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Our Heroes need their identity back - Pakistan Army

Maj Shabbir Sharif Shaheed....receiving Sitara e Jurat after the 1965 war from C in C Gen Musa Khan...at that time Maj Shabbir was lieutenant.

(Contributed by : Mr. Umair Kayani)

Capt: Raja Muhammad Sarwar Shaheed


(1st Nishan e Haider) (1910–27 July 1948) (Urdu: محمد سرور) was born in Singhori village, Tehsil Gujar Khan, District of Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan. Muhammad Sarwar was a captain in the newly formed Pakistani Army. Commissioned: 1944, Punjab Regiment.

In 1947, he volunteered to take part in the battalion organized by the Pakistani Army that entered Kashmir on the order of the then Governor-General Muhammad Ali Jinnah with the object of besting and chasing away the Indian Army which had invaded Kashmir after the Kashmiri people voted unanimously in favor of joining Pakistan .

His regiment managed to outflank the unorganized Indian troops and forced them to retreat out of the parts which are now known as Northern Areas in one of the battles of the First Kashmir War. He was killed by machine gun fire when advancing forward through a barbed wire barricade. He was awarded the Nishan-E-Haider for his bravery and valour.
Maj Muhammad Tufail Shaheed....Nishan e Haider...


16 Punjab Regiment....1958 East Pakistan

Major Tufail was born in Hoshiarpur in 1914 and commissioned in the 16 Punjab regiment in 1943.After a distinguished career, which included several instructional and command appointments in his own Battalion and also in the Civil Armed Forces, he was posted to the East Pakistan Rifles in 1958 as a Company Commander.In august 1958, Indian troops captured a village in East Pakistan.

Major Tufail divided his men in three groups and it was decided that they would launch the assault during the dark hours of 7th august. When major Tufail's group was about fifteen yards from enemy, they came under heavy fire and three bullets entered major’s stomach.

Despite the shower of blood from his stomach, he kept moving forward and silenced the machinegun with a grenade. When another enemy machine-gun opened fire, killing his second in command, Major Tufail destroyed that gun too with a well-aimed grenade. During the hand-to-hand encounter that followed, he noticed the commander of the Indian post moving silently to attack one of his men. Though fatally wounded, Major Tufail crawled towards the enemy commander. He stretched out one of his legs and as the enemy stumbled he hit him in the face with his steel helmet, saving his troop,later he captured him and made him POW. Major continued directing the operation until the enemy was driven out leaving behind four dead and three prisoners.

Due to loss of so much blood, major Tufail fell on the ground for a while, but then stood up again and told his senior officer who later arrived at the battle field that “I have completed my duty, the enemy is on the run”.He fell down again...Major Tufail was taken to hospital but he later died the same day on 7th Aug 1958. Due to his glorious and brave command in the battle field he was awarded Nishan E Haider.
“Are you the commanding officer or some bloody porter?”

15th Division of Indian Army started its advance towards Lahore on the night of September 06, 1965 at 0330 HRS. A small contingent of Pakistan Rangers offered them stiff resistance. Indians were thinking that they would capture Lahore within a few hours. But it proved to be a dream, Major Saadat Ali Khan of Pakistan Artillery started direct fire on the advancing troops of 15 Dogras and 3 Jaat, under the direction of his OP Captain Khushi Muhamamd. It slowed down the movement of advancing Indian troops. Day light brought a fatal message for Indians in the shape of F-86 Sabers, flown by some hard hitters of PAF. Roaring and rumbling the sky, Sabers started crushing the advancing columns of Indian Army like a sledge hammer. As the drivers of Indian vehicles saw the grim reapers flying overhead, they exited the vehicles and started running. PAF was hitting the vehicles as if it was a target practice.

