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Outgunned By Pak F-16s, IAF Plans To Re-Arm Its Sukhois With Israeli Missiles

You brought religion first. I didn't even insult yours. Don't cry to the mods hypocrite.

Let's see.

Excuses, excuses.

Even your "higher than mountain, deeper than ocean, sweeter than pork" ally didn't back you up in the UN.

Actually you started it first.
Bye bye.
I respect the Indian posters who at least proudly display their flag.

Could Pakistani posters also not turn all these threads into historical v's.
Will the Russians allow an Isreali missile be paired with its radar. Not an easy task, even if Russians allow it.
PL-15 will be Superior to Meteor due to range above 150kms, some rumors are that it can engage fighter size birds up to 300km if true India will not have any equal AAM to counter it.

Also PL-21 is said to be Sino Meteor.
Meteor has 3 times the range of AIM120C and it can engage targets 300 km away.


Dumbass, you do realize that Mughals and other who ruled inferior hindus also had very little turkic/Persian genes, right?

Mughals for example intermarried with locals for centuries!! They were indianized Muslims just like we Pakistanis are.

Who even talked about "genes" anyways?

Modern day Pakistan is a direct successor to Islamic rule in india....that's a fact that you are unable to deny or argue against. Hence you are bringing idiotic talking points like "genes" which do not even matter.

Genes of Aurangzeb were predominantly subcontinental, NOT predominantly Turkic (just as our genes are)!

Or you believe that Mughals were "foreigners" even after being completely Indianized for centuries. Mughal empire was not like British empire. They weren't 'foreigners' like British. They settled, married, and died here and did not maintain any physical/cultural contact with their place of origin (Central Asia).

You think North indians are European foreigners with similar genes because afterall, Aryans came to india from European lands :D

Read above, retard.

Distinguished "other races" lmfaoooooo!! :lol:

You were ruled by localized Muslims, not Turks sitting in Central Asia.

Mughals =/= British.
Not at All.
All mughals were at least 75% turkic and mongol
Pakistan is succesor to British West Punjab and Sindh and NWFP and British Balochistan as said by Lord Mountbatten himself.
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Meteor has 3 times the range of AIM120C and it can engage targets 300 km away.

Not at All.
All mughals were at least 75% turkic and mongol
Pakostan is succesor to British West Punjab and Sindh and NWFP and British Balochistan as said by Lord Mountbatten himself.

You are clearly mistaken about the range. Once fired Meteor can go around the world twice and then up IAF's backside.:sniper:
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We will get the I-Derby-ER version which is far advanced than Pak's AIM-120C5.
And we will use far superior Meteor to counter PL-15.

Whole Bharti nation only talks in future tense ....but when time comes to do anything...well we know what happens...

agar raphaeeel hota to...
PL-15 will be Superior to Meteor due to range above 150kms, some rumors are that it can engage fighter size birds up to 300km if true India will not have any equal AAM to counter it.

Also PL-21 is said to be Sino Meteor.

Take Chinese and Russian claims, about their weapons systems with a bucket of salt. While American and Europeans understate the performance of their systems the Chinese and Russians like to exaggerate the same.
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