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Our Heroes need their identity back - Pakistan Army

07 August 1958, Lakshmipur, East Pakistan

The Major was being carried to the RAP (Regimental Aid Post) on a stretcher. He was by a machine gun burst and was bleeding but still alive. He was successful in his task and capture enemy’s area. The Green Flag was hoisted in enemy area and the Tiranga was torn apart. Lying on the stretcher, he raised his hand and kept saluting the Pakistani flag, until he was shifted to the ambulance.

Initially he was taken to Jaleel Pur Medical post, but later on he was sent to CMH Comilla by a special train, where he reached at 10:30 am. Dr. Abdul Majeed and Dr. Muhammad Younus Dewan received him but before taking him to the operation theater, Dr. Majeed asked him, “Do you have something to say?" Yes! "Just convey my commanded that I have fulfilled my task.” Major replied.

Major was operated, but at about 02:30 pm, he passed away.

The battle started on 15 July 1958 when some Indian rangers were deputed near District Kachaar, digging out bunkers and setting posts. Some soldiers also entered in Sona Taila which was Pakistani Territory. When Pakistan protested, Indians not only deployed their regular army but also brought its heavy armory on the border. India kept neglecting the Pakistani protest and moved forward by capturing a village Lakshmipur of Brahman Baria sector on 02 August 1947. But situation was neutralized by talks and Indian army went back. Dharani Sarkar was a local landlord who was a godfather of smugglers and other criminals. All his goons had been killed by East Pakistan Rifles.

Going back of Indian army was not a pleasant situation for him. He launched a conspiracy movement by telling the false stories about the cruelties of Pakistani soldiers on the Hindu minority of Lakshmipur.

On 04 August, a company of about hundred soldiers entered in Lakshmipur and occupied the village. He also made the propaganda that border survey team erroneously recorded this territory in Pakistan whilst it belongs to India.
05 August 1958 East Pakistan Rifles

DG of EPR had finalized a counter attack to retake Lakshmipur. Knowing that he was the most suitable person, he chose Major for this task with full authority. Major gather is team by taking selective soldiers from different companies.

07 August 1958 0330 hours

Platoon entered the operational area. They planned to penetrate deep inside the area and attack the enemy. As the Pakistani troops entered in the operational area, enemy laid intense fire. It seemed like that enemy was already aware of the attack and had deployed all its fire power in this arc.

Major ordered his Sergeant Azam Khan to attack with full force. Both machine guns and hundreds of enemies’ soldiers were using their fire power on the Pakistani troops. In the rain of bullets, Pakistanis troops kept advancing. When Major was only 10 steps away from the enemy bunker, a machine gun burst hit him. Receiving two bullets in the chest and one on the pelvis, he lobbed a grenade on the enemy machine gun. Shattering the gun and the crew into pieces, the grenade exploded.

Meanwhile the enemy brought its second machine gun to the forward line. A burst was fired which not only hit Major's chest but also martyred Sergeant Azam Khan. Major charged again and destroyed the second machine gun as well by throwing another grenade. Now Pakistani troops had entered the enemy position and hand to hand combat started. Enemy’s troop step backed after a short battle. Pakistani troops now headed towards second position of Indians troops.

Meanwhile enemy force commander was spotted coming towards Pakistani positions with a gun in his hand. Major was bleeding was unable to move or stand. As enemy commander was approaching, Major kicked him and he fell down. Major hit him with his steel helmet, making him unconscious.

The enemy commander was arrested and identified as Major Dev Brahman. The area had been recaptured by Pakistan. Major was taken to CMH Comilla, where he embraced martyrdom. On 07 November 1959 Major was awarded Nishan e Haider.

Today, world knows the brave army officer as Major Tufail Muhammad Chauhdary Shaheed (Nishan e Haider).

3 September 1965

Chamb Jorian Sector.

6 FF was assigned the task to cross the River Tavi and capture Akhnor. Some troops of 13 Lancers were there to accompany 6FF. Throti is the name of a mountain range which lies between Kaleet and Jorian. As the dawn broke, the attack was commenced. Enemy had positioned its artillery on the Throti and was laying deadly fire on the advancing Pakistani troops. Initially, infantry was accompanied by the tanks, but now the tanks were left behind as the passage was under directly under the enemy anti-armor fire.

Because of enemy aerial attacks, Pakistanis troops were not able to bring their artillery forward and the OPs were not able to contact artillery. Only the wireless communication, through the wireless sets of 13 Lancers was possible. Second Lieutenant Shabbir Shareef was in the Delta Company as company officer. His CO Colonel Muhammad Iqbal had told him to fully obey his Subedar, as Shabbir was having the first raid of his career whereas Subedar was a WWII and 1948 veteran as well.

The troops reached at the start line as per plan. Enemy spotted them and laid fire from all kinds of weapons. Wireless operators had been knocked down by the sniper fire, making the OP unable to direct artillery fire. Till twenty minutes, infantry was unable to have cover fire.

Tanks were giving supporting fire but because of open area, it wasn't possible for them to advance forward. Subedar was advancing with his troops when he was badly hit by enemy fire and fell down. Bleeding profusely, he was calling for water. Shabbir was passing nearby when he saw his company commander calling for water. He stopped and tried to give him water. When Subedar saw his company officer bringing water for him, he shouted صاب تہاڈا کم پانی پلانانہیں۔ جا کے کمپنی دی کمانڈ سانبھو۔ (Sir your duty is not to serve water. Go and command the company).