At that time, the commander of 15th Division of Indian Army, General Narinjan Parsad was hiding in a sugarcane field. He left his jeep and was hiding for his life. He radioed his senior General Harbaksh Singh and told him the whole situation. Harbaksh was taken aback to know the situation. He drove his vehicle and reached the area to witness the whole situation. Firing by PAF and Pakistan artillery made it look like an apocalypse. A long and endless column of burning vehicles, corpse of Indian soldiers, craters on the land made by Pakistan Artillery shelling and the sky trembling with the roar of Sabers horrified Harbaksh as well. He located Narinjan Parshad and met him, who was hiding in a sugarcane filed. In his book Harbaksh Singh writes,

“Narinjan Parshad was hiding in sugarcane filed. His shoes were covered with mud, his beret was missing and he removed of all the insignias from his uniform. He was looking terrible. “Are you the commanding officer or some bloody porter?”I asked him. Besides him was his brigade commander Brigadier Pathak, who was looking pale and equally miserable.

Harbaksh took him back, but the Jeep of Narinjan Parshad was still there, which was later found by Pakistan Army. It contained some important official and personal documents of Parshad, having abusive and obnoxious language regarding his coworkers. These were later broadcasted from Radio Pakistan. It impacted his service and Narinjan Parshad was removed from the command.

P.S: Below is the actual jeep of Narinjan Parshad, which is displayed in Pakistan Army Museum Rawalpindi for public display.

4 August 1983

Gilgit Sector.

A member of Belgian Mountaineering Team approached the local Army Aviation Base and requested that one of their team members need help. The team was climbing the Rakaposhi Mountain when he slipped from the gradient and wounded badly, making him unable to move. The team brought him down to Camp 5 which was located on the altitude of 5500 meters in the upstream of Jaglot Gah.

The Captain of Alouette III helicopter and his Co-Pilot Major Azam were assigned the task to bring down the Mountaineer. When the pilots reached the Base they were informed that Camp 5 is located on the height of 6000 meters. Calculations told that to carry the load from such a height, it was necessary to off load the excessive weight. So, the Co Pilot and some safety measures such as back door, seats and skis from the helicopter were removed. Moreover, some of the fuel was also drained.

When the Captain took off for the rescue, he was alone for the mission. Soon he reached adjacent to Camp 5. Altimeter was showing the reading of 6500 meters which was 200 meters more than the possible altitude taken by an Alouette III helicopter. There was no place for the chopper to land and the skis were also removed, therefore it was a very difficult task to keep the chopper stable.

Showing a high level of excellence and professionalism, the pilot managed to load the wounded mountaineer in the chopper. In the meantime, the red light of fuel tank started blinking, showing that the chopper is running out of fuel.

They flew back to the base making a flight of 14 minutes, while the fuel warning kept on blinking. When the chopper landed safely, there was fuel of only 1 minute remaining in the tank.

This was not just a rescue mission but it was also a world record of the highest flight taken by an Aloette III helicopter. The first record was to fly on an altitude of 19500 feet on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, but it was broken by an altitude of 22000 feet done by the Captain.

Belgian King announced "Order of Leopold" (The Highest Award given to a foreigner by Beligain King) where as the "Aero Spatial" also announced the award for the Captain.

Today the world knows this Hero as Captain Hashim Khan ( Later Brigadier Hashim Khan).

Mr. Hashim Khan also appeared in the Pakistani Dramas "Sunehray Din" and "Alpha Bravo Charlie". This is his last Photograph in Uniform.


Salute to Pakistan Armed Forces and Martyrs for their bravery and unconditional commitment to defend the motherland.
"He might not be able to clear the Staff College Test, but to go Afghanistan; catch the President Najeeb will be a piece of cake for him". Stating the above, Time Magazine declared him as the number one free fall diver of the world.

His journey of valor started when he was commissioned in PMA after his graduation from Gordon's College Rawalpindi. He was considered as the best cricketer of the college. Pakistani Star Cricketer Fazal Mehmood (also known as The Hero of the Oval) predicted him to be the best future cricketer of Pakistan. But fate decided something else for him. PMA was waiting for him. There he proved his mettle in every walk of soldiery.

It was 1965, he was preparing for a specialized course with Delta Force in USA. The Operation Gibraltar was announced. Refusing to join the course, he joined the operation. He was lost in Kashmir during the operation and was announced as "Missing believed Killed", but one day he approached a nearby post of Kashmir sector and soon identified by the authorities.

