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Over 2,080 unmarked mass graves in held Kashmir: Indian Military crimes against humanity?

The point is you don't know the deployment of forces in Balochistan.

Yeah, dirty eastern pests know more then us.

How many non Muslims are left in Muslim countries.you guys should be the last people talking about killing minorities.

compare it with their first census after nationhood, you will get all the answers...
Why waisting our land mass by putting these terrorist in graves...better burn them dust...na rahega bans na bajegi bansuri...
I don't understand this concept of unmarked graves.

Unlike Christians, most Sunni Muslims (Shia are different) don't have headstones on their graves.

So much so, I know for a fact that here in Poona, every few years, the same grave is dug up, the soil is turned (bones often clearly visible, mixed back into the newly turned soil .... big bones, femurs, tibias, skulls ...), and the freshly recycled grave is reused for a fresh body burial.

Insofar as that is concerned, an unmarked grave is the norm.

Happy to be corrected if what I've written above is untrue?

Cheers, Doc
Yeah,we should use p*g fat for bitbit jose bodies too.
So what you have then to serve your families, if use of p*g fat is granted for the purpose you mentioned..
Show some reapect so you will be respected.
I don't understand this concept of unmarked graves.

Unlike Christians, most Sunni Muslims (Shia are different) don't have headstones on their graves.

So much so, I know for a fact that here in Poona, every few years, the same grave is dug up, the soil is turned (bones often clearly visible, mixed back into the newly turned soil .... big bones, femurs, tibias, skulls ...), and the freshly recycled grave is reused for a fresh body burial.

Insofar as that is concerned, an unmarked grave is the norm.

Happy to be corrected if what I've written above is untrue?

Cheers, Doc
You are not that moron to understand what unmarked grave means and in case you are let me tel you these graves dug up by Indian forces to dispose of bodies which they killed in Kashmir in fake encounters without informing their parents and relatives and without proper burial / rituals like gusal, kafan and namaz e janaza.
@Burhan Wani @war&peace
You are not that moron to understand what unmarked grave means and in case you are let me tel you these graves dug up by Indian forces to dispose of bodies which they killed in Kashmir in fake encounters without informing their parents and relatives and without proper burial / rituals like gusal, kafan and namaz e janaza.
@Burhan Wani @war&peace


The Indian Army is not a barbaric force masquerading in uniform.

Cheers, Doc
Insofar as that is concerned, an unmarked grave is the norm.
Sunni muslim graves are marked infact almost all muslim graves are marked.Why a grave with hundered of dead bodies couldnt be marked u know better then me. Mass murder or what?
Cheers engineer
Sunni muslim graves are marked infact almost all muslim graves are marked.Why a grave with hundered of dead bodies couldnt be marked u know better then me. Mass murder or what?
Cheers engineer

I have been to more than one Sunni burial here bro.

Seen firsthand the whole thing (body prep to final soil covering).

The most recent one my mechanic's mother.

Maybe things are different in Pakistan?

Cheers, Doc
Seen firsthand the whole thing (body prep to final soil covering).

The most recent one my mechanic's mother.

Maybe things are different in Pakistan?

Cheers, Doc
We have graveyards.
Graves are higher then ground level. Some are marked by stone some are paved and with name plates..
I don't understand this concept of unmarked graves.

Unlike Christians, most Sunni Muslims (Shia are different) don't have headstones on their graves.

So much so, I know for a fact that here in Poona, every few years, the same grave is dug up, the soil is turned (bones often clearly visible, mixed back into the newly turned soil .... big bones, femurs, tibias, skulls ...), and the freshly recycled grave is reused for a fresh body burial.

Insofar as that is concerned, an unmarked grave is the norm.

Happy to be corrected if what I've written above is untrue?

Cheers, Doc
I'm sunny and the people who died in family have grave-stones with their names, dob and dod and some prayer and good words. here is one random picture from a graveyard in Pakistan..just see almost all graves have markings
gujarat was a riot started by the muslims , hindus just retaliated . it was the mini version of what is happening today in myanmar . infact it's always this way everywhere in the world. muslims always start the violence
Yes Hindus are always innocent.
Even when a Hindu rapes a Hindu you guys defend the rapist so I am not at all surprised at your reaction
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