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Our Indian headache!

Indians should stop talking bad about biggest charitable worker of Pakistan Hafiz Saeed "SAHIB" .....and mind their own bussiness ..............it doesnot matter if UN has banned his organisations and labelled him as terrorist .......it doesnot matter that USA has put 10 million dollar bounty on his head .............he is just a charitable worker

just like Taliban was in Afghanisatan ............
Perhaps, suppressed hatred of centuries spent under Muslim rule
Off all the bushyte written, this got to my nerve...

Muslim -us- pakistanis and Hindu- India- as "them" is what pakistanis should get over first.

There must be a plethora of reasons why inspite of a being a relgious and cultutral potpurri , India has a decent standing in worldly affairs.There must be a reason why this country is sending probes to mars.

Sadly the article is nothing more than an hindu India bashing article guised as a n intellectual afterthought,.perhaps the writer himself or herself was indoctrinated at young age to hate the inferior hindu baniya. Some soul searching needed on that end.
I agree with the author...I have seen some of the interviews of NDTV and IBN live...They are simply out of sync with reality...Pakistan is in tough situation...Let us stand by the good people of Pakistan...We know we have to deal with Hafeez Sayeed and LeT people in Pakistan...But honestly, this is not the time to rake up such issues...Every issue needs some rght time and right situation...So i agree with author about unnecessary obsession of Indian media with Peswar issue...

Pakistan being in a tough situation is a melody they've been singing for a long time. They have only themselves to blame. The perpetrator of Mumbai is free, then what proof do we have that they are even trying to clamp down on terrorism. The whole episode on Dawood....they're harboring a DRUG DEALER simply because he's against India. It's almost like US giving sanctuary to Pablo Escobar to settle scores with Mexico. I'm sorry but their seriousness in tackling this issue is lacking. As long as Hafiz Saeed is waltzing around, their domestic terrorism will not end because it comes from the same ideology.
I agree with the author...I have seen some of the interviews of NDTV and IBN live...They are simply out of sync with reality...Pakistan is in tough situation...Let us stand by the good people of Pakistan...We know we have to deal with Hafeez Sayeed and LeT people in Pakistan...But honestly, this is not the time to rake up such issues...Every issue needs some rght time and right situation...So i agree with author about unnecessary obsession of Indian media with Peswar issue...

Its folks like yourself that fuk India over and over again
Then, out of the blue came Narendra Modi’s condemnation of the attacks and his decision toobserve a two-minute silence in the Indian parliament and in schools in solidarity with the victims. Even a hardened Modi-hater like me was moved.

What's the reason of this unknown hatreds towards Modi(Post Godhra Riots most probably still it has nothing to do with Pakistan) ?

Not that anyone cares what their rabid media thinks but because Islamabad had promised to some of its closest allies that it will not let anything of the sort happen in the aftermath of Mumbai and since then, has walked the talk.
Its not promise to us its a obligations as mature n responsible country worldwide... Secondly if Pakistan has grown a muscle to stop anti India activity within its own soil than why it couldn't prevent Peshawar n other attacks on its own people ? Things have changed drastically post 9/11 n then 26/11 which forced Pakistan to change their stance on terrorism.....

What it doesn’t see is that its actual problem is the Hindu terror/extremist terror problem.
Do you see any Hindu behind 9/11, Madrid, London bombings n Isis carnage?
Yes we have few fringe elements or extremist but not terrorists( Two three isolated cases doesn't qualify for the cases of labelling Hindu terrorism). Nor you would see any mass support for these groups unlike ISIS,TALbani n etc....

Perhaps, suppressed hatred of centuries spent under Muslim rule. But it has made our lives hell.
We never encouraged you to become a loyal soldiers of US during Soviet invasion in Afghanistan(Many Pakistan do boast how they ousted red army from Muslim soil but they forget what price they have been paying for wars of American). We never encouraged Pakistan even to participate in post 9/11 .... This entire mess is created by Pakistan itself .. A little introspection would help them....

