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Orange metro train in Lahore but no clean water in Gawadar


Oct 19, 2016
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Hi .
Government is spending lot of amount on punjab development under cpec project such as orange metro, Bahawalpur park, motorways for punjab but there's hardly any news about such development in balochistan, leave balochistan I'm still waiting to see any welfare steps taken for gawadar people, instead government cancelled the electricity project for balochistan and gave it to sindh . Do you call this justice or development? People of balochistan and Fata are continously asking what's for us in cpec but government fills the mouths of our politicians with money and shut them up .

This punjabistan policy is going to get this country into a trouble if it continued favouring specific areas in this great project . Noted if this time pakistan continued injustice with balochistan in terms of development then it's going to create more ethinic leaders and separatists in balochistan , including me .

Gwadar is present in Balochistan, and people are facing acute drinking water shortage after a three years drought in the arid province of Balochistan. With the passage of time the water crisis is emerging rapidly with leaving around 100,000 people with no access to clean drinking water. The native of Gwadar are compel to buy expensive water (USD 115 to 140) per tanker or wait for the government subsidized water transported from 80 kilometers away. It is not first time that Gwadar is facing water shortage rather it is second time that Gwadar and the surrounding areas of Balochistan province have faced major water shortages in almost six years.

Unfortunately, the small children, women and the poor are suffering badly by the water shortage. The women and children take jars and bucket on their heads to carry out water from miles away to meet their domestic needs and travel from far places to wash their clothes. The Akara Kaur dam is the only root to provide water to Gwadar and near areas. The dam has almost dried up because of the prolonged drought. The dam was built in 1990, since that the people have used the water for their needs, but now it has failed to keep up the water demand of the city.

Whenever the problems of Gwadar are raised, so our leaders just take the name of CPEC that it will be the source of development of Gwadar. Around 46 billion is going to be spent on this project. The city’s population is also increasing due to CPEC project, so the crisis will become more severe unless no action would be taken by the government side. Many promises have been made for Gwadar, actually no one know what would happen after the establishment of CPEC.

The questions are rising that will CPEC project promote Balochistan? Leave Balochistan will it develop Gwadar where the project itself is present? The poor people are continuously suffering from problems including water shortage, but nothing is being done for the people. Water is the basic need of every human being, so government is failed to provide the water, means the basic requirement of the Gwadar people are not being provided then how government will provide other facilities? Gwadar has become known to the entire world due to the multibillion CPEC project, but no one know how its population is suffering from water shortage. In spite of CPEC present in Gwadar, the other cities are getting profits from it. The large metro projects are being constructed in Lahore with the investment of over one billion dollars under CPEC. Should CPEC be called China-Pakistan Economic Corridor or China-Punjab Economic Corridor.

The profits which other cities including are receiving if half of these funds would be spend toward water supply project in Gwadar then the problems of Gwadar would be resolved soon. If not then there will be humanitarian crisis in the city. The water shortage is a huge problem for the citizens of Gwadar that the provincial government is failed to resolve it. The tanker mafia are taking benefits from this, and they are looting the poor people. Even some poor people cannot afford three times of food, so how can they buy water? Before it was announced that work on the two dams had been resumed under the scheme of CPEC, and it would be completed in 2018. Still people should wait for two years to have water. The citizens are facing umpteenth problems and they need dire help. Still our leaders are making untrue promises for Gwadar.

According to a news that once a people stole water from a house. The people of Gwadar are stealing water instead of gold, money and other things, isn’t it shocking? The government should think that now the people are compel to steal water, means they are dire need of water. Here the government should work to provide water to the citizens of Gwadar. The concern authorities should also confirm that the CPEC project will profit Gwadar and the citizens of Gwadar will not face any problems further in future.
Elect Shahbaz Sharif as your next CM for metros, bridges etc. Don't expect a Baloch CM to do anything for province.
Hahah elect shahbaz sharif @LoveIcon ? Take jo kuch thora bacha kucha ha balochistan me wo bhi punjab chala jae ? : D
Between orange metro train is under cpec , gifted by federal to punjab . Federal is less considerate about problems of Gawadar people but main attention is on punjab .
If they're sincere about development of balochistan and cpec then just solve the problems faced by gawadar. first of all gawadar should be the priority of federal then other cities of pakistan.
People of balochistan and Fata are continously asking what's for us in cpec but government fills the mouths of our politicians with money and shut them up .

