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Ottoman movies/documentaries

This may sound like I'm digressing but the game Assassins Creed Revelations takes place in Istanbul during Ottoman empire. The game does include a lot of Osmanli history, Sultan Bayezid Yildirim, afaik the city closely resembles the actual Istanbul of history. So the point is you can get a virtual experience of Ottoman life and history through a well developed realistic and immersive game.

The game developers worked and lived in Istanbul and studied it's history and hisorical sites and maps to maintain historical accuracy. Of course some things are fabricated, nonetheless. They took into accounts markets, landmarks, merchants, museums, masjids, historical figures, Templar history, Jannissary, Ottoman weaponry, Ottoman Army and Navy, different districts of Istanbul, and the overall culture.

I've always been a fan of Assasins Creed so I'm definitely purchasing the game.

Yeah i am a big fan to, Assasins creed revelation right?:yahoo:
Well, the main character in that game is an italian. and even during ottoman empire we had trouble with the italians. biggest mistake Fatih made was to spoil the janissary, and they did become a problem later on, because they consisted of converts, which literally says that "turkish" soldiers weren't good enough. At least that's how I see it.
Well, the main character in that game is an italian. and even during ottoman empire we had trouble with the italians.
At that time, as you probably know, Italy as we know it today, consisted of rival city states. So it would be wrong to say Ottomans had problems with all the Italian peninsula. But you're right on the account that Ottomans fought tirelessly with Venetians and supported Genoa which had a regional rivalry with Venetians.
because they consisted of converts, which literally says that "turkish" soldiers weren't good enough. At least that's how I see it.
Main point of conscripting converts to Janissary ocaks was to create an army just loyal to Sultan, on later on we see that loyalty is just to Ottoman family, not just solely to Sultan. Ottomans was afraid of having an army from Anatolian Turks because they still had lot of problems with remnants of Anatolian Beyliks that they acquired. It has nothing to do with capabilities.
This may sound like I'm digressing but the game Assassins Creed Revelations takes place in Istanbul during Ottoman empire. The game does include a lot of Osmanli history, Sultan Bayezid Yildirim, afaik the city closely resembles the actual Istanbul of history. So the point is you can get a virtual experience of Ottoman life and history through a well developed realistic and immersive game.

The game developers worked and lived in Istanbul and studied it's history and hisorical sites and maps to maintain historical
accuracy. Of course some things are fabricated, nonetheless. They took into accounts markets, landmarks, merchants, museums, masjids, historical figures, Templar history, Jannissary, Ottoman weaponry, Ottoman Army and Navy, different districts of Istanbul, and the overall culture.

I've always been a fan of Assasins Creed so I'm definitely purchasing the game.
dont you play as altair in that game who is a arab?
First Special Forces in Human History = Jannisaries


Sir imho the foundation for special forces was laid by Syedna Khalid bin Waleed radi Allah in the form of Mobile Guard and he used them effectively during different battles

Mobile guard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sir imho the foundation for special forces was laid by Syedna Khalid bin Waleed radi Allah in the form of Mobile Guard and he used them effectively during different battles

Mobile guard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm not sure if the Mobile Guard layed down the foundation for special forces, some could argue the Persian immortals were ancient special forces, as they were highly trained. As you may know Persian Immortals pre-dates Gen. Khalid bin Waleed's time by hundreds of years. The Roman Praetorian Guard may as well have layed the foundation as well, or at least in Europe they may have.

Though I'm sure it is generally accepted the first formal and true special forces were the Yeniceries. These were soldiers born and raised to fight, defend, and serve the Sultan and the Ottoman Empire. Most of them were Christian converts to Islam from the Balkans and the loyalty to Islam was true. Their recruitment and selection processes was highly strict, they were uniformed force, and their sole purpose was to fight, AFAIK they didn't have families just the Sultan (I think that practice may have stopped sometime during the Ottoman empire)...

They went through specialized training especially in close quarter combat, in the 1400's the Yeniceries were one of the first to use firearms as an army force they used muskets (this was very effective when it came to routing enemy forces and inflicting heavy causalities at in coming charging enemies), etc...
Ottoman's failiure was financial , due to UK , destroying Ottoman Naval power in wars, and then not paying Ottoman tax for sailing in Ottoman seas

All this FREE trade in sea , before the sea was ruled by Ottoman Navies and tax was collected

Now NATO and US charge taxes just call it tarrifs :P b_astards

They charge 10 times more tax then Ottomans and they called Ottoman's cruel for taxes for using their sea routes :disagree:


Well anyhow when the tax money evaporated the civilization had too much burdern and no income so it crumbled

Just like USA is destined to crumble !!! Too many mouths to feed and no finances

Which is why they are stealing oil from Iraq , stealing oil form Libya , and probbly targeting Syria and iran too

Pakistan has Coal reserves so I am sure Uncle Sam the tyrant also wants a piece of Sindh which explains the motor cycle terrorism

a little cartoon movie about the history of Fatih Sultan Mehmet.

NB: it is in turkish, i dont know if it is text, you can find the other parts from the right! :D
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Is it available on XBoX 360 - my nephew has one :)

available only in x-box? I have played Assassins creed 1 in (Acre, Jerusalem) and most recently Brotherhood ( italy). When it will be released on pc?
Well , I recently heard some Ottoman era music by Turkish musicians , just amazing work , if you close your eyes and listen it almost feels you are time traveling into past to hear the music from years back -

Similarly classical guitar is also amazing when compared to what we now call music back then , there were so much different

Most recently I learned that the modern day Shawarma food started from Ottoman Empire

Ottomans were greatly a wonderful civilization, too bad they allied with British and that led to their downfall in end

Beautiful music
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