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Opinionated - How India can "checkmate" China in a week if war breaks out

Mr punch and samar111 can be the best buddy in the school.

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Indians nationalists are hilarious. They verbally say something and expect people to believe them despite literally nothing Indian nationalists have ever said coming true. They'll cite some Indian article as if an Indian writing in some newspaper saying something is any more credible. If an Indian nationalist said the sky was blue I'd look up just to check.

Would be intercepted by Indian BMD system, S-400, MRSAM (Barak-8), Akash SAM, Spyder and QRSAM
Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Radar - Swordfish
- Mother of all radars
- Indian derivative of Israeli Green Pine radar (EL/M-2080) which forms part of its Arrow BMD system. https://t.co/kbXAzP8u16

These systems are not capable of intercepting hypersonic missiles, not even the United States. So facing the ground launch vehicle, the air h-6 and the sea 055 launch the DF-17 and yj--21. Everything in India is bare.
10 km incursion into the territory of J&K? Any source/link to validate your claim?
By the way, what was your airforce doing when IAF penetrated 80 km deep into your airspace ? After bombing balakot with pgms, our fighter jets returned to their home base without even getting a single scratch on its back

What are the CEPs of your cruise/ballistic missiles? 😁🙃
Whether indian missiles are deployed in limited or unlimited nos, is only known by strategic forces command /GOI
The 10km incursion is on this site you can find it.


As for PAF on 26th? They were maintaining CAPs against your IAF. Why do you think the strike failed? It wasn't just because the bombs were programmed by an incompetent IAF. They were intercepted by the PAF amd were forced out. As for your IAF. What were they doing the next day apart from being shot down?

Calling bingo despite having near full fuel tanks and no radar trouble? Lol
Nobody's Mentioning the Insane amount of Armored Vehicles China has too LOL. Plus china has an industry, they have latest upgraded tanks if war happens they can churn out a big number dsily
and that's assuming PLAN doesn't even fight Indian Navy. In reality, PLAN just loaded 1000+ km hypersonic missiles on 055s which can now shoot at Indian Navy ships from the South China Sea

India does not have the capability to intercept them lmao even Russia has trouble interceptinTochka-Us in Ukraine with 100 km range, and it manufactures the S-400. India doesn't manufacture the S-400 and is going up against much more capable and numerous missiles than 1980's SRBMs.

I'm not arguing with you, btw. I'm just letting the neutral audience know and understand the facts.
Barak-8 has shown outstanding success when it reportedly shot down a Russian made Iskander short-range ballistic missile during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in 2020
Barak-8 has shown outstanding success when it reportedly shot down a Russian made Iskander short-range ballistic missile during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in 2020

"reportedly". China doesn't go by "reportedly". China provides photo evidence.

that's why every Indian site is "reportedly" this, "reportedly" that, while Chinese sites simply post the photos, no comment. a picture says a thousand words.
Nobody's Mentioning the Insane amount of Armored Vehicles China has too LOL. Plus china has an industry, they have latest upgraded tanks if war happens they can churn out a big number dsily

According to the link you gave, this is The Shaurya missile is speculated to be the land version of the under-water Sagarika K-15 missile, not to be confused with a hypersonic missile like the DF-17.
https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.econ...nstrator-vehicle/amp_articleshow/77974388.cms 🙃🤪
Jai Hind, Indian win...ok, now ended this delusion thread.
The 10km incursion is on this site you can find it.


As for PAF on 26th? They were maintaining CAPs against your IAF. Why do you think the strike failed? It wasn't just because the bombs were programmed by an incompetent IAF. They were intercepted by the PAF amd were forced out. As for your IAF. What were they doing the next day apart from being shot down?

Calling bingo despite having near full fuel tanks and no radar trouble? Lol

Khattak's response to 26th Feb 2019 strike:
"Our air force was ready but since it was dark they could not assess the damage so they waited"

According to the link you gave, this is The Shaurya missile is speculated to be the land version of the under-water Sagarika K-15 missile, not to be confused with a hypersonic missile like the DF-17.
Shaurya can reach a velocity of Mach 7.5 even at low altitudes


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