He was soon recognized as the symbolic and mythical character of the SSG. In an early age, he was appointed as in-charge of Para Training School. Major Shabbir Shareef Nishan e Haider also got the PTW under his strict command. In the chaotic era of 1971, he was a potential threat to the Mukti Bahni and Indian Army. After the surrender, every Indian Army official was in search of this legend, but he was already in West Pakistan and no one was able to capture him.

When a plane of Air India was hijacked and brought to Pakistan, it was him and his two comrades who managed to arrest the hijackers and free the hostages without firing even a single bullet.

On an unfortunate morning of May 29, 1989, he jumped for a free fall. He opened his main parachute but the para chords were tangled. He opened his reserve parachute but it also failed to open. When a paratrooper lands, he adopts a certain posture i.e. bit leaned left, facing the ground. As his chutes failed to open, his martyrdom was certain, but that stone nerved person was still adopting the same posture. His velocity increased his weight up to tons, he fell and embraced martyrdom at the spot.

It was his performance which led him to the higher brass. He used to wear a black overall like all the paratroopers do, but he decorated his outfit by writing یااللہ (Oh Allah) on it.

The name of this legend is Brigadier Tariq Mehmood also known as TM Tiger. He was such a legendary and mythical character that still GOCs of SSG follow the example that he set.

On the parade of March 23, 2015 Maj Gen Abid Rafique whereas from March 23,2016 till 2019, ex GOC SSG Maj Gen Tahir Masood Bhutta dived in the outfit decorated with the words of Ya Allah.

July 1953

The boy joined 14 Punjab Regiment as Boy Recruit. He served there for 2 years and completed his training. After completion he became an O.R in Pakistan Army.

28th PMA Long Course 1958.

The Soldier was selected for commission and became a Gentleman Cadet at PMA. He earned a good name in curricular and co curricular activities and earned the name of Sergeant Lomamba because of his tall height, dark complexion and the rising graph of career.

8 September 1965 the "Sergeant Lomamba" is now promoted to the Rank of Captain and was deployed in Sialkot Sector. It was an intelligence report that an enemy tank squadron has been noticed advancing towards Jasarr Sector. It was necessary to confirm this report as it was going to be very late if delayed.

The Captain was given the task. He took a fighting patrol and left towards the scene. It was broad day light and clouds of dust could be seen which were evident that various armoured vehicles are advancing towards the area.

Captain rose up from his position and advanced towards the tanks. He was clearly visible and was an easy target for the gunners. Neglecting all fears, he kept walking until he reached the convoy. It was a sigh of relief to see that these were Pakistani Tanks. Captain went back to his position and informed the Battalion Headquarters.
Sialkot, Zafarwal Sector

A report was received at the Battalion Headquarters that enemy is advancing towards Darman, a small town near Zafarwal. Orders were given to send fighting petrol just to assess the enemy strength under the command of the same Captain. The party, which consisted of only six soldiers reached there and saw the enemy advancing. Though they were just given the task to assess the enemy strength but captain ordered his men to disperse and take position. As the enemy was in the gunfire range, he ordered fire. Enemy was taken by surprise and made them run.

The captain was promoted to the Rank of Major.

December 1971, Hilli East Pakistan

Enemy was surrounding the area. Even with immense man power and modern weaponry, enemy was not able to take even an inch of the Pakistani Territory. The situation was getting worse for them as Pakistani Company under command of his brave Major was conducting successful raids on enemy and compelled him to go back to its area.

It was getting really embarrassing for the enemy

5 December 1971

Enemy attacked with a massive force ( No. 20 Mountain Division, No. 340 Brigade, No. 65 Cavalry consisting 76 tanks One division of artillery and air support

This was the strength of enemy which was being repulsed by Pakistani troops, enemy tanks were advancing under cover of heavy fire.

This situation was observed by the Major. He asked his men, “Do we have any here who can come out of his position and hit these enemy tanks?" Some men including his wireless operator Muhammad Manik advanced forward and volunteered for the mission. "Go back gentlemen, I will go myself to do it", Major replied. He took a soldier Laal Muhammad with him and went forward towards enemy position. After few minutes first fire of 40 MM rocket launcher was heard, this meant that the tiger has started his action. An enemy tank exploded like a water ball. 2nd and 3rd explosion lit up two more enemy tanks. Enemy started heavy fire, when the dust settled; enemy was able to see the two tigers of PAK ARMY firing at them. After spotting them, enemy opened fire. The Major was hit by a Browning machine gun and before falling on the ground, he was martyred.

