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Opinionated - Attention All Unemployed Patwaris on PDF

Lately it seems there has been a surge of Patwaris polluting this otherwise a defence forum with their habitual propaganda ingenuity. Not sure if it's due to the Patwaris being unemployed as they can't get their hands into the cookie jar or maybe they have just discovered internet and a site to smear with their anti PTI campaign. While these Patwaris have adopted the role of some low paid Munshi Munim by opening daily threads on the Dollar rate and other market prices, they seem least concerned as how their beloved leader can afford to live in the heart of London with all kith and kin and how the chamchas surrounding him can afford to drive in high end luxury vehicles however they are at pain at the likes of fuel prices in Pakistan. Just to enlighten your bankrupt minds that even here in UK, there are fuel crisis, despite increase in prices, there are still fuel shortages forcing people to resort to violence. So save your energies to help create more excuses for your Calibri Queen , which she will need for her next appearance before the court.

I can say it on oath that I hate PMLn from the core of my , my many threats against NS are here to confirm this, having said that now I hate you more because of your arrogance double standard and munafiqat , on the one hand you are asking patwaries not to open a pro PMLN thread meanwhile you are opening a thread to protect Imran Khan and acting like a PTI paid stooge, do you think this site is property of PTI ? and here no one can share truth impartially but only pro PTI thread can exist here, you are saying this because you are a elite members and have many privileges ,lay down your privileges and come as a normal member then I will tell you what the truth is i challenge you I will put your arrogance and double standards down to the earth with arguments based on truth, dictator yet claiming legal and righteous,
Read this what a renowned financial expert is saying and answer it or deny it with truth ,then open threads to praise Imran Khan ,if you have little integrity you should close this thread,
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What a pathetic attempt to justify taliban khan's failures and incompetence. The crisis in UK is due to the strike by truck drivers. Not by incompetence.
Least surprised by your idiotic comment for if you actually had a brain you would be a danger to yourself.
Keep taking the tablets.

I can say it on oath that I hate PMLn from the core of my , my many threats against NS are here to confirm this, having said that now I hate you more because of your arrogance double standard and munafiqat , on the one hand you are asking patwaries not to open a pro PMLN thread meanwhile you are opening a thread to protect Imran Khan and acting like a PTI paid stooge, do you think this site is property of PTI ? and here no one can share truth impartially but only pro PTI thread can exist here, you are saying this because you are a elite members and have many privileges ,lay down your privileges and come as a normal member then I will tell you what the truth is i challenge you I will put your arrogance and double standards down to the earth with arguments based on truth, dictator yet claiming legal and righteous,

I can say it on oath that I hate PMLn from the core of my , my many threats against NS are here to confirm this, having said that now I hate you more because of your arrogance double standard and munafiqat , on the one hand you are asking patwaries not to open a pro PMLN thread meanwhile you are opening a thread to protect Imran Khan and acting like a PTI paid stooge, do you think this site is property of PTI ? and here no one can share truth impartially but only pro PTI thread can exist here, you are saying this because you are a elite members and have many privileges ,lay down your privileges and come as a normal member then I will tell you what the truth is i challenge you I will put your arrogance and double standards down to the earth with arguments based on truth, dictator yet claiming legal and righteous,
Give it rest hot shot.
Acquire some comprehension skills before fancying your self.
In fact make yourself useful and find out how many pro PTI threads have I started.
Every time you log on, all you see is every news article copy pasted here, not sure about you but most of us do browse through both print and electronic media and watch news on TV.
And listen Internet tough guy, being an elite member is just a title, no priveledges, your quality should show in what you write or post, sitting in front of a screen and breaking your keyboard just proves your age and thinking.

I can say it on oath that I hate PMLn from the core of my , my many threats against NS are here to confirm this, having said that now I hate you more because of your arrogance double standard and munafiqat , on the one hand you are asking patwaries not to open a pro PMLN thread meanwhile you are opening a thread to protect Imran Khan and acting like a PTI paid stooge, do you think this site is property of PTI ? and here no one can share truth impartially but only pro PTI thread can exist here, you are saying this because you are a elite members and have many privileges ,lay down your privileges and come as a normal member then I will tell you what the truth is i challenge you I will put your arrogance and double standards down to the earth with arguments based on truth, dictator yet claiming legal and righteous,
Read this what a renowned financial expert is saying and answer it or deny it with truth ,then open threads to praise Imran Khan ,if you have little integrity you should close this thread,

Renowned economists chosen by BBC ?????you are really clueless then
Give it rest hot shot.
Acquire some comprehension skills before fancying your self.
In fact make yourself useful and find out how many pro PTI threads have I started.
Every time you log on, all you see is every news article copy pasted here, not sure about you but most of us do browse through both print and electronic media and watch news on TV.
And listen Internet tough guy, being an elite member is just a title, no priveledges, your quality should show in what you write or post, sitting in front of a screen and breaking your keyboard just proves your age and thinking.
I was a fan of your but I, m sure you are just a PTI stooge who have some connections in air force but no connection to the common people and not knowing public pulse, lets come to points and answer the question raised in bbc article and tell me how much inflation Ik have decreased ,and how much asset recovery cell of Shehzad Akbar have recovered and why NS and AAZ are free and why Jahangir Tareen and wheat mafia are? Why PMC saet selling mafia etc is Ik, s close circle let's starts and by the way where are those f16 which you and some other members said are coming and I said they are not coming but j10c might (it's jus a teaser for you )
Renowned economists chosen by BBC ?????you are really clueless then
why don't you enlighten us the shining Star of PDF the Nobel laureate please enlighten us, Akram sultan Dr ishrat kesar Bengali are nothing in front of you they are just zero please go ahead and enlighten us,
I was a fan of your but I, m sure you are just a PTI stooge who have some connections in air force but no connection to the common people and not knowing public pulse, lets come to points and answer the question raised in bbc article and tell me how much inflation Ik have decreased ,and how much asset recovery cell of Shehzad Akbar have recovered and why NS and AAZ are free and why Jahangir Tareen and wheat mafia are? Why PMC saet selling mafia etc is Ik, s close circle let's starts and by the way where are those f16 which you and some other members said are coming and I said they are not coming but j10c might (it's jus a teaser for you )

