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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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  • Poll closed .
These panaflex are all over Rawalpindi today. How do they get the funds for this.

Interesting press conference, which never surfaced in media by PDM govt.

PTI member or not ...this is woman respect under PDM govt.

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This is why insurgencies start.
This is why I refrain from blindly calling anyone against the state a terrorist now.

Sindh has experienced it in the 70s and 80s.
Army atrocities in Sindh. Up until 90s there was still Army/Rangers deployed in major cities of interior Sindh. Me being from interior Sindh especially some of the areas that were one of the most anti army in 70s and 80s, I’ve heard many stories on the atrocities.

The Khaki are still on the roads in khi doing businesses from selling water to grabbing lands.
To whom it may concern
My favourite song is Journal Asim Muneer Meri Jind Meri Jaan
My favourite bank is Askari Bank,
My favourite shopping mall is CSD,
My favourite clothes are Fauji Apparel,
My favourite TV show is Ahed-e-Wafa,
My favourite pizza is Papa Johns,
My favourite Shoe maker is Askari Project,
My favourite meat is Fauji Meat,
My favourite contractor is FWO,
My favourite power is Fauji Power Co.,
My favourite fuel is Askari Gas,
My favourite fertiliser is Fauji Fertiliser,
My favourite sugar is Army WF sugar mills,
My favourite trust is Army Welfare Trust,
My favourite building is AWT,
My favourite logistic company is NLC,
My favourite porridge is Fauji Cereal,
My favourite Cement is Askari Cement,
My favourite law is Marshallaw
My favourite society is DHA

I hope this qualifies me to be a certified patriotic Pakistani :pakistan:
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Decent analysis. People forget that Raheel Shareef had issues with Nawaz Sharif regarding foreign policy and internal issue, it was all over the news. Then Imran Khan came as a pro military leader and he too faced the same issue. Before coming to power he has always been anti PmlN and PPP so it was nothing new, he always spoke against the corrupt and wanted reforms.

The major issues were disagreements regarding foreign policy, relations, internal security. The establishment strongly disagree with an aggressive foreign policy, they rather stay quiet on international issues than making comments on international platforms, this is to avoid upsetting major powers in the west and middleeast. Looking at Azerbaijan v Armenia war, Pakistan never made any comments about supporting Azerbaijan, they stayed quiet, only Azerbaijan was thanking Pakistan for its support.

Malaysian summit where IK was forced not to attend, this was a big embarrassment to IK, on top Shah Mahmood Qureshi was making comments on creating another Muslim Block but after getting danda from Saudi Arabia Pakistan establishment chickened out. Behind the scenes IK must have made big noise because he's Pakistan Nationalist leader, not some chamcha. What is the crime for making another block, this doesn't mean it will be a threat to OIC. It was just slave v master mentality, Saudi showed who was the boss, Usa also shares the same opinion.

Another disagreement was improving relations with Iran, IK wanted to improve relations with all neighbouring nations but Saudi Arabia would never allow their slave state to do it. The same Saudi Arabia is now hugging Iran and doesn't care about Pakistani opinion. Usa also had the same opinion.

Russia war was another major disagreement, the army wanted to stay quiet or pass resolutions against Russia under Usa pressure but not make too much comments. Imran Khan clearly mentioned Pakistan is neutral and then talked about Iraq, Afghanistan wars. This must have hurt the west and establishment must have complained to IK.

If we look at Pakistan history, Pakistan is normally quiet on international issues, Imran Khan was talking about Palestine, Yemen war, he advised Saudi Arabia to stop the war, the Saudis must have been frustrated behind the scenes, Pakistan was quiet on Iraq, Afghan, Syrian, Libyan wars.

This is the major reason Pakistan army took away their hand from PTI and PDM did the rest, Imran then lost the majority in the parliament and was toppled. We cannot 100% say establishment removed him because PDM did have the majority, even PDM must have been making life hell for establishment.

Only after 1 year a heavy crackdown took place against PTI and IK, the SJ advised all parties to sit together and agree on election date but PDM insisted on October 2023 date and IK wanted it ASAP. The country is going down the gutter, political instability is high, corruption is high, security situation is not good, Imran Khan also continued to attack the army and generals for betrayal. Social media is enough proof.

Imran Khan was correct on his international policies but can we all accept the consequences, would Pakistan have survived with Saudia and Arab States sending back millions of Pakistan workers, west stopping remittance, maybe frozen accounts, I am sure our military has billions invested in these countries.

Would our friendly states such as China, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Qatar accommodated Pakistan losses. Most of these states are democracies and the next government could be anti immigration.

I always mentioned, the Pakistani governments and establishment need to come to an agreement regarding foreign policy, international relations, security and then move forward. Bring in major reforms and make Pakistan a welfare state, justice for all, bring stability. Were still stuck in the 1990s.
There is no crime in making another block. But you should do groundwork for it before you can execute it. Pakistan was friends with Saudi, Imran actually borrowed his plane for his trip to the USA. He made the announcement and Saudi prince recalled the plane and he have to come back on commercial flight.

So here is the deal. Creating a block needs some heft, which you don’t have. You can work towards it. At the minimum you should not have to worry about money to create a block.

Imran spoiled the relationship with Saudi. Had this not been done, I am positive they would have donated a few billion to help.
There is no crime in making another block. But you should do groundwork for it before you can execute it. Pakistan was friends with Saudi, Imran actually borrowed his plane for his trip to the USA. He made the announcement and Saudi prince recalled the plane and he have to come back on commercial flight.

So here is the deal. Creating a block needs some heft, which you don’t have. You can work towards it. At the minimum you should not have to worry about money to create a block.

Imran spoiled the relationship with Saudi. Had this not been done, I am positive they would have donated a few billion to help.

The block would have been created, it was Pakistan who stabbed everybody and embarrassed us. What a coward nation who backtracks over one phone call, all other nations expected Pakistan to attend, why didn't Saudi Arabia made phone calls to them?. Why Usa, Saudi Arabia always controls Pakistan. Today Saudi Arabia is cosing up to Iran but they never ask Pakistan permission.

Regarding the block, it wasn't going to be anti OIC block, it's like saying Pakistan should leave D8 block, I am sure Pakistan doesn't really make an effort with it due to getting phone calls. How can China trust Pakistan regarding Cpec, Gwadar, look what they done to Iran, they made Iran spend billions to build their share of pipeline but Pakistan is backtracking. Its become a habit.

Will Uae/Saudi support Pakistan on Kashmir, instead UAE troops are marching on Indian defence day and both nations investing billions in India. What a chawal state
The duffers will see negotiations as weakness and might want to intensify their human rights abuses.

Meanwhile they have NO PLAN on fixing pak. Their only motive is to save their skins from future prosecutions rest of you living there whether supporting them or not don't matter.

Serious question is there any leader in Pak that actually thinks for the interests of the people to help them improve their lives?
There is no crime in making another block. But you should do groundwork for it before you can execute it. Pakistan was friends with Saudi, Imran actually borrowed his plane for his trip to the USA. He made the announcement and Saudi prince recalled the plane and he have to come back on commercial flight.

So here is the deal. Creating a block needs some heft, which you don’t have. You can work towards it. At the minimum you should not have to worry about money to create a block.

Imran spoiled the relationship with Saudi. Had this not been done, I am positive they would have donated a few billion to help.

That is all you people do. Beg for a few billions.

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