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Opposing Permanent seat for India

I just don't understand why the Indians don't wisen up regarding human rights. I can understand shooting dissidents to protect the Government, even though I certainly don't condone it.

And how is the recent wave of deaths in Kashmir any different then?
Its a law and order situation.

After all this, the Indians still calmly say that the have the highest regard for human rights. You can't blame the rest of the world for criticizing India after things like this occur. In my opinion, unless this blatant disregard for human life is rectified, India will never be able to shrug of it's image of having an oppressive regime.

Human rights violations are individual acts of crime. They are not mandated or authorized by the state. In fact several such cases are routinely investigated and justice delivered if found guilty.
So why shouldnt we be proud of what we believe in. We trust our judiciary to deliver justice and have faith in them.
Of course I we are proud that we hold human rights in high regard!
Cardsharp was just copy+pasting from another member, and replacing the word "China" with "India".
CD the fact of the matter is that no major country has a clean HR record therefore using HR as a yardstick for UNSC membership is pointless. That's why we feel the article doesn't hold any water
^Alpha and you made the same mistake. Most people here don't understand Irony

I'm quite positive Alpha chose china only as a reference point since Pakistanis in general are pro-china. I doubt he personally has anything against china.
^Alpha and you made the same mistake. Most people here don't understand Irony

I'm quite positive Alpha chose china only as a reference point since Pakistanis in general are pro-china. I doubt he personally has anything against china.

Given the way he's argued his point (ie anyone ethnically Chinese is inherently incapable of understanding "true" human rights or freedom of speech) I find that possibility quite remote.
CS, you're reading too much in to a single post. Anyway, I'll let Alpha explain his position.

No please, I respect your opinion and if you think I am mistaken in my assessment, I'd like to hear it from you first.
No please, I respect your opinion and if you think I am mistaken in my assessment, I'd like to hear it from you first.

Thanks CS (the feeling is mutual)
Well the way I read it, he was only trying to use China's example (any other P5 would've sufficed) to point to the OP that a questionable HR record can't be used to deny a UNSC seat.

If a clean HR record was the requirement, countries like Finland & Denmark would probably be the veto members.

The reason he chose China was simply because Pakistanis are highly pro-china. Like you mentioned, Irony doesn't work well in PDF
Thanks CS (the feeling is mutual)
Well the way I read it, he was only trying to use China's example (any other P5 would've sufficed) to point to the OP that a questionable HR record can't be used to deny a UNSC seat.

If a clean HR record was the requirement, countries like Finland & Denmark would probably be the veto members.

The reason he chose China was simply because Pakistanis are highly pro-china. Like you mentioned, Irony doesn't work well in PDF

Ahhh You would indeed be right, if I made the inference from only that one post. But...

China court jails father of 'tainted milk' child | World news | guardian.co.uk

I just don't understand why the Chinese don't wisen up regarding human rights. I can understand jailing political dissidents to protect the Government, even though I certainly don't condone it. But jailing parents who were requested compensation for their poisoned babies is just downright absurd. First Chinese corporations adulterate baby milk for profit and then you jail parents who complain.

After all this, the Chinese still calmly say that the have the highest regard for human rights. You can't blame the rest of the world for criticizing China after things like this occur. In my opinion, unless this blatant disregard for free speech is rectified, China will never be able to shrug of it's image of having an oppressive communist regime.

I come from a country where there is free speech buddy and I like saying what i think....not that i expect you to understand it.

There you go, making it sound like this has something to do with racism........

And the next standard reply.... India's poverty...and what has that got to do with free speech in China??. At least we don't try to poison all the poor with tainted baby milk. Poverty is not human rights violation, if so all the leaders of poor nations should be immediately arrested. It just means that people are too poor to live afford basic necessities .... not that I expect you to know anything about human rights.
No distinction between the actions of the Chinese government, the profiteers who poisoned the babies, and us the members of the forum. We are all just "Chinese" to him.

Collective guilt. Isn't that one of the definitions of racism?
^that was indeed uncalled for and I think Chinese members handled the thread properly :tup:
Let's keep this thread on topic though.
Really this brings me to a dichotomy that bares further thought.

On one hand, the Chinese members are looked down upon because we do not have direct representation in government.

On the other hand, we are tarred with the same brush when talking about the actions of the Chinese government.

How does this work? None of us here are government officials or party member. How can we be powerless and responsible at the same time?

^that was indeed uncalled for and I think Chinese members handled the thread properly :tup:
Let's keep this thread on topic though.

I know I risk derailing the thread but it is a worthy topic of discussion. (the thread was started as an anti-India flame thread anyways).
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