why don't you enlighten us the shining Star of PDF the Nobel laureate please enlighten us, Akram sultan Dr ishrat kesar Bengali are nothing in front of you they are just zero please go ahead and enlighten us,

Do I really want to waste my time on someone like you? No not at all.

You need to do some simple research and look at the historical high commodity prices and rapidly increasing energy prices to understand the price increase phenomenon.

Undoubtedly the ordinary folks are getting crushed but what choice the government has other than to pass on increase in international prices to the consumers ?

do enlighten me if you have any practical suggestions …. Perhaps bring Ishaq Dar back and throw foreign exchange to keep dollar at 90Rs idea ?

Pakistani imports are running high because of our production capacity issues and our need to update stagnant industry before we can increase our exports. There is a lag time of few years unfortunately.

Thanks to NAWaz and Zardari haramkhours out every industry is destroyed.

if you care to pay attention your source is the BBC the worst of the worst anti Pakistani media outlet. Economists answer strictly in terms of numbers and not relate to ground realities or politics /welfare of ordinary people. Quoting numbers is easy but doing something about it is hard.
Look at what happened in India yesterday:


Jokes aside but our biggest problem is illiteracy and totally brain dead Patwaris and Jiyalas. They never made any noise in the last 32 years of continuous decline of our economy and rampant corruption but now they want rivers of free oil to flow in three years of IK.
Bastards never planted any trees but now demand the shade and fruits…..
Do I really want to waste my time on someone like you? No not at all.

You need to do some simple research and look at the historical high commodity prices and rapidly increasing energy prices to understand the price increase phenomenon.

Undoubtedly the ordinary folks are getting crushed but what choice the government has other than to pass on increase in international prices to the consumers ?

do enlighten me if you have any practical suggestions …. Perhaps bring Ishaq Dar back and throw foreign exchange to keep dollar at 90Rs idea ?

Pakistani imports are running high because of our production capacity issues and our need to update stagnant industry before we can increase our exports. There is a lag time of few years unfortunately.

Thanks to NAWaz and Zardari haramkhours out every industry is destroyed.

if you care to pay attention your source is the BBC the worst of the worst anti Pakistani media outlet. Economists answer strictly in terms of numbers and not relate to ground realities or politics /welfare of ordinary people. Quoting numbers is easy but doing something about it is hard.
Look at what happened in India yesterday:

Just answer how much inflation Ik have decreased, and tell how many other currencies of south east asia have devalued,,? Just answer dont drag world in blunders of Ik, just tellwhat action is taken against the wheat and sugar Mafia how much money is recovered by Shahzad Akbar how many corrupt officers are fired from their jobs during the tenure of 3 years, what is the agriculture policy what is the importance given to agriculture, what happened to the reforms committee why did Dr Isharat resigned from it and why the chief justice is so much hopeless that he have to say this

As I said I don’t have the time to educate yet another Patwari .

In today’s global market free floating exchange rate is a must. We cannot and must not artificially control our exchange rate. Ishaq blew $10 B at least in just trying to keep Rs at an artificial rate.

What is important is not the artificial value but rather country’s exports and production. So Afghanistan Rs bs USA dollar is more stronger than Pakistan or SriLanka , Nepal and Bhutan does too……. What does it prove if anything at all?

why is the Japanese Yen at 111to a dollar or why is South Korean won at 1145 to a dollar?

obviously all this is beyond your level of understanding so I again ask you to do some research and educate yourself.

Bangladesh is always compared to India and Pakistan …….
It must be a joke .
Every pandoo holds on to a dollar and GDP value which are both highly flawed way of measuring any country’s real economy.

How many vehicles are in Bangladesh ?

4 million

in Pakistan 26 million….

go figure who needs more oil.

length of highways/paved roads in Bangladesh : 100000 km approx

Pakistan 200000 approx….. Infact Pakistan is 21st in the list of most paved roads/highways in the world …..

And the list goes on with electricity production to steel production etc….

care to do some study?
Yes the inflation is extremely high and is at 9 percent currently.

I believe until two months ago India was sitting at 6.5-7 (MODI Math miracles) …..

heck even in Canada we have a record inflation this year…..
How the Fu…. IK is supposed to control this global economic phenomenon ???
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You mentioned sugar and wheat ?

thanks to daddy and mafias yes they are heavily controlled by the mafia but IK is the only one who didn’t care about his government and kicked Tarin and his gang out of his government. Remember the black mail he started by smcreating his own group?
Look at the recent trends :

Record high wheat production:

Record high cotton production:

And you think all the above happened because of the corruption or proper planning, management and leadership?

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