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Our uniform is our coffin cloth, believes Pakistan's Soldier

stop complaining and whining.
Gen Zia (bless him) had no such baggage. if he was our president / COAS then this TTP along with Mother of TTP (Molvi Aziz) would have been sent to hell by now.

learn from best Muslims
the Saudi Army
they kill both the Saudis, yemanis, Behranis and no one says a word. KSA has killed in Grand Mosque and outside the Grand Mosque as well. No one has issue with thier Islam. I oppose them politically on few things but I admire the unappologetic attitude of the ruling family and its forces and people love them for it.

and Saudi soldiers dont join army to die.. they join to kill the enemies of KSA

if the warriors of Battle of Badr had this mentality of Pakistani soldier then we would have been wiped out
they went there to win.

Death/ shahadat shoudnt be the goal or purpose of going to fight where your heard will be chopped off in a video and your body might be desecrated. instead why not let your enemy eat dust and drown in his own blood and thank Allah for the vicotry?

How does Zia come into this o_O?.
Do you know what would happen if the soldier said he's going to kill, kill and Kill ruthlessly?. There are people who scrutinize the armed forces so much that its unhealthy, as for KSA, how's campaign in Yemen going for them?, but that's off topic. The entire loyalty of soldiers of KSA lies with one thing.
The fact is Pakistanis will protest against brutality of army, and when they're not brutal they're criticized...
It's wiser for the army to talk humble and carry the big stick, that said if the army is not killing their foes, then what is Zarb-e-Azb for?.
I respect your views , still want to put a reverse narrative.

It is honest , emotional people like you, corrupt & cruel leaders can continue their rule. They sell nationalism and promote, romanticize death to people like you and me. We will fight at frontline actually to protect our leaders/ establishment.

When you die loss will be for you , your family which will never be fulfilled , rest is myth , propaganda or make believe to inspire you to die

Indeed that is a perfectly viable explanation but that has always been the case. Someone has to pay the price of fealty be it to a ruler, system or government and that's why the soldier class exists. It is our job to uphold the status quo as has been the job of my ancestors. Over time, our family has protected the Khukhrain Kingdom, Punjab (Under Ranjit Singh), India (Under British Raj) and subsequently Pakistan.
We would love to see a peaceful world without violence, my heart goes out to my fellow soldiers across the border as well, we both live an equally difficult life but until peace can be established, we will have to pay the price in blood.

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