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OTTOMAN ARMY IN GALLIPOLI (with a Wonderful Song and Pics) Allahu Akbar

we are not saying u to hate mustafa kamal or such thing.
we are talking about need of other such kind of unity under one banner to care for interests of muslims in world affairs.
look there is no permanent member of UN security council from Muslim countries , there should be one and it can be made possible through some forceful organization to augment Muslims interests....

And you are talking about Turkish matters. Have you been in Turkey? Do you know what is happening in Turkey? Dynamics in Turkey is different than other Muslim Countries, but some people talking without knowing a beep.

ok be happy solitude,
but u will need it tomorrow or next day,
@ kobiraaz

Hey Bangla, how did you figure out that i was hating on Ottomans? I suppose you know that ''Turks'' are considered to be the founders and rulers of Ottoman Empire? I don't hate them in any way, it was just that their time had come to an end and we have to deal with the current challenges we are facing rather than sticking to the past.
Sorry. This turkish style of developing is kinda new to me. Never seen indians rebuking each other for remembering Mughals. Yes i am talking about second post of this thread... You are blessed you were protected by Ottoman empire during colonial era! we south asians are poor just because all our riches were hijacked by British empire. Bangla was once one of the richest places in planet earth....
Ottoman Empire was not a Turkish State newer..!
Turkish Population was only the 1/10 in 16 and 17th century..
Ottoman Empire was a Caliphate State of all muslims who estabished it alltogether with the power of unity..
Now i see in this forum and world that some non-Turks defence Ottoman Empire against some Turks ! :)
I congratulate them who see the value of Ottoman Empire..
I want to thank to the all Ottoman Lovers..
Some Turks will learn many things than you...!

Funny guy you are :) Radicalism is strong with this one

Take your pills and go to sleep darling. I want pigeon meat now but there isn't any, so don't post that pic anymore please.

Keep dreaming about "golden age of Ottomans'' it will be anyway beneficial for us.

Wait and see..!
And you also keep dreaming about "Darkness of Kemalist Dictorship'' it will not return newer the back..!!
Can't you just keep your political opinions to yourselves and stick to military issues? Im really tired of this...
This country cant even decide if it wants to be a Turkish national state or an islamic imperial state.
Can't we just be proud of our history and ancestors, also respect Atatürk at the same time? What's wrong with this? If we cant do that much means we are seriously trapped by the ones who want to seperate us.
A person should decide first; wether he/she is going to serve, one's pathetic ideologies or his/her country and nation.
Actually dude, in Turkey, nobody gives a damn about this Muslim unity thing. People are busy with their education and their work. Turkey can be more religious, and can be more atheistic country, but the system will go like this. A secular country, with a Muslim majority.

I agree with this, people shouldn't be obsessed with the idea of Muslim unity. It is true that all Muslims constitute one brotherhood & that they should support one another if the other is being oppressed, but being obsessed with being united is weird. In fact Muslims should aid anyone being oppressed regardless of their religion. Nations should think of their own success & glory & work independently to obtain it.

Those who rely on the success of others or desire to form some kind of union with others in my opinion are just looking for an excuse to derive benefits from someone else's hard work. There are some members on this forum who would happily see their culture, language, & heritage get destroyed for the sake of unification, even though God himself created differences among mankind. All nations should be proud of their past whether it's Pre-Islamic or Islamic because those who don't respect their ancestors won't be respected by anyone else either.

On a side not while the videos on the first page were good, I kind of thought this one was cooler:

Battle of Rodos / OTTOMAN EMPIRE!!! - YouTube
Kemalism: Kemalism: Definition from Answers.com

Ooh please stop talking BS. Yes Mustafa Kemal was an atheist but he was a visionier
Who did all in his power to modernize the Turkish republic. Mustafa Kemal was a socialist with left wing thoughts.
Many of his drinking buddies was the Russian diplomats in Istanbul. He may not been a perfect Muslim but he was one of the best leaders that the ottoman empire ever had. In my opinion he was a leader in same league as Suleyman the magnificent.

The house of ottoman are not the same as it was for 400 years ago. Now they are a part of the French society.

The ottoman is our heritage our past. The question is what is the future.

Back to topic. The brave soldier of the ottoman sent the Anzacs back to there home but the weak and corrupt politicians could not show the same courage.

Nothing against Ottomans but your threads are annoying and boring.. And you should thank me for the unnecessary attention you enjoyed today..
power of unity...???

battle of mercidabik! and ridaniye! conquest of Hicaz! bagdat! then what are them?

ottoman safavid conflict?

we fought wars! we won and we ruled them! they were our subjects!!! most of them were simply some regions which were paying their taxes( most of the time unloyal!!! for instance Egypt we ottoman turks signed treaties firsth with Russia (Hunkar iskelesi) then with England (balta limani) for getting their support against Egypt :devil:

ummah & calipate ?:lol: Ottoman empire was a part of european ballance of power sysytem!! like any other emipre or state Ottomans followed their national interest and thats why they sided with France, England , Germany and even Russia!

Nothing against Ottomans but your threads are annoying and boring.. And you should thank me for the unnecessary attention you enjoyed today..

I really dont understand reason behind posting Mustafa Kemals posters into Ottoman related topic. I also respect Mustafa Kemal but your attitdue towards ottoman empire annying as hell. We all know that ottoman epire is history, but Ataturk also historic figure. He is not alive today.

Your kemalists problem is you dont understand how majority of Turks feel about ottomans. We love them and we respect them. Your disrespectfull attitues towards ottoman empire wont change this fact. On the contrary we gonna love and respect them more.

Kemalist banned Azan, Quran schools and even Headscarf. Thank god now you are not in charge before and thanks to AKP government we, sons of ottomans, turks, muslims can live freely today.
edit : doublepost
exactlyyy this world is funny , i dnt count these people proper turks beleive me one is hater of ataturk one hates ottomans who and what are these people , im a proper turk and i love ottoman and ataturk and turkish republic and fatih sultan mehmet and sultan suleyman , wtf are you people fighting with each other its like they are enemies one says ottoman time has passed what kind of comment is that normally greeks or i dno serbians make them kind of comments peeeeeeeee what can i say

lol south asians still mourn the demise of ottomans. They were thousand miles away from ottomans , embraced Jail protesting against british empire ( Khilafat Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. And here some turk hate ottomans. Lol this world is funny...
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