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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Basically if you guys don’t kill few of these bastads (noon leagues, anp, maulana diesel..)using this occasion, then you guys remembered as pussy cats like your stupid pacifist leader vis a vis of India after kashmir annexcion
🤦‍♂️ Yaar bhai maaf kerdo. Like if PTI don’t kill them they are bad. But the ones protecting them are angels.

Like seriously unbound by logic and sense.
How hard is it for you to say that vandalising public property or civilian struture is not okay and i don't condone this. stop with bloody logic
And what about vandalising high court?
And from when did Army's property become public property? Go tell some army men that they are in public property they will show you how much public property it is.
What accounts on twitter have the best updates regarding the situation?
But I have fond memories there 😊
I remember as a kid to throw litter to the sniffer dogs who would tear the wrappers etc. whenever I had a chance at VIP events pre-sweeping.

And I mostly bought tins of soft drinks, as the bakery used to have super chilled ones.
I ill insult all of you lineage starting from baba Adam, if you say again i am a tout of PDM—- i hate them as much as pigs and pajeets
@Signalian making you guys proud :D

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Sir this has been mentioned three times all by ex services personnel on social media. Also table talk in Pindi points in this direction.

The real deal will be when Chaklala Cantt spurs into action.
But what does this mean? Sahir Mirza taking over
A soft coup (like a fk you to Asim munir and co) or is there a provision in the army act for the joint chief.

Also, if hafiz sb steps down, then I am assuming the intent is to cool the people down, and that means there is no threat of emergency, is there?
The ball is in PDM and Army court whether see Pakistan going down the Syria route where people will eventually be fed up and take up arms or be logical and forget for a day that America does not exist and give chance to your own damn people.

let them choose for themselves the PDM Army elite have ruled this country enough all for what nothing but zalalat for the people making the elites ever more powerful so they can lick American and foreign shoes of degeneracy.

Stop this imposition on your people Allah da vaste je or else a bleak future lays ahead for the elite who will be soon victim to the hatred they have instilled in the common man.

It's SC vs Company now.
Hahaha. 😂

I’ve been labelled “paid party member” and “PTI shill” by every nooni on PDF, never thought I’d be labelled as someone who “talks smack about PTI”.

LOL. That is nothing. I was hated for speaking the truth about the military for years here. Until people "discovered" the truth after the removal of their icon. Now I am hated for not being an IK cultit.

Why must we swing from one extreme to the other as a nation, when the way forward only belongs in the middle?
And what about vandalising high court?
And from when did Army's property become public property? Go tell some army men that they are in public property they will show you how much public property it is.
You're fucking delusional. Military installation are public property but have the right to reserve entry. That is how it work everywhere in the world. they don't let any tom dick and harry to barge right in and make it their home.
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