Second Lieutenant Shabbir Shareef rushed towards his company. After the bloody battle of 3 hours, company was ordered to take position in Chak Bhagwan and stop the attack. In this attack ten soldiers were martyred and fifty four were injured. Dead body of Subedar was found in the battlefield. Pointing towards the enemy position, he had emptied his chamber of his M1 Rifle whereas he was trying to reload his rifle again when he succumbed to his wounds.

Today the world knows this unsung hero as Subedar Karam Shah Shaheed from 6 Frontier Force Delta Company.

(On 5 September, 6 FF started the attack in collaboration with 14 Punjab. In spite of deadliest fire by the enemy, not only Throti but Jorian had also been captured before sunset).

26 September 1967: Officers of 19 Frontier Force, Raising Day Celebrations

while most of you would be cognizant of the Triple One owing to it's involvement in coups d'état, the brigade saw serious action at Chhamb in December 1971; under the command of the indomitable Naseerullah Babar of Pirpiai.


War of 1965, battle of Badiana. Pakistan Army 14 Para brigade, 'R' group in Bandiana area - 1965 War.

Captain Mujeeb Faqrullah Khan - killed in action on 4ᵗʰ December 1971, while leading a Mahsud Scouts contingent to assault Picquet 707, in the Kalidhar Range, north of Chhamb.
Awarded the Sitara-e-Jurat.


Major Rahat Shah of Khyber Rifles Welcoming Queen Elizabeth To His Headquarters In Khyber Pass, February 1961.
“Don’t worry Sardar ji, look I am also a Muslim”

September 04, 1965
Chamb Sector.

2nd Lieutenant Shabbir Shareef along with his two Jawans was inside the enemy area. Right arm slinging in a bandage, face covered with dust and smoke of guns and uniform stained with the blood of his wounded and martyred comrades, he was behind the enemy lines.

A couple of hours ago, his D Company of 6 FF had laid a fierce attack on the enemy, inflicting heaviest damage in the sector, having 14 wounded and 10 martyrs. However it was ordered to move backwards and take position in Chak Bhagwan. The vehicles of D Coy were left behind River Tawi and it was not possible to take the martyrs back on foot.

The question was ...how to take them back. 2nd Lieutenant Shabbir Sharif went to his Adjutant Major Anwar ul Haq and asked for the permission to snatch an enemy vehicle and take the bodies of martyrs back in it. This request was however denied by Major Anwar saying,” Enemy is not your cousin, to whom are you asking for toys.”

Shabbir took two of his jawans and penetrated enemy territory. It was nothing but destruction everywhere, empty bullet shells, ammunition crates, blood covering the ground, bullet marks on every stone, burnt vegetation and craters made by Pakistani shelling; it was havoc brought to Indian forces by Pakistan army. Though Pakistani forces took position behind but the preparation done by the enemy showed that Indians are also going to vacate the area.

The sun was about to set and it was dark, Shabbir and his men covered their identification marks on the uniform by putting mud on them. His men went to search for the martyrs and wounded, but Shabbir spotted an Indian Sikh Driver, standing beside a Mercedes truck.

In a gruff voice, Shabbir called him. Expecting no Pakistani in that area, he went to Shabbir to answer his call and Shabbir started ordering him. He ordered him to chain a 25 pounder howitzer behind the truck and an ammunition trailer as well. During this he was observing the enemy area as well. After a short period of time, his men brought a couple of wounded men, who were in the enemy area. Shabbir ordered his men to adjust the Sikh driver with them on the back seat while he decided to drive the truck himself. Initially the driver spoke nothing because he was considering Shabbir Indian Army officer. But when Shabbir drove the truck towards Pakistani positions, he spoke,

“Sir where are you going, its Muslims there”

سر کدھر جا ندے پئے او، ادھر تے مسلے نیں

In a serious but sarcastic manner Shabbir replied,

“Don’t worry Sardar ji, look I am also a Muslim”

گھبرائو نہ سردار جی، آپاں وی مسلے ای ہاں

Then driver realized that what happened with him but he could do nothing.

Shabbir took further part in the ongoing days of battle as well. He was awarded Sitara e Jurrat for his actions of valor throughout the war.



Sepoy Niaz Badshah of the Sutlej Rangers - killed in action on 6ᵗʰ September 1965, at the Bedian sector. awarded the Sitara-e-Jurat. in those days the HJ was reserved for 'red-tape' officers only; the SJ was essentially the second highest gallantry award a soldier could get
Captain Samad Ali, a company officer with the 27ᵗʰ Baloch, who went missing believed killed in action, with effect from 1ˢᵗ April 1971 his company had nearly no survivors as it attempted a breakout from Kushtia.
Son of a Naib Subedar of the 106ᵗʰ Hazara Pioneers.

From 25 March till 2 December, the Pakistani forces in the East Pakistan had suffered heavy casualties in a high-tempo campaign -

Lieutenant Attaullah Shah, a subaltern of 27 Baloch, is held prisoner by the East Pakistan Rifles, after his company was overrun during the initial days of the civil war, at Kushtia.
Not many are aware of how brutal the initial days of the conflict were for the eastern command.

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