Today the world knows this Brave, Humble and valiant Major as Major Muhammad Akram Shaheed Nishan e Haider.

March 27, 1971

Tangail: East Pakistan

"If you take out this Pakistani flag and give it to us, we will let you go… or… prepare to die" this was the warning given to the Major who was also their company commander, by the traitorous East Bengal Rifles, accompanied by Mukti Bahini.
"Me and take the Pakistani flag out? Not in a million years" was the answer by Major along with a shower of bullets.
The argument now turned into a fierce battle.
The background of this argument was that a Bengali NCO of the unit was very abusive to his jawans and often abused them. The Major called the NCO to his office and told him that refrain from such practice. The NCO came out of the office and said that Company Commander has permitted him to disgrace the jawans as much as possible. A jawan who was a witness to this whole situation argued that it is absolutely wrong. The argument turned into a fight. The Major came out of his office and tried to resolve the issue but he was himself injured.
To get proper medication, he had to move to the company head quarters. His CO Colonel Rab Nawaz told him not to go back to his company as it has turned against Pakistan. Major refused to do so. Colonel Rab Nawaz locked him in a room but Major was able to escape the room and reach his company.
It was a rumor in the company that Major has fled for his life, but against their perceptions Major was still there to take over the company. Now the traitor elements in the company became desperate. They surrounded the Major who was at the Tangail Rest House along with the DC of the district. Major was given the option to surrender or to take out the Pakistani flag hoisted on the roof of rest house. Both these options were unacceptable for Major, so he took a third option …
A fierce battle started between The Major and a whole company of traitors. Even being heavily armed and in a large number, enemy was not able to move even an inch near the rest house. It took one day and one night but the battle was still on. On March 29, traitors were able to advance when the Major ran out of ammunition.

Traitors killed the Major and then were able to take the control of the rest house.

Today history knows the Major as Major Kazim Kamal Khan Shaheed SSG (Sitara e Jurrat) Punjab Regiment

جس دھج سے کوئی مقتل کو گیا وہ شان سلامت رہتی ہے
یہ جان تو آنی جانی ہے اس جاں کی تو کوئی بات نہیں



It was after noon when the telephone bell rang at a small house of Gulberg Lahore.
"Hello! who is there?", asked the young man who answered the phone.
"Ahsan here Yar ! Tanveer had a fight at Temple Road with five gangsters of the area, do something", a frightened voice from the other side replied.
The young man put the phone down immediately, kicked his bike and almost flew towards Temple Road. When he reached there, the fight was over and Tanveer was taken to the hospital for dressing but those five gangsters were still there. The young man recognized those five, but instead of stopping there; the young man kicked his bike and left. The gangsters who were ready to fight with him were surprised to see the young man's reaction.

"Oye aa bakri, darr gaya ain?" (Punjabi)
(Hey you goat? Are you afraid?), were the remarks by the gangsters, but he didn't stop.

After half an hour the young man came back on his bike, his head was shaved and he was wearing jeans, instead of his Kurta Shalwar. It was a big but unpleasant surprise for the gangsters. The young man got off from his bike and charged at them. Within a few minutes, the young man thrashed all the five like cotton.

"Hun dass bakri kon ay?" (Punjabi)
(Now tell me who is the goat?) was the question by the young man.

After taking care of the gangsters, the young man reached the hospital, consoling his wounded friend Tanveer and said ," Don't worry yar ! I am never going to leave you alone.
"I know …", was the answer by Tanveer with a contented smile.
After 3 months, the young man, was promoted to the rank of Major in Pakistan Army. He received a phone call when he was at Sialkot, It was Ahsan on the other side saying ,"Bad news for us Yar ! Tanveer is no more; he has committed suicide last night because of his marriage issue".
Those were not just words but were a bomb which just destroyed all the senses of the Major. In a condition of trauma, Major attended the funeral of his friend.

