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Our beloved LCA almost dead

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20-30 years gap between this junk and the J-10.

if it was a junk, you dont have to come and say it here, do you? ;) Or is it your inferiority complex.. If you think its fun, it shows your teenage mentality. If it was said in real seriousness, it shows that you are a uncivilized person, who knows to talk only like a prehistoric caveman. IF it was to inform us uneducated Indians about the quality of our underfunded projects manned by underequipped organizations, it still points that you could either be a hormone-rich teenager or a uncivilized barbarian..

Now choose your pick ;)
Agree. 24/7 with huge manpower can make the difference. But with the factories gaining knowledge this fast we will be suprised soon.

Russia leaned on China and India but with enough cash flow now they will return. US will no longer have the edge. Not even with JSF/F22. Sounds futuristic but looking at the past the Russians have shown more then USA.

If by "past" you mean "1960-1980" I would agree that Russian airframes were generally on par with US ones, if you ignored the vacuum tube avionics and short lifespan engines. The Flanker G/H is on par with the F-18 Super Hornet E/F, for a similar unit cost.(Note that the avionics might have been assembled in Russia, but they were fabricated in southeast Asia, the US, Europe, and Israel) As of yet, Russia has yet to produce anything more advanced. The F-18 and F-15 took 12-1 losses against F-22's in large scale simulations with sea sparrow and PAC-3 air defense support and AWACS cover. There were no "Red-Team" restrictions. I.E, both the US Navy and Air Force deployed everything of note in the conventional Air Defense arsenal, and came up with...nothing. As of yet, there has been no indication that any country outside of the US has developed a method for countering stealth technology besides throwing enough jets in the air to track back the air-to-air launches to the source.

The JSF has yet to be fully evaluated in its combat capacity, but expect it to be at least a little bit more impressive than the Super Hornet.

So could, in 20 years(or 10 for the JSF), the Russians or the Chinese produce something on par with the top of the line US aircraft of today? Certainly, when will India or Pakistan or India see these aircraft? At least another 5-10 years after that. Barring a radical shift in the current situation (US economy collapses and USAF and USN budgets cut by 75-80%) the USAF and USN will likely hold the edge for the next 30 years or so. Even if my proposed scenario bears fruit, say... tomorrow, the closest competitors have 10-15 years of ground to cover. Now, I am not including some type of devastating WW3 scenario where China, Russia, and the US are completely destroyed militarily and currently bit players expand rapidly. I don't think that scenario very likely though.

If you have some type of facts or figures to counter my claims, go ahead and wip em' out.

P.S: Sorry, this is a bit of a thread-Jacking
if it was a junk, you dont have to come and say it here, do you? ;) Or is it your inferiority complex.. If you think its fun, it shows your teenage mentality. If it was said in real seriousness, it shows that you are a uncivilized person, who knows to talk only like a prehistoric caveman. IF it was to inform us uneducated Indians about the quality of our underfunded projects manned by underequipped organizations, it still points that you could either be a hormone-rich teenager or a uncivilized barbarian..

Now choose your pick ;)

1. LCA is a LIGHT combat aircraft, which has no future in modern combat. The US/EU/Russia/China don't design/build such money wasting joke.

2. After more than 20 years of R&D, you still couldn't make it into active service, it is called a failure. However, the strong nationalism (i.e. everything in India must be great because I am Indian) makes it almost impossible to terminate this joke.

3. By developing such junk, the real loser would be your armed forces as other nations are not wasting time and money on junk like LCA, they are working on real projects with impressive outcomes being realised on daily basis. Sure, you have our underfunded projects manned by underequipped organizations, but that is not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is that the majority of your people refuse to face this fact.

Arjun has already proved your design capacaity and nationalism, please don't repeat it, no one want to see it.
We dint invite SHChinese to see it .. You visited it out of your own interest.. Now dont blame me or my country for it.. ;)

. By developing such junk, the real loser would be your armed forces as other nations are not wasting time and money on junk like LCA, they are working on real projects with impressive outcomes being realised on daily basis. Sure, you have our underfunded projects manned by underequipped organizations, but that is not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is that the majority of your people refuse to face this fact.

Arjun has already proved your design capacaity and nationalism, please don't repeat it, no one want to see it.
1. LCA is a LIGHT combat aircraft, which has no future in modern combat. The US/EU/Russia/China don't design/build such money wasting joke.

