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Osama was hiding in Pakistan , so what !!


May 3, 2009
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There is a lot of talk about "why OBL" was hiding in Pakistan for so long and more .

Lets see where Pakistan stands in a historical context.


Criminal: Dr Josef Mengele (Angel of Death)

Country: Nazi Germany WWII

Crimes: Exterminated thousands of Jews and Gypsies , notorious for human experimentations , obsessed with twins.

Country of hiding post WWII: South America (Brazil)

Josef Mengele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Criminal: Lieutenant Colonel Adolf Eichmann SS Brigade.

Country of origin: Nazi Germany WWII

Crimes: Major organizer of Auschwitz concentration camp , he sent over 430,000 Hungarians to the death camps alone.

Country of Hiding: Argentina

Adolf Eichmann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of war Criminals:

List of convicted war criminals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In above context none of the Governments where the criminals were hiding were to blame because the criminals were just happened to be hiding there.

There is a huge difference between hiding and being "sheltered" , if the above countries were not to blame for those criminals hiding in them according to the same theory Pakistan is not to be blamed for OBL hiding here either !

Pakistan wasn't sheltering OBL as if we were he wouldn't have been living in a 3 story mansion but rather in some secured facility deep inside the mountains of Balochistan where he couldn't be found for eternity ! - so stop blaming Pakistan .
u cant escape through this as u r thinking now..............
it was near ur military academy where ur chief delivered message
The fact of the matter is that OBL was hiding, not living in political asylum. he was "hiding" and it took CIA (the best in the world ) 10 years to find him. So all in all, Pakistan can not be blamed.
There is a lot of talk about "why OBL" was hiding in Pakistan for so long and more .

In above context none of the Governments where the criminals were hiding were to blame because the criminals were just happened to be hiding there.

There is a huge difference between hiding and being "sheltered" , if the above countries were not to blame for those criminals hiding in them according to the same theory Pakistan is not to be blamed for OBL hiding here either !

Pakistan wasn't sheltering OBL as if we were he wouldn't have been living in a 3 story mansion but rather in some secured facility deep inside the mountains of Balochistan where he couldn't be found for eternity ! - so stop blaming Pakistan .

I agree with you. But the world is not convinced yet if he was just hiding or was being sheltered since he lived so close to your military academy.

BTW, Argentina was ostracized by the world for quite some time for its sheltering of nazis.
It is sad to draw conclusions on the basis of hearsay, but when everybody starts pointing fingers it is kind of difficult to ignore the obvious anymore.
Disturbing evidence against Pakistan: Kerry | | DAWN.COM

smartypants , you didn't read the article did ya , well its kinda understood now !

He said that there was some evidence of Pakistani knowledge of Taliban sanctuaries in Pakistan, a finding that he called disturbing.

Taliban and OBL are not one !! - he didn't say that Pakistani state knew about OBL , do you have difficulty understanding that , language barrier ?
I know they are not the same. The pointers are coming from the US. Join the dots yourself.

smartypants , you didn't read the article did ya , well its kinda understood now !

Taliban are OBL are not one !! - he didn't say that Pakistani state knew about OBL , do you have difficulty understanding that , language barrier ?
There is a lot of talk about "why OBL" was hiding in Pakistan for so long and more .

Lets see where Pakistan stands in a historical context.


Criminal: Dr Josef Mengele (Angel of Death)

Country: Nazi Germany WWII

Crimes: Exterminated thousands of Jews and Gypsies , notorious for human experimentations , obsessed with twins.

Country of hiding post WWII: South America (Brazil)

Josef Mengele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Criminal: Lieutenant Colonel Adolf Eichmann SS Brigade.

Country of origin: Nazi Germany WWII

Crimes: Major organizer of Auschwitz concentration camp , he sent over 430,000 Hungarians to the death camps alone.

Country of Hiding: Argentina

Adolf Eichmann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of war Criminals:

List of convicted war criminals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In above context none of the Governments where the criminals were hiding were to blame because the criminals were just happened to be hiding there.

There is a huge difference between hiding and being "sheltered" , if the above countries were not to blame for those criminals hiding in them according to the same theory Pakistan is not to be blamed for OBL hiding here either !

Pakistan wasn't sheltering OBL as if we were he wouldn't have been living in a 3 story mansion but rather in some secured facility deep inside the mountains of Balochistan where he couldn't be found for eternity ! - so stop blaming Pakistan .

Why make childish excuses?

The Nazis could hide because they were protected by their organisation Odessa.