Lastly writer have a foul cry instead a honest analysis of today's situation.
I would not whole heartedly agree to what is written in the article.
Yes, our media went hullabaloo about Pakistan's karma after the attack.But they also showed us the carnage which took place in Peshawar that day.
Believe me when I say that the attack in Peshawar was covered the same way 26/11 was covered by our channels, which goes on to show why the whole country (India) came together to mourn the death of the innocent souls in Pakistan on 16th December.
Media, whether in India or Pakistan think its their prerogative to go about jumping into conclusions. As soon as an attack takes places,media passes its judgement blaming the fractious relations between the 2 countries and the terrorists from across the border (though in some cases it does hold true).
Media is a rabble rouser in both the countries!!!

But am still glad that amid all this din there're some in Pakistan and India who feel that both the countries should get over its past before our countries get caught in the vicious cycle of hatred and terrorism.

Now there's something in the article which I think is not true.
Guess why was Gandhiji killed? Because he had protested against the Indian government’s decision to deprive the newborn country of its due cash balance.
Afaik Gandhiji fasted so that the hindu-muslim attacks would die down.And was subsequently killed for the same reason by Godse as he (and his group) saw Gandhiji as a man responsible for splintering India.
Do correct me if I'm wrong.
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I would not whole heartedly agree to what is written in the article.
Yes, our media went hullabaloo about Pakistan's karma after the attack.But they also showed us the carnage which took place in Peshawar that day.
Believe me when I say that the attack in Peshawar was covered the way 26/11 was covered by our channels, which goes on to show why the whole country (India) came together to mourn the death of the innocent souls in Pakistan on 16th December.
Media, whether in India or Pakistan think its their prerogative to go about jumping into conclusions. As soon as an attack takes places,media passes its judgement blaming the fractious relations between the 2 countries and the terrorists from across the border (though in some cases it does hold true).
Media is a rabble rouser in both the countries!!!

But am still glad that amid all this din there're some in Pakistan and India who feel that both the countries should get over its past before our countries get caught in the vicious cycle of hatred and terrorism.

Now there's something in the article which I think is not true.

Afaik Gandhiji fasted so that the hindu-muslim attacks would die down.And was subsequently killed for the same reason by Godse as he (and his group) saw Gandhiji as a man responsible for splintering of India.
Do correct me if I'm wrong.

I don't agree with the article except reactions from indian media after Peshawar attack.....
I agree with the author...I have seen some of the interviews of NDTV and IBN live...They are simply out of sync with reality...Pakistan is in tough situation...Let us stand by the good people of Pakistan...We know we have to deal with Hafeez Sayeed and LeT people in Pakistan...But honestly, this is not the time to rake up such issues...Every issue needs some rght time and right situation...So i agree with author about unnecessary obsession of Indian media with Peswar issue...
anyonewho are simply out of sync with reality will make things worst for them
So according to the author it is wrong that the Indian media pointed out that the Peshawar attack happened due to the sheltering of the terrorist groups by the Pakistani establishment?
A lot of Iranian people have played roles of Pakistani terrorists, is that because of centuries of repression or because we look similar and get cast in roles like these.
The author is a confused terrorist apologist who is trying to deflect the laser like focus of people on the terrorist groups and pressure on the establishment to rid of these extremists, by bringing in all kinds of extraneous stuff.
.....Islamabad had promised to some of its closest allies that it will not let anything of the sort happen in the aftermath of Mumbai and since then, has walked the talk.
What the hell does this mean ... that pakistan supported the 26/11 massacre and would have done more had it not for these "closest allies"

Let me translate that for you, I understand it is extremely difficult for you to do so yourself.

The statement covers Pakistan's continued stance on its war against terrorism and its commitment to ensure that no 'rogue' elements within its territory, which covers Azad Kashmir and her freedom fighters, are again able to pose any threat to India and also that Pakistan will ensure that its citizens or residents or anyone affiliated with Pakistan is ever used in any false flag operation!

