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Opinion | 10 'outrageously unthinkable' yet pragmatic solutions to Pakistan's major problems.

I only see one problem with Pakistani people and if thats fixed everything else will follow

Remove Islamiat as subject from all education level and instead include Quran Translation as a compulsory subject, problem with Pakistani people is they want to goto heaven the easiest way possible, dying is the easiest way out of the life they have in Pakistan...give them better life or they will keep willing to die for anyone
(i) Can't quit Afghanistan unless Afghanistan quits us !

Which is to say that we always betray a chronic lack of the appreciation of historical continuity when we start talking about the ills of Afghanistan the day the Taliban were created or even when the Afghan Jihad started !

Unless we realize why the Taliban were helped by Pakistan & why were other factions helped by Pakistan at one point or the other we'd be back to square one !

Unless Afghanistan gets out of her delusions of creating a Loy Afghanistan out of nearly 2/3rd of Pakistan - Our Policy of Intervention would exist in one form or the other ! The day they realize that no more Pukhtoonistan Issues, none of the aggressive posturing of Babrak or Daud Khan before him, none of the supporting of people like the Faqir of Ipi, the attempt at wooing Pukhtoon Nationalists like the ANP in Pakistan to agitate & create discord or that a repeat of the Bajaur like Invasion is a no go & lastly that, like the '90s, they will not allow their many varied Warlords to be used & abused in the hands of anyone from the Central Asian States to Arabs & Iranians & to the Russians or even the Americans & at times to the detriment of Pakistan, as was happening in the '90s - We'd never intervene...till that day....we've got no choice but look out for ourselves !

(ii) Referendum in AJK & GB : Pakistan, India or Independence ! With a provision to revisit the issue at the final settlement of the whole Kashmir Dispute !

(iii) Agreed !

(iv) Agreed !

(v) Agreed !

(vi) Agreed !

(vii) An apology to Bangladesh on a reciprocal basis - You apologize for the Biharis & the West Pakistani civilians you butchered & started butchering before Operation Searchlight & had it climaxed right after the fall of Dhaka !

Do that - Fine, we'd apologize in turn ! Do it not - You can go foOk yourselves; I'm not feeling my consciousness working up anyhow & Bangladesh isn't that important a country either way to be expedient !

(viii) Agreed !

(ix) Agreed !

(x) Pacifism isn't the right word - A classical Jefferesonian Non Interventionism is !
Im writing an edited version with sources and footnotes - will send you the draft for peer reviewing if you don't mind?

Thats what EXACTLY i mean by 'looking inwards'. When we are not fighting as mercenaries for others, we would have time to do the things that NEED TO BE DONE, in Pakistan

Most of that is wishful thinking. I want Pakistan to go go to sleep when every other Muslim country sees themselves as Muslims first - only then we can walk in a pack. Until then --- we need to go to sleep and focus on ourselves, why bleed for others?

Speak your heart out!

Historically, belligerent developing nations have never succeeded economically and socially when they engage in various military campaigns. Spain in the Spanish - English wars of the middle ages; Germany in WW2; Argentina in the Falklands war. They are either relegated to the dustbins of failure or they introspect and become leading nations if they admit their errors. The size of a nation's military should reflect the protection of its political and economic interests amongst others. Pakistan's military is one of the largest in the world. Its economy however doesn't hold that advantage. Therefore, the military it seems is being purely maintained to uphold its political interests. If the goals which you set out above are met (and with respect my view is that they are extremely wishful), then clearly that will result in much more energy being available for the nation to develop itself socially and economically. Who knows, the internal strife involving the TTP etc will gradually disappear. Nelson Mandela once said "the change in the attitude of a nation starts off with the thinking of one citizen who manages to convince his nation of the logic of his thinking". Offcourse when making that statement he was praising the outgoing FW de Klerk who was the last President of an apartheid South Africa after De Klerk managed to convince the White South Africans of the logic of dismantling apartheid. Hopefully the logic of your thinking will convince your military leadership to change course for the better of the nation. In the sub-continent however, leadership is generally pursued for personal enrichment and not for the enrichment of the nation. I accordingly wouldn't hold my breath if I were you

Really strong arguments to make Pakistan a powerful nation but your compatriots may not agree with certain points.
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Most of Pakistan's security related issues are a product of our will to 'volunteer' ourselves for every Muslim cause on planet earth,
Very rightly said. People from other religions also live in Pakistan, irrespective of their quantity, they are Pakistanis. We have to first think as Pakistani and get our house in order first.

Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, is a thing of the past. USSR is dead, now if Russians invade again, they would have to invade many C.Asian countries before they get to Pakistan. Moreover in regards to India, Pakistan has nuclear weapons and if our existence is threatened we can vaporise them in response. Therefore they won't mount an invasion of Pakistan, therefore the strategic depth is not needed, therefore Afghanistan is now irrelevant to our strategic calculus as far as a scenario of Indian invasion is concerned.

