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Opinion: Imran Khan overthrown because of collision with doctrine of Military Establishment?

my 2cents outside view. I think he was deliberately setup to fail.

If you look at Egypt; when Morsi came to power. It was my exact words to my fellow Egyptian friends, the Pharoahs have ruled Egypt for milleniums; the junta who is owning everything wont give up power - instead they will set him up to fail by ensuring he gets the 'right' people around him who facilitate that failure.

Morsi did not see the number of years IK did and the poor man died a horrible death on the hands of the brutal junta lead by sisi. At the time, those around will remember how even monies were not available for basic food; but then KSA/UAE etc instigated the coup and brought Sisi in and flushed his hand with monies.

It is regretful but reality is military juntas need to be focused on their role of defending the borders but i see Pak and Egypt mil in same light; they have built empires to enrich themselves. Then do you ask for any fairness from anyone.

Democracy is a two edge sword but give it time, it will get better.
The real reason for this change in gov from anti-American to pro-American gov:-

1. With the possibility of US conflict with China Pakistan does not want to be in the crossfire
2. Pakistan army is having a tough time with the Afghan insurgents who are well trained and well armed and wreaking heavy losses on Pakistan forces in Baluchistan and Pakistan army needs help
3. The poor economic performance of PTI due to IMF and the slow change and people complaints.
4. The elite in Pakistan have a lot of investments in the USA and Europe and don't want to lose it all like the Russian Oligarchs. This could result due US hot/cold tensions/war with China, due to Pakistan being an ally of China.
5. The US feels humiliated by the Afghan defeat and want to exact revenge so need a foothold in the region to systematically attack the Taliban while the Taliban are weak and in economic crisis with their people starving, so regime change could rapidly occur in Afghanistan.
6. In case of conflict with China the US wants to ensure Pakistan is neutralised internally and not a participant in any conflict with the Western forces.
7. With possible conflict with Iran in the near future US wants to ensure Pakistan is controlled via politicians who will do their bidding

The US nexus arises due to the number of meetings the opposition held with American officials just before the VNC, they were either seeking advice or negotiating deals. Not sure if it is US or PA masterminds game plan that is being run, but it sure is getting complicated and they have brought the nation to a brink. One spark and it could set off a chain of reactions that could undermine Pakistan and bring Pakistan under Indian hegemony. We can be sure enemy agents will be working long hours to work their evil schemes. Can't guarantee IK and his gang of IMF loving poodles are not in their own plans of foreign entities. Pakistani third world politics is sure dirty.

One thing we can be sure about is that China will want to protect its $40 Billion investments and interests and will have devised its strategy to deal with Pakistan and the region incase of chaos or full scale conflict with India.
Whatever I said is directly linked with this. I said Bajwa removed him and thats clearly evident from my post... there is ZERO Contradition

Again I didn't say India's FP is good or bad, I am just telling one of the core reasons for removing him from powrrrr.

PS: There are reasons why India has an independent foreign policy. Build your economy and then do whatever you want.
Lol you think establishment is 5yrs old kid
Look removal reason was simple
sharifs agreed to play nice and keep a blind eye to tax evation and.corruption
ہم بی کھائیں اور آپ بی کھائیں

My Salute and respect to my soldiers !! :smitten::pakistan:

View attachment 834678
ISPR interns and ex generals posting this type of stuff en masse on Twitter to try and win some public support back.

But the problem is by now the qoum has recognized that the foujis are noble, are same as them i.e poor or middle class sarbakaf jaan baaz.

While the generals are rich corrupt haramkhor watan farosh(that's literally what people are saying if you don't believe me just go and read lol)

So these emotional blackmail antics are having very little real effect on Twitter.

Many Ex generals who used to hold Twitter spaces on 5th gen war and India etc. Are now removing their ranks and retired (R) status from their Twitter profiles lmao. I asked one of them why he kicked me out lmao 😂. Such Chameleons.

Allah in ko hidayat de. Ameen.

