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Orissa temple purified after low caste minister visit

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Why only Modi, almost half of chief ministers in India are from the so called lower castes. There are large number of muslim ministers in our parliament. Parsis hardly constitute any percentage in India but they have made to some of the highest positions. There are muslims even in the so called Hindu BJP. Has Pakistan created a single Muslim billionare ? Is there any muslim in Pakistan who come anywhere near Prem Ji Azim ?


They wanted to convert "lower cast" Hindus to islam,i just suggested the name they "love"so much.
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That form of entertainment is found in every corner of the world. And it's not broadcast on our live television for millions of people to see. Neither are they turned into a social status of class. And our women don't make them their role-models and base their whole life upon them.

And yes, I'm also talking about our film Industry. Same thing applies there too. It's not famous throughout the world simply because our people don't support it to that extent.

yeah...dont you think that it's hypocritical for muslims who claim that there women should be decently covered from head to toe also enjoy watching them shake there you-know-what in secret!?!
i am against banning anything...democracy should be capable of providing education to people till they are 18 and then the onus should be on them to choose what they think is right and what they think is wrong....
yeah...dont you think that it's hypocritical for muslims who claim that there women should be decently covered from head to toe also enjoy watching them shake there you-know-what in secret!?!
i am against banning anything...democracy should be capable of providing education to people till they are 18 and then the onus should be on them to choose what they think is right and what they think is wrong....

Well, I am late in reply. Nothing hypocritical for Muslims there. Islam stands for decency and sanctity, that is why you will never find any erotic, nude, pornographic, vulgar, obscene statues, icons, designs, arts, architecture there anywhere in any Mosques or even near the Mosque premises. In fact, there is no idol worship in Islam, the most modern, rich, and humanitarian religion.

But your hindu temples are covered with nanga, nude, naked, vulgar, erotic, obscene, pornographic statues and icons(Konark and other south indian hindu temples for example) and architectural designs. Please do not deny this fact, please try to admit the truth. hindus even performed devadasi system in which girls were forced to perform erotic dances in temples. See the film of Raj Kapoor satyam shivam sundaram to get an idea. Please do not try to promote nudity and vulgarism in other religion. Please do not take offense, I have respect for your religion, sometimes, I have to respect nudity and nude religions, I am not disrespecting any nudity and vulgarism based religion.

I did not force anyone to become Muslims, it was my personal suggestion and you too can personally suggest anyone to become Muslims. You can even become a Muslim, many brahmins become Muslims, Suman Chattopadhyay, a noted singer of Bengal, became Muslim, he is now Kabir Suman. You are welcome, if you want to. Ok now it enough, lets get back to the topic, and that is the hindu inhuman caste system.

Tell me why you prohibited the low caste minister who has political power to enter temples or why after his visit you needed to purify the temple? You claimed you are a brahmin. how do you know that? What it means to be a brahmin?
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Well, I am late in reply. Nothing hypocritical for Muslims there. Islam stands for decency and sanctity, that is why you will never find any erotic, nude, pornographic, vulgar, obscene statues, icons, designs, arts, architecture there anywhere in any Mosques or even near the Mosque premises. In fact, there is no idol worship in Islam, the most modern, rich, and humanitarian religion.

But your hindu temples are covered with nanga, nude, naked, vulgar, erotic, obscene, pornographic statues and icons(Konark and other south indian hindu temples for example) and architectural designs. Please do not deny this fact, please try to admit the truth. hindus even performed devadasi system in which girls were forced to perform erotic dances in temples. See the film of Raj Kapoor satyam shivam sundaram to get an idea. Please do not try to promote nudity and vulgarism in other religion.

I did not force anyone to become Muslims, it was my personal suggestion and you too can personally suggest anyone to become Muslims. You can even become a Muslim, many brahmins become Muslims, Suman Chattopadhyay, a noted singer of Bengal, became Muslim, he is now Kabir Suman. You are welcome, if you want to. Ok now it enough, lets get back to the topic, and that is the hindu inhuman caste system.

