardship or be hard up, to train or gain experience, to try, to rub, to pound, to be flattened out, to be crushed, to humiliate or disgrace or debase, to fill in a pit with dirt, to be stout and well built, to pull down, to eject forcefully, to spurt, to jet out, to act rashly, to stampede, to breach banks, to fill up with flood water, to retaliate or drive or push back or repel or deflect or avert, to reply or respond or answer, to respond, to hand over, to pay up, to stall, to run fast, to rush about, to defend, to gush or gush forth, to gather together , to give generously, to warm up, to desire or wish or long for, to be invited or called upon, to pass on information, to lecture, to enlist the support of, to name or address by name, to attribute or ascribe to, to call for, to cry or call out to, to gang up on, to rally, to draw back or retreat, to collapse or shrink or detract or contract or become smaller, to weaken, to require or demand or ask or request or order or command, to pretend, to claim or allege or accuse, to induce, to appeal to, to call or call upon or invite or cite or summon or invoke, to walk with a limp, to fill up, to drive away, to tarnish, to let down, to soil, to corrupt, to intrigue, to adulterate, to bury, to shove or shove in, to step, to push or push violently or forcefully or thrust, to mend or repair or restore or fix a ship, to comb, to placate, to deal with gently, to act furtively , to hide or disguise, to tell or make aware or inform, to be debased, to be at the bottom or lowest level, to be strung in a connected chain, to cumulate, to attain or overtake one another, to take steps to put something right, to come to the rescue, to encompass or comprehend or know or understand, to overrun, to overwhelm, to fail entirely, to come to nothing, to pass away or come to an end, to put in order, to rectify, to come one after the other, to follow up, to become of age, to reach maturity, to ripen, to accumulate, to overtake, to reach or catch up with, to be something of forgotten past, to become extinct, to be erased, to read with great attention to the content, to learn by heart, to scrutinise or examine carefully, to learn or teach or cause to know, to study a book, to separate the wheat from the chaff, to break a camel, to be obliterated, to pale, to fade away, to glimmer or shimmer, to spin tightly, to shine brightly, to go fast, to flourish, to increase, to fill up with milk, to rain heavily, to flow or run, to lead on, to cause to ascend or descend, to allure or tempt or entice or induce, to wrap up or fold, to do something gradually, to walk slowly, to connive with each other in order to conceal something, to accuse each other, to dispute with one another, to hide behind one another, to overcome or overpower or defeat, to repel, to support, to shield, to hide, to shelter, to ambush or come upon suddenly, to avert, to delay, to dispute, to push or compel or force, to be of bad character or conduct, to enter something into something, to put something into something, to cause to enter, to admit or accept, to be invaded, to consummate marriage, to join or combine or link with, to force one’s way in or out, to enter upon, to come in between, to infiltrate, to penetrate, to enter or go into, to be humiliated or debased, to be obedient or subservient, to be confused, to be humbled or compelled or forced, to relax, to widen, to level up, to cause to grow or develop or increase, to expand or explode or extend or stretch or enlarge or explain or detail or inflate, to roll out, to prove wrong, to argue down, to refute or invalidate, to lose one’s grip or control or power or authority, to weaken, to lose one’s footing, to slip or become slippery, to be vanquished, to reject, to drive off or away, to banish, to repel, to kick out, to chase away, to be taken over by a cause or mission, to become fully engaged or involved in something, to be taken over by something or become possessed, to be covered or wrapped up, to become rusted, to become cold, to become obscure or blotted out or forgotten, to start something all over again, to start anew, to be born again, to recycle, to experience of rebirth, to set, to fade away, to take to one’s heels, to run away, to retreat or recede, to turn away from, to turn down, to analyse, to scrutinise or examine carefully, to consider, to meditate or focus upon, to contemplate or ponder or reflect over or think about, to carry out or execute, to rule or govern, to handle or manage, to travel away from something, to leave or leave alone or leave behind or abandon or desert or neglect or ignore, to distance oneself from something, to depart or go away or move away or shift or die, to prepare, to organise, to arrange, to boycott, to plan, to turn one’s back, to flow, to circulate, to creep, to spread or spread out or scatter or disperse, to move on feet, to move slowly or proceed gently, to do something regularly day and night, to persevere, to hang or hang on or hang down, to hold or latch onto, to move or move on or move back and forth or to and fro, to dangle, to swing, to enter, to hang one’s head down, to be weak, to be ashamed, to be humble, to remove barrier or obstruction or obstacle or difficulty or hardship or problem, door or something like door in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, improperly founded structure or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter DAAL see root DAAL, KHAA and LAAM.

Letter ZAAL means barrier or something like barrier in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also some obstacle or difficulty one has to overcome or get through, wall or barrier one has to scale or go over or beyond in some sense, a small particle of something, guilt or crime or blame, tongue or horn, wolf or something wolf like, ruffians, nobility, forelock, summit, a defect or fault or blemish or lack or damage, flies or bees, fly whisk, swatter, something useless or worthless or insignificant or negligible or not worth attention, tip or point of a blade, flood channels, a disease in the throat, a butchered animal, an animal fit or prepared for slaughter or sacrifice or offering, a person chosen for a task or mission, a person assigned a mission to accomplish, the lower section of the stomach, stored provisions, treasure, first sprouts of a plant, offspring, descendents, progeny, small or very small ants, specks, motes, powder, arm, front legs of a four legged animal, dextrous, a cubit, power, capability, endurance, pretext, ways or means, measurement, summit, top, chin, beard, male or male organ, penis, manhood, masculinity, weighty head of the axe, honour, someone renown or well known or recognised for something, a record about someone or something, a revelation or message from God, the Quraan, past events, history, status, position, revealed scriptures or books from God, sign, harbinger, something written down, reminder, warner, advisor, reciter, reader, the sun, intelligence, mercy, kindness, compassion, pact, pledge, covenant, guarantee, mutual protection, personal undertaking, good faith, dirt, tail or tail end, consequence, built, crime, the end of the valley, the place wherein flood water gathers, a large bucket, share, portion, lot, gold, creed, faction, sect, party, group, part of the night, horns, tongue, defender, a small heard of camels, experiences, a telltale, to spread around, to divulge, to declare or announce or proclaim, to cause to suffer, to give someone or something a taste of, to cause to savour, to feel, to suffer or go through some situation or circumstances, to learn or be learning, to taste or cause to taste or experience, to keep back, to stay away or keep away, to drive off, to keep off, to be oblivious or blind, to forget, to be bewildered, to become distracted, to abolish, to cause to disappear, to remove, to claim or allege, to appropriate for oneself, to go away with, to leave, to go or clear off, to go or depart from, to adopt as a conviction, to take away, to set out, to go or go away or move away or depart or die or disappear or vanish, to launch a charge against, to discredit, to revile, to blame or accuse, to be stable, to break or train or domesticate or civilise, to demote or be demoted, to subjugate or be subjugated, to be weak, to disgrace or shame, to place or position within easy reach, to facilitate or prepare or pave the way for, to abase, to cause to be manageable, to be abject, to be within easy reach or be approachable or accessible, to become docile, to be tamed, to slaughter an animal, to burn strongly, to recollect, to be mindful, to write something down, to take note of, to talk about someone, to be source of learning or guidance or reference, to tell or relate or report or narrate or give an account, to mull over, to advise, to admonish or warn, to be glorified or venerated or exalted, to be mentioned, to demean, to reward, to put into practice, to repent or take heed or regret or be sorry, to use the example of, to think or reflect or ponder or meditate or think over, to bring to mind or keep in mind, to recall or call back, to defame, to insult, to praise, to propose marriage, to investigate, to study, to learn by heart, to remind, to remember or commit to memory, to mention, to have good name or fame or reputation, to hit on the chin, to place hand under the chin, to confess, to hurry up, to submit or give in or yield or be humble, to shelter or provide with refuge or sanctuary or home or guardianship or patronage or protection or support or defence or backing or reinforcement, to winnow, to blow away, to measure in cubits, to spread creatures over the earth, to cause to multiply, to sprinkle, to sprout or spring up, to cause to increase or grow in some sense, to fashion out, to publicise or broadcast or disseminate, to spread or scatter or distribute or disperse, to produce, to cause to increase in number, to create or procreate, to hoard, to treasure, to store up, to select, to waver, to be pulled in opposite directions, to be in state of commotion, to harm, to perplex, to make something dangle or move to and fro, to be in habit of slaughtering, to slaughter in number, to stop development or growth of someone, to kill the potential in someone for being or doing something, to slay or kill or murder, to offer or dedicate or devote or sacrifice someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose or for a mission or goal or task, to cut the throat, to be down sized, to become lean or thin or emaciated, to chase away, to be humiliated or despised, to humiliate or disgrace or dishonour or disrespect, to insult, to compel or force, to expel or cast or drive or force out, to act in a devious way, to drive something away or chase away, to keep out or away, to prevent something from getting to something, to remove, to defend against something, to show resistance towards something or someone, to jump over the wall to go to the other side, to become lawless or rebellious or disobedient, to observe no limits, to transgress, to injure or damage or harm or offend, to ill-treat or insult or provoke, to experience a painful condition, to thirst or crave for or long for, to have need or desire for, to destroy unity over something, to become free, to sacrifice, to cut throat, to offer, to dedicate, to devote, to fly over something, to use ladder, to escape confinement using ladder or jumping over a prison wall, to use ways and means to overcome an obstacle or obstruction or a problem, to cause instability, to make something dangle or swing or shake or tremble or become unstable, to store, to hoard, to gather or put together, to cause to increase in number, to spread or scatter or broadcast, to produce offspring or cause to produce offspring, to create or fashion, to go over the top of something, to glide, to fly high above something, to be influential, to be dominant, to over shadow, to blow away, to submit, to annoy, to think or reflect or remember or mention or ponder, to honour or respect or revere, to have power or strength, to have following or support, to be courageous or daring, to be witty or sharp or intelligent, to become humble or make humble, to tame or humiliate, to go away, to assume or guess or conjecture or estimate, to take away, to be bewildered or confused, to taste or experience, to have a conviction, to declare etc etc.

Letter RAA means head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also top part or uppermost section of something, beginning or starting point, first day of the month or the year, scalp, origin, chief or chiefdom, first, foremost, ultimate, ruling elite, management, administration, command and control centre, central nervous system, president, prime minister, leader or leadership or guide, a leading horse, a domestic animal, think tank, something that is responsible for thinking and planning as well as decision making, capital, principal, mercy, kindness, compassion, outer appearance, vision, sight, seeing, sighting, splendour, appearance, show, dream, master, lord, owner, guardian, a word, an adopted person, animal kept for milk, a woman newly delivered of a baby, mesh, thickened juice, a group of people, a rabbi, a person learned in message of God, a teacher, cherisher, sustainer, provider, God, people of God or Godly people or people who work for mission of God, people conversant in message of God, a step daughter, growth, gain, profit, goods kept for trading, young sheep and camels, garrison, a band, fetters, shackles, a place where animals are kept, stable, animal shelter, tethering, tying up, keeping something ready, square, quarter, living quarters, neighbourhood, a well built medium height person, water spring, spring season, spring rains, new beginnings, recycling, prosperity, abundance of things, lushness, growth, sea or fountain of knowledge, hill, elevated part of the land, usury, a group of ten thousand people, severe, harsh, ever tightening, height, more or higher or greater, space between any two fingers, a closed up mass, darkness or darkness of ignorance, sticking together, layers pressed together into one mass, parts of a whole stuck together, the good of everything, the dregs of society, the dregs in the drinking trough, the marginalised or outcast people in a human society, societal or community rejects, turmoil, commotion, excitement, the sound of thunder, ballast used to steady camel’s litter, weakness, plague, filth, dirt, abomination, guilt, adversaries insinuation, worshipping of idols, taking people as Gods or giving human beings status of God, punishment, affliction, idolatry, personality cults, misbehaviour, doubt, mistrust, the roar of camels, a return, a recurring action, something that happens repeatedly or often or frequently, echo or reflection or Doppler effect, earthquake, tremor, uprising, revolution, a blast or explosion, agitators, slanderers, provocateurs, a man, manhood, masculinity, a foot or leg, a rocky land which is difficult to walk upon, lazy person, poverty, hardship, difficulty, a human being or a person, a warrior male or female, a man or woman of people, a man or woman of battlefield, a champion, folk or people, troops, foot soldiers, fighters or fighting force, battle hardened men or women, stone, conjecture, boycott, isolate, sever ties with, separate, cut off relationship with, shooting stars, the act of stoning, rocks, materials for throwing or shooting, castaway, stoned, outcast, area covered by a room or house or town or city or country, directions, sides, one object of hope, courtyard, flood channels in a valley, spacious fertile land, something pure or unadulterated, very old pure fragrant wine, travel gear or bags or pack, saddles, a strong traveller, journey or trip or tour, the womb or uterus, blood relatives, sympathy, bounty, good fortune, gentle breeze, point of reference, judgement, reputation, backside, posterior, rump, a ruler’s substitute, entourage, dam, barrier, big heap of earth, death, destruction, demise, cloak, garment, uncouth, vile, low, despicable, vice, dirt, debris, lower stratum of society, lower caste or class, livelihood, earnings, means of living, subsistence, income, bounty, means of survival, fortunes, the onset of fever, a sign, a wise person, an old well, flock, camels, a series of flocks, ease, gentleness, slow pace, clear enunciation, message, messenger, an errand, wind, envoy, ambassador, diplomat, message carrier, delegate, an emissary, a revelation, teachings, instructions, prophethood, messengership, the call, the one sent, guidance, reason, good sense or judgement, sound reasoning, correctness, directions, landmark, guide, leader, right path, proper way to a goal or destination, watchtower or post, highway, downpour of rain, a place of ambush, lead or soldering with lead, rightly fitted, well lined up, a suckling mother or baby, breastfeeding, contentment, suitable or agreeable, satisfying, pleasure, well received, moisture, palm trees, green or greenery, green verdant pasture, ripened dates, fear or fright or terror, a tall slim beautiful woman, faint hearted, grazing land, shepherd, sheep or subjects or citizens, a request, gluttony, a heavy load, a soft load, meadow, garden, easy or comfortable or affluent living, nose, pride, resentment, dust, soil, refuge or sanctuary, alternative places to one’s home, remnants or rejects, human remains, small pieces of something, dry broken grass, obscenity, indecency, indecent or shameful or inappropriate or improper thoughts and actions or beliefs and practices, sexual intercourse, augmentation or addition, something added or loaded on, a king’s deputy, share, portion, tributary, gift, a load, an attachment, flaps or flaps of a tent, frills, sheer material, tent, pillows or cushions, carpets, fine furnishings, a flock of sheep, elbow, companion or mate or husband or wife, utilities, victuals, solution, way out, something upon which one leans eg a couch or chair, neck, responsibility, slave, war captive or prisoner, an elevated place, bedding or sleeping or resting place, ownership, parchment, scroll, vellum, written record, something that is thin, speckles or speckled snake, markings, stripes, writings, dotting, a great number, multitude, side of the valley, place where flood waters gather, a plate of lead or stone upon which something is written, inscriptions, something inscribed, sand dune, ladder, a charm or spell, incantation, a travelling group, a caravan or boat, something complex or sophisticated, knee, group of travelling camel riders, mysterious or low indistinct sound, whisper, mineral deposits, gum, fixing point, position, rank, standing among others, brains, control, whimper, a group of people, a bridge, a weak indecisive person, a large herd, middle of the road, something in pile or layers, corner, might, power, strong ally, family, calm, confident, spear, lance, ashes, disease of the eyes, sign, signal, wink, nod, gesture, motion, extreme heat of the day, sun, hot stones, animal halter, rotten and decayed bones, pomegranate, projectiles, share, monk, the state of being a monk, monasticism, small bones in the bread opposite the arm, sleeve, ascetic, a person’s family or clan or tribe, mound covering one of the entrances to the jerboa’s tunnels, a group of people belonging to the same circle or organisation or association, lying, weak mindedness, oppression, damnation, bound or pledged, surety, a ditch or hole, still, opened up, parted, wind, smell, scent, fragrant, shrubs, spirit, soul, the evening, great herds of animals, grazing place, victory, joy or happiness, tranquillity, breath, revelation, inspiration, motivating force, something that moves someone in some way, something that brings something to life, strength, toughness, firmness, shrubberies, sweet smelling plants, ease of living, immortality, fragrant herbs, scout, person scouting, scouting for pasture land, will, intention, want, desire, wish, applicator, gentleness, respite, a while, greenery with water and foliage, wide open places with water and vegetation, bottom of the valley covered with plants and fresh clean water, heart, mind, the very being, the very essence, a fox or foxy or fox like, calamity, disaster, catastrophe, devastation, destruction, doubts, accident, misfortune, fate, mishap, indecision or indecisiveness, feathers, plumage, fine clothes and furnishings, ornamental garments, adornment, mountain, heights, roads, growth, early stages, suitable location, vantage point, filth, rubbish, dirt, waste, reject, rust, to stifle, to encrust, to prevail, to wrap up, to overcome or overpower, to overwhelm or encompass, to seal or block, to engulf or surround, to rust or corrode, to spread or distribute or scatter or disperse, to recur or happen again or repeatedly, to bring greater return, to give a great yield, to be hospitable, to bribe, to fix feathers, to fall into suspicion, to be uncertain or unsure, to show or cast doubt or be in doubt, to accuse, to entertain, to suspect, to attempt to do something by stealth, to make for, to turn to, to come over, to fox, to trick, to go by a side road, to dodge, to deviate or swerve or move aside or go off the path, to dread or apprehend or fear, to be extremely beautiful, to be inspired or moved, to fire the imagination, to impress with beauty, to surprise, to alarm or alert, to scare, to practice, to exercise, to endeavour to turn someone away from something, to advocate or solicit or persuade, to like to do, to try, to decide, to possess, to tempt or entice or lure or trick, to soften up, to will, to covet or envy, to try to find or discover or explore, to seek, to search, to reconnoitre, to scout, to breathe, to make an evening trip, to make a return trip, to go back, to return home, to drive animal home at the end of the day, to interchange, to do something intermittently, to walk away, to die or leave or commence travelling, to bring livestock home, to return after the day’s toil, to go home, to smell rotten, to sniff or smell, to fan, to blow, to enable, to go in succession, to be wide or ample or vast, to be still or calm or peaceful or tranquil, to make constant, to be subject, to bind, to wager, to risk, to venture, to give or be taken as hostage, to place as security, to pledge or pawn or secure, to damn, to demand or make heavy or excessive demands, to overtake, to treat harshly, to stifle, to engulf, to oppress, to distress, to be peevish, to be impetuous, to reach adolescence, to catch up with, to eclipse, to overshadow, to cover or hide or stand in for, to try to reach or approach, to condemn, to demand, to lie, to take large mouthfuls, to seek to frighten, to strike with awe, to deter or frighten off, to dread, to tired or fatigued, to defame, to accuse, to hunt or target or aim, to shoot at, to throw off or out, to hurl, to cast or cast away, to throw, to sharpen, to bake inside very hot ashes, to become very thirsty, to burn one’s feet on sun baked stony ground, to have aches and pains, to become very hot, to move, to move lips or eyes with uttering a sound, to signal or gesticulate, to become poor, to be famished, to become grey, to become ashes, to become dusty, to beat the ground with two hoofs together, to gallop, to lance, to seek support in, to incline towards, to find support in, to lean on or rely upon, to hoard, to gather or gather together, to heap or pile up, to mould oneself as required, to fall on one’s knees or prostrate, to be consistent or obedient or submissive, to face poverty or become poor, to fall on hard times, to deteriorate, to regress, to submit or give in or yield or surrender or be humble, to kneel, to bow or bend or mould or turn or twist, to take flight, to escape, to stamp on the ground, to kick, to quiver, to run fast or away, to beat the ground with one’s feet, to beat wings in flight, to urge on an animal or a horse by beating its sides with legs or feet, to beat or hit or hit with legs or feet, to cast back, to fall back, to relapse or cause to relapse or go back to original or previous state, to be inverted, to turn something upside down or back to front, to fix a pole in the ground, to stick, to lack movement or progress, to be at rest or stationary or motionless, to become sluggish, to become still or jammed, to stagnate, to abate, to be on a camel or a horseback, to be in rows, to cluster, to stack up on top of one another, to live or survive on the back of something, to progress or move on, to injure one’s knee, to commit to a cause, to commit a crime, to stack up, to accumulate, to board, to treat the sick with enchants, to gradually and deliberately ascend, to ascend through, to advance, to ascend or climb or rise, to glimmer, to be clear, to be tender, to be thin, to be asleep, to become tattered, to settle in one place, to be phlegmatic, to lie down, to sleep, to enslave, to strike at the neck of, to be a keen observer, to have respect or regards for, to wait for, to pay attention to, to show deference, to stand in awe of, to accompany, to seek support or backing, to lean on, to cause to loom, to cause to tower, to increase volume or capacity, to place high, to dry up, to cease, to eliminate or remove, to glorify or exalt or grace or honour, to submit, to erect or build, to glitter, to favour with gifts, to shiver, to flap wings, to flutter, to be given something, to choose as a leader, to deputise, to use foul speech or abusive language, to behave in an obscene manner, to decay, to decompose or disintegrate or break down or fall apart, to fragment or break into small pieces, to seek or provide with refuge, to escape, to humiliate or disgrace or debase, to force or push or compel, to dispute, to be angry or averse, to have plentiful or in abundance, to be strained, to be weak, to be pleasant and carefree, to be eager for, to wish or desire or long for, to consider oneself too good for, to disdain or reject or shun or isolate, to petition, to implore or ask humbly or request, to covet or envy or be jealous, to express desire or wish or ask for something, to fulfil or accomplish or achieve, to feed, to give someone or something its rightful dues, to mend one’s ways, to heed advice, to abide or abide by, to handle or manage or look after, to guard or watch over, to shepherd, to graze, to threaten or take a fright, to be sliced, to be fat and flabby, to fill up a drinking trough, to be succulent, to be ripe, to be soft, to be moist or wet, to receive, to like, to select or choose or elect or prefer, to accept as fitting or suitable or proper, to come to a mutual agreement, to flatter, to attain inner or outer or inner and outer peace, to favour or grace or honour, to approve or seek approval, to please or satisfy or be pleased or satisfied, to consent, to agree, to accept, to take care of, to nurture, to nurse, to seek a foster mother, to breast feed or suckle a baby, to suck a mother’s milk, to fit together tightly, to pile up, to set together in a row or stack, to align or line up, to shield or shelter, to facilitate, to be ready to ambush, to lay in wait , to designate, to prepare, to look for keep an eye out for, to watch or look out for, to sit in waiting, to observe, to be on the watch, to have sense of making proper sense of things, to be sensible, to be good or beneficial, to ensure well being, to become enlightened, to learn knowledge, to follow the correct path, to seek guidance, to lead to correct or right path, to be properly or rightly guided, to come to rest, to cause to settle, to fix firmly, to effect a reconciliation, to break into downpour, to drown or drench or submerge, to sink or sink into, to anchor, to dock, to come to stand firm, to let something take its course, to assign or appoint, to release or let free or let off, to allow or permit to go, to set upon, to dispatch or send for, to neglect or abandon or ignore, to exchange messages, to travel at an easy pace, to send or send a message or messenger, to be lucid, to drive groups of camels to the water in succession, to slander or spread rumours, to dig a well, to bring about reconciliation, to be well entrenched, to be thoroughly informed, to be completely absorbed in the soil or ground, to stand firm, to be firmly or strongly established, to be properly anchored or grounded, to be deeply rooted, to be firmly fixed, to provide for, to reward, to maintain or give maintenance to, to make provisions for, to help survive, to keep alive, to sustain, to grant as means of sustenance, to seek to earn a living, to bestow or favour with bounties, to provide with means of living or sustenance or livelihood, to be base, to fall to one’s death, to cause the demise of, to increase, to wear, to come ruin or meet with destruction, to ruin or demolish or raze or bring to the ground, to die by falling, to cause death, to kill, to perish, to stay or remain, to live off the good of the land, to patch a tattered garment, to fill or fill holes or gaps or ditches, to come one after the other, to be near at hand, to draw near, to ride behind, to come in succession, to come from the back or behind or rear, to come after or follow or pursue, to force back, to ward off, to pass on, to re-channel, to divert, to stop, to prevent, to revoke, to oscillate or vibrate or waver, to change sides, to move from one side to the other, to be reduced to an abject state, to be refuted or rejected, to be returned or given back, to refer something to someone, to reduce, to reverse, to give in return or reciprocate or respond, to bring back or be brought back, to cause to turn away, to repel or repulse or push or drive or send back, to renege, to change one’s mind, to have a dialogue or an exchange of words, to submit a matter to someone, to stand back, to dissuade, to avert or be averted, to give back, to turn back or cause to go back or retreat, to go beyond, to be mean or vile or base, to spoil, to become bad, to bolster, to assist or aid or help or support or back or reinforce, to be fair, to be infrequent, to travel at a good and easy pace, to live in comfort, to make loose or slacken, to relax or ease up, to be gracious, to spare or save or rescue or secure, to be blessed with abundance of good things, to let off or forgive or pardon or overlook or ignore one’s wrongs or mistakes, to take as a ride or mount, to travel or set out or go away or depart or leave, to welcome, to be ample, to be wide or spacious or vast, to believe in, to be concerned with or about, to be apprehensive, to fear, to expect or anticipate or look forward to, to hope, to expel or banish, to curse, to heap abuse, to heap up stones, to reject or cast out or drive out or away, to stone or kill by stoning or throw stones or shoot arrows, to swarm, to talk or give an improvised speech, to improvise, to comb one’s hair, to dismount, to go on foot, to prepare for fight or war, to roar or thunder, to spread false rumours or lies, to shudder, to refer or turn to or look towards for reference or guidance, to be reconciled to or with one another, to return to one another, to be deferred to, to be referred to, to be taken or brought back, to be returned or sent back, to send back, to restore or put back in original state, to cause to return or go or come back, to mend one’s ways, to change one’s position, to become emaciated or lean or thin, to resume an activity, to give back, to reply, to back down, to take or claim back, to recur or happen again, to turn back or return or revert or go back, to gauge the level of water in a well, to tremble or shiver, to be caused to quake, to be shaken, to become tumultuous, to shake or agitate or rouse, to delay or postpone or put off or cause to wait, to recite distinctively, to be distinct or discrete or nicely detailed, to be in a neat and orderly arrangement, to give in successively distinct parts, to enunciate deliberately and clearly, to be properly organised and regulated, to be neatly organised or arranged, to be symmetrical or properly balanced or proportioned, to have well formed and neatly spaced teeth, to be a unit in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in one piece, to make up or make up after a break up, to patch up, to join or link or connect together, to recover, to mend or repair or restore or fix, to run about enjoying oneself, to enjoy oneself playing in the open, to lark about in a carefree manner, to live in great affluence, to have plenty to eat and drink, to be in fertile land, to pasture in lush grass, to mount up, to be high, to bring up or raise or rear, to cause to grow or increase, to come to life, to swell or swell up or grow big, to educate or train or cultivate or groom or civilise or tame, to grow under someone’s care, to raise or lift or uplift or elevate or hoist, to have asthma, to be out of breath, to go on the top of the hill, to increase something in some sense, to be in one’s prime or top condition or state of existence, to be or become fertile, to man the garrison, to participate in the defence of the land, to be constant or steadfast, to strengthen or fortify or reinforce, to conclude or complete or end an agreement, to take up a position, to line up, to station, to unite or combine, to connect or link or join, to tie or tie up, to wait for a period of time to complete for some reason or purpose, to give time for a possible outcome, to bear or put up with, to sit on the fence, top play for time, to wait a chance to act or be or do something, to wait for something to befall someone, to ambush, to waylay, to lurk, to be on the lookout for, to bide one’s time, to sit in waiting, to be profitable, to prosper, to win, to earn, to benefit or profit, to look after or take care, to approximate, to do well, to educate, to raise, to pamper, to be characteristic of, to have possession, to show off, to act in a particular manner to be seen by others, to come in sight or view of each other, to advise or teach or instruct, to be seen or observed or examined, to remember, to think or reflect upon or ponder over, to judge or examine or scrutinise or evaluate, to see something in a dream, to become aware or informed or alert, to realise or turn something into a reality, to see someone or something as or take someone or something to be, to dream or have a vision or ambition, to have an opinion or a viewpoint, to deem, to consider, to conceive, to come into view, to show or demonstrate, to act hypocritically, to make a show before others, to show vanity, to be a spectator, to be a mirror or reflector, to encompass or surround or encircle or envelope, to sight, to have understanding or comprehension or full view, to cause to see or imagine, to see or observe or behold or perceive or imagine or visualise or be aware, to be benevolent, to have pity or show compassion or be merciful, to scheme or plot, to deceive, to ponder over, to conspire, to plan ahead or in advance, to lead or guide, to be at the top, to be the first, to be the start or beginning of something, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, stick or something like stick in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter RAA see word RAAS or root RAA, ALIF and SEEN.

Letter ZAA means weapon or tool or instrument or something like weapon or tool or instrument in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, any tool or instrument or weapon, plough, any implement of any kind, froth, foam, scum, butter, essence, stone, an implement made from stone, stamina, patience, intelligence, gathered information, a record or an account of some sort in form of a book, scripture, revelation of God, lumps, large pieces, fractions, bits or pieces or parts of something, controllers or managers or guardian or keepers or wardens of hell, iron base of a spoon, arrow head, arching eyebrow, glass or glass container or globe, a cry or shout, a land covered with or field full of flowers, flowery talk, gold or something like gold, wooden sheep enclosure, entrance, lion’s den, waterfall course, carpet or luxurious carpets, planters or tillers or cultivators or sowers, grain producing plants, herbage, vegetation, greenery, plantations, something blue or green or white, clear or pure water, sightless, leadership, onset of a donkey’s bray, wailing of the wind, teeth chattering, a bride’s procession, a plague, a certain foul tasting and stinking tree, a certain tree that grows in very hot climate with fruits like heads of serpents, earthquake, earth tremor, shockwave, trauma, close proximity, closeness or nearness, span or duration of time, an offering, an act that results in a good outcome in future, arrows, windpipe, base or down trodden people, simple minded people, masses, groups of people, congregated bodies of people, patches, clusters, ginger or something like ginger, the lowest edge of the earlobe, attachment, a person of uncertain parentage, servant, someone useless, someone or something ill-bread, ignoble, scoundrel, pedigree, wicked or crooked or cheater or deceiver or evil or harmful and destructive, fornication or adultery, impurity, adulteration, adulterer, one who has no interest in worldly pleasures, one who has little or no interest in something, monk, mystic, finest part of a thing, goodness, splendour, finery or fineness, beauty, something susceptible to vanishing or dying out, even number, pair, double, two or two things which are connected to each other in some way, spouse, wife or husband, companion or company, mate or colleague, one of a pair, a species, type or kind or category or class or variety, a pairable individual, provisions, food, things of need for a particular kind of journey, food for nourishment of body and mind or food for body and thought process, sustenance, whole, centre of upper part of the chest, cleavage, twist, leaning towards, paying a visit, visitor, perjuring oneself, falsehood, false claim testimony, perjury, oil or olive oil or olives or olive tree or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, olive branch, an addition or excess or increase, separation or separating one from the other, sorting out, distinguishing between, jewellery, luxury, valuables, treasure, to treasure something or think it valuable or worthy, to make enticing or alluring or tempting or attractive, to make seemingly fair, to organise, to make distinction, to sort out, to pervert or divert or cause to turn away, to pull to one side, to roll, to fail to pay attention to or focus or concentrate upon, to go wild, to deviate or go off path or move aside or out of the way or give way, to be extra or spare, to be or become more, to augment, to obtain or acquire an increase, to strengthen or reinforce or back up, to cause to increase in ability or strength or capacity or power or authority, to become more in number or quantity or amount or larger in size, to multiply, to grow, to increase, to anoint, to end or become extinct, to practice, to steer clear of, to bypass, to swerve or veer away from, to lean towards or favour or take the side of or be biased, to come to, to visit, to take needed food and other things or provisions for a particular kind of journey, to give someone in marriage to, to marry to, to couple or pair with or be coupled or paired with, to make or give a mixture of two things, to cause trouble, to bound to perish, to vanish or disappear or go away or depart or move away, to cease, to abate or die down or become low profile or calm down or settle down or fall down or collapse, to be emaciated, to be fat, to expire or run out or die or pass away, to be shining or radiant, to be bright or intelligent or sharp, to flower or blossom, to be abstinent, to withdraw or pull back or retract or retrace or retreat, to abandon or forsake or leave alone or neglect or ignore, to renounce, to get or obtain, to be or become narrow minded, to be in tight or narrow place, to mix deen of Islam with make beliefs and useless rituals or harmful and destructive beliefs and practices, to mix or adulterate things, to fornicate or commit adultery, to be extremely or freezing cold, to be gleeful, to glitter or sparkle, to red in the face and eyes with rage, to be totally surrounded or engulfed by something, to be lost in a cause, to be fully or whole heartedly involved in something, to be completely overtaken by a cause or movement or mission, to accompany or be a companion, to hide or cover or wrap up oneself, to ride behind another person on a ride, to limp, to run fast while veering to one side, to play a flute or a musical instrument, to emaciate through hunger, to cut the loop of the ear, to lead into temptation or a testing or trying situation, to cause to fall or dislodge or shift, to remove, to trip over, to be barren, to be smooth or fine or even, to strike down, to dislodge or budge or move or shift, to be slippery, to slip or slide or cause to slip or slide, to near or be close at hand, to cause to reach or approach, to be approachable or make approachable or accessible, to seek approval or pleasure of God or be consistent with guidance of God, to ingratiate oneself, to crawl, to advance or go forward or move ahead, to be disturbed, to be shaken by an earthquake, to shake or shudder or rock or tremble or agitate or move violently, to work for growth and prosperity of proper human community based upon the revelation of God, to be unadulterated or undefiled, to be innocent or spotless, to be best in quality, to be Godly or law abiding or righteous, to strive for blissful and dignified as well as secure existence, to commend or praise or recommend or justify, to vouch for, to increase something or cause it to develop or grow or prosper, to increase in purity or sincerity or cause to be so, to achieve or reach or attain level of acceptance or requirement, to purify or clean or be purified or cleaned, to achieve or attain, to reach or approach or draw near, to bring near or cause to be near, to grow or flourish, to fill up a vessel, to have fresh butter with dates, to drink too much milk, to swallow fast, to hurry or be in haste, to walk fast, to sigh, to wail or roar, to pant, to exhale, to groan, to carry a heavy load, to be a guarantor, to be responsible or liable, to be in charge or handler or manager, to invent or forge or fabricate, to conjecture or guess or assume or estimate, to lead or be a leader or guide or teacher or instructor, to undertake, to claim or allege or accuse, to show contempt, to despise, to consider insignificant, to abuse or humiliate, to be senseless or sightless, to pass excrement, to pass through swiftly, to be or become blue, to give the power of growth, to cause to germinate, to till or dig or soften ground or pave the way or facilitate or make easy, to grow or cause to grow plants, to cultivate or culture or groom or train, to sow or plant, to ornament or decorate or arm or beautify or adorn, to battle, to march, to advance en masse or advance steadily and slowly, to drag oneself along, to crawl or creep, to remove or be removed or distanced, to budge or dislodge or shift away or move away, to be offered with reservation, to be poor or inferior or below standard, to gather together, to push away, to push or herd along, to urge gently or assist along or drive forward or propel, to admonish or warn, to learn a lesson, to deter, to reject or condemn or refuse, to drive away or repel or repulse or push away or chase away, to forbid or restrain or hold back or limit or restrict or prohibit, to scold or rebuke or reproach or scorn, to keep good things away or hidden away, to divert, to sell dates on the tree by estimating their quantity, to kick, to push, to read or write or record by way of writing, to write or inscribe or etch on the stone, to line inside of a wall with stones, to foam or spit froth, to boil or be angry or outraged, to make or have or use weapons or tools or instruments or equipments or machines or mechanisms, to be instrumental in something happening or in making something happen, to have hand in something in some sense, weapon or tool or instrument or something like weapon or tool or instrument in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter ZAA see words ZUMAR or ZUJAAJAH or ZAJRAA or roots ZAA, MEEM and RAA or ZAA, JEEM and RAA or ZAA, JEEM and JEEM.

Letter SEEN means tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also teething, age, year, blade, pierce, thorn, bush, shield, two, press, eat, sharp, handsome face, legislation, sharpening, modes or manners or customs of life and living, norms, established practices, splendour, way or method of doing things, formula, prosperity, abundance, tradition, custom, rule of law, constitution, precedent, modes or manners, practice, season, passing of time, a period of time, an age or era, quest, beggar, questioner, the one who requests or inquires or demands or seeks a response, the one interrogated or questioned, reason, ladder, link or connection or tie or bond, rope, severance, ways or means for accomplishing something, the ways or means to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something, formula or trick or technique, range or scope, opportunity or chance, fast running horses, swimmers, floaters, gliders, the righteous or those who ensure God given rights of all people are fulfilled to them fully, animals and birds of prey, wild beasts, lawless or uncultivated or uncivilised or untamed or unruly or uncultured people, armour suit, full length coat of mail, road, highway, cause, mission, movement, the right path, rationality, reasoning, wisdom based way of life, the way of life advised by God, Islam or deen of Islam, the ability to discriminate between right and wrong, the way to God, way of this life, a place wherein commandments of God are carried out, a kingdom wherein rule of law of God is adopted by its people fully and properly, sacred place or land or kingdom, huge buckets filled to the brim with water, the amount of water contained in large buckets, large buckets at the mouth of a well, turn taking a duet, managing or handling something in a relay, scribe, overseer of records, record keeper, recording, written scroll, an account of or about someone or something, biography or history of someone or something, prison, confinement, imprisonment, detention, containment, insignia, stamp or seal of approval or authentication or authorisation, a written record enumerating the bad deeds of the wicked, clouds, cover, unlawful or ill gotten gain, black or dirty money, loot, money gotten or saved by inappropriate means, illicit earnings, money gotten through corruption or bribery, wealth gathered by plundering rights of others, illegally or unlawfully gathered wealth, magic, sorcery, trickery, slight of hands, conjuring, works of magic, the last third of night, time just before breaking of dawn, lungs, stomach, food and drink, nourishment, witchcraft, the one created with stomach and lungs to eat and drink as well as to breathe, a mere mortal or a human being, small hours of the night, good riddance, away with evil doers, distant, faraway, shore of a great river or sea, riverbank, forced labour, servitude, labour force, manpower, wrath, anger, displeasure, condemnation, rejection, lote tree, visions beyond human comprehension, something vain or aimless, something alone or neglected, an underground passage or tunnel or something like it, a flock, mirage, moving or travelling, sallying, wrapping garment, a coat of mail, links in a coat of mail, attire of any kind, saddle or saddle making, lantern, guidance, tent, awning, pavilion, a cover of smoke or dust or fire in shape of a tent, the inside, base, innermost part of something, secrecy or secrets, seat, couch or throne, bed, pleasure or happiness, mystery, speed, quickness, fastness, a running stream of water, rivulet, a noble or notable or important person, upper side of someone or something, row or row of trees, palm trees or objects arranged in a row or sequence, written words in rows, falsehood, stories without any base or foundations, false rumours, fables, written account or history of someone or something, fortune, assistance, arm, power, intense burning of fire, intensity, blazing intense fire or fire of hatred, madness, ranks of fire, time span or duration, strife, work, effort, debilitating or severe hunger or fatigue or famine or thirst, base, foundation, bottom or lower part of a mountain, side of a mountain along which rain water pounds or rushes down unchecked, pouring down of water, spilling of blood, fornication or adultery, fornicator or adulterer, scribes or writers, tome, lower part of an object, low position or rank or level or stage, ship or ark or boat, falling or falling down, heat of the sun, sunburn, sunstroke, roof, ceiling, covering, roofing, canopy, a drinking cup, pouring out of liquid, flowing forth, intoxicating drink, intoxication, drowsiness, unconsciousness, blocking or sealing a gap, corking a bottle, alcoholic drink, sweet juice, delirium, tipsiness, the one who is drunk or intoxicated, knife, dwelling or a place of rest, peace and tranquillity, rest, good or glad tidings, a place wherein live a people, a household, family or clan or tribe, misery, abasement, wretchedness, arms or weapons, arming, fortifications, easy flowing, easy of manners, palatable and easy of gullet, choicest of wine, chain, link, connection, relationship, sequence, series, status, proof, supporting evidence, mandate, permission, authorisation, jurisdiction, an explanation or a best or convincing explanation, previous or past generations, something that took place or happened in the past, a past event, precedent, example, tradition, custom, rule of law, constitution, a thing of the past, thread, passage, way, pedigree, breed, essence, strain, stock, extract, juice, liquid, fluid, life, soul, peace, safety, security, completeness, wholeness, oneness, unity, being free from obstacles, ladder, staircase, ways and means for accomplishing something, tricks and techniques, way to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something properly, formula, finger bones, not threatened, pure, wholesome, free of evil or wickedness, something free of faults or defects or lacks or blemishes, quail, solace, consolation, the brown colour, colour of dusk, moonlight, nightly chats, storyteller, people who socialise during the night time, the place where people gather for chatting or conversation during night time, fame, the sense of hearing, one given to listening, a person too obedient, one who causes or makes others to hear, height, loftiness, elevation, building, roofing, fish, poison, venom, pore of the body, very small hole, eye of the needle, hot or cold wind, scorching wind, hot dust carrying wind, people close to the self, melted purified butter, skies, heavens, atmospheric layers, space, heavenly bodies, universe, world, high station, nobility, honour, mark, name or naming, proper noun, label, namesake, attribute, designation, anything overhead, anything other than the earth, an ear of cereal, a spike of grain, fine silk, camel hump, tooth, teething, lightning, high rank, the surface of the earth, the earth, desert, featureless earth, plains, a flat piece of ground, share, luck, arrow, area of land, drawing lots, haggardness of face, private parts, nakedness, one given to committing harmful and destructive acts, evil or wrong doer, the one who inflicts harms and destructions upon others for personal gains, courtyard, open square, open space for gatherings and social functions, black or blackness, dark or darkness, master or lady, being a master or lady, circle, fence, fencing, enclosure, bracelets, armlets, bangles, included in a circle, a way of life, biography or story or history of a person or a people, a surah or lecture of the Quran, mixing things together, a mixture, whisking, confusion, share, portion, a whip, a dose, an assortment, a portion, a period or duration or an expanse of time, a time section of the day, time of, a point in time, a while, a moment or a moment in time, a portion of time, a non-distinct period of time, the hour or the part of time when something is supposed to take place or happen, a statue of a woman, markets or a market place, a sequence or order, leg, stem, tree trunk, a distinguishing mark, something central or of vital importance, middle or midpoint, something common to all, something equitable, indifferent, in normal circumstances, slaves, water flowing freely above ground, people travelling freely from one place to another, caravan, something common, manner of ruling other people, biographies, straps, a distance measured in the time it takes to travel it, a stage, a level or step, a state or condition, a way or path or method, a company of travellers through the desert, torrent, flooding, inundation, a kind of stone, splendour, blessings, to melt down, to run with water, to melt, to set or be set in motion or enable to travel, to move along or cause to move along, to sail, to inform or make aware or take someone on a journey by way of a story or piece of information about someone or something, to write a story or history or biography of a person, to make or undertake a journey or to be taken away on a journey, to walk or travel, to march, to be fully devoted or committed to a cause or mission, to go about or travel about freely, to abstain or hold oneself back from thinking or doing anything harmful or destructive to anyone or anything, to set free, to be or become free, to run or roam or flow freely, to donate or contribute or give away freely or gift, to happen in succession, to be together, to be sound in health, to be normal, to be complete, to be right or upright or righteous or correct or proper or appropriate, to make no difference, to be one and the same, to be same or similar or alike, to be just, to rest upon, to set settle firmly on, to become of age, to realise full potential or capability, to reach completion or full capacity or strength, to establish oneself, to mount, to ascend, to turn to or pay or give attention to or take care of or work at, to be flattened over, to make or deem equal, to pull down or destroy or ruin or level to the ground, to raze, to flatten, to properly balance or proportion something to make it suitable or fit for its purpose, to shape or form or mould or bend, to fashion or create, to tame or ease out, to stand, to measure up to, to be together, to regularise or regulate, to remove any wrinkles or ups and downs or dunes and ditches or peaks and troughs, to smooth or even out, to straighten, to level or be levelled with, to be equal, to specify or single out or define or identify or particularise, to swoop down at a target, to mark out or brand or label for distinction, to turn out to graze, to torment or inflict with punishment, to graze, to hover or circle or orbit around, to push along, to estimate values of goods, to offer goods for sale, to talk or smooth talk someone into harmful and destructive ideas or actions, to wish or desire or want or need, to entice or tempt or allure or snare or trick or deceive or beguile, to channel or put through, to take something somewhere, to lead or guide or steer or direct, to convey, to herd or drive, to procrastinate, to delay or put off or retard or postpone or suspend, to find palatable or pleasant, to be permissible or allowed or lawful or legitimate, to find palatable, to follow one another in birth, to travel at large, to be easy and agreeable to swallow, to go down the throat pleasantly, to swallow or swallow easily, to leave alone, to give room to, to go grazing, to spread out, to encompass or cover or wrap up, to contain, to surround or encircle, to be or become within or part of a circle, to be inclusive, to overcome problems or difficulties or troubles or hurdles or obstruction, to be in a positive frame of mind, to be confident or courageous or daring, to be high in stature or in spirit, to go over a fence or wall or obstruction, to scale or scale up, to be a leader, to be a noble or notable person, to acquire black or dark colour, to become black or dark, to blacken or darken, to do what is shameful, to suffer a bad outcome or result, to be malevolent, to be severe or intense, to be an adversary or opponent, to cause disease, to be a malice, to malign, to be indecent or abusive, to punish, to injure or damage or destroy, to harm or try or seek to harm or destroy someone or something, to corrupt or cause corruption, to offend, to act badly or abominably, to put one in a bad state of affairs, to make feel sorry or regretful, to trouble or put in difficulty or through hardship, to torment, to vex, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked or wicked, to afflict, to deteriorate or become worse, to be deceptive or conning or tricky, to be or become bad or harmful and destructive, to lack concentration, to be well disposed, to be or become distracted, to be absent minded or forgetful or neglectful, to be alert or attentive or aware or conscious, to be easy or convenient or amiable, to be level or flat or smooth or even or regular or balanced or in good shape, to suffer from insomnia, to stay up at night, to flash or radiate or gleam, to become putrid, to rot, to change or alter in quality with passage of time, to stay or remain, to cast or mould, to shape or form, to carve, to hone, to practice, to make laws or legislate, to be in a high place or position, to be the top part or section of something, to rise or climb or ascend or go or move upwards, to recline, to prop up or make someone or something stand up or hold or stay in position, to lengthen or extend or protrude or expand, to be equal or similar, to appoint, to be determined, to be specified, to be called, to invent or fabricate or forge, to contrive, to name, to brand or label, to be well-fed, to benefit or nourish, to fatten or be fat, to be good at hearing or be sharp of hearing, to overhear, to try to listen in, to try or endeavour to hear, to eavesdrop, to give the ability of hearing to, to cause or make someone to listen, to reach the hearing of, to acknowledge or recognise, to know, to accept and heed or obey, to have the faculty of hearing or listening, to hear of, to hear or listen, to tell made up stories by the fireside, to socialise by or during the night, to chat in the moonlight, to be playful, to rejoice, to raise the head and thrust out the chest in pride, to be elevated, to make things easy or bearable, to make comfortable, to yield or be humble, to be safe and sound, to be wholly devoted to or belong to, to end hostilities, to be or become a Muslim, to profess or declare commitment to making deen of Islam successful, to come to accept, to resign oneself, to devote or dedicate or offer oneself for a mission or task or cause, to save the day, to bail out, to spare, to greet, to salute, to give up oneself, to accept or submit to a verdict or judgement or decision, to stroke, to receive, to hand over, to become resigned to, to submit or surrender oneself to will of God, to commit to working for deen of Islam, to submit to deen of Islam, to commit to working for ensuring well being of mankind, to commit to working for bringing about a proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah, to commit to working for blissful and dignified as well as secure existence, to commit to working for unity and peace as well as progress and prosperity, to steal away, to move about stealthily, to pull out strands of wool, to extract gently and unobtrusively, to follow an appointed path, to truss, to roll up or wind up, to push or shave in, to cram in, to squeeze in, to cause to enter, to pave, to open up, to thread a needle, to cause to be absorbed, to insinuate, to enter into, to pursue a course of action, to go along, to be of intrinsic nature, to boil or cook lightly by boiling, to lacerate the skin, to scald or scorn or rebuke or reproach, to flay with a whip, to insult or hurt, to throw on the back, to have been or done or had or used, to give an advance, to level up, to go over, to come to an end, to go past, to set someone upon someone else, to give or have power or authority over others, to have mastery over, to argue or present an argument or end up in an argument or dispute, to be tough or hard, to predominate, to prevail, to be soft and easy of manner, to be smooth easy flowing, to extract gently or unobtrusively, to be sweet and thirst quenching or need satisfying, to cast off, to become detached, to strip away, to extricate, to pull off, to bone, to trip off the hide or skin of an animal, to excrete, to become fleshy, to snatch away, to carry off by force, to loot or rob or plunder, to be motionless, to steer the course in a constant manner, to be constant, to bring to a standstill, to quieten, to cause to seep through or spread, to cause to infiltrate, to establish or base or settle, to house or shelter or protect or support or back up, to be poor or weak, to inhabit or dwell or reside or live in, to be at rest or quiet or still or calm or tranquil, to be or become intoxicated, to be blocked up, to let go of, to abate or calm down, to stop moving, to stop talking, to be silence or cause to be silent , to pour out or cause to flow, to seek sources for drinking or irrigation, to ask someone for water or to seek water or search for water, to provide someone with something to drink, to prepare or make something available for someone or something to drink, to irrigate, to give or serve someone something to drink, to make someone or something drink water or something, to fulfil or satisfy some need or want of someone, to quench some kind of thirst of someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to water, to give to drink, to be ill-disposed, to be fed up about or with, to be sick or sick of, to be tall and bent, to shower, to cause to trail, to drop in a sequence one after the other, to reject or be rejected or condemned, to swerve or deviate or move away from, to stumble upon or come across or meet, to fall or fall down or off, to act out of folly or foolishly, to lack good judgement, to be unwise or irrational or lacking in reasoning out things, to degrade or commit degrading acts, to be impulsive, to be ignorant or foolish or stupid or weak in mind or suffer from feeble or weak mindedness, to be on the same boat or fellow travellers or passengers, to bare, to strip or peel off, to be defeated or humbled or vanquished or overpowered or overcome, to degrade or be degraded, to be vile or dilapidated or shrivelled, to be base or abject or debased, to be low or go low, to cause to flow, to spill blood, to shed tears or blood, to slap with a wing, to slap with open hand, to taint black with other colours or white colour, to explain or expand or blow up or detail, to write story or history or biography of someone, to write a book or an explanation about something, to write an account of a journey of some kind, to journey or make a trip, to be bright, to radiate or shine through, to come, to break , to sweep away, to commit fornication or adultery, to spill or pour forth or shed, to run or run with force or forcefully, to move or walk about energetically, to endeavour or strive or work hard, to go about being or doing or having or using something, to be inflamed or set alight, to kindle a fire or fire of hatred, to be made happy, to be made or become fortunate or blessed with abundance of things, to ambush or pounce upon, to assail or assault or attack or attack violently, to detail, to lay down, to write or inscribe or record, to spread or cause to spread out, to be flat or flattened or made flat, to transport someone by night or during night, to cause or enable to travel by night, to travel by night, to remove, to seep or spread unobtrusively, to be endless or permanent or perpetual, to be incessant or unstopping or pausing, to be continuous, to be a thief or burglar, to try or endeavour to take away by stealth, to steal or burgle, to steal or pilfer or take away by stealth, to go beyond a set norm or standard or expectation, to lack moderation or be extravagant or immoderate or wasteful, to exceed all limits or bounds, to pass by or leave behind, to be heedless or negligent or uncaring or careless, to prompt, to hasten or speed up or be quick or swift, to be free from adversity or poverty, to be pleased, to do something furtively, to inform or let know privately or in private, to con, to scheme or plot, to reveal or declare or announce or proclaim or make manifest or show or demonstrate, to treasure or hold dear, to tell in confidence, to convey in secrecy, to conceal or hide or keep secret, to please or delight or make happy or joyful, to make links in a coat of mail or coat of mail, to interweave, to arrange or relate things in a sequence, to put things in a consecutive manner, to grant a divorce to, to release, to go or go out to pasture, to light up a lantern or lamp, to crumble or collapse, to skulk, to move about in stealth, to move about openly or freely, to do something by stealth or furtively, to be blurred, to flock, to flow out, to leek out, to seep in, to cast something away, to stride to do a favour to, to stretch the hands forward, to continue without interruption, to flow down, to be pertinent, to put up a barrier or barricade or wall or dam, to be correct or right or straight, to be to the point, to direct or instruct or guide, to block or close or seal or plug, to offend or provoke or cause to be angry, to grumble, to be dissatisfied, to refuse to accept, to condemn or reject or refuse, to become angry or provoked or outraged or wrathful or offended, to have under control or authority, to have power or grip or authority or jurisdiction over, to maintain or sustain, to be compelled to work or serve, to be made a laughingstock, to be object of ridicule, to act in scornful way, to encourage or urge or push or move or inspire or motivate one another, to make something of use to another, to scorn or rebuke or reproach, to ridicule or laugh at or make fun of, to use as a subject of forced labour, to make or be made or caused to be subservient, to constrain or limit or restrict, to force, to strike, to slice off, to strip off, top get rid of, to do away with, to go very deeply, to be far off, to grind to fine dust, to do or demonstrate something by keeping its mechanism secret as to how it is done in order to impress others, to know the trick or the technique or the way to be or to do or to have or to use something, to be a master in physical or mental trickery, to be a learned person, to think negatively or positively, to help one think constructive and benevolent thoughts, to try to damage or destroy a person psychologically by putting baseless harmful and destructive thoughts in one’s mind, to put or plant harmful and destructive thoughts in mind of a person, to be deceived or deluded, to bewitch, to enchant, to fascinate, to spell bound, to be turned from one’s course of action, to destroy completely, to scrape off, to eradicate, to trail, to drag or be dragged or pulled or carried along, to clam or settle down or become tranquil or placid or serene, to become silent or quiet or still, to detain or restrict or limit or constrain or confine, to record, to be filled to the point of overflowing, to be thrust, to be stuffed or packed in, to fuel, to set or be set on fire, to elongate, to stretch or extend or expand or enlarge, to overflow, to run, to flow, to fill, to be humble, to show respect or reverence or humility, to follow the order set by God for the universe, to accept to live or abide by a rule of law, to accept defeat or yield or give in or surrender or become humbled, to appreciate, to worship, to adore, to submit, to prostrate or bow down before someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remove oneself from a place or go away or become absent or disconnected, to become invisible or disappear, to veil or put on a veil or covering, to shield or shelter protect or cover or hide oneself, to take refuge or cover or precaution, to cover or conceal or hide, to be able to reason out or rationalise things, to let wheat put forth its ears, to have garments down to the ankles, to fall or rain down as heavy showers, to rain heavily, to stop or be stopped or prevented or held back, to be overtaken outraced or outrun, to precede or get ahead of the rest or others, to overtake others, to race or compete for, to vie or race with one another or each other, to win, to depart or die or pass away or distance or shift or move away, to go beyond reach or become untouchable or unreachable, to beat someone to, to be or to do or to use or to have something before others, to go past or before, to outpace or outrace or outstrip or outdo, to be ahead or in front, to bestow generously and abundantly, to lavish, to have comfortable life, to experience luxury life or ease of living, to be long and overflowing, to be complete or perfect, to be ample or wide or vast, to be plentiful or in abundance, to live or abide by rule of law of someone, to serve, to be oneself, to work hard at something constantly and steadfastly or consistently, to praise or say nice things about someone or something, to wholly submit to someone or something, to glorify or exalt, to be free of anything or everything derogatory, to trail in space, to trail or pass along, to declare as free from impurities or faults or defects or imperfections, to set free or be free or pure or unadulterated, to toil or work or labour hard, to be active, to dig or burrow in the earth, to spread or disperse or scatter in the land, to be cyclic or repetitive, to orbit or move in a circle or have a circular movement, to cover a long distance, to move by self motion, to propel oneself in water or air, to swim or float or glide or sail, to run fast or as fast as someone or something can, to rest or be at rest or sit idle or do nothing, to revile or abuse, to be lazy, to neglect or ignore or forsake or abandon, to look down upon, to tire, to disdain or be disdainful, to be weary or bored or tired or fed up, to be averse, to be questioned or answered for, to be accounted for, to honour, to exact, to question one another or each other, to beg, to ask someone for something, to urge, to be called to account, to be taken to task, to seek advice or guidance, to query or seek clarification, to question, to inquire after, to seek information of or about, to try to discover or uncover information about someone or something, to dig out, to interrogate, to investigate, to inquire, to question, to ask or request or demand, to consume, to destroy, to devour, to bite, to cut, to hold fast or firmly, to hold or hang or latch or catch onto something strongly or firmly, to alter things in quality, to be sharp or intelligent or clever or tricky or cunning, a period of time, an era, tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter SEEN see word SINN or roots SEEN, NOON and NOON or SEEN, NOON and HAA or SEEN , NOON and WOW.

