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Opposition submits no-trust motion against PM Imran

You know back in June 2013 after the PML-N won the elections, they were still working out the legal technicalities for Nawaz Sharif becoming Prime Minister for the third time.

This is Pakistan where a democratically elected PM Nawaz Sharif was toppled, arrested, convicted, banned from politics for life, sent into exile but returned to democratically defeat the entire Unelectable Establishment to rule the country for the third time. This is Pakistan.

Pakistani politics is in need of major revamping just like our cricket and this can only be done with 30 years of MarshalLawPlus plan. Turkish style democracy with strong central government, 33 smaller administrative units with Governor and best local body system.
He can't destroy one party while in Government but he will destroy both while in opposition?

Previous attempt while in opposition.

View attachment 823955

IK is a strong leader he will survive. Even if coalition partners go against him, he will come back much stronger. He will no longer need anyone if he wins majority in next election.
He could have done that last election but establishment had a different plans. Let’s hope establishment learned their lesson and will not interfere and allow IK to win the majority in 2023.
Do not bring Allah's name into corruption and sin. Have some respect. Be corrupt, but do not evoke the name of Almighty.
Wealth beyond means isnt corruption its halal
We have several fatwas from mulana sahab to support it
Rest PTI supporters are yahidi agents
So are russians who are now conspircing against americans and europeans

IK is a strong leader he will survive. Even if coalition partners go against him, he will come back much stronger. He will no longer need anyone if he wins majority in next election.
He could have done that last election but establishment had a different plans. Let’s hope establishment learned their lesson and will not interfere and allow IK to win the majority in 2023.
Have you seen oil prices
He wont win again
Wealth beyond means isnt corruption its halal
We have several fatwas from mulana sahab to support it
Rest PTI supporters are yahidi agents
So are russians who are now conspircing against americans and europeans View attachment 824034

Have you seen oil prices
He wont win again

Sometimes young boys like to have beard so they can look older and mature but they are not even old enough to have Mustache.

Wealth beyond means isnt corruption its halal
We have several fatwas from mulana sahab to support it
Rest PTI supporters are yahidi agents
So are russians who are now conspircing against americans and europeans View attachment 824034

Have you seen oil prices
He wont win again

You should IK by now? Either he will win or he will die trying. If he dies, he will be much bigger than Bhutto. He will become a national hero. He will be in textbooks as a National hero who tried to save Pakistan from chor dacco and corrupt.
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Imran Khan is the only sincere leader in current scenario.

Media houses, corrupt politicians, bureaucracy etc. all are against him.

-- IK has my full support.

Those who are against the development & progress of Pakistan and its people, shall be humiliated, in sha Allah.

IK is a strong leader he will survive. Even if coalition partners go against him, he will come back much stronger. He will no longer need anyone if he wins majority in next election.
He could have done that last election but establishment had a different plans. Let’s hope establishment learned their lesson and will not interfere and allow IK to win the majority in 2023.

You're spot on.

Establishment now needs to work for the people of Pakistan, not for themselves, Otherwise people will not spare them. The youth has had enough of this circus.
Imran khan if he lost, he will get full support from public 100% as he said many times that all corrupt will join hand and this is what happening now.

2nd imran khan will get sympathy vote if he lost.

Awaam know what these Chor Dacco corrupt money laundror has done in last 30 years.
If put into corner, IK will come out with massive support from Awaam.
IK must resign in mass and not take dictation from these rats and cockroaches…..

Resign and call for new elections .

I will be very disappointed if I’m chooses to stay in power after so much black mailing from these political prostitutes of allied parties.

They all belong together in the group of Kanjars that our opposition represents .
China would be alarmed by the events in Pakistan. How the Americans are being able to overthrow a govt. in Pakistan with the support of media, corrupt political parties and pro-American elements in the Establishment should be a matter of concern for them.

If these elements succeed, their next target would be to roll back Chinese investments and slowly open to India.
I actually hope Khan quits. And takes the core of PTI into the opposition. And for the next year gives these thieves hell. Maybe he loses next year. Fine let PMLN get raped by TLP and PPP and those munafiq JUI haramis. When the people finally remove their heads from sujood of corrupt elites Khan can come and rule. And hopefully we have Iran/China justice for these evil families.

People of Pakistan already had PML N, PPP in power for decades, they still won't take their head up from sujood. Its a mafia network from top to bottom. In union level the biggest mafia is elected or he backs a puppet to be the leader, this continues to the city level and provisional level and then NA. IK had nearly 4 years now, we are still waiting for independent, corruption free police, Judiciary, hospitals, patwaris etc. When the common person can bypass these hypocrites from union level to NA this is when change will take place. At the moment we have to bow to local leaders otherwise they will not help us when we need help. The police won't entertain you unless they get phone call from the mafia. Same with Patwaris, lawyers, judges etc. The system makes sure the common people are slave to the powerful.
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