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Our nuclear weapons are not for Diwali: PM Modi

You have to mentally handicapped to think that if you nuke your neighbour some how you wont be affected. This level of hubris shown across the Indian society in relevance to Nuclear Exchange between India and Pakistan had left be dumbfounded. Had no sanity left in the whole of India, if there is any nuclear exchange the fate of humanity is sealed on this planet.
At the end of the day, all 3 leaders got what they deserved.
Black spot o

What piece?
By your own treaty, Kashmir does not belong to you until you hold a plebiscite.

This is the treaty you signed with the Maharaja and nothing to do with pakistan or UN.

Give it a rest man. India is huge, you can barely control what you have, why do you need to take panga in Kashmir?
All problems with Pakistan will be solved by by India holding a simple vote.

But then again, you people are used to a 1000 years of humiliation and enjoy it when we humiliate you like in Feb.
Do you know the pre requisite for a plebicite .....
And who said we ain't stable except you...

It's humiliating to be your neighbor
Do you know the pre requisite for a plebicite .....
And who said we ain't stable except you...

It's humiliating to be your neighbor
There is no prerequsite. You signed a treaty with the Maharajah that says to legally take over Kashmir, you need to hold a plebiscite. That treaty is what you base your claim on Kashmir on, as per that treaty you can't claim Kashmir until the plebiscite.

well you did loose 40 troops the other month, so what do I know :whistle:

I agree, it is humiliating to be your neighbor too many bob and vagana and shitting in holy river.
There is no prerequsite. You signed a treaty with the Maharajah that says to legally take over Kashmir, you need to hold a plebiscite. That treaty is what you base your claim on Kashmir on, as per that treaty you can't claim Kashmir until the plebiscite.

well you did loose 40 troops the other month, so what do I know :whistle:

I agree, it is humiliating to be your neighbor too many bob and vagana and shitting in holy river.
Prerequisite hold for all Kashmir not a part of it

You lost 14 atapoint blank in Balochistan hardly few days back.... So did it make pakistan weak

Lucky for us , our Bob's and vagina are not transported to china ..
And shit flows west
In case of war India would not need nuclear weapons to defeat Pakistan
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.
-William Shakespeare (As you like it)

Isn't it too late for such "theatrical" assertions??? The following is what a true 7x larger power would do to her nemesis:
  • Carry out a successful surgical strike which can't be intercepted
  • If any enemy fighters try to intercept shoot it down, and hand over any living pilots
  • Show the ops with the audio-visuals in a press conference where questions are allowed
  • Warn the enemy not to go for any further escalation
  • etc.
Prerequisite hold for all Kashmir not a part of it

You lost 14 atapoint blank in Balochistan hardly few days back.... So did it make pakistan weak

Lucky for us , our Bob's and vagina are not transported to china ..
And shit flows west
Sure, we will hold a plebecite in Azad Kashmir and gilgit baltistan any day of the week.
Spoiler, this is how Kashmiris greeted Pak army after the cought abhinandan

Democracy is based on respecting the will of the people. I don't see any democracy in India.

The difference is that after we lost the troops, we went to Iran and have agreed in a joint border patrol.
We didn't fly into an impotent rage and pretend to kill 350 people only to admit nothing happened 2 months later.

That was really humiliating for you guys.

And your Bob's and vagana are transported world wide. It's such a problem that pewdipie even had to make a music video on it :lol:

Also Indians are known for low IQ but you can't be so dumb to not know that your holy ganaga, filled with human excrement, flows east...... No I take it back, you are that dumb.
At the moment, Modi himself has turned into a vote-seeking missile. Consequently, all his BS should be viewed, in this perspective.
So in simple terms what is meant to say is that conventionally we had out arse handed to us so we are now going to nuclear threat.

Where are all those Indians who use to harp about conventionally superiority and declared no first use policy. they use to think that the nukes are not even Pakistan centric.

It only required one proper engagement and their sand castle of hyper power came crashing down.
If modi wins ..

Pak must plan for a nuclear war.... And aim shud b winning it
Sure, we will hold a plebecite in Azad Kashmir and gilgit baltistan any day of the week.
Spoiler, this is how Kashmiris greeted Pak army after the cought abhinandan

Democracy is based on respecting the will of the people. I don't see any democracy in India.

The difference is that after we lost the troops, we went to Iran and have agreed in a joint border patrol.

We didn't fly into an impotent rage and pretend to kill 350 people only to admit nothing happened 2 months later.

That was really humiliating for you guys.

And your Bob's and vagana are transported world wide. It's such a problem that pewdipie even had to make a music video on it :lol:

Also Indians are known for low IQ but you can't be so dumb to not know that your holy ganaga, filled with human excrement, flows east...... No I take it back, you are that dumb.
Even off topic
Plebicite is for all of j&k not a part of it only

India openly did attack on it's attackers, what could you do??
Agree for a joint patrol...

Iran just showed you your place bybtitbfor tat reapores and you had to agree ....

Only difference is we don't keep our person's on sale...

We are gradually improving our sanitation problem, where do you stand
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