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[Opinion] Imran Khan has emerged as a capable leader and Pakistan is extremely lucky to have him


Jul 18, 2021
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After 3 years in office he emerges as one of the best leaders imo since the 80s. A strong nation needs a strong leader and Imran Khan is the man for the job, We need to bring other similar characters thru the ranks but we most seriously be careful who comes thru the ranks. If Imran serves two terms I would like to see Shah Mahmood Qureshi replace him his at the Imran Khan caliber what we absolutely don't need in this country is tabloid and news paper sellers coming to power



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Imran Khan is proving himself as a capable leader for Pakistan. It is now the duty of Pakistanis to prove themselves capable citizens to Pakistan, by working together in building the country into an HONEST and HARDWORKING ONE!!
After 3 years in office he emerges as one of the best leaders imo since the 80s. A strong nation needs a strong leader and Imran Khan is the man for the job


You're right, he's a unique leader in Pakistan's history. However a leader is only as effective as those that carry out his vision.

Thankfully or woefully, I think thats true on both sides of the fence.
How much capable is he ,just take 500 and go for shopping ask retailer to give one days basic commodities for a family of 4, 2 kg ata , 250 gms sugar,250 grams pulses,250 gms oil, half kg vegetables,one litter milk, leave electricity gas house rents a side, .Go to protesting students against PMC and ask them capabilities of IK and his appointed head of PMC, go to head of assets recovery unit shezad Akbar and ask him how much money he have recovered, Go to foreign office and ask them why Chinese premier Xi postponed his January visit due to Imran Khan and why J Biden isn't attending his call, go to supreme court ask them why the justice fiaz Essa case is a matter of shame for Ik, Go to state bank and ask them why imoprts are increasing and Dollar is 171 rupees , go and ask Ik how many finance ministers , IG pinjab you have changed in 3 years, Go to Ik and ask why he let Noora and Zardari runway who made his platelets report, what happened of sugar commission, of wheat commission why culprits are free, ? More importantly what happened of riyasat e Madina which he promised and why reforms committee chairman Dr Isharat Abad resigned, finally a question how many corrupt bureaucrats he have fired from job and put them behind the bars and have dismissed them from their services? Is level of corruption fallen to zero since he acquired his seat? He is a liability on the shoulders of establishment, people who have no integrity can only defend him work as his stooges,
You're right, he's a unique leader in Pakistan's history. However a leader is only as effective as those that carry out his vision.

Thankfully or woefully, I think thats true on both sides of the fence.

I somewhat agree despite you being slightly cryptic.

Pakistan has had a long period of questionable leaders like every other country example the Nawaz and Zardari periods were really bad period and Pakistan can't effort such periods in it's history despite Pervez M. issues he was way better than anything these two sucessive periods provided since Sia this country just has not seen capable leaders
i had to double check my calendar to see if it was April 1st .... damn after rick rolled we have imran rolled phenomena around

What is the dog-fight my friend? Atleast you don't have folks who only sell papers in such moments in your history just saying. We have seen worse times
What is the dog-fight my friend? Atleast you don't have folks who only sell papers in such moments in your history just saying. We have seen worse times

I miss Musharaf era, no matter what, it was WAY better than everything else combined we have seen in recent years, this person gave us all hope and than he molested that hope atleast for me
After 3 years in office he emerges as one of the best leaders imo since the 80s. A strong nation needs a strong leader and Imran Khan is the man for the job,

Obviously the nation has the leader it deserves. Just look at the evidence!
I miss Musharaf era, no matter what, it was WAY better than everything else combined we have seen in recent years, this person gave us all hope and than he molested that hope atleast for me

Musharaf era was atleast better than the two eras that succeeded him because they were just so bad.. Shah Mahmood Qureshi could actully do great job. I lean towards meritocracy in this case and Pakistan is in need of that meritocracy
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Dont you have to provide a link according to forum rules ??
Have the rules changed now ?
Nearly every topic has no links in this forum anymore.
I ask as I was banned when once I forgot to include a link
Anything that bigs up IK is always welcome even if it might be a blog a email a twitter account or grannies facebook page
Imran Khan is most certainly a capable leader whose political skills go from strength to strength - but his skillness is matched by the Pakistani voter who still insist on PML and PPP being "releavant" in Pakistani politic's. There is a real risk he wont win the next election and we will back to the clowns from PML/PPP and all that good work and his current team will be disbanded.
I lean towards meritocracy in this case and Pakistan is in need of that meritocracy

This is something Pakistan has to ethablish meritocracy and just release to election ppl who have been proved via tight meritocracy testing.. Allowing some folks is wrong in Pakistan and also province election should be based on meritocracy before any election
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