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Over 500,000 Indians NRI stuck diaspora to be repatriated to India from GCC

they cant.. hindus have no concept of Zakat....

Who told u that
Did Imran Khan personally tweeted that too u
I can name 3-4 Indians who donated more than ur population combined , in order to fight Covid19

Mukesh Ambani donated Rs 1500 crores
Ratan Tata , a Parsi donated Rs 1000 crores
Vijay Shekhar Sharma donates Rs 500 crores
Kumar Mangalam Birla donated Rs 500 crores

Their are Many rich Indians whose contribution exceeds Rs 1 crore

Even I have donates Rs 21000 , even though I am not a hindu and am facing a 30% salary cut due to work from home
ok malu bhahi enjoy you "Gods country" now......

Passport?....the greatest strength?.....lol... wooooakee........ yes that why Dubai choose PIA to help jump start Emirates airline... i think PIA had a malu passport.

IMF economist a malu?... cool! Pakistan has scores of economists in WB & IMF.. do you want me list them?..

dude u really are a bollywood boob tube.

Cry as much as you want .
But this side will always outweigh yours at any measure.
You need preference and priority .
We have our own ability, education and courage .
It seems you people always like to subservient of some others.lol
They have this concept of accumulation and stashing of money and Gold and not distributing and trickling down to the lower strata of the society, hence a skewed wealth distribution in India...



Many Hindus (especially in the South, but also in other regions of the country) stash a lot of money in temples. The famous Tirupati temple, gets around 100 kg of gold every month or 1.2 tonnes a year. Also, a lot of cash. They are like de facto banks for the corrupt banyas...no taxes, no oversights. The Indian law enforcement dare not attack a temple to probe about hidden money. It is an extremely corrupt system....they almost bribe the Gods.

It is believed that if the temples part with all their hidden wealth, India's poverty will disappear overnight. But no...it seems the gods want to keep many people poor. It's the cosmos design by Vishnu, or something like that (I have heard these arguments). Many Hindus when they commit an act of charity, will announce it from the rooftops. Recently, Akshay Kumar donated Rs. 25 crore for the Coronavirus in Modi's personal fund...of course, he made a big PR announcement around that. This is a very corrupt thinking...I don't think if there is a God, he will be amused.

No one really knows how much wealth is stashed in temples all around the country.
Do they have anything? Other than their ego?

One thing is we are going to confirm is that we will kick out illegal Bangladeshis once they open interstate transportation.

Many Hindus (especially in the South, but also in other regions of the country) stash a lot of money in temples. The famous Tirupati temple, gets around 100 kg of gold every month or 1.2 tonnes a year. Also, a lot of cash. They are like de facto banks for the corrupt banyas...no taxes, no oversights. The Indian law enforcement dare not attack a temple to probe about hidden money. It is an extremely corrupt system....they almost bribe the Gods.

No one really knows how much wealth is stashed in temples all around the country.

Their own money .
Do you have any problem?


India's Rank in the annual Henley Passport Index Its present rank of 86 represents a five place decline from 81 last year.


For Indians that is their biggest strength and pride.
Many Hindus (especially in the South, but also in other regions of the country) stash a lot of money in temples. The famous Tirupati temple, gets around 100 kg of gold every month or 1.2 tonnes a year. Also, a lot of cash. They are like de facto banks for the corrupt banyas...no taxes, no oversights. The Indian law enforcement dare not attack a temple to probe about hidden money. It is an extremely corrupt system....they almost bribe the Gods.

No one really knows how much wealth is stashed in temples all around the country.
Ideally temples should be opened up and the money taken and distributed. there is no point is wasting money on idols.

Their own money .
Civilisation cannot be taught to Hindus, perhaps.

Hence some disciplining needs to be done. The money can be better utilised in other secular purposes.
Their own money .
Do you have any problem?

For Indians that is their biggest strength and pride.

I am just saying no other nation does that. My personal views on this are another thing. Of course, it's pretty disgusting thing if you ask me. There's so much poverty in the country that could be alleviated through a more secular approach.

If you have extra money to burn, it is better to use it for the common good rather than letting it sit idle in temples.

You are entitled to your opinion though.
This not like your Sub Saharan region like yours.
We have enough welfare programs to feed our people

Buddy, you really need to tone down such reprehensible views. I know it's probably hard-wired in you but you sound extremely corrupt and callous with such irresponsible statements....in just one sentence alone, you managed to insult Indian Muslims, Pakistanis, poor people of India, probably all other Muslims, and sub-Saharan Africans, and also international organizations like UNICEF that actually run welfare programs.

India does not run enough welfare programs for its people. It's an outright lie if you believe otherwise.

As an Indian, I know your kind very well. But if I were a White person or even a damned Jew, I would have a very low opinion of you by that statement alone.

But I understand it won't stick you won't learn. You probably benefit from the world's most corrupt and diseased hierarchy, posturing as a religion.