People of FATA are enjoying an environment of Free electricity, No tax on any thing, No excise duty of vehicles etc etc for Previous 10 Years.

Further more, Orange Line is a Project Under CPEC but Financed by Punjab Government (As per China and Punjab Government).

instead government cancelled the electricity project for balochistan and gave it to sindh . Do you call this justice or development?

Definitely not Justice. Government should reverse this decision (If they have taken any. ).

Gwadar is present in Balochistan, and people are facing acute drinking water shortage after a three years drought in the arid province of Balochistan. With the passage of time the water crisis is emerging rapidly with leaving around 100,000 people with no access to clean drinking water. The native of Gwadar are compel to buy expensive water (USD 115 to 140) per tanker or wait for the government subsidized water transported from 80 kilometers away. It is not first time that Gwadar is facing water shortage rather it is second time that Gwadar and the surrounding areas of Balochistan province have faced major water shortages in almost six years.

i am sure their are Projects Under way. One desalination Plant and two dam's. (or 1. IDK). sure we will have to wait for those Projects completion.

Unfortunately, the small children, women and the poor are suffering badly by the water shortage. The women and children take jars and bucket on their heads to carry out water from miles away to meet their domestic needs and travel from far places to wash their clothes. The Akara Kaur dam is the only root to provide water to Gwadar and near areas. The dam has almost dried up because of the prolonged drought. The dam was built in 1990, since that the people have used the water for their needs, but now it has failed to keep up the water demand of the city.

A second dam is Under construction. Sawad dam also inaugurated in September will Provide water to Gwadar after Pipeline is completed.


further more it's proposed to construct a dam on Simli in Sar Dasht area close to Gwadar from where they proposed to 6.5 million gallon of water to Gwadar and its surrounding localities.

Whenever the problems of Gwadar are raised, so our leaders just take the name of CPEC that it will be the source of development of Gwadar. Around 46 billion is going to be spent on this project. The city’s population is also increasing due to CPEC project, so the crisis will become more severe unless no action would be taken by the government side. Many promises have been made for Gwadar, actually no one know what would happen after the establishment of CPEC.

Gawadar is also a District of Baluchistan Hence some responsibilities lies on Baluchistan Provincial Government also. it's not that Gawadar is adopted son of Federal.

According to a news that once a people stole water from a house. The people of Gwadar are stealing water instead of gold, money and other things, isn’t it shocking?

Hain ?????????? :o:

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The questions are rising that will CPEC project promote Balochistan? Leave Balochistan will it develop Gwadar where the project itself is present? The poor people are continuously suffering from problems including water shortage, but nothing is being done for the people. Water is the basic need of every human being, so government is failed to provide the water, means the basic requirement of the Gwadar people are not being provided then how government will provide other facilities? Gwadar has become known to the entire world due to the multibillion CPEC project, but no one know how its population is suffering from water shortage. In spite of CPEC present in Gwadar, the other cities are getting profits from it. The large metro projects are being constructed in Lahore with the investment of over one billion dollars under CPEC. Should CPEC be called China-Pakistan Economic Corridor or China-Punjab Economic Corridor.

The responsibility of such basic necessitates lie in the hands of the provincial gov u can`t blame the federal government and the problems will be resolved u can`t expect such a large problem to be to be resolved overnight it will take a minimum of 1 year.
Keep electing fuedel lords who treat baloch as their slaves

In next election choose people with intellect and wisdom and good character or spend rest of your life in another slavery
Hahah elect shahbaz sharif @LoveIcon ? Take jo kuch thora bacha kucha ha balochistan me wo bhi punjab chala jae ? : D
Between orange metro train is under cpec , gifted by federal to punjab . Federal is less considerate about problems of Gawadar people but main attention is on punjab .
If they're sincere about development of balochistan and cpec then just solve the problems faced by gawadar. first of all gawadar should be the priority of federal then other cities of pakistan.