2. After more than 20 years of R&D, you still couldn't make it into active service, it is called a failure. However, the strong nationalism (i.e. everything in India must be great because I am Indian) makes it almost impossible to terminate this joke.

3. By developing such junk, the real loser would be your armed forces as other nations are not wasting time and money on junk like LCA, they are working on real projects with impressive outcomes being realised on daily basis. Sure, you have our underfunded projects manned by underequipped organizations, but that is not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is that the majority of your people refuse to face this fact.

Arjun has already proved your design capacaity and nationalism, please don't repeat it, no one want to see it.

Perhaps, maybe, 20 years of R&D was mostly for the purposes of....R&D!?! *GASP*

Just because the airframe might never see combat does not mean that it was a waste of time. In the process, India has developed something of an understanding of how modern airframes are developed and manufactured, which is far from a small feat. China's first domestically developed jet fighters were a bit of a joke compared to modern western equipment at the time, and relied heavily on Russian expertise to boot. Please can the nationalism in favor of reasoned discussion.
We dint invite SHChinese to see it .. You visited it out of your own interest.. Now dont blame me or my country for it.. ;)

It is a part of my freedom to comment on this topic. This fundamental right is protected by the section 2 article 35 of The Constitution of the People's Republic of China.

Full text here.

The above mentioned right and the constitution itself is ensured by the state, which in turn is backed by our armed forces. This is defined in the section 1 article 5 of the The Constitution of the People's Republic of China.

full text here.

this place is called a forum, you can't just say "please don't comment on the aircraft if you don't like it".
okay. SHCHINESE. This is a news Item and not open to debate. Only time will tell. Also I have nothing to contribute to this thread.. Lets duel in some place else where I will have some kind of headway to manouver.. ;)
if it was a junk, you dont have to come and say it here, do you? ;) Or is it your inferiority complex.. If you think its fun, it shows your teenage mentality. If it was said in real seriousness, it shows that you are a uncivilized person, who knows to talk only like a prehistoric caveman. IF it was to inform us uneducated Indians about the quality of our underfunded projects manned by underequipped organizations, it still points that you could either be a hormone-rich teenager or a uncivilized barbarian..

Now choose your pick ;)

wow buddy Iam surprised how seriously u took that comment and went straight to personal insults. Only this shows who is the real hormone-rich teenager!

Now back to the topic at hand, I think that LCA was not a compelet failure at all. Because, all the research attained from it would be very usefull for the next project. Unlike US who has attained world power status through bullying other nations, and has enjoyed all the good side effects included economic boost and cheap oil. This provided them with all the funding they required for projects such as F-22, even which hasn't gone all that great. Just recently they had to choose between putting an other order for more or decide not to do so, they decided not to. Remember all the other projects which were also a failure such as the F-20 or the F23 or that wierd looking F-16.

Anyhow, so for the rest of the coutries which don't enjoy liesures such as America, now is a time where they have finally gotton to the stage where they can start experimenting with aircrafts, and do alot of R&D, and learn from failures. Mexico, Iran, Pakistan, India are all doing good with this at the moment and I respect their courage and determination.

Sure Pakistan is doing better than most of these countries in indiginous aircraft industry but they would not have gotton there with out their friend China. What India, Iran, and mexico needs to do is go for a joint venture. Putting two heads and money together is better than one.
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wow buddy Iam surprised how seriously u took that comment and went straight to personal insults. Only this shows who is the real hormone-rich teenager!

oh no Sir. Pls dont generalize :smitten:
I have seen enuf of his posts, so I am giving him what he wants.. ;)
oh no Sir. Pls dont generalize :smitten:
I have seen enuf of his posts, so I am giving him what he wants.. ;)

tell me what you have brought into this thread? I am telling you the truth: 20+ of R&D and the LCA is still not in active service, it is done, it is called a failure.
tell me what you have brought into this thread? I am telling you the truth: 20+ of R&D and the LCA is still not in active service, it is done, it is called a failure.

ISn't that the case with almost every Indian project? We do not want to make it look that simple.:pop:
people cant we have Indian related threads under Indian military section, it clearly states that this section is for PAF:what:

request to MOD's to move this thread under Indian Military section.
tell me what you have brought into this thread? I am telling you the truth: 20+ of R&D and the LCA is still not in active service, it is done, it is called a failure.

yes J-10 is a huge success even after 40 years of aviation industry after count less Fighter aircraft development still flies with Russian engine ,Israeli Lavi input and some unknown radars .:china::china:
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