There's still time to change yourself...and maybe become a better human being. I wish you good luck.
we have 130 crore people

we can absorb 500000 Malayalis

If their is a problem
Then we will throw out a few million Muslims
Who anyways are illegal immigrants without valid citizenship documents

It will be a major refugee crisis for Beggerdesh

See only a resident call center sanghi will twist this into a hindu-muslim thing

How do you know all those deported from GCC are hindus and not indian muslims?

You already have a huge number of people who live below poverty line, how can you manage a load of 500,000 unemployed indians?

Irrespective of their religion.
But I understand it won't stick you won't learn. You probably benefit from the world's most corrupt and diseased hierarchy, posturing as a religion.

That's about it...

Well since it is a diseased hierarchy, posturing as a religion, nobody here is disrespecting any religion...

Hinduism reinforced a strict social hierarchy called a caste system that made it nearly impossible for people to move outside of their social station. One big cartel like a chronic capitalism...you can't get out of the tentacles and cobwebs of the hierarchical order, ordained in different clauses of the religion.

The fact that Brahmin is not defined simply as “one among Indian castes” but as a culturally or socially superior person, reflects the backwardness and lack of maturity of caste Hindus who see Brahmins as superior and thus are unable to see how the continued use of the term actually shames the majority of people in the country, the non-brahmins. Since the term oppresses others by putting one group of people on a higher pedestal, ‘Brahmin’ should have been banned in India a long time ago.
we have 130 crore people

we can absorb 500000 Malayalis

If their is a problem
Then we will throw out a few million Muslims
Who anyways are illegal immigrants without valid citizenship documents

It will be a major refugee crisis for Beggerdesh

They will come in handy in sending illegal Muslims back to Bangladesh
Just give them a lathi and Safron Chaddi
They will send a few million into the Arabian Sea and bay of bengal
Great, this is what we expected from you. USCIRF report is enough to make all future US & Europe policies of Economic & Immigration for Saffron terrorists in India. Whitehouse unfollow tweeter of India is no joke. Sooner I am seeing you guys going to be blacklist in FTFA. Please accept my congratulation in advance for your Saffron terrorist boys' hardworking earn you this title sooner and more will join them with Saffron Chaddi in terrorist activities. Lage Raho Munna Bhai
India Kundali indicated that bad luck due to Rahu mahaadasha isn't your Vedic doctors told you that Planets give you results based on your Karma (actions/things you did ) of your past activities against innocent minorities people; it’s as simple as that and stated very clearly in vedic astrology and sanatha dharma books including Bhagavat Gita, Birhat Parashara Hora Shastra etc.
look yourself in this cartoon, inflated big proud head with a clever smiley face pretend like innocent but you are not and without having any dress to wear because you are so poor nation unable to afford in supwa India (seems like you just came off from the train tracks, of course, there are no toilets in supwa . OMG air filled with nearly billion people defecate outdoor physical activities, stinky smell even coming out from this cartoon, Please accept my apologies if any forum user stops by reading it and bothering by this Indian cartoon getting smelly air directed from Indian area like bollywood style real-time ) but You guys think like Supwa asking lift(foreign jobs ) like Western or GCC countries people. and US & GCC countries remind your Okat.
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I can name 3-4 Indians who donated more than ur population combined , in order to fight Covid19

a fascinating indian story... please tell us.

since the rest of world thinks you are bottom of the barrel.


Charitable giving by country: who is the most generous?

" Strikingly India ranked at 134 and China at 147 - with Chinese people among the least likely on the planet to volunteer."


Where as Pakistan.....

When it comes to donating to charity, Pakistan is number one in contributing to more than one percent of its GDP to charity. The contributions push it to the...

by asianworld2018-05-02
When it comes to donating to charity, Pakistan is number one in contributing to more than one percent of its GDP to charity. The contributions push it to the top of the ranks, compared to wealthier countries like the United Kingdom, which donate 1.3 percent GDP to charity and Canada who donate 1.2 percent GDP.

Pakistan is the sixth most populated country in the world and poverty is a huge problem, with 45% of workers earning less than $2 per day. However, even though most of Pakistanis are living in poverty, they still manage to donate to charity.

According to reports made by the Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy, Pakistanis donate around Rs240 billion ($2 billion) annually to charity.

The report indicates that 98 percent of people in Pakistan give to charity, whether it‘s through kind donations, or volunteering for needy causes.

Supporting the poor, plays an integral role in Pakistan’s society safety net, however in order for Pakistan to be more integral, they need to make more effort to institutionalise the individual tendency of giving.

By trying to understand why Pakistanis prefer to give to individuals rather than organisations, a research was conducted via household surveys and focus group discussions.

The survey measured philanthropy in three different ways, which were, in-kind giving, monetary giving and time volunteered. The results found that when accounting for all forms of philanthropy, 67 percent said they give to individuals, while 33 percent said they preferred giving to organisations.