4. The elite in Pakistan have a lot of investments in the USA and Europe and don't want to lose it all like the Russian Oligarchs. This could result due US hot/cold tensions/war with China, due to Pakistan being an ally of China.
5. The US feels humiliated by the Afghan defeat and want to exact revenge so need a foothold in the region to systematically attack the Taliban while the Taliban are weak and in economic crisis with their people starving, so regime change could rapidly occur in Afghanistan.
Number 4 is blatant conflict of interest.

Number 5 is repeat of a hostile Afghan government that was responsible for sponsoring, harboring, arming Indian Baloch and Pashtun proxies.

Bohat bari himakat kar di hai bhai. This will have serious consequences.
Praising your enemy's strengths doesn't make you a traitor. Actually we should all learn good things from our enemies.

India's foreign policy is really independent. It's one of their top three strengths (others being population and buying power).

Another strength of India is its election commission, that doesn't listen to anyone.. Another one is its policy that says one can't have dual nationality.. either you are an Indian or a Non Indian.. a reason why you don't see many judges/ bureaucrats/ politicians/ generals settling abroad.

Imran was critical of India's human rights abuses.. that's its biggest weakness.. and he made sure to highlight that at every forum..

So if he has been sidelined just because of his praise for India's independent foreign policy, it's very unfortunate.

An example I can give here.. Imagine Pakistan cricket team's captain says that Indian board is preparing fast pitches for the team to give tough time to Australia in Australia, while we are not being provided with such pitches for practice. That's halaal praise... halaal criticism is that when Pakistan team's captain highlights that India has a huge bookie network and that network is targeting cricketers all over the world and maligning the game's reputation.. that's again halaal criticism..

Is Dual nationalism allowed among your governors? If Yes, then i shall pray for you.

It is a grave danger which can compromise on national security. All of Iranian corrupt figures from money launderers criminals embezzlers spies Dual agents etc , i can say this with full confidence, that 99 percent of them were from Dual citizens having American or a European citizenship on their passports. Specially the spies among nuclear negotiators who were supposed to defense Iranians' rights in international Forums ironically. One of these Dual citizens during the negotiations, recorded voices of Zarif and his negotiating team and before starting new rounds of negotiations, western snakes listened to their voices making them prepared to counter Iranian diplomats and reduce them.
Been following this forum for quite a while.

Here’s my take:

Bajwa - was doing well remaining apolitical until the DG ISI extension fiasco. Imran Khan the PM was within full rights to continue with with Faiz if he deemed him to be fit and Bajwa should have budged and that would have been the end of it. Bajwa should have remained within his constitutional limits.

But this was a trigger to many subsequent events. Turning a blind eye to the meetings of opposition, media, electables with US officials.

Next came the letter gate where Bajwa and service chiefs agreed that the letter was real and a proper response was made. The DG ISPR presser was another fiasco when DG mentioned it was merely an interference and not a collusion etc. I will not start a semantic fetish here.

And then, talking to retired personnel saying, Imran Khan doesnt listen to his MPs, his choice of selecting Buzdar, his men brokering and interacting with the opposition during the NCM saga.

To top it off, after Donald Lu’s threat a cryptic presser infering Russia should withdraw from Ukraine.

How is this apolitical? Bajwa and the top leadership stand exposed due to their own doing.

Imran Khan - The writing was on the wall. He got stubborn and refused to replace Buzdar. Contrary to proper belief he might have been a decent administrator but relationships, charisma, PR are an important trait of a CM of the largest province.

Coming to developments, health card, Ehsaas program, billion tree tsunami, constructing of mega dams, resolving power related issues with a Turkish company, Reqo Dir arbitration, handling Covid, improving economic indicators, independent foreign policy, handling Islamaphobia, Operation Swift Retort were some of PTI’s achievements.

Inflation, including electables that eventually switched sides and odd timing of his political moves, letting Nawaz go, sometimes picking the wrong people for the job were PTI’s biggest mistakes.

