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Over 120 Afghan militants storm Pakistan

Don Jaguar

Mar 12, 2011
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MOD EDIT: Other news agencies are reporting 120, so probably a typo in the OP article.

Peshawar: Over 1200 Afghan militants attacked a security check-post in Bajaur Agecny , killing one and injuring several officials, sources said on Monday.

The sources said that the border areas were reverberating with heavy gunfire as the forces retaliated with befitting manner.

They said several militants were also killed in the clashes and the battle was still on in the area. However there was no confirmation about the casualties as the area was out of reach for the journalists.

The militants from Afghanistan largely believed to be activists of Sawt -based Tehreek Taliban who escaped the area after a large scale offensive in the valley and made sanctuaries in the Afghan areas especially in Kunnar province.

Last month the militants stormed Deer district of Pakistan, killing more than 20 people. Pakistan lodged strong protest against cross border attacks and reluctance of the Nato-led forces to take the militants to logical end.

The News Tribe » Over 1200 Afghan militants storm Pakistan
Unfortunately, it is the Afghan people that will have to bear the brunt for these actions, of the support given to these Afghan terrorists by the NATO Forces. It is already biting them hard, with May 2011 being the most violent month for civilians since 2001. Since Obama's announcement of withdrawal, attacks inside Afghanistan have increased, & just in the last two days, there have been bus attacks in Nimroz & Zabul. There were the Kabul Hotel attacks a few days before as well. All this violence inside Afghanistan is their own making. Unfortunately, they will keep accusing Pakistan for everything wrong in Afghanistan.
U.S Drones can only see militants in FATA and not in afghanistan strange!!!
lol is this news true??
1200 militants kill only one???

These islamic militants can take out 70-90 people with one suicide blast...But they could take out only 1 this time even having 1200 militants??
Several attackers were killed in the ensuing clash.

PESHAWAR: A security official was killed when militants attacked a check post in the northwestern Bajaur tribal region on Monday, DawnNews reported.

Several attackers were killed in the ensuing clash.
Time to open up with the Arty. And if Karzai the mayor of Kabul, don't like it, well he can lump it.
U.S Drones can only see militants in FATA and not in afghanistan strange!!!

For thechnical reasons derones start tracking wedding guests as soon as they cross into Pakistan.
lol is this news true??
1200 militants kill only one???

These islamic militants can take out 70-90 people with one suicide blast...But they could take out only 1 this time even having 1200 militants??

The confirm number of dead people use to come 24 to 48 hours after the attack, the reason is many people die because of severe injuries after some hours, this news is telling only about the one who died at the spot!!!
lol is this news true??
1200 militants kill only one???

These islamic militants can take out 70-90 people with one suicide blast...But they could take out only 1 this time even having 1200 militants??
The number of militants attacking the post is likely a preliminary estimate, and could well be wrong, and changed as events become clearer, but your analogy is incorrect.

Suicide bombers target high density areas where people are 'milling around' unprotected, and therefore cause significant damage.

In this particular case it was a security post that was attacked, and depending on how well the post was guarded and/or fortified, the casualty numbers vs the number of attackers is not necessarily unusual.
For thechnical reasons derones start tracking wedding guests as soon as they cross into Pakistan.

Based on what the Taliban has talked about revenge attacks because of the death of their brothers in arms, I said the drone attacks are doing great!
U.S killed Bin Laden and they are taking revenge with pakistan isn't it STRANGE???

Only U.S mercenaries like Al-CIAeda and CIAliban can do this!!!
1200 militants can kill only 1 ??

Its sensationalizing the news maaan to make the Afghanistan the villain. Most probably it would have been 120 militants.

It's basic military maths. When the defending party is attacked, any numerical advantage the attacking party has is neutralized because the defending party already occupies higher ground, better positions, has prepared defences and cover. Which is why they have lesser casualties. We had this Frontier Constabulary Constable in Bajaur, he was from the Bhittani tribe. He single-handedly held off a 700 man Talib advance for one entire night until re-enforcements could reach him in the morning. He is alive, well and a hero.

---------- Post added at 06:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:40 PM ----------

lol is this news true??
1200 militants kill only one???

These islamic militants can take out 70-90 people with one suicide blast...But they could take out only 1 this time even having 1200 militants??

Your point has been addressed.
Based on what the Taliban has talked about revenge attacks because of the death of their brothers in arms, I said the drone attacks are doing great!

Drone attacks although very accurate, generate a lot of "ill-feelings" towards the US and it's allies. So for every terrorist you kill, you might incite 3 more to join up. Do the math...........
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