Did you ever questioned your provincial government and sardars where the budgets (even assuming your point to be true i.e. sab evil Punjabi kha gaay, but still whatever the funds are available) goes? I don't think people of Balochistan have courage to do that, just like people of interior Sindh can't dare to question their wadaira sain. But yeah evil Punjabi k truck ki baati k pechay lagay rahna for generations to come.
There's not even dirty water available in Sindh but no one has balls big enough to complain about it.
Poor Shehbaz Sharif is the only CM who is doing something good and therefore get criticized.
If Shehbaz Sharif become equally corrupt as other provinces, all criticism against him will stop and no one would care if Gawadar doesn't even get air to breath.
Baluchistan gets 20,000 Per capita in NFC awards, ever dare to ask Baluchistan govt where that money is being spent, just because your lords are spending money on themselves, Punjab and Sind should not spend any money on development either.
There's not even dirty water available in Sindh but no one has balls big enough to complain about it.
Poor Shehbaz Sharif is the only CM who is doing something good and therefore get criticized.
If Shehbaz Sharif become equally corrupt as other provinces, all criticism against him will stop and no one would care if Gawadar doesn't even get air to breath.
Hingol dam and many more small ,medium and large reservoirs are need of time.hingol dam site is ideal to store the water of hingol river in a large scale.unfortunately due to claims of hindu community gov change the dam site and now according to current design if hingol dam is build it store less water then before.our holy Prophet PBUH came to bring people closer to Almighty Allah and He Pbuh broke the idols but now we want to protect them.but if really want to protect then actual mandir can be moved to another site.Egyptians example is there.in Pak there are many graveyards ,mosques are in the lakes of mangla,tarbelA,attabad lake etc.now navy ships carry water from karachi to gwadar,least if we have hingol reserviour we can supply water to gwadar through truks or pipelines.another claim comes regarding eco system of hingol park,by building lakes is proven that presence of wild life increases.water is the sign of life.if pmnl build this hingol dam and others on the coast it will help them also politicaly.a large hingol lake reserviour is the need of time
Perhaps the narrow minded mentality has not understood the point I made here .

Under cpec , federal government has spent million dollars on different projects in punjab such as metro train project , along with punjab it has also blessed karachi with orange line bus project .. These all are blessings of federal government for the two provinces ( not the provincial ) , then what stops the central government to give such projects for balochistan?
Why federal cannot distribute each project that it starts in all provinces , why most of it goes to other provinces except balochistan?

Cpec is going to benefit all pakistan and federal has taken the responsibility and control of it then Gawadar is more of islamabad now then balochistan. Federal should do its role to solve the issues of Gawadar and if acted selfish like the posters here that balochistan is not federal responsibility then by God , federal doesn't deserve a coin from cpec project and it should ask permission from balochistan government to shit here .

Only if half of the money that government has spent on other cities would be spent on clean water in gawadar then gawadar problems will be solved .

It's not PTI or ppp government, we gave vote to muslim league N , the same government ruling in punjab , and federal decided the rulers for us to rule so this party has to treat balochistan equally as punjab .

Our provincial government has tried to do best as it can and has announced different projects in balochistan, so it's not the case that provincial is complete incompetent as punjabistan is accusing here to shift the blame of federal wrong doing .
But it has failed to resolve water issue dye to its huge ness so now it's responsibility of federal , the same party we chose to rule here to solve this and help the provincial government to solve this .

It's going take 2 years for the completion of dams in Gawadar till then there should be a step taken for clean water by both provincial nd federal government.

No one is blaming poor shahbaz here , he has done good and he always have been a good person to balochistan and balochistanis , I've personally met him as from balochistan. My family members are studying in punjab so I'm not ungrateful, only concerned about federal favouritism toward punjab .

Did you ever questioned your provincial government and sardars where the budgets (even assuming your point to be true i.e. sab evil Punjabi kha gaay, but still whatever the funds are available) goes? I don't think people of Balochistan have courage to do that, just like people of interior Sindh can't dare to question their wadaira sain. But yeah evil Punjabi k truck ki baati k pechay lagay rahna for generations to come.

Yes we do .

Most of the time the blame is on provincial government . But to convey our voice to federal we've to to involve federal govt too to wake it up .
Good joke

Providing basic necessities of life is the responsibility of provincial government not federal.

