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Our nuclear weapons are not for Diwali: PM Modi

Even off topic
Plebicite is for all of j&k not a part of it only

India openly did attack on it's attackers, what could you do??
Agree for a joint patrol...

Iran just showed you your place bybtitbfor tat reapores and you had to agree ....

Only difference is we don't keep our person's on sale...

We are gradually improving our sanitation problem, where do you stand

Who said Pakistan is unwilling to hold a plebicite?

Lets get some impartial UN officals and have a fair and free plebicite, what do you have to hide?.......


Openly attack? :rofl:
You came by night, hit a few trees and ran!!
That has been proven by world media and no vedic science can change that.

And it's funy how you people spin peace as weekness, you people only know the language of violence.
Normanl people talk their problems though, not throw impotent rages and then predent to kill 350 imaginary people.

It may be election histeria... every wannabe mussalini is talking a big game of killing minorties and "teaching lessons" yet all they can do is shit in their own holy river.
Who said Pakistan is unwilling to hold a plebicite?

Lets get some impartial UN officals and have a fair and free plebicite, what do you have to hide?.......


Openly attack? :rofl:
You came by night, hit a few trees and ran!!
That has been proven by world media and no vedic science can change that.

And it's funy how you people spin peace as weekness, you people only know the language of violence.
Normanl people talk their problems though, not throw impotent rages and then predent to kill 350 imaginary people.

It may be election histeria... every wannabe mussalini is talking a big game of killing minorties and "teaching lessons" yet all they can do is shit in their own holy river.
Pakistan can surely handover Azad Kashmir to us and ask us a plebicite

An attack which changed the day , an attack which changed the status quo, calledp upon pakistani nuclear blackmail, crossed over international border and attacking on pakistan territory is some thing what you have to live with....
In the end all you people are left with upper hand is a pakistani forum
Pakistan can surely handover Azad Kashmir to us and ask us a plebicite

An attack which changed the day , an attack which changed the status quo, calledp upon pakistani nuclear blackmail, crossed over international border and attacking on pakistan territory is some thing what you have to live with....
In the end all you people are left with upper hand is a pakistani forum

Why dont you hand over IOK and then let us hold the plebicite?

Just becuase you people are stupid, you thinkt he word is.
Your PM genuinly thought that the world would just sit there beleive him when "350" people were killed in Balakot. Instead he got humiliated when the world ask simple questions.

What I mean is, no one trusts India so why should we?
Also, why are you so afraid of the vote? Why are you saying rediculous things as a pre-requisite?

as for the blackmail nonsense, on that day India lost minimum 6 personell on that day alone and we lost none.
If anything I am scared that Pakistan might get too confident.
Why dont you hand over IOK and then let us hold the plebicite?

Just becuase you people are stupid, you thinkt he word is.
Your PM genuinly thought that the world would just sit there beleive him when "350" people were killed in Balakot. Instead he got humiliated when the world ask simple questions.

What I mean is, no one trusts India so why should we?
Also, why are you so afraid of the vote? Why are you saying rediculous things as a pre-requisite?

as for the blackmail nonsense, on that day India lost minimum 6 personell on that day alone and we lost none.
If anything I am scared that Pakistan might get too confident.

Pakistan has no say on plebicite. That's why your government never speaks about it
A country where a person can't raise his voice , can't lecture about free speech.

No one trusts pakistan and even once your friends call you liars to core. Your reputation is as good as dead after osama is killed.

We might have lost 6 men for an accident , but pakistan never loses any because their men are disavowed
Pakistan has no say on plebicite. That's why your government never speaks about it
A country where a person can't raise his voice , can't lecture about free speech.

No one trusts pakistan and even once your friends call you liars to core. Your reputation is as good as dead after osama is killed.

We might have lost 6 men for an accident , but pakistan never loses any because their men are disavowed

We didn't sign any treaty with anyone about giving a vote. Our claim to Kashmir is
1. India agreed that Muslim majority would go with Pakistan.
2. Indian Invasion of Hydrabad an other princly parts with Muslim rulers but Hindu Majority.

However, in the name of peace we are willing to be part of the vote.
Allow UN to set up offices in both Indian and Pakistani Kashmir, allow them to hold a free and fair vote. Give people the chance to choose thier desity, like a democracy should.
What are you afraid of?
Why do you guys keep hiding behind "technicalites" ?

I'm sorry, but Unlike India no one here is labled an anti national ad then threatened with their life.
India is so far gone in freedom of speech and every ther metrics of democracy that even the world press is picking it up.

