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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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  • Poll closed .
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My inbox, WhatsApp and telegram is full of messages like this. This guy is a IT engineer qualified from MIT. He is apolitical, not a PTI member, never voted once in Pakistan.

He is leaving due to fear of his future. There will be so much brain drain and human capital flight due to the heavy handed was by PDM Et.al…

Who will lose out in the end? Pakistan.
hey if you can find me a bride doesnt matter what she looks like i would also take the first flight.
During all crises never it happened that they closed roads as far as 5km from zaman park. Trucks placed at enterance of contonements since 17th may. Are they showing that idhr hum odhr tum? I had to go somewhere & traversed for 75 mins without finding anyway and had to return back. We are like living in open prison. These all acts is only fueling more and more hate. Playing with fire will burn it all. Everyone need to wakeup. End this traumatic drama for sake of Pakistan.
hey if you can find me a bride doesnt matter what she looks like i would also take the first flight.
Hahahah yar why does everyone think I am running a marriage agency here :lol:

Aunti just signed her own death warrant on social media. People think this is a joke, it's insane!

Precisely why I left the country earlier this year. And I know 100s of more professionals that have left or in process of leaving. This is no country for us.
You made the right choice.
Engaging in social media criticism of the establishment using real identities or even following those who do can now lead to trouble. Pakistani SM users will soon learn new methods and techniques to circumvent censorship and elude authorities on social media.

Contrary to the commonly held belief that increased censorship inevitably reduces access to information, there are several studies that tell us of situations where increased censorship had actually broadened information access for a significant portion of the population. When governments abruptly implement censorship measures on previously unrestricted information, individuals who were accustomed to obtaining such information become motivated to discover methods of evading censorship. These evasion techniques not only allow continued access to the newly blocked information but also expand users' capacity to reach long-standing censored information.
I have always been Paranoid. May be its because I watch and read and too many spy movies and novels. When I first got internet access I watched an Interview of a former Stasi Operative and in which he said back in the days they had make effort to spy on people. These days and this was round about Circa 2005 OR 6 when Social media was in its infancy still it made the job of intel agencies a lot easier People willingly gave up all information Pictures, names of their pets, home, work addresses where they usually go out to socialize all in the public domain. Spies back in the had to made actual effort on the ground to find information about their targets these days all they need to do is open their fancy computers and Voila. People who willingly put every single detail about themselves on internet every second hour are beyond my understanding. I have only one photo of mine in digital domain and that too is 5 years old posted by one of my stupid cousins as a group photo that too without any tags indicating my actual identity.

Even without your government trying to clobber you. These days you have to be extra careful about protecting your data to prevent financial fraud and cyber bullying but people are too dumb. Pakistanis are learning it the hard way but as you said they are gonna find creative ways to move around. But the data already willingly given out will remain in the digital domain.
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I have always been Paranoid. May be its because I watch and read and too much spy movies and novels. When I first got internet access I watched an Interview of a former Stasi Operative and in which he said back in the days they had make effort to spy on people. These days and this was round about Circa 2005 OR 6 when Social media was in its infancy still it made the job of intel agencies a lot easier People willingly gave up all information Pictures, names of their pets, home, work addresses where they usually go out all in the public domain. Spies back in the had to made actual effort on the ground to find information about their targets these days all they need to do is open their fancy computers and Voila. People who willingly put every single detail about themselves on internet every second hour are beyond my understanding. I have only one photo of mine in digital domain and that too is 5 years old posted by one of my stupid cousins as a group photo that too without any tags indicating my actual identity.

Even without your government trying to clobber you. These days you have to be extra careful about protecting your data to prevent financial fraud and cyber bullying but people are too dumb. Pakistanis are leaning it in the hard way but as you said they are gonna find creative ways to move around. But the data already willingly given out will remain in the digital domain.
I am a strong believer in this, people are too blase about data privacy.
I am a strong believer in this, people are too blase about data privacy.
I have tried to warn some of my relatives over the year. But they seem to be in a Social media Dick measuring contest with each other too far deeply involved in showing off that they don't care one bit about these things.
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I am just going to share this, this is the amount of check posts set up around Zaman Park presently:

The police are stopping everyone to walk past lane 2 and LAS. There is a very heavy police presence, there is not a single worker in sight, Imran Khan is presently in his home with his legal team.
100%, I still cannot believe it when I heard the comment about cancelling NICOP cards. They were planning on going one step further, bank accounts freeze karo, property zapt karo. You get the idea, they want to turn Pakistan into Syria, Libya or Iraq. I am so heartbroken right now, so many people have messaged me and are in fear, in fear in their own country from this own police, their own security services, their own government.

Words fail me.

The situation may appear grim, but not everything is lost, yet. No matter what the boomers sitting in the GHQ may think, it's simply not possible for the establishment to come out on top in this "two-front-war" they have declared against the youth residing within the country, and those in the diaspora overseas.