May, 1970

After few weeks of his friends death, one day the Major came to offer Fatiha on his friend's grave, he saw an old woman at the grave. He quickly recognized her, she was the mother of his friend Tanveer.

"Maa Ji! No words to describe the grief" Major said with a heavy heart.

"But my grief is even bigger Son, Tanveer's mother told the Major that she has seen her son many times in her dream, surrounded in fire and in pain and its all because he committed suicide, Mufti sahab says that it is Azaab and it can only end if any practicing Aalim or any Shaheed is buried near his grave".

"Don't worry Maa Ji, In Sha Allah soon it will be over. Major consoled the grieved mother. "I am not going to leave him alone"

December, 1971

That Major embraced shahadat at the war front after performing a series of super heroic acts. He was buried next to Tanveer's grave as per his will.

That night Tanveer's mother saw the Major in her dream, wearing a white glowing robe, lifting a heavy sack, going somewhere in a hurry.

" Baita listen to me, where are you going?" the Mother called him in the dream.

"Maa Ji not now, its Tanveer's load and I am going to throw it somewhere", and the mother was happy to see the calm and happy face of her son Tanveer, going after the Major. After that night, his mother never saw her son disturbed in her dreams.

The Major not only proved to be the best officer of Pakistan Army, but a best son, a best brother and a best friend, who took care of his friend even after being martyred.

Today, the world knows him as Major Shabbir Shareef Shaheed Nishan e Haider.


PLease make this a sticky thread, The next generation needs to learn the truth... Good one.
Capt Taimur Shaheed,
Who Embraced Shaheed at LOC in 2016.


"Do not lose the bridge", were his last words.
December 06, 1971

Sabuna Sector
1100 HRS

It was the first attack laid by Indians in the broad day light. Countless men with the support of tanks and artillery were attacking wave after wave. For the last three days, this position was the center of attention for the Indians. On December 03, a small company of Pakistan Army, under the command of Major Shabbir Sharif captured the heavily fortified Indian position.

Verily it was a surprise for the Indians and they were in a constant struggle to take back the bridge from Pakistanis. In spite of various attempts, after sacrificing countless men, including company commander of 4 Jaat regiment (Major Narayan Singh) and loosing many tanks; enemy was still unable to take the bridge back.

All the attacks were made in the dark, but this attack was made in day light. On a small concentration of Bravo Company of 6FF, the strength of a full brigade with the help of cavalry and artillery. Every single person of 6 FF was engaged on various positions that time.

Major Shabbir was also manning an anti tank gun at that time. A night before, he was injured when Major Narayan threw a phosphorus grenade on him. In response, Major Shabbir killed him with Narayan's own gun after a hand to hand combat and dragged his body to the Pakistani area.

Enemy weaved a net of fire on the Pakistani concentration. Being their former position, enemy was well aware of the grid references and was directing artillery fire with pin point accuracy. IAF Migs were flying in the area and enemy soldiers were laying intense fire as well. Major Shabbir spotted two tanks coming towards his position. He fired first shell and the tank exploded like a hydrogen balloon. He loaded the second shell and fired on the other tank, but this was missed.

Enemy noticed his position, so the other tank took the aim at him. Instead of leaving the position, he ordered his man to load the third shell. But before his fire, enemy tank fired and the shell launched by enemy tank landed inches near him. The bursting shell tossed him many feet above the ground. Before landing on the ground, his soul left his earthly abode. His last words were, “Do not lose the bridge".

His men kept his words and the bridge was under Pakistani Control till the end. Major Hidayat Ullah was the person who took over the company after Major Shabbir Sharif .

The Brave Ninety- 9 Hours Battle over Hudiara Barki Sector.

September 06, 1965

It was about 03:00 AM in the morning and the whole village was awake. Sound of Bombing and the rattling of machine guns were evident that India attacked. It was without any prior information or precaution that enemy attacked the boundaries of Pakistan. Only a picket of Pakistan rangers was the defense while Indians attacked with a tank unit and an infantry brigade.