And the world media sure did trust our version of Ballakot:azn:

And more Indian fairy tales, end of the day you guys lost 6 men confirmed while we lost no one. ( I am not even including the 2 pilots from the Su30, or those officers that committed suicie)
We didn't sign any treaty with anyone about giving a vote. Our claim to Kashmir is
1. India agreed that Muslim majority would go with Pakistan.
2. Indian Invasion of Hydrabad an other princly parts with Muslim rulers but Hindu Majority.

However, in the name of peace we are willing to be part of the vote.
Allow UN to set up offices in both Indian and Pakistani Kashmir, allow them to hold a free and fair vote. Give people the chance to choose thier desity, like a democracy should.
What are you afraid of?
Why do you guys keep hiding behind "technicalites" ?

I'm sorry, but Unlike India no one here is labled an anti national ad then threatened with their life.
India is so far gone in freedom of speech and every ther metrics of democracy that even the world press is picking it up.

And the world media sure did trust our version of Ballakot:azn:

And more Indian fairy tales, end of the day you guys lost 6 men confirmed while we lost no one. ( I am not even including the 2 pilots from the Su30, or those officers that committed suicie)
Pakistan has no say wrt plebicite
The procedures were laid well before

Unlike pakistan people won't run away from country with fear for life...
There is freedom of speech in our country otherwise no one would speak.

According to whom did world media believed you people.. you lack trust factor...

We never disowned our men who laid their lives. We lost few good but you lost your bargaining chip

We didn't sign any treaty with anyone about giving a vote. Our claim to Kashmir is
1. India agreed that Muslim majority would go with Pakistan.
2. Indian Invasion of Hydrabad an other princly parts with Muslim rulers but Hindu Majority.

However, in the name of peace we are willing to be part of the vote.
Allow UN to set up offices in both Indian and Pakistani Kashmir, allow them to hold a free and fair vote. Give people the chance to choose thier desity, like a democracy should.
What are you afraid of?
Why do you guys keep hiding behind "technicalites" ?

I'm sorry, but Unlike India no one here is labled an anti national ad then threatened with their life.
India is so far gone in freedom of speech and every ther metrics of democracy that even the world press is picking it up.

And the world media sure did trust our version of Ballakot:azn:

And more Indian fairy tales, end of the day you guys lost 6 men confirmed while we lost no one. ( I am not even including the 2 pilots from the Su30, or those officers that committed suicie)
The only mistake pakistan did was to attack Kashmir even before Maharaja took a decision.....
This mistake costed both countries, even today
Why do you think we keep churning our reactors for? Either it will be used for nukes or for nuclear submarines, we need tons of it and we have it, World keeps a hawkish eye on each gm of uranium or plutonium we produce or buy and they know it...

Do you realize what 200 requires? China is estimated to have near 300, same for France and UK. The only countries with warheads in thousands is Russia and America. Pakistan and India are estimated to have 150 each. So just think what it requires.
Do you realize what 200 requires? China is estimated to have near 300, same for France and UK. The only countries with warheads in thousands is Russia and America. Pakistan and India are estimated to have 150 each. So just think what it requires.
Tu jaa bhai, hamare pass Lavda Lahasun hai, hamare bomb fuski hai, unke baarood mein paani chala gaya hai, ab toh apni economy pe dhyaan dedo!!!!!:hitwall:
Who said Pakistan is unwilling to hold a plebicite?

Lets get some impartial UN officals and have a fair and free plebicite, what do you have to hide?.......


Openly attack? :rofl:
You came by night, hit a few trees and ran!!
That has been proven by world media and no vedic science can change that.

And it's funy how you people spin peace as weekness, you people only know the language of violence.
Normanl people talk their problems though, not throw impotent rages and then predent to kill 350 imaginary people.

It may be election histeria... every wannabe mussalini is talking a big game of killing minorties and "teaching lessons" yet all they can do is shit in their own holy river.

"pAkiStAn rEfuSeS pLeBiSiTe BeCaUsE tHeY iNvAdEd kAsHmIr"
Enemy cannot harm you as much as an inept leader does.

Just imagine what harm has India cased to Pakistan under Modi? What has India gained since Modi came into power? And then think what has India lost since... how much internal hatred, fragmentation, extremism and division it has created within that is available for enemies of India to exploit.
Tu jaa bhai, hamare pass Lavda Lahasun hai, hamare bomb fuski hai, unke baarood mein paani chala gaya hai, ab toh apni economy pe dhyaan dedo!!!!!:hitwall:

Bas faltu mein over jab jawab na ho. Ab meine yeh bhi nhi kaha. Likin keep denying reality, idc.
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