I’m not a very religious person, but This reminds me of a conversation i had when IK was removed from the government. I was asked how these people kept getting away with this. How the people of the country, including the good people, were always the ones to suffer, and yet these corrupt subhumans always somehow got the money, the power and success. Where was god? How was gods system working if good was being punished and bad was winning? Isn’t his system supposed to work the opposite way? And I remember not having an answer.
This time, when IK was arrested, when all these corrupt people tried, and made a fool of themselves. When everyone started getting exposed. I got the answer.
Pakistan is a perfect example of gods system. All the corrupt people sitting on top of the country, with all the money and power they could always dream of, they are so far away from remembering that they will have to die one day, that they will never once have time to repent in this life for their sins, they will face their justice and most definitely go to hell. Meanwhile the people of Pakistan, suffering under crisis, torture and even death (martyrdom*), they are closer to god than ever before. The ones out there protesting against tyranny, and even the ones just sitting and home and praying. They are still somehow hopeful, because despite not seemingly having power and money, they remember that everyone has to meet god someday, that you can never actually be powerless in this religion as long as you have the capability to pray.
And that’s why gods system is working exactly as intended, because the corrupt are further from god than ever before, and the seemingly week closer to him than ever. That’s how god is punishing the corrupt and rewarding the week. Simply by sitting in our homes and praying, we are being rewarded. We just need to take a step back and look at everything from the right perspective.
“And the greatest form of Jihad is saying “No” to a Tyrant ruler” - Today dozens of officers and their families were removed and arrested, because they did their duty, not the one where they followed orders, but the one where they took an oath to do jihad for God (Iman, Taqwa, Jihad Fi Sabillilah.…) the greatest form of jihad. This is the other face of the Pakistan army, the one that has been suppressed by tyrants, but today showed itself again when these men decided to remember their oaths. Similarly thousands came to the streets and protested. It may seem like so few did, but IK wouldn’t be walking free right now if it weren’t for their impact.
What could be a bigger curse than forgetting God eh? They can have all the money and power, they can run with it to wherever they want. They can enjoy it while it lasts. They have lost, the people of Pakistan, at least many among us, the ones braver than me who went out, have won, if not been rewarded, because after all, don’t Muslims believe this world is temporary?
Now we need to focus on continuing the fight. What’s next for IK and PTI?
Most of the senior PTI leader is still jailed and remains there, can we expect them to be released anytime soon? And will IK end up in jail again? They’ve seen what happens when they do that, are they willing to afford such riots and destruction again? It’ll only Tank the economy further and make them lose more votes, and it’ll still not diminish the PTIs support. Even if Khan is barred from participating in elections, if his party wins they’ll immediately reinstate him and get him out of jail, so in the long run, after this failure, it feels like the establishment and government have far less options.
The options they do have, they’re already trying to use, I don’t know if the PDM will go as far as harming khan, they know that’ll just make him a martyr, but they know the elections were supposed to be due on the 14, now with Diesels incoming “protests” they will try to declare an emergency and bar the elections so they don’t end up in SC for contempt of court.
The army on the other hand. Asim has gone crazy, he will definitely try something, courts and country be damned, I feel like even the PDM want him to back off at this point, but unless removed from within, I don’t think that will happen. Instead he’s taking out the people who might have opposed him within the army. Very scary. And yes, he is definitely that stupid. Trust me, I know.
That is very well stated.

I would also like to add the adage, "The pen is mightier than the sword." We've seen IK's clever use of social media to educate the nation, from youth to the elders, of the ills affecting the country overall. These things were only rarely read or studied in the past as they are now. A select few in society could afford access to information; usually, it was the upper class, while others sat around the dhaba, passing theories to make one stick eventually. Communication is critical, and he's utilized it to the fullest.
Our establishment ultimately failed in the Information Age. They couldn't control the narrative and were fact-checked by those with more wits, even when throwing things out. This shows how much of a separation of thought there is now.
To your point:
I was once sitting in an Islamic lecture, and the scholar said two things could get you into heaven, and the greatest of them all is the second and most challenging to control, and it was the tongue. The reason is that you use it for good and are granted success, or you use it for evil and suffer. Nawaz and their family never spoke a worth of truth, and it has haunted them now this life and the next, and they will continue suffering in the grave when they are spoken off. Men and women often forget you are remembered, good or bad, the way you go out, not in.
As for those who do evil, and it feels as though Allah doesn't care, this was a conversation I've had with my father many times, and he's always said, "Allah, let's the rope lose for these people to do more corruption." So I, too, like you asked, why it doesn't make sense? He told me, tumari or meri soch sa bar ha, wait Allah said to have patience.
Eventually, Allah shows after having patience, even after 30 years. They run away to London from where they were birthed (Pakistan), and zillat is closer to their jugular vein than Allah. He's taught in Canadian Medical Ethics Fraud Class; economists in Europe, where he's holed up, use him as an example of fraud. They or their nasal will not find peace above and below the soil. No matter how much his progeny wash, they will never get rid of that DNA; there is no bigger curse than that. May Allah protect anyone from breeding into that family.
Then Allah's lanat also shows on one's character or chera (face); look no further than Fazul Rehman. He's repugnant face-down, a badbakht insan you do not see the light of religion on his face; compare him to Tariq Jameel, Mufti Menk, and a few others, you feel enjoyment and could listen to them for hours. You look at his son, another soor ka pilla; you see him and would think twice about feeding your child from any haram income source.
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