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Opinion: Kashmir cause is finally dead

No kashmir cause ,if there was really one to begin with died a slow death ,it started with Kargil.

Perhaps, but I doubt that. After Kargil, India and Pakistan were still eager for some kind of compromise and hence Musharraf was invited to India in 2000--barely a year after Kargil. And I believe the hardliners around the well-meaning Vajpayee scuttled any compromise.

9/11 will be written in history as THE major catalyst for many events with far reaching consequences for humanity.
Once Afghans have settled then India will be settled. The cinder of freedom is still burning all it needs is a puff of wind of ignition and the whole freedom movement will turn into a flame that India or anyone else in the world be unable to put out.

Ignoring India for a moment you need to look and see if Pakistan can survive. No money no oil

20 years has passed. India is a lot more stronger in economic terms. Without money you cannot fight wars
Ignoring India for a moment you need to look and see if Pakistan can survive. No money no oil

20 years has passed. India is a lot more stronger in economic terms. Without money you cannot fight wars

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The Kashmir issue is well and alive in the valley.…and Kashmiris themselves openly say “we are not Indian”. So even if my miracle, Pakistan and India settle Kashmir and make the LoC the official border, the people in the Kashmir Valley will continue to revolt.

This is akin to what happened in Punjab, where West Punjab is at peace while East Punjab wants to form Khalistan.

This video is more than 10 years old. It shows the rapid pace of how the Khalistan movement has grown in this decade.

Supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan was the right policy by Pakistan and as much as I despise Taliban's repressive govt in Afghanistan, I think it is better for the Afghans in the long run then the puppets who ruled for two decades.

Kashmir Cause died on 9/11. And hence a virulently anti-India leader Musharraf initiated the Manmohan-Musharraf dialog with very considerable risks to Musharraf's own life; remember that at least one of the attacks on him was by people because of Musharraf's changed Kashmir policy.

Or has it really died? IF/WHEN India-China rivalry goes out of hand then, yes, there is still a chance Pakistan would piggy-back the Chinese and do something for Kashmir.

I can see China supporting Pakistan to prevent its oblivion in South Asia. But I am not sure anything China does can compensate for the disparity between India and Pakistan

China's game plan is to become somewhat sufficient in energy through renewables. They can have Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and maybe Iran supply petroleum through overland pipelines
At that point they do not need Pakistan. Of course they do not care about India either
Either way If Kashmir becomes part of Pakistan we will be complete. If Kashmir becomes an independent state, it will become Pakistan's satellite state just like Nepal is to India. The most important thing is however long it takes, the movement must be kept alive to be free from India. Unfortunately Bajra & Niazi agreed to stop doing that during their visit to Washington which allowed India revoke its status paving way to inhabit mainland hindus in the Valley like Israel did with Jews in Palestinian region.
Yup, India and pakistani government will never give third option to them.

Because, most chance for majority of people will choose for a independent state
Both have good reasons for that. Pakistan's water/food security will be compromised. While india fears that this will encourage seperatists elsewhere in india.
Kashmir issue is what makes Pakistan Army to have control and authority over the country,,be it budget,foreign policy or security .Pakistan will fight for another 100 yrs but will not settle on Kashmir issue

On the other side in India Kashmir issue fodder for political parties to boost the vote bank and they will not compromise too

The best solution for Pakistan and India is should make a peace pact for 20 yrs under the observation of P5 countries and opening borders between India and Pakistan and revisit the issue after 20 yrs

If there is peace in Kashmir , Pakistan and India , both armies can be cut down by 50% and pass on the saving to development activities ..when there is peace there will be growth ..when a country strong economically , they have more power and say
Kashmir issue is what makes Pakistan Army to have control and authority over the country,,be it budget,foreign policy or security .Pakistan will fight for another 100 yrs but will not settle on Kashmir issue

On the other side in India Kashmir issue fodder for political parties to boost the vote bank and they will not compromise too

The best solution for Pakistan and India is should make a peace pact for 20 yrs under the observation of P5 countries and opening borders between India and Pakistan and revisit the issue after 20 yrs

If there is peace in Kashmir , Pakistan and India , both armies can be cut down by 50% and pass on the saving to development activities ..when there is peace there will be growth ..when a country strong economically , they have more power and say

Not possible, India has also china next to her border.

Our military doctrine is changing to China specific... Because future major threats from our North- east.
it has been a long time since I posted any in this forum. I thought over time people in Pakistan will gear up towards economic and individual prosperity but alas. It was just a wish. The state of Pakistan's economy is in shambles where as nations of all continents from North / South Ameria to Africa to Australia are inclined towards increased business with India including the Middle East. Pakistani Youtubers are in a frenzy to capture a large audience in India to get payment from Google (an Indian managed company) and their primary content has always been about comparing the 2 nations and keeping the Pakistani people informed what a mistake it was to have split in the name of religion in 1947. Infact looking at the General Knowledge and Current Affairs understanding of most of the Pakistani brothers in these channels I am so happy that we let go of the rotten lot that is completely brainwashed by the semi backed Islamic scholars of Pakistan that the one thing that they often bring up in any conversations is JASBA, MASAB, ZULAM, IMAN, KALMA, ATMI POWER etc which have no value in the modern world. Fortunately our Constitution enforces the duty of any ruling government be it Right Leaning , Left Leaning to empower the people with scientific temperament and rational sense our religious nonsense in the Academic Institutions.
Kashmir issue is what makes Pakistan Army to have control and authority over the country,,be it budget,foreign policy or security .Pakistan will fight for another 100 yrs but will not settle on Kashmir issue

On the other side in India Kashmir issue fodder for political parties to boost the vote bank and they will not compromise too

The best solution for Pakistan and India is should make a peace pact for 20 yrs under the observation of P5 countries and opening borders between India and Pakistan and revisit the issue after 20 yrs

If there is peace in Kashmir , Pakistan and India , both armies can be cut down by 50% and pass on the saving to development activities ..when there is peace there will be growth ..when a country strong economically , they have more power and say
You are forgetting that INDIA's real enemy is CHINA , not pakistan. we are keeping our defence resources for countering threat from CHINA
IK has practically killed the whole Kashmir movement with his talk of being peaceful.

Unfortunately all these decades of effort that went into supporting this movemnt has gone down the drain.

Now see how Kashmiris are speaking

If India wants to compete with China than they have to negotiate on Kashmir, without solving the issue the sword of a two front war will keep hanging on their heads, and no matter how much delusion Indians are fed, reality is that Indians are in no position to fight/win a 2 front war.
If India wants to compete with China than they have to negotiate on Kashmir, without solving the issue the sword of a two front war will keep hanging on their heads, and no matter how much delusion Indians are fed, reality is that Indians are in no position to fight/win a 2 front war.

Indians are incapable of fighting us alone.

They fighting China or two front war is ridiculous.

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