Letter SHEEN means fighting or something like fighting in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also battlefield or arena or something like battlefield or arena in some sense, battle or something like battle in some sense, source of information or knowledge or learning or teaching, spark of fire, path or rule of law or tradition or custom or direction or instruction or way of life or constitution, the sun or sunrise, side or riverbank, tribe or clan or family or group or party, poetry, hardship or poverty or difficulty or adversity, sadness or grief or unhappiness or sorrow, the sun or sunlight or daylight or brightness, encroachment of one thing into another, shooting star, flying spark, presence or witness or evidence or statement or testimony, a fire without smoke, thorn or spike or point, grey hair or aged person, left hand, left hand side or wrong side, bad omen, leftward direction, tear ducts, water courses branching over the face of a mountain, an affair, a situation, a concern, a business, something that is important or matters to or for someone, likeness or similarity between two objects, types, sorts, kinds, disunion, sundry, winter, a place where one spends winter, plants or bushes or trees in general, stock, origin, differences or divides or disputes or rifts or conflicts or fights or wars, fat, ear lobe, inner part, essence, the very heart or soul or being of something, garrison, laden full, overloaded, the body of a being, prominently elevated entity, manhood, womanhood, maturity, soundness of judgement gained by experience, physical strength or firmness, a round or turn of drinking, drinks or a portion of drink, one who drinks, public bar or a drinking place, a source of drinking, sparks of fire, harm or destruction, evil or harmful or destructive, sign, token, mark, auguries, term or condition, paths leading to drinking spots or places, ways or means, legal framework and laws, way of being or doing or having or using something, the rule of law of God, the way of life advised by God, program, goals and guidelines revealed by God to follow, constitution, a clear path, east or eastern, time of the sunrise, place at which the sun becomes visible when it rises, the rising of the sun, the places where at the sun becomes visible when it rises in twenty four hours and all year round, the places where at the stars become visible when they rise everyday and all year round, snare, trap, thongs of sandals, side road, polytheism, polytheist, partnership or part ownership, joint ownership, sharing, arteries, side or bank of a river, ridge, embankment, plant shoot, direction or in the direction of, towards, side of a camel’s hump, harmful or destructive impulse, harmful or destructive leader or leadership or supporters or following, a mountain road, tribe or clan or race or group or party, a people belonging to same circle or place or family, communities, populations, nations, people, forked branch, poet or poetry or art of poetry or poetic skills, hair, wool, fur, innermost garment, sign, rites, bristles, a place or institution where certain activities take place, learning and teaching institutions or places, schools or colleges or universities, the membrane enclosing the heart, the centre, ardent love or passion, pairing up, a supporting witness, intercession or intervention, redness in the horizon after sunset, afterglow of the sunset, twilight, two lips, the extreme edge, the brink, the rim, region, tract, quarter, difficult journey, trouble, schism, contention, heresy, wretchedness, shoots growing at the base of a tree, similitude, example, explanation, imitation, image, manner, peculiarity, attitude, inclination, disposition, the sun, intense heat, glaring light, affliction, disaster, devastation, calamity, destruction, catastrophe, the encroachment of white into black or light into dark or vice versa, change in colour of trees due to cold, barren land, a shooting star, landmark, presence, pillars of deen of Islam, witness, evidence, oath, testimony, the observable or the perceivable by the senses, the place or time of gathering, the act of seeing or witnessing, new moon, lunar month, paucity, final part of braying of donkey, inhaling or breathing in, carnal appetite, consultation, smokeless fire, a tongue of pure fire, thorn, spike, something pointy or sharp, arms or armoury, power, force or might, weapons or tools or instruments or equipments or mechanisms, exterior of the scalp or of skin in general, limbs, extremities, molten lead or copper, thing or something or anything, matter, affair, slightly, a little, plaster, gypsum, a tall construction, a landmark, people of alike conviction or opinion or social class or caste or faction or group or circle, people belonging to same thing in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be of same kind or type or caste or class or circle, to become widely spread, to belong to a sect or be part of sectarianism, to be partisan, to be biased, to be of the same mindset or attitude or behaviour or persuasion, to go along with the idea of another person, to approximate or compare something in number or quality with another, to follow a guest to bid him farewell, to make one thing follow another, to be erected loftily, to be plastered, to acclaim or proclaim, to strengthen, to erect or raise a building or monument or structure, to plaster or plaster a wall with gypsum or the like, to be or become an old or elderly person, to grow old or age or advance in years, to grow grey hair or become grey-haired person, to suffer from worry or concern or anxiety, to become weak or old or infirm, to become white-haired, to will or wish or desire or want, to make a hole, to prick, to pierce, to discuss things with each other or one another, to gather or assemble for mutual consultation or having a meeting, to take or give advice, to take counsel, to indicate, to beckon, to make a sign, to point to, to discuss or debate something with others, to gather opinions or consult others, to point out or show or make obvious, to exhibit or expose, to extract or extract honey from hives or honeycomb, to gather, to beguile or deceive or con or trick, to be insincere or not be serious, to avoid or stay away from, to leave a trace or clue or sign, to create a mixture by adding something to or with something, to add something into or with something which does not belong to it, to adulterate or add foreign material or impurities into something pure, to socialise, to mix or mingle, to interact or take part or participate, to desire or wish or long or crave for, to lust after, to groan or inhale, to rise high, to attack or ambush or go to war with, to declare war, to draw the sword or start a war, to carry out an act of naked or manifest aggression, to make notorious or notable, to expose or become exposed or manifest or obvious or visible or famous or high profile, to expose or put under light or throw light upon, to make famous or well known or be famous, to publicise or broadcast or manifest or expose or make public or known widely, to note, to oversee, to be attentive or aware or alert or conscious, to be at home, to watch, to bear witness, to cite or present evidence, to call to witness, to seek a witness, to have a witness, to make someone testify, to cause to see or be a witness or bear witness, to swear a solemn oath, to advise or give counsel or advice, to give judgement or an opinion or arbitrate, to know or say or be in the knowledge of, to declare, to take care of, to attend to, to observe, to be present at the scene, to be or become a martyr, to witness or testify or give evidence or make a statement as a witness of an even or occurrence, to flame or torch, to be difficult or hard or troublesome or awkward, to be of ashen hues, to harbour hatred in one’s heart for someone or something, to disclose or inform or let know, to detest or protest against someone or something, to be a wrongdoer, to disclose, to be ugly or do something ugly or abhorrent, to give someone what is rightfully due to someone, to stay away from having things unlawfully or illegally, to stay aloof from acting unlawfully or illegally, to envelop or encompass or surround or cover, to possess or occupy or own, to include or contain or make part of a circle or something, to be refused riding by a ride or mount or horse or camel or donkey, to become sunny or bright, to hate or abhor or find abhorrent, to be disgusted, to contract and shrink in aversion, to be disdainful, to behave proudly, to shadow over, to tower over, to be high or lofty, to give someone cause to gloat over someone’s bad lot, to disappoint, to gloat or rejoice over someone’s loss or misfortune particularly of an adversary, to complain or complain vigorously or submit a complain, to show or reveal one’s grief or sorrow, to grieve or be sad, to be biased, to lean toward, to be homogeneous, to carve or mould or sculpt, to be victim of misgiving, to attire oneself completely with arms and weapons, to waver in opinion, to be dubious or give rise to suspicion, to doubt or be confused or doubtful, to stick out or be drawn out, to limp, to be spitefully at variance with each other, to be perverse or ill-natured or cross or quarrelsome, to be stubborn in disputing, to appreciate favours or gifts or provision by using them for the purposes they are given, to be grateful, to use gifts or provisions or favours properly for the purpose they are given or granted, to acknowledge favours by making appropriate use of them, to commend, to be thankful or show gratitude, to be fattened on good pasture, to become bountiful, to be victim of misfortune or adversity, to lack progress and prosperity, to be rejected or refused or condemned or dismissed, to be sad or sorrowful or unhappy, to struggle or labour along side, to be in a state of distress or adversity or misery, to be or become, to create difference or dispute or rift or conflict with, to argue in an antagonistic fashion, to dispute rebelliously with, to put barrier or hurdle in the way of, to cause hardship or poverty or difficulty or problem or distress or worry or concern or anxiety, to burden or load or charge with responsibility, to act contrarily, to come forth, to separate or effect disunion or rent or rent or cleave or break asunder or split open or split up, to slit or rent or rip or crack or fissure, to remove rancour or bad feeling from the heart, to cure a physical or mental illness, to heal or repair or mend or fix, to reassure oneself, to satisfy one’s curiosity, to cure or remedy, to be on the brink or edge of, to recover or restore or become restored, to approach, to appear from a distance, to be near, to consume, to be sought after, to have craving for food or drink or water, to speak face to face, to have miserly urges, to be reticent, to be weary, to be afraid, to worry or be anxious, to act as an advocate for someone, to be a witness for someone or in favour of someone, to stand by someone, to support or back up someone, to mediate, to intervene or intercede or petition on behalf of another, to aid another against someone or something, to add one thing to another, to be coupled with, to make a single thing into a pair, to pair or double two things, to have business, to distract, to be preoccupied, to be concerned, to toil, to divert, to engage or make busy, to employ, to occupy, to penetrate the innermost part or the very heart or being of something, to be smitten with love, to infatuate, to pierce, to smite, to be aflame, to blaze, to catch fire, to burn brightly or fiercely, to kindle or ignite or trigger a fire or fire of hatred, to inflame, to set on fire, to the ways of being or doing or having or using something, to cause to suppose, to draw attention, to cause to know or become aware or alert, to realise or be aware or turn some idea or plan or program into a reality, to feel or perceive or sense, to be covered in hair, to write poetry, to perceive by means of any of the senses, to be cognisant of, to know, to unite or gather together, to have harmful or destructive ambitions or desires, to think or do what is harmful or destructive, to adopt a harmful or destructive way of life, to have harmful or destructive company, to have crooked or bent or twisted mindset or attitude or behaviour, to oppose or be opponent of rule of law of God, to be harmful or destructive, to singe or scorch or burn or blacken, to be insolent, to be rebellious, to be corrupt, to be exceedingly or audaciously proud, to fasten tightly, to deviate or move aside or go off the right track, to act extravagantly or outrageously, to exceed due bounds, to digress, to go off the mark, to act unjustly, to be beyond acceptable limits, to be remote or far off, to distance or shift or move oneself, to be distant, to squint at, to split or divide or divide in halves, to put out branches, to put forth shoots or sprout, to over burden, to overfill with water, to slice lengthwise, to replace, to acquire or obtain, to purchase, to grow, to increase, to creep or crawl, to speed up or accelerate, to give something to someone for a price or in return for something, to try to balance or bring about equilibrium in human society by exchanging things so that needs and want of all are fulfilled, to trade or exchange or take or give one thing for place of another, to sell or buy or sell and buy, to partake or take part or participate, to have something in common, to have or take a share in, to share something with, to profess or hold a belief that makes one a polytheist, to accept another God along with the God, to accept rule of law by any other than God, to accept any ruler or king or sovereign along with God, to be a polytheist, to let share, to assume or take or make as partners or associates, to ascribe partners to, to associate or become associated, to make or be or become partner, to share, to branch off, to get up in the morning, to incline towards the east, to enter the time of sunrise, to choke, to dry in the sun, to take an easterly direction, to rise or give light, to slit the ear of a goat, to follow program and goals and guidelines revealed by God, to lay down something before everyone visibly or openly for all to see, to lay down laws, to ordain, to legislate or make laws, to reach for or go for, to be same or similar or equal or alike, to strip off, to explain or make clear or obvious or plain or manifest, to have the door open, to drink with the hand, to come to water to drink, to begin to do, to enter into, to perform well, to stipulate, to slit the ear of a camel, to cause chaos or anarchy or disorder or lawlessness or confusion, to do wrong or what is unlawful or illegal, to sharpen, to cleave or split, to slander, to be depraved or wicked, to be or become a small group or party or company or piece or portion, to decompose or break up or dismantle or crumble or collapse into pieces or disintegrate or become fragmented or divided, to frighten away, to put to flight, to scatter or disperse or spread or sprinkle, to stray or err or go astray, to roam, to break loose, to bold, to ease up the constriction, to expound or detail or explain or expand or lay open or open up or make manifest or obvious or reveal or display, to dilate, to cut into thin pieces, to slice, to perform the act of drinking, to drink, to cause to assimilate, to raise the head, to water, to irrigate, to inhale, to absorb or cause to absorb or be made to absorb, to imbibe, to drink, to be forceful, to tighten or tie fast, to strengthen or bolster or back up or reinforce, to intensify, to be vigorous, to harden or be solid or become tough or hard, to stare in horror, to be or become glazed, to go forth or advance or move forward, to be fixedly open, to be transfixed, to substantiate, to realise or turn some idea into a reality, to materialise, to quarrel, to bear rancour or grudge, to drive or drive away, to equip or arm or prepare or adorn or ornament, to fill, to feed, to be or become fat, to be covetous of or vehemently desirous of, to be avarice, to be mean, to contend over paucity or scarcity, to be tenacious, to be niggardly or stingy or miserly, to become convoluted, to spew forth, to flare up, to erupt or explode or erupt into fights, to debate or discuss, to contend, to divide into groups or parties or sections, to cause rifts or dissentions, to fall into disputes, to raise, to intertwine or knit together, to branch off, to have unity of thought and action or conflict and dispute, to agree or disagree, to come together or separate, to unite or divide, to converge or diverge, to branch in or branch out, to experience drought, to be become cold, to spend winter, to enter winter season, to be at odds with one another, to vary or be diverse or different, to sort out in different classes or categories, to separate, to disperse or scatter, to seem to be a lookalike, to be concerned with metaphysics, to have complementary meanings, to have more than one meaning, to be concerned with the unknown or unknowable, to be allegorical or figurative, to be confusingly similar or appear confusingly as a lookalike, to be alike, to resemble one another, to be made to look like something else, to confuse or be or become confused, to compare, to be assimilated, to be or become like, to resemble, to clash or confront or oppose, to attack or strike each other, to join or mix or intermingle with each other, to participate or take part or partake or socialise, to be on the wrong side of something in some sense, to be on the wrong side of the law, to cause lawlessness or disorder or instability or chaos or confusion or anarchy, to divide or separate or branch out/off or scatter or spread or disperse or breakup or split, to be like or similar or resemble, to suspect or doubt, to be cold, to dispute or disagree or fragment or fight or argue or contend, to have a family or support or following, to plot or plan or scheme, to be jealous or envy, to be niggardly or miser or stingy, to grow or develop or prosper or have plenty or be affluent or fat, to bear rancour or hold grudge, to have a distinct body or reality, to organise or regulate, to be prominent or visible or high profile, to be hard or solid or tough or firm or strong, to be a troublemaker or mischievous or active or lively, to learn or take in or drink or inhale liquid or water or juice or information, to irrigate or imbibe or absorb, to open up or expand or explain or make obvious or visible or manifest or distinct, to bolt, to break loose or go astray, to shatter into pieces, to be rebellious or harmful or destructive or criminal or evil or wicked, to set conditions or terms for an agreement, to rise or give light, to distribute or share or part or party or partnership or association, to acquire or sell or buy or exchange or barter or deal, to slice or peel, to over burden, to have branches, to transgress or go beyond acceptable limits, to unite or gather together, to feel or know or perceive or be aware of, to set on fire or inflame or ignite or lit or burn, to pierce or puncture or infatuate or smite or penetrate, to engage or employ or occupy or toil or distract, to pair or double or join with, to intercede or intervene or standby or support or backup, to be kind or tender hearted or compassionate or affectionate, to have desire for or seek after, to approach, to be near, to restore or cure, to use proper things properly so that a needed purpose could be served or fulfilled, to be humble or grateful or appreciative, to be stubborn or arrogant or haughty, to have or give shape or form or fashion or design, to tie or bind, to be happy over someone’s loss, to be lofty or towering or influential or dominant, to shrink or reduce or contract or decrease, to abhor or disdain, to be on the left hand side of something or to be on the wrong side of something in some sense, to contain or comprise or envelope, to declare or proclaim, to adulterate or make impure or mix up things, to roast or fry or scold or boil, to boil water, fighting or something like fighting in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, camel or something like camel in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter SHEEN see word SHAJAR or root SHEEN, JEEM and RAA.

Letter SWAAD means tree or plant or something like tree or plant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also hunting, fishing, fishing hook, chase, chasing, side or aspect, point of view or an angle of looking at things, journey, hunt, trail, clue or cue, crack, fissure, cleavage, split, standing out, roots, branches, trunk, leaves or fruits, origin, family tree, diagram, man lying on his side, juice, essence, life, seed, remnant, a group, love, morning, dawn, daylight, lantern, lamp, confinement, restraint, killing by detention, patience or endurance, fingers, toe, colouring, hallmark, way, orientation, good influence, hangover, dye, relish, dip such as sauce and olive oil, youth or youthfulness, youthful propensity, infant, companionship or fellowship, belonging, ownership, fellow man or woman, colleague, mate or consort, wife or husband, flat dish or something alike, scrolls or a side of a scroll, dishes, plates, platters, books or scriptures, records, a deafening sound, a cry that deafens by its vehemence, calamity, disaster, catastrophe, devastation, death or destruction, tumult, uprising, bloody revolution, a piercing cry, the revival or resurrection cry, a piece of rock or rocks, breast, front piece, that which fronts or faces someone, initial part, chest, bosom, heart, being, mind, thought, president, chief or chiefdom, governor or government, ruler or king or emperor, sovereign, manager or management, administrator or administration, command and control centre, central nervous system, seat of intelligence and emotions, self, the very essence of being, faculty of thinking and reflection, side of a mountain, two mountains meeting together, one side of an oyster shell, two sides of a ravine, two parallel close mountains, the truth, steadfastness, true friendship, charity, dowry, intense thirst, clapping of the hands, echo, human corpse, skull, purity, tower, high building, palace, lofty structure, a court or an open area in a house, patio, inner courtyard, glazed flooring, frost, extreme or freezing cold, extreme heat, screeching, grating, creaking, great commotion or upheaval, uprising, tumult, bloody revolution, revival, cricket or sound of a cricket, road, highway, pathway, an undertaking, a promise or pledge, the way of life advised by God, a bridge or link or connection, a way to something or somewhere, a place or person to turn to, night or darkness, the first and the last parts of the night, barren land, high land, the upper crust of the earth, clean soil or dust, flat or barren land, a disease that causes a distortion and twisting of neck to one side in camels, thunderbolt, a deafening noise, width or broad side of a mountain, the side or lateral or outward part or face or surface of something, flatness or wide smooth expanse, shackles, fetters, thongs, chains, a level tract of land with no herbage or water, something levelled to the ground, something smooth or consistent or regular or having no ups and downs or ditches and dunes, birds extending their wings in a straight line, nest, water-skin, the choice, the elite, the select, the chosen ones, a solid or hard smooth rock, a think rock, a violent strike with a ringing sound or reverberations, the backbone, social or political or economic system or structure, the spine, the loins, something firm or solid or tough or stiff or rigid, reformer, peacemaker, righteous, noisy ***, the sound of a bell, dry clay or dry clay on the ground that makes ringing sound when it si struck, the small of the back, the two bones surrounding the root of the tail of an animal, the assembly or place of assembly or gathering or meeting, institutions or offices or buildings wherein people work to carry out their God assigned duties to ensure well being of mankind, elevated ground, high tapering building, cloisters, monasteries, a place where rain water gathers, skill or art or craft or trade, fortresses, palaces, water supply systems, idols, statues, pictures, images, paintings, idol worship, peer, equal, similar to, a full brother, two saplings growing together from the root of one tree, two palm trees growing out of the same or common root, clustering, growing in pairs, rain pouring down, torrential rain, downpour, that which strikes someone or something, rainstorm, sound, voice, noise, fame, renown, trumpet or musical instruments, a dry measure, goblet, drinking cup, wool, a shout or loud cry, a call for uprising or bloody revolution or war, hunting or fishing, game, prey, catch of all kinds, destiny or destination, goal, end, terminal, a reference point or a guiding landmark, something to which someone or something returns, something towards which someone turns in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something someone refers to in some sense for some reason or purpose, something for which someone is destined, a standard, tradition, rule of law, constitution or law, an agreement, a base or foundation for something, long and sharp cow horn, spearhead, fortress, stronghold, summer, summertime, the heat of the day, to deviate or swerve, to turn away from, to veer or veer off or away, to spend the summer, to conclude or complete or wind up or close or end, to go to, to return or go back or come back to, to reach a state, to change from one state or condition to another, to become, to catch people or animals or birds, to act as a predator, to hunt down someone or something, to hunt or prey, to fish, to hold or grasp something, to get something into grip, to bring something under guardianship or patronage, to take into care or protection, to take under control, to catch or take hold or control of or arrest, to ripen, to hail, to yell or shout or cry, to hold back from eating or drinking, to free or keep free one’s belly or stomach from harmful or destructive food or drink, to free or keep free an organisation or association or company from something harmful or destructive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to empty or keep empty the body or belly or the womb or a container, to fast, to not to partake or take part or participate in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to restrain or holdback or stay away or refrain from thinking or believing or practicing something, to restrain or holdback or stay away from being or doing or having or using something , to fast, to abstain or observe abstinence, to dry up, to avert or avoid, to grow wool, to dry up, to drive, to estimate, to measure, to collect, to assemble or gather together, to give shape or form to, to have things familiarised with oneself, to sound the trumpet, to prepare, to disperse, to cut into pieces, to imagine or conceive, to make an image or picture or sculpture, to present, to shape or form or fashion, to cause to incline to or lean towards, to emit a noise or sound, to cause to make a sound, to grant or bestow upon, to punish, to desire or will, to fall upon, to be right, to do something properly or correctly, to afflict or befall, to aim, to hit or strike, to be related through marriage, to be in-laws, to marry into a family or people, to bring near, to roast, to heat up, to melt down, to be the handy work, to select for a very special purpose, to shape or form or picture an idol, to take as a protégé, to take for oneself, to be dextrous, to manufacture, to contrive, to invent, to produce, to build, to fashion, to make, to commit, to bring up or rear or nurture or look after, to groom or prepare or train or make ready, to act deaf, to cause or make deaf, to refuse to heed or listen or obey, to shut or close one’s ears, to be or become deaf, to seal, to be compact or dense, to be brave or courageous or daring, to be sharp and tapering at the end, to be of small ears, to be constant and consistent, to be dependable or trustable or reliable, to seek power from, to endeavour to reach or attain, to aim at, to direct oneself towards, to run or make for, to be a source of strength, to be rugged, to be speechless, to be silent, to suffer from the heat of scorching fire, to cause to burn, to roast to the point of burning completely, to lead into the fire, to suffer hardship or difficulty, to warm oneself before a fire, to delude, to slander, to cause to suffer, to burn, to fry, to broil, to roast, to deem valuable or worthy, to adore or appreciate or value, to support or assist or back up or reinforce, to cling or attach or stick or stick fast to, to form a network, to get in touch or contact, to join or link or connect, to adhere or hold or hang or latch onto, to bend along or mould or model according to, to be right behind someone in the front, to come closely at the rear of, to hit the camel on its tail joint, to be niggardly or miserly, to be hard and smooth, to act properly, to bring reforms or order, to carry out works that help unity and peace between people as well as their growth and prosperity, to negotiate a peaceful outcome between factions, to make amends or changes or reforms, to help increase or expand one’s capacity or ability, to enable to grow and prosper, to cause to be upright or righteous, to agree on a settlement, to make peace or effect reconciliation between people, to settle the differences amicably, to heal or cure the mind or body of a person, to be fit or suitable or capable, to be in proper state of being, to be in good health mentally and physically, to be or become a very useful or productive member of the human society, to be or become literate or educated or trained or skilled or experienced or expert, to be or become honest, to become good or incorrupt or incorruptible or righteous or just or fair or virtuous, to remove rifts or dissentions or disputes from between people in order to facilitate reconciliation or unity for peace between people, to mend something broken or repair something fractured or fix something faulty or defective or damaged, to facilitate or pave the way or make things easy for a peace process, to or work for reconciliation or be or become peacemaker, to crucify in number, to make life difficult or hard for someone or something, to crucify, to place two pieces of wood cross-wise, to be or become hard or firm or tough or solid or strong, to smack or smite with loud noise, to shut or close, to slap with hand, to be clarified or cleaned, to single out in favour or preference over the rest, to grant something to someone, to choose or select or elect or favour or prefer above others, to purify or clean or isolate or un-adulterate or filter, to stand majestically, to stand on three legs with forth leg bent, to compact dry herbage into a nest, to stand confronting a party of people, to set the feet side by side, to stand on three legs with the edge of one of the front hoofs just touching the ground, to be orderly or not be chaotic, to line up or form lines or rows, to stand in ranks, to arrange in a straight line, to set side by side, to put things in order for a purpose, to arrange in rows or lines or ranks, to organise and regulate, to be deserted, to wither away, to wither away to the point of becoming yellow, to become or turn yellow, to become empty or void or vacant or unoccupied or unemployed or idle, to utter a whistle like sound, to whistle or blow, to give freely, to bind, to turn aside or to one side, to avoid or ignore or neglect or avert, to take someone’s hand in salute, to set free, to turn away from someone’s crime, to forgive or pardon or let go or let off or overlook, to swerve or deviate, to twist or turn or bend, to incline, to be disgraced or humiliated or humbled, to be base or contemptible, to be smaller in the eyes of others, to shrink or contract or grow smaller or reduce or decrease, to be slight, to be little or small, to become thunderstruck, to pass out or swoon, to stupefy, to fall or be knocked down unconscious, to smite with thunderbolt or the like, to turn away one’s cheek from people out of contempt arising from sense of domination or haughtiness or arrogance, to be greatly tormenting, to be insurmountable or difficult, to be overpower, to be severe, to laboriously climb or ascend, to climb up in a hurry, to move off briskly, to suffer or experience distress, to undergo difficulty, to labour, to surface, to go or climb up or upwards or ascend or rise, to strip bare completely, to harvest or reap, to be sharp or decisive, to pass away or die, to abandon or forsake or leave alone, to pluck, to break off ties or links or connections or relationships, to cut off or severe or separate or isolate or boycott, to escape, to abate or calm or settle or die down or become low profile or insignificant or unimportant, to take the matter in one’s own hands, to manipulate or handle or manage, to leave or depart or go away, to arrange, to explain or detail or make clear or obvious or manifest, to expedite, to direct towards, to exchange or trade or replace, to grate, to dismiss, to dissuade or turn or divert away from, to turn or cause to turn or shift from one state to another, to repel or repulse or push away or defend against, to avert or divert the direction, to knock out or knock down dead, to throw on the ground, to knock down, to scream or wail or roar, to be vehemently or extremely noisy, to be extremely frosty, to be very hot, to insist, to persist, to constrict, to cry, to purse, to assist or save someone in response to one’s cry for help, to come to the rescue, to call out in anguish, to bellow, to shriek or yell or scream or call or cry loudly for help, to sheer, to be or become pure or clear or unmixed, to give full attention, to confront, to accost, to endeavour or make hard effort, to coax, to soothe, to be or become thirsty, to take something for granted or take it to be true at face value, to assume or believe to be true, to be a true or loyal or faithful friend, to compensate or make up for the lack in another person, to be true or truthful, to declare or proclaim the truth, to mean what one says, to be sincere or serious, to let go something for sake of God and goodwill of humanity, to treat kindly, to prove the validity, to bring into reality, to back up, to confirm the truthfulness of, to accept as true, to realise or turn a thought or plan into a reality, to verify, to make good one’s promise or word, to keep a promise or honour a pledge, to give alms to the poor, to assist or complement, to donate or contribute towards a cause or mission, to struggle to fulfil a mission or goal, to spend fruit of one’s labour for a cause or mission to try and make it a success, to befriend, to have unity or consistency between mind and tongue, to prove true, to be true to, to shine clearly, to fulfil one’s promise, to say or tell or speak or utter what is true, to turn aside, to encounter or meet or come across or upon, to shun or bar or stop or push back or away, to lean to one side, to find to be equal, to develop a fault line, to split asunder, to collapse or crumble or fall down, to suffer from hangover, to journey, to cross from one side to the other, to traverse, to cause headache, to move off or go away, to drive or make someone or something move, to go or move forward or advance or go ahead or lead, to come forth, to proceed, to issue forth, to place in the front or on the highest place, to drink festering water, to resist or impede or make difficult, to bar someone from something, to show dislike or disdain or contempt or rejection, to put obstacle or barriers or hurdles or difficulties or problems or troubles in the way of , to block or hinder, to refuse, to reject, to go back or return, to cause someone to turn away from someone or something, to be against or averse to, to shun or stop or prevent, to turn away from, to take a side turn, to pierce, to deserve or be worthy of , to belong to same class or category or caste or circle or place or family or organisation or ideology or practice, to be supported or aided or assisted, to guard, to defend, to be comrade or companion fellow or friend, to consort with, to keep company or associate with, to yearn or crave or have desire or lust for, to feel sensual desire towards, to become oriented towards something , to dip a bit of bread in relish such as oil or the like, to dip one’s hand in water, to colour, to point to, to exercise forbearance in being or doing, to vie in endurance in being steadfast, to confine or limit or restrict or imprison, to adhere, to be content with, to bear along or put up with, to submit steadfastly or patiently to, to endure or persevere, to be steadfast or constant towards, to enter morning time, to become, to happen or take place in the morning, to visit in the morning time, to be charming or engaging or charismatic or appealing or irresistible, to be comely or lovely or beautiful or attractive or good looking or handsome, to arrive, to reach morning time, to be in love, to pour out or pour out liquid or the like, to immerse, to incline or lean towards or be biased, to renege one’s faith for another faith, to appear, to spring forth, to well out, to emerge, to separate, to split or rent or cleave or crack or crack up or fissure, to dispute, to divide, to fragment, to branch out, to converge or diverge, to comply with, to attain or attain to, to distinguish between, to spread or scatter or scatter away or disperse, expand or grow or increase, to reveal or disclose or make obvious or manifest, to squeeze, to extract, tree or plant or something like tree or plant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter SWAAD see word SINWAAN or root SWAAD, NOON and WOW.
Letter DWAAD means to turn one household into two in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also resistance or opposition or adversity, rivalry, animosity, group of people of different lineage, cinder or ashes, call of birds or animals, growling, panting or panting of horses as they run, a laughing matter, a laughingstock, object of scorn or laugh or joke, breaking of day or daylight or sunlight, brief time of midmorning, midmorning, forenoon, peer, stream of milk or stream of milk from an udder, udder, teat, confusion or chaos, preparation for a race or battle, wretchedness or destitution, sides of valley or mountain, guest, a spineless male, lightly roasted meat, calls of foxes or owls or rabbits, a place where one sleeps or lies down, bed or bedroom, resting or sleeping room, suburb and surroundings, sacrificial animal, someone made scapegoat, type, white honey, head, chief, commander, ruler, leader, manager, administrator, management, administration, central nervous system, command and control centre, government, governing body of a country or an organisation, top part of section of something, cream of the crop, best people or things, a muscular person or a warrior, a warmonger, ruling elite, affliction, shortage of things of need, hurt or harm or affliction, the present time, poisonous thorns, putrid stinking food, a provision or sustenance or food or drink one gets with disgrace and loss of self respect and dignity, equal or double or several times the amount of something, folds, slight, a bundle, unravelling of hair, a camel suspected to be suffering from an afflicted hump, confusion, mixture, hallucination, handful of plant stalks, incoherent mix, hatred, enmity, homesickness, horse that will not cooperate unless it is hit, inclination, rancour, malice, frog or something like frog in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, falsehood, error, futility, race course, slimming down of horses for race or battle, glutton, intensive light, profession, property, estate, the side of a valley or mountain, to contract or shrink or retract or reduce or become shorter or smaller, to be tight, to distress or cause distress, to put in a straitened state or condition, to put under pressure, to tighten up or narrow down or become narrow, to be in poverty or difficulty or trouble or hardship, to be anguished or worried, to be limited or constricted, to be narrow, to be cramped, to proffer hospitality, to take in as a guest or visitor, to be cautious, to fear, to host or show or seek someone’s hospitality, to be near the time of setting, to add something to something else, to let pass unrewarded, to squander, to go to waste, to be unfair or prejudiced or bias or unfair, to be twisted or bent or crooked or turned or wicked, to inconvenience, to be brilliant or radiant, to explain or make clear or obvious, to shed light upon, to beam or glow, to shine or light up or illuminate or brighten up or enlighten, to copy or be image of, to be or do like someone else, to imitate or copy, to be similar or resembling, to treat gently, to be easily beguiled or deceived or taken for a ride or made fool of, to be soft or easy going, to be kind or compassionate or tender hearted, to keep something to or for oneself, to be reticent, to be grudge something, to keep or hold back, to be sparing, to treasure or value something for some reason, to be physically or mentally strong, to have a wrong or wretched or deceptive or miserable or oppressed life or existence, to be confined, to be straitened, to embrace, to combine or join together, to draw someone or something close to oneself, to be emaciated or shrunk or reduces, to be slender or lean or thin, to be under fire, to be damned, to be suffering from illusion or hallucination or delusion, to come to nothing or nothing at all, to be a deviant person, to be bewildered, to cause someone to lose something, to divert or distract or lead away from, to leave alone or let go, to leave one to one’s own devices, to let down or fail, to let go astray, to deceive or cheat or con or trick, to cause to be of no effect, to mislead or misguide or lead astray, to lose or miss or think someone or something is lost, to forget, to be dissipated or absorbed, to get lost, to desert or abandon or neglect or ignore, to depart or depart from, to go missing, to deviate or move away from or depart or distance from, to fail to find out something, to err or go astray, to be or become untraceable, to be or become lost, to be unable to locate something, to miss something, to lose the way or lose a way to a destination, to lose the right way to the right destination, to crease, to be frog infested, to be considered weak, to receive double or several or many times as return or reward, to be compelled or forced or driven or made to follow, to be oppressed, to be subjugated or tamed, to have no standing in a group or party or society or community, to be weak in resolution or decision making, to be given to temptation, to be incapacitated or disabled, to be helpless or unable to fend for oneself, to be underage, to be feeble or weak bodied, to be twice the amount, to be timid or faint-hearted, to be deemed weak, to consider weak enough to persecute, to be doubled or increased many times over, to have no influence or be ineffective or inconsequential, to be or become insignificant or unimportant or worthless or useless, to test or put on trial, to weaken or become weak, to increase by several times, to request or ask for, to plead with or implore or supplicate humbly, to adore or appreciate someone or something, to accept to be subject of a ruler, to reach or seek to or try to reach, to approach or attack, to have similarity or be similar, to call for help, to humble oneself, to be forced to act in a certain way, to wish or desire or seek or try to cause harm, to harm out of vengeance, to engage in exchange of atrocities, to suffer hardship or difficulty, to injure or hurt or be injured or hurt, to incapacitate or be incapacitated, to misguide or mislead be misguided or misled, to deviate or stray or err from the right path, to be forced or driven into being or doing or having or using something, to subject to hurt or harassment, to be subjected to exchange of hurts by someone, to annoy or harass or trouble, to enter into an exchange of hurts with someone or something, to afflict one’s wife for marrying another, to compel or push or drive or force, to disadvantage, to afflict or harm or impair, to suffer from blindness lack knowledge or be blind or ignorant, to have no children, to be poor or have little or no things of need, to wander about, to smite, to brand or stamp or mark or label, to raise or erect, to seal or block, to secure or tighten, to compare or contrast, to make a road through, to cut through something, to travel about or around, to hit the road, to beat one’s chest to show readiness for a battle or fight, to beat the drums, to stamp or beat the ground with feet as if it is marching of troops, to make clanging sound like striking of swords or weapons or instruments of some sort, to sire, to battle or fight, to be brave or a warrior or prove to be man of one’s words, to be tried and tested in something, to be battle hardened, to be exposed to heat of the battlefield, to be exposed to the heat of the sun, to sacrifice someone or something for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to commit to working for God and humanity on the basis of deen of Islam, to be a missionary for the assigned mission of God for ensuring well being of mankind, to be sacrificed or devoted or dedicated or offered for a cause or mission, to enter at the time of midmorning, to draw a battle line, to oppose or be opponent or opposition or adversary or against or cause rift or division or dissention or dispute, to meet one’s match, to fill up, devious, to draw together, to hug or embrace, to branch out, to converge or diverge, to combine, to gather, to join, to roast, to be coward or spineless or weak, to have plenty of sheep or goat or livestock, to scorch, to lie on one’s side, to recline, to neglect or fail to fulfil one’s duties or responsibilities or to meet one’s obligations, to bring forth plants and flowers, to laugh or cause to laugh, to ridicule or jeer or laugh at, to make fun of or jokes about someone or something, to menstruate, to shed blood, to cause a bad blood or animosity between people of the same household or family of tribe company or circle or organisation, to expose oneself to the sun or heat of the sun or light of the sun, to appear or appear conspicuously, to seem like, to give the impression as if, to hit or strike or smite or sting or travel or beat or go fast, to afflict or impair or harm or damage or harass or punish, to force, to drive into, to humble or humiliate or defeat or over[power, to be like or similar, to plead or supplicate, to fold or doubt or multiply, to be weak, to crease, to deviate or err or stray or lose the way, to be straitened or confined, to lag or remain behind, to treasure or consider valuable, to be kind or treat gently, to light up or shine or illuminate or enlighten, to twist or be crooked or unjust, to go or let go to waste, to neglect or ignore or avoid, to be narrow or cramped or anguished, to be simple or basic, to be at the beginning or starting point, opposition or something like opposition in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter DWAAD see word DARAB or root DWAAD, RAA and BAA.