Tell me why you prohibited the low caste minister who has political power to enter temples or why after his visit you needed to purify the temple? You claimed you are a brahmin. how do you know that? What it means to be a brahmin?

no thanks i like my religion.
it means nothing to be a brahmin...atleast now and for me.
my fore-fathers used to perform rituals.my being a brahmin is a fact that only me and my family know...it's nothing to be proud of or be ashamed of...it's just a title...that is not used now..as we dont have to perform rituals now.people in this country are now respected not for being a brahmin...but for what they achieve as citizens of india...the temples or mosques are best left alone...the govt cant interfere much there...
if you'd ask me whether i am a hindu or an indian....my answer would be that i am an indian first and then a hindu.
But aren't you Communist == Atheist?

Why are you lecturing about Islam?:confused:

Well, I am late in reply. Nothing hypocritical for Muslims there. Islam stands for decency and sanctity, that is why you will never find any erotic, nude, pornographic, vulgar, obscene statues, icons, designs, arts, architecture there anywhere in any Mosques or even near the Mosque premises. In fact, there is no idol worship in Islam, the most modern, rich, and humanitarian religion.

But your hindu temples are covered with nanga, nude, naked, vulgar, erotic, obscene, pornographic statues and icons(Konark and other south indian hindu temples for example) and architectural designs. Please do not deny this fact, please try to admit the truth. hindus even performed devadasi system in which girls were forced to perform erotic dances in temples. See the film of Raj Kapoor satyam shivam sundaram to get an idea. Please do not try to promote nudity and vulgarism in other religion. Please do not take offense, I have respect for your religion, sometimes, I have to respect nudity and nude religions, I am not disrespecting any nudity and vulgarism based religion.

I did not force anyone to become Muslims, it was my personal suggestion and you too can personally suggest anyone to become Muslims. You can even become a Muslim, many brahmins become Muslims, Suman Chattopadhyay, a noted singer of Bengal, became Muslim, he is now Kabir Suman. You are welcome, if you want to. Ok now it enough, lets get back to the topic, and that is the hindu inhuman caste system.

Tell me why you prohibited the low caste minister who has political power to enter temples or why after his visit you needed to purify the temple? You claimed you are a brahmin. how do you know that? What it means to be a brahmin?
You cannot root the evil in society which has been there for thousands year.Yes India is raciest countary caste,color everything and we know it and we are trying to root it out yes incident like this happen mainly now in south and some backwards state hopefully we will root them out by educating our masses and so called elite bhramans have there days numbered, every society have its evil like in our Sikh community there mass murder of girl foeticide is present but the trick is to understand and root it out ,it takes time, black slavery took century to get eradicated and we still are 61 year old countary.Except Singapore every other countary took time to develop.
no thanks i like my religion.
it means nothing to be a brahmin...atleast now and for me.
my fore-fathers used to perform rituals.my being a brahmin is a fact that only me and my family know...it's nothing to be proud of or be ashamed of...it's just a title...that is not used now..as we dont have to perform rituals now.people in this country are now respected not for being a brahmin...but for what they achieve as citizens of india...the temples or mosques are best left alone...the govt cant interfere much there...
if you'd ask me whether i am a hindu or an indian....my answer would be that i am an indian first and then a hindu.

A very rational reply if I compare it to the above replies from some indian hindus who supported strongly the brahmins of that Orissa temple. Sad, disappointing, unfortunate and condemnable. Well, you are coming closer to logic. You are a brahmin, right? Have you read the books, Malabikagnimitram, Abhignansakuntalam or even the Naya sastras? Have you visited the tols of Nabadwip and Nadia of Bengal. Most probably not. You you are still using the title which shows you are a brahmin. What does priesthood mean? Simply answering, a person who worships hindu deities is called a priest. But tell me, why it is that only some people can exclusively worship your hindu deities and can enjoy hereditary claims of being brahmins. A low caste can also worship, it is just a job, a profession in your hinduism. why do you forbid them? why man? Are they dirty? Cannot they purchase toilet soaps? Dont they have bathrooms? Or they are uneducated? You know, you people always try to be over smart and so you suffer. Now you know casteism and the caste based reservation and how it has become politicized. Caste based reservation will never be abolished till the end of india. And now you suffer, you pay for what you people committed and still committing. I am telling you my dear brahmin friend, a day will come very soon after three decades, when you brahmins will need to struggle for your caste based reservation, if you look at the statistics of your government. Dude, every action has similar and opposite reaction, go and read the Newton's third law. You will enjoy your life but then your children your next generation will suffer, I am telling you dude.