Afghanistan will always remain of strategic importance to Pakistan, due to hostile front in the East. Pakistan cannot afford a hostile west also. Unfortunately, presently it is.

We should stop ALL interventions in Afghan affairs, allow India to have the transit to Afghanistan and Afghanistan to India in return of full recognition of the Durand line from Afghanistan, and Indian assurances to not using Afghan soil for destabilizing Pakistan. Pakistan should refrain from Afghan affairs, altogether. We should NEVER help them EVER again in case of another invasion, let them fend for themselves. Should the worst case scenario of a hostile Afghanistan and a hostile India at the same time arise, we should focus all of our military assets to defend ourselves through a concentrated effort.
It is a misconception that Pakistan is intervening into Afghanistan. We are bogged down to our own western boarder issues, created by international stakeholders, just because they are unhappy seeing Nuclear capability with solitary Muslim state.

Imagine if we liberate Kashmir through a military invasion from India. Then we conduct a free and fair referendum in Kashmir. If you are thinking that they will opt for joining Pakistan, you are wrong. Kashmiris will have no regard for Pakistani help, we will be taken for granted and Kashmiris will instead opt for an independent nation.

Kashmir from day one has opted for independence and due to this reason you have Azad Kashmir. Pakistan should and is not in any doubt about it.

4: Recognize Israel

By mentioning "Valid for all countries except Israel" on passports, is there any thing left in recognition? Moreover, it is dispute between Palestinians and Israel over the land sold by the original natives. Though formation of state based on purchases made is very much debatable, but then Palestinians should have been careful while selling their lands. We must morally stand by Palestinians for atrocities committed against them. Sitting so far this what we can do maximum.
6: Build and maintain a Military muscle
This is the most essential thing and has been recently proved by USA. If world imposes jungle law be it we must match.

We should think Pakistan first and act to benefit it. This is our identity, roots and final destination
not earning us any favours among Arab kings

They have always favoured their own interests and interests of their masters. Despite the fact that their masters have always ditched them, lied to them and fleeced them.

Their eyes, ears and hearts have been sealed. Had they been open mind and hearted, there would not be poverty in muslim states of the world.
by strategic depth we only mean having a Pakistan friendly or a nonHostile regime in Afghanistan that doesnt finger us and helps India to instigate the Balochistan insurgency.
Very right and instigation of baloch insurgency is not limited to one. In my rough estimate at least five two out of which are the already condemned.
I am not agree with few points but yes Pakistan should stop interfering in other's matters ...

If being hypocrite is a solution remain for us , we shouldn't waste a second for it ...

After all the sacrifices made for Islamic society they even consider as an enemy so why we waste our soldiers blood for them ..
Agreed with most of the points and disagree with some.......

Our home is on fire and we are busy in solving other's issues this is bullshit.

We trained them and now they are ready to bite us .
Disclaimer | This thread is strictly for academic/hypothetical discussion only.


Most of Pakistan's security related issues are a product of our will to 'volunteer' ourselves for every Muslim cause on planet earth, especially in our own region. Most terrorist organizations in Pakistan today started abroad and we allowed them to flourish in Pakistan in the name of 'help'. I-e The Mujahideen, The Taliban were Afghans, Lashkar e Taiba and Hizb ul mujahideen were Kashmiri organizations - we even went as far as sheltering PLO the Palestinian organization.

We have turned ourselves into mercenaries who fight for 'other people' and their freedoms. We fought for Afghans,Kashmiris,Somalis,Saudis,Jordanians,Egyptians,Iraqis,Syrians,Bosnians,Kosovites - It had nothing to do with Pakistan. The most depressing lesson is that they don't even know our name. So i feel obliged to ask the question, 'why do it' ?

Here are a few ideas i am presenting to you guys to discuss and give me your responses. The ideas i think will help Pakistan in its security conundrum as well as help us establish peace in Pakistan. Dear friends, you must understand that Pakistan is in a state of survival - therefore drastic steps would have to be made. This hypothesis bases itself on the sense of security generated out of our Nuclear deterrent, which i believe gives us time to look away from outside and look inwards.

1: 'Quit Afghanistan | Strategic depth is dead'

Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, is a thing of the past. USSR is dead, now if Russians invade again, they would have to invade many C.Asian countries before they get to Pakistan. Moreover in regards to India, Pakistan has nuclear weapons and if our existence is threatened we can vaporise them in response. Therefore they won't mount an invasion of Pakistan, therefore the strategic depth is not needed, therefore Afghanistan is now irrelevant to our strategic calculus as far as a scenario of Indian invasion is concerned.

