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Our Afghanistan policy


Jan 5, 2012
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Here is a good article by the frm Pak ambassador to US. Our friends in Pakistan must not see Afghanistan through India centric view, we have our own interests and we are not doing any one's bidding. Boxing us into the Indian camp by default is self defeating narrative for Pakistanis.

We do business with India because it is our interest, now they may have their motives but our motive is plain and simple, get their assistance, not allow them to use our soil against Pakistan, unless Pakistan is using her soil against Afghanistan.
You don't need to be a genius to figure this one out.

Ashraf Ghani provided an excellent opportunity for a rest with Pakistan by directly reaching out to GHQ, but all he got was an onslaught GHQ's minions. So if you were in his shoes, would you send flowers back?


Given Trump’s statement, the China-India disengagement from Doklam, and the Xi-Modi meeting on the sidelines of the Xiamen summit there is a worrying query: is China gently but publicly pressing Pakistan to take down organisations on its territory who have links with insurgents on Chinese territory? If Pakistan is silly enough to ignore this message it will progressively upset China and sow doubts in Chinese minds about their strategic partnership with Pakistan.

The opportunities presented by President Ashraf Ghani’s visit to Rawalpindi in November 2014 after he became president have been wasted. But instead of learning from failed policies, self-serving narratives were constructed to demonise Afghan leaders as Indian puppets.

Alienating Kabul and relying on the Taliban to provide leverage is demonstrably stupid
. Pakistan’s policy has also been unnecessarily India-centric. This alienates Afghan political opinion and ensures that Pakistan will lose zero-sum games with India inside Afghanistan. Afghan goodwill for India will not translate into ill will towards Pakistan unless its policies are seen by Afghans as forcing upon them an unwanted choice between India and Pakistan.
Here is a good article by the frm Pak ambassador to US. Our friends in Pakistan must not see Afghanistan through India centric view, we have our own interests and we are not doing any one's bidding. Boxing us into the Indian camp by default is self defeating narrative for Pakistanis.

We do business with India because it is our interest, now they may have their motives but our motive is plain and simple, get their assistance, not allow them to use our soil against Pakistan, unless Pakistan is using her soil against Afghanistan.
You don't need to be a genius to figure this one out.

Ashraf Ghani provided an excellent opportunity for a rest with Pakistan by directly reaching out to GHQ, but all he got was an onslaught GHQ's minions. So if you were in his shoes, would you send flowers back?


Given Trump’s statement, the China-India disengagement from Doklam, and the Xi-Modi meeting on the sidelines of the Xiamen summit there is a worrying query: is China gently but publicly pressing Pakistan to take down organisations on its territory who have links with insurgents on Chinese territory? If Pakistan is silly enough to ignore this message it will progressively upset China and sow doubts in Chinese minds about their strategic partnership with Pakistan.

The opportunities presented by President Ashraf Ghani’s visit to Rawalpindi in November 2014 after he became president have been wasted. But instead of learning from failed policies, self-serving narratives were constructed to demonise Afghan leaders as Indian puppets.

Alienating Kabul and relying on the Taliban to provide leverage is demonstrably stupid
. Pakistan’s policy has also been unnecessarily India-centric. This alienates Afghan political opinion and ensures that Pakistan will lose zero-sum games with India inside Afghanistan. Afghan goodwill for India will not translate into ill will towards Pakistan unless its policies are seen by Afghans as forcing upon them an unwanted choice between India and Pakistan.

Fair point. Now can you guys please take back 5-10 million of your fellow countrymen and women who are living in my country and sucking our resources dry. Once that is done, can we permanently heavily seal the Pakistan/Afghan border. Nothing comes in or goes out. Problem solved for everyone.
Here is a good article by the frm Pak ambassador to US. Our friends in Pakistan must not see Afghanistan through India centric view, we have our own interests and we are not doing any one's bidding. Boxing us into the Indian camp by default is self defeating narrative for Pakistanis.

We do business with India because it is our interest, now they may have their motives but our motive is plain and simple, get their assistance, not allow them to use our soil against Pakistan, unless Pakistan is using her soil against Afghanistan.
You don't need to be a genius to figure this one out.

Ashraf Ghani provided an excellent opportunity for a rest with Pakistan by directly reaching out to GHQ, but all he got was an onslaught GHQ's minions. So if you were in his shoes, would you send flowers back?


Given Trump’s statement, the China-India disengagement from Doklam, and the Xi-Modi meeting on the sidelines of the Xiamen summit there is a worrying query: is China gently but publicly pressing Pakistan to take down organisations on its territory who have links with insurgents on Chinese territory? If Pakistan is silly enough to ignore this message it will progressively upset China and sow doubts in Chinese minds about their strategic partnership with Pakistan.

