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Options for Bangladesh, incase PLA choke India's chicken neck.

Taimoor Khan

Jan 20, 2016
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United Kingdom
Hi all

Wanted to wargame this scenario which is rather becoming a real possibility, going by how things are developing on LAC. There has been PLA ingress into Sikkim recently along with Laddakh. In a situation where PLA manage to chock the Siliguri corridor and cut off north east India with the rest of the landmass, how would Bangladesh respond in such scenario?

Would it side with India?

Hassina regime is known to be Indian side kick. There is a strong possibility that Bangladesh might open its borders to India mainland, allowing India to use its territory and road infra to connect with the north east states. Acting as a bridge. Does the current road infra and connectivity with India and north eastern state will allow such bridge to become a reality on war footing? The obvious blowback will be to go against the Chinese design. And ofcourse, would such support to India will be supported internally among the masses?

Going against India?

This scenario will mean actively supporting PLA incursion with own interest in mind, perhaps gobbling up some territory and merging with Bangladesh as a consequence of Chinese actions. This however will invite a direct Indian military response against BD. Is BD militarily strong enough to keep India at bay while supporting China? Would Hasina regime, provided she is still in charge, would even contemplate such actions?

Remaining neutral?

Meaning looking the other way while PLA and Indian army try to wrestle with each other. By all accounts, India will be in desperate situation and by default, the pressure will come on the government in BD to support one way or other. Remaining neutral might not be an option eventually. There is also American angle to this as we all know that India is America regional pet dog. American pressure might also come in.

Post annexing scenario

China will already have the blue print to support the north east states but its not a rocket science to see that BD is the nearest sea access to these north east states. How is the current road connectivity between BD and these states?


BD may like it or not, but how things are developing in sub continent with an imbalance Hindu terrorist regime in India we are most likely heading to an armed conflict between Pakistan and India, eventually will drag other powers like China. We are expecting India o start a conflict with Pakistan to hide their recent humiliation received at the hands on PLA in Laddakh region. We are talking about a domino effect here and the above scenario, very likely will be played out, if things go south.

Would be interesting to hear thoughts of BD members on this evolving situation and if such scenario is discussed within BD intellectuals and media?

There is no doubt that a hindu terrorist regime is in power in India. But I don't see why that will cause a conflict between India and Bangladesh. We are not a nation who cook up imaginary war scenarios and masturbate over possible glorious victories. Please keep your enmity with India to yourself and you have only yourself to take on your enemy. BD will not be a vehicle to achieve your goals no matter how you package it, we are smart people. We know our enemies.
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There is no doubt that a hindu terrorist regime is in power in India. But I don't see why that will cause a conflict between India and Bangladesh. We are not a nation who cook up imaginary was scenarios and masturbate over possible glorious victories. Please keep your enmity with India to yourself and you have only yourself to take on your enemy. BD will not be a vehicle to achieve your goals no matter how you package it, we are smart people. We know our enemies.
Why so salty? The OP asked for your opinion vis a vis Bangladesh's options not a rant on Pakistan
Odds are we won’t have much of a choice , as @Arthur mentioned it is likely we will face retaliation from either side if we remain neutral or pick a side . Conflict in the Siliguri corridor will evidently involve us and it is up to the government what to do. As much as they would love to side with India , conflict with China would cripple our economy and render most of our military useless .
Why so salty? The OP asked for your opinion vis a vis Bangladesh's options not a rant on Pakistan

Like I said, no matter how it's packaged we understand the ulterior motive.

On his so called scenario, it's a freaken imaginary scenario. Possibility of such a conflict and annexation is almost non-existent. Even if such a situation arises, we won't do anything so others realize their imaginary goals of glorious victories at our expense.
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Like I said, no matter how it's packaged we understand the ulterior motive.

On his so called scenario, it's a freaken imaginary scenario. Possibility of such a conflict and annexation in almost non-existent. Even if such a situation arises, we won't do anything so others realize their imaginary goals of glorious victories at our expense.
In other words, if a situation arises where Bangladesh has an opportunity to seize the initiative and do something that directly benefits the state of Bangladesh in a humongous way but also 'benefits' Pakistan (the ulterior motive) Bangladesh should squander it to spite Pakistan?
In other words, if a situation arises where Bangladesh has an opportunity to seize the initiative and do something that directly benefits the state of Bangladesh in a humongous way but also 'benefits' Pakistan (the ulterior motive) Bangladesh should squander it to spite Pakistan?

We will decide what benefits us. No need to borrow definitions of benefits from others. Just leave us out of your conflict with India. Leave us out of conflict between India and China. We are not a party to either.
Hi all

Wanted to wargame this scenario which is rather becoming a real possibility, going by how things are developing on LAC. There has been PLA ingress into Sikkim recently along with Laddakh. In a situation where PLA manage to chock the Siliguri corridor and cut off north east India with the rest of the landmass, how would Bangladesh respond in such scenario?