Letter TWAA means landmark or something like landmark in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. It also means sign or signature, symbol, mark, label, token, clue, trace, musical note, reference point, guide or leader or notable or important person, dignitary, signpost or lamppost, cross, monument, tall building or structure, tower, palace, fort, lighthouse or beacon, something high and visible from a distance, something tall or high that is firmly fixed in its place or position and can be seen from a distance, something that can be used or can be relied upon as a base or foundation or reference for something, something of vital importance for survival or blissful and dignified as well as secure existence, revelation or guidance of God, something highly respectable or honourable, constitution, tradition, rule of law, custom, norm, something that expresses or shows direction eg a signboard, layer, level, story, floor, deck, stage, step, rank, position, stratum, fold, circle, sphere, zone, area, volume, base, foundation, root, origin, cover, top, someone or something to which one turns for help or support or advice or guidance, argumentation, swarms of locusts, wide, expansive, level land, fugitive, outcast, chased game, sight or eyesight, glance, blinking, edge, borderline, utmost part, novelty, group, band, party, faction, sect, circle, association, organisation, part or piece or fragment, ends, limits, road, way, path, tract, method, trick, technique, formula, mating of cattle, mode of thinking or behaviour, code or line of conduct, all that is on the face of the earth, all of the creation, food or food for nourishment of body or mind, nourishment, taste or experience, the act of feeding someone with something, plague, tyranny, priest or priesthood, mullaism, kahinism, prohotism, brahamanism, saintism, Sufism, spiritualism, diviners, enchanters, disaster, catastrophe, calamity, devastation, uprising, bloody revolution, revival campaign or movement, transgression, rebellion, crookedness or wickedness, a ruler other than God, a false God, an idol, a person taken as an idol or ruler, any head or leader or chief of a family or people who misleads them, a small measure, a trivial matter, infant or baby or child, the child population, children, infants, young of animals, rising or setting of the sun, acacia plantation or banana tree, spadix or inflorescence of the palm tree, pollen, the place or position at which the sun becomes visible when it rises, the time of sunrise, the place where sunlight strikes when the sun rises in the morning, the breaking through of the dawn of knowledge, the one who beholds or observes or views or looks at something, fruit, sprouting, sheaths within which palm tree and spadices are enclosed, drizzle, dew, moisture, good living, ruins, the deep sea, multitude, spectacular occurrence, some unexpected happening beyond imagination, lowland, tranquillity, a great mountain or mass, an influential or anchor person, rock, boundaries, types, conditions, shapes or forms, apparition, phantom, spectre, group of people, side, raft, flood, deluge, storm, neckband or necklace, collar, loop, circle, length, tallness, ways and means, rope or a long rope, ladder, ability, bounty, might, force, height, something long, folds, wrinkles, conscience, hunger, lack of food or nourishment for mind or body, perfume, flying thing or creature, a bird or something like bird, insects, an aeroplane, helicopter, rocket, bad omen, augury, deed, goal, destiny, mud, clay, mud bricks, something like mud or clay, nature, disposition, specific character, to spread far and wide, to expect harm or destruction, to scatter or spread or spread out, to rejoice or be happy, to hasten, to fly or fly away, to be pleasant, to be fair, to be free of faults or defects, to be stable or firm, to be perfect or complete, to have deep roots, to be properly founded or based or anchored, to be clean or pure, to be good for something, to be law abiding citizen of the state, to be chaste, to right or proper for something, to be or become good or righteous, to be desirable, to be fragrant, to recover or regain health, to become ripe, to be wholesome or complete, to mollify, to be willing, to finish, to wind up or end or conclude or complete, to hide or conceal or keep secret or invisible, to line up with stones, to roll or roll up, to fold up, to seem long, to be or become part of distant past, to be protracted, to become drawn out, to outlast, to outdo, to overcome or overpower or defeat or humble, to stretch or extend or enlarge, to be elongated, to lengthen, to grow or grow long or tall, to have the capacity to deal with, to be strong, to bear with difficulty, to have something twisted or clapped around the neck, to be fettered, to bear or be able to put up with, to encircle, to keep a constant vigil, to eagerly go around, to be perpetually regular, to be visited by a harmful or destructive thought, to frequent or visit something often, to be served, to be waited upon, to come upon, to visit, to afflict, to be touched by a harmful or destructive person or thing, to appear in one’s dream, to go around, to encompass, to circuit or circulate or orbit around, to roam about, to walk about, to go about, to be or do or have or use something willingly or voluntarily, to have power or be capable of, to do over and above what is required or needed, to be obeyed or heeded, to make something acceptable or agreeable to or suitable for, to make or cause to comply or be pliant or obedient, to be able to or be in a position to do, to volunteer, to be amenable, to be consistent, to be ready for something, to be ripe, to obey or submit or be subservient, to be wild, to approach, to parallel, to strive for livelihood or for earning a living, to strive or make effort or struggle or toil or labour or work hard, to travel far and wide, to be firm, to be purified or cleans thoroughly, to stay away from any defilement, to perform self cleaning, to circumcise or be circumcised, to purify one’s mind or body, to be free of any fault or defect or blemish or imperfection or incompleteness, to be clean or pure or clear or unadulterated or not mixed, to be certain or sure of or about, to have one’s heart at rest, to feel secure from an enemy or harm or danger, to be tranquil, to be or become at peace with, to feel at home or be in a familiar place or surrounding, to reassure or be reassured, to stoop, to be peacefully quiet, to soothe, to rest or be or become instate of rest or ease, to calm or be calmed, to engulf, to inundate, to flood, to yearn, to be greedy or have a greed for, to covet, to expect, to crave, to desire, to hope, to dim or be dimmed, to reverse or turn something back to front or upside down, to erase or delete, to destroy or annihilate, to disable or incapacitate or render ineffective or useless, to deprive of guidance, to fill in, to reckon, to go far, to be effaced or obliterated or blotted out or wiped out, to menstruate or menstruate the first time, to take away virginity, to deflower, to place a halter on a horse or camel the first time, to graze a piece of land for the first time, to loath, to hold in contempt, to look down upon, to moisten, to be a divorcee or divorced man or woman, to function freely or without restriction, to move off or on or go away, to take off or fly away, to separate or divorce or cut off ties or break off relationship with, to be generous, to bring forth shoots, to set off or out, to let go or set free, to free or be free, to break through or come to light, to gain knowledge, to penetrate, to come to know or recognise, to rise or climb up to, to gain a vantage point for observing, to come across or upon or meet or be faced with, to come to look at or view or behold, to inform or give knowledge of, to show or demonstrate or expose or disclose or reveal or make manifest or clear or explain, to apprise, to consult, to become aware or informed, to inspect or examine or scrutinise, to know or become acquainted with, to emerge or break forth, to come up, to come into view or sight or visible range, to ascend or rise or climb or go upwards, to be or become upset or angry or provoked, to be or become tired or tired of or sick of or fed up with, to be or become harmful or destructive or bad or depraved, to promise, to look out or look out for something as a possibility, to petition, to prospect or expect or anticipate as a possibility or probability, to request, to pursue or follow or go after, to set out, to expose or bring something to light about someone or something, to try to uncover or lift off cover of something that is hidden or unknown, to try to discover or find or dig out, to seek or search or explore, to be about to rise or fall, to be with child or pregnant, to be tender or of a tender age, to seize, to continue doing something, to commence or begin or start, to copy or imitate, to swindle or cheat or con or deceive, to take more than due, to give less than due, to not to give full or due measure, to become due, to be or become near, to be miserly, to be deficient, to blow out a fire or spark, to take away desire for living from someone, to snuff out or snuff out life of someone or something, to kill curiosity or courage or fervour or ambition or desire in people for being or doing or having or using something, to extinguish or put out a fire or spark, to act as devil, to ascribe partners to God in his sovereignty of this universe, to live by rule of any other than God, to be abstinent or heedless, to be obscene or shameless, to overpower or oppress or suppress, to cause to violate established norms of goodness that ensure well being of mankind, to veer away or deviate or wander off or move away or depart, to inflict harm or destruction upon someone or something, to disturb equilibrium or balance of something, to violate established norms of justice or fairness, to be troublemaker or mischievous, to be tumultuous, to be or become tyrannical, to violate established norms, to be excessive, to exceed or exceed the limits or expectations or norms, to transgress, to overflow, to malign, to slander, to assail, to speak ill of, to plague, to approach, to defame, to thrust, to penetrate or penetrate with a blade, to stab, to seek information of someone or something, to ask someone for food for body or mind, to keep, to provide for, to deliver a lecture to someone, to give food to, to educate someone through feeding information , to feed someone with food for body or mind, to taste or experience something mentally or physically, to drink of fountain or sea of knowledge, to partake of food or drink, to use for food or as food for mind or body, to feed on, to have had enough to eat, to complete eating, to feed, to find something palatable or agreeable or suitable or consistent, to eat or taste or eat one’s fill, to introduce or make known or become recognised, to praise or commend or recommend, to be succulent, to be fresh, to be tender of soft, to come from far away, to occur or happen or take place, to foretell or forecast or predict, to arrive at night, to authenticate or validate, to stamp or seal eg a deal or contract, to hit or strike or beat or knock, to be the extreme, to twinkle, to blink, to dismiss, to forlorn or be thrown out or rejected or expelled or driven out or away, to spread out or cast off or discard or banish, to throw away or cast out, to encroach, to spread or scatter or disperse or sprinkle, to stretch or expand or inflate or blow or blow up or explode or explain or detail or enlarge to make bigger or extend or protrude, to be congruent or matching, to shield or protect or defend or guard or preserve or save or secure or rescue or shelter or look after or take care, to take the place of or stand in for another, to envelope or encompass or surround from all sides, to cover or cover up or wrap or wrap up, to brand, to mark or label, to give something its separate identity by some kind of distinguishing mark, to slap the back of the neck with the whole palm, to impress shapes in the mud, to fashion articles out of mud or iron, to seal, to seal up, to block, to stop, to end, to put a sealing stamp on something eg an agreement, landmark or something like landmark in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter TWAA see word TABA or root TWAA, BAA and AIN.

Letter ZWAA means lamb or something like lamb in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also something that is innocent or gentle, someone who can be easily manipulated or cheated or deceived or fooled, something or someone that is thought of as expendable, finger or toe nails, claws, clutches, traps, tricks and mechanisms to implement them, talons, victory, triumph, win, success, camel litters in which women travel on camels, women travelling in the company of men, shaded area or zone, an amount of, a touch of, an overhead covering, awning or something like awning, surrounding or environment or atmosphere, entourage, shady or something that gives shade or cover, something shady or doubtful or suspicious, darkness or darkness of ignorance, injustice, unfairness, ugliness, something that is under the cover of darkness therefore it cannot be seen as to what it is, something hidden or unknown or concealed, tyranny, oppression or suppression, degrees, layers, floors, stories, ranks, stages, steps, positions, levels, thirst, span or period of time, back, at or in the back, backdoor, rear, backer, protector, after, behind, deck of a ship, surface, loins, outside or the outside of, exterior, external, outward, appearances, outer surface, outer layer, noon, midday, extreme heat of the midday, in sight or view, eminent, prominent, to forget or be forgotten, to help one another against, to league together against, to exalt, to enter the non time, to perform, to scale, to climb or cause to on the back of, to come upon, to discover or find out, to prevail or prevail over, to spreads out or cause to spread out, to be or become obvious, to overpower or overcome or conquer, to travel from one place to another, to gang up on, to be apparent or perceptible or plain or clear or evident, to carry something on one’s back, to turn one’s back on, to have a thought or assumption or expectation or opinion about, to speculate, to impute, to expect, to fear, to imagine, to surmise, to deem or consider, to become aware or come to realise, to accuse without any basis, to be suspicious, to believe something about someone or something without any basis or evidence, to think ill of, to have low opinion about someone or something, to doubt or suspect, to know, to assume or suppose or presume or guess or conjecture or think, to crave or have desire for learning knowledge, to be greedy or miser or covetous or niggardly, to cause to be or become thirsty or poor, to thirst or be thirsty or lack things of need or want or be poor, to entre darkness or the night time, to be or become ignorant, to be or become dark, to be the night time, to deny the truth, to deny granted favours, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked or deviant or deceptive or tricky or conning, to be or do or have or use or order someone else to be or do or have or use something without any reasonable justification, to be a tyrant, to let someone down, to be made to suffer the loss of one’s rightful dues, to deviate from the way of life advised by God, to degrade someone or something, to treat unfairly or unjustly, to not to give full due measure to someone, to injure, to harm or destroy someone or something, to hold back from someone what is rightfully due, to replace rule of laws of God with manmade rule of law, to bring about an unjust constitution or law, to fail to do justice, to reject something true as falsehood, to disbelieve in something that is true, to deny God given rights to others or take away God given rights of others, to take something true as a lie, to place someone or something in the place of another, to commit injustice or act cruelly or oppressively or tyrannically, to cause someone or something to suffer a loss, to act improperly or inappropriately or unjust or unfair or the wrong or harmful or destructive way, to put something in the wrong place or in the wrong way, to descend or fall or decline, to act as a barrier or wall or curtain or blockage or shield or hurdle or difficulty or problem, to cause or make someone or something to shade or shadow someone or something, to be or become, to continue or continue doing something by day, to stay or remain or reside or live or dwell or be settled down, to be or cause to be victorious or successful, to capture or captivate or arrest or take hold of or imprison or confine or restrict or restrain, to take under one’s jurisdiction or authority or control or management, to travel with family or household or clan or tribe, to be gullible or soft or easy, to shift or migrate or move around in search of pasture or food and water, to journey or travel or move away or move off or move on, to leave or depart or go away or die or pass away, to leave alone or abandon or neglect or ignore or discard or boycott or cur off ties with or do not bother with, to shelter or protect or guard or defend or preserve or rescue or save, to take under roof or umbrella or canopy or sky or guardianship or patronage, to influence or convince or persuade or have an effect upon, to shade or shadow or seek to shadow, to spy on or keep an eye on or watch or follow closely or pursue, to make look small, to be an expert or master of, to be visible or exposed or apparent or obvious or manifest or under the spot light or scrutiny, to shade or cover or overshadow or influence, to cause darkness or darkness of ignorance, to cause damage or destruction, to be cruel or cause harm or destruction, to seek protection, to take into care or look-after, to capture or triumph, to misplace something in some sense, to think or do what is wrong or improper, to transgress or go beyond or above the law, to be in need of or be thirsty or hungry, to guess or conjecture or assume or think or consider or estimate, to back up or support or reinforce or help or assist or aid, to show or show up or expose or demonstrate or become visible or obvious or manifest or appear or come in view or sight etc etc.

Letter AIN means eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also watchtower, watchman, guard, following, family, clan, tribe, party, group, organisation, company, association, circle, water source, fountain, water well or spring, sea, river, pond, lake, stream, canal, sea or spring or fountain of knowledge, load, weight, a mix up of things, adulteration, folly, slave or male slave or female slave or maid, servant, created beings or creatures, all the creation, everything there is, mortals, obedience, submission, a person, anyone, someone, all the living beings, all the people, missionaries, people working for God assigned mission or deen of Islam, people who serve God by serving his assigned mission, one side of the valley, passer-by, a lesson or warning or admonition, plenty, abundant, group of people, mixture of perfumes, a bridge, a connection or link, ways or means to pass from one side of something to another, something that connects two things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, dung, poetical inspiration, rich floral carpet or richly designed carpet or something like it, flight of levelled stone steps up a mountain, threshold, lintel, stairs, anger, rage, container for personal valuables, a safe, war materials including horses kept ready for battle, shoulder, base, foundation, something that can carry weight or burden or responsibility, crowbar, ruffian or cruel person, ignoble or coarse or rough or ill-mannered, uncivilised or uncultivated or untrained or unprepared, wild or untamed, a hole in which water gathers for irrigation or palm trees that get water from such holes or pools, a slip of the tongue, dusty land, tangled hair, male hyena, a crude unkempt or uncivilised person, a fool, something that appears wondrous or strange or foreign or illogical or senseless or magical or miraculous or impossible to explain, conceit or trickery or a con or deception, a conceited or deluded or confused person, a misguided or misled person, something beyond one’s expectation or anticipation, something beyond imagination or thinking or reasoning capability of someone, something incredible or amazing, something peculiar, a puzzle or something that puzzles or confuses, posteriors, buttocks, trunks or stems or stumps or stumps of the palm tree, lack of strength or ability, failure, miracle or magic or something supernatural or beyond logical consistent explanation, a very old woman, a barren lady or a woman who cannot have a child, calf, haste, hurry, speed, rush, wheel, camel litter or hawdaj, a palm tree ladder, something immediate or near or present, something urgent, an emergency, life in this world or present life, fruit stones, seeds, solid, beasts, those who cannot speak Arabic, those who cannot explain things clearly, obscurity, gear, equipment, stuff for the job at hand, group, preparation, provision, things of need for a task or journey or adventure or expedition, number, an appointed time or place or both, readiness, a fix term, a stated period of time, a required period for advance notice for something, a cry used in urging on a mule, lentil or something like lentil in some sense, one side of the camel litter, equality or fairness, recompense, metal, material, raw materials, chemicals, matter in its basic or natural state of existence, a place of permanent residence, the two sides of a valley, infection, calamity, disaster, destruction, devastation, catastrophe, aggression, animosity, enemy, corruption, the tip of a pointed object, courtyard, a refuse dump, faeces, virginity, modesty, hair growing on the cheeks, landmark, screen, curtain, veil, barrier, hurdle, loving or affectionate male or female person, nomad, desert dweller, flight of stairs or steps, zigzagging road, ascending roads, type of truffle, date-palm stalk, dry date-palm stalks, scabies, dirt, trellises, roofs, turrets, thatching, couch, dais, throne, mechanism on the top of a well for drawing water, a group of stars or celebrities, width or breadth or length, a dimension or aspect or an angle, the middle, something transient, an errand, a gain or benefit, something extensive or far reaching, approaching on a road front, a cloud traversing the sky, ready subject, butt, obstacle, heights or uppermost parts or sections of things, facial features, mane of a horse, comb or crest of a bird, divinations, forecasts, predictions, prophesies, knowledge, socially recognised or social norms, traditions, customs, habits, laws, rule of law, plan, map, code of conduct, fragrance, perfumes, goodness, health, goodwill, well being, established principles, in succession, in a continuous series, thoughts and actions that ensure well being of oneself and others, a mountain or sand dune or a wall, advanced knowledge of or about something, mound of grain, great inundation, dam built across a valley, multitude, strength, violence, something evil or harmful and destructive, tree bark, a mole rat, great flood, loop or something alike, handle, hold, grip, bond, buttonhole or something like a buttonhole, link, connection, joint, network, contact, hook, latch, extreme coldness, forlorn camels, remote open expanse of land, treeless area, nakedness, barren or barren land or a person who cannot bare a child, power, might, downpour, heavy rain or shower, unarmed person, loner, weakness, a secluded place or a place far removed from the rest, left-handedness, pecuniary hardship, something trying or distressing, adversity, poverty, wretchedness, stinginess, something grievous, wolf, hunting dog, honey, one’s own family or clan or tribe or friends or associates or circle of friends, something to which someone belongs in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, cohabitation, house companion or house mate, relative, wife or husband, kinsfolk, community, a very small amount, bad eyesight, inability to see at night, evening, darkness, the first part of the night marked by the disappearance of the twilight zone, tendons, bands or gangs, company of people, state of togetherness, partnership, prejudice, something difficult or trying or testing, something grim or gloomy or depressing, something critical or pivotal, time, age, era, period, the afternoon, hurricane, whirlwind, cyclone, whirlpool, rain clouds, something that drowns or ruins or destroys or devastates, something that confuses or causes chaos or disorder or anarchy, wringers, rain-bearing or rain carrying clouds, chaff, straw, dried herbage, ears of corn, storm, dry leaves or blades, neckband or fetters, necklace, something that goes around the neck, collar or dog collar, wrist, bonds, adherence to friendships, marriage ties or links or bonds, stick, crook, rod, sceptre, staff, upper arm, cooperation, door stop, food, fodder, muscle, a problem, a puzzle, something acute, falsehood, lies, something untrue or not true, different types, magic spell, side of the body, coats, robes, creeper plants, layers, stories, stages, steps, ranks, degrees, organisation, arrangement, a bone or bones, dust, genie, giant, demon, hair, a powerful person, an adversary or opponent, an influential person, an expert or master in one’s field, the small amount of milk that is left in the udder of a female animal after feeding its young, austerity, modesty, chastity, wasteland, surplus or spare, heels, eagle, result, outcome, consequence, obstacle, posterity, descendants, retribution, difficult uphill track, steep mountain track, ultimate result or outcome, sequel, the end or end result of, assessor or quality controller, the one who decides whether something should be accepted or rejected for some end goal or purpose, attendants perpetually acting in succession one after the other, knot, tangle, stoppage, the main part of one’s dwelling, real estate, landed property, residence, furniture, medicine, cure, remedy, medication, halter, brain, intelligence, rational person, a person who can think with logical consistency, blood money, head of a group, fine woman, futile, gibberish, dryness, blood clot, morsel of food, treasure, clinging clotted mass, a lump of chewed flesh or something alike, a leach or something like a leech in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, mark, sign, flag, label, brand, a notch, harelip, cognition, a learned or knowledgeable person, a scholar, the world, the universe, the whole or entire creation, the one taught or tutored, everyone or everybody or all, kingdoms, humankind, tops or extras or additional, records, book, accounts, pole, pillar, column, buttress, baluster, post, pier, obelisk, lofty structure or monument, monolith, beam, building supported on a colonnade, something to depend or rely upon, chief or master or lord or ruler or leader or guide or head or top man of a people, time, age, life, life-span, period or passage of time, a haunted house, headgear, a subgroup of a tribe, depth, distant road, something deep, maker, doer, work, action, activity, deed, practice, labour, achievement, profession, accomplishment, representative, conduct, behaviour, turban, encompassing, general, common, the common people, public at large, masses, perplexity, confusion, blindness, unchartered lands, newly discovered places, thick black rain clouds, grapes or vine or wine or something alike, a mountain which is difficult to climb, side, location, being at a point in time or place, obstinacy, neck, notables, legendary bird or the phoenix, spider or something like spider, worms that infest honeycomb, covenant, pact, contract, pledge, promise, purity, safe conduct, an agreed time, a known place, a time of past occasion or experience, wool dyed in several colours, multicoloured wool, broken branches that are still attached to the tree, ivory, stick, rod, branch of a tree, anniversary, feast or festive day, festival, something that keeps coming back again and again or repeatedly, hideout, refuge, sanctuary, roof over head, a breathing space, a safe place for resting and recouping lost energy, room for manoeuvre, secret hiding place, amulet, charm, incantation, a tight circle, harmful or destructive word or deed or belief or practice or thought or action, something to be kept from the eye, to turn the blind eye, unchartered road, a new avenue, parts of the human body which should hidden from the unwelcomed eyes, private parts, time of privacy or place of privacy or both, obstacle, obstruction, barrier, dam, partition, wall, barricade, blockage, hurdle, impediment, impedance, resistance, opposition, year or a year, herd of zebras, tall palm tree, large sack or bag or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, bag for holding clothes and other belonging, a bag of something, a bag of tricks, a bag full of things needed for something, bosom, confidant, donkey zebra, pupil of the eye, vagabond, caravan, camels or caravan of camels, infamy, pack or herd of animals, camels of good stock, camel breeding, camel colour or yellowish white colour, life style, way of living, mode of living, state of living, standard of living or living standard, economy or economics or economic system, life and living, things that have something to do with life and living, working or toiling for living, livelihood or a livelihood or a living, victuals, means of subsistence or sustenance, children, family, eyesight, group of brothers, flowing water, incurable disease, fatigue, riddle, inability to express oneself, to be incapable of acting in a certain way, to be incapable of being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become dumbfounded, to lack the ability or strength to complete a task, to be ineffectual, to have large beautiful eyes, to give the evil eye, to ascertain or confirm or make sure or ensure, to be or become impoverished, to be in need or want or be needy or poor, to be in poverty or straitened conditions or circumstances, to walk with a conceited gait, to be conceited, to be poor, to be dependent, to be underfed or malnourished, to have many or too many children, to make one’s home in a particular place or with a particular person, to earn one’s living, to work for living, to labour for living or livelihood, to loan or borrow, to exchange insults, to measure, to give a slip to, to run away or escape, to render defective, to damage or harm or break or cause to be faulty or defective, to work together in harmony by organising and regulating into a company or community, to help or assist one another or cooperate with each other or complement each other, to be middle aged, to be in a middle state, to run or run fast, to swim or float, to hire on yearly basis, to be prejudiced or biased, to be reliable or dependable, to increase, to have a large number of children, to be unjust, to incapacitate or disable or disarm, to hinder or impede or resist or prevent or hold back, to delay or suspend or put back or postpone, to loan or be loaned, to borrow, to fall prey, to go on a new road or discover a new path, to be an infamous person, to suffer from blemish, to be defective or faulty or damaged or incomplete or imperfect, to be vulnerable, to be one-eyed or lose an eye, to draw attention to protection of God by way of his guidance, to be in protection of God by following his guidance or his advised way of life, to place under the protection or patronage or guardianship of, to seek protection of God from all problem of life and living by understanding and adopting the way of life advised by God, to take refuge in guidance of God by understanding it properly and following it faithfully, to invoke the protection of, to seek refuge or sanctuary or shelter, to be brought back, to reproduce, to restore or bring back or recover or send back, to go back to a previous state, to turn into, to change or change to or into or become, to repeat or do again, to be or become accustomed to, to accrue, to rescind, to distort, to stray or wander off or slip away, to peak, to jut up, to lean to or divert or pervert, to be moulded or twisted or bent around, to be curved, to relax, to make a covenant with, to charge or order or command, to look for, to inspect or examine, to enjoin, to bow or kneel, to become servile, to show interest, to take as a captive or prisoner of war, to take or take by force, to show humility or humble oneself or be lowly or submissive, to yield or surrender or accept defeat or be humble or subservient, to be twisted almost into the shape of a ram’s horns, to struggle or strive or make effort, to wrestle, to twist the neck, to hug, to be or become hostile or tyrannical, to be or become headstrong, to oppose stubbornly, to encounter hardship or poverty or difficulty, to be finicky, to be fastidious, to be overbearing, to be or become blind to the truth, to be mysterious, to cause to be or become blind, to fail to find the way, to be enigmatic, to be foolish or ignorant, to be or become misguided or misled, to be or become obscure or hidden or concealed or covered up, to be or become blind, to wander about blindly, to suffer chaos or confusion or disorder or anarchy or be or become puzzled, to be or become perplexed or confused, to be or become strong, to be or become chief, to make, to do, to serve, to employ or use, to work or act or labour or toil, to grow bigger or fat or expand or inflate, to stretch or extend or elongate or enlarge, to contemplate or reflect or ponder, to deepen, to attend or tend or pay attention to, to be well kept, to cause to settle, to prepare people for some intended or specific purpose, to build or raise a building or a nation or community, to perform, to grant longevity to or cause to live beyond normal old age limit or for a very long time, to frequent, to maintain, to make habitable or liveable, to intend, to populate, to inhabit or reside or dwell, to educate or train, to civilise, to cultivate, to grow old, to live long, to prop up or make something stand up, to erect, to hold in upright or vertical position, to act purposefully or reasonably or sensibly or intentionally or deliberately, to be severely ill, to afflict with illness, to undertake, to approach, to intend, to stab in the part called the pillar of the stomach, to hang upon, to depend or rely or rest upon, to be predominant, to have superiority, to be eminent or pre-eminent, to be for above or beyond reach, to be despotic, to be in control, to be dominant, to prevail, to be covered or clothed, to gain supremacy, to be sublime, to gain control or conquer, to tower, to be lofty or high, to mount up, to reveal or make manifest or expose or publicise or broadcast or proclaim, to announce, to bring into the open, to be prudent, to be exact or specific, to be prescribed, to be appointed, to be assigned, to be capable of learning or teaching, to train or be trained, to teach or be taught, to come to realise or become aware of, to learn from life experiences, to come to believe, to have a particular skill or expertise, to mark or label or brand, to slit or cut or rip or tear, to be attached, to leave in suspense or cliff-hanger, to be suspended or hanged, to be secluded or prevented, to cleave to, to be or become fully committed to a task or mission or goal, to apply oneself singlemindedly to, to devote or dedicate or commit oneself to, to be constant, to cling to, to be curled or twisted or turned or bent or crooked, to be non-productive or destructive, to reason things out, to be sagacious, to be able to reason things out, to have intrinsic ability to think with logical consistency, to take precaution, to ransom, to judge as rational, to be unable to bear a child, to hamstrung, to be alcoholic, to be sterile, to be barren, to be savaged by an animal, to wound, to slay or kill by stabbing, to solemnise, to tie or tie up or tie a knot, to make a pact or alliance, to take an oath or pledge or make promise, to coagulate, to thicken, to reach or have or entre an agreement, to contract or shrink or retract or become smaller, to put or hook together or join or combine or link or connect, to complicate or make difficult or hard, to tie or bind, to pay back, to reward someone with, to cause something to happen to someone as a consequence of something, to be subjected to reprisals or revenge or retaliation, to gain war booty, to retaliate or take reprisals, to retaliate or have one’s turn, to turn on one’s heels or return or go back, to detain or arrest or imprison or restrain or restrict, to interlace or intertwine or complement or harmonise or integrate or make things work together as a unit, to avenge oneself, to repair or mend or fix or put right, to turn back, to dig out or search out, to investigate or try to find out or explore or discover or uncover, to arrive at the heel of, to have something spare or surplus, to be exempted from, to absolve or pardon or waive, to seek one’s livelihood, to grow or increase or multiply in number, to be in good health, to achieve or accomplish without toil or labour or hard work, to relieve, to set free or forgo or let go or release or forgive, to grow thick hair, to grow wildly, to restrain oneself from acting wrongfully for self gratification or pleasure, to guard one’s righteousness or innocence or chastity, to check oneself against temptation or from succumbing to the temptation of committing desirable but otherwise wrong act, to refrain from committing harmful or destructive or unlawful or illegal or immoral or shameful acts, to be a meagre quantity, to suckle a small amount of milk left in the udder of a female animal, to defeat or overcome, to rub in the dust, to dust, to be important or notable, to be severe, to make great or magnify, to consider something too great to attempt, to be in awe of, to honour or respect or revere, to be immense or magnificent or majestic, to be something that gives something its shape or form or character or feature, to a structure or infrastructure, to be a skeleton or a sketch or an outline or blue print, to respect, to observe, to try to dominate, to be round or arrogant or haughty, to measure up to, to venerate, to be or become powerful or great or grand, to bone, to rush, to become bold, to give one another something, to take hold of, to commit, to practice or engage in certain kind of work, to dare, to deal with, to grant or donate or give away freely or gift, to give or offer, to be deserted, to render useless, to cause to be dysfunctional, to be unattached, to be without a leader, to be idle or cause to be unemployed or without work or employment, to be unrecognisable, to be featureless or have no character, to be without jewellery or entourage, to be unequipped, to be unprepared or not ready, to be without make up or unarmed, to beseech or implore or plead with, to show kindness, to incline towards, to make layers or decks or floors, to fold or bend or double, to distribute or share or scatter or disperse or divide, to dismember or separate limb from limb or take something apart or dismantle or break or fragment, to gossip, to lie or slander or accuse falsely, to compel or force or push, to prevent or hinder or impede or resist or hesitate, to bite or bite on or into, to hold firmly or with the teeth, to be rebellious, to refuse or reject, to disobey or rebel or defy or mutiny, to gather a group of people together, to lean on a stick, to hit with a stick, to defend oneself, to muster self restraint, to anchor oneself to or ground oneself firmly, to hold fast, to give or take refuge, to put out of reach, to be stormy, to blow or blow away, to storm or rush in, to ripen, to squeeze life out of something, to make or extract juice or essence, to press, to be a contemporary, to be a creeper, to gang up, to be a fanatic, to be prejudiced, to stick or adhere to, to wind up or end or finish or conclude, to cover or wrap up or envelope, to fail to see or be blinded, to give or have a night meal, to make a distant light at night, to lack knowledge or be ignorant, to veer or move or shift go away or deviate or swerve from, to feel around aimlessly, to not be able to make proper sense of things during the time period of ignorance , to not be able to see in the dark, to be dim-sighted, house companion, to cohabit or reside or live with, to be with child, to mix with, to be on intimate terms, to live with, to be apprehensive, to expect or anticipate or look ahead or forward to, to hope or hope for, to deviate, to slip off, to sweeten with honey, to seep in, to infiltrate, to pull away, to clear away, to descend, to stalk, to seek or go after or follow or pursue, to hunt by night, to roam by night, to make it difficult for each other to come to an agreement, to block each other’s way, to be too difficult or troublesome for each other, to be stuck, to disagree or dispute, to track back, to attribute or ascribe or qualify with, to define or identify or specify or point out, to choose or have the choice, to have the resolve or willpower, to be determined or have the determination, to reach a decision, to be or become earnest, to be or become serious, to be decisive or resolute or stalwart, to decide, to intend or have the intention, to urge or motivate or inspire or drive or push or encourage, to become removed or distant or segregated or shut off or barred from, to distance oneself from, to separate oneself from to stand apart from, to keep away, to separate or set apart, to part from, to demote or sack or remove from the post or position or status, to set aside, to remove, to be of great concern, to be difficult or troublesome, to have some status, to be honourable or respected, to be a ruler or governor or chief, to feel pride or be proud, to exalt or give or attribute power to, to strengthen, to prevail over or get the better of, to be rare, to cooperate, to be consoled, to value highly, to be near to one’s heart, to be rough or raw or an unfinished or unprocessed product, to be impregnable or invincible, to honour, to be bad tempered, to be tough or hard, to apply corporal punishment, to censure, to forget about something, to slip off, to escape, to become distant, to adopt celibacy, to be a bachelor, to be without a spouse, to live at a distance or be distant, to move far away from inhabited area, to live apart from everyone, to evacuate or vacate or empty, to become emaciated, to be thin or have littler flesh on the bones, to strip off or be or become naked or without clothes or cover, to possess, top overcome or overcome with, to fail or let down, to desert or abandon or leave alone or forsake or give up, to come over or visit, to afflict, to befall, to have or get something under control, to get the hang of, to understand or comprehend, to grip or grasp or hold or handle or manage or seize, to strip meat off the bones, to be clear or manifest or plain or obvious, to be reasonable or be based upon solid and consistent logical reasoning, to be virtues or righteous, to be charitable or kind or generous or compassionate, to get to know each other or become acquainted with one another, to point out an error or accept the mistake, to take to task or hold accountable or responsible or liable, to confess or declare or profess, to tell or inform or make known or aware, to know or acknowledge or be familiar or known, to recognise, to shun or alienate or exclude, to let be or do or have or use, to overlook or be overlooked or rejected or ignored, to show or expose or demonstrate or put on display or view, to insinuate, to hint or give a clue, top happen accidently, to accost, to occasion, to reject, to match up, to barter or trade or exchange or replace or give or take one thing for another, to contrast, to offer or be offered or presented or exhibited, to review, to widen or broaden, to erect trellis, to thatch, to roof, to build or erect or construct, to be a beggar, to feel or cause to feel guilty, to seek alms or help for livelihood, to seek hospitality, to be needy, to be of bad character, to be or become exposed, to disgrace or put to shame, to go up by way of a ladder, to call upon, to zigzag, to ascend or rise or climb or go upwards, to be lame or walk with limp, to put things right, to express oneself fluently or articulately or persuasively or forcefully or gracefully or purposefully or meaningfully or clearly in all modes of expressions, to correct someone, to be eloquent, to speak out or express one’s thoughts clearly, to dispute, to give false excuses, to offer or come up with the missing information for solving a problem or difficulty, to explain or justify or even out, to give or make excuse, to apologise, to become difficult or hard or troublesome, to excuse or accept justification or let go or forgive or pardon, to cleanse or filter or purify or wash, to hold accountable or liable or responsible for something, to chastise, to torment, to oppress or suppress or repress, to inflict harm or destruction, to not be able to eat due to extreme thirst, to torture or punish or make one suffer pain, to remove or deny sweet water, to be agreeable or palatable, to be fresh, to be sweet or pleasant, to censure, to sanction, to blame, to be hostile, to assail, to charge or raid or ambush, to commit perjury, to act unlawfully or illegally or against the constitution or agreement or promise or an undertaking or pledge, to commit aggression, to assault or insult or attack, to exchange hostility, to treat or take as an enemy, to feud with, to transgress or overstep the limit, to abandon or leave alone or forsake or ignore or neglect or forget about, to violate a set limit or an agreement, to boycott or isolate, to infect, to pass, to run, to cross from one side to the other, to consider or deem or think or assume or suppose, to cause to be properly or well proportioned, to put things right so that they work properly as they are supposed to for a set purpose, to cause to be straight or upright, to deviate or turn away, to pair one thing with another for complementing each other, to compensate or compensate one thing with another, to offer as an equivalent, to act equitably or justly or fairly, to consider worthy or be considered worthy, to value or be valued, to change one’s mind, to harmonise things for working together properly, to match or put things together in such a way that they end up functioning properly for fulfilling a set task or goal or mission, to be of impeccable character, to be temperate, to be straight or upright, to reach the happy medium by adjusting things as required for a purpose, to complement one thing with another in order to make something complete, to even out, to reach equilibrium, to be just or carry out or deliver justice, to distribute a load on a group of people in such a way that it is properly proportioned for each carrier of the load according to his or her ability, to be just or fair, to be properly balanced or symmetrical, to be equal to, to go far or travel far and wide, to walk with vigour, to be the one who keeps a count or an account of or about something, to the last one, to demand fulfilment or completion of a task or contract, to observe or wait for a set period of time in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to compound, to cause to increase, to take for or count among, to consider or think about or pay attention to or take into account, to get ready or prepare, to be reckoned or faced with, to be plenty of or be available in abundance, to count or number or enumerate or reckon or telly, to test by biting on or experimenting, to speak in the language of senseless animals rather than in the language of sensible human beings, to speak in a foreign or logically inconsistent language, to not able to explain things clearly or plainly, to be an uncivilised or uncultured person, to be a beast of burden or an animal, to be dumb, to be foreign or non-Arab, to be impatient or lacking capability of waiting, to desire the leadership or speed of, to expedite, to act ahead of required or specified time, to hurry or be in a harry, to lead or make one lead or be a leader, to make one come before another in time or position or place or order, to give something to someone in advance in anticipation of something , to hurry up or away from a task leaving it incomplete or unfulfilled, to cause to haste or be hastened or rushed or caused to speed up or make hurry up, to go in haste or in a rush or in a hurry, to be miserly or niggardly or covetous or greedy or jealous, to encounter hardship or difficulty or poverty, to refrain from eating, to emaciate or be emaciated or thin or lean, to be above the law, to be beyond reach or untouchable, to prove others less capable or incapable altogether, to fight in a contest with someone to show someone is less capable than the contender, to be contentious , to fall outside capability of , to frustrate or be frustrated, to fail or cause to be a failure, to be weak or weakened, to be impotent or unable to carry out something, to be or become powerless, to be or become incapable of, to fail to act, to outdo or outperform or outstrip or out-class someone or something, to grow old, to fail to perform, to hang back, to satisfy, to make a great impression upon, to impress or be impressed, to please or be pleased, to be surprised, to deem strange or extraordinary or improbable or impossible to explain, to admire or cause to like or adore, to go wild or haywire, to cause harm or destruction or corruption or mischief or act in a harmful or destructive way, to slip or trip, to cause to stumble upon or come across, to find or cause to find, to be found or discovered, to rage against, to be fierce or brutal, to be unruly or rebel against, to commit excesses, to violate bounds of propriety, to behave arrogantly, to be inform, to reach very old age, to dry up, to off mutinous opposition, to be disobedient or rebellious, to be excessively fierce or arrogant or violent or aggressive, to cast away or kick out or throw out violently, to drag violently or drag and cast away violently, to be old or ancient, to be in prime state or condition, to mature, to go or become free or gain freedom, to set free or let go or release, to be at hand, to treasure or have or keep in store for, to equip or arm or adorn or ornament or decorate, to prepare or make ready or be ready, to be asked to explain a mistake to be granted forgiveness, to seek permission to make changes or amendments, to seek or ask for a chance to explain oneself, to seek forgiveness or pardon, to explain oneself, to be or become provoked, to have bone to pick with someone, to reprove or reproach or rebuke, to be angry or enraged, to be poetic, to be genius or talented, to be poor, to be unwelcoming or dingy or awful or terrible or deplorable, to be austere, to look stern, to frown, to be dismal or depressed or gloomy or bleak or grim or dispirited or desolate, to be soiled, to put in touch or contact, to build bridges, to mend the broken relationship, to bridge the gap, to be skilled or experienced, to be a master or an expert in something, to have or gain mastery over something, to connect or lion two sides by way of a bridge, to go from one side to the other by some ways or means, to cross a bridge, to pass by or through, to consider, to take heed or learn a lesson, to have a vision or dream or ambition or plan, to see or look or view or imagine or visualise, to perceive or comprehend or understand, to think or reflect or contemplate or ponder over, to explain or detail a plan, to interpret a dream or turn a dream or an idea into a reality, to traverse, to enslave, to tar a boat, to tan a camel hide, to adore, to lack reason or purpose for doing something or do something without any reason or purpose, to, to act in vanity, to act in jest or joke, to play around, to act frivolously, to commit a folly, to waste time in useless activity, to advocate or promote or propagate, to be solicitous about, to concern oneself with, to pack, to have capability to be or do or have or use something, to get ready or prepare, to groom or cultivate or civilise or train or educate or culturize or customise or mould according to a civilisation or culture or society, to guard or imprison or confine or restrict or constrain or limit, to know or have the knowledge or be aware or alert or attentive, to have reach or jurisdiction or control or grip or grasp over, to be active or lively, to spy or keep an on eye on or lookafter or take care or protect or shield or preserve or save or rescue or defend or shade, to shadow, to assist or aid or help or support or back up or reinforce, to cry or shed tears or grieve or be sad or unhappy or sorrowful or regretful or in tears, to be hurt or injured or wounded or harmed physically or mentally, to deceive or cheat or mislead or misguide or misinform or disinform or con or trick, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter AIN see word AIN or root AIN, YAA and NOON.

