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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Somebdy missed his med today... its u.:coffee:

Once USA leaves afghan, real problem for pakistan starts. USA was holding not to start the firework. Now some firework from afghan side also.

---------- Post added at 05:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:22 AM ----------


Somebdy missed his med today... its u.:coffee:

Once USA leaves afghan, real problem for pakistan starts. USA was holding not to start the firework. Now some firework from afghan side also.
Once USA leaves afghan, real problem for pakistan starts. USA was holding not to start the firework. Now some firework from afghan side also.

---------- Post added at 05:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:22 AM ----------

Once USA leaves afghan, real problem for pakistan starts. USA was holding not to start the firework. Now some firework from afghan side also.

All we need to do is to help some people "get back" to their homeland.. thats all ;) ;) ;)
Having looked at the pictures of the dead , I can totally understand now why the US is reluctant to officially release the photographs for the simple reason that leaving aside the type 21-22 water squirter there is no sign of any weapon and there was no armed resistance offered inside the compound and the SEALs just went in an shot up some people in the compound and took away one dead body [ allegedly of Osama bin Laden ]

These dead people are not even showing any sign of being militantly dressed (like wearing a harness for carrying magazines etc) so basically the Navy SEALs went in and shot up these unarmed guys.

The plan was to take out all the dead bodies and kill everyone in the compound but since they lost one of their super duper modified chopper there was now faced with the issue of loading up the people who arrived in the now destroyed chopper so they decided to leave some of the dead behind and take away one body

All did not go as planned

There was nothing dramatic that happened inside the compound .. The Navy SEAL just went in and killed a bunch of unarmed people and in the process destroyed one of their own super duper stealth chopper .. Not very professional and awe inspiring if you ask me and this is the reason the white house will not release any photo graphs because it will expose the truth with no Hollywood type tale to go with it.

So convientiently ignores the 17 un armed people who wernt shot.
So Osama wasnt wearing combat fatiguestherefore he is an inncoent what crap.
So convientiently ignores the 17 un armed people who wernt shot.
So Osama wasnt wearing combat fatiguestherefore he is an inncoent what crap.

Was Osama there??.. i cudn't see him in any picture.. have you??.. if so.. can you post it plz
Hasty burial at sea for no good reason?

I say he is alive, if he was at the compound. The US is interrogating him and will eventually kill him and release the pictures.

They didn't want to announce the capture since that would have possibly spiked terrorist attacks against Western targets to bargain for his release and/or act in his name.

The US will eventually kill him, because it would be very hard to conceal a prisoner of his status for any long period of time. Get whatever information they can out of him, and then shoot him as described in the press releases and dump his body into the sea from some AC Carrier.

---------- Post added at 04:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 PM ----------

Hasty burial at sea for no good reason?

I say he is alive, if he was at the compound. The US is interrogating him and will eventually kill him and release the pictures.

They didn't want to announce the capture since that would have possibly spiked terrorist attacks against Western targets to bargain for his release and/or act in his name.

The US will eventually kill him, because it would be very hard to conceal a prisoner of his status for any long period of time. Get whatever information they can out of him, and then shoot him as described in the press releases and dump his body into the sea from some AC Carrier.


Isn't that a truly brilliant post from you----I don't know what land you live in----but here is some food for thought-----OBL's 12 year old daughter saw his father killed----his young bride saw him killed----she stepped in between to protect him----there would be other children that would have seen his dead body being carried away----.

OBL's children are with pak isi----they will tell a story----AGNO----I believe it is time for you to resign-----.

This board and its senior members need to raise their thinking standards----they need to put their thinking caps on----this is a crucial time for the nation and how you think and react---seperates the men from the boys----the women from girls----.

Raise your standard of thinking people---.
if us could have arrested osama alive as there was no shooting from 'terrorists' then why usa killed him??

Maybe he is alive and being "interrogated" in top secrecy. Claiming that he is dead means no trial, no media, no terrorist attacks demanding his release, etc.
There are currently 13 users browsing this thread. (4 members and 9 guests) :what:
That sweet piece of stealth shall be sent to china for some reverse engineering and material analysis.
Baloch bhai -- in the end I dont think civilians, military leaders or government ''personnel'' could really damn care less what these indian ministers say

Chidambaram is a joke. Krishhna, Mukhrajee and all those other monkey-looking individuals are hard to take seriously even by looking at their faces and hearing the way they constantly yap about Pakistan. They look like the cheap peasants who look like theyre only worthy to polish and shine your shoes.

at any rate, I think it would be prudent for the US to release the video and/or pictures of the body. And in fact it seems that the government is under inexorable pressure to release them, which Im sure they will once things ''cool down'' a bit. They did with Abo Musab Zarqawi as well as Uday/Qusay Hussein ---who were the ones REALLY living in a mansion; not a brick and mortar building near some farmlands which certain medias are calling a ''luxury compound''

LOL! Something is really burning. A pair of shoes perhaps?
Once USA leaves afghan, real problem for pakistan starts. USA was holding not to start the firework. Now some firework from afghan side also.

---------- Post added at 05:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:22 AM ----------

Once USA leaves afghan, real problem for pakistan starts. USA was holding not to start the firework. Now some firework from afghan side also.

and hindus will be supplying with all the gun power
Hi, I posted this article in the Air Force section as it seemed the most relevant forum section. Moderators, if this has been discussed already or is not in the correct section, kindly please close it or move it respectively. Thanks.