Basically, it is a continued commitment and not something that was established post Mumbai attacks. This policy was adopted back in 1999 when Musharraf assumed power as he wanted to resolve all outstanding issues amicably and through dialogue.
I think the real headache for these people who are terrorist apologist is that the tragedy brought a huge number of Indian and Pakistani people in sync. Both were having the same feeling and asking the same questions. A huge number of Pakistani people saw the outpouring of sympathy and anger from India and biggest hit was done by modi who declared 2 minutes of silence in schools and Parliament, was done throughout the country.
The people of Pakistan realized that the biggest problem is not India anymore but the terrorist groups.
So these apologists are trying to deflect attention from the terrorists. AND it is a headache for them that this is not as easily done as before.
:lol: one of the comments made on tribune site is apt

It is indeed shocking to see an supposed intellectual tell his countrymen that his country has become what it has today not because of its own effort but by machinations of another neighboring country. Please ponder for a moment what you are saying, that ones fate and fortune is not in our own hands but that of our neighbors. There is no shortage of spin masters with their conspiracy theories, but trying to deflect blame away from the forces within unleashing terror reflects a particular mindset and where your sympathies lie. Hate and jealously as emotions can deliver nothing but mental torture, try love and compassion and see the difference in your life. May the Almighty give solace and succour to your disturbed mind and heal it swiftly and painlessly.

Dude, that article is Anti-India and not Liberal at all. The comment about the obsession being nonsensical was added by the OP himself, not the author.

@Zarvan doesn't read. any article from pakistan english media, he assumes pro india. he only believes in urdu media.

By the time these lines reach you, I am sure you would have read a host of pieces on the cruelty and barbarity of the Peshawar School massacre. Let me then express my heartfelt sorrow and move on to a byproduct of the sad episode. The tragedy occurred on December 16, the anniversary of the secession of East Pakistan in which India had contributed generously. It was natural that someone would mention India on one of our talk shows, even if in passing. Distraught Pakistanis have always heard rumours that India, through the Karzai government, might have befriended the TTP.

Then, out of the blue came Narendra Modi’s condemnation of the attacks and his decision toobserve a two-minute silence in the Indian parliament and in schools in solidarity with the victims. Even a hardened Modi-hater like me was moved. Yet if we were expecting to witness a change of heart in India, we were sadly mistaken. Within no time, Indian channels started interviewing Pakistani experts on telephone and every anchor would so callously trying to tell us that this is some sort of karma for harbouring the likes of Hafiz Saeed. One talk show was titled “Bad Taliban, Good Hafiz Saeed?” Pray, what was his connection with the Peshawar tragedy? Nothing. Just the old Indian attention-seeking tactic. It has to be the ultimate victim of terror. Secular India now regularly projects its Muslim population as a potential radical threat to grab international attention. Not that it is any of my business.

Subsequently, the appearance of Hafiz Saeed on national television, some rude comments about India and Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi’s release on bail, were to prove godsend for India’s Pakistan bashing industry. Now it was as if the innocent little angels were not butchered in Peshawar but in India. Since then, the Indian media is acting as if an attack on it is imminent. Sorry to disappoint the drama queens there, but nothing of the sort is to happen. Not that anyone cares what their rabid media thinks but because Islamabad had promised to some of its closest allies that it will not let anything of the sort happen in the aftermath of Mumbai and since then, has walked the talk.

Keen as India is to remind us that we have a Muslim terrorist problem, it has never tried to search its own soul. If Pakistan is a security state today, it is because since its very inception, India has exerted tremendous pressure on the nascent country through its soft power. Guess why was Gandhiji killed? Because he had protested against the Indian government’s decision to deprive the newborn country of its due cash balance. Indian rulers and important ministers continuously kept predicting our premature demise. Indian actors have accepted some of the worst roles in foreign films depicting Pakistanis. It is not about the four open wars that the two countries fought. It is about a single indivisible cold war that India has fought against my poor country and transformed us into the great regional tragedy.

