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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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considering that OBL was in pakistan, it would be odd if the source wasnt pakistani at some level.

if ISI was aware of OBL's location, why didnt PA grab him first. it would have been much easier, with so many more resources so much closer

There's many reasons and many deal not known.
Let's not exaggerate US capabilities now. If OBL was hiding in say China or Russia, US would not have dared to conduct such an operation so easily.

no special ops wont go...but cant rule out CIA or Mossard..they have done it earlier. They have unlimited resources..they may even use local mercinaries.

Let's not exaggerate US capabilities now. If OBL was hiding in say China or Russia, US would not have dared to conduct such an operation so easily.

China and Russia are not stupid enough to give shelter to a religious nutcase like OBL. Even if they do , they will not be stupid enough to give him a residence near their military academy.
US debates release of Osama bin Laden pictures to quash doubts over death

Ian Black and Ian Sample
Tuesday 3 May 2011

The official US version of Osama bin Laden's killing is being questioned around the world, with doubters asking why they have not yet seen stills or video footage of the raid, his corpse or his burial at sea.

The Obama administration insists it used advanced DNA techniques to find a "virtually 100% match" of the body with DNA taken from relatives of Bin Laden. Face-mapping software was also used.

But doubts persist – especially online. "Is Bin Laden Really Dead Or Is This Some Conspiracy Bullsh*t The Government Is Feeding Us??? Something To Think About," asked Hiphopwired.com.

"Talk about perfect timing! Right when the president's approval rating is at an all-time low, and just as he prepares his re-election campaign, look who he discovers hiding under a rock? What a way to kick some life into his career?"

Participants in jihadi website forums also expressed doubts about the killing. "How sound is the news of the martyrdom of Sheikh Osama bin Laden?" asked a member of the Ansar forum. Another said: "God willing, [this] news is not true. Catastrophic if it is authentic."

On Islamic Awakening one sympathiser wrote: "I will wait for the mujahideen to confirm this, and will not believe until I see a picture of his dead body."

Zabiullah Mujaid, a Taliban spokesman in Afghanistan, said in a statement to journalists: "This news is only coming from one side, from Obama's office, and America has not shown any evidence or proof to support this claim.".

American right-wingers were sceptical and scornful. On the Free Republic forum, a poster called salamander wrote: "The commie muzzie usurper in chief had better release photos and videos toot sweet. WTF with this burial at sea before the body is cold? … Something about this smells."

In July 2003, the US faced criticism but succeeding in silencing most conspiracy theorists by releasing graphic photos of the corpses of Saddam Hussein's sons Uday and Qusay to prove that US forces had killed them. The bodies were embalmed for 11 days before being buried.

US officials were reported to be debating whether or not to release "gruesome" pictures, said to show Bin Laden shot in the chest and above his left eye.

"We are looking at releasing additional information, details about the raid as well as any other types of material, possibly including photos," White House counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan said on ABC news' Good Morning America show. "We want to understand exactly what the possible reaction might be to the release of this information."

The DNA evidence that confirmed Bin Laden was dead came through in the morning after the assault at Abbottabad.

By that time, US intelligence officials were 95% certain they had their man. He was identified by those who took part in the raid and by a woman in the building said to be one of the fugitive's wives.

Further identification came from photographs of the body that were beamed back to CIA specialists who compared them with confirmed images of the al-Qaida leader.

The DNA test left little room for doubt, with one intelligence official telling reporters they had "a virtually 100% match" of the body against DNA taken from "several Bin Laden family members."

As a prioritised task, the DNA analysis could be completed within six hours, said Mark Jobling, a geneticist at Leicester University where DNA fingerprinting was invented.

The first step was to extract DNA from a swab of blood or saliva, a procedure that can be done with a commercial kit in minutes. The next stage was to create a DNA profile to check against those compiled long ago from Bin Laden's relatives.

A genetic profile is based on regions of DNA called short tandem repeats (STRs). These are parts of the genetic code where a sequence of "letters", such as GATA, repeats several times over. The number of times an STR repeats varies from person to person, but is crucially inherited from parents, passed on to children and shared with siblings. A typical genetic fingerprint shows how many times 10 or more STRs repeat in an individual.

The match was obtained when the genetic profile of the dead man was compared with profiles already worked up for Bin Laden's close relatives, such as his sister, who is reported to have died in a Boston hospital. A sibling of Bin Laden's would share half his DNA, but a much stronger match was possible with profiles from more relatives.



I was thinking the guy was near AF-Pakistan border. He was right next to the damn capital. HA!
The only response that we can gauge from Pakistani government is "Please don't give us any credit for this, for the love of God don't associate us with this", I wonder why surely they can't be THAT afraid of a few militant threats? Obama and Hillary are like "No no, Pakistanis aren't bad they did help us in some ways".

Only thing that makes sense to me is that whatever is going on, the administrations on both ends are in on it. The US guys are better at covering all of their bases, Pakistanis have decided to stay silent since they know whatever they say now can be disproven in the extremely fluid situation.

