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Over 240,000+ Afghan refugees deported from Turkey (as well as Iran and Pakistan)

No one needs to take them, we need to make Afghanistan into a jail for them

These people are beyond redemption, just a backwards, stupid, jahil donkey people and our tribals are hand in glove with them.

Afghanistan is the best place for these lanats so they can devour each other without effecting anyone else, this way they can make their pashtun paradise inside Afghanistan and anyone who wants it can go there

I agree, if our generals or govt was half smart theyd use the current situation to our benefit. Deport all afghans and mullahs to afghanistan. Why mullah wanna stay in pak when their dream islamic state is right next door?

Pak should deport all mullah and criminal elements forcefully to afghan. Let them enjoy their emirate.
Afghan immigrants in Greece are among the most hideous criminals,like Georgians,Albanians and many of the Pakistanis (who might actually be Pashtun or something).

They could be Pashtuns. They could be rural Punjabis. They could be Muhajirs. My mother told me she spotted "Pakistanis" in greece when she visited in the 1970s but they are actually indians with Pakistani citizenship since Muhajirs can sometimes be told apart from Pakistanis, though not always.

However at the end of the day educated urban Pashtuns are just fine; wheras rural and even urban middle class Punjabis can be a nightmare. It mostly depends on where they're from and their level of education and socioeconomic background. Didn't know about the Georgians, although i have read such about Albanians.

turkey is a secular country not an Islamic one

It's a mixed country consisting of secular people, religious people or a mix of both like most muslim countries. Pakistan is no different.
It's a mixed country consisting of secular people, religious people or a mix of both like most muslim countries. Pakistan is no different.
The ratio of religious to secular is very different between the two.

Plus everyone will have different ideas of secular, some could say if you don't implement Sharia law then you're secular, etc.

But I think Turkey is much more secular.
The ratio of religious to secular is very different between the two.

Plus everyone will have different ideas of secular, some could say if you don't implement Sharia law then you're secular, etc.

But I think Turkey is much more secular.

No, not really. When it comes to the legal rights of religious minorities then Pakistan is more secular.

But if you refer to "secular" as in non-religious lifestyle, there is a division in Turkey as well. Turkey apprently have three most known groups "white Turks" whom are less religious or secular. The "black Turks" whom are religious. The "Grey Turks" whom are somewhat religious.

But in the end most Muslim countries do not have Shariah law.

Pakistan might have elements of Shariah law in it's judiciary but in terms civil governance there is no Shariah.

In that case most Muslim countries are secular. Also many Pakistanis tend to confuse Westernization with secularism. This I have seen from Turks as well.

There is a huge difference between the two even if they're commonly intermingled.
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Afghan refugees who went abroad from Pakistan are neither talented nor educated but the afghanis who went abroad from other countries without staying in Pakistan are both talented and educated.
you are talking about a generation who left Afghanistan during and after the 79 Russian invasion.
You might think you're secular, but Pakistani secularism is very different than Turkish secularism. I know there aren't as many women on the streets in Pakistan as in Turkey.

Here is a German woman wearing a sleeveless dress in Islamabad. There is no law in Pakistan requiring how she should dress. But this is an urban area. If she dressed like that in a rural town, village or lower income part of the city, local people typically would not like it. The same is true for most Muslims countries:
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Did you hear me say that? Fact remains that Turks are overwhelmingly conservative and that is a very good thing. Turks are patriotic and overwhelmingly support their Ottoman roots.

One more thing, even the secular Turks support Turkish stance against Greek territorial claims. I know this first hand since I have house in Izmir and speak with the locals.

Yes many are conservative; especially the rural class. I don't think it's a good thing or at least I wouldn't want to live like them.

But it really is up to them. Everyone is entitled to live how they want as long as they don't force it onto others.

What are the Greek territorial claims?
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Here is a German woman wearing a sleeveless dress in Islamabad. There is no law in Pakistan requiring how she should dress. But this is an urban area. If she dressed like that in a rural town, village or lower income part of the city, local people typically would not like it. The same is true for most Muslims countries:

All the other videos I've seen from Karachi, Lahore, etc. weren't like this.

All the other videos I've seen from Karachi, Lahore, etc. weren't like this.

Then let me show you. One of hundreds of examples. A video in English from an urban upper class family in Karachi having fun at the beach. This is nothing unsusual for us. Even the local villagers are not bothering them:
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I doubt Pakistan deports much. The number of refugees been increasing and worsy of all, our army is corrupt, they pay 1000 to 2000 dollars per head and the army lets them in. The bigger problem is smuggling of wheat, sugar and other stuff to afghanistan.
Turkey, Iran and Pakistan are all islamic states. Pakistan was (allegedly) created in the name of Islam. Is it fair or Islamic on their part to deny refuge to Muslim refugees of whatever race?

It is perfectly islamic to send back those who are illegal or involved in crime or badmouth pakistan/ particular ethnic group.
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be silent with your Islamist nonsense even the conservatives don't want you here. we have no shortage of Pakistani child kidnaper child r@pist like ali rana. we dont want you even as tourist

Kidnappers and rapists are from every country. In fact sex crimes are big business amongst Turkish criminals like this gang luring of Ukrainian women to be made into sex slaves:
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Yeah even those "very few" after a few sexual harrassment cases against women took the ire of the people very quickly.

You might think you're secular, but Pakistani secularism is very different than Turkish secularism. I know there aren't as many women on the streets in Pakistan as in Turkey. These punks are taking their phones out, following and filming women on the street and posting it online, making people very, very angry. If you don't want those "very few" from destroying the image, the reputation of your country you need to do everything you can to keep them from coming here.

I don't care what religious code you're following, nobody gets to come to our country and harrass our women or tell them how they should dress.

I just wanted to add, that such incidents as you described happen commonly by Turkish men against foreign women, mostly tourists.

It does not mean all or most Turkish men are perverts, but I can link so many cases of sexual harassment against foreign women by local Turkish men.

They obviously don't represent all the population.

Likewise just because a few dozen Pakistanis misbehaved, doesn't mean all of them in Turkey are trouble makers.

Some 70,000 live there, including investors. And some 200,000 Pakistani tourists visit Turkey every year.
I just wanted to add, that such incidents as you described happen commonly by Turkish men against foreign women, mostly tourists.

It does not mean all or most Turkish men are perverts, but I can link so many cases of sexual harassment against foreign women by local Turkish men.

They obviously don't represent all the population.

Likewise just because a few dozen Pakistanis misbehaved, doesn't mean all of them in Turkey are trouble makers.

Some 70,000 live there, including investors. And some 200,000 Pakistani tourists visit Turkey every year.
I think it's better for Pakistanis to invest in Pakistan. And I think it's better for Pakistani tourists to travel in Pakistan. Pakistan's economy needs that money more than Turkey does.
I think it's better for Pakistanis to invest in Pakistan. And I think it's better for Pakistani tourists to travel in Pakistan. Pakistan's economy needs that money more than Turkey does.
Nice way to say “thanks, but we don’t need pakistanis here in turkey”. I like it.

They obviously don't represent all the population.

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