PDM - Where do we start? An amalgamation of 11 parties hotch potched together, thanks to $$$. Sharifs (corrupt), Zardaris (corrupt being an underrated word), Diesel and others.

Teamed up with media and electables. A mission planned by the US and made reality by Mir Jaffars inside Pakistan.

The ISI failed to act on this or they willing turned a blind eye one would never know.

Imran Khan knowing all this should have gone for elections. The lettergate was a golden opportunity for him to galvanize Pakistan and sell the ‘Khud Mukhtari’ card and sure he did.

Courts - The most corrupt institution, even more than the PDM here. Opening of courts at midnight, intervening into parliamentary affairs. Add to it keeping the courts opened in anticipation of Imran Khan firing the CAOS.

Letting crooks SS and HS off the hook. Countless pending corruption cases.

These achievements would be black mark in Pakistan’s judiciary for a long time to come.

Public - They seem to be awake and are taking the army to the cleaners. This has seriously undermined the aura of invincibility the army had in the eyes of public.

I will talk about the solution later.

(I used to be in this forum under the name of mothsmoke)
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It was bound to happen!

There were multiple shut-up calls sent to IK for not praising India's foreign policy publicly, but he wasn't listening and deliberately avoiding it. You can not do this. He directly collided with the pivot of Pakistan's strategic policies. IK stepped outside the boundary, which was disastrous at all levels. He was capturing the attention of the Indian establishment and govt corridors.

Indian mainstream media was covering IK since day one but once he starts praising India's foreign policy, there was a sudden change in the entire Indian media coverage, their narrative and tone. Certainly, it was an expected. As of now, the Indian fascist regime has already built favorable grounds with respect to Kashmir FP (by utilizing Khan's recent remarks) and you will see this in the upcoming general elections.

Rationally, we are aligned with the western establishment and their policies since the partition, however, Pakistan's military always stands like a fireball when it comes to their defined doctrine. They won't tolerate, and won’t compromise if you directly interfere in their policies regarding India. For the west, that's completely acceptable if they really need Pakistan’s irrational support. No one can force Pakistan's military to accept Indian hegemony in the region.

Khan’s anonymous intervention into the domain that was pre-established by Pakistan’s powerful military establishment was completely unacceptable to them. That was an unintelligent, and brainless approach on IK's part. Consequently, that was enough reason to thrash IK from the power without wasting any time. NS tried that twice, and both times he was thrashed by the powers'.

Everyone should understand that there is a reason behind the existence of Pakistan, there is a reason for having armed forces and there are enough reasons for having anti-Indian doctrine -- vice-versa.

What Quaid said, all good captions and quotes, who should run the foreign policy, Army should be under the command of PM and all that, in reality, Pak military owns the country and they are the ones who drive the state policy whether you like it or not. Once you deviate from it, you will face the consequences. IK absolutely did the right thing. Praising someone's independent policy won't make you a traitor however, in reality, our govt(s) are working under extreme pressure and hostility.

For long, I like other Pakistanis respected and honored the military of our country. But now, after 40 years, seeing how the military leadership has behaved, where when Imran Khan was on a state visit to Moscow, this COWARD Bajwa ran to his real Masters, in Washington DC.

I am a Muslim, I DO NOT follow Bajwa, Shabaz, Nawaz, Zardari, Bilawal, Maryam or Flazlu. I follow Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam and my beloved Prophet (PBUH) would have NEVER sought an alliance with America. The same America that has been instrumental in the preservation of the Zionist State of Israel. The same America that has LIED to the world about WMD in Iraq to start a war, LIED about 9/11 and war in Afghanistan, LIED about Gulf of Tonkin and war in Vietnam.

A LIAR STATE is not one any Muslim State seeks friendship and alliance with. This means Bajwa is a Jahil and Munafiq, just like nawaz, zardari, shabaz, bilawal, flazlu and maryam. DAMN you all to HELL, you are not my leaders.
It was bound to happen!