Would it side with India?

Hassina regime is known to be Indian side kick. There is a strong possibility that Bangladesh might open its borders to India mainland, allowing India to use its territory and road infra to connect with the north east states. Acting as a bridge. Does the current road infra and connectivity with India and north eastern state will allow such bridge to become a reality on war footing? The obvious blowback will be to go against the Chinese design. And ofcourse, would such support to India will be supported internally among the masses?

Going against India?

This scenario will mean actively supporting PLA incursion with own interest in mind, perhaps gobbling up some territory and merging with Bangladesh as a consequence of Chinese actions. This however will invite a direct Indian military response against BD. Is BD militarily strong enough to keep India at bay while supporting China? Would Hasina regime, provided she is still in charge, would even contemplate such actions?

Remaining neutral?

Meaning looking the other way while PLA and Indian army try to wrestle with each other. By all accounts, India will be in desperate situation and by default, the pressure will come on the government in BD to support one way or other. Remaining neutral might not be an option eventually. There is also American angle to this as we all know that India is America regional pet dog. American pressure might also come in.

Post annexing scenario

China will already have the blue print to support the north east states but its not a rocket science to see that BD is the nearest sea access to these north east states. How is the current road connectivity between BD and these states?


BD may like it or not, but how things are developing in sub continent with an imbalance Hindu terrorist regime in India we are most likely heading to an armed conflict between Pakistan and India, eventually will drag other powers like China. We are expecting India o start a conflict with Pakistan to hide their recent humiliation received at the hands on PLA in Laddakh region. We are talking about a domino effect here and the above scenario, very likely will be played out, if things go south.

Would be interesting to hear thoughts of BD members on this evolving situation and if such scenario is discussed within BD intellectuals and media?

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Hi Taimoor, I think BD will stay neutral in a conflict involving India and China. That has been the BD stance largely, trying to balance between all the powers that be.

Strategically, it would greatly help BD if China did cut of India. Cut the local bully to size and help BD gain more market access with China / nepal / bhutan.
Hi Taimoor, I think BD will stay neutral in a conflict involving India and China. That has been the BD stance largely, trying to balance between all the powers that be.

Strategically, it would greatly help BD if China did cut of India. Cut the local bully to size and help BD gain more market access with China / nepal / bhutan.

Yeah, I see BD remaining totally neutral and guarding it's borders with all it's ability so India can cut through it to fight off China. No matter which political government is in power, the army will just hold a gun to their head and have them do a puppet show. Civilian government in such a scenario will not move an inch out of line, the line drawn by the army and our public opinion.
It would be utterly stupid for BD to wage an offensive war against India.
Bangladesh's main dispute with India is in regards to water sharing. While this is a serious issue, it cannot be solved by going to war.

Also, one must understand that Bangladesh's existence is not tied to loving or hating any other country. Bangladesh exists for Bangladeshis and will or will not pick sides on international issues based on national interests on a case by case basis.

In the event of conflict between India and China, Bangladesh will "carefully observe the situation", our standard official diplomatic stance.
It would be utterly stupid for BD to wage an offensive war against India.
Bangladesh's main dispute with India is in regards to water sharing. While this is a serious issue, it cannot be solved by going to war.

Also, one must understand that Bangladesh's existence is not tied to loving or hating any other country. Bangladesh exists for Bangladeshis and will or will not pick sides on international issues based on national interests on a case by case basis.

In the event of conflict between India and China, Bangladesh will "carefully observe the situation", our standard official diplomatic stance.

By the Qadr of Allah, we are tied to a religious burden of a brotherhood with some brothers. How I wish we were not burdened with such a burden. Our stance should be neutral, not taking any side. BD military will only be used if someone steps on our toes and picks up a quarrel. Otherwise we have no bones to pick with anybody.
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There is no doubt that a hindu terrorist regime is in power in India. But I don't see why that will cause a conflict between India and Bangladesh. We are not a nation who cook up imaginary was scenarios and masturbate over possible glorious victories. Please keep your enmity with India to yourself and you have only yourself to take on your enemy. BD will not be a vehicle to achieve your goals no matter how you package it, we are smart people. We know our enemies.

You can have you wankfest with India for all we care , but this has nothing to do with Pakistan or its fantacies. PLA is knocking on the door of Indian chicken neck. One fine day, you may find yourself in a situation, which is nothing to do with you or your concern but will have no choice to be dragged into it. Just like we did when America attacked Afghanistan.

Sometime level of stupidity displayed here is quite astonishing.

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