According to research, 72% of donations in Pakistan are given during Ramadan, and it has been reported that Karachi is the most generous city when it comes to giving to charity.


Cry as much as you want .
But this side will always outweigh yours at any measure.
You need preference and priority .
We have our own ability, education and courage .
It seems you people always like to subservient of some others.lol

cry?.. you mean laughing at your ignorance and stupidity...

Education?...you mean your toilet paper degrees?

Courage?.... muhhahahahahhah hahahah seriously the Gulf states wouldnt give you a potato gun

Subservient: Malu?... absolutely!.. They give shit and malus take shit.

Even I have donates Rs 21000 , even though I am not a hindu and am facing a 30% salary cut due to work from home


just ......lol

Their are Many rich Indians whose contribution exceeds Rs 1 crore

ok... most of these "rich" people give for tax purposes or for show.

now indians are among the worse in giving charity.. this is their reputation. if you didnt know then you are dumb as every body here thinks you are.

Charity isnt measured by how much wealth you have give but time and energy but also in proportion to what you have. I have seen countless time poor Pakistanis give charity other poorer Pakistani of what little they have.

Indian by nature dont like to give charity and only do it bcos of social presure or to look good. Pakistani i have seen across the spectrum are incredibly generous with what they have.


bcos our faith mandates. this is something a kafir like you can never understand.

This not like your Sub Saharan region like yours.

actually most of india is like a complete shithole.. this some thing visitors to both countries have said travelling back to back
Lol. India working population is close to 500 million. 500000 is nothing. They'll find themselves an employment or be employee themselves. Don't worry for them.

Anyone in Indian establishment calculating the huge hole in remittance from GCC to India because of this? LOL
a fascinating indian story... please tell us.

since the rest of world thinks you are bottom of the barrel.


Charitable giving by country: who is the most generous?

" Strikingly India ranked at 134 and China at 147 - with Chinese people among the least likely on the planet to volunteer."


Where as Pakistan.....

When it comes to donating to charity, Pakistan is number one in contributing to more than one percent of its GDP to charity. The contributions push it to the...

by asianworld2018-05-02
When it comes to donating to charity, Pakistan is number one in contributing to more than one percent of its GDP to charity. The contributions push it to the top of the ranks, compared to wealthier countries like the United Kingdom, which donate 1.3 percent GDP to charity and Canada who donate 1.2 percent GDP.

Pakistan is the sixth most populated country in the world and poverty is a huge problem, with 45% of workers earning less than $2 per day. However, even though most of Pakistanis are living in poverty, they still manage to donate to charity.

According to reports made by the Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy, Pakistanis donate around Rs240 billion ($2 billion) annually to charity.

The report indicates that 98 percent of people in Pakistan give to charity, whether it‘s through kind donations, or volunteering for needy causes.

Supporting the poor, plays an integral role in Pakistan’s society safety net, however in order for Pakistan to be more integral, they need to make more effort to institutionalise the individual tendency of giving.

By trying to understand why Pakistanis prefer to give to individuals rather than organisations, a research was conducted via household surveys and focus group discussions.

The survey measured philanthropy in three different ways, which were, in-kind giving, monetary giving and time volunteered. The results found that when accounting for all forms of philanthropy, 67 percent said they give to individuals, while 33 percent said they preferred giving to organisations.

According to research, 72% of donations in Pakistan are given during Ramadan, and it has been reported that Karachi is the most generous city when it comes to giving to charity.


cry?.. you mean laughing at your ignorance and stupidity...

Education?...you mean your toilet paper degrees?

Courage?.... muhhahahahahhah hahahah seriously the Gulf states wouldnt give you a potato gun

Subservient: Malu?... absolutely!.. They give shit and malus take shit.


just ......lol

ok... most of these "rich" people give for tax purposes or for show.

now indians are among the worse in giving charity.. this is their reputation. if you didnt know then you are dumb as every body here thinks you are.

Charity isnt measured by how much wealth you have give but time and energy but also in proportion to what you have. I have seen countless time poor Pakistanis give charity other poorer Pakistani of what little they have.

Indian by nature dont like to give charity and only do it bcos of social presure or to look good. Pakistani i have seen across the spectrum are incredibly generous with what they have.


bcos our faith mandates. this is something a kafir like you can never understand.

actually most of india is like a complete shithole.. this some thing visitors to both countries have said travelling back to back

u don’t require 1 billion people to donate to make a difference
Even if only those people with money to spare , donate
That’s enough
If rich Pakistanis donated money like rich Indians , Imran Khan would not have to beg so much
If IMF had not bailed u people out with 2 billion USD loan, u would be looking at a debt repayment crisis
And this time Saudi and UAE won’t bail u out
Since they themselves have revenue shortfalls

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