There were multiple shut-up calls sent to IK for not praising India's foreign policy publicly, but he wasn't listening and deliberately avoiding it. You can not do this. He directly collided with the pivot of Pakistan's strategic policies. IK stepped outside the boundary, which was disastrous at all levels. He was capturing the attention of the Indian establishment and govt corridors.

Indian mainstream media was covering IK since day one but once he starts praising India's foreign policy, there was a sudden change in the entire Indian media coverage, their narrative and tone. Certainly, it was an expected. As of now, the Indian fascist regime has already built favorable grounds with respect to Kashmir FP (by utilizing Khan's recent remarks) and you will see this in the upcoming general elections.

Rationally, we are aligned with the western establishment and their policies since the partition, however, Pakistan's military always stands like a fireball when it comes to their defined doctrine. They won't tolerate, and won’t compromise if you directly interfere in their policies regarding India. For the west, that's completely acceptable if they really need Pakistan’s irrational support. No one can force Pakistan's military to accept Indian hegemony in the region.

Khan’s anonymous intervention into the domain that was pre-established by Pakistan’s powerful military establishment was completely unacceptable to them. That was an unintelligent, and brainless approach on IK's part. Consequently, that was enough reason to thrash IK from the power without wasting any time. NS tried that twice, and both times he was thrashed by the powers'.

Everyone should understand that there is a reason behind the existence of Pakistan, there is a reason for having armed forces and there are enough reasons for having anti-Indian doctrine -- vice-versa.

What Quaid said, all good captions and quotes, who should run the foreign policy, Army should be under the command of PM and all that, in reality, Pak military owns the country and they are the ones who drive the state policy whether you like it or not. Once you deviate from it, you will face the consequences. IK absolutely did the right thing. Praising someone's independent policy won't make you a traitor however, in reality, our govt(s) are working under extreme pressure and hostility.

seriously, West wanted him out and told Pakistani elite who has property and accounts in the west, that if they didnt oblige, they will get personal sanctions and all their assets will be confiscated...
Nice story. We all know the real reasons. It's very easy to use the Indian factor as an excuse.
As per political analysts, It was due to bungling major issues including administration and foreign policy. He kept opening unnecessary fronts and was damaging the country. He would not listen to advice. Whether it is true or not, I don't know. He was definitely Pakistani Trump.
Khan’s anonymous intervention into the domain that was pre-established by Pakistan’s powerful military establishment was completely unacceptable to them. That was an unintelligent, and brainless approach on IK's part. Consequently, that was enough reason to thrash IK from the power without wasting any time. NS tried that twice, and both times he was thrashed by the powers'.

Everyone should understand that there is a reason behind the existence of Pakistan, there is a reason for having armed forces and there are enough reasons for having anti-Indian doctrine -- vice-versa.

What Quaid said, all good captions and quotes, who should run the foreign policy, Army should be under the command of PM and all that, in reality, Pak military owns the country and they are the ones who drive the state policy whether you like it or not. Once you deviate from it, you will face the consequences. IK absolutely did the right thing. Praising someone's independent policy won't make you a traitor however, in reality, our govt(s) are working under extreme pressure and hostility.

Military should stay in its boundaries. The problem is military is too much into politics. Imran has challenged that overreach.

Who has given this self entitlement that military has absolute monopoly on national security? The monopoly belongs to elected government.

If military is so adamant on holding monopoly on national security, how does to accept Shehbaz and his son as PM and CM? How did it allows Nawaz to leave for abroad in exchange for PMLN vote for COAS extention?

Military leadership works for American interests. They gave up country on one phone call. Bajwa gave the country on a threat.

Build your economy, and then do whatever you want.

Build your economy under Shehabaz and Zardari! Thats amazing.

You need to put these people behind bars. Imran was doing very well. He increased tax revenue many folds. Despite COVID, Pakistan exports increased. This is where you get fiscal space which stabilizes economy on long run.

You cant have it under the corrupt thieves which establishment keeps bringing.

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