Pakistani Army, Shaken by Raid, Faces New Scrutiny
Published: May 4, 2011

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — The reputation of the army, the most powerful and privileged force in Pakistan, has been severely undermined by the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden, raising profound questions about its credibility from people at home and from benefactors abroad, including the United States.

That American helicopters could fly into Pakistan, kill the world’s most wanted terrorist and then fly out undetected has produced a stunned silence from the military and its intelligence service since Monday that some interpret as overwhelming embarrassment, even humiliation.

There is no doubt that the raid has provoked a crisis of confidence for what was long seen as the one institution that held together a nation dangerously beset by militancy and chronically weak civilian governments.

The aftermath has left Pakistanis to challenge their leadership, and the United States to further question an already frequently distrusted partner.

By Wednesday, members of Parliament, newspaper editorials and Pakistan’s raucous political talk shows were calling for an explanation and challenging the military and intelligence establishment, institutions previously immune to public reproach.

Some were calling for an independent inquiry, focused less on the fact that the world’s most wanted terrorist was discovered in their midst than on whether the military could defend Pakistan’s borders and its nuclear arsenal from being snatched or attacked by the United States or India.

“If these people are found to be incompetent, heads should roll,” said Zafar Hilaly, a prominent newspaper columnist.

Different questions were coming from Pakistan’s neighbors and Western allies, including the United States. In Congress, powerful lawmakers in charge of foreign military assistance delivered scathing assessments of the Pakistani Army as either incompetent or duplicitous, saying that renewed financial support was hardly guaranteed.

In Britain, Prime Minister David Cameron told Parliament it was unbelievable that the Pakistani authorities did not know that Bin Laden was hiding not far from the capital.

But the most urgent question of all is what to do about it, and whether the United States should continue to invest in a Pakistani military whose assurances that it does not work with terrorists carry less weight than ever.

Pakistani officials, who feel betrayed by the United States for not informing them in advance about the raid, are responding more defensively by the day.

The biggest question for Pakistan is whether the event prompts a reconsideration of its security strategy, which has long depended on militant proxies, including groups entwined with Al Qaeda.

American officials are certain to use the fact that Bin Laden had taken shelter in Pakistan to press the country for a clearer break from its past. Both sides have an interest in preserving some form of the status quo. Pakistan would like to keep the billions of dollars in aid that flow from the United States. The United States would like to prevent this nuclear-armed Muslim nation from turning more hostile, hosting terrorist networks and complicating efforts to end the war in Afghanistan. But the challenges ahead were revealed in how the outrage over the Bin Laden raid has cut differently in Pakistan and the United States.

For the United States, it has raised the issue of whether any assurance provided by the Pakistani military can be trusted, including the security of its nuclear arsenal. The army has insisted it is adequately protected from extremists, but has resisted security assistance from the United States that it considers too invasive. “We can press Pakistan until the cows come home on its nuclear program,” said Michael Krepon, a co-founder of the Stimson Center in Washington, which works on programs to reduce nuclear weapons. “But they are not going to do the things that we would like them to do that they don’t want to do.”

In Pakistan, commentators who consider the nuclear weapons the country’s most valued asset have raised another concern: In light of the American operation, are the weapons safe from a raid by the United States, or even India?

Meanwhile, the chief of the army, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, and the head of the Inter-Services Intelligence agency, Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, have remained silent about what they knew or did not know about Bin Laden’s presence.

They have both met with President Asif Ali Zardari since the American raid, but no mention has been made in public of those discussions. Civilian politicians have been virtually absent.

Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani left for France on Tuesday, but said Wednesday that he would cut short his trip and return home. Senior ministers in the cabinet failed to turn up in Parliament to offer any explanations on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Instead, the Foreign Office and the information minister, apparently on orders from the military, issued statements intended to explain the shortcomings.

In Parliament on Wednesday, Information Minister Firdous Ashiq Awan said the American helicopters had evaded detection by radar “due to hilly terrain” and use of “map of the earth” flying techniques, an account that failed to comfort almost anyone.

The Foreign Office defended the fact that Bin Laden was not detected because the high security walls at his house in Abbottabad were in line with a culture of privacy. These scant explanations fueled more speculation.

One of the military’s biggest advocates, Kamran Khan, a journalist whose nightly television show garners big audiences, led the chorus: “We had the belief that our defense was impenetrable, but look what has happened. Such a massive intrusion and it went undetected.”

Mr. Khan posed the question on many Pakistani minds: “What is the guarantee that our strategic assets and security installations are safe?”

In some Pakistani quarters, the failure of the army and intelligence agencies to detect Bin Laden, or to do anything about him if indeed his presence was known, prompted calls for an overhaul of the nation’s strategic policies.

“Instead of making more India-specific nuclear-capable missiles, the funds and the energy should be directed to eliminating the terrorists,” said an editorial in the newspaper Pakistan Today.

The editor, Arif Nizami, said the American raid made a mockery of the Pakistani military’s bravura that its fighter jets could shoot down American drones. “You talk of taking out drones, and you can’t even take out helicopters,” Mr. Nizami said.

Some Pakistanis said they were more concerned about the fact that known terrorists were living in their midst than the violation of sovereignty by the Americans.

“The terrorists’ being on our soil is the biggest violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty,” said Athar Minallah, a prominent lawyer. “If Osama bin Laden lives in Abbottabad, there could be a terrorist in my neighborhood.”
lol, almost 1700 people on this thread earlier and now down to 36.
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