Major Shafqat Baloch with his 90 men was going towards the Barki Hudiara sector. He was in his unit when he received orders to move towards the border area as something suspicious was reported from Indian side. He and his men were not clear that what is going on. As they reached near border area, Major Shafqat saw someone coming,

"Hault, who comes there", Major Shafqat challenged.

"Sir its me from Pakistan Rangers. India has attacked with a heavy concentration of tanks and infantry", the coming person replied.

"Attack by India? No problem, we know how to deal with them", Major Shafqat said and said his men to move on.

Although Major Shafqat and his men were feeling furious after knowing about the Indian intrusion, however the thickest of war was still making the situation blur that what was going to happen. 90 men and a brigade with tanks were of no match. Every expert of the warfare could easily predict that how long a group of ninety could stand against a brigade.

Maj. Shafqat was standing on the high ground and observing the area with binoculars when an enemy sniper hit him. Without affecting the bone, the bullet pierced through his arm. Standing still there, he showed it to his men by saying

ایہہ لالے دی گولی اے، ویکھو ساڈا کج نئیں وگاڑ سکدی

"Look it's an Indian Bullet, can't harm us anything"

Enemy started its advance. The only hurdle between 90 Pakistani Soldiers and the Indian Brigade was the BRB Canal. The RR Gunner Rehmat Ullah was positioned towards the incoming Indian tanks, while he was ordered to stand still like a stone, until ordered to fire at the enemy.

In spite of the highest level of motivation and bravery, the 90 men were confused about the high concentration of enemy in the area. They could hear the heavy sounds of enemy vehicles and the shouts of advancing infantry.

As the enemy came into the effective but a close range of Pakistani rifles and machine guns, Maj. Shafqat ordered his RR Gunner to fire. With a heavy impact of discharge, the anti tank shell hit the advancing enemy tank. As per orders by Maj. Shafqat, gunner changed his position and fired. Within seconds, the second tank was also lit into flames. Now the advancing enemy became slow, as they were not expecting Pakistanis can be here with proper weapons. Now the whole group of 90 opened fire on the enemy. But Indians gathered up and they started firing as well. The confusion surrounding the 90 was replaced with courage and highest morale. The sound of their slogans اللہ اکبر (Allah is Great) was shaking the ground. Enemy started coming waves after waves, in cover of the tanks.

Maj. Shafqat requested Artillery fire. But this area was not registered for artillery targets so the fire was not possible. Seeing the intensity of the situation, Maj. Shafqat gave the artillery his location and asked to send SOS fire. Pakistani artillery started shelling Pakistani positions and Pakistanis guided the fire towards Indians. Now the fire started hitting the enemy directly. Their movement was stopped on its tracks. Instead of advancing, enemy was laying retaliatory fire. Soon enemy also directed its artillery fire on the Pakistani posts, which Pakistanis faced by ducking into their trenches. Enemy started advance again but The Brave 90 fired back and compelled enemy to stop. This "Hide and seek" lasted for 9 hours, until it was confirmed that Major Aziz Bhatti has taken position in the nearest area. Maj. Shafqat and his men reached their lines safely.

When he reported to his superior Major Ibrahim, he was taken to the Major General Sarfraz Malik, his GOC. He did not believe that among 90, only two were martyred and a few were injured. Maj. Shafqat Baloch was awarded Sitara e Jurrat for his act of velour and giving enemy a jaw breaking answer.

November 21, 1966


2nd Lieutenant Muhammad Rafique joined his Unit; he was received by his batman.

سلام علیکم سر جی، میں تہاڈا بیٹ مین ہاں

“Greetings Sir, I am your batman”. Saying this, a smart and tall man received him. Rafique went to his room in the company of the batman. In a bossy manner, he kept commanding the batman; who was obeying his orders. After working the whole day, the batman left the room at night and went to his room.

The very next day when Rafique got up, he was unable to find his batman. He looked around to find him, but in vain. He got ready for the office and went to the unit. While he was planning to teach his batman a lesson, he found him standing right before him. But instead of scolding the batman, he got attentive and paid a quick salute to the “batman”. Because he actually was a Full Lieutenant, who pranked Rafique by disguising himself as a batman. Rafique was so puzzled and thinking what to do? However, a deep smile was on the lips of Lieutenant named Azmat Hayat Khan.

