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Osama killing: Obama accused of crimes against humanity

yes you are right, but the lawyer accused obama for ordering the assassination of osama.

Yes, but how can he do that. The dead or alive statemnt was already issed. So even if he is killed or not killed, it doesnt make any difference in the eye of law.

And what is the point in accusing Obama? The order was issued, and it was done. There is no one to be blamed. It is actually a very good thing that he got killed.

This spanish guy is amazing.
This Daniel Fiol is more Pakistani than our politicians as he is raising the point of trespassing of our borders by US forces; he is more worthy to be our president or Prime Minister than the rotten faces we have in the parliament.
This Daniel Fiol is more Pakistani than our politicians as he is raising the point of trespassing of our borders by US forces; he is more worthy to be our president or Prime Minister than the rotten faces we have in the parliament.

Please do not fall for this idiots statement. he is just bring up the issue to get famous. he will be forgoten in no time.
why didnt us just blindly kill all the nazis that where captured? didnt they kill us people and soldiers to? why did they get a democratical court and then charged? what do they have that osama bin laden doesnt have?

i can say for sure that the only reason obama got peace prize is because he would never visit norway, just so you know it was the first time a us president visited norway since 2000. norwegian politicians are idiots. they dont look at other people who works for peace, but obama. who did so much great things for humanity.
Since Osama wanted to assassinate Obama, Obama decided to assassinate Osama first. So in reality Osama should be charged with attempting to assassinate Obama.

lol you mean obama attacked osama in self defence ?
why didnt us just blindly kill all the nazis that where captured? didnt they kill us people and soldiers to? why did they get a democratical court and then charged? what do they have that osama bin laden doesnt have?

i can say for sure that the only reason obama got peace prize is because he would never visit norway, just so you know it was the first time a us president visited norway since 2000. norwegian politicians are idiots. they dont look at other people who works for peace, but obama. who did so much great things for humanity.

That was a established Government of Germany that did the attrocities following the chain of command. The followers of the Nazi did not belive in what was done as Human but did it to follow orders from the furer(Adolf Hitler) with out any questions. and as far as Osama is considered his motives of beliving the the presence of forign forces in SA was correct but he did not persue the right path via peace or war with the Government of America but took the fight to the innocent civilians and hence the punishment and

I agree that Obama is in no league to be awarded the noble peace price, but i need not tell you nowadays awards are bought and not awarded. hope you get what i am saying
What an idiotic douchebag!!!

Obama has done the human race a big favor to get rid of that SOB OBL.

We should send that daniel fiol to live with taliban for a month and he would beg to crawl back and never be an idiot again.

""Daniel Fiol has lodged a written complaint at the International Criminal Court accusing the US president of breaching the Geneva Convention for ordering the assassination of Osama bin Laden

In his written complaint, the Spanish lawyer said bin Laden should have been, arrested, tried and convicted according to the law. The killing of bin Laden was even worse as it took place in foreign territory, Pakistan, without the permission of that government, he said.""

Dunya TV Print: Osama killing: Obama accused of crimes against humanity
Daniel Fiol-What a a**hole? How could he forget the 2004 Spanish Train Bombing killing 191 people including 142 Spanish citizens.

Anyways this type of publicity seeking terrorist sympathizers exist in every nation including India
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