Ever wonder why Pakistanis think India might have a hand in terrorism within Pakistan? It’s new national security adviser Ajit Doval’s video is online in which he confesses of spending seven years as undercover agent in Pakistan as a Muslim shrine devotee.. Who knows how many others are here doing what?

I don’t know what this inferiority-superiority complex thing is that India keeps channelling. Perhaps, suppressed hatred of centuries spent under Muslim rule. But it has made our lives hell. India says Pakistan has a Muslim terror problem. We sure do. Terrorists just killed 132 of our children. India says it has a Muslim terror problem of its own. What it doesn’t see is that its actual problem is the Hindu terror/extremist terror problem. Why do you think Pakistan parted its ways with India? Hindu-Muslim riots there have cost 10,000 lives since 1950. Pakistan’s fault? How do you think Modi rose to power? Until India doesn’t confront this menace, its secularism will remain a sham and it won’t be the hegemon it wants to be. It has subconsciously chosen to remain a petty country not a regional power. Otherwise sirs, stop worrying about us and move on.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 20th, 2014.

When will this non-sensical obsession with India end?

@Pakistani shaheens @ChennaiDude @Akheilos @Hyperion @Soumitra @TimeTraveller @pursuit of happiness @TankMan @T-123456 @madooxno9 @scorpionx @Capt.Popeye @Tridibans @christian warrior @GR!FF!N @SpArK @utraash @Falcon29 @levina @Jf Thunder @Metanoia @halupridol @Krate M @dexter @jbgt90 @Pride @Star Wars @ROCKING @waleed3601 @ShowGun @danish_vij @manojb @Wolfhound @Koovie @KingMamba @venu309 @Pak_Sher @OrionHunter @Dr. NooB NinjA @UDAYCAMPU
@wolfschanzze @TheFlyingPretzel @DRAY @narcon @madooxno9 @danish_vij @FaujHistorian @1000 @FNFAL @gau8av @ROCKING @abhi21 @naveen mishra @Marxist @Kunwar Anurag Rathore @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Krate M @MastanKhan @Agent Smith @shuntmaster @dexter @Slav Defence @sur @XenoEnsi-14 @TankMan @DESERT FIGHTER @p100 @BDforever @hunter_hunted @Mav3rick @rockstar08 @asad71 @Major Sam @pursuit of happiness @Faizan Memon @Spy Master @ozzy22 @Manticore @war khan @ShowGun @Afridistan @Razia Sultana @madmusti @farhan_9909 @ghazaliy2k @Khalid Newazi

Thanks for tagging Sir.......:cheers:

By the time these lines reach you, I am sure you would have read a host of pieces on the cruelty and barbarity of the Peshawar School massacre. Let me then express my heartfelt sorrow and move on to a byproduct of the sad episode. The tragedy occurred on December 16, the anniversary of the secession of East Pakistan in which India had contributed generously. It was natural that someone would mention India on one of our talk shows, even if in passing. Distraught Pakistanis have always heard rumours that India, through the Karzai government, might have befriended the TTP.

Then, out of the blue came Narendra Modi’s condemnation of the attacks and his decision toobserve a two-minute silence in the Indian parliament and in schools in solidarity with the victims. Even a hardened Modi-hater like me was moved. Yet if we were expecting to witness a change of heart in India, we were sadly mistaken. Within no time, Indian channels started interviewing Pakistani experts on telephone and every anchor would so callously trying to tell us that this is some sort of karma for harbouring the likes of Hafiz Saeed. One talk show was titled “Bad Taliban, Good Hafiz Saeed?” Pray, what was his connection with the Peshawar tragedy? Nothing. Just the old Indian attention-seeking tactic. It has to be the ultimate victim of terror. Secular India now regularly projects its Muslim population as a potential radical threat to grab international attention. Not that it is any of my business.