January 1967

A new type of Honda 350 CC motorcycle was recently inducted in the unit. Unlike other motorcycles, this vehicle had a different mechanism. Azmat Hayat Khan saw the motorcycle and took one for a ride. After a minute of practice he started driving it on top speed. The road was wet and after a few drifts, the motorcycle slipped and Azmat fell on the ground. His head hit the ground and in the absence of helmet gave him a deep injury and started bleeding profusely and his face was badly rubbed with the road. He was unable to move his arm which hit the ground.

Everyone present at the scene ran towards him to take him to CMH, 2nd lt. Rafique was one of them. As he was taken out of the unit’s gate, he ordered the people to stop and take him to the nearest photographer’s shop right across the Square.

“But why? In a surprised manner, Rafique asked.

“Look partner! Accidents don't happen every day and luckily it is my first motorcycle accident. So I want to make it memorable by getting a picture of it”. He answered in his typical cheerful tune.

“He's mad, I think we must take him for a picture first, otherwise he's never going to the hospital”, said rafique and took him to the photographer.

Rafique recalls that everyday in the company of Azmat was a Fun day and I always thought what is he going to do in the battle field??

May 21, 1971

Jaisur Sector, East Pakistan

After 5 years, lt. Azmat Hayat Khan was Major Azmat Hayat Khan. He was commanding 20th Battery of 55 Field Artillery regiment.

Mukti Bahni and Indian Army captured Mir Pur post of this area . Major Azmat Hayat consulted his CO and planned to conduct an operation to recapture the post. Instead of ordering his Artillery Observer Captain Amjad, he climbed up the highest tree in the area and started directing the fire.

The artillery fire was so intense that after suffered heavy loss, enemy retreated within 1 hour. A large cache of weapons and supplies was recovered from there which enemy dumped for further attacks.

Jaisur Sector, East Pakistan

December 1, 1971.

Enemy was trying to pierce through the defensive position of 107 Brigade. They laid immense fire on the position of Pakistan army. Therefore it was decided to take position 3 miles back from Jaisur. The evacuation was scheduled from 6 December to 8 December. Major Azmat was giving fire support to 22 FF by his battery.

December 6 (Evening)

Brigadier Muhaammad Hayat was the commander of 107 Brigade. He was on his routine round when he saw Major Azmat with his Jawans, Cracking jokes, smiling and encouraging his men.

“Azmat I have a news for you”, showing him a telegram, Brigadier Hayat said.

“What is it sir?”, Azmat asked.

“Allah has blessed you with a son 5 days ago”, Brigadier Hayat told him.

“Thanks to Allah. Now I can die peacefully” Azmat said in a contented manner.

“Now tell me one more thing. We are going to evacuate the area and take position behind. Can you hold the enemy till 8 December?”, Hayat asked.

“Yes sir I can hold the enemy, it will be only possible to come even an inch further if the enemy comes and kill us with their bayonets”, with his eternal smile, Azmat replied.

Enemy started laying intense fire on the night of 6 December as his ariel reconnaissance told that Pakistan army is moving. But Azmat kept his words. On the night of 6 December, enemy tried it’s best to move further, but the fierce and pin point shelling by Azam compelled them to retreat. Enemy tried for the 2nd time but failed.

From 6 to 7 December, enemy kept increasing its strength and tried to move, but they were able to gain very little ground. It was only a Battery of 6 Guns and a handful of 22 FF men, who were holding the ground.

On 8 December, enemy gathered a full division on this front and attacked with full force. Meanwhile, Pakistani forces were able to gain the decided position and Brigadier Hayat asked Azmat to come back, but Azamat refused. As the enemy was coming closer, Azmat and his comrades grabbed their personal defence weapons and took positions in the trenches.

As the enemy moved further, they started firing at them. But a division and a handful of soldiers were no match. They rushed towards Pakistani posts and a hand to hand combat started. Azmat didn’t move back even an inch. As he had said, enemy was able to martyr him with bayonets.

Major Azmat Hayat Khan Malik was nominated for Nishan e Haider, but he was awarded Sitara e Jurrat posthumously.

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