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Osama Bin Laden Raid: Pakistan Hints China Wants a Peek at Secret Helicopte

Could not be said better. In the next five years Chinese will unravel a Heli with a stealth Tail as they have got only the tail.


Nonorganic mechanical constructs behave just like like organic plants. You put a part in some nutrient agar and you get a whole specimen.
Could not be said better. In the next five years Chinese will unravel a Heli with a stealth Tail as they have got only the tail.

Seeing a helicopter with only a stealth tail is always better than reading something posted by a person with only an empty skull.
Technology in US helicopter not so secret: expert - Yahoo! News

"Countries that examine the wreckage will not learn much from the remnants of the exploded helicopter that were not already readily available in open literature"

Pakistan has the US by the balls!

lol if we cared about it much it would have been bombarded by a strike package. We got what we wanted, and all of America is stronger then ever.

Off Topic, but this is a nice video to watch really makes me love my country. The wreckage is the last of our worries.

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What is this ? Metallurgy is not something you can unravel just by analyzing a finished component. I dont think anyone would gain anything. Except for the media going off on a frenzy.
Osama Bin Laden Raid: Pakistan Hints China Wants a Peek at Secret Helicopter

Pakistani officials said today they're interested in
studying the remains of the U.S.'s secret stealth-
modified helicopter abandoned during the Navy SEAL
raid of Osama bin Laden's compound, and suggested
the Chinese are as well.

The U.S. has already asked the Pakistanis for the
helicopter wreckage back, but one Pakistani official
told ABC News the Chinese were also "very interested"
in seeing the remains. Another official said, "We might
let them [the Chinese] take a look."

A U.S. official said he did not know if the Pakistanis
had offered a peek to the Chinese, but said he would
be "shocked" if the Chinese hadn't already been given
access to the damaged aircraft.

The chopper, which aviation experts believe to be a
highly classified modified version of a Blackhawk
helicopter, clipped a wall during the operation that
took down the al Qaeda leader, the White House said.
The U.S. Navy SEALs that rode in on the bird
attempted to destroy it after abandoning it on the
ground, but a significant portion of the tail section
survived the explosion. In the days after the raid, the
tail section and other pieces of debris -- including a
mysterious cloth-like covering that the local children
found entertaining to play with -- were photographed
being hauled away from the crash site by tractor.

Aviation experts said the unusual configuration of the
rear rotor, the curious hub-cap like housing around
it and the general shape of the bird are all clues the
helicopter was highly modified to not only be quiet,
but to have as small a radar signature as possible.

The helicopter's remains have apparently become
another chip in a tense, high-stakes game of
diplomacy between the U.S. and Pakistan following the
U.S.'s unilateral military raid of bin Laden's compound i
n Abbottabad, Pakistan, more than a week ago. The
potential technological advancements gleaned from
the bird could be a "much appreciated gift" to the
Chinese, according to former White House
counterterrorism advisor and ABC News consultant
Richard Clarke.

Officials at the U.S. Department of Defense declined to
comment for this report, and a senior Pentagon
official told ABC News last week the Department would
"absolutely not" discuss anything relating to the
downed chopper. Several Chinese government
officials in the U.S. and in China were not available for

U.S. officials have not officially disclosed any details
on the helicopter, but President Obama said it was a
"$60 million helicopter," in a report by The
Washington Post. While the price tag on normal
Blackhawks varies depending the type, none cost
more than $20 million according to the latest
Department of Defense procurement report.

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Lol- i am sure this has already been done by now-
American must have risk accessed the operation and was prepared to lose such technology (perhaps not in this manner). If they didn't mind letting it get into the hands of the Chinese, then they wouldn't resort to its last ditched attempt to destroy it in the first place. I guess we have the compound wall to thank for this. Lets give it sometime and see what we can make out of it after conducting some detailed analysis. I am sure the material, paint, shielding and rotor blade configuration can be used to supplement our future designs.

I believe this is not their first time to use this helo. 100% sure.:smokin:
Seeing a helicopter with only a stealth tail is always better than reading something posted by a person with only an empty skull.

If you want to view the Heli manufactured by Empty skull, I can't stop imagining about your skull. On a lighter note, Seeing is always better than stealing/hacking to get the blue prints.
dawood was sonia gandhi's boy friend according to hindustan times when she was in italy and wasnt rajiv's wife...so he must be somewhere in delhi or mumbai or maybe kabul

So UBL had a girl friend that too from the establishment, apart from his wife's, that 's why he was in Pakistan. Gotcha

---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 PM ----------


Nonorganic mechanical constructs behave just like like organic plants. You put a part in some nutrient agar and you get a whole specimen.

Like the J20 right.
Can't say this wasn't expected from Pakistan, and rather highlights the duplicity present.

The most damaging release was the release of the knowledge that we have this particular capability, which was obviously taken into account in planning.
If you want to view the Heli manufactured by Empty skull, I can't stop imagining about your skull. On a lighter note, Seeing is always better than stealing/hacking to get the blue prints.

Thanks for your advice, but I am more inclined to believe that the Chinese helicopter industry knows better than a person like you who thinks that a helicopter can be built from simply sightseeing. Speaking of skulls, please prove to us that you have something in yours by posting better-informed opinions.

Man, don't I wish you were the US Chief of Staff. Then China would have the world's most advanced helicopter fleet.
i always anticipated this from the first day the news came out. at last something good might come out for pakistan from OBL killing. lol
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