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utan utan !!!
this deno guy is lowering constantly both muslims and turks
this guy is secret greek, jew sebataist


Dönmeh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is actually a girl. She should just leave this forum before facing any real life problems, you never know who is following on the internet. And it is extremely stupid to comment like this in Turkey. One would think she is working for an atheist organization the way she is trying to show Turkish youth as "atheist" etc.
utan utan !!!
this deno guy is lowering constantly both muslims and turks
this guy is secret greek, jew sebataist


Dönmeh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wouldn't mind being Greek or Jew but I would mind if I was someone like you who managed to have minus brain cells...

It is actually a girl. She should just leave this forum before facing any real life problems, you never know who is following on the internet. And it is extremely stupid to comment like this in Turkey. One would think she is working for an atheist organization the way she is trying to show Turkish youth as "atheist" etc.

Are you serious? Turkish people are secular... They don't have any problem with atheists... Only Eastern Anatolia and some parts of Central Anatolia would cause trouble for me... Lucky that I don't live there :D People in my hometown know that I am an agnostic...
I wouldn't mind being Greek or Jew but I would mind if I was someone like you who managed to have minus brain cells...

Are you serious? Turkish people are secular... They don't have any problem with atheists... Only Eastern Anatolia and some parts of Central Anatolia would cause trouble for me... Lucky that I don't live there :D People in my hometown know that I am an agnostic...

Could you Tell me the difference between agnostic and ateist?
Why? i presume the Turkish state is secular and respects all forms of religious beliefs? (I don't disagree with the policy of secularism)

The reason why it's not a good idea is because religious people kill other people because they're different. That's what a religion does to you.

On the other hand I've heard a single story about a Atheist or Agnostic, killing people for believing that there is a god.

Isn't it awesome how Deno is called a jew, greek, dönme and the Mods do nothing? Keep up the good work Sis.
Could you Tell me the difference between agnostic and ateist?

In a nut-shell (and only in a nut-shell) :

An atheist - Doesn't believe in God because there is None !

An Agnostic - Thinks that we can neither prove nor disprove the existence of a God !
We do not descend to a level of personal insults or threats ! Not very dignified my friend !

I have neither threatened nor insulted her. It was merely to make her conscious about her writings, i can never fall down to a level where i insult or threat people because of their religious background. You don't know me if you think i insulted or threatened anybody. She should be aware what she writes on an open forum for obvious reasons.
I have neither threatened nor insulted her. It was merely to make her conscious about her writings, i can never fall down to a level where i insult or threat people because of their religious background. You don't know me if you think i insulted or threatened anybody. She should be aware what she writes on an open forum for obvious reasons.

Point taken ! I'll delete it !
She made a step. :D

Now she is not sure whether It exists or not.

True, she declared herself as atheist over and over, now it seems either she herself is confusing the difference between atheism and agnostic-atheism. Or maybe she "converted" to agnoticism. Allah swt knows best.

People can have their own opinion, I care less. Their deen is for them, mine for me, as the Quran Surah al-Kafirun says. Read that Deno, you might get some inspiration.

Islam tought me to be human and humane, what I owe, I owe Islam.
True, she declared herself as atheist over and over, now it seems either she herself is confusing the difference between atheism and agnostic-atheism. Or maybe she "converted" to agnoticism. Allah swt knows best.

I said I am an atheist because I don't think many people know what agnostic means which is true...

People can have their own opinion, I care less. Their deen is for them, mine for me, as the Quran Surah al-Kafirun says. Read that Deno, you might get some inspiration.

My problem is not peoples beliefs... My problem is people trying to have opressive regime hint hint Islamic State hint hint...
The reason why it's not a good idea is because religious people kill other people because they're different. That's what a religion does to you.

Why do you blame religion for that? Where in Islam does it say you have to kill non believers?

What % of religious people "kill other people" as you say? In Turkey 97% people are Muslims. What % of these Muslims have "killed other people because they are different"? Isn't it hypocrisy for you to blame all 97% of Muslims just because some 0.001% of them engaged in extremism?

And set the priorities straight. NATO kills 1 million+ Iraqis, 60000 Libyans and 100000+ Afghans. Why don't you talk about them if you are so concerned about "people killing others"?

Isn't it awesome how Deno is called a jew, greek, dönme and the Mods do nothing? Keep up the good work Sis.

At least a Jew believes in God and is regarded in a high stature in many verses in the Quran ! She should feel respected that someone called her a Jew. That would have been much better than her present stance of believing in no God.
Why do you blame religion for that? WhereIn Turkey 97% people are Muslims.


At least a Jew believes in God and is regarded in a high stature in many verses in the Quran ! She should feel respected that someone called her a Jew. That would have been much better than her present stance of believing in no God.

My god!! What an evil I am.

My god!! What an evil I am.

"Say, O disbelievers, I do not worship what you worship. Nor are you worshippers of what I worship. Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship. Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship. For you is your religion, and for me is my religion." - Surah Kaafirun, Quran.

Enough said.
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