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Outgunned By Pak F-16s, IAF Plans To Re-Arm Its Sukhois With Israeli Missiles

Meteor has 3 times the range of AIM120C and it can engage targets 300 km away.

Not at All.
All mughals were at least 75% turkic and mongol
Pakistan is succesor to British West Punjab and Sindh and NWFP and British Balochistan as said by Lord Mountbatten himself.

Please post some credible source about 300km range of current Meteor AAM.

Take Chinese and Russian claims, about their weapons systems with a bucket of salt. While American and Europeans understate the performance of their systems the Chinese and Russians like to exaggerate the same.

Ask your pilots about Chinese AAMs because they have tasted them in real.
The official range given is 100 km. But we know it's more.
how much can tell us, 200 300 km as some site quoted, but its not for intercepting fighter jets but intercepting AWACS/Tankers/ISR (intelligence,surveillance,spy ) aircraft @Jochen Peiper
27 FEB @Jochen Peiper

Not these!

But then truth is only of those who seek it....:)

Now give us the hint which PAF jet it was, its only burning fuselage, can discern which PAF jet it was, can you tell us @Jochen Peiper
Am over it sir.

All I will say that there is NO humiliation in defending against the huge numerical superiority of the PAF that day. The IAF jets held their own well against the 'surprise and strength' of the PAF. I compliment Pakistan on these aspects, yes. But what happened afterwards is maybe not what was the PAF's aim for Op Swift Retort was.

In fact, the PAF should be asking itself the following -

Why in spite of numerical superiority, some of the SOWs landed with range errors - Does it show a tactical failure in not being able to prevent the IAF from threatening a layer of the trike which released its payload in haste? OR was it the technical inefficiency of the PAF made SOWs? Remember, as of now we just have the Indian version which says you had range errors. Where is the promised video of the strike by PAF?

Why in spite of numerical superiority and launching multiple AMRAAMs, no kill was achieved on the Sukhois?

And last but the most critical question - in spite of have 1 x AEW&C, at least 14 APG-68 V9s, 4 KLJ-7s - all focussed on one front - WHY did the PAF allow Abhi's M21 to cross the LOC? A major lapse there which cost the PAF an aircraft.

Basically what I am trying to say is that there is NO humiliation for a defender who can defend his interests against a larger force non BVR combat. You live to fight another day. The IAF did ok that day.

Credit also to the PAF for distracting other IAF scrambles to the south near the IB, keeping the superiority for the duration of the OP.

But it was clear, you did not want to escalate further and protect the few F-16s that the PAF has. Basically a half hearted attempt in the engagement cycle during the Op.

There is humiliation dear. Clear humiliation

PAF Losses: ZERO
IAF Losses: 1 mig 21, 1 MI 17, 6 dead

You lost. You were humiliated. Now get over it.

and stop lying to cover that humiliation
Am over it sir.

All I will say that there is NO humiliation in defending against the huge numerical superiority of the PAF that day. The IAF jets held their own well against the 'surprise and strength' of the PAF. I compliment Pakistan on these aspects, yes. But what happened afterwards is maybe not what was the PAF's aim for Op Swift Retort was.

In fact, the PAF should be asking itself the following -

Why in spite of numerical superiority, some of the SOWs landed with range errors - Does it show a tactical failure in not being able to prevent the IAF from threatening a layer of the trike which released its payload in haste? OR was it the technical inefficiency of the PAF made SOWs? Remember, as of now we just have the Indian version which says you had range errors. Where is the promised video of the strike by PAF?

Why in spite of numerical superiority and launching multiple AMRAAMs, no kill was achieved on the Sukhois?

And last but the most critical question - in spite of have 1 x AEW&C, at least 14 APG-68 V9s, 4 KLJ-7s - all focussed on one front - WHY did the PAF allow Abhi's M21 to cross the LOC? A major lapse there which cost the PAF an aircraft.

Basically what I am trying to say is that there is NO humiliation for a defender who can defend his interests against a larger force non BVR combat. You live to fight another day. The IAF did ok that day.

Credit also to the PAF for distracting other IAF scrambles to the south near the IB, keeping the superiority for the duration of the OP.

But it was clear, you did not want to escalate further and protect the few F-16s that the PAF has. Basically a half hearted attempt in the engagement cycle during the Op.
@waz @The Eagle @Horus please control this spammer/ propaganda Machine of IAF Named @Jochen Peiper thanks
You can call me a liar, but please try to look at the questions I have asked. At least go through them and then screw my happiness :)

Rest assured spammer the way you are churning out utterly pointless propaganda at exceptionally high speeds, your life here on PDF is very short. You are neither the first Indian liar/propagandist here, nor the last one
Bang on sir. You are right. Anything above a 100 km will be impossible to shoot down unless its a transport or a AWACs or something.
Look dude you don't know what are you taking about, Fighter jets RCS is too low to engage 300 km most fighter jets radar range are currently have 300 400 km at this extreme range fighter have difficulty to detect the enemy (fighter jets) let alone to engage it @Jochen Peiper
Cannot make that out. Some clowns are superimposing a F-16 and saying its an F-16. But I would rather go with the IAF's debrief, when they said F-16s were in that area. But its is some aircraft falling given the size of the cloud. Will come back once more info on Indian twitter
so you're ust speculating/assuming without a solid proof @Jochen Peiper :hitwall::crazy::crazy:
You can call me a liar, but please try to look at the questions I have asked. At least go through them and then screw my happiness :)
Your all question already debunk before you come on to PDF @Jochen Peiper you're just repeating old crap again and again and doning noting else @Jochen Peiper :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:
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but see the merit in what I am pointing from my point of view
what do have solid merit on your ridiculous claims @Jochen Peiper o_O

Absolutely sir. The biggest catch which the PAF got. Otherwise post OP SR, the IAF would have snapped back like crazy at Pakistan.

Basically Modi ji and company chickened out here in India due elections. The IAF has been gunning for revenge, we all know that :)

But without sounding like 'the crazy spammer' I have been tagged as, I have gone through the new evidence well, it does show a PAF asset going down in P-O-K. Will post the YT videos soon once I identify then from the twitter handles posting them.

What new evidence you have only few picture, which can't be discern which jet its is might be Mig-21 @Jochen Peiper
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