The opportunities presented by President Ashraf Ghani’s visit to Rawalpindi in November 2014 after he became president have been wasted. But instead of learning from failed policies, self-serving narratives were constructed to demonise Afghan leaders as Indian puppets.

Alienating Kabul and relying on the Taliban to provide leverage is demonstrably stupid
. Pakistan’s policy has also been unnecessarily India-centric. This alienates Afghan political opinion and ensures that Pakistan will lose zero-sum games with India inside Afghanistan. Afghan goodwill for India will not translate into ill will towards Pakistan unless its policies are seen by Afghans as forcing upon them an unwanted choice between India and Pakistan.
We know your interests very well from Pashtunistan to Loya Afghanistan, to create unrest in Baluchistan and drug trade. Afghanistan can only be peaceful under sharia and Taliban dominance otherwise it will create unrest in neighboring countries or dance by the the directions given by enemies of Muslims like India and alliance.
Your one solution is vehicle born IEDS you descendants of taghoot.
As long as fundos and scums like Abdul Raziq, Rashid Dostam and Abdullah Abdullah are in afghanistan ....... that country and its people will never breath air of peace.

Educated Kabulis instead of preaching Pakistanis should worry about their own people ....... for how long they are going to be killed, raped and held hostages by warlords.
LOL This silly Afghan can't control opium production in his country and is having wet dreams about Pakistan's policy.

This is what your own ally America says about you today:

US asked to condition Afghan aid to recognition of Durand Line

You better start recognizing that border or you will have some severe problems.

Low iq whataboutery

As long as fundos and scums like Abdul Raziq, Rashid Dostam and Abdullah Abdullah are in afghanistan ....... that country and its people will never breath air of peace.

Educated Kabulis instead of preaching Pakistanis should worry about their own people ....... for how long they are going to be killed, raped and held hostages by warlords.

Blaming the victim. Terrorism 101.

Fair point. Now can you guys please take back 5-10 million of your fellow countrymen and women who are living in my country and sucking our resources dry. Once that is done, can we permanently heavily seal the Pakistan/Afghan border. Nothing comes in or goes out. Problem solved for everyone.

Low quality strawman with ZERO comprehension

We know your interests very well from Pashtunistan to Loya Afghanistan, to create unrest in Baluchistan and drug trade. Afghanistan can only be peaceful under sharia and Taliban dominance otherwise it will create unrest in neighboring countries or dance by the the directions given by enemies of Muslims like India and alliance.
Your one solution is vehicle born IEDS you descendants of taghoot.

Openly honest salafist terrorist who wants "talibani sharia" in other countries but enjoys mujra in his own

What a display of pakistani intellect this has been. Gold.
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Blaming the victim. Terrorism 101.

This is your argument in support of warlords? You must be an ignorant baharti who lives in supa powa pond ...... spare sometime and do read upon Afghanistan and its warlords ....... and try seeing if any of those warlords is still around in power or not.

Sorry but that is hard to deny. Should i quote examples on how they have been parroting what new Delhi have been handing out?

Don't hold back, throw it in their faces .......... these lulu ignorant need to know about their own countries.
Afghanistan is an enemy, we should treat it like an enemy

India's presence is akin to an act of war

We should not forget this regardless of pressure our national interest comes first
There's a lot of bad blood between Pakistan and Afghanistan. No denying it.

While token praise and comments will be given not much has changed on the ground.

The longer Pakistan fails to develop a policy on it's affairs with their north eastern neighbor. The more Pakistan will continue to be a punching bag and lose it's potential to look forward.
Sorry but that is hard to deny. Should i quote examples on how they have been parroting what new Delhi have been handing out?

In that case you missed the entire premise of this article.

There's a lot of bad blood between Pakistan and Afghanistan. No denying it.

While token praise and comments will be given not much has changed on the ground.

The longer Pakistan fails to develop a policy on it's affairs with their north eastern neighbor. The more Pakistan will continue to be a punching bag and lose it's potential to look forward.

There are not white doves in this region but the ambassador is pointing fingers towards Pakistan for screwing it up in the last 16 years.
There are not white doves in this region but the ambassador is pointing fingers towards Pakistan for screwing it up in the last 16 years.

While introspection is good, Pakistan isn't the only country that screwed it up.
Afghanistan is an enemy, we should treat it like an enemy

India's presence is akin to an act of war

We should not forget this regardless of pressure our national interest comes first

Well you have not been treating it otherwise if you read the writer's take he is arguing that this policy has brought your ruins and time to change course.

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is stupid.

But I am sure you didn't read the article and resorted to one liners. Pathetic!
@A-Team bhai can you guys also make an afghan policy and control your country ? its not enough of 40 years of blood and tears ? the problem is with afghans they blame everyone else then themselves . please unite your country hold your country kick foreign military and be civilized now its 2017 man how many more generations you guys will waste ?

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