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Over 72% want to see Narendra Modi as next PM

Look, as I said, its you Indians who elected a Hindu terrorist as your leader and its only you who are responsible for the consequences. So keep us Pakistanis out from your pathetic non sense about caring about Kashmiris. You shouldn't have elected a terrorist as your leader at first place dont you? There is a overwhelming consensus in Pakistan that Modi in greater scheme of things is beneficial to Pakistan and so far he hasn't disappointed.

PA and PLA impotenet? LOL . Who is this?

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Your Indian armed forces have been casterated, I repeat, CASTERATED.

Kashmiris are also active in neutralising Indian forces now and then.
Stop bullshiting and answer one thing : Do you enjoy Kashmiris in India being killed? If not why do you cheer for a murderous regime?
Stop bullshiting and answer one thing : Do you enjoy Kashmiris in India being killed? If not why do you cheer for a murderous regime?

Indian rat, its a war of freedom that kashmiris are fighting against terrorist state which is India, now with a hindu terrorist leader. Like every noble cause, it demands sacrifice. Kashmiris along with Pakistanis are fighting this noble cause. If Kashimiris are getting killed, they are killing Indian terrorist soliders as well. Its part of the war. Its been going on long before Modi time, so him coming in power has no bearing on this struggle for freedom.

its your wishful thinking that your Hindu terrorist regime which YOU elected will give Kashmiris there "final solution". The matter of the fact is, Indian military position over Kashmir region is now vulnerable then ever before.

I, honour these Kashmiris , like all Pakistanis.
Indian rat, its a war of freedom that kashmiris are fighting against terrorist state which is India, now with a hindu terrorist leader. Like every noble cause, it demands sacrifice.
There is a difference between Sacrifice and cheering Genocide, you worthless street dog. Too bad a brain damaged by rabies cann't make that difference.

Vietnam made sacrifice and Aborigines were genocided in Australia. Indian regime you seem to cheer so much is hell bent on doing that in Kashmir.

Kashmiris along with Pakistanis are fighting this noble cause. If Kashimiris are getting killed, they are killing Indian terrorist soliders as well. Its part of the war.
Pakistan has totally surrendered in Kashmir War of Independence. For next 100 years, Pakistan will do nothing even if India massacres all of Kashmiris. Your own government and army said it.

its your wishful thinking that your Hindu terrorist regime which YOU elected will give Kashmiris there "final solution". The matter of the fact is, Indian military position over Kashmir region is now vulnerable then ever before.
I have never been to India in my life. And I denounce Indian government under likes of Modi whom you love so much. The only ones now vulnerable in Kashmir are Kashmiri Muslims.

How much pathetic you and your patriotic Pakistani must be that you have to look towards China for what was your and your alone God given duty -- to defend your own people and land in Kashmir. May be you Patriotic Pakistani should outsource fathering kids in your country to China. At least they will have some balls to fight the murderous regime of Modi.
There is a difference between Sacrifice and cheering Genocide, you worthless street dog. Too bad a brain damaged by rabies cann't make that difference.

Vietnam made sacrifice and Aborigines were genocided in Australia. Indian regime you seem to cheer so much is hell bent on doing that in Kashmir.

The only genocide happening is in your head your Indian street shitter. Wake me up when your Hindu terrorist leader grow some balls to put his money where his mouth is. Last time he tried it, it boomeranged quite spectacularly on the streets of Delhi.

Pakistan has totally surrendered in Kashmir War of Independence. For next 100 years, Pakistan will do nothing even if India massacres all of Kashmiris. Your own government and army said it.

Where do you come up with this shit from? your WIONS news?

I have never been to India in my life. And I denounce Indian government under likes of Modi whom you love so much. The only ones now vulnerable in Kashmir are Kashmiri Muslims.

How much pathetic you and your patriotic Pakistani must be that you have to look towards China for what was your and your alone God given duty -- to defend your own people and land in Kashmir. May be you Patriotic Pakistani should outsource fathering kids in your country to China. At least they will have some balls to fight the murderous regime of Modi.

We dont love any Indian let alone Modi you rat. Modi for us the the harbinger of destruction within India, as Time magazine put it, "Divider in chief". He is causing so much internal damage to India that it will never be able to recover from it. For Pakistan this is prefect scenario. The end game matters, this nuisance which India is for Pakistan, must come to an end.

We didnt bring Chinese in this equation, its your morons by your actions of August. We are just fine dealing with you on your own.
Right now, there is no credible national level opposition to BJP. Hope AAP wins in Punjab, so it can grow to become a national level opposition by 2029.
Where do you come up with this shit from? your WIONS news?

We are not seeking hostility with India for the next 100 years. The new policy seeks peace with immediate neighbours,” the official said, adding if there was a dialogue and progress in it, there would be a possibility of normalising trade and commercial ties with India as it had happened in the past.

India has no alternate leadership ...
Its the biggest misfortune for them... Absolute power breed absolute irresponsibility.

Its the biggest misfortune for them... Absolute power breed absolute irresponsibility.

Where does it say you rat-indian that Pakistan is giving you Kashmir on platter?

Wake up!

Mass graves are reported in Kashmir even before you were born you rat. India is a terrorist state, irrespective of who is in charge.
Where does it say you rat-indian that Pakistan is giving you Kashmir on platter?
It goes something like this:

India kills Kashmiri and sells their property or displaces them, pakistan does nothing just goes to UN/China/USA.

India completes integration of Kashmir...

That is typical capitulation.

Mass graves are reported in Kashmir even before you were born you rat. India is a terrorist state, irrespective of who is in charge.
Issue is my dear bastard son, that unlike in past, this time around, Pakistan will do nothing if more and more mass graves come up.
Here is How Evil Modi is Destroying India.





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