Letter GHAIN means tall and narrow column or something like tall and narrow column in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, Also a tall and narrow structure or building or something like a tall and narrow structure or building in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be thin and lofty, dust or something like dust, cloud of dust or something like cloud of dust in some sense, smoke or mist or steam, poverty or famine or devastation or destruction or disaster or calamity or catastrophe, twister, something twisted or bent or turned or moulded or modelled around or crooked or deceptive or tricky, wrapper or covering or shelter or protection, chaos or confusion or lawlessness or disorder or anarchy, scum or debris, puddle of rainwater, heavy rain, time between breaking of dawn and rising of the sun, the setting of the sun or evening, the future, west, illusion, fondness, gazelle or sheep or goat or something alike or similar in some sense, spindle or yarn, evening dusk or haziness, extreme cold, darkness of the night, puss or fluid, large crowd of people, extreme thirst, lack things of need, treachery or animosity, beautiful women or boys, lowlands, valley, distress or anguish or sadness or grief or anxiety, spoils of war or war booty or loot or plunder, robbery, depth or bottom or valley or lowlands or abyss, gulf or gap or cave, darkness or darkness of ignorance, lack of knowledge, stubbornness or arrogance, absent or invisible or inconsistent or disconnected or unforeseen or concealed, something unknowable or beyond understanding or comprehension, something unknowable before time, herbage or pasture, thicket or bush, goat with twisted horns or something like goat with twisted horn in some sense, twisted rope or something like twisted rope in some sense. earth, previous time, dust covering, layer of dust, mutual forgetfulness or neglection of each other, debris, scum, dry vegetation, flotsam, wanting to vomit, puddles of rainwater, long plaited locks of hair, great volume of water, heavy rain, fertile land, comfortable or easy or luxurious living, generosity of character, something abundant or plentiful, copious, time between the breaking of dawn and the rising of the sun, the morrow or tomorrow or the day after today or the present day, future or in the future, hereafter, the early hours, the act of going out, the outward trip, the morning, midday meal, sunset, setting of the sun, the west, the direction in which the sun disappears in the evening on the earth, the time or the place at which the sun becomes invisible when it appears to be falling below horizon in the evening, time or place or times and places of sunset, something or someone strange, a stranger, someone or something foreign, a foreigner, outsider, something that is taken as impure or unclean, something that adulterates something if allowed to add with or into something, something excluded, something obscure or concealed or unfamiliar or unrecognised, nomad, immigrant, someone from outside, someone or something not belonging to or with someone or something as part of it, something marvellous or wonderful, something puzzling or confusing, something doubtful in its origin or existence or behaviour or action, obscure words, words meanings of which are unclear, high sea waves, crow, clack men, foreign or obscure people, times and places of setting of stars, times when and places where celebrities become obscure, times and places at which well known people become unfamiliar or unrecognisable, times and places at which highly famous or celebrated people become unknown or their fame disappears, westerly, of or belonging to the west, black or jet back colour, raven, white spot of face of a horse, first day of the month, blank, ladle, scoop, well with water almost in level with its mouth, room above ground level, places of honour, elevated positions, fast moving camels, loss, financial liability one takes upon oneself, lasting torment, aching love, fondness, heart, scorching heat, constant and severe torment, clinging, lasting, permanent, liability, unjust fine or penalty or debt, unjustly incurred debt or liability, glue, adhesive, something that sticks or attaches or joins something with, something alluring or tempting or enticing, spindle, yarn, spun yarn, courtship, gazelle, spinning, sense, significance, invader or the one who invades territory of others, evening, dusk, darkness of the night, bright red colour or something alike, extreme coldness, pus, foul fluid, washing, bathing, dirty water left after washing, washed clothes, bath, washing place, filth, dirt, rubbish, waste, reject, refuse, left over, bathing water, euphemism for mating with a female, something that covers or overwhelms, an overwhelming calamity or catastrophe or disaster or devastation or destruction, veil, cover, protruding rock, weak eyesight, barrier, barricade, wall, hurdle, opposition, partition, separation, isolation, helmet, cloak, large crowd of people, forgiveness, large increase in wealth, metal head cover for protection during war, extreme thirst, shackles, fetters, collars, treachery, animosity, hatred, son, youth, boy, beautiful woman, lust, manservant, slave, rashness of youth, a type of perfume, act of boiling, open wasteland, tumultuous sea, grudge, ordinary people, oblivion, inundation, flood of water, deluge, turbulences, instabilities, throes, nudge, wink, squeeze, dimple, weaknesses, faults, defects, blemishes, clouds, anxiety, stress or distress, worry, concern, anguish, sadness, unhappiness, grief, sorrow, hurt, thick clouds, sheep, goats, gains, spoils of war, booty or war booty, plunder, loot, stolen goods or property, depth, bottom, valley, lowlands, cave or cavern or something like cave in some sense, a place full of intertwined trees, a hollow low place in the open ground, ghoul, troll, adder, snake, serpent or something alike, inebriation, darkness, a hole in the ground dug up as a trap for wolves, those in error or gone astray, the known, the unseen, the invisible or hidden, the future, depth of a wall, setting of the sun or the moon or the stars, falling of the celebrities from position of fame and stardom, deep bottom, hidden depth, rain, herbage, pasture, without, den, thicket, bush, to irritate, to incense, to be ire, to be furious, to be wrathful, to gall, to vex, to enrage or provoke, to infuriate, to anger, to make or cause top subside, to be made to sink into the earth, to be or become absorbed, to fail to grow or progress or prosper, to fall short of or not be sufficient, to shrink or contract or become smaller, to diminish, to abate or subside or settle or calm down, to dwindle, to recede, to differ or be different from, to effect or cause change, to be zealous, to alter or modify or change or interchange or replace or trade, to be given rain, to rain, to accuse falsely, to gossip, to slander or backbite, to travel in the folds of the earth, to be doubtful, to be absent or not present, to delude, to tempt or lure or entice, to lead away from the right path, to suffer from stomach troubles, to go astray, to become bloated from drinking too much milk, to err or stray from the right path to a destination, to mislead or misguide or deceive, to lure, to deprive one of his reason or ground for something, to take away one’s ability to reason, to seize, to use ideas or substances that effect mind or judgement, to intoxicate, to deprive of reason, to devour, to stab in the back, to kill by stealth, to relieve oneself, to go deep in or under the ground, to explore, to go on a mission of discovery, to look or search for something, to try to discover or uncover something , to try to find something, to go deep, to dig or dig deeper, to make a dive for, to be a diver, to dive for pearls, to dive or dive under water or dive in the air, to sink in the ground, to enter or go deep in water , to go in haste or hurry, to be covetous or jealous, to raid or attack, to disappear or vanish or become invisible, to sink, to reach the bottom, to cry to someone for help, to succour, to bail out or relieve, to call or cry for help or assistance or support or backing, to go or come to the aid of, to take the place of another, to have no need or want, to do without, to occupy attention of, to protect from or defend against, to suffice in the place of something else, to avail or be of use or cause to be of use, to enable someone to be or become self sufficient, to free someone from need by fulfilling one’s need, to dwell or reside or stay, to be in existence, to flourish or prosper or grow, to be full of flowering plants and trees, to sing, to be beautiful without the use of cosmetics, to enrich, to be rich, to be self sufficient, to be free from need or want, to be independent, to be able to be or do or have or use something without the need of help from anyone else, to take as spoils of war, to avail oneself an opportunity for being or doing or having or using something, to acquire something as booty, to gain without trouble or causing trouble, to acquire sheep or goat, to be source of ambiguity or confusion, to mumble, to be incomprehensible, to examine carefully, to lower the price of goods due to their inferior quality, to go where no one has gone before for exploration of discovering things, to travel through unchartered land, to be or become obscure, to close one’s eyes, to sleep, to nudge one another, to wink at one another, to probe an animal for defects, to examine, to be adventurous, to boil, to exceed the norms or limits of propriety, to value highly, to be expensive, to go too high, to run too fast, to be excessive, to be in rage, to exceed the limits or boundaries, to be lustful, to be young, to put on collar, to fetter, to have bitterness or hatred or rancour towards, to be tied up or shackled or immobilised, to bind or tie up, to cheat or defraud, to earn, to produce, to purloin, to confiscate, to shackle, to bar from drinking, to shut several things, to shut tightly, to be dumbfounded, to be impatient, to shut or close or lock, to seal or seal up or block or stop or prevent, to be mighty, to be formidable, to be solemn, to be or become callous or heartless or inhumane, to be or become thick or firm or strong or stern, to be firm or solid or stable, to be severe or harsh, to be gross, to be thick, to be luscious or abound in trees thick with branches full of leaves, to be subdued, to vanquish, to triumph or be victorious, to be or become defeated, to defeat or humble or yield, to be full of thick trees, to prevail over, to be leafy and full of branches, to be thick and long, to be unwary, to be innocent, to cause to neglect or overlook or make oblivious, to become inattentive or heedless, to be of low birth, to be anonymous, to be unmarked, to be simple, to be distracted, to overlook or forget, to ignore or avoid or neglect or forsake or abandon, to have necessities of life in abundance or plentiful, to have a easy or luxurious life, to invoke forgiveness, to seek or ask for forgiveness, to release or relieve, to forgive or pardon or set free or let go or overlook, to be or become overbearing, to become full, to travel through the land, to be difficult or hard or problematic or troublesome, to be or become dark or cause to be or become dark or make dark, to cast down, to lower one’s voice, to check, to be modest, to show humility, to cast one’s eyes down, to be affluent, to be young, to be soft, to be tender, to be contentious, to break ties with others, to be subjected to wrath or condemnation, to be wrathful, to condemn or reject or refuse to accept, to swell, to have severe eruption of smallpox, to frown, to be or become angry or outraged or provoked, to be brought to the point of choking, to be or become densely packed in a place, to be crowded, to choke, to scrape hair off the skin by sheer force, to rape, to take by force, to extort, to search or reach for some means of covering up or wrapping up oneself, to cause to overcome or become covered up, to cover up completely, to lose consciousness or become unconscious or unaware or not be alert or attentive, to be or become covered up, to move ahead of or lag behind, to overtake or take control over, to enshroud, to visit frequently, to seek cover or try to cover up, to faint, to overcome or overpower or overwhelm or encompass or surround, to cover or cover up or wrap up or veil or stand in for or defend or guard or protect or preserve or save or rescue or hide or conceal, to bathe, to wash or wash oneself or something else, to act ignorantly or arrogantly or stubbornly, to enter into the darkness, to pour out, to water or irrigate, to participate in a military campaign, to carry out an offensive or a military offensive, to invade a territory, to strive, to seek something, to intend, to spin a web of lies around something to make it appear as the truth, to build a false reputation around someone or something, to give something a spin to make it appear what it is not or better than what it actually is, to spin, to urge or push or encourage or inspire or motivate someone to take action against someone, to tempt or attract, to stir up, to incite or rouse against, to wonder, to be left with heavy loss or debt or liability, to incur debt as a result of helping others, to be against, to be opponent or opposition, to be in debt, to be or become submerged, to do something violently or forcefully or strongly or energetically, to engross, to be preoccupied , to go to the extreme or all the way, to sink or dip or drown or cause to submerge, to, to scoop water up with hand or something, to draw water with one’s hands, to have illusion or false image about oneself or others, to beguile, to falsely embolden, to cause to think lightly of, to delude, to cause someone to have false idea about oneself, to cause to be vain or conceited, to suffer from self deception or delusion, to conceit, to lull into false security or give false sense of security, to make vain promises, to deceive or cheat or trick, to be untrained or inexperienced, to be gullible or easily fooled or taken advantage of, to be ignorant or simple minded or foolish or stupid, to be of clear complexion, to be blank, to vanish or disappear or become invisible or hidden, to set, to migrate, to be or become stranger, to leave home, to travel westward, to go or travel towards west, to go in the early hours of the morning, to do things during the time of breaking dawn and rising of the sun, to go away or depart from, to double cross, to leave behind or out or exclude, to try to outdo each other in being or doing or having or using something for ensuring well being of each other or ensuring harm or destruction of each other, to enter a bickering context against each other, to try to dominate or influence each other or one another, to undermine or seek or try to undermine each other or run each other down, to deceive each other or one another, to deceive or seek to or attempt to deceive, to weaken, to be lacking in sound judgement, to forget, to depart, to remain or stay behind or sit back, to gather dust, to deviate or stray or transgress or commit aggression, to be criminal or wicked, to inflict harm or destruction or damage, to rebel or go against or beyond limits, to be lacking in judgement, to deceive or cheat or make fool of, to forget or ignore or avoid or neglect, to be foolish or inexperienced or untrained or uncivilised or not groomed or prepared, to scoop water up, to drown or submerge or dip or drench, to be in debt, to glue or stick or cling, to tempt or incite or entice or rouse or ensnare or lure, to spin, to strive or seek or invade, to wash or clear dirt, to conceal or hide, to fall unconscious or lose awareness or attention or faint, to be overcome or overwhelmed, to take by force or extort, to distort, to be angry, to frown, to be affluent, to be young, to be tender, to veil, to be dark or cause to be dark, to become full, to forgive, to be full of branches, to be thick and long, to defeat or triumph or win over or be victorious over, to be gross or strong or thick, to be firm, to seal, to close or shut, to shackle, to confiscate or defraud, to be excessive, to grudge, to squeeze, to examine, to probe for defects, to be obscure, to acquire, to be able to do something without others, to call for help or to go for help, to disappear, to dive under water, to dig, to kill by stealth, to deprive or intoxicate, to go where no one has gone before, to travel through unchartered land or explore new things or go on a mission of discovery, to examine carefully, to be incomprehensible, to be a strange character, to take away by force, to impose upon, to control, to be on one’s own or be abandoned or forsaken, to not to need anyone for one’s existence, to be independent, to be self reliant or self sufficient, to call for assistance or go to the aid of, to sink in or sink in the ground, to disappear or vanish, to go under water, to dive into the sea of knowledge, to kill by deception or stealth, to intoxicate with something in some sense, to be mad with power, to over flow or cause flooding, to dig a ditch or hole in some sense for some purpose, to lure or mislead or seduce or err or stray, to vanish or disappear, to rain, to relieve or ease, to modify or change or interchange or replace or alter, to envy or be jealous or zealous, to be without, to exclude, to do without, to abate or dwindle or recede or diminish or shrink, to fail or fall short of, to fail to grow or prosper, to rage or enrage or infuriate or incense or vex or be angry or furious. to search or reach for something, to visit frequently, to suffer an overwhelming calamity or disaster or catastrophe, to wrap up or cover up or envelope, to hide or conceal, to keep secret, to deceive, to cheat, to bend something round or around something, to mould or shape, to trick, to entangle or trap etc etc.

Letter FAA means mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some for some reason or purpose, gap, gulf, distance or difference or separation between things, dispute or dissention or rift or disagreement, edge, border line or boundary, scatter, spread, broadcast, distribution, dispersion, oven, raging core of an oven, throbbing of the heart, mind, intellect, power of discernment, innermost secrets, party, company, organisation, family, clan, tribe, community, association, circle, group or group of people, faction, portion, army, fighting company, host, aperture, space, room, chamber, key, conquest, victory, triumph, win, breakthrough, weakness, interval or break or interruption or a period between two events, onset of intoxication, twine, cord, thin rope, string, thread, a cord like fibre found in the groove of a date stone, treachery, defection, desertion, youthfulness, youth, vigour, counsel, young man, male servant or slave, female servant or slave or assistant or helper or aide, wide open space situated in a hilly area, wide path situated in the valley between high mountains, sound or movement made by a frightened ostrich, unripenness or fruits and vegetables, mountain pass, ravine, dawn, libertine, dawn light, a clear hole in the wall, open space, a buffer zone, an interface, an opening from where things are brought in or let out, mouth, window, door, gate, controlled entry or exit, entry or exit control, input or output, inlet or outlet, way through, a way to or into something or through something, lewdness, homosexuality, scandal, fired earthenware, sweet tasting water, dung, faeces, emptying out the content of a sack or a belly, that which is between the legs of a human or between the hind legs of an animal, an opening, euphemism for the sexual organs of the two sexes, sexual organs, the private parts, hole, flaw, odd number, solitary, childless, singly, paradise, a favoured part of a place or rank or position, place of refuge or shelter or sanctuary, a place to which one escapes or flees or runs away, beating of wings, spreading of wings, butterfly, moths, bedding, furnishing, couches, nest, bed, wife, husband, mate, obligation, enforcement, absence, appointed measure, something made obligatory, something apportioned by law, the upper part or section of something, branches, sagacity, intelligence, crocodile, the prominent house or household, the most important house or household, palace, house of a king or ruler or chief, the top most house or household, the most powerful house or household, wasteland, emptiness, width, opening between the front teeth, side, aspect, angle, point of view, severance, boycott, some or some of, the criterion or standard or reference point for distinguishing between truth and falsehood or right or wrong, the Quraan, forgery, calumny, false representation, clear open space, physical damage or destruction, corruption, disorder, lawlessness, scarcity of goods or services, something that comes out of another, heresy, sectarianism, a part that separates from the main thing or the whole, someone or something that breaks away or rebels, breaking of the dawn light, distance or potential difference between two things, barrier, partition, divide, piece, the nearest or dearest, kinsfolk, subtribe, one after the other, successively or in succession, something that happens over a period of time, layers of rock lying one on top of another, rock breakage, silver, remnant or remaining part, extra part, virtue, favour, high rank or position, idle curiosity, bounty, free gift, benefit, munificence, compassion, merit, charity, fungi, nature, instinct, the genesis or origin of creation, the original natural state of things in existence, the way the things naturally exist, raw materials in their natural states of existence, things as created by God in their simplest or basic states to evolve or develop from their simple states to sophisticated and more complex states of existence, nature of things, natural disposition, things in their unadulterated or undisturbed form, materials in their unprocessed forms or shapes, thick or tarnished matter taken from the belly of a camel, vertebra, breaking of vertebra, calamity, disaster, devastation, catastrophe, want, truffle, brightness of white or yellow, thought, idea, contemplation, tiller of the land or cultivator of plants, star orbit, sea wave, sea faring ships or vessels, shipping in general, boats, ark, round and flat hillocks, rounded breasts, buttocks, branches of a tree, locks of hair, variety, type, variation on a theme, types of expression, people of various backgrounds, large open courtyard, mortal, subject to death, bound to die, something perishable, disparity, clearing between two heights, waft of fragrance, crowd, drove, multitude, immediacy, haste, the present time, perilous desert, a place of danger or safety, gaining, success, achievement, a distance far enough from danger, period of time within the span of one night, the time between two milkings of a she-camel in a single session, plants, wheat, ears of corn, chickpeas, bread, grains in general, garlic or something like garlic in some sense, mouth, the first part of a road or river or valley, gluttony, shade, the movement of shade, spoils from battle, taxation, flock of birds, company of people or fighting force, large mass of water, people moving in great numbers, weakness of the body, lack of wisdom, elephant or something like elephant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give bad counsel or advice or wrong guidance, to rebuke or reproach, to actively engage in something, to move en masse, to surge, to speak at length, to overflow, to change sides or make something change sides, to make something move from side to side, to cast something from one side to the other, to grant as spoils of war, to recover from the anger, to take shelter in the shade, to return, to speak out, to utter by mouth, to bake, to delay or suspend, to postpone, to pause, to recover, to come round, to gasp, to hiccup, to regain consciousness, to surpass or excel, to gain on, to reach the top or summit, to commit to, to entrust something to, to make clear the discourse, to consult, to exchange ideas, to negotiate, to be disorderly or lawless, to authorise, to submit to, to be a winner, to achieve one’s goal, to attain one’s desire, to blaze forth, to make the atmosphere or environment intense or uncomfortable, to increase temperature, to heave, to swell, to increase in intensity or severeness or seriousness, to raise the heat or heat up or become hotter, to erupt or burst with anger, to spread smells, to boil over, to be fat, to run fast, to run away, to be different, to not be similar or alike or equal, to pass away from, to ignore or avoid, to be flawed, to not be enough, to vary greatly, to escape the mind of, to escape the notice or attention of, to bypass, to expire, to perish or come to an end, to err, to fall into factions, to err, to refute, to lie, to become senile, to be of weak mind or body, to orbit or go around, to sprout, to show through, to cleft, to achieve one’s objective, to come to some good outcome or end result, to accomplish one’s goal or fulfil one’s mission, to mediate, to negotiate, to remain, to progress or prosper, to succeed or be successful, to plant, to cultivate, to eat fruit or enjoy fruit of one’s labour or hard work, to be free from strains, to rejoice beyond measure, to be happy or cheerful, to wail, to be shocked, to be gripped by remorse, to muse or bemused or wonder, to be regretful, to live in luxury, to enjoy good living or something, to be kindly, to have sense of humour, to jest or laugh at or make fun of, to produce plenty of milk or fruit, to leave off, to let go, to cease an action or stop doing something, to set free, to untie, to free from slavery or bondage, to dismantle or dissemble, to meditate, to think or ponder or reflect, to seek or pursue learning, to make effort or endeavour to gain understanding, to be aware or conscious of, to learn sense of making proper sense of things, to learn or acquire information and its understanding or knowledge, to understand or make someone comprehend, to bubble, to pop, to have less than one needs for daily living, to be destitute, to be devoid of something , to be or become poor, to need something or be needy, to lack something, to survey, to review, to miss, to inspect or examine, to probe or dig, to carry out a search or exploration or a systematic thorough investigation, to seek or search or look for or try to find out or discover or uncover, to lose or suffer a loss, to be able to do, to carry out an action, to perform, to be done, to behave, to commit, to work or labour or toil, to act or do, to be uncouth or rude or harsh or foulmouthed, to be rough or uneven or bumpy, to be rude, to be ill tempered, to be faulty or defective or imperfect or incomplete, to be inadequate or insufficient, to originate or evolve or modify, to create or fashion or mould or design or carve or shape or form, to bring out, to become adjacent to, to occupy the space of, to come or become close to, to break the barriers between, to overcome hurdles or problems or difficulties, to reach out to, to go out into the open, to be or become graced or honoured due to knowing guidance of God properly and following it faithfully, to assume superiority over, to raise above others in thoughts and actions or beliefs and practices, to cause to exceed, to make better than or improve, to cause to excel, to grant or bestow as a favour, to favour or prefer or choose or select or define or identify or specify, to give generously, to break open,, to scandalise or give bad name to or defame, to put to shame or disgrace or humiliate, to uncover or discover or find out, to show or demonstrate or make visible or obvious, to expose or make manifest or bring to light, to be withdrawn, to collapse or fall down or crumble, to split without completely separating, to subside, to crack or break, to make understandable, to expound, to enumerate, to decide on a matter, to depart or travel or move away from a place, to leave behind, to set out, to explain meanings of something, to adjudicate, to disjoint, to be able to explain things logically consistently, to be or become eloquent or be able to express or explain something clearly, to lose heart, to be cowardly, to be faint hearted, to be lazy, to be or become unreliable or untrustworthy, to be Godless or an infidel, to desert or forsake or abandon or give up the way of life advised by God, to be or become an apostate, to be or become an atheist, to act against deen of Islam or the way that can lead mankind to blissful and dignified as well as secure existence, to break the rules or rebel against the rule of law, to become inconsistent with way of life advised by God as well as humanity, to violate constitution or law based up-on guidelines of God, to violate program or goals or guidelines of God, to act corruptly or dishonestly or improperly or inappropriately, to deviate from the way of life advised by God for ensuring well being of mankind, to cause divisions among people which lead mankind to wars with each other, to think and act against well being of humanity, to think and act against advice of God and well being of mankind, to reject message or guidance of God, to separate from each other in a very bad way never to come together again, to cause breaking up of unity or harmony, to cause disputes and divisions or rifts and fights, to spread corruption or disorder or anarchy or lawlessness, to be mischievous or troublemaker, to malfunction or fail to work properly, to throw into disorder, to ruin, to act corruptly or play havoc or cause damage or destruction, to make trouble or cause mischief, to be or become perverted, to fall into chaos or disorder or anarchy or confusion, to decay or decompose or disintegrate or fall apart or break down, to make room for one another or accommodate each other, to make room or space, to be spacious or roomy, to wipe out terror, to take someone’s fear away, to ooze, to overcome or overpower, to disturb, to scare away or frighten or be or become frightened, to be afraid or terrified, to budge or move or shift, to dislodge, to unsettle, to raise or make a false claim, to say something about someone baselessly or without any basis, to attribute something to someone falsely, to feign, to fabricate or forge or invent or make something up, to acquire riches, to tear up, to be comely, to be fine, to be experienced or skilful, to be active or lively or energetic, to be or become accomplished, to be good looking, to organise or arrange people or things, to sort out or classify or categorise, to divert or lead away, to split into factions, to part from or separate from each other or one another or become disunited, to sow dissention or cause discord or fight, to make a distinction between, to splinter, to fragment or break into pieces, to be decreed or decided, to fear or take fright, to judge or arbitrate between, to give something in instalments or parts, to differentiate or discriminate or part, to distinguish or cause or make to be distinct or different, to separate or be or become separated or isolated or segregated, to spread over a period of time, to desolate or be desolated, to desert or be deserted, to pour out, to grant or bestow or vouchsafe, to free oneself of all duties or become free of tasks, to complete an assignment, to take leisure, to be dedicated or devoted or committed, to finish, to be or become free, to be empty or vacant or unoccupied, to be or belong to most powerful ideology or institution or person or people, to be clever or cunning or sharp or deceptive or tricky, to oppress or act tyrannically, to come together or go apart, to converge or diverge, to branch or branch in or out, to go upwards, to rise, to climb, to grow high, to be tall, to experience or suffer shortcoming, to be or become wasted, to overlook, to leave out or exclude, to be wanting as regards carrying out one’s duties, to fail to act in the proper way, to be wasteful with, to be remiss or careless, to do something before thinking about its outcome or result or consequence, to hasten and act harmfully or destructively, to compete, to inadvertently allow to escape, to neglect, to be in excess, to be at the fore, to precede, to undertake, to sanction, to make lawful, to fix, to assign, to make specific commitment, to be very old or advanced in years or age, to ordain or ordinate or make obligatory or compulsory or binding or incumbent upon or necessary, to indent, to incise, to lay out, to run away or take a flight, to fly from, to shake oneself, to be in hurry or haste, to take refuge, to flee or escape, to be by oneself, to be without companion or company, to be separated, to be single, to be alone or only one of one’s kind, to be without peers, to be unique, to exult in personal knowledge or fortunes, to be full of joy, to exult proudly, to afflict, to be ungrateful or unappreciative, to rejoice, to be happy or joyful, to set free, to relieve, to cleave a way, to inform on someone or be an informer or a spy, to be weak minded, to compensate or complement, to undertake to ransom, to content with someone in ransoming, to ransom or redeem, to vey in boastfulness or arrogance, to be full of self deception, to be vainglorious, to be arrogant or haughty, to think big of oneself, to glorify oneself, to be proud or boastful, to scandalise, to commit a vile deed or an abomination or indecency, to swear or abuse, to use obscene language, to be shameless, to act in an indecent way, to be obscene, to be foul, to be beyond measure, to be immoderate, to be excessive, to pierce or make a hole, to act wickedly or crookedly or hypocritically, to violate God given right of mankind that ensure well of humanity, to adopt immorality, to violate constitution or law or limits set for ensuring well being of mankind, to act harmfully or destructively, to rush or rush out, to let gush forth or burst forth, to cause to spring forth, to bring forth, to behave in an outrageous manner, to commit a crime or act criminally, to cause problems among mankind by mixing falsehood with the truth, to cause disturbance in the community by mixing or adulterating wrong laws with right laws, to fornicate or commit adultery, to violate social or constitutional or legal norms, to incline, to appear, to gush or burst forth, to seek a ruling or ask for an opinion or clarification, to seek guidance or leadership, to elucidate or interpret, to counsel or advise or consult, to formulate or give an opinion, to be vigorous, to reach youthfulness, to be youthful, to be afflicted with madness or insanity, to be deceived, to be demented, to corrupt or abuse or misuse or mishandle or mismanage, to talk someone into something, to put or go through a trial, to experience a trying testing situation, to have wrong beliefs or practices, to have wrong ideas or take wrong actions, to have or give false sense of security, to delude, to lead into temptation or punishment, to make suffer, to punish, to torture, to persecute, to attack or insult or assault, to infatuate, to tempt or seduce or entice or allure, to cause rift or dissention or civil war, to dispute or fight, to disrupt or disturb the peace in or of a community, to test under working conditions, to afflict, to try or put to the test, to burn, to purify gold and silver by smelting them, to entwine, to twist together, to slash lengthwise, to rent or rent asunder or rip or slit open, to be alleviated, to be relaxed, to desist, to let up, to tire, to be tipsy, to slacken, to weaken, to abate or subside or calm or settle down or become low profile, to keep or treasure or store, to be responsible or have a responsibility, to open willingly, to throw open, to loosen up or let loose or be loosen up, to be or become opened or opened up, to reveal or inform or let know or make aware, to favour with, to grant or bestow upon, to seek or ask for judgement or victory, to judge or adjudicate or decide or arbitrate, to initiate or begin, to find a way to be or to do or to have or to use something, to open or open up, to continue, to be at rest or become still or stuck or immoveable or immobilised, to quieten, to cease, to bake on an open fire or in an oven, to roast meat, to break or sever relationship or relations or links or ties or bonds, to go or move or shift away, to depart or leave or abandon or forsake or distance oneself, to die, to push apart or split or split open or split apart or cleave or cause a cleavage to appear, to cut or chop or divide, to cause dissention or discord or civil unrest or infighting or mutiny or rebellion, to blow or blow up or expand or stretch or enlarge or explode, to explain or detail, to speak or talk or converse or gossip or discuss or debate or consult, to eat or devour or consume or taste or experience or swallow, to lie, to pretend, to deceive or con or trick or mislead or misguide, to backbite or slander or accuse falsely, to waste, to laugh, to bellow or blow a trumpet or whistle, to give a signal, to cause divide or dissention or rift or conflict or dispute, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, window or something like window in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter FAA see word AFWAH or root FAA, WOW and HAA.

Letter QAAF means monkey or something like monkey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also eye of the needle, horizon, sun setting, revolution, cycle, turn, condense, circle, time, behind, anger, wrath, rage, the one removed from all that is good or ensures well being of mankind, unseemly, tomb, cemetery, graves, graveyard, burying places, flame, fire, firebrand, live coal, good countenance, firebrand taken from fire, a lit kindling switch, fist, handful, handhold, handle, face, facade, facet, front, the front side, the front part, forefront, before, the future or the future in front of someone, face of mountain, encounter, opposite, openly, direction, midwife, willingness, section, type, sort, kind, class, category, group, faction, host, tribe, clan, family, squint, power, capacity, strength, surety, guarantor, spontaneous, possibility, aspect, angle, kiss, way of life, goal, destination, mission, objective, target, aim, task, ideology, adjacent, next to, in the past, of old, smell or fumes of roasting meat, black smoke, darkness, darkness of ignorance, opening in a wall, dejection, gloom, depression, melancholy, distress, panic, anxiety, worry, cucumber or something like cucumber in some sense, cucumber plantation, arrow shaft, flint, steel, drinking cup, spark, dried meat, leather strap, height, stature, figure, shape or form, power, strength, ability, fate, decree, destiny, extent, worth, value, standard, reference point, guidelines, goals, task, mission, sum, destruction, cooking pot, status, esteem, position, timing, period, duration, predetermination, providence, cauldrons, foot, step, position, rank, level, stage, leader or leadership, foothold, shrivelled, customary, familiar, same old thing, past generations, people gone before, the leading people, example, model, pattern, side, an aspect, an angle, a point of view, a stand point, time span, cycle, menstruation, appointed time, menstrual period, the Quraan, a recitation, a proclamation, a public declaration, a discourse, a lecture, teaching contained in the Quran, nearness or closeness, proximity, kinship, kinsfolk, relationship, link, connection, relatives, companions, colleagues, waterskin, scabbard or sword, sheath, small boat, an offering or sacrifice, an act that brings one near or close to God and humanity, approximation, affinity, wound, injury, sore, pain, ach, ulcer, skin eruption, abscess, intellect, the innate disposition, pure or something unadulterated or not mixed with something else, hardship, poverty, difficulty, hurdle, trouble, barrier, divide, balls of tangled wool, ticks, ape, monkey or something like monkey in some sense, cold, chilliness, container, sedimentation, bottom of a ravine, abyss, basis, foundation, root, stability, hold, abode, comfort, pleasure, happiness, consolation, that which comes to an end, that which serves it term, a fixed abode or place, a place of settlement or residence, a placed to settle down in or live in, a time of settlement, a term to be served, glass, glass goblets, bottles made of glass, shark or something like shark, fish, boat, shavings of wood or filings of iron or sawdust or something alike in some sense, loan, poetry, paper, parchment, strong young she camel, tall and fair young woman, boldness, calamity, disaster, catastrophe, devastation, death or destruction, adversity, affliction, pumpkin, the crashing blow, tree bark, horns, feelers, pods, summit of mountain, first rays of the rising sun, generations, number of years, blade, prisoner of war, shackles, peer, companion, equal, husband or wife, mate, spouse, consort, helper, supporter, peaks, spikes, summits, circumstances, situations, periods of time, a hole in the palm tree where the sap collects, village, town or city or an urban or built up area, a residence or an inhabited place, lion, hunter, predator, archer, warrior, first part of the night, sturdy camels, wise people, people who have learned sense of making proper sense of things, seasoned or highly skilled or experienced people or camel drivers, justice, equity, scales, portion, section, countenance, market place, hardness, harshness, severity, tremor, poem, bone marrow, wick, purpose, goal, objective, mission, destiny, chaff, base of the neck, disease paralysing the neck, trunk of a big tree, stone house, fortified dwelling, mansion, scissors, chips, cuttings, reprisal, tale, story, history, biography, narrative, account, report, tradition, breastbone, retribution equal to crime or just or fair retribution, the law governing acts of retribution or killing, gale, storm, hurricane, flesh, soft ripe dates, vegetation, pasture, herbage, pebble, case, molten copper, gum from a certain tree, tar, pitch, train of camels, caravan, quarter, district, region, land, confine, the edge, edge of a cliff, rim of a hoof, enough, sufficient, share, lot, written record, cat, drizzle, bit or part or piece, portion, the first third of the night, the darkness at the end part of the night, dead of the night, land plots, interrupted, terminated, cut off, brunches of grapes, velvet, clusters of ripe fruit, the cleft in the date stone, thin membrane enveloping a date stone, a tiny hole in the back of a date stone, saddle, cushions, young camel, weight bearing pillars, cowardly person, a woman past child bearing age, a sitting or meeting place, a station or position or place or rank, bottom, depth, dried timber, bolt, back of the neck or head, nape, the reverse, advantage, brains, heart, inner or innermost part, the very being, the essence, the heart of the matter, the core, self, well, activity, behaviour or movement, daily endeavour, time or place of activity, a place to which one returns, a reference point or guideline to which one refers for some reason, water store or reservoir, braided bracelet, key, treasure, safe, neckband, shackles, fetters, strings attached to a puppet to make it do as required by string operator, garlands, ornaments tied around the neck, wreaths, castle, fort, palace, mansion, fever, ulcerated stomach, summit of a mountain, reed, pen, lots, arrows, moon or the moon or moonlight, whiteness, greyness, nation, community, luminary, scholar, satellite, heavenly body, a Godly person or a missionary of God, a person who works for God or his mission, shirt, robe, garment, inner garment, dress, gown, wrap, gown of honour or respect or trust or responsibility, a formal or an official dress, shield, tunic, a sturdy or strong or fast moving camel, a short and strong man, earlobes, heads, leaders, sty on the eye, dust, storm, curved or hooked iron rod, lice, grasshoppers, termites, large sums or weights of various measures, large amounts of money or cash, a cunning person, a fortune or great amount, something stacked up in heaps, temperance, greed, camel hump, mask, veil, cover or covering, rivulet, a spear shaft, branch, stalk of dates with or without dates, cluster of dates carrying stalks, short span, a distance, length, imminent, food, sustenance, nourishment, provisions, guardian, overseer, sustainer, provider, bow, arch, hermitage, hard times, two bows or a complete cycle or circle, low land, plain or level land, marshland, courtyard, open or barren desolate plain, speech, talk, tongue, king, leader, speaker, outbreak, location, value, justice, backbone, pillar, substance, staying, residence, place, habitat, environment, rank, position, status, seat, seating place, situation, abode, dwelling, abode of permanence, stature, resurrection, the rising, a specified group of people, nation, community, individuals, anyone, people, a certain people, seriousness, severe, barren land, affluence, prosperity, abundance, plentiful, resolution, resolve, determination, firmness, tightness, energy, ability or capability, egg shells, the noon, siesta, a midday resting place or a place for midday repose or sleep or siesta, to be or become a chief, to help out of difficulty or trouble or hardship, to annul, to take a midday rest or nap, to put in the way, to prepare or make ready or groom or cultivate or train or civilise, to ease or facilitate, to destine, to foreordain, to complement, to compensate, to barter, to crack, to hatch, to be needy or destitute, to be able to be or to do or to have or to use something, to be mighty or powerful, to be without food or provisions or sustenance, to form or mould, to be or become properly balanced, to be true, to stand shoulder to shoulder as a community, to be lasting or permanent, to be solid or firm, to be eternal or self sustaining, to provide security, to come true or take place or happen, to spy or observe, to watch, to follow the right path to a destination, to assign to, to perform in an upright manner, to straighten, to keep up, to institute, to uphold, to stand by, to abide by, to arrange or organise and regulate, to observe, to prop up or erect or build, to object to, to rebel, to come to be held, to take place or happen, to maintain or establish, to discharge one’s duties, to exist, to function, to rise from, to depart from, to stand over, to cover, to take the place of, to stand in for, to stand still or stagnate or become stuck, to be about to act or react, to survive, to resuscitate, to rise from the dead or be revived or resurrected, to assume responsibility or take charge, to shoulder or undertake a difficult task or mission, to be straight, to estimate, to be constant or steadfast or consistence, to locate, to set up, to erupt, to rebel, to resist, to revolt, to stand up or rise, to halt or stop, to stand, to offer an opinion, to order punishment, to deliver a verdict or give judgement, to sentence, to make a statement or attribute a statement falsely to someone, to be said or told, to say something false against, to attribute falsely, to call, to describe or label as, to profess or confess or admit or accept, to submit or fall into a system, to inspire or motivate, to instruct or direct or order or command, to voice an opinion, to proclaim or claim, to declare, to testify, to spread or scatter or disperse or distribute or share or divide, to exchange, to demand, to surmise, to spread rumours, to forge or fabricate or invent a lie, to attribute, to speak or talk or say or tell or inform or express or gossip, to bend or curve, to shoot a bow, to guard over, to feed or sustain or support, to be quite near, to peel off, to break open, to hollow or empty out, to dig or dig out, to be fully in control, to be irresistible, to prevail or overcome, to oppress or suppress or repress, to be scanty, to have property or cause to have property, to cause to acquire wealth, to possess or cause to possess, to acquire livestock for breeding, to lift up the head, to ask for help gently or humbly, to mask, to crane the neck in submission, to be content with meagre lot, to be persuaded, to be convinced, to be content or satisfied, to leave desert and live in urbanised area, to arch, to tie together, to become gloomy or sad or regretful, to lose hope or become hopeless or desperate or dispirited, to be despondent, to fall into despair or hopelessness or depression, to stand firmly, to be constant or steadfast, to be or become devoted or committed or dedicated, to be obedient or submissive, to stop talking, to be insignificant, to increase in population, to become blackened, to become louse infested, to be dirty, to calm down, to bridle, to tame, to be grim or difficult or troublesome or stressful or calamitous, to pull tight the mouth of water skin, to look angry, to scowl, to reach a crisis, to gallop, to be jumpy, to quake, to masquerade, to wear a shirt, to con or deceive or cheat, to stake, to win in gambling, to hunt or prey, to not be able to see or be blind mentally or physically, to shun assistance or guidance, to drink one’s fill, to refuse to drink, to debase or humiliate or force into submission, to subdue or humble or defeat or vanquish or subjugate, to twist the neck, to climb, to roast, to leave alone or on one’s own, to forsake or desert, to shun, to dislike or hate or loath or detest, to bear or put up with or endure, to carry off or take away, to cause decrease or appear less or short or little or few or small, to be or become less or decreased or reduced, to be agile, to accompany, to lift up or elevate or raise, to trifle with, to be or become little or small or few, to sail, to abandon, to abstain, to remove, to come out or separate or exclude oneself from, to pull out to withdraw, to emulate or imitate or follow blindly, to undertake a task or mission, to appoint, to entrust with a task or mission or responsibility, to mark with a neckband, to honour, to adorn with a necklace, to twist metal together, to overwhelm or overpower or overcome, to be successful in being or doing or having or using someone or something, to be alive or moving or ticking over, to be lively or active or energetic, to have a frequency or rate of repetition, to cycle or be cyclic, to turn or turn about or revolve or rotate or go round and round, to wriggle, to cause to think or reflect or contemplate or ponder over, to alternate, to cause to be in sequence, to return or come back or go back be returned or sent back, to hand over or be handed over, to revert or go back to, to bring round, to dissuade or turn away by persuasion, to waver or swerve or deviate, to toss about or be thrown throw around, to change over, to be crooked or bent wicked, to bend or twist or turn, to reverse, to turn things back to front, to turn inside out, to turn upside down, to turn around, to turn over, to cause to come after, to rhyme, to send after, to be mean or miserly, to lock or lock up or imprison or confine, to dry up, to return, to sever at the root or cut off from the root, to uproot or pull out from the root, to excavate, to be a close observer, to deny help or support, to not to participate or interact, to become or end up, to lie in wait to ambush, to deny, to hold back, to serve, to grow old, to refrain, to lie in wait, to abide, to stay behind, to sit idle, to sit down or take a seat, to harvest fruits on the trees, to pluck of, to finalise or be the one who finalises or make the final decision about something, to fragment or divide, to be or become disjoined, to be cut out or fashioned, to be or become cut off, to slash, to tear up, to travel or traverse, to sever or separate, to be split asunder, to cover a distance, to fell or cut down, to grant, to buy off, to suffocate, to be out of breath, to be scarce, to be out of season, to flock, to come in successive groups, to travel about or around, to trickle, to dribble, to drip, to ruin or destroy, to determine or identify or define or point out, to accomplish or achieve or establish, to conclude or be concluded, to arbitrate, to put an end to, to extirpate or exterminate or eliminate, to make known, to satisfy a requirement or meet a standard or specification or a need, to fulfil a task or mission or goal or an objective, to issue a verdict or pass a sentence, to bring to an end, to bring about, to decide upon, to annihilate, to die or expire, to meet an obligation, to execute or carry out, to complete or finish or end or make a whole, to consummate, to inform, to civilise cultivate or groom or train, to create or fashion or mould or carve, to entrust with, to plan, to decide or decree or ordain, to judge or give verdict or deliver judgement, to be or become dusty, to bore, to be pebbly, to tumble or tumble down, to collapse or crumble or decompose or disintegrate or crack up, to charge or attack or ambush, to fall or fall down or descend, to swoop down, to be soft or tender or easy going, to condense, to abridge, to prune branch, twig or vegetation, to boycott, to penetrate, to isolate or segregate, to send far away, to be far or distant or remote, to totally demolish, to be brittle, to crowd or gather, to rush or storm in, to rumble, to thunder, to shadow or follow unobtrusively, to proclaim or declare or announce, to mention or make mention of, to track or trace or retrace, to report or relate or tell a story or history about, to settle account on both sides, to retaliate, to be treasured or kept safe due to being valued highly, to be secluded, to be a modest woman, to shorten the range or range of the gaze, to desist, to cease or stop doing, to fall short of, to fail to accomplish, to shorten, to curtail or limit, to confine, to be incapable, to be negligent, to be short or brief or small, to keep to the middle of the road, to set up, to direct or guide or lead, to straighten, to be moderate or temperate or judicious or wise or sensible, to write a poem, to endeavour, to design, to be middle of the road, to intend, to proceed straight away, to be or become wrinkled, to be or become coarse or rough and hard, to dry and crack up, to shake or tremble or shudder or shiver, to be or become hard or cruel, to be harsh, to suffer, to be cruel, to be solid or hard, to seek an omen, to apportion or assign or allot, to draw lots by arrows, to seek to divide, to swear to one another, to exchange oaths, to take a solemn oath, to firmly decide on a course of action, to resolve, to vow, to measure out, to determine, to have good looks or features, to be allies, to enter a truce, to cite or present or put forth as proof or evidence, to take an oath or swear, to ponder or reflect or contemplate, to seek to know the future, to divine or foretell, to share out, to partition, to be even handed or biased, to be just or unjust, to be righteous or unrighteous, to fully adopt or deviate from the way of life advised by God for ensuring well being of mankind, to act justly as appropriate, to give in parts or pay by instalment, to divide or distribute or share, to measure, to proportion things properly so that needs of all involved are met appropriately, to be fair, to balance things, to deny justice, to do justice, to be a highly learned person, to eaves drop, to listen in, to seek information about, to go after or pursue or follow or follow up, to follow clues or hints or steps left behind by something, to look for or seek something in the dark, to be an expert in something, to be brave or courageous a warrior, to urge or encourage or inspire or motivate or move or persuade, to compel or force or push or drive or persuade into being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to store or keep or hoard or collect, to try to dig out something about someone or something, to search or look for something, to try to find out something, to explore, to investigate, to travel mentally or physically, to offer hospitality, to control or be controlled, to be subordinate, to be subdued or overcome, to be a close or intimate companion or confidant, to be equals, to belong to same circle or organisation or family or company, to be partners by contract or agreement or pact or covenant, to join in marital union, to marry or wed, to join together or unite or be one, to be bound or shackled together, to get or obtain, to acquire, to be loathsome, to be worthy of something, to accuse, to commit a crime, to eradicate or finish off or eliminate or erase, to peel off the bark, to cast a lot, to strike or hit or beat or knock, to hit the mark or meet the set standard or requirement or specification, to pass away, to distance oneself from, to turn or move away from, to make poetry, to avoid or ignore or neglect or forsake or abandon, to girdle, to skirt, to accuse falsely, to slander or backbite, to owe, to be in debt or indebted, to loan or give loan or lend, to nibble, to gnaw, to become extinct, to cut or cut off or clip or trim or shear or curtail, to be able to influence or take over others, to be most powerful, to partake of food sparsely, to take part in having food for mind or food for body, to fight or go to war, to partake pr interact or participate or mix or socialise, to stab, to duel, to fracture or break or snap or smash or shatter, to gnash, to crunch, to be lasting or permanent or enduring, to endure, to be a secure place, to be deep or deeply rooted, to hold onto one’s place or position or rank or status, to refuse to budge or shift, to remain firmly in a position, to back up or support or reinforce, to affirm, to accept, to concede, to stay or remain, to stop moving, to be at rest or become tranquil or peaceful, to become carefree, to decide, to create settlements or townships, to urbanise an area, to contain, to deposit, to reside or dwell or settle down or become stable or grounded or anchored or firmly based, to abate or subside or settle or go low profile or quiet become settled, to be unconcerned or uncaring or indifferent, to be cold, to work or toil or labour or strive for living or livelihood, to earn one’s living, to humiliate, to subdue, to trick or deceive or con or cheat, to remove ticks, to coagulate, to be raw material in its nature or unprocessed state, to be in natural state of existence, to suggest, to invent or create something new or forge or fabricate or make up something or invent a lie or falsehood, to start or begin or initiate or commence, to favour or prefer, to approximate, to offer as a sacrifice, to endear, to cause to be near, to take part in, to socialise or interact or participate, to have intercourse with, to violate, to attempt or try, to be approachable or reachable, to approach, to draw near, to offer or dedicate or commit or devote, to drive livestock to water sources, to seek or seek water sources, to hurry, to moderate, to be close or near or near by, to be linked or related or connected, to proclaim or declare openly or in public, to cause or enable to read, to learn or study, to know, to match or match in length, to read or recite or be read or recited aloud, to hold or hold in, to gather together, to add, to be with child, to be pregnant, to pelt, to cast out or away, to protrude, to run quickly, to be fast, to shoot, to reject or refuse, to throw or hurl or flung or fling, to cast away, to follow a tradition or custom or precedent, to retrace a path, to follow the steps of other, to emulate, to follow the right path for a particular destination, to go straight, to use as a guide, to copy or imitate, to follow the example, to accrue, to arouse or provoke, to be or become liable or responsible for, to earn, to draw or attract or invite someone or something, to experience or suffer or sustain, to incur, to perpetrate, to tempt or entice or allure or deceive or beguile, to bring upon, to make available, to provide, to pay or draw attention to, to show concern or be worried about, to work for or towards, to offer something or make an offer, to put forward or lay before or in front of, to bring or seek to bring forward, to apply oneself to, to submit or be submissive, to be old or ancient or eternal, to precede or go before, to be brave or courageous or daring, to fore or be at the forefront, to go ahead or move forward or seek to advance, to lead, to arrive, to come, to be fertile or prolific or productive or inventive or creative or rich or highly useful, to not to lack something, to be fault free or perfect or complete, to hollow, to extol, to sanctify, to be clear or clean, to be pure or unadulterated, to venerate, to be sacred, to be holy, to go far in the land, to have the capacity to, to have absolute control or power or authority or grip over something, to appoint or point out a time and place for someone or something, to set a time or place for something, to plan or plot or scheme or design, to contemplate or ponder, to be destined, to set a standard or value or a reference point or guideline, to estimate value or reckon the worth of, to determine or decide or define or specify or identity, to give in meagre quantity, to get the better of, to catch up with, to get a grip or hold on, to take control of, to overpower or overcome or takeover, to be able to be or do or have or use someone or something, to make narrow or constrict, to straiten or restrict or limit, to strain, to check or compare with or against, to measure, to reckon, to preordain, to decree, to have power or ability or strength, to be a faction or party, to diverge or create diversion, to fragment or break into pieces, to separate, to rip or rend, to carve out, to split up or split apart or asunder, to cut lengthwise, to reproach or rebuke, to censure, to pierce or make a hole or perforate, to bore, to spark, to strike or ignite or kindle or trigger or start a fire, to experience or cause hardship, to rush or jump headlong into something, to attack or assault or ambush, to fall upon, to set upon, to take on, to be aged, to pass over, to scorn, to embark boldly, to burst into, to plunge, to rush, to grow cucumbers, to combat, to get involved in intense killing or destruction, to fight against one another, to battle each other, to be fought or attacked, to attack or assault or insult, to kill or slay all or in large numbers, to annihilate, to exterminate, to campaign, to be or become defeated, to suppress one’s own lusts, to kill potential or curiosity in someone, to work very hard, to be worldly wise, to train or be trained, to be experienced or trained or skilled, to quench a thirst, to look deeply, to enquire, to put into hardship or poverty, to choke or strangle, to put hurdles in the way of, to make life hard or difficult or troublesome, to rebuke, to suffer or experience the wrath of, to be wrathful, to curse or reject or condemn, to struggle or strive, to argue or fight, to kill or slay or murder or slaughter, to be in strained circumstances, to be very grudging, to regret the past, to worry or be anxious about the future, to put or place or arrange things in their proper places for purpose of organisation and regulation, to organise things, to classify or categorise or group things together, to envy or be covetous or jealous, to be miser or stingy or mean or niggardly, to be in plain sight or clearly visible, to be the leading person or thing, to be in front or at the forefront, to persuade, to take into confidence, to assure, to be sure, to be face to face, to approach from the front, to face one another or each other, to grant, to reply, to respond, to answer, to hear, to enter, to rush in, to turn to, to draw near, to compare, to be pleasing, to kiss, to consent, to receive, to accept, to reach, to approach, to face, to oppose, to confront, to come, to take in hand, to possess or take into possession, to grasp or comprehend, to have authority or jurisdiction over, to be a handful, to withhold, to hold back, to straiten, to close, to fold up, to get or have understanding of or about, to drive fast, to fold up, to depress, to manage or look after, to control or take or get control or hold of or get hang of, to grab, to seize, to shrink or contract or draw in or retract or collapse, to take a handful, to seek to acquire fire or light from a live fire source, to adopt, to seek or acquire knowledge, to try to acquire fire, to, to make burying the norm or tradition or custom, to hand over someone for burial, to cause to be buried, to put or place in the grave, to entomb, to bury, to curse, to rebuke or reject or condemn, to repulse or repel or push back or drive away or chase away, to be or become bad foul or ugly, to hang or hold or latch or catch or hook or link onto something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to jump about, to jump all over the place, to be unstable or infirm or weak, to be a mischief maker, to cause trouble or difficulty or problem, to be clever, to be active or energetic or agile, to be able to move fast, to cheat or deceive, to collect, to bring things together, to preserve, to assemble, to imitate, to copy, to pretend to be what one is not, to be an imposter, to be an image of, monkey or something like monkey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, door or something like door in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter QAAF see word QIRADAH or root QAAF, RAA and DAAL.