It's a rude wake-up call for the People of Pakistan who had been living under the false impression that the Military/Establishment always prioritizes the country's interests. After the initial shock and disbelief, there will be a phase of reckoning and realignment that most likely will greatly deviate from the expectations of those responsible for the present decisions. As this process unfolds, IK and Asim might not be around anymore, but their legacies will be remembered for a very long time.

There is still a possibility that, in the long term, all these challenges could actually work out in Pakistan's favor. It's a race against time, and it is really important to overcome these challenges before reaching an irrevocable breaking point.
100%, I still cannot believe it when I heard the comment about cancelling NICOP cards. They were planning on going one step further, bank accounts freeze karo, property zapt karo. You get the idea, they want to turn Pakistan into Syria, Libya or Iraq. I am so heartbroken right now, so many people have messaged me and are in fear, in fear in their own country from this own police, their own security services, their own government.

Words fail me.

As I said, baat Imran Khan say kafi agay ki hai is waqt.

What are you telling the doctors, engineers, lawyers, educated lot, keh is mulk main tumhari koi auqaat nhn hai. 50000 ki naukri karni hai to karo, agr kuch behtari lanay ki koshish ki to tumhara bura haal kar dain gay.

You have no say in how the country is run so piss off.

Karo phir rule bher bakrion kay upar.

Precisely why I left the country earlier this year. And I know 100s of more professionals that have left or in process of leaving. This is no country for us.

In my university batch, all of my close friends group of around 20 who I personally know is abroad. Working at Apple, Google, Expedia, Afiniti, Intel, Caterpillar, and a few others. Not doing power plant operator jobs like in Pakistan, but active research.

Then there's many doctors I know too.

Almost half my university batch is abroad.
What are you telling the doctors, engineers, lawyers, educated lot, keh is mulk main tumhari koi auqaat nhn hai. 50000 ki naukri karni hai to karo, agr kuch behtari lanay ki koshish ki to tumhara bura haal kar dain gay.
that is the biggest loss... these people who can question, protest and raise their voices if they leave the country... their constant demand for improvement and pinching the status quo keeps the country to betterment... brain drain is nothing compared to that.

listen to Iqbal what is Imamat.... it is he who keeps you (bezaar) upset/agitated and unrest..

man.. that one verse/concept is heavier than volumes of books.
The deliberate unleashing of terror through brutal force and gross human rights violations by the state has caused widespread panic and chaos among the public. Such acts are contrary to the principles of civilized nations, particularly when targeting their own citizens.

It should be noted that only a small number, approximately 40-60 individuals (whose identities remain unknown), were directly involved in vandalizing military installations, while the majority of protestors throughout the country maintained peaceful demonstrations.

The abduction of over 7000 civilians has severely disrupted the state's order and constitution, carrying long-term consequences. The government's response to the events of May 9th, transforming it into a propaganda campaign against a specific political party and its supporters, implementing a 5-day internet blackout, and conducting a brutal crackdown, has raised suspicions that it may have been orchestrated by the government itself to discredit the opposition, which holds majority support.

The current regime will not maintain its hold on power indefinitely, and the repercussions of their actions will become evident in the future.
The situation may appear grim, but not everything is lost, yet. No matter what the boomers sitting in the GHQ may think, it's simply not possible for the establishment to come out on top in this "two-front-war" they have declared against the youth residing within the country, and those in the diaspora overseas.

It's a rude wake-up call for the People of Pakistan who had been living under the false impression that the Military/Establishment always prioritizes the country's interests. After the initial shock and disbelief, there will be a phase of reckoning and realignment that most likely will greatly deviate from the expectations of those responsible for the present decisions. As this process unfolds, IK and Asim might not be around anymore, but their legacies will be remembered for a very long time.

There is still a possibility that, in the long term, all these challenges could actually work out in Pakistan's favor. It's a race against time, and it is really important to overcome these challenges before reaching an irrevocable breaking point.
I am not so optimistic, exhibit A: the manner in which Hafiz Whisky was frothing at the mouth at the Sialkot address, you'd think India invaded and captured Lahore. Any normal/sensible/patriotic COAS would have been this pissed off at the failure of the nation to make any headway on the socio-economic front in the past 50 years. I would have cared less what IK or any two bit politician would have said about me, I would have been more incensed with the mission to do all that was humanly possible to make things right, the day Bangladesh beat Pakistan on all economic indicators. And this is the system thinking amongst the sepoys. They are irredeemable, only way they can be reformed is by forcing them...IK sadly is not that revolutionary.
Heard ID cards, passports are being cancelled for overseas Pakistanis who use online platforms to attack our beloved armed forces ❤
Fcuk the ‘beloved’ armed forces - I mean army. PAF and navy are professionals unlike duffer army generals..

Gen Asif Nawaz
Wasn’t he murdered by Nawaz sharif…

If only we had a John Wick in Pakistan
Need some ex-SSG to do a John wick on the corrupt pdm leadership…
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