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Over 500 overseas Pakistani suspects involved in May 9 incidents identified

They Don't Care If Pakistan Is Destroyed Hit Them Where It Hurts Start Lobbying For Freezing of Their and Their Family Assets Overseas Citing Corruption and Human Rights Abuse.

I Wonder How They Are Going To Pass This GSP Review With Imran Khan Still Missing and Trial of Civilians In Military Courts

Pakistan steps up efforts for renewal of GSP+ status

Mubarak Zeb Khan Published June 4, 2023

AN assessment report prepared by an EU monitoring team, which recently visited Pakistan, is expected to be made public this month or the next.—AFP/file

AN assessment report prepared by an EU monitoring team, which recently visited Pakistan, is expected to be made public this month or the next.—AFP/file
ISLAMABAD: As the European Union’s 10-year preferential trade arrangement approaches its expiration this year, Pakistan has intensified its efforts to enhance compliance with key international conventions that encompass a wide spectrum of human rights, labour standards, and environmental protections.
The EU monitoring team had already visited Pakistan and compiled the last assessment report on the Generalised Scheme of Preferences Plus (GSP+) for 2014-2023, which was expected to be made public in the current month or in July.
The report will elaborate on Pakistan’s performance in terms of human rights, labour standards, press freedom and environmental protection, which are linked with the availing of GSP+ preferences. The report will also become a basis for the renewal of GSP+ status for Pakistan.
The current scheme, launched in 2014 for 13 countries including Pakistan, will expire in 2023. The EU Council and parliament will also finalise new GSP terms, which will spell out details for compliance and implementation.
Week-long consultations to begin next week
For making Pakistan’s case for the next GSP, the Parliamentarian’s Commission for Human Rights (PCHR) and Justice Project Pakistan would hold a consultation session in Islamabad from June 5-8 to assess recent developments, highlight progress, and frame strategic recommendations for continued reform.
These high-level consultations will foster discussion on human rights priorities defined in the last GSP+ report while shedding light on problematic areas where concrete reform is needed.
Key stakeholders from the federal and provincial governments, parliamentarians, senior members of the judiciary, diplomatic missions, and prominent members of civil society will be part of the consultations. These discussions will be live-streamed for the European Parliament, representatives from the European Council of member states and the European Commission’s GSP+ team in Brussels.
The GSP+ status allows Pakistan to export more than 78pc of its products to the EU, which is the second most important trading partner accounting for 14.3pc of the total exports in 2020 and 28pc in 2021.
Since acceding to the GSP+ scheme, the trade between the EU and Pakistan increased from €6.9 billion in 2013 to €12.2bn in 2021.
However, the recipient countries of the preferential scheme commit to three key measures: the ratification and implementation of 27 international conventions covering a broad range of human rights, labour standards and environmental protections, fulfilment of UN Treaty Body reporting obligations, and cooperation with the European Commission’s monitoring framework.
The 2018-2019, GSP+ Assessment Report submitted to the European Parliament and Council notes Pakistan’s commitment towards meeting its obligations but identifies certain challenges to the implementation of the UN Treaty Body Obligations such as devolved provincial powers, limited institutional coordination, lack of institutional capacity, scarce human and financial resources, and overriding security concerns.
Consequently, the report states that “Pakistan must demonstrate that it will concretely increase its efforts and take more proactive and sustained actions to implement legislation and to address problematic areas,” according to the assessment report.
Published in Dawn, June 4th, 2023
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Keep antagonizing overseas Pakistanis. Keep making them hate the military junta more. Keep digging your own graves.
That sounds very credible LOL

Well you better start blocking the majority.
Block us and we’ll block your funds..Stupidity at it’s best Pakistani facist regime thinks they can survive without our financial support ..hahaha think again
How can I be a rseult of Pakistani system?

I still stand by my statement. The economywas declining during IK times, COVID delayed the inevitable collapse as payments were deferred. I have quoted you in my other thread where I have made the exact same argument in details with facts and figures.
Facts and figures. My dear even experts use stats to lie. You didn't give any facts of figures. You merely pointed out how various governments used natural disasters to defer payments etc
Firstly, they heavily rely on foreign remittances, which form a significant portion of our budget. Are they truly oblivious to the fact that alienating those who provide them with financial support would be a foolish move?

Secondly, if they hold dual nationality, their capabilities are severely limited. Their respective embassies would undoubtedly reprimand them.

Lastly, if overseas Pakistanis continue to face mistreatment, they will become subjects of mockery, just like the infamous godfather General Bajwa.
Is there any way to see the complete list? I want to make sure my name is on it.
identify them

zapt karofy their properties and sell them

buy moar land in DHA
If you think it is the "Govt" doing this then I want to sell you the Taj Mahal!!!