Letter KAAF means palm of hand or something like palm of hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also bend, subdue, humble, open, allow, tame, meeting place, wine, a cup or glass containing wine, knowledge or a cup of knowledge from God, revelation from God, grape blossoms before they open up, leaves enveloping bunches of grapes, pollen or sheath of a palm tree pollen, plant pods of any type, mixture of perfume paste, a certain plant with white flowers, camphor or camphor tree, a mixture of chosen scents, spring or fountain or sea of knowledge knowing which and acting upon could lead a people to blissful, dignified and secure existence, skein of wool, detachment of horses, crowdedness, hillock of rippled moist sand, liver, the interior, heart, centre, the zenith, the very being, the very essence, content, the earth’s metals, hard boulder, great hardship or difficulty, a struggle, majority, magnitude, a serious crime or breach of law, dignitaries, leaders, chiefs, exaltation, glorification, deference, regard, the greatest share in something, infirmity, great, much, intense, grave, serious, heinous, agedness, hard, difficult, the greatest in nobility or dignity, mighty event, greatest thing, glory, pride, a great number, an army regiment, written document, written text, letter, revelation of God in form of a written book, scripture, writ of God, teachings of God, verdict, appointed time, prescribed period of time, predestine lot, prescribed punishment, written scrolls, writing or the act of writing, something recorded or described in writing, nearness, proximity, sand dunes or heaps of sand, small amount, cloud of dust, big boulder, obstacle, falsehood, a liar or denier, incorrigible or habitual liar, supporting ropes, the broad base of palm tree leaves, adversity, affliction, day and night, turn, cycle, another chance or opportunity, another time, a mass of animal droppings, multilayered, group, root, seat, throne, knowledge, power, reign, sovereignty, thoroughbred, vine, grapes, hardship, antipathy, calamity, birds of prey, market depression, slackness of commerce, sluggishness of trade, eclipse, piece or part or segment, piece of cloud, clothes, attire, breathing tract, ankle, ankle bone, heel, cube, dice, a square building, honour, busty, well formed or shaped, equality, capability, credentials, peer, alike, yield, hiding place, place for burying things or people, cemetery, graveyard, scrap yard, difficulty, livelihood, a small cooking pot, death, terrain, territory, holding place, home, habitat, environment, atmosphere, surrounding, darkness of night or ignorance, night, ignorance, a period of ignorance or darkness, the sea, great valley, rain, husbandman, planter, farmer, retribution, atonement, expiation, punishment, the masses, modest means, altogether, posterior, rump, buttocks, guardian, share or a large share, portion, equal amount, food, sufficiency, modest income, pasture, vegetation, herbage, dog or something like dog, a safety device, something that can protect or provide security against danger, something that alerts or makes aware of danger, any wild animal or the like, shore, rabies, hanging hook, gluttony, scowling, frowning, austere, famine, succession of thunderbolts, glowering, gloomy, freckles, vitiligo, cost, task, goal, mission, the blunt side of a knife, headgear, crown, dependent, speech, utterance, words or spoken words, act of speaking, conversation, communication, mere word, empty talk, advise, message, instruction, direction, decree, verdict, status, position, cause, promise, pledge, direct creation, miraculous creation, revelation, commandments, guidance, the outer part of a flower, blinkers, blindness from birth, dust covering the sun, barren land, treasure, buried valuables, things of need for livelihood, den, hiding of a deer in its shelter, a deer in its shelter, receding stars, church, synagogue, quiver, daughter in law, hide out, nest, awning, places for refuge, encasings, coverings, kept treasures, hidden or concealed or well guarded things, cave, cavern, gulf, gap, difference, distance, hollow, helpful person, the back of the torso, the base of the neck, a person supporting the family, the backbone of something, something that helps something survive, middle aged person, a fully grown up person, a person of full age, goblet, goblet without handle or spout, drums, travel gear, bellows, succession or circulation of day and night, township, urban area, star, planet, heaven body, blossoms, water, centre of importance or attention, focal point, leader, party, place, status, position, rank, ability, existence, direction, side, aspect, point of view, standpoint, angle of looking at something, opinion, hot iron, aperture, a hole, a small round window, ruse, machination, manner, mode, state, condition, state of being or existence, the way something happens or takes place or is cause to happen, volume, measurement, dry measure, clitoris, to submit to greater power, to abase or humble oneself, to bury or sell, to respond or react similarly or in alike manner, to receive or seek to receive in a measured way, to reciprocate, to pay back in kind, to evaluate or estimate, to compare, to measure or measure out in volume or capacity, to be or become entrapped, to punish, to take to task, to make an arrangement for harming or destroying someone or something, to be cunning, to con, to prepare or use guile or ploy or stratagem, to harm or upset, to devise a harmful scheme, to wish to harm or destroy, to connive, to deceive, to plot or scheme or plan or conspire, to be seared, to sting, to cauterise, to mark or label, to brand, to burn, to initiate or trigger or begin or start or commence, to happen or take place, to create or evolve or produce or invent or originate or develop or design or fashion or shape or form, to be or become, to exist, to be or become submissive, to shine or glitter or sparkle, to be covered up in darkness, to fold up or wrap up, to keep going round and round after each other around something, to follow each other in succession at a fixed speed in a circular manner, to go round and round as if in a circle, to circulate or be cyclic, to gather, to harvest, to roll up, to twist a turban around the head, to be about to let something happen or take place, to heap up or pile up, to almost do, to be about to do something, to be on or at the point or verge of doing something, to be large of head but slender of neck, to drink from a cup of knowledge, to drink from a goblet, to practice divination, to belong to circle of priesthood or mullaism, to be a priest or mullah, to be the one who makes up things or stories and tells them to people to make fool of them, to be a fortune teller or a soothsayer or inventor of lies, to claim to be able to prophesy, to claim to be a prophet, to claim to be able to predict the future supernaturally, to predict the future, to be or become mature, to be a fully grown up man, to be at the height of one’s strength, to dwell or reside or abide or stay, to abate or die down or calm down or settle down become quiet or silent or low profile or unnoticeable or invisible, to value or consider worthy or important, to set along the course of one’s own, to go back to one’s home, to retreat, to go back to where something comes from, to sweep, to stock up treasure, to hoard or amass, to fill up waterskin, to be a terrible person, to beat one’s servant, to deny assistance or cooperation to others, to become mad or insane or angry, to be born blind or sealed eyelids, to come into darkness, to sleeve or sheath, to conceal or hide, to cover or wrap up or veil, to become fully accomplished or established, to reach fulfilment, to mature or become mature, to conclude or end or finish, to be or become complete or whole or total or perfect or full, to be spoken to, to speak or talk or converse or communicate, to wound or injure, to cut, to have no inheritors or followers, to have no parents or any children alive to inherit, to surround or encompass or overwhelm, to be dependent or a burden on someone, to die without leaving any children to inherit, to fatigue, to be childless, to restrict something in such a way that directs the thing to the point for quickening the process for getting the end product or result faster, to restrict or limit or direct or narrow down something in order to speed up a process, to effect or feign something, to be a pretender or an imposter, to make someone responsible for, to charge or burden someone with a task or mission, to be in charge, to take the trouble, to be fond of or be keen, to follow closely or pursue, to fight over, to be or become fierce, to train animals or birds for hunting, to provide with sanctuary or refuge or hiding place or roof over head or home or a breathing space or a room for manoeuvre, to bring a boat in to port, to stay awake at night, to guard over or watch or look after or take care, to stand in for someone in a difficult situation, to take care of a problem for someone, to spare someone the trouble of something, to be sufficient or enough or satisfactory, to protect or shelter or defend or shield or cover, to spare, to stand for someone, to pledge or give assurance, to transfer responsibility of someone to another, to entrust someone to the charge of another, to place someone under guardianship of another, to take responsibility for, to foster, to sponsor, to provide for, to guarantee, to undertake, to restrain, to curb, to hold back, to extend a helping hand, to seek or ask for help, to gather together, to be lost, to fend or ward off, to cease, to take by the hand, to be a determined rejecter of God or his teachings, to be obstinate or rebellious, to acquit from blame or accusation or crime, to be denied or rejected, to reject or deny or turn away from, to reject a belief or practice or a thought or actions, to behave outrageously or rebelliously against the way of life advised by God, to fail to be grateful for the favour done, to deny attributes or rights of God, to deny or reject or refuse to accept message of God, to be inconsistent with guidance of God or humanity, to disobey or ignore a commandment of God, to attribute to God falsehood, to attribute to God something unworthy or harmful or destructive for humanity itself, to be an atheist or idolater, to be a mischief maker, to be an adversary or opponent of God, to reject and oppose God, to show humility, to prostrate, to be an infidel, to blaspheme, to reject and oppose way of life advised by God for ensuring well being of mankind as a proper human community, to not let people have what is rightfully theirs according to program and goals and guidelines of God, to deny God given right of people, to deny God or his message or guidance, to pervert the message of God from its intended meanings or purpose by misinterpreting it, to hide or cover up revelation of God in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hide evidences for God’s existence, to be ungrateful, to wear a garment over the shield, to plant seeds, to cover seed in the soil, to sheathe, to compete, to detain, to alter or change, to yield, to shield, to tilt, to turn over face down, to reward, to speed up, to fold in a square shape, to be distressed or grieved, to choke with grief, to keep feelings under tight control, to suppress feelings, to obstruct firmly, to block or choke, to keep a tight control over, to put a stop to, to keep quiet or silent, to conceal or hide, to suppress, to be exposed or bare or naked or uncovered, to take off or away, to relieve from, to weaken in battle, to have a receding hairline, to disclose, to reveal, to bare, to remove, to uncover, to be peeled off or away, to be stripped off, to scratch off, to flay, to peel away or off, to provide with clothes, to cover or encase, to wear, to clothe or be garbed, to be hesitant or reluctant, to be negligent, to be idle, to be lazy, to be in bits or pieces or parts or segments, to cut off or cut up, to be dejected, to cast one’s sight down, to be or become dark, to fail or fall short of meeting demands or requirements, to fail to fulfil needs and wants of people or community, to fall behind in production and distribution, to be stagnant, to be sluggish, to be dull, to acquire a bad thing, to commit, to intend or mean, to do, to acquire or obtain, to profit or gain, to earn or earn one’s living, to hate or cause hate, to be averse to or against, to force or compel or push, to impose, to dislike or loathe, to single out for favours, to be fertile or prosperous, to be precious or cause to be precious, to benefit, to oblige, to treat with kindness or hospitality or generosity, to do favours, to honour, to be noble hearted, to be high-minded, to be generous, to become matted, to stick together, to overrun an enemy, to cough, to be undecided, to turn or move or revolve around, to repeat, to return, to cause distress, to grieve, to depress or oppress, to enclose, to tighten, to twist together, to deny obstinately, to be lied to, to accuse someone strongly of lying, to deny adamantly or strongly, to stop, to tell lies, to be accused of falsehood, to accuse of being false, to deny, to refuse, to reject as false, to make an object of denial, to subject to denial, to be taken as or considered or deemed or reckoned a liar, to deny to a person his God given rights, to distort truth or facts, to make a false statement, to be compulsory, to fail to be up to a job, to be wasted on, to be wrong, to run away from battle, to accuse of lying, to refute or deny, to deceive or cheat, to lie or give the lie to, to dry up, to cease to act, to be sluggish, to cease to give, to be mean or miserly, to deny assistance or support, to become dim, to become murky, to scatter or disperse, to assail, to be troubled, to be muddy or grimy or dreary, to strive hard or labour or toil or work hard for, to apply oneself diligently, to be in hardship or drudgery, to scratch a living, to bite, to scratch or scrape off the skin, to seek to obtain more, to vie to have or gather or accumulate more, to be generous, to seek or obtain something in volume or great number or frequently, to do something in great quantities or numbers or often or frequently, to be a lot or multitude or many or much or numerous, to be a river or something like river in some sense, to be rich or have plentiful or in abundance, to show pride in wealth or children, to happen often or frequently, to outnumber, to increase in number or multiply, to hoard, to collect or gather, to heap up, to approach, to smother or cause to be silent, to keep back, to hide or conceal, to be a scribe or recorder or writer, to contract a slave to work for his or her freedom in writing, to cause to be written down, to seek to have something written down, to make incumbent, to decide or determine, to predestine, to take down something in writing, to contract a set amount, to ordain or declare something essential, to impose or make obligatory or necessary, to prescribe or decree, to write a book or letter or record or an account or story or history, to write down, to write or scribe or scribble or etch or record, to put letters together, to gather together or gather together layers of material, to be thrown headlong into, to be gathered and thrown into on top of each other, to be mixed up, to be wrapped or covered up, to throw on top of one another, to throw in a pit, to throw something face down, to conceit, to act arrogantly or aggressively or insolently, to show pride or greatness or arrogance or haughtiness, to be formidable, to consider or deem great, to utter the invocation God is great, to magnify, to reach maturity, to grow up, to increase or advance in age or grow old, to become too much to bear, to be intolerable, to be burdensome, to cause distress, to be awesome, to be great, to commit a serious or great crime, to be worst part of something, to be awed, to become serious or sincere or severe, to be honoured or proud, to become old or inform, to grow tall or high, to gain significance or importance, to augment, to increase, to grow big, to toil or labour or work hard, to afflict, to suffer or make or cause to suffer, to struggle, to bring low or be brought low, to overwhelm or be overwhelmed, to frustrate, to suppress or be suppressed, to humiliate or disgrace, to crush or be crushed, to keep one’s sight turned downwards, to be prone to looking down, to knock or flung down, to apply oneself, to ruin or destroy or devastate, to turn upside down, to knock to the ground, to overthrow or be overthrown or toppled, to learn the guidance provided by God, to absorb, to be easy going, to be a soft touch, to be in grip of, to be in control of, to mould, to shape, to converge or diverge, to meet, to be soft or kind or compassionate or tender hearted, to be shock absorbent, to cushion or act as a shock absorber, to cushion the effect of, to be in between two things as a soft touch, palm of hand or something like palm of hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter KAAF see word KAFF or root KAAF, FAA and FAA.
Letter LAAM means ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also yoke, leadership, protection, shepherd staff or something like shepherd staff in some sense for some reason or purpose, strong authority, a stick with a sharp end or something like it in some sense for some reason or purpose, spear, pearls, kernel, core, the edible inside the nuts and fruits, the essence, heart, being, mind, reason, veins in the heart that are thought to be source of kindness, amiable person, diligent person, upper part of the chest, discerning faculty, intellect, ability to reason, ability to think logically consistently, mixture, mane, felt, ticks, locusts, much, great, a lot, vast, crowd of people, people in dense crowds, garments, clothes, armour, cover, wife, husband, consort, mate, companion, company, condition, raiment, apparel, milk or something like milk in some sense, food or nourishment, quest, wish, desire, mud brick, tree sap, refuge, shelter, sanctuary, hiding place, a secure or safe place or retreat, patronage, guardianship, depths of the sea, abyss, noise, stammering, convoluted thick herbage or vegetation or plantation, body of water, pool, pond, tumultuous and deep, turbulent, fathomless, shelf in one side of the grave, outer garment, bedcover, importunity, meat, flesh, great battle, kinship relation, dialect, language, tune, tree bark, beard, the area of face where beard grows, two sides of a valley, a point in time, location, with, at, in the presence of, close to the source of, at the point of, in the possession of, pleasure, sweetness, speed, famine, hardship, poverty, difficulty, adversity, sticky, gluey, adhesive, tongue, speech, message, spokesman, good repute, eloquence, gentleness, benevolence, fire or a raging fire, scarecrow, badly made arrow, weariness, fatigue, exhaustion, weak-minded person, long chase, dialect, idiom, vain or useless idle talk, chatter, nonsense, outrageous talk, void, unintended utterance, frivolity, intoxication, mental corruption, fire or heat of the fire, glare of a fire, a large crowd of a mixture of people, thicket of trees, surname, nickname, epithet, designation, title, derogatory names, seed, semen, pollen, a find, foundling, windfalls, morsel, mouthful of food, looks, features, glow of light, the act of twinkling, slanderer, one who slanders or backbites frequently or often, group, small faults or mistakes, calamity, lock of hair, exhaustive, excessive, extreme, occasional unwittingly committed lesser mistakes, tongue of fire, flame, radiance, thirst, raging of fire, the physical sensation of thirst, panting or panting with thirst, notable person, fast horse, vast army, glutton, a pastime or plaything, time-wasting, uvula, gullet, game, sport, shoulder blade, board, plank, slate, tablet, a slap, a glance, a blink, raiment, assortment, usury, person, silhouette, the one who reproves, colour, types, kinds, classes, categories, species, banner, flag, standard, night, night as opposed to day, night-time, one night, a period of darkness, dark ages, a period of widespread ignorance, a period of lack of basic knowledge, darkness of ignorance, the darkness of the night, span of the night, by night, a kind of palm tree, to be gentle, to cause to become soft, to ease up or soften up, to be or become prosperous, to have abundant or plenty of livelihood , to have easy or comfortable or luxurious life, to be affluent, to take things easy, to be or become at ease, to be lenient, to be amiable, to be mild, to be pliable or compassionate, to be easily taken for a ride or fooled, to relax, to be gullible, to be easy going, to be soft or tender or kind hearted, to enter night-time, to dispute hotly, to wither away, to twist several times, to twist or bend or fold or turn or coil up, to be hypocritical, to be capricious, to be changeable, to dye or colour, to reproach one another, to exchange blames, to scald or reproof, to be in need of or be needy, to be deserving or deserving of blame, to censure, to blame, to be affectionate or affectionate towards, to claim, to coat with mud, to approximate, to move furtively or stealthily or surreptitiously, to evade, to keep close to, to resort to, to take refuge, to whip, to darken the colour, to brandish, to wave, to appear from a distance, to be thirsty, to be scorched black, to be emaciated, to jest, to do something aimlessly or purposelessly, to be distracted or diverted away from, to turn one’s attention to, to have fun, to amuse oneself or pass time or time-waste, to have fun, to instil something into, to pant, to hang one’s tongue out, to loll the tongue, to be extremely hungry, to visit sporadically, to put together or join or combine, to gather, to go in quest of, to come in contact with, to reach or go for, to explore, to try to discover or find out something, to seek, to have sexual intercourse, to be in touch or in contact with, to become alert or aware, to request, to look or search for, to probe, to touch, to backbite, to find faults with, to slander, to speak ill of, to defame, to poke fun at, to nudge, to blink, to look askance, to twinkle, to sparkle, to look furtively, to notice, to glance, to write down an account or history of, to be a recorder or an accountant, to be a receptor, to bring down, to look or pay attention towards, to have a meeting with, to come face to face with each other, to receive with greetings, to welcome, to be reduced to falling down, to be flung down, to be delivered, to be thrown over, to be dropped, to be sent down, to reveal or be revealed, to retort, to communicate, to convey, to entrust with, to change with, to cast out or throw away, to bring forth, to sow, to foment, to instigate, to cast or hurl into, to place upon or lay on, to offer, to shower upon, to bestow upon, to grant or be granted, to reward or be rewarded, to reap the results of one’s harmful or destructive thoughts or actions, to meet the requirement or required standard or specification, to reap, to battle against, to meet in battle, to lay down or before, to lie down, to admit or acknowledge, to accept, to receive, to give, to cast or throw down, to suffer, to experience, to undergo, to reunite, to oppose, to confront, to compare or compare with, to meet or come face to face with, to encounter, to meet, to be a person who has learned sense of making proper sense of things, to be a rational person, to be man of wisdom, to obstruct, to hand-feed, to gobble up, to swallow down, to crumple, to collapse, to snatch up, to gulp up, to catch up, to take in, to glean, to collect, to pick up from the ground, to fertilise or become fertilised, to pollinate, to impregnate or become pregnant, to abuse or swear at, to call names, to eliminate, to put right, to avoid, to find, to scrape meat off bones, to be diversified, to be or become tangled, to interlace thickly, to conflate, to intertwine, to join closely together, to wind around, to stutter, to gather together, to have fleshy thighs, to expire, to utter or say something, to enunciate, to cast or throw out, to emit, to spit out, to strike lightly, to tan or be tanned, to sear, to burn, to scorch, to still have hope for having something after letting something go, to look back, to gesture or make a gesture, to take care, to dissuade, to distract, to divert, to turn back or away, to turn aside or to one side, to talk to provoke or cause offence, to use obscene or abusive language, to utter meaningless sounds, to digress, to cancel, to undertake a task tirelessly, to imprecate, to torture, to curse or be cursed or damned, to eject or be ejected, to move away or be shifted away or departed or distanced from, to repel or be repulsed or fended off or rejected or driven away or rebuked, to mock or scorn, to take something serious for a game, to go for diversion, to engage in idle passing of time, to be coquettish, to take something for amusement or flirtation or joke, to pass time, to trick, to jest or joke or make fun, to play or play or fool about, to be mad with anger, to blaze or burn brightly or fiercely, to be benign or subtle or discerning, to act carefully or in an easy manner, to do something stealthily or discreetly or unobtrusively, to be obscure or hidden or concealed in meaning, to caress, to alleviate or lift up or out, to be thin, to be kind or compassionate or merciful, to be courteous, to be amiable, to assign something as a duty to, to be an inevitable judgement, to fasten or bind, to be made essential or compulsory, to impose as a duty or obligation or necessity, to accompany, to stick or stick together, to adhere or stick with, to be scanty, to be narrow, to find pleasing or delightful, to find joy or happiness in, to savour, to be nimble, to enjoy, to be delicious, to ponder or reflect or think or contemplate, to be pliant, to be soft, to be a mortal or dangerous enemy, to defend, to be contentious, to be quarrelsome, to be stubborn, to be grim, to be fierce, to be perplexed, to look about or around in confusion, to rebuke, to insult, to peel off, to be crooked or bent or turned or twisted, to read melodically, to hint at, to speak in code, to err in speaking or reading, to patch up, to cling together, to be fleshy, to unite with, to link or attach or annex or connect or join with, to follow or pursue or go after, to reach or catch up with, to demand urgently, to request or ask persistently, to cover or wrap up or wind up, to bestow or bestow a favour, to distort or pervert, to insinuate, o allude to, to seek refuge or guidance or protection, to violate or desecrate, to profane, to contradict, to object to, to be deviant or pervert, to deviate or stray from the right path or course, to bury a body in a shelf in one side of the grave, to persist obstinately, to continue to argue or dispute obstinately, to roar, to compel or force or push, to have recourse to, to appeal to someone for help, to drink milk, to take due or undue advantage of the help or kindness of others, to get the best effect or result from, to obtain the greatest possible advantage from a situation, to feed or nourish, to exploit or defraud or bleed or fleece or squeeze or wring , to milk or draw milk, to extract or gain something in some sense from someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to have or be with milk, to muddle up or render doubtful, to dress, to adulterate, to mar, to render obscure, to confuse something with something else, to mystify, to obscure or hide or make invisible, to clothe, to put on, to wear, to be or become stuck to the earth, to patch up, to congregate or get together, to accumulate, to hesitate or be reluctant or show resistance, to remain or spend time in a place or position or state, to linger or linger on, to stopover, to abide or dwell or reside or live or be settled down, to be late in coming, to be slow, to stay or tarry, to have or have learned sense of making proper sense of things, to flash the tail, to rage, to radiate, to shine or glitter or sparkle, to tie, to bind, to yoke, to pull, to direct, to inspire or motivate or urge or move or drive or push or encourage, to make something be or do or have or use something, to make or have or use tools or weapons or instruments, to teach, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fence or something like fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter LAAM see word LAWH or root LAAM, WOW and HAA.

Letter MEEM means water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also chaos, confusion, anarchy, disorder, lawlessness, disaster, devastation, catastrophe, destruction, storm, revelation of God, something that gives life, something that inspires or moves or drives or encourages or motivates or urges someone or something to be something or to do something or to have something or to use something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, blood, tears, liquid, fluid, juice, might, power, sea, river, stream, a large number, many, commodities, provisions, livelihood, household equipment, memento, modest living, objective or goal or purpose, chattels, belongings, packs, household objects or things or utensils, errand, business, mission, task, back of an animal, heights, the main part, the middle of the road, ropes, ropes holding a tent, reasons upon which something stands, grounds upon which something is based or anchored, ground in which something is rooted, ways or means, tricks or formulas or techniques, similarity or alikeness, statue, proof, amount, example, a saying, parable, measure, punishment, retribution, forms, patterns, makes, physiques, constitutions, similitude, parable, an exemplary characteristic of its kind, statues, idols, effigies, images, splendour, waning of the moon, moonless nights, sharp blade, vertebra, drought, hardship, difficulty, poverty, trouble, obstacle, hurdle, problem, prowess, the sound or noise of the wind which drives boat along the surface of the sea, drinking place, skimmed milk, a churn, fodder or something like, ink or something similar, pus, duration, period, time span, term, a dry measure, city, urban or built up area, habitation or place of residence, mental or physical food that brings a person to life by giving a person’s mind or body the needed strength, digestive track or food passage, a complete human being, a man or woman, wife or husband, one or once or one time, one or anyone or a person, a chivalrous character, generosity of nature, humanity, something that gives complete satisfaction or satisfies completely, open space, pasture land, coral, small pearls, merriment, arrogance, haughtiness, ungratefulness, mirth, intoxicating drink, precise bow, myrrh, gall or gall bladder, marble, crystal, hard white stone from which blades are made, flint, barren land, a type of fragrant tree, white antelope, the sweat of a running horse, something for mixing with another thing or other things, temperament, rain clouds or rain bearing clouds, a piece of flat barren land, the traveller, the anointed, the one who cures by caressing, tasteless food, a plain person, palm tree fibres, rope or a rope twisted from palm tree leaves or fibres, ropes made from wool or animal hides, thirst quenching water, verdant pasture, antidote, hide, skin of an animal, bracelet, anklet, a catch, brain, deposit, water reservoir, musk, evening, middle of the road, a mixture, mixture of two colours, mixture of red and white, mixture of two things, a compound, cattle, a place or places where horses are trained for set purposes, boundaries, city, urban dwelling, small mound, small pieces or chunks of meat, morsel, mouthful, molars, jaws, lump of flesh, bite of meat, habit, custom, tradition, limbs, back of an animal, riding animals, goats, rocky or hard or difficult land, a tough person, a person with sound or good sense of judgement, water channels in the bottom of a valley, clear or fresh water from an open spring, sweet running or flowing stream or river water, utensils, obedience, property, settled dwelling, intestine, bowels, soft ripening date, soft food, drinking goblet, lizard or locust eggs, bird’s nest, a type of bird with long whistling sound, buttocks, animal furrows, a group of people, an elite group, the best people, cream of the crop, top part or section of something, top people or things, command and control centre, central nervous system, assembly, gathering, council, party, community, management, administration, organisation, association, company, circle, a pleasing sight, good character, outer garments, the filling capacity of something, something sufficient in quantity or dimension to fill something, the filler, salt, bitter water, sailor, wind that drives boats, beauty, smooth and solid rock, ownership, kingdom, dominion, kingship, slave, foundations, bases, grounds, essence, the very being, the very heart, the very foundation, marriage ceremony, middle of the valley, Godly, heavenly, universal, divine, angel or innocent or simple or basic, something in its natural state of existence, raw material, something yet unprocessed or unfinished or not finalised or worked on, untrained or unprepared or uncultured or uncivilised, something in its crude or rough form or shape, hot ashes, heat of the fire, food cooked in hot ashes, creed, religion, faith, way of life, rule of law, custom, tradition, a set of beliefs and rituals, an expanse of empty land, a period of time, a considerable long time, a weak rope, a tattered or worn out garment, fatigue, tiredness, weariness, laziness, vigour, strength of heart, death, eventualities, passage of time, honey like substance, a type of weight, mental or physical food given by God for all human beings, something grudged, something that is decreased, fate, semen, sperm, sleeping or resting place, cradle, a widely stretched out expanse, a dwelling or abode, molten copper or brass, a generic name for all metals, tar or molten tar, heated dirty oil, boiled oil dregs, ease of manner, self recollection, avalanche, vocation, wasteland, uncultivated land, an instant of death, dying, a dead people, a dead animal, being dead, breakers, high waves, dusty or dust carrying wind, belongings, possessions, gold and silver, camels, livestock, wealth, riches, treasures, a well, a water spring, spring season, banquet, table laden with food, a square, food stock, provisions, sustenance, to attack or assault or insult or ambush, to act favourably towards, to transgress, to persuade or convince or win someone over, to swerve or waver, to be crooked or turned or twisted, to deviate or err or stray or move away from the right path, to take sides, to lean over or bend or bend over, to incline or tilt or lean towards or be biased or prejudiced, to not to take part or interact or participate, to stand aside, to gush forth, to burst, to split up or asunder or rent or rip apart or tear up, to fall into bits or pieces or parts or sections or factions or groups or parties, to disintegrate or decompose or crumble, to fall apart or break down, to weed out or eliminate, to stand out, to distinguish or differentiate or discriminate, to mark or mark out or identify or specify or label or define or select, to melt down, to keep well stocked food supplies or provisions, to provide for mankind according to guidance of God by managing people and resources properly, to tumble about, to grant favours to someone, to provide for, to feed, to sway, to fluctuate, to shake or shiver or tremble or shudder, to camouflage, to falsify, to gild or coat, to spring a leak, to strike water, to finance, to avalanche or cause avalanche, to quake, to convulse, to pluck out, to contest, to contradict, to set and rise in succession, to flow or run, to spill over, to boil, to move briskly to and fro, to be tumultuous, to intermingle or socialise or mix or interact or take part or participate or fight with, to be high, to be stormy, to agitate or become agitated, to excite or become excited, to roll, to heave, to inflate, to swell or swell up, to surge or surge up, to wave, to be lifeless or something inanimate, to deny God or not know about God, to be barren due aridity or drought, to end or end up dead, to expire, to die natural death or cause to die or kill, to have silence or quietness, to be or become silent, to be or become arid, to let up, to be or become peaceful, to die down or subside or calm or settle down, to be mortal, to seek death or wish to die or try to commit suicide, to be nauseating, to be paltry or worthless, to be cheap, to be despicable, to be insignificant, to be contemptible, to be vile, to degrade or treat in a humiliating manner, to be professional, to serve or be a servant, to be patient or endure with, to let be, to bear or put up with, to grant a delay, to collapse, to act or proceed in a deliberate manner, , to harmonise or make people or things agreeable, to remove all obstacles or hurdles or difficulties, to make good provisions, to make known, to introduce, to make level or even or smooth, to coordinate people and things by removing any problems between them, to sort out or straighten things up, to organise and regulate people or things or people and things, to prepare or pave or ease or facilitate the way, to have false hopes or desires, to be poured forth or ejected or emitted, to ejaculate pour forth or out sperm, to plant expectations in, to generate curiosity in, to create desires in, to reward, to read or read aloud or recite, to flow, to shed or take off, to lie, to invent or forge or fabricate, to implore or plead or ask for, to think or reflect, to visualise, to imagine, to hope or wish or desire for, to approximate or estimate, to check out someone or something under working conditions, to test or put on trial, to fate, to freely give someone something to use or manage or handle according to advise of the giver or granter, to weaken or knuckle under, to recount one’s favours, to wish to put under obligation, to give or be given freely, to remind someone about favours you have done for them, to grant or bestow favours from a position of power, to cut, to be the one who stands often in the way of doing things which ensure well being of mankind, to deny someone something, to stand as a wall in between things, to be insurmountable, to be impenetrable, to defy, to make sacred, to imprison or lock up or bar, to refrain, to hinder or deprive or prohibit or restrict or limit or make unlawful or illegal or unacceptable or condemnable, to prolong life for someone, to draws an architectural map of something conceived in mind to show what it may look like in reality once it has been brought about or built, to show something in form of a skeleton or structure by way of a map or drawing, to draw or design a blueprint, to outline or sketch or draw, to dictate, to be restless, to be or become bored, to be on a mission or be a missionary, to be a master or teacher, to have a say in something, to have the right to dictate or legislate laws, to accord, to will or have the will, to be able to be or do or have or use something, to be in charge of, to be responsible for, to have control over, to marry, to be a king or emperor or sovereign or monarch, to rule or govern or reign or control or mange or handle or run a kingdom, to own or possess or acquire, to level up or remove ups and downs in it to make something even, to erase or blot out or destroy or annihilate, to become impoverished or destitute, to flatter or inflate, to be of good character, to be nice or beautiful, to salt or be salty or saline, to gang up on someone, to be courtiers or counsellors, to be or become leaders or notables or chiefs or heads or rulers or managers or administrators or elders, to have easy or comfortable or luxurious life or existence, to have plentiful or things of need in abundance, to be rich or wealthy, to fill up or be filled up, to be or become full to the capacity, to sweat, to wash, to whistle, to be or become well established, to be safe, o enable or make possible, to give authority or power or control or position to, to place or secure or settle in, to consolidate, to gain influence or dominance, to be or become possible, to be in high position or highly ranked, to chirp, to press a borrower or debtor for giving or paying back the borrowed thing or money, to be or become crowded, to chew on hard bones, to suck the mother’s milk dry, to gossip, to con or cheat, to irrigate hard and dry land, to be of strong and straight stem or root, to do something in steps or stages, to be calm, to be self restrained, to await the outcome, to bide one’s time, to wait, to be hateful, to marry a widow or divorcee of one’s father, to abhor, to disapprove, to loathe or disdain or dislike or hate, to detest, to be a guardian or carer or protector, to confess or profess or acknowledge or admit or accept or declare or announce or make known publicly, to devote one’s effort to, to mount or mount a ride or a riding animal, to strut or swagger, to stretch one’s limbs, to learn sense of making proper sense of things, to open one’s eyes, to go or travel fast, to cause to pour over, to cause downpour or rain, to seek help or assistance or backing, to be steady in one’s views or opinions, to leave oneself at the mercy of circumstances instead of learning sense of making proper sense of things and planning ahead in light of the knowledge about real world realities , to expose oneself to elements, to seek or ask for rain, to hail, to be or become established or firmly established, to be or become norm, to pass by, to spend or use, to complete or conclude a deal, to come to pass or prove true in reality by happening, to be brainy, to carry out a mission or execute a task or fulfil a goal or an objective, to go or live or abide by, to expire, to leave one to oneself or on one’s own, to leave alone or neglect or ignore or avoid, to leave or depart or die or go away or abandon or forsake or leave behind, to live in city, to urbanise or build cities or townships, to give sparsely, to milk with tips of the fingers, to be on the go constantly, to shift, to go about one’s business, to move or move about, to spread slanderous rumours, to backbite, to multiply, to grow or prosper, to increase, to proceed, to walk, to walk on foot, to go or go on or keep going, to be a union of people or things, to be a composite of things, to mingle, to mix, to help someone, to clear the uterus of a she-camel by hand, to enter evening time, to keep hold of or take firm hold of, to spare or save from the trouble or rescue, to hold up or sustain, to keep or hold back or restrain, to prevent, to retain, to keep, to withhold, to cease, to resolutely adhere to, to scent, to be impregnable, to be niggardly or miserly or mean or tight fisted, to stop or stop doing something, to hold together, to be guided by, to firmly or strongly adhere to, to hold or hang onto firmly, to catch or seize, to treasure, to consider worthy, to value, to appreciate, to understand or comprehend or encompass or grasp or surround, to consummate a marriage, to have intercourse, to be extreme, to be mean, to feel a bit hot, to have a bit of temperature or fever, to be slightly unwell or ill, to be lightly mad or insane, to harm, to befall, to cohabit, to feel, to persist in travelling by night, to have a good figure, to change the nature of something for the worse, to wear an animal thin by too much work, to transform into an ugly shape or form or character, to transmute, to edit or alter or change, to disfigure, to pervert, to distort or misinterpret or misrepresent, to embrace or brush or pat or skim or fondle, to touch or hug or kiss or stroke or cuddle, to run the palm of the hand over or along, to hit or smite or strike down, to boycott or cut off or sever ties with or cast out or isolate or separate, to travel in the land, to lie or speak a lie, to be an insincere or non-serious person, to deceive by insincere words, to shake hands over a deal, to anoint, to caress, to wipe off, to act pleasantly, to be far away or very distant or far remote or removed, to run away from an enemy, to go about one’s business in haste or in a hurry, to fragment, to tear into pieces, to scatter around, to be tattered, to pierce, to shred, to rip apart, to tear up, to be a person who is prone to change, to ripen, to mix or be a mixture, to have deep doubt about something, to not to accept or admit or acknowledge, to refuse, to reject, to dispute forcefully, to dismiss as baseless or unreasonable, to cast doubt or a strong doubt on, to refute, to give the lie to, to oppose or be against, to wrangle, to bring out all arguments in a dispute, to bring forth, to cause blood to flow, to rub the udder of a she-camel before milking, to be infirm or unstable or shaky, to have a disease, to have doubt or be doubtful or confused, to be hypocritical, to be of bad judgement, to be weak, to be a pest or something alike, to nurse, to be sick or unwell or ill, to have sound judgement or ability to decide things properly, to be calamitous or catastrophic or disastrous, to describe something in detail, to elaborate or explain or make clear or plain, to be difficult or problematic, to be or go on one’s way, to pass, to be angry, to be bitter, to be reliable or dependable trustworthy, to be determined or decisive, to be powerful or tough, to twist together, to continue, to drag along, to pass by, to be made or become smooth or regular or normal or evened out, to be obstinate or defiant, to be or become well educated or trained or highly civilised or cultured, to erect or build a very high building, to glaze or plaster, to soften, to be mentally or physically harmful or destructive, to be giant or something alike, to be a demon or alike, to be arrogant or haughty or insolent, to rebel or mutiny, to exceed the limits or violate the norms, to be gaiety, to be ungrateful, to seek or try to be dominate, to resonate or be resonating, to be light hearted, to be playful, to be active or lively or energetic, to be confusing, to cause to run freely, to be a bright tongue of fire, to be smokeless flame, to be bright, to be obscure, to be convoluted, to come in or go out, to diverge or converge, to have branches, to shoot or bring out shoots, to pasture, to be a person who thinks and acts to ensure well being of mankind, to be human or humane, to mentally and physically energising or motivating, to be mentally or physically digestible, to be wholesome and palatable, to settle in a place, to be vast or extensive or vastly increased, to be outstretched, to prolong, to provide, to grant a respite or a waiting period, to reach out or up, to replenish, to spread out or disperse or scatter or distribute or disseminate or propagate or publicise or broadcast, to fester, to be at high tide, to rise or climb or go higher or upwards, to supply, to help or assist or aid or support or back up or reinforce or succour or strengthen, to enrich, to unfold or start becoming a reality, to lend or loan, to give rope or reason or hope, to be tall or high, to pull or stretch or extend or expand or elongate or explode or explain or detail, to churn, to be with child or pregnant, to be in pain or labour pain for giving birth, to give birth, to be in labour, to plough through the water, to sail while making sloshing noise, to sail with such force that causes water to splash up noisily , to cleave or cleave water, to darken or withdraw the light, to be or become covered or covered with rain water, to vanish or hide or disappear completely or become nonexistent, to learn or know, to train or educate or prepare or cultivate or groom, to be or become hardened, to wear out, to whip, to afflict, to examine or scrutinise or look at carefully, to try or put to the test, to experience or taste, to dispute or differ or divide or fight, to shift or move or change from one situation to another, to plot or scheme or plan or design or connive or conspire, to carry out intrigues, to be antagonistic, to defend or preserve or guard or protect or save or rescue or shield, to strive or struggle or endeavour or toil or labour or work hard, to blight, to cause to decrease, to defeat or humble or vanquish or overcome or overpower, to be sharp or intelligent or clever or tricky or deceptive or cunning, to uproot, to blot out or erase or eradicate or annihilate or annul or wipe out or be effaced or become featureless, to diminish, to be tightly twisted, to bring or come into the open, to sift, to purify or cleanse, to smelt, to examine closely, to scrutinise, to be exalted or glorified or honoured or graced, to be of good stock, to feed on plentiful luscious pasturage, to be a warning or a lesson, to be an example fit or good enough to be emulated or imitated or followed, to be a model, to be as much as or as many as, to be equal or equivalent of, to attain a proper balance regarding something, to reach a happy medium about something, to assume the likeness of, to take the appearance or shape or form of, to appear as, to be similar or the same or the like as, to face the consequences of one’s harmful or destructive thoughts or actions, to maim, to mutilate, to be or become the best or ideal, to be or become good or perfect or complete or wholesome, to recover or become restored, to submit, to materialise or become a reality, to appear or become obvious or visible or manifest, to stand for, to be like or likened, to imitate or emulate or copy, to resemble, to make sure or ensure or be assured, to hotly oppose in a debate, to be distant or remote, to maintain a divorced or widowed woman, to spend one’s time embroiled in the chores of living, to tarry or stay or reside or remain or abide or dwell, to drive pleasures from, to profit or ensure well being of oneself or others, to bring about a kingdom based upon guidance of God and maintain it, to experience the pleasures of life, to remain or carry on living, to set alimony or provisions for a divorced or widowed woman, to endow or bestow, to enjoy or cause to enjoy, to benefit another, to be extremely good, to attain a long life or be granted longevity or power, to go ahead or move forward or advance, to be compelling or forceful, to be mighty or strong or become strong, to be firm or solid or hard or tough, to mow, to backbite, to increase or become increased, to grow, to enl to add to, to enlarge or become enlarged, to exaggerate, to accumulate, to add up, to gather, to cause harm or destruction, to flood or be flooded or cause flooding, to spill blood, to cause trouble or rift or war, to shed tears, to cause sadness or sorrow or grief, to cause death and destruction, to have right to rule, to quench thirst, to satisfy needs or demands or requirements, to spread like water, to flow or overflow, to drip or trickle down, to run or move quickly or travel fast, to stand still, to evaporate, to dry up, to impart or spread knowledge, to learn or obtain knowledge, to rain or rain down, to come into leafs, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, window or something like window in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter MEEM, see word MAA or root MEEM, WOW and HAA.

