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Order Of Battle: Turkish Navy


Feb 20, 2008
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A quick reference about the active ships, ongoing building programs and planned acquisitions of the Turkish Navy


A detailed version of the above list:


Note 1: The construction of the AIP powered Type 214 class submarines have not started officially.
Note 2: It is possible that a second Knox class frigate may still be in service.
Note 3: As the production is continuing in modular sections it is not clear how many ships are being built simultaneously.
Note 4: The tender process is still going on.
Note 5: The construction of the two awarded LST's has not started officially.
Note 6: As the production is continuing in modular sections it is not clear how many ships are being built simultaneously.
Note 7: It is planned to acquire two sailing training ships.
Note 8: The construction of the one submarine rescue ships and two salvage ships, all awarded, have not started officially.
Note 9: It is reported the construction of 17 helicopters is finished but the fitting of the military hardware is continuing.
Note 10: The planes are not commissioned officially.

Bosphorus Naval News: Order Of Battle: Turkish Navy
-Production of Kilic-II FACs and A-Class Mine Hunters has been finished.
-1 Fleet Support Tanker planned to built.
-There is still 2 Knox Class active
-Mine Sweeper ship planned to built to replace old-coastal sweepers.
-In 2 years 2 old LST will be decommisioned.
-Currently at least 6 Dearsan Patrol Boat underconstruction all ships due to be delivered in 2014.
-Total number of AB-212s are less then 14. probably 13 may be 12. 2 of which is general purpose helicopter and 3 of which is EW. Remaining is ASW; Turkish ASW choppers has state-of-art L-3 Communications AQS-18A dipping sonar.
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Quote:Note 5: The construction of the two awarded LST's has not started officially.

Domestic LST design selected by SSM !!!


Note 8: The construction of the one submarine rescue ships and two salvage ships, all awarded, have not started officially.

Domestic Moship Design selected by SSM


Domestic RATSHIP design selected by SSM


Note 3: As the production is continuing in modular sections it is not clear how many ships are being built simultaneously.

New Type Patrol Boat Dearsan

RMK S&R vessel launching ceremony 2010

Note 6: As the production is continuing in modular sections it is not clear how many ships are being built simultaneously.

Domestic LCT design selected by SSM

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BTW, While Many Naval craft, ship and warship programs have been proceeded in accordance with time and fund schedule, The development of subsystems such as Submarine bombs, Ship engines, Torpedo decoys, Naval 3D and surveillance Radars, Sonars, Underwater surveillance-communication devices, FCS's, Naval stabilised Air defence missiles and Guns, APAR radars, consol technologies, bridge systems, stealth technologies...etc are maturing along with those programs.

I think The most strategical program will be the Turkish Anti-Ship missile development one called ATMACA. Atmaca Block-I will have a specific range around 70km. It is described primerily in order to meet the requirements of TN in the seas that do not have a long horizon cause of obstacles, islands...


AKYA Heavy-Light weight torpedo development programs will also be important for the future of TN. AKYA-H (It will have both Wire and acustic guidance to reach the targets precisionly) will be used on mainly U-214TN submarines. That's why Germans have to accept giving management rights of U-214's including new torpedo-missile integration rights with source-codes to Turkey-Havelsan.

About Naval CIWS, Aselsan is on track to develop it. Signiture has been signed and As far as I remember, The R&D is worth around 120 million Euro. A new Fire control radar will be developed along with this program. It will have a twin barrel which is able to fire AHEAD munitions developed by Aselsan.


Green light. Approved on 12/12/2006

2 new Tank Landing Ships (LST) have been approved

I believe they are going to replace our old ones from the late 80s

As Jigs told that LST has been designed by Adik shipyard of Turkey and selected by SSM(Undersecretariat of Turkish Defence Industry) officially. When Adik takes an OK, They will start constructing two LST with a first welding ceremony.


Is the 70km range of Atmaca the initial range? I know its focus is for Aegean Sea, but wouldn't it be a good idea to develop longer-range variants to reduce reliance on foreign weapon-systems?
Is the 70km range of Atmaca the initial range? I know its focus is for Aegean Sea, but wouldn't it be a good idea to develop longer-range variants to reduce reliance on foreign weapon-systems?