The crackdown is by the military, keeping a long-term strategy in mind. The rebellion by PTI against Army has given them an opportunity to identify the defectors both in and out of Pakistan. I think they'll start by cancelling citizenships and filing multiple cases against the dual-citizens of Non-resident Pakis. Then go after them financially.

In a society with such a high percentage of family-based wealth concetration the easiest way to maintain power is to maintain control over the money. If there are 10 major factories selling shoes then the army would esure that the 5 factories run by their supporters or allies get cheaper raw material,easier compliance with regulations and variosu unfair advantages so that they can run the other 5 out of business. IF the military and it's allies control the economy then they would be unstoppable once again.

Overseas citizens are usually harder to contain but considering the only ones actively involved in Pakistani politics are the ones with vested financial interests, the army has leverage over them. The overseas citizens overplay their "remittance" card constantly. The remittance was not being sent to IK, it was being sent to their own family in Pakistan. No idiot would let his parents, wife and kids starve just because he wants Pakistani economy to suffer. In fact, economy was doing worse under IK. IK has a tendency for populism and does not have the capability of taking hard decisions. Hard economic decision will have to be taken in coming few years as Pakistan attempts to restructure it's loans and restart it's democracy.

I think Pak army should target the families of those protesters and hurt them financially. IK should have risen up in revolt, but he is still trying to suck up to Asif Munir. I have said it before and will say it again. IK is a total coward, he has the opportunity but he has blown it. Now PTI is finished, the cleanup is going to take ages, but the fight is already over and IK has lost.

Alienate overseas Pakistani and dry up ur only left over supply of usd. Keep up the good work khaki creatures.

The government identified over 500 overseas Pakistanis suspected to be involved in May 9 incidents, sources said on Thursday.

Sources said the government collected data of individuals involved physically, mentally or morally in launching anti-state propaganda and activities. “The data includes call records, social media activities, travel history, financial transactions, immigration status and other,” sources said.

The authorities found out that some of the suspects were foreign-funded, sources said, adding that they would be investigated in future. “The government vows to bring them under army laws and contact respective governments for handing them over,” sources added.

Their residence status and entry routes would also be investigated, sources said. “The authorities will also probe bogus procedures adopted by them to obtain citizenship,” they added.
To? Bund deni ha Hafiz na apni un ko? It's not Pakistan jahan jis ko jab Marzi utha lia or gayab ker diya. Those countries have rules.
Good luck proving your BS to them!
We'll ask them about that the next time the beggar bhoj shows up in London. Bajwa is finding out, so will the rest.

The government identified over 500 overseas Pakistanis suspected to be involved in May 9 incidents, sources said on Thursday.

Sources said the government collected data of individuals involved physically, mentally or morally in launching anti-state propaganda and activities. “The data includes call records, social media activities, travel history, financial transactions, immigration status and other,” sources said.

The authorities found out that some of the suspects were foreign-funded, sources said, adding that they would be investigated in future. “The government vows to bring them under army laws and contact respective governments for handing them over,” sources added.

Their residence status and entry routes would also be investigated, sources said. “The authorities will also probe bogus procedures adopted by them to obtain citizenship,” they added.
Oh shit...
X-Men powers of tele kinesis have become so common

I apologize again for may 9 terrorism by Imran Khan
The whiskey generals of the British Indian Army have declared war on the people of Pakistan. They’ve used torture, murder and rape to suppress people in the country. However, it won’t be so easy to terrorize overseas Pakistanis.

Whiskey & Co.’s challenge is accepted. It has already caused a significant reduction in remittances and a total stoppage in foreign direct investment (FDI). Almost no country has ever developed without FDI.

As lobbying by Pakistanis progresses, the British Indian Army may end up being declared a terrorist organization and the assets of military personnel and corrupt politicians of PMLN and PPP seized.

As the generals crank up the war, overseas Pakistanis can make life hell for them. We’ve only just gotten started.
Their families live amongst us in the west. Their kids go to school with us. Their within arms reach of us here.
This isn’t Pakistan either.
If they go for families of overseas Pakistanis and go for overseas Pakistanis things can become very messy.

If you look at overseas Pakistanis in many areas even kallay don’t mess with them. Some of them are crazy crazy. They’ll have multiple bodies and act like it’s nothing. No one in their right mind would mess with them especially not with their families.
It’s playing with fire.

As they say “an eye for an eye”
I'm going to name TOP 5 masterminds of May 9 event:

Asim Muneer (ISI/MI)
Nadeem Anjum (ISI)

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