Letter NOON means fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also ink or something like ink in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, boat or ship or ark or something alike, a vessel that moves in water or air or space, spaceship or aeroplane or rocket or something alike, writing, scribbling, something that can swim in some form of liquid or medium in some sense, sperm, continuation through seed, snake, perpetuation, heir, son, off-spring, small ditch encircling a tent to keep sewage away, news item, prophecy, glad tidings, warnings, lessons or lessons to be learned, story, tail, narrative, history, examples, replies, responses, arguments, plants, vegetation, herbage, seedling, the young, buds, germs, embryos, sprouts, shoots, the act of rearing or raising, growth, part or portion, a small piece, title, nickname, derisive or insulting name, descriptive name, first water obtained from newly dug well, innermost part, spring or water spring, brook or water brook, creek, tract, channel, strewn, hard and high land, plateau, a well marked road that is clear and wide, mean and tough camels, courage, dare, assistance, aid, help, support, backing, reinforcement, elevation, highland, high ground, a place too high for flooding to reach, teats of the mother, dirt, filth, rubbish, defilement, desecration, profanity, an amulet or charm, incantations, stars, galaxies, celebrity, instalments, fixed terms, astrology, astronomy, plants without stalks, herbage or bushes, something that shines or glitters or sparkles or twinkles or glows, speed, wow, life span, death, danger, splinter, disposition, character, feature, chest or the upper part of the chest, the throat, hardship, bad luck, dusty wind, smoke, severe cold, brass, copper, misfortune, ill-omened, disastrous, honey bees, free gift, a virtue, statutory gift, nostril, palm trees, date palms, the select, the dregs, an equal, peer, antagonist, rivals, partners, sandalwood, remorse, repentance, regret, penitence, a drinking partner, an intimate companion, moisture, dew, goodness, generosity, voice, voice that caries, assemblage, a place of gathering for conferring, a consultative group, council, assembly, votive, offering, jab, nudge, haemorrhage, dwelling, habitat, abode, home, residence, place of stay, environment, atmosphere, surrounding, hospitality, food offered to guests, provisions, sustenance, flood, rain, stage, step, level, rank, position, gradation, stations, phases, sections, parts, divisions, combat, duel, calamity, disaster, catastrophe, an attack of ill health, seizure, victuals, revelation of God, once, one time, occasion, place of alighting descent, stick, staff, thick stick, cudgel, power or authority, crew, regime, governing body, a body of people, family, tribe, clan, circle, organisation, association, company, management, administration, party, section, a group of people, longevity, postponement, delay, suspension, strongly intoxicating drink, kinship, lineage, relationship through marriage, relative or related or linked or connected, a clearly marked straight road, paternal kinship, blood relation, transcription or transcribed material, eagle, vulture, green meadows, nuggets of gold and silver, sacrifice, hermit, sacred or God set goals and guidelines or their related works or tasks, places where in God set tasks are carried out by people as a proper human community, offspring, progeny, descendants, fibrous waste, woman or woman like, pertaining to woman or woman like, sciatica, some or a few women, womenfolk or the like, wives, subordinates, mates, supporters, assistants, weaker men or people in a human community or society or population, lowly people, rubble. A forlorn thing, oblivion, obscure, not obvious or noticeable, the youth, young plants and animals, the young generations, the first hours of the night, scent, perfume, a well with water level high enough for a person to draw, energy, agility, landmark or the like, idol or the like, alter or the like, a foundation or ground or base or the like, a handle or the like, part or share or portion, in front of, opposite or opposite of, a needle, rain falling on arid land, flood channels leading into a valley, a river, tributaries of a river, water streams that fall into a river, half, middle, justice, balance, symmetry, good countenance, veil, rivulet leading into a valley, forehead, forelock, hair growing above the forehead, the upper crust or strata or layer or caste or class of a human society, a drizzle, a gushing spring, a cascading spring, pile of things, bunches of fruit growing in rows over one another, layers of clouds, stacks of stones, the family elders, pure gold, good living, lushness, verdure, freshness, good looks, freshness, radiance, glow, a horse with two white spots on the forehead, an animal stabbed or gored to death by horns, unblemished pearl, drop of water or fluid or liquid, semen,, the dregs at the bottom of a container, down trodden or marginalised members of a human society, belt, girdle, waist, speech, language, idiom, signal, living animals, eyesight, a sight, evil eye, a look, a single glance, female sheep, ewe, gazelle, goat or mountain goat, antelope, woman, woman or camel with good colouring, a fast camel, an ewe, slumber, dozing off, drowsiness, sleepiness, lazy kids or children, entrance to desert rat’s borrow, croaking, bleating, gibberish, footwear, horseshoe, camelshoe, hard and stony piece of barren land, calamities, disasters, destructions, devastations, a pair of shoes or sandals, cattle, livestock, ostrich, bounty, grace, blessing, plentiful, abundance, affluency, prosperity, wealth, riches, treasures, luxuries, the joint that allows movement of the shoulder, rennet, dose, touch, pleasant smell, breath, breeze, bellows, haughtiness, arrogance, vent, opening, exit, window, door, hole, aperture, entrance, detachment, fighting group, a debate between two men whereby each tries to prove his superiority over the other, masses or people or people in general or general public, following or followers, aversion, rejection, detestation, detachment, host, blood, life, breath, mind, the self, the inner self, the psyche, the conscious, discerning faculty, a person or personality, essence, being, an individual, a single human being, the domain of one’s own retrospection, wool, rarefied, carded, tufted, benefit, use, advantage, walking stick, dealer in walking sticks, interests, concerns, business, uses, utilities, a desert rat’s tunnel, livelihood, labour for survival, fruit of one’s labour, hypocrisy, a passage through the earth, a tunnel open at both ends, a tunnel like hole made in a pyjama or underwear or skirt or a pair of trousers for putting a string through to hold it up in position around the waist, a storage place which has two doors one for putting things in and the other for taking things out, spoils of war, extras, surpluses, excessive, additional, largesse, garbage, dregs, rejects, refuse, perforation on a camels hooves, nature, disposition, good character or feature, works that ensure well being of mankind, deeds that make this world a beautiful place for mankind to live in, chief, head, leader, manager, administrator, commander or command and control centre, central nervous system, governing body of an organisation or country or company or an association, head of a family or circle or party or community or society, a horse taken from the enemy, puddle, a small hole in the date-stone, a bird’s beak, trumpet, horn, infighting, bickering, shortcomings or faults or defects or blemishes, mistakes, stagnant water, swamp, quagmire, dust storm, clouds of dust or smoke, punishment, denial, resentment, hatred, vengeance, wind that brings no rain, disastrous wind, the shoulder join, a disease that afflicts the shoulder joint, whereabouts or regions of the earth, tracts or paths or roadways, great crisis, bad luck, strained circumstances, serious matters, something harmful or destructive severely or beyond imagination or immeasurable in its severity, something horrific, something out of this world, something unexpected, something ugly, something false or untrue or made up or invented or a lie or fabrication, wickedness, shackles, fetters, chains, necklace, bracelets, bangles, cushion, shock absorbent, soft, tender hearted, kind, compassionate, ants, tips of the fingers, louse, slight gentle sound, calumny, tale-bearing, clear open or wide road, a way of life, a rule of law, a tradition or custom, a precedent, an example, daylight, a spring or stream of sweet running water, something sweet, running or flowing waters, the period of time between dawn and dusk, goal or end, aim or objective or purpose, mission or task, destination, terminal or termination, the end, reasoning faculty, comprehension or ability to understand things, a terminus, place or time of ending, limit, the extreme end, a star approaching its celestial setting point or a point at which the star disappears or becomes invisible from the earth, a seizure, a mental or physical shift or change, light or light of knowledge, guidance, lantern, fire or fire of hatred, landmark, reference point, fire, blossoms, human kind or human beings, cobweb, a crowd, others, those in question, a particular group, everyone, all and sundry, sensible or humane or proper human beings, the essence of humanity, skirmish, escape route or way out, place and time of escape, refuge, shelter, sanctuary, a secure place, a place of hiding, room for manoeuvre, space for breathing, roof over head, home, umbrella, canopy, confinement, prison, she-camel, a correct word, a word of wisdom, inkpot, a fruit stone, favour, to insult or attack or assault, to overtake, to attain to, to include or cover, to lay one’s hands on, to get hold of, to bear upon or influence, to let have, to determine, to intend, to leave home, to copy a scripture, to mark or write or scribble or scribe, to start a long campaign for something, to be up to something no good, to be fishy or elusive, to be asleep, to abate or subside or die down or calm down or settle down, to be lazy or worn out or tired or fatigued, to think or plan ahead, to dream or imagine or visualise or be ambitious, to sleep or lie down, to be fussy, to be selective or choosy, to be or cause to be amiable, to be of pleasant complexion, to make dainty, to be elongated or stretched or extended or enlarged or expanded, to pull, to prepare or ready oneself for action, to reach or grasp or embrace, to receive or attain, to catch or seize or hold or hand onto, to hang down, to loosen or slacken, to drive or drive an animal, to be blown about, to give light or heat or both, to bring forth flowers, to grow or blossom or prosper, to light fire, to gain insight, to become clear, to light or shed light, to illuminate or enlighten, to stand face to face or facing each other, to swing or dangle or move from side to side, to howl, to wail or lament, to turn to or turn to God or guidance of God, to repent, to take turns, to deputise, to see or visit, to inflict or suffer hostilities, to succumb under a heavy load, to be strained by, to be weighed down with difficulties, to come to an end, to condemn or denounce, to cease or hold back, to stop or resist or desist or refrain, to restrain one another from being or doing or having or using something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to warn against, to suppress, to ward off, to be rational or be able to figure out or reason out things, to be able to make proper sense of things, to relay or relate to, to stay neutral, to abstain, to forbid or prohibit or make unlawful or sacred, to prevent, to restrain, to end or finish or expire or die, to drive away, to chide, to chase away, to strike water, to breathe with difficulty, to proceed, to show or point out the way, to pass through a clear wide road, to be a backbiter or slanderer, to slander or spread malicious rumours, to betray a confidence, to disclose or reveal, to show through or be visible or obvious, to be agitated or active or energetic or restless or anxious or worried, to tell lies, to mend a garment in such a way that repair work remains invisible, to be trained or experienced or expert or skilled, to be brave or courageous or daring, to be cowardly or to be cowardly when faced with the enemy, to evade, to torture, to force back, to rebel, to look down upon, to be arrogant or haughty, to snub, to wipe tears from the cheek with one’s finger, to lose heart or courage or hope, to recoil, to impede or hinder, to show hesitation or reluctance or resistance, to bend down, to revert or cause to revert, to degenerate or decay, to relapse, to hang one’s head down in shame, to reverse or turn something back to front, to turn down or be turned down, to empty or be emptied, to turn upside down, to ruin or destroy, to take away or try to God given rights of mankind, to have no respect for God given rights of people, to disguise or camouflage, to be denied, to be mystified, to fail to place or identify, to be unable to recognise or acknowledge, to be detestable or abominable or loathsome, to blame, to censure, to seek to clarify or desire to explain or detail, to refuse to acknowledge or admit or accept, to fail to recognise, to not know or be ignorant or unaware of or about something, to be discerning, to be cunning or clever or tricky or deceptive, to be miserable or sickly or scanty or stunted or poorly, to fail to grow plants, to fail to give birth to a living young, to deny assistance, to enter marriage contract or agree to marry, to seek or have desire to marry, to give to someone in marriage, to facilitate the marriage, to marry off or enable to marry, to wed or copulate or mate or have intercourse with, to be taken over by slumber or sleep, to be overcome or overpowered or humbled or defeated or forced to surrender or submit, to irrigate or drench the land with rain, to fornicate, to give in matrimony, to marry or be married, to fall victim to anarchy or disorder or identity crisis, to disintegrate completely, to be in a complete mess or confusion or chaos or disarray, to break one’s words, to violate an oath, to renege or go back on a promise or pledge or agreement or and undertaking, to undo what has been done or accomplished or established, to untwist yarn, to go astray, to deviate or swerve or veer off or turn away from, to be afflicted with disaster or devastation or calamity or catastrophe, to inflict with punishment, to help keep on the track or try to prevent from going off the track or guard against going off the track, to exact a penalty, to take retribution, to take to task for, to take revenge, to rebuke or reproach or disapprove, to hold in contempt, to dislike or disdain or loathe or hate, to turn pale from fright or sickness, to raise one’s voice and shout, to rise and float, to satisfy one’s need, to quench one’s thirst, to soak or drench or wet or wash, to collect or gather, to weigh down, to weaken, to overburden, to dispute with, to dismantle, to leave with a loss, to give or put in loss, to leave short of or wanting, to give or take less than due, to be incomplete or imperfect, to break into bits or take apart, to dismember or unravel or undo, to consume, to retreat, to shortchange, to fall short of, to be mentally weak, to disparage, to decrease or reduce or lessen or shorten or diminish or contract or shrink or retract, to sound a trumpet or horn or blow a whistle, to swear at or call names, to abuse or exploit or misuse, to click with fingers or tongue, to help get out of trouble or difficulty or problem, to bail or bail out, to lecture, to wander all over the earth, to search high and low, to cover or cover up or wrap or wrap up or veil or wear a veil or hide or conceal, to bore or pierce or perforate or make a hole, to disown, to deny, to blow away, to set aside, to dismiss, to exile or banish, to eject or cast out or throw out, to go further or beyond what is norm or expected or required or demanded, to do something voluntarily, to give or take more than due, to defend others, to think one thing but do another in order to confuse others or to take undue advantage of them, to labour or toil or work hard for ensuring well being of others, to think or act hypocritically, to be or become a hypocrite, to support one’s family or community or party or circle, to lend support to the cause or goal or mission for ensuring well being of people, to contribute towards the goal of ensuring well being of mankind or the good cause, to use or spend, to find a good market, to die, to go into one tunnel and come out of another , to be suitable or acceptable, to make use of, to be of use or be useful, to stray into a piece of land for grazing, to scatter over a large area, to bristle up, to ruffle the feathers, to tease out, to aspire or be ambitious, to show through, to sigh gently, to breathe out, to be sparing or miser or niggardly, to envy or covet, to vie or compete, to yearn or crave or have desire or wish for, to treasure or consider valuable or precious, to release or relieve or set free or let go, to slacken, to plot or scheme or conspire, to give someone evil eye or look for ways to inflict harm destruction upon someone, to break out, to breathe, to leave home to fight with the army, to get up join a fighting force or army, to dislike, to alienate, to flee or escape or runaway, to stampede or cause to stampede, to rise to one’s duty, to call up, to pull away from, to break through, to pass beyond, to arbitrate, to execute or carry out, to penetrate, to go through, to come to an end, to be become depleted or vanish or become low profile or unnoticeable, to run out, to blast, to explode or expand or explain or detail, to be blown, to breathe into, to inflate, to swell, to repel or repulse or fend off, to kick, to make present or gift, to waft about, to cast or cast a spell, to exude, to hiss an incantation, to inject, to inspire, to spit out or emit, to blow or blow into or puff out, to shake the head from one side to the other, to move the head up and down, to incline, to change sides, to move from one side to the other, to have happy or delightful life, to have bountiful existence, to have pleasure of life, to be serene, to be radiant, to grant or bless with comfortable or easy life or living, to be soft and smooth, to become verdant, to grow or make progress, to flourish, to bestow favours, to enjoy life, to have comfortable or affluent or luxurious life or living, to walk or travel on foot, to have hooves, to have thick hard feet, to bleat or croak, to shout or cry at herds of goats and sheep, to scream, to shout or cry out, to dose off, to be a discoverer, to be a waiter, to be an onlooker or spectator, to behold, to reprieve, to grant respite, to search or try to discover or find out, to dig or dig up or out, to ascertain or evaluate, to await or wait for, to look out for, to consider, to look at or for something carefully or with full attention or presence of mind, to examine or probe or scrutinise or inspect or investigate or explore, to watch impassively, to look on or at, to give respite or a waiting time or period, to expect or anticipate or look ahead for some happening, to postpone or delay or put back or suspend or put on hold, to wait, to be equal or similar, to discuss or debate or exchange ideas or argue or dispute, to compare or measure against, to think or ponder or contemplate or reflect, to perceive or understand or imagine or comprehend, to glimpse or glance, to see or watch or observe or look at, to give expression to, to have or give the faculty of speech to, to express oneself, to speak or cause to speak, to seep, to become dirty, to slander, to smear, to strive or struggle or campaign, to butt with horns, to radiate, to be organised and regulated, to be in sequence one after the other, to be piled up, to be in clusters or clustered, to be stacked up on to[p of each other, to be arranged in rows, to spout or cascade or gush forth, to spout water copiously, to cook or come up with a plot or plan or scheme, to become tender through cooking, to be overdue in giving birth, to be wise or attain wisdom, to mature or become mature, to ripen, to be done, to be cooked or well cooked, to climb up, to control, to disgrace or humiliate, to grasp by the forehead, to plait hair, to be capable of defending oneself, to be staunch or unwavering helper or supporter, to seek assistance or call upon someone for help, to repel aggression, to defend oneself, to help someone or something against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deliver or salvage, to succour, to avenge oneself, to become impregnable or impenetrable, to be a disciple, to triumph or win or be victorious, to help or assist in repelling an attack, to warn or admonish or teach a lesson, to be true, to act sincerely or faithfully or properly, to give sound advice, to conduct oneself in a proper or appropriate way, to be upright or have righteous behaviour, to have right attitude, to act in good faith, to be good hearted or of excellent mindset, to counsel, to desire well being of others, to be an advisor or well wisher, to be sincere or serious, to be pure or clear or clean or unmixed or unadulterated, to quench thirst of animals or land, to stitch up, to patch up, to be silent or be silenced, to listen in silence or lend ear to, to listen or heed or accept advice, to be concerned or worried, to work hard, to be weary or tired or fatigued or exhausted, to be set up, to be installed, to exert oneself, to be constant, to be laborious, to be in control, to be brisk, to be or become highly spirited or inspired or motivated, to migrate from one location to another for pasture or in search of food and water, to pasture well, to recover completely from an illness or be fully restored or replenished, to draw water from a well with water level high enough to be drawn, to be rivals or antagonists or opponents or enemies, to have discordant behaviour towards one’s spouse, to be contrary or opposite, to bring back to life or cause to become lively or active or energetic, to reassemble, to retrieve, to give up one’s place or stand up for someone else to have a seat, to give up one’s seat for someone else, to be rebellious or pervert or devious, to be discordant, to stand out or be distinct, to clearly detail or spell out, to spread out in numbers, to go about one’s business, to resurrect, to saw apart, to announce or be made public, to multiply or grow in number, to come into leaf, to unfold or blossom or open up or start happening, to sprout or shoot, to waft, to construct or erect, to aloft or hoist, to be creation, to appear anew, to occur or happen or take place the very first time, to renew or recreate, to devise or make, to build or built up, to transmute, to make into or transform, to give rise to or elevate, to be brought up or raised or fostered or nurtured or reared, to glean information, to raise from the dead or from the fallen or down trodden state of existence, to emerge or cause to emerge, to initiate, to come to being, to create or design or produce or fashion or form or shape or mould or carve, to emerge, to grow or cause to grow or increase or expand or stretch or enlarge, to rise, to climb, to go higher, to wake up, to revive, to get up, to stand up, to start an uprising or revolution or revivalist movement, to be forgetful, to be something not worth the trouble, to be something not worth bothering about, to be something not worth remembering, to be unimportant or insignificant or negligible or useless, to be or become oblivious, to leave one top his own devices, to overlook or forgive or let go, to be humble or submissive, to forsake or abandon or ignore or neglect or avoid or forget or leave alone or desert or disclaim or renounce, to ooze out, to move quickly or swiftly, to speed up, to swarm out, to fall out, to give birth, to beget, to carry out one’s assigned duties by God as understood and distributed among individuals by a proper human community, to live a life of a Godly person who works for ensuring well being of mankind, to be righteous or the one who respects God given rights of mankind, to be scattered around, to be reduced to dust, to pulverise or be pulverised, to winnow, to fall into pieces or fragments or decompose, to cause to collapse or disintegrate or fall apart or break down, to scatter or disperse or distribute or disseminate or sprinkle or broadcast or publicise or spread, to transcribe from an original, to note down exactly, to entrust someone to record something, to be alike or similar or identical, to be a copy or image of, to copy or seek to copy or try to copy, to substitute one thing for another, to invalidate, to remove or move away or shift, to obliterate or erase or annihilate or destroy or eliminate or cause to disappear or become obscure or invisible or hidden, to abrogate or cancel or delete or eradicate, omit or edit or add or insert or revoke or replace or alter or change, to match or measure up against, to be equal or suitable, to postpone or suspend or delay, to cause to forget, to allow time to pay a debt, to protract, to drive hard, to chide, to be an anchor, to be a host, to reveal in succession, to appear or show up or become exposed or manifest or visible or obvious or evident, to go through or cause to go through, to be carried, to come or come down often or frequently or repeatedly or in numbers, to cause to undertake or embark upon, to provide with rank or position or authority or lodging or abode or roof over head or room for manoeuvre or space to breathe or shelter or sanctuary or patronage or guardianship or backing or reinforcement, to accommodate, to provide or sustain or maintain, to make easy or facilitate, to engulf or surround or envelop in, to grant or bestow upon, to dispatch or be dispatched, to make or cause to fall, to cause to be sent down, to tell or disclose or let know or inform or make aware, to be revealed or be sent by God, to befall, to alight, to engage in combat, to take up residence, to bring down, to disembark, to come or send down or descend, to run out of drinks, to be made drunk, to be intoxicated, to run out, to exhaust, to bleed or drain, to defame or try to ruin one’s good reputation, to insinuate harmful or destructive thoughts, to incite hatred, to plant or sow discord or dissention or divide or quarrel or fight, to poke or thrust someone with a finger or spear, to pluck out, to discard, to share in a friendly manner, to pass around, to discuss, to fall into dispute with one another, to be at variance with each other, to contend with, to draw or sketch, to select or choose, to peel off, to uproot, to tear away, to sweep away, to abolish, to remove or take away, to cause controversy, to exchange, to be fond of, to take after, to desire or fancy or lust after, to incline, to be an archer, to pull at, to take out or withdraw or pull out or pluck out or uproot, to strip off or become naked, to teach a lesson, to warn against, to preach or advise or guide or direct, to dedicate or assign or offer, to herald, to be a harbinger, to denote, to admonish, to alert, to threaten, to warn or give warning, to consecrate, to promise or pledge or pledge to God, to call to one another or upon each other, to be informed or made aware, to be called or addressed, to consult, to take part in a group activity, to convene, to assemble, to get together, to call together, to seek assistance, to call or call out or invite or hail, to invoke or implore, to proclaim or declare, to repent, to regret or be remorseful, to wander, to bolt, to slander, to stand in opposition, to sift, to sieve out, to crumble, to turn to dust, to decay or rot, to snort, to claim something false for oneself, to be, to purport, to become emaciated, to be unlucky, to fulfil one’s duties as they become due, to stand upright, to pour down heavily, to slaughter or kill, to slaughter a sacrificial animal, to sculpt, to hollow or hollow out, to chisel, to quarry, to carve or carve into shape, to hew or hew out, to debate, to work hard, to walk briskly, to take chances, to weep, to come to the end of one’s life-span, , to fulfil a wow, to convey intimacies in private, to have a conversation or conference in private, to salvage or try to limit the damage, to confer together in secrecy, to exchange confidentialities with, to speak in private with, to support or reinforce, to shield or protect or guard or preserve, to spare, to save or rescue or bring to safety, to reach safety, to go free, to consult with one another, to confer in secrecy, to confide, to flay, to cut, to cleans oneself, to escape, to run away, to run quickly, to deliver, to rescue, to remove dirt from oneself, to appear or show up or become visible, to rise or climb, to wake up, to tell the future, to wet or soil, to go in different directions, to spill, to strew, to loosen up or become loose or dislodged, to pour out by overturning, to overturn, to shake or move back and forth with force or shudder or jitter, to flow or gush out or pour forth, to claim to be, to live like, to issue, to originate, to well out, to deduce or interpret or explained or make clear or convey plainly, to elicit, to defame, to call each other names, to retire apart or withdraw from others or isolate oneself, to annul or cancel or render void, to breach or violate or break, to renege, to retire or retreat to one side, to withdraw or take out or exclude, to discard or cast out or throw away, to hurl or throw or flung, to help the upbringing of, to facilitate the rearing of, to facilitate or ease or pave the way, to yield, to make cultivable, to take root, to become of age, to elevate or lift up or hoist, to raise or bring up, to breed, to arm or adorn or equip or ornament or decorate, to cultivate or train or educate or groom or prepare or make ready, to plant or sow the seeds, to bring forth or create or produce or bring into life or energise or motivate or inspire or move, to grow or cause to increase or multiply or prosper or be successful, to become more or bigger or larger or stronger or tougher, to germinate, to sprout or shoot or shoot out, to persist in asking, to seek an explanation of someone for something, to make someone explain something, to be held accountable or take to task, to guide or instruct or direct or command, to question or interrogate, to acquaint or enlighten or be acquainted or enlightened, to reveal or disclose or divulge let know, to claim prophethood or messengership from God or be a prophet or messenger from God, to predict or forecast or foretell or prophesy or inform in advance of something happening by looking at what is going on or by way of being informed by someone who has inside information or being informed by God, to ask for news, to leave one’s town and settle in another town, to overpower or overcome or overwhelm, to rise, to protrude, to distance oneself from, to go far away, to remove or shift or move away, to be far removed or distant or remote, to shun or bar or prevent or stop or keep away, to walk away, to go a long distance, to be slippery, to be lively or active or energetic, to be a smooth operator, to be smooth or illusive, to be deceptive, to draw, fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter NOON see word NOON or root NOON, WOW and NOON.

Letter HAA means window or something like window in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also window of opportunity, a way into or through something, a way through to something, ladder, a way to reach something in some sense, arms raised either in happiness or sadness, dust floating in the air, fine dust, dust particles visible in the sunlight, mote, dust cloud, vain effort, aimless or purposeless effort, midday heat in summer, tradition, custom, habit, rule of law, constitution, way of life, culture, precedent, example, part of the night, thud, thundering sound, devastating event, a grave, a tattered garment, hoopoe, guide, vanguard, road, daylight, aim or objective, goal or mission or purpose, mode, manner, a gift or present, an offering or sacrifice, a lighthouse, a rock or an island or landmark that is clearly visible from a long distance during daylight as a guide or reference point, a lit path or clearly visible road, revelation of or from God, the ability to learn to clearly distinguish between right and wrong or truth and falsehood, the sense of making proper sense of things, news, information, directions, instructions, program, goals and guidelines, a mentally or physically weak person, lowland, crevice, groove, crack, roll of thunder, disaster, devastation, destruction, calamity, catastrophe, death, emaciated animals, a horse that perspires to much, dry stalk, straw, dry herbage or vegetation, land with dry or dead trees, dry stubble, crumbling straw, injustice, a wide road, highway, a fast running she-camel, fickle, place or time of destruction, new moon, crescent or crescent like in some sense, sword, a shower of rain, rain clouds, faint murmur, an important or serious matter, errand, assignment, task, mission, goal, objective, vermin, pest, reptiles, insects in general, benefits coming with no toil or labour, solemnity, Jewry, the Jews or Jewish people, the atmosphere between the earth and the sky, emptiness, void, abyss, narrow opening between mountains, bottomless pit, according to oneself, self referencing, personal opinion, make belief, unfounded conviction, air, form, shape, bearing, avalanching sand dunes, a halo, a waterless desert, an important issue, to be the over all or ultimate authority or criterion or standard, to be the final or ultimate criterion for judgement of things regarding which mankind dispute or differ with each other, to have the full authority, to be fully in control, to have an over all view or have everything in sight, to stand out as a standard or criterion for testing the truth about something, to stand up as a witness over, to stand guard over, to be fully trustworthy or trustable completely, to be the standard for testing the truth about something, to be the quality control centre, to be the sole or final judge or judgement about things, to have the position of deciding matters, to have an over all or the whole picture or information about things, to be in position of trust, to be in control of, to be trusted with, to take care of others, to work for betterment of others, to ensure well being of mankind, to take care of others, to give or provide with proof, to allay fears, to witness or stand as witness or be or become a witness, to ramble senselessly, to drift or drift away, to roam or wander about, to become demented by thirst, to be carried away or get carried away, to be or become senseless or foolish or ignorant, to be or become infatuated, to lose or be robbed of the sense of making proper sense of things, to be puzzled or confused or bewildered, to wander about aimlessly, to gang up or gang up on or against, to cause to avalanche or collapse, to heap up, to trickle down, to slide down or cause to slide down, to pour down or cause to pour down, to ripen, to reach maturity, to be thirsty for water or knowledge or love or attention or something, to shrivel, to whether away, to cause to dry up, to be at war with, to be furious or inflamed, to get excited or stirred up, to mould or bend or give form or shape or figure to, to organise and regulate people and things properly, to put in order or arrange properly, to assist or help, to make easy, to facilitate or pave the way, to equip or adorn or arm or ornament in some sense for some purpose, to make ready or prepare, to be well-formed, to be shapely, to have capricious or base desire, to follow whims, to have prejudices, to tempt, to bewilder, to allure, to seduce, to toss around, to drop or fall from above, to bring down or overthrow, to set, to be or become condemned or rejected, to be or become lost, to enchant or become enchanted, to entice or tempt or seduce, to have altruistic motives, to love, to desire or wish or long or yearn or crave for, to incline or incline towards or turn to, to cause to fall or fall down, to swoop down, to insult or abuse, to be easily accomplished or accomplishable, to shame, to hold in contempt, to abase or degrade, to be easy of manner, to humble or demean, to be gentle, to be solemn, to be moderate, to be amiable, to be easy, to be meek, to be despicable, to value lightly or take for a joke, to give no importance or consider insignificant, to joke or jest or scorn, to ridicule or make fun of or laugh at, to disgrace or be disgraced, to teeter, to falter or be shaky, to guess or conjecture or estimate or assume, to endanger, to be rash or unreasonable or senseless, to reckless or dangerous, to pass away, to turn to God or guidance of God, to be rightly or properly guided, to intoxicate, to sing, to be or become a Jew or of Jewish faith, to be conciliatory, to be indulgent, to proceed gently and solemnly, to repent and mend one’s ways, to be or do something with pleasure, to cover the skin of a camel with pitch, to congratulate, to bring pleasure or joy or happiness, to feed, to graze well, to be wholesome or complete or full, to be healthy, to make one pay attention to something, to cause to be mindful or thoughtful, to take shot, to try or attempt, to make for, to melt down, to plot or scheme or have designs or conspire, to by, to be highly capable or accomplished or established person, to be able to be or do or have or use something, to be about to do or be on the point of doing, to intend to do, to go about one’s business, to distress or cause distress, to move stealthily, to mutter, to mumble, to whisper, to nudge, to prompt someone for harming or destroying someone or something, to defame often or frequently or strongly, to spread false rumours, to defame, to backbite or slander, to set people against each other, to inspire or push or urge to harm or destroy, to insinuate, to goad on, to spur, to squeeze, to prick, to push or shove, to poke, to prod, to pour down profusely, to give generously, to be talkative or talk too much, to shed, to pour down, to fall to shreds, to be lifeless, to be barren, to die down, to die away, to be silence or silent, to remember God at the time of lawfully slaughtering an animal, to makes the rule of law of God supreme in his kingdom of the universe, to come forth or forward, to start or begin or commence, to appear the very first time, to kill the will to live in a person, to kill curiosity or potential for growth and prosperity in a person, to put in danger, to squander or waste, to cause to die, to do one’s utmost or the best possible, to apply oneself earnestly, to run away fast or quickly, to lose one’s way, to consume or spend or use, to harm or damage, to die or perish or expire or depart or become ruined or destroyed or extinct or obliterated, to be prone to anxiety or agitation or worry or restlessness, to be impatient, to be hungry for food or love or success or wealth or riches, to be coward, to be greedy, to envy or covet or be jealous, to be mean or miser or niggardly, to be fearful, to be restless or anxious or dreadful, to cause to be anxious, to hasten in anxiety, to mindlessly rush with outstretched neck, to cower in fear, to transfix the eyes in horror, to stretch the neck and head in agitation, to come rushing in fear, to deny one one’s God given rights, to be encased or covered or enveloped or enclosed or wrapped up, to be soft and ripe or compact and soft or sweet and ripe, to be graceful, to be slender, to cleave, to oppress, to take in food or information, to digest mentally or physically, to be frail, to restrain, to beat down tree leaves with a stick, to drive away or rebuke or repel or fend off or repulse or push away, to be soft, to be welcoming, to wear a welcoming smile, to be pliant, to be brittle, to put to flight or on the run, to kill, to rob someone of his God given rights, to humble or humiliate or defeat or vanquish, to become humiliated, to get involved in idle talk, to become impoverished, to lose one’s cattle, to be emaciated, to take lightly, to perk up, to stir, to rumble or quiver or be in commotion or show movement, to come to life or become alive or active or energetic, to bring forth plants, to shake or shudder or vibrate or swing or shiver or tremble or rattle, to cause death of cattle by allowing them to get too cold, to perish, to break, to try to show someone as a foolish or senseless person, to belittle or undermine or have no regard for, to ridicule or scorn or scoff or deride or sneer at, to mock or make fun of or joke or jest or laugh at, to speed up, to run or flow, to walk briskly, to haste or hurry, to go in haste or hurry, to hinder or prevent or hold back, to frustrate or be or become frustrated, to become weak or feeble, to disappear from sight or view, to be a fugitive, to seek a secure environment or atmosphere or surrounding to dwell in, to seek roof over head or guardianship or patronage or canopy or umbrella, to seek a room for manoeuvre or space to breathe, to seek refuge or shelter or protection or sanctuary or a safe and secure place to stay or live in, to escape or flee or run away, to find and accept the proper guidance or guidance from God, to reach the right decision, to come to the right conclusion, to direct or instruct to the right path, to show or make the right path manifest or visible or evident or obvious, to help reach a safe place or safety and security, to save or rescue or salvage or deliver, to stay on the right path or maintain the right course for thoughts and actions, to help or support or back up or reinforce the rightly guided, to accept or acknowledge the provided guidance, to be in step with the rightly guided, to follow in the footsteps of the rightly guided, to search for guidance, to find or manage to find guidance, to seek guidance, to have the necessities of learning sense of making proper sense of things, to provide with necessities of learning sense of making proper sense of things, to be able to learn sense of making proper sense of things, to use for guidance, to mislead or lead astray, to misguide or misdirect or instruct for harm and destruction, to guide mankind to the ultimate purpose for which God created His creation and sent His revelation, to be shown the way that can lead mankind to united and peaceful as well as progressive and prosperous existence in this world, to guide to the way of life that can lead to blissful and dignified as well as secure existence in this world, to guide to the right path, to provide or offer guidance, to instil the instinct for survival, to give ability to fend for oneself, to give ability to be able to know what is true or what is false and why or what is right or what is wrong and why, to offer or sacrifice or devote or dedicate or commit or submit someone or something for a mission or goal or an objective or cause, to be rightly guided, to be righteous, to respect God given rights of mankind by helping to deliver them, to explain or detail or clarify or make clear or distinctively obvious or manifest, to guide or guide rightly or properly, to sleep, to gently pat a baby, to murmur, to coo, to be angry or in a rage, to commit murder, to wreck, to crash or fall apart or fragment or disintegrate or crumble to pieces or break down, to frighten or threaten, to pull down or demolish, to sleep at night without any worries or concerns, to be a senseless or ignorant or foolish or simple minded person, to slumber, to lie down peacefully or quietly or silently at night, to abuse or be abused, to differ or dispute with, to separate from, to boycott or isolate or sever ties with, to abstain or refrain from, to part company with, to shun or bar or stop, to use bad or obscene language, to slander or speak ill of, to insult or attack or assault or provoke, to shift or move away mentally or physically or emigrate or migrate ideologically or actively in reality, to leave behind or move on from, to abandon or forsake or desert or leave alone, to ignore or neglect or avoid or move away from or deviate or depart or distance from, to surrender, to give up, to come up or try to come up with an action plan for something, to come up with ways and means for accomplishing or establishing something, to create opportunities or chances for something, to open up windows of opportunities for something, to create or try to create a solid foundation for something, to place or try to place something upon a solid foundation, to rest the fore part of the neck on the ground, to stay awake at night, to sleep at or during or in the night or latter part of the day, to swagger, to vanish into nothing or disappear, to dissolve into nothing, to walk with conceit, to relocate, to disembark, to go down or fall down, to be or become humiliated, to depreciate or become less in value or worth or use, to decrease or reduce or become less or small or short or thin, to abate or subside or calm down or settle down or become low profiled, to cave in or collapse, to come or go to a new place or come or go to a new place to live or settle down, to settle down in a new place, to come or climb down, to descend, to behold, to see beyond horizon, to see into distant future, to reveal, to look, to breath, to sigh. to have or give a chance, to see though something, to have or make sense of something, to understand or comprehend something in some sense, to raise arms in joy, to surrender, to accept defeat, to be awestruck, to give up fighting, to throw up arms in the air, to become overwhelmed or fully impressed with something in some sense, to jump up and raise arms in joy etc etc. For letter HAA see word MUHAIMIN or root HAA, YAA, MEEM and NOON.

Letter WOW means hook or something like hook in some sense in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also conjunction, nailing, binding, joining, linking, connecting, contacting, touching, something bent or twisted or turned or wicked or cunning or tricky or deceptive, something harmful or destructive in some sense, something to hang something upon, and, peg, stake, nail, plus, with, add, loud thudding sound, sound of heavy steps on the ground, marching of troops, solemnity, a female infant buried alive, place where flood waters gather, close members of the family, protection, preservation, safety, security, hair of camels or goats or sheep or foxes or rabbits, fur or animal hair, Bedouin, shameful act, grave offence, separation, unbridgeable gap, gulf, distance, break, disconnection, absence of linkage or contact, a place of destruction or where destruction has taken place, a large thick stick, a bundle of firewood, harmful and destructive consequences, heavy or torrential rain, disasters, devastations, catastrophes, calamities, destructions, ruins, harmful or destructive outcome of harmful or destructive thoughts or actions, peg or tent peg, pin, stake, string of a bow, tendon, tension, injustice, odd number, individual mode, fashion, method, one by one, one at a time, slow and steady succession, one or the one as opposed to many, an individual, the one other than the creation or God, a feud, the main artery that feeds the body, life-vein, aorta, jugular vein, shackles, bonds, fetters, necklaces, bracelets, bangles, chains, ties, ropes, strings, bonds, idols, statues, images, inanimate or lifeless objects, a people who are stuck in harmful or destructive traditions or customs or rules of laws which stop or hinder them from making progress at full speed or force them into stagnation of regression, means of livelihood, status, life style, living standard, harmful or destructive premonition, mysterious or suspicious sound, fast-running, face, front, facade, being, person, direction, point of view, variety, main point, correct method, person of distinction, honour, first part, initial or starting part, presence, aim, objective, goal, destination, conviction, highly esteemed, greatly honoured, one, single, unique, alone, the same or same one or one and the same, lone, beasts, wild beasts, fruit, wild fruit, the wrong side, outcome, consequence, result, effect, reaction, revelation of or from God, message sent by God, love, affection, friendship, a safe place, a depository, ease or comfort or serenity or tranquillity, grave or container or womb or house or dwelling or abode or room or chamber or kingdom or place wherein someone is kept safe and secure, rain, war, midday heat, a barrier, a place where running water gathers, a valley, a branch, palm tree saplings, compensation or penalty or fine for murdering someone in cold blood or by mistake, indemnity, blood money paid to the family or community of a murder victim by the killer or his family or community, reparation, death, valley, water channel, river bed, ravine, a kind of thought, a kind of meaning, subject, a small boneless piece of meat or flesh, heirloom, inheritance, heritage, legacy, heir or an inheritor, top or ultimate or unique possession or belonging, blossoms, flowers, tree with hanging branches, watering place, drinking herd or flock, daily task, assignment, turn, road, destination, jugular vein, life line, livelihood, a place of drinking, a drinking herd, red rose or something alike in some sense, leaf or tree or gook, page, a page of book of life, a snapshot from the book of life, something green or brown or grey in colour, gold or silver coin, behind, the rear, before, after, behind, back, the lungs, the human race, the entire creation, apart from, other than, impregnable mountain, refuge, sanctuary, shelter, protection, preservation, reinforcement, backing, patronage, guardianship, defence, armament, weaponry, load, burden, heavy weight or load or responsibility, crime, guilt, a legal entity, a place of refuge, safe or secure place or kingdom, measure, scales, justice, principles of justice, just or firm foundation upon which a justice system is based, middle, centre, heart, waist, inside, between, the choice, the select, affluence, wealth, riches, treasures, ability, capacity, power, authority, control, benefactor, ways or means, a vast expanse, a camels’ load, a dry measure of a certain capacity, a flock of birds, a herd of animals, a beast of burden, linkage medium, device, rank, station, position, proximity, a way to be or to do or to have or use something, brand, sign, mark, label, branding iron, good looks, seasons, returning occasions, spring rain, indistinct hidden sound, rustle, jingling of anklets, harmful or destructive insinuations or thoughts, blotch of colour, blemish, defect, fault, lack, pain, illness, extreme fatigue, courtyard, stone enclosure for animals, extreme midday heat, threshold, attributes, a serving boy or girl, joint, connection, large expanse of land, fertility, thick, intertwined plants, a will, instruction, ordinance, law, location, place, taxes, contributions, donations, luggage, debate, discussion, mutual dialogue, consultation, conversation, exchange of thoughts or ideas, places, settings, locations, richly woven, low land, force, gravity, pressure, compulsion, impression, a place where the foot steps, purpose, term, condition, duration, period of time, habitat, a place of action or an activity where something is done or takes place, battles or places where battles are fought, threat, warning, alert, retribution, punishment, appointed time or place, scheduled meeting, tryst, promised destination, a solemn or solid or firm promise, promise under oath, an example, a lesson to learn from, vessel, awareness, alertness, consciousness, comprehension, noise, understanding, baggage, pack, travel gear, things of need for a journey or an expedition or an undertaking, the fastest camel in a caravan, distinguished group of travellers, honoured group arriving at the residence of a high ranking person, an envoy between the high rankling people, honoured company, a group who come into the presence of a high ranking person, leather base for a grinding stone, leather bag, mixture of people, rabble, fidelity, holes in the rock where rain water collects, ignorant or illiterate or uneducated or untrained or unskilled or uncultured or uncivilised or senseless or foolish person, insane or mad person, a heavy drinker, time, timespan, a fixed time, time-markers, something defined in time or by time or time wise, time-specified, firewood, fuel, extreme heat of the day, an animal killed by striking with a stick, an animal clubbed to death, deafness, calamity, catastrophe, devastation, disaster, destruction, war, death and destruction, bloodshed, plundering and looting, the coming event, place or time of falling or setting, time and place where at something is seen or seems to happen, bracelet, anklet, uprising, bloody revolution, walking stick, food or nourishment, banquet, saddle straps, leather belt, intention, land depression, valley, cave, door, gate, doorway, entrance, way in or out, interface, port, entry and exit, confidants or close friends, associates, people belong to same organisation or circle, related people, newly born baby, boy, son or son of nation or community, child or children, offspring, mother or mother of invention or an idea or community, father or father of community or an idea, parents, dependants, midwife, place or time of birth, playmates, youth, youthful servants, the one who gives birth to something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, newly born, young and old, those in need of looking after mentally or physically, next of kin, kinsfolk, ward, protégé, legal or constitutional guardian, descendant, a freed slave, place of rest, relaxation, slackness, shortcoming, docks, gift or free gift, present, favour, something given or granted to someone as a favour for some intended purpose, small stream, the last hour or part of the night, distress, agony, woe, to be in tatters, to act like mad or foolish person, to crack or be cracked, to be fragile or frail or frayed, to tire or become faint-hearted, to be lethargic, to be languid, to be feeble or infirm or unstable, to glare or glow, to waft about, to twinkle, to sparkle, to glitter, to blaze, to burn brightly, to occupy, to possess, to last, to bestow or be bestowed with or upon, to give freely, to be negligent, to delay or be delayed or postponed or put behind or suspended or put on hold, to be near or in close proximity, to have priority, to come closely behind, to deserve or have the right to, to have dominion over, to be sovereign or ruler or king, to seek or give support, to ally oneself to, to take upon oneself, to withdraw or retreat, to wander off, to run away or escape or flee or be free, to go one’s own way, to leave, to cause to incline or turn towards, to give authority over, to cause to turn away, to turn or revolve or rotate something or someone, to face, to recoil, to be companion or partner, to be employer or employee, to be master or slave, to take control, to befriend, to turn to or turn from, to turn away, to move together as one unit or people, to follow or be in sync or in step with, to be adjacent to or along side with, to be next or next in place or position or time or relationship, to be born, to come up with a new idea, to give birth to or start something new ideologically or physically, to beget offspring ideologically or physically, to procreate, to multiply in number, to assist in bringing forth a baby, to give birth or bear a child, to penetrate, to enter or cause to enter, to act as a witness or guarantor, to put one’s trust in laws of God according to which the universe functions and according to which humanity can have blissful and dignified as well as secure existence in this universe, to speak for or on behalf of another, to advocate, to put one’s absolute trust in or have full confidence of someone, to cover or stand in for, to delegate powers to, to act as an agent or proxy or attorney or representative or envoy or guardian or manager or handler or keeper, to represent or be represented by, to be weak, to be too lazy to do things for oneself, to take charge, to put in charge of, to entrust or entrust with, to trust or rely or depend on, to bite, to spur, to slap or punch, to thrust, to strike or poke with the fist, to solemnise or ratify or endorse, to give support or back up, to be on target, to intend, to sit or be seated, to tighten up, to bind or tie up, to lean or lean on or recline, to fear consequences for harmful or destructive thoughts and actions against others, to be in awe, to be devoted or dedicated or fully committed to, to have thought or care for, to forbid oneself something in some sense, to guard against, to keep in mind or be conscious of, to be righteous or be a person who accepts or protects or ensures delivery of peoples’ God given rights to them, to stay or keep away from, to distance or be distanced from, to be careful or cautious when being or doing or having or using something in order to avoid harm or destruction, to be mindful of God or be God conscious, to be consistent with guidance of God for ensuring well being of humanity, to be consistent with, to pay attention to, to fear, to beware, to obviate, to prevent or hold back, to take care of or look after, to watch, to spy or keep an eye on, to save rescue or preserve, to shield or defend, to guard or safeguard or protect, to become stranded or immobilised or stuck or confined, to campaign, to be made to stand up or rise up, to halt or be stopped, to elucidate or explain or detail or make clear or manifest, to fall into dispute or disagreement or dissension or controversy, to be reticent, to pause, to be or become silent or quiet, to inform or tell or let know or make aware or alert, to acquaint oneself with something, to erect or build, to stand, to collide with, to come to, to fall into or upon, to come to pass or prove true or become a reality, to bring about or make happen, to cause to happen or occur, to incite, to fall due, to be or become confirmed or verified or established, to collapse or crumble or fall down or disintegrate or fragment or break down, to fall sporadically, to be in front of or before someone, to confront, to come face to face with, to gossip, to expect or anticipate, to guess or conjecture or assume or presume or presuppose or estimate or deem, to alight upon, to occur or happen or take place, to befall, to fall or decline or perish, to be majestic or great, to exalt or dignify or honour, to stay at home or sit back or do not participate in an event, to be inactive or idle, to settle down or become resident or inhabitant or dweller, to take, to be hard of hearing or deaf, to be heavily pregnant, to have dignity, to respect or show respect or revere, to be grieved or saddened, to be very ill, to be slow and dull, to kill by striking, to strike or hit violently, to make or cause to rage, to strive or make effort or labour for lighting up a fire, to seek to kindle a fire, to fuel a fire or fire of hatred, to raise temperature, to heat up or increase in hate or hatred, to be agile or active or quick or energetic or lively, to glimmer, to shine, to initiate or kindle or lit or light up a fire or fire of hatred between people, to burn, to be given an appointed time, to specify an amount of time, to prevail or overcome, to enter, to darken or cover with darkness, to subside or sink in or vanish, to keep an agreement by fulfilling it to the full, to demand one’s dues in full, to exact to the full, to be taken back, to claim or reclaim or claim a soul, to reap or harvest, to bring back, to bring to the end of the allotted lifespan, to honour an agreement, to be paid one’s dues in full, to pay someone his dues in full, to reach the end or die, to reach destination, to fulfil a promise or a task or mission or accomplish a goal or an objective, to complete an assignment, to be recalled, to keep the appointment by turning up at the promised time and place, to come to the appointed place, to come at an appointed time, to give full measure, to pay back in full, to carry out a promise, to show up, to be loyal or faithful or reliable or trustable or trustworthy, to accord with, to be fit or suitable for something, to bring about reconciliation between parties, to effect harmony, to be guided properly, to be right, to succeed or be successful, to occur at the time of something, to come upon by chance, to be in harmony with, to rally, to hasten, to run fast, to go separate ways, to chase, to speed up, to make ample, to complete or fulfil or accomplish, to receive in full, to be plentiful or in abundance or ample, to reach, to arrive, to have baggage or luggage, to be attentive, to have intention of, to harbour, to hide in one’s heart, to hoard, to keep from others, to take in, to retain, to perceive, to grasp, to exhaust, to secrete, to be alert or aware, to compromise, to collect or gather, to lecture or preach, to be made to take heed, to be guided, to be taught, to learn from, to learn by or through example, to teach or teach a lesson or advise or give an advice, to warn or admonish, to agree upon an appointment with one another, to make a covenant with, to exchange pledges with, to appoint something for someone, to threaten or be threatened, to come to an understanding, to make an appointment, to settle in, to harm, to step on or set foot upon, to synchronise, to match or cause to match up or conform with or measure up to or be consistent with, to reconcile oneself to or with something, to agree with, to be approachable, to facilitate, to have sexual intercourse, to raid, to defeat, to tread or tread or trample underfoot, to bring close together, to trim with gold and precious stones, to interweave, to braid, to plait, to make ready or prepare, to place in, to scurry around or scurry around in midst of a group with harmful or destructive intentions, to drive through, to be put in place, to be laid open, to be established, to be appointed, to become relieved or released or free, to unburden, to put aside, to lay down, to remove or discard, to spread out or scatter or expand or grow or increase, to give birth or deliver a baby, to subside or settle down or calm down or become quiet, to postpone, to show humility, to agree upon, to lay flat or flatten, to invent or forge or fabricate or come up with something new or modified or give birth to something new, to take off, to wear, to fix into position, to place, to destroy, to put down, to bequest, to be a testator, to urge or motivate each other, to obligate or enjoin upon, to relate to someone, to impress upon someone, to be or cause to be in sequence, to join or link or cause to join or link together, to go to for refuge or protection, to associate with, to go or reach for, to deny one’s ancestors, to be kin, to deliver or save or rescue, to attribute or ascribe, to report or relate or narrate, to be youthful, to make something seem attractive or alluring, to be or become describable, to describe or detail or explain or expand or open up or enlarge, to close over or in, to loom, to shut or close, to be forever, to be constant, to nurse, to persist, to be lasting or permanent, to prise out information gently, to increase in wealth, to gossip, to speak in a sweet deceptive manner, to plant or implant harmful or destructive thoughts in mind of someone for harming or destroying oneself or others , to speak secretively, to try to entrap, to lead to temptation, to put harmful or destructive suggestions in one’s mind, to suggest or make harmful or destructive suggestions, to be obsessed, to put in one’s mind harmful or destructive thoughts or ideas so that one ends up harming or destroying oneself or others, to deceive or misinform or disinform, to insinuate or tempt or entice or allure or snare, to be lazy or worn off or tired or fatigued, to slumber or nap or fall asleep or doze off or be taken over by drowsiness, to infer or deduce from available evidences or clues, to cauterise, to read the signs or clues, to see signs of certain traits in someone, to gauge, to ornament or adorn or equip or prepare or arm or decorate, to implore, to ingratiate oneself, to realise full potential, to enshroud, to be in perfect order, to be complete or full or perfect, to span, to gather together, to shine upon the land or object below, to become full moon, to reach fullness, to rise up in the sky, to rise or rise up or climb upwards or appear or seem to be going upward, to load, to grow or increase, to enlarge or stretch or extend or expand, to be rich or wealthy, to be large or wide or vast or extensive, to be competent, to understand or comprehend or be comprehensive, to embrace, to assist or support or back up or reinforce or strengthen, to be accommodating, to be spacious, to influence or be influenced or overwhelmed or encompassed or overcome or overpowered or undermined or humbled or shadowed or brought low, to be noble or honourable, to be kind or compassionate, to be worthy or valuable, to be the average, to split down something down the middle , to move into the middle or centre, to be or cause to be in the middle or centre, to distribute responsibilities in such a way that creates perfect harmony between those who are supposed to carry them out, to be properly balanced or well proportioned, to weight something for someone, to be equal or equivalent to, to be parallel with, to be consistent with, to be able to think logically consistently, to have sense of making proper sense of things, to be wise or rational or reasonable, to be symmetrical, to balance or be or become balanced, to estimate or compare, to weight or weigh out, to judge or consider or determine or evaluate, to urge, encourage or motivate or inspire, to keep in line, to restrain, to counsel, to have sense of responsibility, to carry, to back up, to bear or shoulder, to make or cause fire, to vanish or disappear from sight, to conceal or hide or cover or cover up, to pretend, to allude, to exercise one’s intelligence, to ignite or strike or start or trigger or kindle the fire, to come to leaf, to descend into for getting water, to scout for or seek water, to fetch water, to enter, to lead or drive, to arrive at conclusion about someone or something, to end up in, to approach a watering place, to supply, to appear or become obvious or visible or manifest or exposed or known, to catch up with, to reach or arrive or arrive at, to drive animals to watering place for drinking water, to blossom or grow or prosper, to come out in flowers, to be or remain the owner or keeper or manager of, to come into or take the possession of, to bequeath or inherit a legacy, to give or let mankind have or inherit a proper way of living in this world, to bring life to the land or human population, to make or cause someone to inherit or acquire something of someone, to leave or leave alone to deal with, to bar or exclude or leave or lock out, to spare, to let go or be or forego or release or let free or pardon or forgive or overlook, to let or allow, to leave in place, to leave as is, to cut into small pieces, to be taken by death, to run or flow, to sag, to offer hospitality, to approach, to stop or refrain or hold back or be prevented from being or doing or having or using something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to exchange pledges of mutual peace, to cease or stop or end hostility or animosity with, to leave alone or forsake or ignore or neglect or avoid or dismiss, to leave behind or renounce, to see off, to bid farewell, to place in good keeping, to be nice or beautiful, to be altogether lovely, to be very or all loving or highly loveable, to be on good terms, to exchange cordialities, to be friendly or kind, to be or become affectionate, to love or be loved or have love for, to be amicable, to lust after or have craving or yearning for, to wish or desire or fancy or want, to determine, to ordain, to assign, to set up, to suggest or give an idea or opinion, to gesture, to signal, to inspire with, to instil as an instinct, to advise or give an advice or guidance, to convey a message, to explore or expand, to lecture, to explain or detail a plan or purpose, to inspire or motivate or urge or move or exhort or encourage or push or drive, to reveal, to hurry or go in a hurry, to call for help or assistance or support or backing, to embed or be embedded instructions to execute, to program or be or become programmed, to call for assistance, to order or command, to write down or record or make a copy of, to intimate, to send a secret message, to whisper, to give a sign or clue or hint, to be homesick, to be desolate or uninhabited or empty or void or deserted or abandoned or ruined, to be on the wrong side of, to be or become an orphan, to be weak or helpless or have no support or backing or strength, to be or become lonely or isolated or separated or cut off, to be on one’s own or self reliant or self sustaining, to be nicely arranged, to be well organised and regulated, to be well coordinated or orchestrated or put together or combined or harmonised, to make or turn into one or unite, to be incomparable, to be without equal or only one of a kind, to be singular, to be in solitude, to be one or united or alone or single or unique, to aim for, to proceed towards, to head towards, to set, to direct or guide or lead or advise or instruct, to make for, to turn towards or turn something towards, to tremble or shake or shudder or shiver, to quake, to be or become dreadful or scared, to cause to run briskly, to be seized with love or fear or awe, to beat strongly, to be or become agitated or restless or troubled or worried or concerned, to move briskly, to add to confusion or mystery or worry or concern, to be mysterious, to suspect or be suspicious, to be weary, to be or become apprehensive, to fear, to hear a suspicious sound, to be found or discovered, to sense or become aware, to reach an understanding of or about, to gain experience of someone as, to come to know or discover or realise, to have or afford, to become strong, to create or fashion or design or mould or model, to be sad or sorrowful or unhappy, to be very angry, to be deeply in love, to have a strong feeling, to experience, to perceive, to find, to live a comfortable or easy or luxurious life, to be affluent or have things of need and want plentiful or in abundance, to reach the correct position, to reach the appropriate time, to set, to become due, to fall down or dead, to hit or beat the road strongly with feet like marching of troops, to yield or submit to will or rule of law of other than God, to be the object of adoration or admiration, to be an idol, to be endowed with literary talent, to have great wealth, to be rained on, to be constant or steadfast, to keep or remain or stay firm or solid, to swear an oath, to shackle or chain, to attach strings to someone in order to influence or handle or manage or control the person, to turn one into a puppet, to exchange pledges with, to bind one to oneself, to give one’s solemn agreement or consent, to make a pact or covenant, to pledge or promise or agree, to trust or rely upon, to be firm or tough or solid, to bind or tie up, to secure, to have great literary ability, to be flowing constantly, to deny someone reward for one’s labour or effort or toil, to avenge oneself, to be in sequence, to follow in an uninterrupted manner, to give less than what is due, to detect, to be firmly established, to stay at home, to fix firmly or be firmly fixed, to crush or be crushed, to be polluted, to be unhealthy, to detain, to ruin or destroy or end up in ruins or perish, to humiliate or disgrace, to pollinate palm trees, to obliterate one’s tracks, to seek or provide refuge or asylum, to escape, to run for one’s life, to kill the chances or opportunities of development and growth or prosperity of a person or a people or community or human population, to be deliberate, to bury alive, to be swallowed by the earth, to hook onto something for some reason, to secure, to establish, to accomplish, to support, to reinforce, to collect, to put together, to put in touch, to bring together, to form a network of some sort, to bring about a network of people or things, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, skeleton or something like skeleton in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, monkey or something like monkey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter WOW see word WASAAQ or WASEELAH or WASAL or roots WOW, SAA and QAAF or WOW, SEEN and LAAM or WOW, SWAAD and LAAM.

