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Orissa temple purified after low caste minister visit

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your kid wanted people to convert to islam...i wasn't the one who brught islam into this.

Well, that was my personal opinion uncle.... and that I asked low castes who are hindus but who cannot enter temples because you prevent them... and so I personally requested them to convert into Islam....
It is moral duty of Pakistan to extend moral support to those low cast hindus being treated as animals in its neighborhood in a similar way as Zardari issued statements in favor of Palestinians.
I hope GEO and Asma Jehangir will take note of such gross violations of human rights and take the matter to the international level.
I don't think that indian media have courage to talk the taboo issues of its society.


You are gem. What about shedding a tear or two for the lower castes of muslims in Pakistan and India ? Want to bury it under the carpet ?

Caste system among South Asian Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In some parts of South Asia, the Muslims are divided as Ashrafs and Ajlafs.[7] Ashrafs claim a superior status derived from their foreign ancestry[5][8]. The non-Ashrafs are assumed to be converts from Hinduism, and are therefore drawn from the indigenous population. They, in turn, are divided into a number of occupational castes.[8]

Sections of the ulema (scholars of Islamic jurisprudence) provide religious legitimacy to caste with the help of the concept of kafa'a. A classical example of scholarly declaration of the Muslim caste system is the Fatawa-i Jahandari, written by the fourteenth century Turkish scholar, Ziauddin Barani, a member of the court of Muhammad bin Tughlaq, of the Tughlaq dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. Barani was known for his intensely casteist views, and regarded the Ashraf Muslims as racially superior to the Ajlaf Muslims. He divided the Muslims into grades and sub-grades. In his scheme, all high positions and privileges were to be a monopoly of the high born Turks, not the Indian Muslims. Even in his interpretation of the Koranic verse "Indeed, the pious amongst you are most honored by Allah", he considered piety to be associated with noble birth. Barrani was specific in his recommendation that the "sons of Mohamed" [i.e. Ashrafs] "be given a higher social status than the low-born [i.e. Ajlaf][9].His most significant contribution in the fatwa was his analysis of the castes with respect to Islam.[

Best Regards
My kid? What the hell you going on about? Nobody is trying to convert anyone. You cannot hide the fact that Indian society has huge problems with the lower and upper caste practice. Minorities are treated very badly. I sense you are very emotional and angry at this point. Take a breather dude...

read the posts on the page einstein.read what i have posted again....or m i talking to another of those india-is-bad-whatever case?

You are gem. What about shedding a tear or two for the lower castes of muslims in Pakistan and India ? Want to bury it under the carpet ?

Caste system among South Asian Muslims - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In some parts of South Asia, the Muslims are divided as Ashrafs and Ajlafs.[7] Ashrafs claim a superior status derived from their foreign ancestry[5][8]. The non-Ashrafs are assumed to be converts from Hinduism, and are therefore drawn from the indigenous population. They, in turn, are divided into a number of occupational castes.[8]

Sections of the ulema (scholars of Islamic jurisprudence) provide religious legitimacy to caste with the help of the concept of kafa'a. A classical example of scholarly declaration of the Muslim caste system is the Fatawa-i Jahandari, written by the fourteenth century Turkish scholar, Ziauddin Barani, a member of the court of Muhammad bin Tughlaq, of the Tughlaq dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. Barani was known for his intensely casteist views, and regarded the Ashraf Muslims as racially superior to the Ajlaf Muslims. He divided the Muslims into grades and sub-grades. In his scheme, all high positions and privileges were to be a monopoly of the high born Turks, not the Indian Muslims. Even in his interpretation of the Koranic verse "Indeed, the pious amongst you are most honored by Allah", he considered piety to be associated with noble birth. Barrani was specific in his recommendation that the "sons of Mohamed" [i.e. Ashrafs] "be given a higher social status than the low-born [i.e. Ajlaf][9].His most significant contribution in the fatwa was his analysis of the castes with respect to Islam.[

Best Regards

That's just utter nonsense. Just because some crazy nut job brings out a fatwa doesn't mean it's supported by Islam. Find me one verse or hadith that supports this idea and we will talk...
Well, that was my personal opinion uncle.... and that I asked low castes who are hindus but who cannot enter temples because you prevent them... and so I personally requested them to convert into Islam....

yeah...indeed your valuable opininon in BOLD BLACK LETTERS!
i support you just and noble cause.

That is why I said a low caste hindu can enter a Mosque, a Church, but he cannot enter a hindu temple ironically... All low caste members it is my personal suggestion to you, if you want to get human dignity, and still if you want to have a religion.... embrace Islam... because then your Muslim brothers will never discriminate you... never...

Come on guy ! Muslims and Christians both have caste systems and the sooner you learn that the better.

Caste system exists in all religions because of lack of education even if the religion forbids it.

read the posts on the page einstein.read what i have posted again....or m i talking to another of those india-is-bad-whatever case?

LOL clearly annoyed and hurt. You're just a product of that very society. I don't blame you for reacting in such a hostile manner. It was to be expected. It's part of your DNA.
That's just utter nonsense. Just because some crazy nut job brings out a fatwa doesn't mean it's supported by Islam. Find me one verse or hadith that supports this idea and we will talk...

oh no no...why would it be for real...?
lets come back to india bashing...more fun...right?
you cannot be a communist!!!
more than the bias....the 'low-caste' people had a traditional economic handicap.the steps were to remove that handicap.

Then it is economy... I said caste based reservation is wrong, not economy based reservation.... well uncle why you did not read my comments carefully I understand...

And caste based reservation has no relation with temple entry...
LOL clearly annoyed and hurt. You're just a product of that very society. I don't blame you for reacting in such a hostile manner. It was to be expected. It's part of your DNA.

yes indeed.
That's just utter nonsense. Just because some crazy nut job brings out a fatwa doesn't mean it's supported by Islam. Find me one verse or hadith that supports this idea and we will talk...

Maybe than you should also post something from the Geeta the hindoo holy book authorising the same.


Ps : Google caste systems in muslims and Christians and you will get as many hits.
oh no no...why would it be for real...?
lets come back to india bashing...more fun...right?

No one is bashing India you fool. I've just posted the news that by the way is reported by an Indian news agency. You obviously have difficulty in defending such wrongdoing... Well, that's because wrong is wrong.
Perhaps the Catholics should throw open the papal chamber to the general public and elect the pope by popular vote.

Much more democratic, isn't it?

LOL....talk about a temple - the Catholics get a whole bloody country for themselves.

Or lets just allow people to wear bikinis to Church. That's the epitome of democracy.
Then it is economy... I said caste based reservation is wrong, not economy based reservation.... well uncle why you did not read my comments carefully I understand...

And caste based reservation has no relation with temple entry...

well junior...the caste based reservation has an even more grave economic side to it...dont come fighting again...wiki or google it.
Maybe than you should also post something from the Geeta the hindoo holy book authorising the same.


Ps : Google caste systems in muslims and Christians and you will get as many hits.

No, I don't need to because many Hindu's in this thread haven't denied the caste system in India. You got to be pretty naive to deny the obvious. The caste system is part and parcel of Hindu religion. It's wrong. Anyone condoning is sick. Anyone denying it is unaware of the facts. Period.
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