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Over 2,080 unmarked mass graves in held Kashmir: Indian Military crimes against humanity?


Aug 3, 2008
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Indian govt told to investigate 2,080 unmarked mass graves in held Kashmir
Dawn.comNovember 04, 2017

The state-run human rights commission in India-held Kashmir, on information from a human rights group, has told the government to investigate at least 2,080 unmarked mass graves discovered in border areas of the restive region, reported Al Jazeera on Friday.

According to the Doha-based media network, the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP), a human rights group in Kashmir, told the commission there were 3,844 unmarked graves — 2,717 in Poonch and 1,127 in Rajouri — along the contentious Line of Control (LoC) dividing the disputed territory between Pakistan and India.

The commission acknowledged the presence of the 2,080 unmarked graves, Al Jazeera reported, asking the government for a comprehensive investigation to be completed in six months, including DNA tests of the bodies to compare it with family members of the disappeared.

Read: Kashmir: hard choices only

According to APDP, 8,000 people have disappeared in the decades-old conflict between the two neighbouring countries. The association accused government forces of staging gun battles to cover up killings, said the Al Jazeera report.

"We have been demanding that there be an independent commission to do a credible probe on the mass graves," Khurram Parvez from APDP told Al Jazeera. "We have done a study of 53 cases for a report where the bodies were exhumed from unknown graves. It was found that 49 bodies in the graves were of civilians and one was a local militant, three bodies were unknown. These people were dubbed as foreign militants by the government."

In 2011, the Jammu Kashmir State Human Rights Commission had confirmed that thousands of bullet-riddled bodies had been dumped in unmarked graves — many of them mass graves — in India-held Kashmir.

The findings had revealed that of the more than 2,000 bodies found, at least 574 were local residents.

Al Jazeera's report, quoting the APDP, said that since 2011, the Indian government has failed to comply with directions from the human rights commission and instead, continues to avoid an investigation on the pretext it would lead to a "law and order problem" in Kashmir.

Similarly in 2008, human rights group International People's Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice had found unmarked graves containing several thousand bodies during a three-year survey of dozens of villages in India-held Kashmir. At the time, the group had calculated that 8,000 people had gone missing in the 20-year separatist insurgency.
lol, seriously, it wont be different then inquiry of Gujrat massacre in which they declared modi innocent.

They are asking murderers to investigate the crime.
gujarat was a riot started by the muslims , hindus just retaliated . it was the mini version of what is happening today in myanmar . infact it's always this way everywhere in the world. muslims always start the violence

so myanmar is learning lesson from RSS terrorists to justify how to kill innocent Muslims and throw them out from their homes.
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Probably the graves are of terrorists.
Yes because they started the violence . i don't think perpetrators of violence should be called "innocent"

Thanks for your answer, i heard all Muslims are barbaric according to RSS leaders.. No? they say Muslims are all outsider barbarians who should be neutralized via Ghar wapsi?
Thanks for your answer, i heard all Muslims are barbaric according to RSS leaders.. No?
those would indulge in violence and then play victim are barbaric , evil and dangerous for the country they live in and should be dealt with in harshest possible way
a lot of them are innocent am sure, not terrorists... i doubt we will see any closure in this case.. anytime soon.
Killed jihadis whose dead bodies were refused to be taken back.
those would indulge in violence and then play victim are barbaric , evil and dangerous for the country they live in and should be dealt with in harshest possible way

so its mobs of RSS terrorists who decide whether Muslims are violent or obedient, not courts?
I am not going into that as this forum prohibits discussing Baluchistan. You can search on the web. There are many many more.

rightly so, Balochistan is not occupied by 7 lac soldiers and para military, it have working govt.
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