This is why I am suggesting you personally to embrace Islam, because, Islam stands for equality, fraternity and unity.
No one is objected to enter temple. As a hindu anyone can enter. Temple area is restricted to nonhindus and tat also if they find you with your skin or dress. Everyone is allowed.
BUt NO one allowed to touch the idol. DO U UNDERSTAND. ITS NOT DESCRIMINATION> ITS A RULE.

Orissa Dalits dare age-old rituals

Jajati Karan / CNN-IBN

Published on Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 11:29, Updated on Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 11:39 in Nation section

Tags: Dalits, Orissa , Bhubaneswar
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Dalits all set to enter Orissa templeHoly mess at Jagannath temple Temple off limits, Dalits to convert

Bhubaneswar: Dalits of Keradagada village in Orissa have gathered to do something they have never dared to do before. On November 19, they plan to force their way into the Lord Jagannath temple in the village where they have been deprived entry by the majority upper caste people.

At this 200-year-old temple, the priest still serves prashad to Dalits outside the temple gate. And leading the war cry for change are educated Dalits who work outside the village.

"I feel so humiliated that I can go to Jagannath temple in other villages but not to the temple in my own village. The Constitution gives us this right but then why does not the Government help us in getting this right,” a Dalit in Keraragarh village, Sukhadev Ghochayat said.

The Dalits have complained to the district administration, the State Human Rights Commission and the Orissa government.

"The district collector seems helpless. I will send my department secretary and will enquire into the matter. I will see that I help them in getting them justice,” Minister of State, SC and ST, Chaitanya Prasad Majhi said.

But upper caste villagers are unwilling to compromise.

"Our tradition says not to allow Dalits into the temple. If they force their way or administration uses any force to allow them in, then we will all discard our service to the Lord in the temple and go away. Then let them do what ever they want,” chief priest, at Jagannath temple, Keraragarh, Madan Mohan Rath said.

This is not the first time that a controversy has erupted over entry in a temple in Orissa. There have been many such instances in the past but the state government does not seem to care for obvious reasons.

(With inputs from Prasant Swain in Kendrapara)

Orissa Dalits dare age-old rituals
A very rational reply if I compare it to the above replies from some indian hindus who supported strongly the brahmins of that Orissa temple. Sad, disappointing, unfortunate and condemnable. Well, you are coming closer to logic. You are a brahmin, right? Have you read the books, Malabikagnimitram, Abhignansakuntalam or even the Naya sastras? Have you visited the tols of Nabadwip and Nadia of Bengal. Most probably not. You you are still using the title which shows you are a brahmin. What does priesthood mean? Simply answering, a person who worships hindu deities is called a priest. But tell me, why it is that only some people can exclusively worship your hindu deities and can enjoy hereditary claims of being brahmins. A low caste can also worship, it is just a job, a profession in your hinduism. why do you forbid them? why man? Are they dirty? Cannot they purchase toilet soaps? Dont they have bathrooms? Or they are uneducated? You know, you people always try to be over smart and so you suffer. Now you know casteism and the caste based reservation and how it has become politicized. Caste based reservation will never be abolished till the end of india. And now you suffer, you pay for what you people committed and still committing. I am telling you my dear brahmin friend, a day will come very soon after three decades, when you brahmins will need to struggle for your caste based reservation, if you look at the statistics of your government. Dude, every action has similar and opposite reaction, go and read the Newton's third law. You will enjoy your life but then your children your next generation will suffer, I am telling you dude.