Indeed bro but Turkish Navy officials, SSM and institue engineers/Fsybility reports described initial range of Atmaca like 70km. As You mentioned that It is focused on Aegean environment firstly. We call it like Atmaca Block-I. Along with development of Block-I, II and other versions will be on line...

Atmaca Block-I Details...

R&D budget= 80 million Euro (Signed between related institues in 2008)
Main contactor: Roketsan
Subcontactor: Aselsan
Jet engine: TEI
Atmaca-I Range: Max. Range 70km
Development period: 7 Years !!!
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About Akya Torpedo development program, It is expected to see first prototipe Heavy/Light weight Akya torpedos in those years or following 1-2 years. Despite SSM do not give much detail information about development processes of such critical programs, It was stated in a safe defence magazine. It is clear that Turkish Armerkom is taking technological assistance from S. Korea when it is needed to develop it.

Details for AKYA Heavy Torpedos !!!

-Akya will have both Wire and Acustic guidance
-They will be integrated on Ay class modernizated submarines, U-214TN's, Preveze and Gur class submarines...
-R&D budget= 24 million $
-Main Contactor: ARMERKOM
-Subcontactors: Roketsan-Aselsan-Tubitak
-Technological assistance: S. Korea

Estimated parameters !!!

-Diameter: 553mm
-Length: 6.4m
-Speed: 35 knot
-Warhead: 370kg TNT
-Range: 30km
-Project Statues: Pass to the serial production phase in a short time..

S. Korean Whiteshark
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More about Tf-100 Frigates;

8th corvette will be the latest one called like Milgem. 9th Milgem will be more larger and longer version with VL-SAM and domestic APAR radar and called TF-100 frigate...

It is 2nd Milgem corvette are on production phase now a days. As far as I know, 3nd Milgem will be produced in a private shipyard to accelerate the production time. Instead of Milgem corvette, Istabul shipyard will start production of First TF-2000 destroyers...

Development Projects like Short and Medium range VL Airdefence missiles have been started up along with indigenous anti ship missiles + CIWS + Torpedo's. Those projects need at least 5-6 years to be matured except Akya torpedoes and CIWS. TF-100 frigates will be equipped with all those domestic systems so I think, Coming into light of Tf-100 Frigates will have a 5-6 years...

About APAR radar, Even IF Aselsan-Tubitak-ODTU and Meteksan (ATOM) team has been officially started development of APAR radar under the name of CAFRAD project for TF-2000 frigates, Those technology can be applied to develop a smaller one to be equiped for TF-100 frigates..

First concept of Aselsan APAR for TF-2000 destroyers (See 2016)
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Indeed bro but Turkish Navy officials, SSM and institue engineers/Fsybility reports described initial range of Atmaca like 70km. As You mentioned that It is focused on Aegean environment firstly. We call it like Atmaca Block-I. Along with development of Block-I, II and other versions will be on line...
Exactly...bro did you know that the Saab RBS-15 started out with a range of 70km (Mk1), but now boasts 200km range with Mk3? I think Pakistan's experiences with turbojet engines for missiles (such as Ra'ad ALCM and Babur LACM) would be a good contribution to extending Atmaca's range. On the other hand it seems Turkey has a lot of expertise in advanced seeker technology (hence why it has an anti-ship missile)...so both countries have great strengths.
Exactly...bro did you know that the Saab RBS-15 started out with a range of 70km (Mk1), but now boasts 200km range with Mk3? I think Pakistan's experiences with turbojet engines for missiles (such as Ra'ad ALCM and Babur LACM) would be a good contribution to extending Atmaca's range. On the other hand it seems Turkey has a lot of expertise in advanced seeker technology (hence why it has an anti-ship missile)...so both countries have great strengths.

Bro, Hope to see great cooperations between two brother state about naval structures and their weapon payloads. Some signals have been revealed about likely cooperation about Air defence missiles, When Pakistani officials visited Turkey in recent months and It is issued in many defence news agencies but Who knows ? Maybe, Turkey-Pakistan have already been cooperating to develop such systems. :)
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