Subsequently, the appearance of Hafiz Saeed on national television, some rude comments about India and Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi’s release on bail, were to prove godsend for India’s Pakistan bashing industry. Now it was as if the innocent little angels were not butchered in Peshawar but in India. Since then, the Indian media is acting as if an attack on it is imminent. Sorry to disappoint the drama queens there, but nothing of the sort is to happen. Not that anyone cares what their rabid media thinks but because Islamabad had promised to some of its closest allies that it will not let anything of the sort happen in the aftermath of Mumbai and since then, has walked the talk.

Keen as India is to remind us that we have a Muslim terrorist problem, it has never tried to search its own soul. If Pakistan is a security state today, it is because since its very inception, India has exerted tremendous pressure on the nascent country through its soft power. Guess why was Gandhiji killed? Because he had protested against the Indian government’s decision to deprive the newborn country of its due cash balance. Indian rulers and important ministers continuously kept predicting our premature demise. Indian actors have accepted some of the worst roles in foreign films depicting Pakistanis. It is not about the four open wars that the two countries fought. It is about a single indivisible cold war that India has fought against my poor country and transformed us into the great regional tragedy.

Ever wonder why Pakistanis think India might have a hand in terrorism within Pakistan? It’s new national security adviser Ajit Doval’s video is online in which he confesses of spending seven years as undercover agent in Pakistan as a Muslim shrine devotee.. Who knows how many others are here doing what?

I don’t know what this inferiority-superiority complex thing is that India keeps channelling. Perhaps, suppressed hatred of centuries spent under Muslim rule. But it has made our lives hell. India says Pakistan has a Muslim terror problem. We sure do. Terrorists just killed 132 of our children. India says it has a Muslim terror problem of its own. What it doesn’t see is that its actual problem is the Hindu terror/extremist terror problem. Why do you think Pakistan parted its ways with India? Hindu-Muslim riots there have cost 10,000 lives since 1950. Pakistan’s fault? How do you think Modi rose to power? Until India doesn’t confront this menace, its secularism will remain a sham and it won’t be the hegemon it wants to be. It has subconsciously chosen to remain a petty country not a regional power. Otherwise sirs, stop worrying about us and move on.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 20th, 2014.

When will this non-sensical obsession with India end?

@Pakistani shaheens @ChennaiDude @Akheilos @Hyperion @Soumitra @TimeTraveller @pursuit of happiness @TankMan @T-123456 @madooxno9 @scorpionx @Capt.Popeye @Tridibans @christian warrior @GR!FF!N @SpArK @utraash @Falcon29 @levina @Jf Thunder @Metanoia @halupridol @Krate M @dexter @jbgt90 @Pride @Star Wars @ROCKING @waleed3601 @ShowGun @danish_vij @manojb @Wolfhound @Koovie @KingMamba @venu309 @Pak_Sher @OrionHunter @Dr. NooB NinjA @UDAYCAMPU
@wolfschanzze @TheFlyingPretzel @DRAY @narcon @madooxno9 @danish_vij @FaujHistorian @1000 @FNFAL @gau8av @ROCKING @abhi21 @naveen mishra @Marxist @Kunwar Anurag Rathore @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Krate M @MastanKhan @Agent Smith @shuntmaster @dexter @Slav Defence @sur @XenoEnsi-14 @TankMan @DESERT FIGHTER @p100 @BDforever @hunter_hunted @Mav3rick @rockstar08 @asad71 @Major Sam @pursuit of happiness @Faizan Memon @Spy Master @ozzy22 @Manticore @war khan @ShowGun @Afridistan @Razia Sultana @madmusti @farhan_9909 @ghazaliy2k @Khalid Newazi
Well I mostly don't agree with this Guy but this time he has said right and sorry but around 10000 people only died in Gujarat if you gather data of all the riots taken place in India of every size the number is far far bigger than you can think of.
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