This is why I am suggesting you personally to embrace Islam, because, Islam stands for equality, fraternity and unity.

i love all human kind...i am a moderate hindu.i love my religion...i do yoga in the morning...and that is the only ritual i do...that is for my physical and spiritual well-being...the spiritual side of hinduism is amazing...the concept of not being materialistic and believing in the undying 'aatma'...and achieving 'moksha' or 'nirvana'...if it were upto me i would destroy all temples and mosques and ban everything that divides man from man...
would you call a non-muslim your brother?
a lot of muslims would first want him to convert...that is also not good now is it?
But aren't you Communist == Atheist?

Why are you lecturing about Islam?:confused:

Yes I am a communist and I am showing the right path for those helpless, exploited, deprived and discriminated hindu low caste people who claim themselves hindus but they cannot enjoy the mainstream hindu privileges, they cannot enter temples, they cannot marry the sons and daughters of brahmins and upper caste hindus, they cannot enter your houses, they face atrocities, lynching and enmity from you, and so I personally suggest those low caste people to embrace Islam, because they believe in religion. It is of course not their fault, they have been betrayed by their leader Ambedkar who became a buddhist instead of being a Muslim. The whole india would have become Islamized, had Ambedkar become a Muslim, because after his conversion to budhdhism, more than 10 lakhs Mahars, a low caste group of Maharastra, became budhdhists. But budhdhism is a fake religion, another diplomatic version of hinduism.

But now times are changing, low castes are now getting education and they will now identify what is kautilyan diplomacy and what is humanity. I personally suggest them to become Muslims to have the dignified and humane treatment from their Muslim brothers.
Dear god...you really have no clue, do you?

Yes I am a communist and I am showing the right path for those helpless, exploited, deprived and discriminated hindu low caste people who claim themselves hindus but they cannot enjoy the mainstream hindu privileges, they cannot enter temples, they cannot marry the sons and daughters of brahmins and upper caste hindus, they cannot enter your houses, they face atrocities, lynching and enmity from you, and so I personally suggest those low caste people to embrace Islam, because they believe in religion. It is of course not their fault, they have been betrayed by their leader Ambedkar who became a buddhist instead of being a Muslim. The whole india would have become Islamized, had Ambedkar become a Muslim, because after his conversion to budhdhism, more than 10 lakhs Mahars, a low caste group of Maharastra, became budhdhists. But budhdhism is a fake religion, another diplomatic version of hinduism.

But now times are changing, low castes are now getting education and they will now identify what is kautilyan diplomacy and what is humanity. I personally suggest them to become Muslims to have the dignified and humane treatment from their Muslim brothers.
Interesting belief, Hinduism.
A person is born and judged from the start and his place in the world is already determined if he is "up" there or "down" there.
No wonder Islam gets the highest amount of people converting to it every year.
Also, I wonder if religious debates are allowed on Defence.pk?
This is a thread you'll never see in BKR forum or the Indian media.
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Interesting belief, Hinduism.
A person is born and judged from the start and his place in the world is already determined if he is "up" there or "down" there.
No wonder Islam gets the highest amount of people converting to it every year.
Also, I wonder if religious debates are allowed on Defence.pk?
This is a thread you'll never see in BDR forum or the Indian media.

I agree with you wholeheartedly my friend. :agree:

Those hindus' belief is not only interesting but also incredible and peculiar. Anyone can wonder such a feudalistic and racist belief can still exist. They deprive their own low caste dalits and shudras, they exploit their own women, and still they say hinduism is moderate and unifying religion, what a bluff!!!! By birth some hindus claim they are superior, and by birth they brand some others inferiors. But at the same time, they use those stupid low caste hindus as slaves to show their big number and then after using throw them to the gutter, just a use and throw pen. They earlier burnt their own women through the sati system and still they use their own women for their own sexual amusement in the name of liberty. That is why those hindus are closer to western culture where now family values are rapidly declining where women wear bikinis and other seductive attires to seduce men. Actually i find, these are their genetic loop wholes. And the only way to get rid of this is to conversion into Islam.

And those hindu forums which wear the mask of secularism?? What can I say about that?
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