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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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What happened to ur consideration for those laws when they attacked Afghan/Iraq/Tortured POWs & just now when they released following photos...?!?!?!?

Read your own link.

Photographs acquired by Reuters and taken about an hour after the U.S. assault on Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad in Pakistan show three dead men lying in pools of blood, but no weapons.

The photos, taken by a Pakistani security official who entered the compound after the early morning raid on Monday, show two men dressed in traditional Pakistani garb and one in a t-shirt, with blood streaming from their ears, noses and mouths.

The official, who wished to remain anonymous, sold the pictures to Reuters.

None of the men looked like bin Laden. President Barack Obama decided not to release photos of his body because it could have incited violence and used as an al Qaeda propaganda tool, the White House said on Wednesday.

Based on the time-stamps on the pictures, the earliest one was dated May 2, 2:30 a.m., approximately an hour after the completion of the raid in which bin Laden was killed.

Other photos, taken hours later at between 5:21 a.m. and 6:43 a.m. show the outside of the trash-strewn compound and the wreckage of the helicopter the United States abandoned. The tail assembly is unusual, and could indicate some kind of previously unknown stealth capability.

Reuters is confident of the authenticity of the purchased images because details in the photos appear to show a wrecked helicopter from the assault, matching details from photos taken independently on Monday.

U.S. forces lost a helicopter in the raid due to a mechanical problem and later destroyed it.

The pictures are also taken in sequence and are all the same size in pixels, indicating they have not been tampered with. The time and date in the photos as recorded in the digital file's metadata match lighting conditions for the area as well as the time and date imprinted on the image itself.

The close-cropped pictures do not show any weapons on the dead men, but the photos are taken in medium close-up and often crop out the men's hands and arms.

One photo shows a computer cable and what looks like a child's plastic green and orange water pistol lying under the right shoulder of one of the dead men. A large pool of blood has formed under his head.

A second shows another man with a streak of blood running from his nose across his right cheek and a large band of blood across his chest.

A third man, in a T-shirt, is on his back in a large pool of blood which appears to be from a head wound.

U.S. acknowledgment on Tuesday that bin Laden was unarmed when shot dead had raised accusations Washington had violated international law. The exact circumstances of his death remained unclear and could yet fuel controversy, especially in the Muslim world.

Pakistan faced national embarrassment, a leading Islamabad newspaper said, in explaining how the world's most-wanted man was able to live for years in the military garrison town of Abbottabad, just north of the capital.

Pakistan blamed worldwide intelligence lapses for a failure to detect bin Laden, while Washington worked to establish whether its ally had sheltered the al Qaeda leader, which Islamabad vehemently denies.

Nothing has been released by USA yet.
osama had a bountyon his head i wonder what made the seals not take him back to take the 25 million.answer it was a planned drama to show the world us has won the war on terror hiding the fact that us literally controls hardly any more than kabul rest of the afghan terrority is basically outlaws.US economy has suffered badly during this misadventure,so US its time to pack your bags and go home,there isnt much use of you staying here and wasting your taxpayers money on a war that will never be yours.Accept the facts as soviet union did in 1990's as the british army did when they were unable to get through afghan terrority and came back with a doctor that was alive even though half the world was their dominion at that time.Pakistan army is the backbone of pakistan and the nuclear assests of pakistan pose a grave threat to the israel india nexus.So the war is on pakistan,its army,its nuclear assets,its credibility,pakistan is the last frontier for complete world domination for the imperalism.
Who backstabbed who ?

Your country was refuge to the world's most gruesome terrorist, and the US did you a very big favor by taking him out. The fact that he lived comfortably within such a location is really something to think about.

well they didnt take him out in afghanistan when they invaded the whole country did they???
This is the most prevailing perception today. Remember there is no absolute truth even something proved in court is debated and there is no such thing where everyone agrees, so perception matters a lot.
ISI sheltered OSAMA, "either they knew it or they are incompetent" CIA Chief.

1) Only a insane person will choose to like so close to Army school, if he was not sure of his safety. (There are many places where he could have taken shelter).
2) The house was build so close to Army with confidence, also built to be so secretive yet no eyebrows raised. Very strange.

If not all, he was definitely sheltered by some in PA/ISI.
Who backstabbed who ?

Your country was refuge to the world's most gruesome terrorist, and the US did you a very big favor by taking him out. The fact that he lived comfortably within such a location is really something to think about.

Please be honorable enough to provide me a proof.. if you can't then shut up!.. even USA can't provide any proof..
it's not the Americans, it's your OWN Government who is doing that.

I think its time for dumb Americans to wake up to the call of time.. you people's life are being put on line for the benefit of "few"..
How is it that you always seem to be knowing the reality, and that reality is always the opposite of what the rest of the world knows as facts ?
Are you living in some kind of an alternate universe ?

Simple.. cuz she has a thing which is foreign for you.. "brain"



Baloch bhai -- in the end I dont think civilians, military leaders or government ''personnel'' could really damn care less what these indian ministers say

Chidambaram is a joke. Krishhna, Mukhrajee and all those other monkey-looking individuals are hard to take seriously even by looking at their faces and hearing the way they constantly yap about Pakistan. They look like the cheap peasants who look like theyre only worthy to polish and shine your shoes.

at any rate, I think it would be prudent for the US to release the video and/or pictures of the body. And in fact it seems that the government is under inexorable pressure to release them, which Im sure they will once things ''cool down'' a bit. They did with Abo Musab Zarqawi as well as Uday/Qusay Hussein ---who were the ones REALLY living in a mansion; not a brick and mortar building near some farmlands which certain medias are calling a ''luxury compound''

Start of firework.
This is the right time, India should move force to the border. Without USA aid and hardware, pakistan will capitulate soon.
Having looked at the pictures of the dead , I can totally understand now why the US is reluctant to officially release the photographs for the simple reason that leaving aside the type 21-22 water squirter there is no sign of any weapon and there was no armed resistance offered inside the compound and the SEALs just went in an shot up some people in the compound and took away one dead body [ allegedly of Osama bin Laden ]

These dead people are not even showing any sign of being militantly dressed (like wearing a harness for carrying magazines etc) so basically the Navy SEALs went in and shot up these unarmed guys.

The plan was to take out all the dead bodies and kill everyone in the compound but since they lost one of their super duper modified chopper there was now faced with the issue of loading up the people who arrived in the now destroyed chopper so they decided to leave some of the dead behind and take away one body

All did not go as planned

There was nothing dramatic that happened inside the compound .. The Navy SEAL just went in and killed a bunch of unarmed people and in the process destroyed one of their own super duper stealth chopper .. Not very professional and awe inspiring if you ask me and this is the reason the white house will not release any photo graphs because it will expose the truth with no Hollywood type tale to go with it.
Start of firework.
This is the right time, India should move force to the border. Without USA aid and hardware, pakistan will capitulate soon.


Here is another mentally retarded person for our amusement.. As one of our general said "put up or shut up"

PS: just helping you out ;)
Pretty Good Information in here

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