Letter YAA means hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also reach, jurisdiction, power, authority, grip, handle, grasp, understanding, comprehension, encircling , encompassing, surrounding, worship, throw, work, make, control, administer, rubies, dry land, hard, arid, hand, palm, forearm, belonging, property, ownership, unity, oneness, left or left side, game of chance, gambling, relaxation of hardship for livelihood, river, sea, great waters, right hand, right side or right hand side, oath, generosity, truth, pacts, covenants, agreements, promises, oaths, pledges, something that is located on the right hand side, righteous people or the people who respect and do all they can to deliver God given right of mankind to people, sheen, Yahood or Jewish people, day, today, the present day or age or era or time, a certain occurrence, a significant happening, an occasion, a momentous event, battle, the universe, to be a rosy-cheeked woman, to become fully trained or skilled or cultured or civilised, to be or become mature or ripe or right for a set purpose or task, to reach the glory of maturity, to mellow, to ripen or reach the picking or harvesting stage, to blossom, to live by law or live by law as opposed to living by words of a person or people, to go towards the right, to be auspicious, to incline to the right, to live by law or hold the rule of law of God as supreme, to respect and help deliver peoples’ God given rights, to be or become righteous, to be on the right side of the law or be a law abiding person or people, to be assured, to have certainty about something, to be certain about someone or something, to find someone or something absolutely reliable or believable, to reach a firm belief or opinion, to fully trust someone or something based upon reliable life experience, to have firm belief based upon concrete evidences and logically consistent reasoning, to be or become convinced, to ascertain or verify or confirm, to be sure or certain, to be vigilant or aware or conscious, to be awake or alert or attentive, to be or become prosperous, to be or become relaxed, to be amiable, to be or become gentle or kind, to be little or small, to be or become bearable, to be or become light, to be easily available or obtainable, to be or become within ability of, to become or make possible, to make worthy of or match, to enable or make suitable or fit, to be or become comfortable or make comfortable, to be or become easy or make easy, to be or become empty or vacant or make vacant, to be or become available, to be or become accommodating, to be or become lenient, to pave or prepare the way, to facilitate or make easy, to divide up into small amounts, to butcher, to be or become united, to scatter or sprinkle or spread or distribute or publicise or broadcast or propagate or disseminate, to have influence on others, to give favour, to assist or support or reinforce or back up, to grasp, to have a grip on, to control, to handle or manage or look after or take care, to occupy, to own, to have or possess or have in possession or have a hold on something, to be handy, to boycott or sever ties with, to be or become cut off or separated, to be cause or made orphan or lonely, to be or become lonely or isolated, to be or become an orphan, to become disjointed, to become detached or unlinked or unhooked, to be the best, to be unique or one of a kind, to be dry or hard or arid or withered, to have unpleasant countenances, to be too drunk, to keep quiet or be silent, to be afflicted with famine, to leave oneself totally at the mercy of circumstances, to surrender, to give up completely, to be despondent, to turn an idea into a reality, to become aware or conscious, to realise, to come to know, to reach the age of infertility, to give up all hope, to despair or be desperate or reach utter desperation, to have a hand in something happening or doing, to show one’s hands, to have involvement in something either negatively or positively, to deceive, to cheat, to trick, to con, to protect, to take care of, to lookafter, strength, to extend or stretch, to have reach or authority, link or connection, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, door or something like door in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc. For letter YAA see word YAD or root YAA, DAAL and YAA.
Understanding the mechanism involved for words and meanings and the part the letters and roots play should help people a great deal in trying to make proper sense of revealed message of God because they open up for us many possible meanings for words to choose from. However this is only half of what is needed to understand the message of God because the rest is to work out the proper context of the message from the message itself by going back and forth in the text of the Quran as well as in light of real world realities. It is not an easy task for the new beginners but once these ideas become a common thing then they will speed up things very much. The difficult part is to build a train but once it is built and put on the tracks it will help us travel very fast. This work only posed difficulty for me because we do not find such works wide spread or available so that we have the basis to start from. Despite explaining meanings of letters here I will still explain meanings of roots further where need be to clarify things yet more. Even then these meanings of words are limited as explained already because none can write full dictionaries of meanings of Arabic roots because they are beyond human capability. One only has to think about possible meanings of number of roots used in the Quranic text to realise why it is an impossible task to complete to write each and every meaning of a root. This is why what I have explained should give one a general idea as to how difficult or impossible task it is to explain all meanings of all roots. This is why just because certain meanings of words are not found in the dictionaries or other books people have written or are still writing does not mean those words do not have any other meanings than the ones already explained in the books.

For example, word QUR-AAN is from roots QAAF, RAA and ALIF; QAAF, RAA and NOON; and QAAF, RAA, ALIF and NOON. Concrete meaning of this root is information that is received, collected, wrote down and proclaimed before the crowd like a crier is sent by a king who cries out loud in a place of gathering to let gathered people there know the message of the king. Also reading, recitation, gathering, collection, crowd, cycle, period, time span, appointed time, menstruation, to become pregnant, to add, to gather together, to hold in, to match in length etc etc.

Word surah is from roots SEEN, WOW and RAA; SEEN, YAA and RAA; SEEN, RAA and WOW; and SEEN, RAA and YAA etc. Concrete meanings of this root are something that covers or shields or shelters something or encompasses it for protection or preservation etc. Also something that is sufficient or fit for its purpose or deals with the matter fully or comprehensively, something that protects something or shields something from something etc etc. In the Quranic context it means the comprehensive divine program that if followed by mankind will protect humanity from all sort of troubles and problems. The Quranic program is a path to peaceful, progressive and prosperous life for mankind hence the name of this program is Islam. The same root means the fortified wall that surround the fort to protect the city within the wall. Also circle, fence, wall, an enclosure, history, biography, journey, to scale, to go over a wall, to be high in stature or spirit, to have courage or strength, bracelets, bangles, armlets, a chapter of the Quran etc etc.

Word AQL is from root AIN, QAAF and LAAM. Concrete meanings of this root are weight or anchor or peg or stake etc. Also something that is used to tie down something to stop it from running loose or about all over the place. It is used for thinking process of the brain because the brain processes information for making sense of it in order to act on it instead of wandering off all over in confusion. The ability of brain to make sense of things by means of thought process is called intelligence. Also brain, intelligence, sense of making sense of things, tie, stoppage, halter, rational person, to ransom, blood money, refuge, use sense, be sensible, head, leader, chief, to judge as rational, fine woman, understanding, comprehension, to reason things etc etc.

From these explanations it should be clear how one should look for meanings of words used in the Quranic text.

How brain learns sense to make sense of things.

Throughout life by means of learning experiences by way of trial and error brain becomes experienced in making sense of obtained or given information.

1)aql and revelation are two different things.

2)aql is an activity of the brain ie a process for processing information or data and revelation is information or data needing processing just like universal realities need to be made sense of.

3)Aql is needed for organising and making sense of data to understand it.

4)Where does aql come from? It comes from sense of making sense of things ie through life experiences based on trials and errors.

5)The more experienced you are in making sense of things the better is your judgement about things. It is because then you know what information is available and what is not at any given point in time and how to get information and how to put it together and what it means after you have organised it in your head.

6)The Quran is nothing more than information that needs to be understood by human brain as explained for its purpose and use. Therefore sufficient aql/sense has to be there already to begin with in order to make proper sense of the Quran to use it accordingly.

7)Brain only works on basis of language that it uses for communication just like a computer. Without having a way of processing data to make sense of things brain cannot make sense of anything. Even when data is there brain has to construct or deconstruct and reconstruct it to see if it makes sense or not. Destructive criticism is not helpful when one scrutinises something for its truth because if you destroy something before you examine something as a whole then you are left with nothing whole to see it for what it is worth. It is because things only look good or bad when they are in one piece and complete. A piece of art is only good as such but if you will break it apart, it will become nothing at all other than jumble of pieces of broken material. Our universe looks great as it is but if we were to destroy it, we will be left with nothing. I mean start breaking things into their smaller and smaller pieces and once you have done away with sub atomic particles what will you be left with to see? We see a nice house but if we were to tear it down brick by brick, what will be left of it to see other than a pile of bricks lying all around? So truth lies in beauty and beauty is only there if we could see it put together beautifully so that we could be seen at work or in action. This is why the purpose of scrutiny is to see the full picture or plan or thing to see what purpose it serves and how it does that if at all. This is why the first thing to do with any piece of information is to see its construct if it is already there otherwise devise own construct using the same information and if it looks ok and works fine then it is worth keeping for the purpose it can serve and the way it can do that and benefit from it.

8)The Quran is mere a jumble of words and words have attached to them certain concepts and concepts unless put together for a purpose have no use just like a jumble of letters, numbers, signs or symbols. So to understand the Quran one must get familiar with concepts of words used in the Quran and then try and see how these concepts make better sense by combining them in various ways that bring out the proper contexts of the words used in the verses so that verses make proper sense. Not only that but each verse of a given surah must be connected in such a way with other verses of the same surah that the whole surah of the Quran makes sense in a context from the text itself. The process of making proper sense of the Quranic text does not stop there but then each surah must be combined with rest of them in such a way that shows over all context of the Quranic text.

9)Once the Quran is reasonably and properly understood on basis of AQL then it becomes the criterion for judging all the rest of information about Islam be it from any source or person etc. Not only that once the Quran is understood then it becomes authority for AQL to go by. This is how it helps one to become self regulated because once people work out everything they need to work out then it is only matter of following a list of instructions to accomplish the goals for which Allah has revealed his program.

10)It is a very, very hard work which most people are not bothered to undertake. What people do is they just have some basic make beliefs and some useless rituals which they take for granted and call them Islam. There are not many people with in depth understanding of the revelation from Allah. This is why the world is in the state that it is. Where most people are trying to copyright knowledge as intellectual property and each person is trying to fool the next person. The learning process is a difficult one and that is why peace, progress and prosperity in the world is a very, very slow process. Parties with vested interests are a big obstacle in the way of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity because not only they themselves do not learn things worth learning but they also place obstacle in path of learning knowledge and try their best to throw humanity of course because if knowledge worth learning becomes available vastly then they cannot have the world the way they want it for themselves. However despite all this carry on, as we all can see, we are making some progress but we could do much better if obstacles were removed from the path of learning knowledge for the betterment of the mankind. Messengers were sent by God to help people become clever that is why they came to teach humanity things which people wanted to hide from each other so that clever people could exploit others at will who are not as clever as them. This is why chiefs did not build educational institutions for learning but only when it suited their own agendas and as many as suited their own purposes . That mindset, attitude and behaviour still continues to date. As the saying goes, one can make some of the people fool for some of the time but not all of the people all the time. The truth will prevail because people cannot be free of troubles unless they get to it and live by it. Only truth can set people free.

SURAH 1 AL-FAATIHAH-The open declaration of Allah for mankind to enter in an agreement with him and with each other for living by the way of life advised by Allah for blissful, dignified and secure existence

This surah is named AL-FAATIHAH from root FAA,TAA and HAA. Concrete meaning of this root is something that opens up something eg a key that opens a lock so that the locked things could be accessed by outsiders or so that locked things could have access to outside. Also the water on the surface of the earth, ways and means to something, to find a way to something, formula, trick or technique, opening, help, support, victory, triumph, break-through, arbitration, to have ability or be capable to do something, decision, ruling, judgment, adjudication, thrown open, treasure, to store or keep, bringing facts to light, manage, control, open up the avenues, allow access, become obvious, aperture, space, conquer, initiate, begin, commence, to remove obstacle or blockage or obstruction or barrier of some sort in some sense, to have freedom from something in some sense, to create a gap or distance or difference in some sense between things, to distinguish, to separate, to contain, to put something in something, to confine or lock up something, to collect, to gather things together, to overcome, to overwhelm, to bring something under control in some way, to secure something in some way etc etc.

This surah is named AL-FAATIHAH because it introduces Allah and the purpose of his revelation to mankind and makes clear the context in which the message of the Quran is supposed to be understood. In other words this surah is the key to the proper understanding of the Quran. This surah explains very clearly that the Quran is a program for mankind to follow by organising themselves on basis of it as a constitution and regulating themselves by forming laws according to its provided guidelines. The Quran is for people basically to educate themselves to a level whereat they are able to self regulate themselves as a proper human community that is united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous. In other words it is a program that sets goals for mankind to accomplish according to its provided guidelines and that is how it provides terms and conditions for mankind for their unity so that they have peace between themselves so that they could then make progress towards prosperity as a proper human community. One will notice that this surah is not called AL-FAATIHAH because it uses word FAATIHAH in it because it does not use such a word in it nor does surah 112. A clear proof that surahs in the Quran are given labels or headings according to the subject matters we find in them and not that Allah has chosen a random word from a surah to name it just for sake of it. The Quran is a coherent book and not incoherent as mullahs have been telling us and by that trick they have been twisting meanings of its message according to their own mindsets, attitudes and behaviours in order to fulfil their own agendas through giving basis to imperialism, exploitative mechanisms such as money lending or business for personal profit at the expense of each other and mullaism in the very name of deen of Islam. We shall see as we progress in our study of the Quran how important are the names given to surahs and why.

This Surah is called UMMUL KITAAB=mother of the book. It is because it gives overall picture of what the Quran is all about. It is clearly telling mankind Allah is benevolent and sole sovereign of the universal kingdom therefore it is up to Him alone to set for mankind the criterion to live by so that mankind by following this program attain blissful, dignified and secure existence in this world like those before them, unlike those who suffered pain by hands of each other due to living confused lives because of their ignorance, illiteracy, lack of education and training or skills for thoughts and actions. The rest of the Quranic Surahs expand various points raised in this surah directly or indirectly. It will become clear that the Quran gives this way of life a name called Islam of Islam meaning a way of life that can lead mankind to unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community. DEEN means way of life or code of conduct or a program, constitution and law to live by. The other main point to remember is that this book is all about agreement between Allah and mankind as well as between mankind themselves, which is, people must live as explained by him and his set-up systems and laws will deliver the results that are promised in this book. Similar agreements existed between Allah and people in the past which are told about in the Quran repeatedly because of which the Quran tells mankind to fulfil their agreed obligations of the covenant. Those who have entered this agreement with Allah keep refreshing their commitment by reaffirming it on daily basis to keep reminding themselves about it, alone as well as along with others who are part of the commitment to the same program, constitution and law. This is what is meant by being God conscious or having awareness of will or plan or program of God. A person can only be true to his commitment if one is conscious of the goal one is committed to and all the rest that goes with it for accomplishing it, otherwise one is declaring his commitment to one thing and doing another. This is why results of thoughts and actions of people show what they are actually committed to. It is because motives of people become obvious when they act upon them and so their actions show what they were thinking or hiding from each other ie each other’s betterment or destruction. The Quran is a program for mankind to live by as a proper human community based upon the Quran as its constitution by regulating itself using guidelines for law in the Quran in a kingdom brought about by the ummah in the name of Allah.

1)Proclaim! In the name of Allah, the provider of things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind, that

Word ISM is from roots SEEN, MEEM and WOW and WOW, SEEN and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to label someone or something for identification in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to define someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give someone or something its own individual name or to name someone or something with a proper noun in some way for some reason or purpose, to classify or categorise something by its kind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lay evidence for something before someone to judge it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to decorate or adorn someone or something with ornaments or jewellery or medals or entourage in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gauge or assess someone or something for its ability or capability or capacity in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see signs of certain traits in someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cauterise someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to infer or imply or deduce something from something about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make use of clues or cues to arrive at a conclusion about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a view point or an opinion based upon some evidences about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to investigate something for arriving at the truth about it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go on a fact finding mission about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to use clues to decode a sign or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mark something with a sign for identification purposes in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to try to know facts about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to invent something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to contrive something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to specify someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to appoint someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to determine or point out someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attribute something to someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ascribe something to someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to designate, to address or call or name someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sharp or intelligent or clever or deceptive or cunning in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to eat or devour or consume or cut or separate or destroy something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to water or flood or irrigate or wet or drown or drench or dip or soak or submerge or bathe something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to harm or damage or cause bloodshed or death and destruction or disaster or calamity or catastrophe in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help someone to live an easy or comfortable or affluent or luxurious life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have plenty of rainfall to bring about greenery all around or prosperity in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome or break through barrier or dams or barricades or obstructions or obstacles or difficulties or problems or troubles in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to link or join or connect people or things to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring about a communication network between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked or wicked or deceptive or cunning or clever or sharp in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, name or heaven or label or seal or noun or pronoun or proper noun, identity, definition, influence, tower, height, divine or Godly, universe or universal, paradise, garden, bliss, comfort, affluency, something that gives sense of whole or overall thing or a complete cover over something, someone that manages or takes total care of something, something that is farther or other end of a reference point eg point of finish or completion as compared to the starting point or beginning, something or someone with which or with whom rests ultimate authority, the extreme end, the other or higher end of arrange or spectrum, something that is high or over the head, high station, nobility, honour, equal or similar, space above, cosmos, a person with position of power in a human society, something or someone taken as an authority, a lofty or influential person, an expert in some field of knowledge or skill, a master of something, an anchor of a community, goal, reputation, fame, mission, task, sky, canopy, dome, umbrella, globe, environment or atmosphere or surrounding, world, something that acts as an identification mark for something for some reason or purpose, brand, sign, clue or cue, branding iron, good looks, intelligence, wisdom, high position, ability of inference, ability to know something by knowing clues about it, rule/s or rule of law or custom or value, tradition, guidelines or instructions or directions, seasons, returning occasions, something that revolves or rotates, something that revolves around something, someone or something that depends upon someone or something, spring rain, someone or something that acts as cover or shed, something that gives shade, someone or something that has influence over someone or something, anything over head, tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word RAHMAAN is from root RAA, HAA and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to make provisions and sustenance ready for existence and maintenance of something in such a way that they help its existence as well as its growth and development to its full potential so that it could fulfil the purpose for which it is brought into existence and maintained in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to lookafter or manage or handle or maintain or care for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or guide or preserve or defend or hide or cover or cover up or wrap up or veil or constrict or restrict or limit or imprison or lock up or arrest or holdback or prevent or constrain or confine or confound or confront or rescue or save or spare or let off or let off the hook or let go or be free or guard or keep an eye on or spy on or grace or honour someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to part or separate or divide or isolate or boycott or sever ties with or break off relationships with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or hurdle or barricades or blockages or obstructions or dams or walls or barriers or problems or difficulties or hardships or troubles or partitions in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to create differences or disputes or discriminations or prejudices or rifts or dissentions or fight or wars or tensions or gaps or distances or gulfs between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help someone or something to have luxurious or affluent or easy or comfortable or satisfied life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with plenty of water or things of need and want in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drown or submerge or dip or soak or drench or bathe or wet or wash someone or something in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ruin or destroy or someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause flooding or bloodshed or harm or damage or death or destruction at a massive scale in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause someone or something sadness or grief or sorrow or regret or unhappiness in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome or break through barriers or obstructions or difficulties or problems in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone cry or be in tears in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to show kindness or compassion or mercy or benevolence or sympathy or forgiveness to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be shown or treated with kindness and sympathy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a ruler or king or emperor or manager or administrator or maintainer or sustainer or provider in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate or meditate or deliberate about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to try to comprehend or understand or come to grips with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to consider someone or something with care in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to speculate or suppose or anticipate or expect or conjecture or guess or hypothesise or propose or prepare or plan or plot or scheme or design or devise or protect something ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to intend something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, such free gifts by one person to another that help growth and development of recipient, the endowed with mercy, Godly provisions or sustenance that help biological and psychological as well as sociological emergent and progressive evolution of a human being to his full potential, provision, abundance, prosperity, plentiful, sufficient, compassion, good fortune, mercy, blessing, pity, bliss, grace, blood relatives, kith and kin or kindred, people who come from the very same womb or uterus or place or origin, brothers or sisters or siblings, a part in female body wherein takes place pregnancy, bounty, kindness, forgiveness, sympathy, good fortune, pity, uterus, beneficial, administration, management, ruling elite, leadership, best or top people or things, top part of section of something, command and control centre, central nervous system, chiefdom, kingship or emperorship, power, authority, tradition, custom, precedent, example, rule of law, constitution, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fence or something like fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In this verse two words need to be understood very clearly for proper understanding of the Quran a)AL-RAHMAAN and b)AL-RAHEEM. The root of both these words is same ie RAA, HAA and MEEM meaning womb or something like womb in some sense ie some sort of container that contains all the needed things that something in it needs to develop to its full potential for its created or given or intended purpose. Since container could be real or conceptual therefore it also means organisations or communities or administrations too have wombs ie their working capacities to produce results for which they are brought into existence and maintained as well as handed over responsibilities by the rest of their human populations. Therefore unless they are productive they are useless because then they cannot fulfil needs and wants of humanity. Ummah is mother nation or humanity and a mother that cannot fulfil needs of its children is a useless mother. This is why a management and its managed community all must work together in an organised and regulated way so that needs of all people in that human population could be fulfilled. This is why ummah must choose capable people from within itself and must do all it can for raising or producing such people from within itself hence the need for educational institutions and all other essentials so that this task could be carried out efficiently. This is why Islam is a deen not a mazhab as mullahs will have us believe. Mazhan only turns people useless because it put people on the program for goals with guidelines which have no benefits for mankind whatsoever as already explained in detail.

In the Quranic context root RAA, HAA and MEEM means the universe that contains mankind and all it will ever need to exist and develop or grow to its full potential eg food for eating and food for thought and support of others related to each other on basis of sharing same womb etc. That is what social relationships are ie people are relatives of each other because of womb. Words RAHMAAN and RAHEEM within them contain sense of universal evolution also as designed by Allah. This is why Allah is named AL-RAHMAAN and AL-RAHEEM, which is usually translated as the gracious and the merciful. These words do not convey full sense of meanings of the stated Arabic words so they are not used in this interpretation of the Quran. In fact the Quran cannot be translated into any language word for word so it has to be explained instead. The purpose of any translation is to express the message as per understanding of the translator and not to put down words for words because that way things do not and cannot make any sense to anyone. This is why translations should not be taken as words of God because they express human thoughts which if make sense are fine otherwise one should try and come up with something better and keep doing that till the message makes proper sense. The Quran is a coherent book so one has to have that in mind before translating it so that one ends up with a translation that reflects consistency of the message of the Quran otherwise translation of the message will serve no purpose other than misleading people which will defeat the very purpose of translating the message. The whole purpose of doing something is to know it properly and do it faithfully otherwise it is better to stay away instead of making a mess of things. The growth of mankind is like growth of a tiny seed into a huge tree. The human beings are brought about through evolutionary process just like all other things in the universe by way of processes and set-up, systems, mechanisms and laws but they have been brought about with brains, senses and body mechanisms. Once people are born and they learn through life experiences in the real world to become self aware and aware of the universal realities then they realize how far they can go on their own and soon they sense need for more information that they cannot learn all by themselves. That is when they sense the need for external guidance and start looking for it. On the other hand Allah sent his messengers with messages to help human development along throughout times and places. As development process is a time consuming process therefore it takes people time to figure out things for themselves as each person learns things in his own time in his own way under his own circumstances in his own place. This means mankind cannot live on basis of make beliefs and senseless rituals because times change, places change and with times and places change things so all non-permanent things and ideas change therefore people must learn things in time to ensure they are ready for their future challenges that will come their way in time. This bismilla verse called TASMIYA is known as the seal of the Quran and usually recited before beginning any project or task in order to remind oneself that one is doing what one is going to do for sake of furthering the goals set by Allah according to his guidelines eg to establish Islam=unity, peace, progress and prosperity. Before opening of this seal another verse is recited when one recites the Quran and that verse is called TAOOZ ie A-OOZU BILLAHI MINASH SHAITAANIRRA JEEM. Usually translated as, I seek refuge in Allah from Satan the rejected. The idea is that when one reads the Quran for proper understanding of guidance of Allah towards a way of life that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence then one has to reject all sorts of opposing ideologies and ways of life that are harmful and destructive for mankind. That is how by knowing program of Allah and acting upon it one could protect oneself and others against harms and destructions as a constructive member of the human community. The whole of the Quranic teaching is within context of this seal ie the program of Allah for the benefit of mankind is sealed with this formula of bismillah. The root of word TASMIYAH is SEEN, MEEM and WOW and WOW, SEEN and MEEM which means many different things as explained already.

Word SAMAA from root seen, meem and wow also occurs with word ARD from root ALIF, RAA and DWAAD meaning the earth or base etc and together these words could mean the heavens and the earth, people down to earth or down trodden and people in positions of power etc. Human populations could be examples of deprivation and they could be examples of excellence. When troubles are limited to a few people in a society they are small problems but if they spread then they could involve whole society hence the need for use of word universal ie involving everyone in the human society. If take words SAMAWAAT and ARD for heavenly bodies then each heavenly body is either near us or further away from us. The one nearer to us will be called earth and the one further away will be called heaven relative to each other. In the TASMIYA verse words BISMILLAH include word ISM meaning name this is why these words are translated as in the name of Allah. So one can see how words have so many different meanings and uses therefore it is not easy to claim the message in the Quran is full of contradictions because if one is not careful then words due to having conflicting or contradictory or negative and positive meanings could lead to numberless contradictions therefore it is not easy to translate the message of the Quran unless one has what it takes to translate the Quranic message properly. Even then translations being human works will contain mistakes here and there and people will have to refer to different translations for help to see what may be the fitting interpretation. So taking any particular translation for reference should be avoided by making clear to people that each and every translation may contain mistakes due to being human works. Mistakes in human translations of the message do not mean the message itself necessarily contains mistakes provided the mistakes can be shown to be correctable ie someone who has translated the message of the Quran has not understood something properly but someone else has. This should not be taken as sign of disrespect towards the past translators. They did their best and that is it and our job is not to follow them blindly but to carry out our own research afresh for our own personal satisfactions as a duty from God. If we do not do that then we have disrespected God for sending us his message we are ignoring but only paying lip service to it which is not the reason Allah sent his message for mankind. For more than last 1300 years ummah has been putting the message of the Quran aside and it has now arrived at the stage where at it is suffering consequences of its own thoughts and actions throughout the world. So time for people who claim to be Muslims to wake up and do what is needed if they wish to come out of this state of affairs. It is for not Allah to change state of people but for people themselves to work for it. Allah only guides mankind or shows them the way and to walk along that way is totally up to mankind themselves. The idea that we can sit easy and let Allah do all the work for us is not the teaching of the Quran. The Quran teaches us to depend on Allah only for those things that are for Allah to do but rest is made responsibility of mankind by Allah to do for themselves as a proper human community. Allah has provided us with tools and raw material and to make something out of it is our job of which we could be proud and so could be our creator for creating such a master piece called human being.

Remember always the fact that God and people reflect glory of each other. One is not possible without the other. Had God not created human beings he will have remained unknown forever. So creation of mankind is a great thing God has done for making himself known to mankind but only if these creatures reflect his glory through their great works voluntarily. By doing things that debase humanity people are not fulfilling the purpose for which he has created them so they should be ashamed of themselves so they should repent and reform and be great creatures of their creator. This will save people from regretting their thoughts and actions later. Allah did not give people tools and raw material to do nothing at all with it and just sit and praise the Lord without doing a worthwhile thing in their lives. This in fact is nothing more than paying lip service to God by saying a few words of glory but doing nothing at all which reflects what is being said by people with their mouths. This is why ummah has to think what it is doing and is it reflecting the purpose of their creation in their thoughts and actions? People cannot glorify Allah with empty words but by doing great things with provided tools and materials otherwise purpose of their creation by God will remains unfulfilled for as long as people do not do what they are told or are supposed to think and do. If a person employs someone for doing something but the employed person does not do that and instead does something else will that fulfil his contractual obligations? Of course not. Nowhere in the Quran Allah demand of people empty praises he is always asking people to do things which reflect his glory as to how great creative being he is. This is the main difference between deen of Islam and different versions of religion or secularism. Religion teaches people wrong purpose of their creation because it wants to take people away from material world and secularism teaches people wrong use of material world and that is why they are bad as each other.

Deen of Islam on the other hand teaches people how to use this world to reflect glory of God and humanity through doing great things. What are those great things that people ought to be doing will become clear as we make our way through the Quran. I have already mention some of the great things humanity has achieved eg invention of human language. Does it not reflect how clever human beings are if they put their minds to things? This is how humanity glorifies its creator in its true sense. If we look at so far inventions of people they have done a lot but they have failed badly in using materials properly which state of human existence reflects throughout the world. Once we have changed this then we will be well on our way to fulfilling our purpose of creation in its true sense. The while we human beings unduly exploit each other for our individual petty personal gains at each other’s expense we cannot claim we are reflecting glory of our creator according to his wishes. So question mark will remain on being of God as well as goodness of humanity. The sooner we realise all this and do something about it the better it is. This is where in comes the Quran ie it tells us Allah is RABB of all the people in the world meaning people must use his advised way of life to live by in this world in order to reflect his glory in its true sense. What does that means? It means carry out researches and exploration to discover things and set up people and things in such a way that each and every person gets things of his need freely at the point of need. It is about how to organise and regulate people for production and distribution of goods and services. It is about proper management of people as well as of land and resources and means of production and distribution. According to the Quran Allah has provided everything for all people in the world and it is up to people to make proper use of them for their own good and glory of God and humanity.

The Quran wants people to show what a great creatures they are instead of showing they are brainless or brain dead worthless things. This is why Allah did not give the Quran as a fully worked out instruction manual but a book for its proper understanding so that people do each and everything themselves with a bit of help from God here and there just to assure them they are on the right track to glory every now and then. Mullahs have been telling us the Quran is a complete code of life which needs no reflection and working out. One should read an instruction and carry it out and that is it. However this is where mullahs got stuck so they came up with idea of joining Hadis works with the Quran and then they joined the Fiqh works with the Quran and that is how came about their form of Islam which makes no sense whatsoever so mullahs fight over it all the time. After getting involved in lots of fights with each other they turn to reflection on the Quran idea but only to the degree that suits them. This is how mullahs keep shifting the goal post all the time knowing not what is coming next and how they are going to deal with it. The blind followers of mullahs still continue following them as usual killing each other over nothing thereby destroying ummah or whatever is left of it after 1300 years of mullahs nonsense. Muslims still have not learned much from all this painful suffering they have been inflicting upon each other for so many centuries, so time for ummah to start using the Quran for thinking before doing things because doing things first and thinking afterwards after seeing the unpleasant consequences is not the right way to go about doing things according to the Quran. This is why the knowledge of things has priority over doing things without fully understanding them first. The Quran requires proper understanding before its instructions could be carried out because each and every instruction given in the Quran is given within a context from a particular perspective and reflection on the Quran helps understand those contexts and perspectives. This is why nothing makes sense outside of its proper context or perspective, so time for mullahs to remove blinds on their thinking for working out the message of the Quran properly or face the wrath of humanity as warned by God because each and every wrong thought and action of people has consequences for mankind according to the Quran. The Quran is a message from God for us to create a beautiful world for ourselves through total help and support of each other for which Allah is going to reward humanity much greatly in hereafter as well. If we will fail then we will have enough to regret for rest of our lives in this world as well as in hereafter due to wasting our God given opportunity.

2) Sovereignty belongs to Allah alone because He is the sole creator and the sustainer of all the kingdoms in the universe,

Word HAMD is from root HAA, MEEM and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is to be or become awestruck by coming across highly creative work of someone or something to such degree that one is forced to express one’s admiration for its creator in words in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to express one’s acknowledgement or recognition of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to praise someone or something out of true admiration after having understood creativity of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become impressed to the very core of one’s being after being awestruck by work of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to adore or praise or exalt or honour or commend someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have highest regard for or to be regarded highly by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be worthy of constant admiration and praise by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to find someone or something worthy of praise due to examining someone or something’s work in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to introduce or become familiar with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to get to know someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to recommend someone or something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or hide or cover or cover up or wrap up or preserve or rescue or save or guard or imprison or limit or restrict or constrict or confine or holdback or prevent or constrain or protect or defend or shelter or patronise or take care of or look after or support or back up or reinforce or capture or captivate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to part or separate or boycott or isolate or break relationships with or sever ties with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or hurdles or barriers or walls or barricades or obstructions or dams or difficulties or problems or troubles in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause distance or gap or difference or gulf or separation or partition between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help someone have prosperous or easy or comfortable or affluent or luxurious life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to flood or water or irrigate or drown or submerge or drench or soak or wet or wash or bathe or dip someone or something in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause bloodshed or death or destruction or disaster or calamity or catastrophe in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause someone to cry or be sad or unhappy or sorrowful or regretful or in tears in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be life giving or life maintaining in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, recognition or acknowledgment of something by someone in some capacity that is highly impressive, aroused adoration or admiration, glory, sovereignty, introduction, praise, praiseworthy, commendable, exalted, a feeling of saying something great about someone or something which is expressed through words out of joy for someone for some reason, energy, force, God, revelation of God, controlled entry or exit, way into or through someone or something, ways and means, ladder, trick, technique, a way of life, formula, fence or something like fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, door or something like door in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Since Allah is introducing himself to mankind as the creator, provider and sustainer of the universe so he is seeking acknowledgement of these facts by mankind so that they could then accept and act on his advice or directions for their own good. For children to take advice of their parents it is necessary that they acknowledge importance of their parents so that they could then take their advice and act upon it for their own good. However to become aware of importance of parents one has to learn properly what parents say and see if it stands to scrutiny and if it does then follow it faithfully. If the advice is found to be good when looked at carefully and then acted upon, this will automatically lead to appreciation of the advice and good parenthood otherwise things will lead to the opposite results. Allah is praiseworthy because he has created people for his own purposes and he has explained to people the whole thing to not to let them live in chaos due to confusion so that once they know his program, goals and guidelines properly then they could set themselves up as a proper human community and see the benefits of guidance of Allah in reality and thereby end up praising him for his information as the revelation and creativity as the creation. Since Allah claims to be RABB=creator and sustainer of the universe and things in it therefore his program for humanity has to be turned into a reality by people themselves as special creatures unlike the rest of the creation. It is because things have been assigned different tasks to perform and they have been programmed to perform those tasks naturally so they contain their programs within them like fully programmed robots but not people. They have been provided with brains, senses and bodies as well as guidance and things to work out things by themselves with help and support of each other. This is why revelation from God only came for human beings concerning each and everything in the universe so that people make proper use of things and guidance as explained. This is why till people learn to be sensible and make proper efforts to make proper sense of guidance from Allah and follow it faithfully they can never have unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community or a Muslim ummah. Once people get to that stage then people will be praising God by being awestruck by his greatness as a creator, sustainer and guide and God will praise people for their great efforts which will help them accomplish the tasks Allah has set for humanity to carry out as an assigned mission from him for them. Hamad=praising has nothing at all to do with empty words or lip service as a habit or words forced out of peoples’ mouths. This is why message of Allah begins with BISMILLAH formula making it absolutely clear that he is not a tyrant but al-hakeem=the wise ruler of the kingdom of this universe who not only gives commandments for mankind to carry out but explains the rationality or philosophy behind them as to why mankind must have or do or not have or do something. In other words the Quran tells us human beings, Allah is not a dictator who gives no reason why he tells us to do or not to do something. This should leave one in no doubt as to meaning of word HAMD in the proper context of the Quran or deen of Islam. This surah and the rest of the Quran is revealed in response to state of human mind that looks for guidance of its creator and sustainer after becoming sensible enough to do so through direct interaction with real world realities. This shows how important direct interactions with real things is as basis for human learning. This is why the Quran is a scientific explanation of things that has nothing at all to do with superstition as mullahs will have us believe to make fools of us.

Word RABB in this verse is from root RAA, BAA and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to teach something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to train someone in some something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with sustenance or things of need and want in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to manage or handle or take care of or sustain or maintain someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring about or create someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be the owner or lord or master of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to raise or bring up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to educate or train someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in one’s possession in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take someone or something into care or guardianship or patronage or protection in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to sustain or maintain someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be like rabb in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pamper someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to do well in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to approximate or estimate or evaluate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be characteristics or properties or qualities of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate or meditate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to anticipate or expect or project or think ahead or plan in advance or prepare for the future in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be clever or sharp or intelligent or brainy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or shelter or protect or preserve or guard or imprison or arrest or confine or constrict or restrict or limit or hide or cover up or wrap up or veil or stand in for or take the place of, capture or captivate or defend or reinforce or back up or support or assist or patronise or take care of or keep an eye on or spy on someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with refuge or sanctuary or hiding place or breathing space or roof over head or room for manoeuvring or canopy or umbrella or over all care in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or party or group or community or following in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to prevent or stop or holdback or constrain or forbid someone or something from being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to isolate or cut off or sever ties with or boycott with or break off relationships with or separate from or move away from or stay away from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause rifts or dissentions or wars or disputes or differences or gaps or gulfs or distances between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or obstruction or barricades or blockages or hurdles or walls or partitions or barriers or divisions or difficulties or problems or hardships in the way of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome or break through obstructions or difficulties in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, the one who takes care of some one in every way but particularly in sense of teaching information and providing other things of need for growth and development of something. lord, master, provider, care taker or guardian, teacher, manager, owner, possessor, an adopted person, a woman newly delivered of a baby, a word, mesh, thickened juice, a group of people, a very large number of people, public at large, masses, a rabbi, a learned person, a person who has learned and teaches or explains revelation of God, early youth, God, deity, people of God, people devoted or committed to living by way of life advised by God, people conversant in teachings of God, subjects of God, people who live or abide by rule of law of God, people who belong to same group or household or place or circle or ideology or constitution or organisation or company or association or party or community or population, people in the same boat or in similar situation or set of circumstances, conversant in teachings of deen of Allah, a step daughter, many a time, frequently, often, perchance, perhaps, maybe, may well, administration or management, chiefdom or emperorship or kingship, ruling elite, leadership, command and control centre, central nervous system, foundation, origin or base, tradition or custom, rule of law or constitution, precedent or example, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Allah is teacher of mankind by way of revelation as well as the one who takes care of all their needs in every way through set up systems and laws in this universe. It is of vital importance to remember the fact that same words are used for God and his creatures but each time their meaning are decided by their context ie a person being a rabb does not mean a human is a God or equal to God in any way. It is because the purpose of use of a word makes clear what is meant by a particular use of a word. Allah is rabb because he originated things out of nothingness and then set up things according to his plan for his purpose. A man cannot feed his child by creating things out of nothingness rather he can only make use of what has been already provided for this purpose on basis of cause and effect. It is because people have no supernatural or magical powers.