But the provincial government has failed to resolve water issue so now it's responsibility of federal to help provincial government in this regard after all its muslim league N ruling us so punjab , balochistan and central should be same and equal for nawaz sharif.
Perhaps the narrow minded mentality has not understood the point I made here .

Under cpec , federal government has spent million dollars on different projects in punjab such as metro train project , along with punjab it has also blessed karachi with orange line bus project .. These all are blessings of federal government for the two provinces ( not the provincial ) , then what stops the central government to give such projects for balochistan?
Why federal cannot distribute each project that it starts in all provinces , why most of it goes to other provinces except balochistan?

Cpec is going to benefit all pakistan and federal has taken the responsibility and control of it then Gawadar is more of islamabad now then balochistan. Federal should do its role to solve the issues of Gawadar and if acted selfish like the posters here that balochistan is not federal responsibility then by God , federal doesn't deserve a coin from cpec project and it should ask permission from balochistan government to shit here .

Only if half of the money that government has spent on other cities would be spent on clean water in gawadar then gawadar problems will be solved .

It's not PTI or ppp government, we gave vote to muslim league N , the same government ruling in punjab , and federal decided the rulers for us to rule so this party has to treat balochistan equally as punjab .

Our provincial government has tried to do best as it can and has announced different projects in balochistan, so it's not the case that provincial is complete incompetent as punjabistan is accusing here to shift the blame of federal wrong doing .
But it has failed to resolve water issue dye to its huge ness so now it's responsibility of federal , the same party we chose to rule here to solve this and help the provincial government to solve this .

It's going take 2 years for the completion of dams in Gawadar till then there should be a step taken for clean water by both provincial nd federal government.

No one is blaming poor shahbaz here , he has done good and he always have been a good person to balochistan and balochistanis , I've personally met him as from balochistan. My family members are studying in punjab so I'm not ungrateful, only concerned about federal favouritism toward punjab .

Yes we do .

Most of the time the blame is on provincial government . But to convey our voice to federal we've to to involve federal govt too to wake it up .

It takes time.

Perhaps the narrow minded mentality has not understood the point I made here .

Under cpec , federal government has spent million dollars on different projects in punjab such as metro train project , along with punjab it has also blessed karachi with orange line bus project .. These all are blessings of federal government for the two provinces ( not the provincial ) , then what stops the central government to give such projects for balochistan?
Why federal cannot distribute each project that it starts in all provinces , why most of it goes to other provinces except balochistan?

Cpec is going to benefit all pakistan and federal has taken the responsibility and control of it then Gawadar is more of islamabad now then balochistan. Federal should do its role to solve the issues of Gawadar and if acted selfish like the posters here that balochistan is not federal responsibility then by God , federal doesn't deserve a coin from cpec project and it should ask permission from balochistan government to shit here .

Only if half of the money that government has spent on other cities would be spent on clean water in gawadar then gawadar problems will be solved .

It's not PTI or ppp government, we gave vote to muslim league N , the same government ruling in punjab , and federal decided the rulers for us to rule so this party has to treat balochistan equally as punjab .

Our provincial government has tried to do best as it can and has announced different projects in balochistan, so it's not the case that provincial is complete incompetent as punjabistan is accusing here to shift the blame of federal wrong doing .
But it has failed to resolve water issue dye to its huge ness so now it's responsibility of federal , the same party we chose to rule here to solve this and help the provincial government to solve this .

It's going take 2 years for the completion of dams in Gawadar till then there should be a step taken for clean water by both provincial nd federal government.

No one is blaming poor shahbaz here , he has done good and he always have been a good person to balochistan and balochistanis , I've personally met him as from balochistan. My family members are studying in punjab so I'm not ungrateful, only concerned about federal favouritism toward punjab .

Yes we do .

Most of the time the blame is on provincial government . But to convey our voice to federal we've to to involve federal govt too to wake it up .

you should stick with bollywood threads. Look at economy section or last CPEC meeting in China. Unlike in other provinces, most development projects in Balochistan are federal including water filtration power plant in Gwadar. This despite on per capita more budget then anyone else.

Enough with this propaganda. Balochistan mein pani ki kammi allah ki taraf se hai, there is no easy and cheap solution. Clean water problem isn't unique to Gwadar in Pakistan.
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