But how come they( Pakistanis) allowed his killing to happen there? If they are involved why not ask to take him to some mountain cave and kill him there. Better yet in Somalia as they claimed before. The location of the incident tells you that Pakistanis were not involved. Actually it could be taken as quite the opposite.
Got the pics, got the DNA, got his secrets. Me, I would have called in the taxidermist and mounted him at Ground Zero: both his friends and foes could assure themselves of his death. However, a fair fraction of the world's Muslims consider him an ideal Muslim and Obama accepted that, hence the burial - out of respect for them, not him.


How many nazi camp guards did you taxidermy----. Solomon----you literally lose it at times----now don't you.
no special ops wont go...but cant rule out CIA or Mossard..they have done it earlier. They have unlimited resources..they may even use local mercinaries.

Yup, I think so too. Thus my point that if it was a country like these, US would not have dared to do it in such an open and blatant way.

China and Russia are not stupid enough to give shelter to a religious nutcase like OBL. Even if they do , they will not be stupid enough to give him a residence near their military academy.

Of course, I know that. I was just painting a hypothetical scenario to prove my point.
Pakistan is next Somalia, no doubt....

Thank you for exposing Pakistan's real face including Military, ISI and Taliban, goo-ood Osama dead !

It is clear that Pakistan is in a jam.

After the death of Osama bin Laden and his body thrown into the Arabian Sea by the Americans the focus will be 100% on Pakistan; its incompetent civilian government, its impotent elected parliament, its misdirected judiciary, its corrupt civil servants and its crooked military establishment.

What is common amongst all of these institutions is that they lie to each other, they lie to foreign countries, they lie to the people of Pakistan and most important of all they lie within themselves.

They think if they lie all issues related to Pakistan will somehow be solved and no one will ever question them for their lies.

Now that the Americans have proven to the world without a shadow of any doubt that Pakistan’s government and military have been lying to them for the past many years, the people of Pakistan should now expect a very unilateral mode of business between the Americans and GoP and its military establishment.

Pakistan’s point man, Husain Haqqani in Washington, D.C., has explicitly stated that there will be an inquiry to see why did the ISI and other intelligence agencies failed in locating Osama. Good riddance to Mister Ambassador for ditching the people who he is supposed to be representing.

Good riddance to ISI for failing miserably to defend and protect the people of Pakistan and its sovereignty. If the military establishment is proud of itself and compares its ISI with Mosaad than why has been reluctant to detail the extent of its involvement in the raid on a compound in Abbottabad
Pakistan is in jam because now the US will make demands without any hesitation. They will increase UAV attacks, they’ll send Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) without any permission into Pakistan for snatch/grab/assassination operations, and the people of Pakistan now should expect even direct USAF attacks.

One of my sources informed me today that in his discussion with a senior PAF officer about the JSOC raid in Abbottabad, the PAF officer said to him we don’t know when and how they came in. This PAF officer later informed the source that these helicopters flew into Tarbala Ghazi Base refueled both ways. The PAF officer said we don’t have the equipment to track these aircrafts. My source said to the PAF officer you are one lying SOB. What is all this Erieye, Chinese 3-D radars, JF-17, F-16, etc., for? No answer.

There is only one way for Pakistan to come out of this jam. All these institutions should be honest and open to the people of Pakistan. Everyone knows that the USA has approval to use AUAV and the Pakistani military man in charge of the operation in FATA has admitted that AUAV attacks have been very successful.

Pakistan is in a jam because everyone in Pakistan lies. ISI has been lying to the Americans for the past nine years. They told the Americans one thing, said something different to the people in the government and did something completely different for themselves.

The lie has been caught and there is only one solution: STOP lying and talk straight!

If this is the viewpoint of one of the most respected and credible sources from online defence community, you can only imagine how deep this rabbit hole goes
Sir, How many nazi camp guards did you taxidermy -
Non sequitur. Osama bin Laden was no dictator's flunky, but an internationally renowned terrorist leader. Stuffing him would merely have been a way to assure everyone of his I.D. (And it wasn't my idea to have him mutilated and consumed by dogs.)
Yup, I think so too. Thus my point that if it was a country like these, US would not have dared to do it in such an open and blatant way.

But then who knows these countries might have allowed US access. Unless they have plans to manipulate terrorist for their own use.
Pakistan is next Somalia, no doubt....

Thank you for exposing Pakistan's real face including Military, ISI and Taliban, goo-ood Osama dead !


I agree.

It is great that Osama, that great terrorist scum has died but what is truly shocking is where he was residing and the help he so obviously has had from our intelligence agency.

Today Pakistan is seen truly as the hub of terrorism and it is the epitome of global problems. Who would have thought that it was our own army and intelligence services which will harm our nation to no extent.

Here is a man who is responsible for the killing of thousands globally, 10's of thousands in Pakistan alone and he was living minuted away from Kakul, a military establishment in a garrison town.

I was in denial initially but now I know that the real cause of this problem is this 'Khilafat' loving 'Invisible Soldiers of Islam' (ISI) which is hell bent on killing as many as it can and destroying our image globally.

Look at where Pakistan stands today because of the nonsense policies being followed and this 'strategic depth' policy.

What an absolute ****** up situation.
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