Word AALAMEEN is from root AIN, LAAM and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to be or become familiar with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to find out something about someone or something through interaction or direct experience with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to know or come to know someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to experiment with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to acquaint or make familiar someone or something with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to recognise or acknowledge someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to sense someone or something through senses in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to inform or alert or let know or tell or make aware someone or something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something obvious or known or evident to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a particular experience or training or skill in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to identify or define or point out or specify someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to come to believe someone or something on basis of evidence/s in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to learn about someone or something from or through experience in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to uncover or discover or expose or realise something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become aware of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to demonstrate or establish something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold accountable or liable or responsible or take someone or something to task for some reason or purpose, to punish or make someone face the consequences of one’s harmful or destructive thoughts and actions against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to respond appropriately to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with a fitting response in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become obvious or apparent or evident or exposed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to educate or train someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep an eye on or spy on or guard or take care of or lookafter or take someone or something into care in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help or support or back up or reinforce someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something cry or be sad or unhappy or regretful or sorrowful or grievous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to start anew or have a new beginning or rebirth or go through recycling experience in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mark or label or name someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drink from fountain of knowledge in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to participate in learning experience in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be happy or content or satisfied or comfortable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encourage or urge or motivate or inspire or push or drive someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or weapons or instruments or equipments or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to figure out or reason things out in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to flood or irrigate or water or drench or submerge or dip or soak or bathe something in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause harm or damage or bloodshed or death or destruction or disaster or calamity or catastrophe or devastation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or barriers in the way of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome or break through the barriers or obstructions in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a learned or educated or trained or experienced person in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have things of need or want in abundance or plentiful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to infer or imply or deduce something from something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, some kind of distinction whereby something is recognised as something distinct or different or separate from the rest, information about something that is properly understood by the brain because that is how one knows something by knowing information about it by interacting with it, universe, world, kingdom, nation, scholarship, knowledge, state of existence, mountain, landmark, flag, notch, slit, sign, mark or marked, harelip, learning, acquaintance, cognition, exact or specific or particular or defined or pointed out, entire creation, a human population in time or place, universe, kingdom, nation, people, mankind, everyone or everybody, familiar, assigned, appointed, skilled or knowledgeable or wise person, a marked difference that helps understand something as something different from something else, a name a person is given as his/her proper noun so that that person is recognised by that name as distinct from any other person, ocean or river or stream or water well or spring, fountain of knowledge, revelation of God, watchtower, watchman, spear, arrow, sword, gun, aeroplane, rocket, musical instruments, tools for building things, tools or equipments for art works, kits for doctors or engineers, something life giving, God, something that helps maintains life, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

ILM is information about things that is put together in such a way that helps human brain understand things as distinct from each other and how they fulfil their function or purpose or work therefore information and its proper understanding equals knowledge. Marking also helps make something evident for others to see or know about it.

In this verse mankind are mentally challenged so that they could see for themselves if they are a people who have proper understanding of things or they are just ignorant people who do not have awareness of things the way they should. It is because unless one has knowledge one is highly unlikely to know and accomplish things appropriately or be able to support the right cause properly. The Quran tells us some people are like donkeys carrying lots of books but have no understanding as to what is written in them. Foolish people follow each other and make groups like sheep and thereby lead one another into troublesome life thinking they are doing the right things the right way. Information about the universe helps a person understand things through life experience by means of interaction with other things within the universe by way of trial and error. The human brain learns things in the real world through its senses because things trigger brain into action by acting as stimulus and then by way of trial and error brain gradually builds up a bank of information in form of life experience, some of it in an organized way or with understanding. This is why people have certain models of the real world in their heads according to which they look at any new piece of information ie people draw on life experience when they come across new situations to deal with them. Same needs to be done when one has to study the Quran.

3)the provider of things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind.

4)The provider of guidance for mankind to establish and abide by as a way of life.

Word MAALIK is from roots ALIF, LAAM and KAAF and MEEM, LAAM and KAAF. Concrete meaning of this root is to own something or someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to have something or someone in possession or in control or grip or grasp in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to be or do or have or use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be responsible for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be accountable for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be liable for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rule or reign over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or pave the way for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to facilitate or ease the task for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or jurisdiction or control or grip or grasp over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in the palm of the hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have the ability or capability to reach or approach someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to get or obtain or acquire something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to marry or entre in a contract or agreement or pact with someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to chew something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have capability for being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move mouth to speak to deliver the message in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be kind or compassionate or tender hearted in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be easy going or gullible or soft in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act as shock absorbent or buffer or cushion or go between in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be taken for a ride or easily fooled in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to motivate or encourage or urge or push or drive or inspire someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or instruments or weapons or equipments or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to inflict with damage or harm or death or destruction or bloodshed or disaster or calamity or catastrophe or devastation or flooding in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring about prosperous or luxurious or comfortable or easy life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have abundance of things or luxuries in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, power base or seat of power or throne, foundation for authority, something that has something in its grip or control or under its influence or care or responsibility, ownership, in-charge, chief, master, administrator or administration, manager or management, guardianship, missionary, ruler, king, monarch, emperor, power or authority, foundation upon which something stands or in which something is rooted, essence, water, mud, glue, something that is capable of sticking or joining things together in some way, something tough or solid or hard or strong, something concrete or real, something soft or tender or compassionate or kind, something that can facilitate things or pave the way, the middle or side limits of the path, the distinct or wider part of the road, belonging/s, leadership, guide, guidance, chief, head of a tribe or clan or family or community, slaves or maids, servants, people under care, people looked after, people under one’s responsibility or guardianship, commander of an army or fighting force, person in charge, people working under one’s responsibility, students, teachers, pupils, disciples, supporters or followers, recruits, trainees, in the office bearer, messenger, envoy, diplomat, message carrier, property, kingdom, sovereignty, essence, the heart, reign, dominion, say, high rank or exalted position, angel, noble or honourable or respectable person, marriage ceremony, middle of the valley, divine or heavenly or universal or worldly, forces of nature, set-up systems and laws in the universe that carry out various assigned or programmed tasks, a person who commits no wrong or does not transgress against rule of law after knowing about it properly, tradition or custom, a good nature or helpful person, ox or bull, God or revelation of God, staff, crew, team, regime or government, governing body of country or organisation, stick or something like stick in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox=goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, palm of hand or something like palm, of hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

The use of this root expresses someone or something with power or authority or ownership for some purpose eg a ruler, a king, a chief, an administrator, a manager or handler or an office bearer etc.

Word YAWM is from root YAA, WOW and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to have power or authority or jurisdiction or control or grip over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be instrumental or involved or have a hand in making something happen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be capable of reaching or approaching someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in hand or possession in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in range in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to trick or deceive or con someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be twisted or bent or turned or crooked or deceptive or clever or cunning or sharp in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have some connection or contact or relationship or linkage to something or someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to link or connect or join or combine people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to harm or destroy someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to flow or run smoothly or quietly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give life to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to inspire or motivate or urge or push or encourage or drive someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to maintain life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drip or dribble in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to water or irrigate or drench or soak or submerge or drown or dip or bathe someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause calamity or catastrophe or disaster or devastation or death and destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause bloodshed or warfare between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring prosperity or affluency or rain in abundance or greenery all around in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have affluent or prosperous or easy or comfortable or luxurious existence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, dimension, distance or gap or difference between two points in some sense, a period of time or a set period of time, an appointed or specified time, time, a stage of a process, an age, an era, a step in a process, a snapshot, a section of something in some sense, a part of something in some sense, river, sea, ocean, well, spring, source of water, fountain, fountain or sea of knowledge, day, a twenty-four hour period of time, the period of sunlight on the earth, daylight hours, today, the present, time, a certain occurrence, a significant happening, occasion, battle, the universe, the reference point, at the time, once upon a time, during a period of time, in that time or time period, this day, a momentous event, on the day, on the day when or then or at the time, the total period of time during daylight and night, government, treasure, wealth, rulership, governance, rule, kingdom, power, an historical day that a people do not forget because on that day something good or bad happen to them or for them, revelation of God, ocean, river or stream, oceanic, something massive or at a very large scale, sea or fountain of knowledge, a place of learning and teaching, an educational institution, hand or something like hand in some sense, hook or something like hook in some sense, water or something like water in some sense, value, status, standard, world, reference point, day etc etc.

Word DEEN is from root DAAL, YAA and NOON. Concrete meaning of this root is to abide by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to live by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become enslaved by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be owned by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be consistent with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become one or united with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to compel or force someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to yield or submit or surrender or give in or accept defeat or humiliation or disgrace in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to accept responsibility or liability or own up something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have ability or capacity or capability to be or do or have or use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to remove or overcome or break through obstacles or barriers or hurdles or obstructions or walls or dams or troubles or difficulties or problems in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a way to be or to do or have or use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to reach or approach someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or jurisdiction or control or grip over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be involved or instrumental or have a hand in something happening or making it happen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a trick or technique or way or formula to achieve or accomplish something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have or make a way into or through someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lend someone or something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to borrow someone or something from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to abide or live by or be consistent with the way of life advised by God in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to follow or adhere to a way of life or tradition or custom or rule of law or constitution in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have or hold a conviction about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to commit a crime against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a slave to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to obey someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to follow a religion or creed or habit or custom or tradition or rule of law or set of make beliefs or dogmas in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to worship or adore someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to punish or make someone or something face consequences of one’s harmful or destructive thoughts and actions against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reward or award someone for being or doing something that ensured well being of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give one another things of need and want freely or to take from each other things of need and want freely in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deceive or cheat or mislead someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold someone or something liable or accountable or answerable for something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be quick or fast moving in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to float or swim in the air or water or space in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to organise and regulate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to humble or defeat or overcome or overpower or overwhelm someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep something consistent or constant with a point of reference in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to control or handle or manage someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to judge or estimate or evaluate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to count or reckon or calculate something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to constrain or holdback or prevent or stop someone or something from being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be smooth or even or level or uniform or regular in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be slippery or illusive or elusive or deceptive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a reference point with respect to which things make sense, a setting or background or context or perspective within which certain things make sense, a landmark or signpost or lamppost, something to which something keeps going back to or keeps coming back to for some reason purpose, a way of life or tradition or custom or habit or creed or a set of values or principles or standards or goals and guidelines or a code for living one’s life, something lent or borrowed, something that keeps changing hands, a verdict or judgment, constitutional or legal contract, financial debt or money borrowed or owed, an obligation one owes to someone or something, a constitutional and legal obligation, fortress, a city, a settlement, victory or triumph, consequences or results or outcomes or rewards or repayments, wage or return, obedience or submission or subjugation, governing system, constitution, rule of law, law and order, a group of people, a place where-in a human population dwells, a kingdom, a country, a township, Midian, Madyan, Madinah, name of a tribe in Arabia, deen of Islam, way of life advised by Allah, a way through to something, controlled entry and exit, a way to do things, formula, technique or trick, jurisdiction, reach, control, ladder, a system of management, a structure for administration, a procedure or practice, a social, political and economic model, a rain that always takes place at the same time or in a same place, a system of justice, religion or faith, code of life, something to abide or live by, gold coin or Deenaar or dinar, controlled entry or exit, way through or into something, door or something like door in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Attention must be paid to the fact that Allah has set-up processes and mechanisms, systems and laws throughout the universe for all things to work according to therefore all actions by all things are based upon law of cause and effect ie all courses of actions by all things are bound to trigger consequences with varying periods of times. In other words the natural world is based upon laws of nature so it works naturally. All things interact with each other and that is how they play their roles as actors play their roles as characters in a movie or drama. In the grand scheme of things there is a role for Allah and a role for mankind as well as roles for all other things regardless living or nonliving. The Quran states the plan of Allah and the goals he set for mankind to accomplish and the guidelines according to which mankind are supposed to accomplish those set goals. So if people will go about life as advised by Allah according to his set out guidelines then things will work out fine but if they will try to ignore that and go their own way then set-up systems and law will take over and the consequences will ensue in form of harms and destructions of mankind by hands of each other.
5)Therefore declare O mankind that we will abide by Your advised way of life and seek Your help that way,

Word NABUDU is from root AIN, BAA and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is to tie or bind someone or something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to carry out one’s constitutional or legal obligations in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to accept living by a rule of law by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to live or abide by rule of law of God in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to accept to be subject of a king or ruler in a kingdom in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to enslave or humble or defeat or take over or overcome or overpower or overwhelm someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take someone or something for a slave or servant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take or accept someone or something for a master in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to accept or agree to living or abiding by rule of law of a ruler, to be a master or a slave in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a ruler or ruled in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a king or subject in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to submit to something or someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to obey something or someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be consistent with something or someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to glue or stick or tie people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to adore someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to tan camel hides in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to tar boats in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to carry out responsibilities or duties or obligations placed upon a person by an authority or master in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think and do something with pleasure and with full devotion and commitment in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to get involved with or carry out a task or a mission which is very difficult and very demanding but there is pleasure at the end of the task or completion of the mission in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to work very hard on a farmland for growing crops etc but end up with a great yield at the time of harvesting in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be fully taken over by a task or mission in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to devote oneself with full commitment to struggle for establishment of deen of Islam or to maintain it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to carry out works given by someone or something in power or authority or control in order to fulfil plan or purpose of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help or support or back up or reinforce someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep an eye on or spy on or guard someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or view or imagine or visualise or perceive or have insight into something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have comprehension or understanding about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to surround or encompass or overwhelm envelope someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to start something anew or have a rebirth or be born again or go through recycling process in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in tears or sad or unhappy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to experience pleasure or happiness in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shed tears of happiness or pleasure in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or shelter or protect or defend or preserve or cover or cover up or veil or wrap up or take care of or limit or restrict or constrict or confine or imprison or arrest or prevent or holdback or constrain someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with care or looking after or guardianship or patronage or home or dwelling or abode or roof over heads or breathing space or hiding place or refuge or sanctuary or room for manoeuvring or umbrella or canopy or environment or atmosphere or surrounding in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to isolate or separate or distance or cut off or boycott with or keep apart or out or away or break ties with or sever relationships with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or community or party or group or following or supporters or backers in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put walls or partitions or barricades or hurdle or blockages or obstacles or obstructions or difficulties or hardships or troubles or problems in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to build a house or building or human society on a proper or solid foundation/s in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome or break through barriers or problems or difficulties in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, formula, a way into or through someone or something, watchman or watchtower, a way to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, controlled entry and exit, gate, a way into or through, rule of law, constitution, tradition, custom, guide, landmark, reference point or point of reference, a bonding or binding force which could be psychological or physical, bonding could be social or political or economic or cultural or ideological or emotional, filling gaps in the ribs of the boat with some sort of water proof material to stop water from entering the boat and drowning it, a fragrant plant which camels eat which makes them fat but healthy due to which they give plenty of meat and milk or wool, abiding by some reference point as if something is tied to something like an animal is tied to a stake or peg that is driven into the ground so that the animal does not wander off and gets lost, a linkage between a boats and cleats or ships and bollards at the dock or quay to stop them from drifting away from the stationary positions, a linkage between ship and anchor to stop it from drifting or floating away from the stationary position, linkage or bond between two things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, someone or something belonging or connected to someone or something in some sense, a created being/s or mortal/s, all living beings, the whole creation, something or someone adored or obeyed or heeded, a maid or female slave or subject, all creatures, all the creation, created beings or creatures, mortals, everything, all living beings, people who serve God or carry out his commandments, servants of God or those who go after his set goals according to his guidelines, water source, ocean or river or stream or pond, water well or spring, spring season, fountain or sea of knowledge, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, door or something like door in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In the Quranic context there is no concept of worship of God like human beings find among themselves in the name of religion eg in Hinduism etc which is called POOJA or PAAT or pooja paat. It is because the Quranic concepts about God are very different from religious concepts about God. In the Quranic context God has created everything for his purpose and unless creation works for fulfilling his set purpose it is going against the wishes of God. The Quran divides creation into fully bonded creatures and creatures with free will or ability of choice. We are told by God that all creation is fully programmed by him so it cannot be inconsistent with program of God but human beings are given a limited ability of choice so they can be consistent with will of God or be inconsistence with his will. People have been given ability to be consistent with guidance of Allah but only if they choose to do so and for that end do all that is necessary. This is what distinguishes mankind from the rest of the creation of God. This is why when people live by guidance of Allah it is called worship of Allah so anything which they do thinking it is worship of Allah outside this context is nothing but nonsense and stupidity of people. Since guidance of Allah is a program for goals set by Allah for mankind to accomplish according to his provided guidelines therefore this defines what deen of Islam is and what worship of Allah actually means in the context of the Quranic text. Anything that people think and do outside this definition and name it deen of Islam is their self invented nonsense in the name of God. This is how people replaced deen of Islam with different versions of religion and became divided and ended up in wars with each other whereby they stifled progress of humanity and wrapped it up in terrible poverty of all kinds despite the fact that Allah sent his message for mankind to lead them out of divisions into unity and out of wars into peace and out of stagnation and regression into progress and thereby prosperity. This is why deen of Islam is very different from what people assume it to be. It is nothing other than a way of life that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah so that mankind could then set their eyes on achieving higher goals Allah has set for them full speed ahead ie to travel throughout the universe and see what Allah has created through God given creativity ability of their own.

Since the Quran is a book from God with guidelines for a manifesto, a constitution and legislations therefore humanity is told to abide by it for the reasons already explained and for the reasons yet to be explained in coming surahs ie if you the mankind will do things the way the one who has set them up tells you then you will save yourselves from lots of troubles and difficulties therefore huge number of severe painful sufferings. If you will choose to go your own ways then you could end up making loads of mistakes due to being ignorant of how you should go about things which could land you in many needless harms and destructions as a consequence. This is why no matter how much people pray and how hard they pray to God in deen of Islam it means nothing at all when people ignore his guidance and do what they like or what they assume to be pleasing to God in their eyes. This is so because God has clearly explained to people in his book what he wants of them and if instead of knowing his will people will try to impose their will upon him due to their stupidity then it will not bring any good results they desire. It is because Allah is not going to make any changes in his program or plan or purpose just because people want this or that. God did not create people to impose their will upon him but to carry out his will by studying it properly and then working on it faithfully. It is a case of someone you work for tells you to build a house for him and explains to you everything you need to know about it but you ignore all that information and instead you yourself make something and tell him here it is. This is not going to have pleasant response. However then you sit and complain to him, look I did this for you and that for you yet you are ignoring me but if you will not listen to me then I am going to leave you. This is how religious and secular people think and do things when it comes to God and his message. They hardly try to understand what is wrong with their approaches to issue of God and deen of Islam. They want someone else to do all the thinking and work for them so that they have the cake ready to eat. They do not realise that each person has to work out things for oneself to see whether something makes sense or not because that is why people are given brains and senses individually. They think it is someone else’s job to put before them explanations and their job is only to dismantle those explanations and that is the end of the issue of God and deen of Islam as far as they are concerned. Such people have a lot to learn from their direct interaction with real world realities before they could even think about arguing over the book of God because it needs a person who has the ability to think deep and wide. A person has to be able to think beyond oneself before one could take on the issue of God and deen of Islam. This is why people who are educated and trained to think about themselves only are not fit for scrutinising the book of God to begin with let alone be right about it.

One should be aware that in verses of this surah we are told to enter in a covenant with God that we will do as he explains and things will happen as he says because that is the way he has set up the universe to work. All this because Allah has set-up systems and laws to deliver to people the results of their own thoughts and actions about each other and the rest of things in the universe. This is why when a person eats poison he dies or when one puts his hand in the fire it burns. Likewise when seeds are placed in the soil they grow into crops. This is how natural world is set-up by Allah to work so anyone who wants anything must work for it accordingly because this world is based upon cause and effect rule. Sitting there praying to God for bread to fall down from the sky is not going work no matter how hard one works at one’s prayers. This is why there is a huge difference between what is taught by Allah in his book and what people believe in their minds about God due to having no proper knowledge of the book of God or worse having no idea how the world is set up by God to work. This is why real world realities and book of God both need to be before our eyes to have proper sense of what is going on all around us. It also tells us without knowing all this we do not know what to ask of God and why or what not to ask of God and why not. It is because if we will ask for something that God will not let happen because it goes against his purpose for creation and his set-up of the world then we are going against his will so we will be wasting our time as well. Prayer is more of a reflection over what one is asking for of God and why or how it is supposed to happen. It is because if we have the plan of God in our minds then if we will ask for something we will know why we are asking for it and how our prayer is going to find its fulfilment. Moreover prayer comes to mind and on the tongue when a need arises so one cannot be forced into praying to God as a duty. Duty and prayer are two separate things. For a start a duty is working for an authority for a return therefore for carrying out a duty one can be forced for an expected result and if result is not delivered according to satisfaction of the authority then we know one has not fulfilled one’s duty faithfully which has consequences for the duty performer. On the other hand prayer is a request for getting something which one needs. So if one thinks one needs something then the first things to do is to examine that need for its propriety in the context of the Quran or deen of Islam and only if it fits then go for it otherwise there is no sense in requesting God for something one is not supposed to ask for. Moreover whatever God had to say to mankind he has said it in his book so whenever any problem arises in one’s mind one should open up the book and see for its solution in light of the book. It is because God is with people through his message in his book. This is why the Quran is a book of solutions for all problems that may ever face humanity. So when a need arises in mind of a person how to fulfil it is explained in the Quran and this is how prayers are answered by God in the context of the Quran. This is how the Quran can help humanity solves its problems. For example, if we ask, why there is poverty in the world the Quran explains the issue of poverty in great detail. However people are not going to find out till they study the Quran for this purpose. Muslim ummah is in terrible state of affairs because people who claim to be Muslims do not study the Quran properly for the purpose it is given to them and the rest of the mankind. Therefore sitting there on the prayer mat praying to God constantly help us out of poverty is not going to work because the Quran teaches the way to remove the poverty and people need to learn it and employ it and then poverty will end not otherwise. Guidance is about the way to do things but things are still to be done by those who are supposed to do them not God. So help of God comes through things for things not directly. It is food and water God has made necessary for people to have to live on. God has made a person dependent upon air for breathing to stay alive so there is no sense in stopping breathing in the air and praying to God to keep one alive therefore one must always remember that even God himself has his own set-up ways to do things so they cannot happen any other way in this world. His control over things is absolute so nothing can happen outside his planning or his set purpose and his set up systems and laws are permanent ie they never go through changes. This is why fire always burns or water always flows downhill. If anything was not given its characteristics permanently then there could not be anything in this world about which anyone could have any certainty at all. It is because if one day you saw a thing as a tree and the next day the same turned into a donkey and a day later it was a mountain then you will not be able to have a stable life in this world at all because chaos and confusion of that sort will kill you due to not knowing whether you are coming or going. To live people need reasonable stability.

Word NASTAEEN is from roots AIN, WOW and NOON; AIN, YAA and NOON and MEEM, AIN and NOON. Concrete meaning of this root is to seek help of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to help or assist or offer help to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in middle state of existence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cooperate with one another or work together as a team in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or observe or analyse or examine or scrutinise or perceive or visualise or imagine or understand or comprehend in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep an eye on or guard or spy on someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have large beautiful eyes in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to injure the eye or have sore eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give the evil eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ascertain someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take into or under care or lookafter someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sad or in tears or to cry or be hurt in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be deceptive or cunning or clever or sharp or tricky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to know or acknowledge or recognise someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be aware or alert about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to watch or witness someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shade or shadow or influence someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have vision or ambition or wish or desire for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a point of view about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a window into the world to see in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ensure something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see something through in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to trace or search or look for try to discover or find out something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to investigate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to explore someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reinforce or back up or assist or support someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause pain or suffering or death and destruction or bloodshed or disaster or calamity or catastrophe or devastation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause or suffer flooding in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help someone or something become rich or wealthy or prosperous or affluent or comfortable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in front of people’s eyes in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a witness in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be present before people in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep an eye on things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stay alert or awake in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to observe and explore things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to long for or to have desire for something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to devote one’s efforts to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to confess or make a confession about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to live by rule of law or a way of life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to invent or adopt a way of life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cooperate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to live in harmony in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep flowing or dripping or running in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to maintain or help someone or something keep going in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people and things together to form a network of some kind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to link or join or connect people or thing together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring about a communication network between people and things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join hands in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or get involved in making something happen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have capability or capacity to reach or approach or catch up with or get hold of someone something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or jurisdiction or control or grip over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be elusive or illusive or deceptive or tricky or cunning in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be generous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a support like a pillar or a beam that holds up the ceiling or roof to stop it from falling on the floor, something that supports something properly so that the purpose for which the support is given is served to the full, herd of zebras, being middle aged, tall palm tree, helper or assistant, backer, eyesight, notables, water source or water spring or well or pond, flowing or running water, fresh water, river or stream, sea or ocean, watchtower, watchman, group of brothers, guardian, something that is in between two points or things in some sense for some purpose, something that acts as a support or an obstacle in a mechanism. a flourishing piece of land with greenery, prosperity, abundance, plentiful, sphere or zone or area under observation or jurisdiction, a person with eyes like a wild cow, apple of the eye, something that opens up a window to something in some sense, something that opens up opportunities or ways to things, as far as the eye can see or guard or take care of things, the area under jurisdiction of a kingdom, the area under guard to keep an eye over, source of happiness, monitoring, power, authority, strength, smooth or deceptive, ink, inkpot, fountain of knowledge, revelation of God, centre of attention or something upon which attention is focused for some reason or purpose, focal point, something from which gushes forth water, pleasant sight, goal or target or mission, water channels in the bottom of a valley, utensils, obedience, property, settled dwelling, voluntary and obligatory works individuals do for the betterment of human community, something of little or no value, something of little or no use, something of great value or very useful, goodness, rain, something or anything benevolent, something that helps growth and prosperity, something life giving, something that drives or inspires or encourages or motivates, an even piece of land or a landscape free of dunes and ditches or unevenness, eye or something like eye in its existence or behaviour or use or purpose, hand or something like hand in its existence or behaviour or use or purpose, hook or something like hook in its existence or behaviour or use or purpose, fish or ink or something like fish or ink in its existence or behaviour or use or purpose, water or something like water in its existence or behaviour or use or purpose etc etc.

The point made here is that Allah only helps people through information about things and people get that information in two ways a)life experience based information about things through brain and senses and b)through revealed information about things through messengers sent by Allah. Regardless whichever way the information is gained or obtained what matters is its proper understanding so that it could be used properly for the purpose it is given. The revelation based information is only needed where knowledge gained through life experiences cannot help on its own because it is not sufficient or takes ages to learn on one’s own whereas teaching takes one quickly through steps of learning. The revelation of Allah raises one’s awareness beyond one’s own life experiences by drawing one’s attention to matters which one may otherwise think are of no importance to oneself because the connection between things is not so obvious for a simple minded person. Also the concept of living for each other is not an easy thing for anyone to accept that is why the world is the way it is because that is the way people made it. So the Quran wants to motivate and inspire a person beyond living for oneself because it emphasises community life or brotherhood to bring about a caring and sharing human society that is united like a successful single family of decent people.

6)and for that reason show us the firmly founded way of life that leads to unity, peace, progress and prosperity,

Word IHDI is from root HAA, DAAL and YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be a beacon in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be a guiding light in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to set up or follow a goal or an objective or mission in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or do or have or use someone or something in the right manner in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to spearhead or be at the forefront of or ahead of others in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to walk in front of or before others in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be on top of things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to clarify or make something clear or obvious or evident or manifest in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to explain or expand or stretch or enlarge or spread or explode or blow up or detail something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to show demonstrate something clearly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make the difference between people and things absolutely clear in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go ahead to make the way or clear the way for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pave the way or facilitate things or ease a situation for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give someone something freely before one needs it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to guide or inform or acquaint or show the way or make someone or something familiar with the path in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something aware of the way for being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lead the way or be a guide or leader in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give or help to have the ability to know things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to educate or teach or instruct or train someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide or offer guidance to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be led or guided or shown the way in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to use someone or something for guidance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to seek or look or search for guidance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to accept guidance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to follow in the footsteps of the guided or guide in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attain or hang or hold or latch onto guidance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reach guidance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to manage to find guidance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to save or rescue someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to come to a conclusion or decision or a point of view about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to offer or sacrifice or dedicate or devote someone or something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give or receive gifts or presents of each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to enable or give ability to someone or something know truth from falsehood or right from wrong in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fend for oneself or others in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to instil the instinct for survival in someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to guide someone or something to the right path or proper way for carrying out a set task or accomplishing a goal or achieving an objective or fulfilling a mission in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mislead or deceive or cheat or con someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to use someone or something for guidance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stick to or remain or stay on the right course in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to offer or avail opportunities or chances to someone or something for something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to piece a hole into or through someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reach or approach or catch up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a window into real world realities in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to sense or perceive or detect someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a way or trick or technique or formula to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remove or overcome or break through barriers or obstructions or difficulties or problems in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause trouble or poverty or put obstacles or difficulties in the way of someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join or link or connect people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join hands in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or control or grip or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to understand or comprehend or surround or encompass or have grasp over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be involved or instrumental in something happening or making it happen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to show one’ s hand or trick someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, the rightly guided person or people, brilliance, light, something shining or burning bright, a rock in the water that is so high from the surface of the water that it can be seen from a long distance, a day that is bright or daylight, the front part of anything that shows first as one comes into view of someone or something, the neck of an animal, the animal that walks in front of a person, a person or an animal for sacrifice or offering, a free gift or present, an offering, vanguard or pioneers or leading people, objective, piety, righteousness, mode, manner, guided people or people who claim to be guided, Jews or people of Jewish tribes or faith or religion, descendents or supporters or followers of Judah, people of Judea, Israelites, a piece of news or information, instruction or direction, guidance from God, revelation of God, information from beyond human senses or sensory perception, spiritual guidance, the Quran, a way into or through someone or something, controlled entry or exit, window or something like window in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, door or something like door in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word SIRAAT is from root SEEN/SAWD, RAA and TWAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to bridge a gap between people or things or places in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to connect or link or join people or places or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people and things or places in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut or slice through someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to diverge or converge or come together or fall apart in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to branch into someone or something or branch out of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to disperse or spread out or scatter in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grow or develop or prosper in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be fixed in a place yet be able to move in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with shade or shadow or shelter or umbrella or canopy or guardianship or patronage in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stand tall or high or overhead in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to influence or effect someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be skilled or trained or experienced or expert or master of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate or meditate over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or clever or sharp or cunning or shrewd in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act as guide or leader or reference point for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to build a building or monument or a country or a people or a proper human society in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to squeeze life out of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to use sword or weapon or cause bloodshed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gulp or devour someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause rift or dispute or fight or war in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a path or way or trick or technique or formula, a purpose built path or road because it cuts through the land from one point to another, anything that makes its way through something, a long and sharp sword that makes its way through a body it is cutting through, a traveller who makes his way through a land from one place to another, the food one eats because it makes its way through the digestive tract, something that connects two points, bridge or something that fills a gap between people or things in some sense in some way, a piece of rope or string or cable, a pipe work, highway or road or pathway that connects two destinations or cities or towns or villages, something that bridges the gap between two points in some sense in some way, an undertaking, a promise, family or family tree, diagram, constitution, code of conduct, a way of life, the way of life advised by God for mankind to live by for a blissful, dignified and secure existence, base or foundation or something in which something is anchored or rooted in some sense in some way for some treason or purpose, origin, seed or roots, branches or fruits, administration or management, governing body of a state or an organisation, leadership, ruling elite, command and control centre, central nervous system, top people or things, top part or section of something, best people or things, cream of the crop, brain power, power, authority, crew, staff, team, tradition, precedent, rule of law, something outstanding, lamppost, something tall or high that is visible from a distance, something whereby people find their way around things, extract, juice, essence, something that acts as a symbol for something, someone who stands for something, tree or something like in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, landmark or something like landmark in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word MUSTAQEEM is from root QAAF, WOW and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to establish someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to judge someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give or deliver verdict about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stand by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with solid base or foundation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be even or smooth or level or harmonious or properly balanced in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become or remain complete or perfect or whole or intact in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to do something continuously always in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop or station or stay or dwell or remain in a place or position in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be lively or active in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be upright or proper in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fulfil one’s needs or wants or ambitions or desires or wishes in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take or make a stand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be responsible or liable or accountable or answerable for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to care for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with livelihood or provisions or sustenance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lookafter or take care of someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide with solid foundation to work from or to build something upon it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give someone essentials or necessities so that one could make a living through that help or support in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to harmonise things or even or smooth them out in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to complement someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cooperate or coordinate people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to come or stand together as a team in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fit things with each other in such a way that they can work as a unit in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stand guard over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have everything about someone or something in mind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fulfil a responsibility or duty or an obligation fully in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be stable or firm in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be strong or tough or solid or hard in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become unstable or infirm, to end up in chaos or confusion or anarchy or disorder in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become disorderly or unruly or disorganised or unregulated in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become totally shattered or scattered or dispersed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to halt or stop or resist someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rise up or rebel or erupt or break out in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to set up or run something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to face an outbreak of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reside in a place or position in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be constant or consistent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be straight in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to estimate or evaluate or judge someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to guard or watch or keep an eye over or spy on someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shoulder or assume responsibility in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to carry out a great accomplishment in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to perform a huge or highly valuable task in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rise from the dead in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be about to act in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to standstill in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stand over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to depart or separate from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to leave or leave alone someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to budge or shift or move in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to happen or take place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to worship or pray to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to function in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to exist in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to come to be held in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to object or protest over something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to question someone or something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to erect or prop up or make someone or something stand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or examine or scrutinise or watch or observe someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to follow or maintain someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to set up or arrange or organise or regulate something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to conduct something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose , to institute something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to achieve or accomplish something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to perform some task in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to assign or appoint someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to come true or prove true in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to uphold something or stand by someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to balance someone or something correctly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become true in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to turn some idea or thought or imagination or vision or ambition or desire or wish into a reality in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to jump about or jump all over the place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to copy or imitate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be mischievous or clever or agile or quick acting or fast moving in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to link or join or connect people or things to each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to create a communication network between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or turned or twisted or crooked or cunning or tricky or sharp or intelligent or wicked or harmful or destructive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be trustable or reliable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act as pivot in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be affluent or comfortable or prosperous or have life of luxury in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to flood or water or irrigate or drown or submerge or dip or soak or drench or wet or wash or bathe someone or something in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause flooding or disaster or devastation or calamity or catastrophe in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give or maintain life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause bloodshed or fight or war between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause injury or hurt or sadness or sorrow or grief or unhappiness in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring about happiness or greenery or blossoming of flowers all around in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that stands firmly in its place, guardian, leader, something properly balanced or firmly fixed eg a peg or stake in the ground for tying animals or to tie a tent so that it does not fly away due to wind etc, something that takes a firm stand or rises up, revival or resurrection of something eg an idea or a thing, uprising, revolt, revolution, something that is alive, compensation, reparation, map, presence of mind or body or both, some happening that makes one stand up at once, disturbance, disaster, tumult, upheaval, death and destruction, a people or tribe or clan community or nation or society, location, value, justice, backbone, support, pillar, substance, overseer, righteous, people, individuals, anyone, the ones, a place, a seat or a seating place, situation, abode or dwelling, position, revelation of God, the Quran, some kind of force, monkey or something like monkey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

The Quran is a special book that provides mankind with sound foundation for their identity to give them such sense of belonging that they never fall victim to identity crisis. This means the Quran gives people stable mindset, attitude and behaviour which is absolutely necessary for bright future of mankind. If someone falls victim to unstable mindset, attitude and behaviour then life becomes a very serious problem for that person and future become very dark and depressing. Not only it effects that person but also all others who interact with that person. It is a knock on effect.

7)The way of life adopted by those who thereby brought about for themselves blissful, dignified and secure existence, not the way of life adopted by those who thereby brought upon themselves harms and destructions by hands of each other nor of those who lived a life of chaos and confusion or instability.

Word ANAMTA is from root NOON, AIN and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to flourish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be or become green or leafy or grassy or lush in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to thrive or be prolific or rampant or over grown in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become soft and smooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be comfortable or at ease in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to say yes when responding to some question in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to enjoy life or living in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bestow favours upon or receive favours from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have or grant someone or something a good living or a life of ease or comfort or affluency or luxury in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grow wild or out of control in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be elusive or illusive or imaginary or slippery or deceptive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be quick in action or fast moving in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to write or scribble or etch or mark on something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put ink on the paper or colour or paint something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be think and long in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or perceive or imagine or visualise or project or have a vision in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have insight or understanding or comprehension about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in mind or in view or in sight in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a point of view or an opinion about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep an eye on or spy on or guard or watch or support or back up or reinforce or help or assist someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sad or sorrowful or grievous or unhappy or hurt or injured in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to start anew or have rebirth or new beginning or be born again or go through recycling in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suffer flooding or disaster or calamity or catastrophe or bloodshed or death or destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to experience life of luxury or abundance or prosperity or ease or comfort in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to water or irrigate or drench or soak or dip or bathe or submerge someone or something in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that satisfies some need or desire of a person that brings satisfaction and happiness to the person due to fulfilment of need or desire, satisfaction, happiness, beauty, balance, food, drink, shelter, love, respect, dignity, privilege, good wife or husband, good child, beautiful woman, growth and development, prosperity, satisfied or happy life, something that brightens up life or existence, something that brings a person to life or makes a person lively or energetic, something that raises a person to heights of excellence, a tall building or monument on a mountain top, a high raised flag or landmark which is used for guidance, guide or leader or teacher, a tall rock firmly fixed on the side of a water well, a person who waits at the well to supply water to those who may need it, crops, fruits, domesticated animals eg sheep, goats, cattle, camels, horses, donkeys etc, wealth, things that ease life, something that helps get out of hardship or difficulty or trouble or suffering, favour, good health, someone who cannot express oneself in a clear way, something or someone that is dumb, something or someone who cannot do something on his/its own or by itself, something beneficial or benevolent, animals in general from which mankind can benefit, bounty, blessings, graceful or honourable or dignified or secure or blissful existence, good living, pleasure, joy, delight, something praiseworthy or adorable, NAAM=yes (a particle for positive response in Arabic), all sorts of things that make life possible and satisfactory eg biologically or psychologically or sociologically, unity, cooperation, coordination, harmony, music or dance, works of art, architecture, horticulture, engineering works, buildings, medical works, vegetation, animals or people who are like animals in some sense, the universe and things in it, ostrich, bounty, blessings, grace, honour, good living, radiant, serenity, joy or happiness, livestock, something commendable or adorable, rope or string or thread, ink, writing, a written book, the Quran, revelation of God, an animal of the water or sea, something that gives joy or pleasure to watch or hear or smell or taste or touch in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, watchman, watchtower, standard, constitution, rule of law, good tradition, good family, good community, water spring or well, ocean or river or stream, plenty of rain, spring season, northern wind or a breath of fresh air, fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

The sun is a great blessing because without it there will not be any vegetation or animals and even human beings. Peace of mind or peace in the human world is also a great blessing to have. Sociologically it is great blessing for people to live like a family supporting each other and sharing the pressure that life places upon humanity for survival. Human beings are like animals till they know better and do better by using their brains and senses. All things of need that help people develop and prosper to their full potential are a great blessing for mankind from God.

Word MAGHDOOB is from root GHAIN, DWAAD and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to subject someone or something to wrath or anger or hatred or rejection or disapproval or extremism or instability or doubt in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to condemn or oppose or disapprove someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to sever ties or break relationships with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to isolate or boycott or separate or move away from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become condemned or rejected or disapproved in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become subjected to wrath or anger or hatred in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become hard or tough or firm or solid in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become strong or powerful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become an extremist in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go to extremes for getting something one needs or wants or desires in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become debased or disgraced or humiliated in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to face hardship or difficulty or adversity or opposition or rivalry in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to end up harmed or destroyed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to face wrath or anger or rejection or disapproval of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to face consequences of one’s harmful or destructive thoughts or actions against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become daring or courageous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become angry in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to frown at or disdain or loathe or look down upon or hold someone or something in contempt in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have severe eruption of small pox in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to swell or inflate or puff up or grow bigger in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to condemn or become condemned or rejected in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to contend something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to combat someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to compete with or rival someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to oppose or go against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become contentious in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in suspense or confusion or doubt about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to face uncertainty or instability or doubt in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or shelter or guard or preserve or rescue or save or defend or back or support or reinforce or patronise or cover or cover up or wrap up or veil or hide or imprison or confine or limit or restrict or constrict or arrest or constrain or prevent or holdback someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with home or refuge or sanctuary or looking after or care or space to breath or room to manoeuvre or roof over head or canopy or umbrella or place to hide in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or party or group or team or colleagues or following or associates in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to combat or fight or battle or go to war with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause rifts or dissentions or fights or wars in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become courageous or brave or bold or daring in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to offend or provoke or make someone’s blood boil in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to speak with or treat people harshly or with cruelty in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be coward or spineless in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring forth plants and flowers or greenery or prosperity in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to err or stray or deviate or wander off from the path that is right for a set destination or goal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be ignorant or illiterate or uneducated or untrained or inexperienced or unskilled in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to forget or ignore or neglect or avoid someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go where no has gone before in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to charter unchartered lands in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be strange character in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, pain that is felt after burning oneself by fire or heat, to take oneself away from state of blissful existence, lion, cyst on the eye lid, red colour, thick skinned, strength, skin disease or inflammation, small pox, toughness, rage, anger, humiliation, disgrace, revengefulness, boiling of blood, rising of temperature, heat, fire, bitterness, hatred, serpent, solid rock, when one does things the wrong way and suffers the loss or gets harmed by so doing one feels oneself in trouble or difficulty and goes through painful suffering, fierce burning of fire or roaring of fire, extremely hot fire, extreme hatred for something for some reason, hard rock, someone who deals with people harshly or awkwardly, punishment, protruding rock, uprising or upheaval, uproar, trouble, a skin disease which makes one’s body go all red in colour, cloud of dust or smoke or mist or steam, confusion, chaos, disorder, anarchy, memorial, monument, landmark, tall and narrow column or something like tall and narrow column in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, battle line or something like battle line in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word DWAALEEN is from root DWAD, LAAM and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to search around for the intended target in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to go after something not knowing where it may be found in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have no sense of direction or target or goal or destination or purpose or objective or mission in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lack or lose sense of direction or objectivity in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go about doing things aimlessly or without having any purpose in mind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wander off the track or destination in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to miss the target or goal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mislead or be misled in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deviate from something or to lose something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in two minds about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to miss something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be unable to locate or find something one is looking for in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become untraceable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lose the way to the right destination in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make one lose the way to the right destination in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lose sense of direction or propriety in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stray or go astray in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lose the destination or target in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lose sense of purpose or have no purpose in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have no goal or objective to achieve or accomplish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have no sense of purpose in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to err or fail or be unsuccessful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fail to find out something about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stray from the right direction or destination in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go missing in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to depart or separate from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to get lost in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to desert someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become dissipated or wasted or used in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become absorbed in someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be taken over or overwhelmed by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become possessed by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to forget or neglect or ignore something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lead astray in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause to lose influence or be ineffective in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose effect or consequence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become undermined by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to render useless or worthless in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deceive or cheat someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let stray or go astray in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to declare one astray or misled or lost in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause someone to lose someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to leave one to one’s own devices in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to divert or distract or lead away someone from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause to come to nothing in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause loss or damage to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in futility mood in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wonder about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to not be able to figure out something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in a strange situation or set of circumstances in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suffer from illusions or hallucinations in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be unfair or biased or prejudicial in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to condemn someone or something deviant or stray in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become muddled up or mixed up or confused in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lose track of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fail to find fulfilment in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to motivate or inspire or encourage or drive or push or urge someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or weapons or instruments or equipments or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go to waste, to lose control over something, to be unable to speak fluently for some reason, to draw a battle line, to cause rift or dissention or division or fight or war, to converge or diverge, to scorch, to scorn, to rebuke, to lie on one’s side, to recline, to strike or smite, to impair, to impede, to slow down, to harass, to drive into, to lag behind, to be weak or infirm or unstable, to be in identity crisis, to be bent or twisted or crooked or wicked or deceptive, to be elusive or illusive or imaginary, to lighten up or illuminate or brighten up, to become enlightened, to treasure or consider something valuable or useful, to be narrow minded, to be cramped up, to be simple or basic or raw or rough or in natural state of existence, to be at the beginning or starting stage of a process, to need further development or processing or polishing or finishing, to kill, to hunt, to be coward or spineless, to be attracted to, to entice or allure or tempt, to be fascinated by, to find someone or something fanciful, to lack courage or have no backbone, to lack refinement or grooming or cultivation or education or training, the one who is bewildered or confused, error, falsehood, misguided, disappearance or vanishing of something, absence of something, becoming invisible or low profile, running water under the shade of tree or a rock, mirage, battle line or something like battle line in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

It is very important for people to be aware of the fact that the Quran was first revealed by Allah to his messenger and then his messenger revealed it to people he contacted or who came in contact with him and then those people revealed it to others with whom they came in contact or who came in contact with them and so generation after generation it came to us. Allah first revealed his message to his messenger in stages so that he has the idea as to what it is all about and what he has to do with it so after that he told it to others and then they also took it on as a mission and kept on working for it generation after generation to date. This is the proper context in which the Quranic text needs to be understood. Had the Quran been revealed to mankind as it was revealed to the messenger without he understanding it first then he could not explain it to others because he will have no idea himself either. There is plenty of nonsense spread by mullahs and their followers about how the Quran was revealed and what happened on the basis of misunderstood or corrupted stories in the books of Hadith as well as other books. The messenger of Allah was a highly educated man fit for the job and that is why he was chosen for the mission. An ignorant, illiterate and uneducated person could not even understand the message how could he explain it to anyone else? How many ignorant, illiterate and uneducated people are explaining the message of the Quran to the world today? Just knowing language of daily use is not enough for this purpose one has to go well beyond that which is not possible unless one has been educated by someone to some degree. After all messenger of Allah must have learned everything from others since after his birth till the day Allah revealed his message to him. How did he learn to do things like other children do when he was child or how did he learn to speak the language he spoke etc etc? If there is nothing wrong with messenger of Allah learning a lot of things from others around him since his childhood then why it matters if he also learned how to read and write from others? As I have already explained people have been attributing and spreading a lot of nonsense about the messenger of Allah so those who wish to study deen of Islam need to be very careful as to what they take as deen of Islam and what they take for a nonsense. If Allah has been doing everything for his messenger then what is so great about him? People can only be great if they do things to the best of their God given abilities by choice not by God doing things for them. Such wrong ideas which mullah invent and promote therefore seriously affect proper understanding of the message of Allah. These very mullahs tell us in the life of messenger of Allah is an example for us to follow but how can that be if he has not done anything himself to be an example for us when we have to do everything for ourselves? This is how mullahs introduce contradiction in their translations and interpretations of the Quran and then complain when people raise objections against the Quran thinking the Quran must have contradiction in it. After all those people who claim to be its followers are saying so. This is how such ignorant, illiterate and uneducated people create problems for the ummah and themselves. For the time being I have no time for going through nonsense of mullahs to show people the level of their foolishness because I have to explain the message of the Quran to the best of my ability. A lot of mullah nonsense hopefully will become obvious anyway due to that for people who have learned sense of making proper sense of things.

The other important point that needs explaining is the way people are supposed look at the text of the Quran. The Quran is not a story book telling stories in story telling format instead it is based upon purposeful lectures and that is why is it is very different in its construction than other books which people write for purpose of storytelling. The Quran as is clear from this very surah is based on surahs or lectures according to its objectives. In this surah for example, we can see introduction of Allah and purpose of his introduction and then what people are supposed to do or not to do and why or why not. So there is no need for telling any story here so there is no need for employing story telling format. It is an instruction book for guidance and instructions are given for a purpose and that purpose is explained. A clear prove that other than the Quran there is no book which is said to be word of God and deals with subject of guidance this way. This is the right way for dealing with the issue of guidance because it is direct and top the point otherwise people will be looking for moral lessons from the stories which are not as effective as this method. This is why constitutions and laws of kingdoms are not written in story format but in instruction format. The Quran contains all necessary information and organises it in a special way in each of its surahs for ease of its understanding in light of its purpose. This is why it interlaces explanations with facts and events as well as instructions. It is a unique beautiful way of putting information together. We will come to see it as we progress in our study of the Quranic message in detail.
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