Therefore, you are suggesting that Osama could hide like the Nazis because he was protected by the authorities or that the ISI is an organisation like the Odessa.
There is a lot of talk about "why OBL" was hiding in Pakistan for so long and more .

Lets see where Pakistan stands in a historical context.


Criminal: Dr Josef Mengele (Angel of Death)

Country: Nazi Germany WWII

Crimes: Exterminated thousands of Jews and Gypsies , notorious for human experimentations , obsessed with twins.

Country of hiding post WWII: South America (Brazil)

Josef Mengele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Criminal: Lieutenant Colonel Adolf Eichmann SS Brigade.

Country of origin: Nazi Germany WWII

Crimes: Major organizer of Auschwitz concentration camp , he sent over 430,000 Hungarians to the death camps alone.

Country of Hiding: Argentina

Adolf Eichmann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of war Criminals:

List of convicted war criminals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In above context none of the Governments where the criminals were hiding were to blame because the criminals were just happened to be hiding there.

There is a huge difference between hiding and being "sheltered" , if the above countries were not to blame for those criminals hiding in them according to the same theory Pakistan is not to be blamed for OBL hiding here either !

Pakistan wasn't sheltering OBL as if we were he wouldn't have been living in a 3 story mansion but rather in some secured facility deep inside the mountains of Balochistan where he couldn't be found for eternity ! - so stop blaming Pakistan .

what a pathetic excuse !!! the world is on a war against terrorism and the world most wanted terrorist found in garrison city..under the nose of pakistan army and u r saying.. so what !!! the question is how it was possible for him to live there for so long when the whole world was behind him. either ur agencies are complicit or incompetence. in both case it is dangerous sign. don't pakistan has lost so many sons and daughter because of OBL ?? Infact it is good that he is no more. Yesterday U have lost 87 FC personnel because of OBL. The time is to do introspection rather than blaming other. Time to see every terrorist as one. there is no good or bad terrorist. OBL's episode has raised so many questions regarding the internal security of pakistan. Introspection is the answer rather than passing the bucks.
It is sad to draw conclusions on the basis of hearsay, but when everybody starts pointing fingers it is kind of difficult to ignore the obvious anymore.
Disturbing evidence against Pakistan: Kerry | | DAWN.COM
What 'disturbing evidence'?

So far we have seen squat - just lies and distortions from the Western, particularly US, media, officials and analysts.

Pakistan played a key role in arresting or helping arrest key AQ leaders that provided information that led to OBL. Pakistan provided the intelligence on OBL's courier that allowed the CIA to monitor his telephone calls and track him to OBl's compound.

I fail to see why Pakistan would assist the US in such critical ways if it was indeed 'hiding OBL'.

The fact of the matter is that the US has nothing, nada, zilch, zero in the way of anything credible implicating any institution of Pakistan in the hiding of OBL. This is all a bunch of lies and propaganda by the US to pile pressure on Pakistan.
what a pathetic excuse !!! the world is on a war against terrorism and the world most wanted terrorist found in garrison city..under the nose of pakistan army and u r saying.. so what !!! the question is how it was possible for him to live there for so long when the whole world was behind him. either ur agencies are complicit or incompetence. in both case it is dangerous sign. don't pakistan has lost so many sons and daughter because of OBL ?? Infact it is good that he is no more. Yesterday U have lost 87 FC personnel because of OBL. The time is to do introspection rather than blaming other. Time to see every terrorist as one. there is no good or bad terrorist. OBL's episode has raised so many questions regarding the internal security of pakistan. Introspection is the answer rather than passing the bucks.

I'll repeat a previous post to answer this inane canard of 'complicity/incompetence':

I still don't see how it was a major act of incompetence. Dozens of OBl's neighbors have been interviewed by almost every major international and local news organization, and none of them had any idea that OBL lived there. None of them reported anything suspicious about the place. The men who were known to live there did nothing to arouse any major suspicion. Even the US, according to Panetta, after all their electronic surveillance, human intelligence specifically targeting the compound, for months, was only 60% to 80% sure that OBL lived there. So how on earth can one expect an agency that wasn't even looking at that compound to realize that OBL was there?

Please keep in mind that the reason the CIA honed onto the compound was because the ISI provided them the cell number of the courier who would eventually lead the US to OBL. The CIA was better able to exploit that bit of intelligence because of other AQ figures that Pakistan had arrested or helped arrest, as well as its technical capabilities to monitor electronic communications.

This is far from the huge case of 'incompetence and/or collusion' that this issue is being made out to be.
osama was hiding in pak, so what?


hez with his virgins up there HAPPILY :)
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