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Over 2,080 unmarked mass graves in held Kashmir: Indian Military crimes against humanity?

Very different here. There is a mound of earth in the shape of the grave tapering upward that compacts over time. They cover it with a cloth initial days (weeks?)

There is no headstone. How can there be if the graves are reused?

Cheers, Doc

In Pakistan, we don't reuse graves...may be after 100's of years and you can Google images from random Pakistani graveyards.. most of the graves have headstones with info engraved with proper calligraphy. I have no idea how they do it in India and why do they do that? Are they so poor or have no regards for the dead?.

Whenever I go to Pakistan...visiting the graves of all my dear departs is a priority even if it is a week long trip. My mom, maternal and paternal grand parents and even great grand parents. All of them have properly marked graves.. and we make sure to provide them new clay cladding to the mound etc, scented/fragrance sticks, sprinkle rose-water etc.
Prove that those are dead Muslims. And not Hindu bodies.
Why hindu bodies? What is population of hindus in kashmir? Why they would be killed? Does any one claimed of killing hindus in kashmir?
Why hindu bodies? What is population of hindus in kashmir? Why they would be killed? Does any one claimed of killing hindus in kashmir?

Thousands of Hindus have been killed in Kashmir.

I have Dogra and Raina friends who have both lost close family.

There are tens of thousands of others.

Please do not play innocent. The Pandit genocide is well known to all of us.

Cheers, Doc
lol, seriously, it wont be different then inquiry of Gujrat massacre in which they declared modi innocent.

They are asking murderers to investigate the crime.

Plz I dont need a commisssion to tell me Modi was innocent. its quite obvious your congress party wanted to nail me before he became a threat to their power

The unmarked hraves contain the bodies of dirty foreigb miltants with no ID who infiltrated across from pakistan

How did they allow you back?

Cheers, Doc

How do you know the bodies in the graves are Muslims?

They are likely Kashmiri Pandits killed and buried away before our forces came in.

Cheers, Doc
Why not a single braid chopping incident reported from Kashmiri Pandit family?
Thousands of Hindus have been killed in Kashmir.

I have Dogra and Raina friends who have both lost close family.

There are tens of thousands of others.

Please do not play innocent. The Pandit genocide is well known to all of us.

Cheers, Doc
If Kashmir pandits were targeted by Freedom fighters then there will not a single Hindu in their ranks like Subhash Kumar Shan a Hizbul Mujahideen Commander.
There were many Hindus who were against Dogra regime in 1947 and 1989. @Maarkhoor

Instead of burying deads terrorists and traitors, the IA should just catapult them across the LOC.
They have been saying genocide for quite a while.

Early 90s saw huge scales purges and massacres.

The humanitarian crisis should be investigated.
Probably the graves are of terrorists.

Probably ? Go tell that too thousands of parents with missing loved ones in Kashmir .The word Probably ? You people are just to inhuman and barbaric
Haven't you done the same with Hindus in Bangladesh in 1971. There were more than 10 million refugees in India during that period. One estimate is you butchered 3 million Bangladeshis in that war.

its as truth as 3 million butchered. Even bengali themselves don't believe it.

btw good to know RSS terrorists shakha's are teaching that 1971 conflict was Muslim butchering Hindus instead of Pakistani civil war :lol:
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I think we should not bury the dead Kashmir terrorist. We should do the last rites like Hindus ( Cremate) them. This will discourage them to come to India as their guarantee to 72 virgins will get cancelled.

This will also solve this crap of unmarked grave.

When a Muslim rapes a Muslim, the woman just keeps quiet as she cannot prove it .....and the Muslim nation thinks...wow...we are so awesome..
So sad to see that even with the education India has provided you you are still A grade stupid
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