We should stop ALL interventions in Afghan affairs, allow India to have the transit to Afghanistan and Afghanistan to India in return of full recognition of the Durand line from Afghanistan, and Indian assurances to not using Afghan soil for destabilizing Pakistan. Pakistan should refrain from Afghan affairs, altogether. We should NEVER help them EVER again in case of another invasion, let them fend for themselves. Should the worst case scenario of a hostile Afghanistan and a hostile India at the same time arise, we should focus all of our military assets to defend ourselves through a concentrated effort.

2: 'Referendum in Azad Kashmir'

Imagine if we liberate Kashmir through a military invasion from India. Then we conduct a free and fair referendum in Kashmir. If you are thinking that they will opt for joining Pakistan, you are wrong. Kashmiris will have no regard for Pakistani help, we will be taken for granted and Kashmiris will instead opt for an independent nation. Kashmir counts for 90% of our international diplomatic and security related problems, despite our best efforts we cannot 'win' as the great Muslim liberator as we hope to be.

I suggest, we should conduct a referendum in Azad Kashmir with following choices.

1: Join Pakistan formally - support Pakistani efforts to turn LOC into an international border with India.

2: Become an independant state.

Its a win win situation for Pakistan either way if we stop thinking of Kashmir as a 'Muslim problem/Pakistani problem' because it is not. It is a Kashmiri problem and they are the ones who need to solve it. If they choose the 1st option in a vast majority, we mount serious efforts of peacemaking with India.

If they choose the 2nd option, its a win win for us as we will help them become a new country, UN member, OIC member and then we can leave them alone to deal with the Indians,they would have to worry about the diplomatic/military strife with India, not us. It will become a 'Kashmiri Problem' - and this territory will act as a buffer between us and Indian forces. I would rather have Indian forces patrol Kashmiri streets than patrolling mine. Kashmiri freedom is worth Pakistani blood? - i wonder if it is and how much of it will be enough. We are giving blood since 1947.

3: Isolation from Arab-Iran rivalry.

Pakistan is a nuclear power and cannot be invaded, why should we be fighting as mercenaries for others? - I want no Pakistani boots outside Pakistan for ANY reason, for ANY country. Arab Iranian rivalry has a racist undertone, which Pakistan must not become a part of. We should allow them to solve their differences peacefully or go to war. Pakistan must not take EITHER SIDE, and remain totally neutral.

No Arab/Persian forces have helped us in 1948-1965-1971. It was us who were fighting for them not them fighting for us. We all know what the odds are of any military assistance from Iran or Arabs in any future war with India, don't we? - They won't come to our help, when we need them the most. - Pakistan therefore needs to become neutral -we need not meddle in their affairs nor we allow them to meddle into ours.

4: Recognize Israel

If Kashmir = Palestine than why Arabs and Iranians and Turks are allowed to recognize India while Pakistan is not allowed to recognize Israel? - Why they are allowed to trade with India, but Pakistan is not allowed to trade with Israel? - Pakistan should recognize Israel in return for unrestricted access to American and European markets and preferential trade agreements - as well as Pakistan gets the NSG membership. It will equal out our relations with the Arabs and the Iranians vis a vis Kashmir and India, and will improve our international standing by presenting us as a mature nation.

5: Join SCO

Pakistan should join SCO at all costs - dim its role in the OIC. Focus on China, Russia, C.Asia and India for trade and making the most of our geographic importance.

6: Build and maintain a Military muscle

If we adopt the above policy we need to build a potent conventional military muscle, big enough to provide impeccable national defense - to flush out the terrorist outfits - and small enough that cant be used in attacking any other nation in the world. Pakistan military should ONLY be used to defend Pakistanis. We should not care who's bombing Afghanistan and who's dumping Kashmiris in mass graves. As long as its not us getting killed, it shouldn't affect our military thinking.

7: Apologise to Bangladesh

We need to apologise to Bangladesh for our brutality inflicted upon them in 1971 - in return for free trade agreements and normalization of the bilateral ties.

8: Non intervention in the Muslim world

When was the last time you saw Turks,Indonesians and Malaysians intervening in other countries to 'protect Muslims' ? - NEVER. We need to do the same, we need to learn to ignore what happens in the Muslim world, so we can focus on ourselves. It should not be an issue to us, if Israelis bomb Palestinians,Lebanese and Egyptians, Burmese monks kill Rohingas, Serbs kill bosnians or Indians bomb Kashmiris. We should not intervene - they are not worth a drop of Pakistani blood.

9: Become business minded

Every F.policy favor we render to ANYONE - has to be in return for business favors returned to us. Once we build our economy, we send our kids to schools and universities - than we can think about other goals.

10: Pacifist Pakistan

Pakistan should give up its alliance with the US, normalize its ties with the US as a non aligned nation, bolster ties with China,Russia, India , Brazil and EU. A Pakistan that is indifferent to the security climate in other nations as long as its not us. We should never wage war on other nations-nor become partisans in one.

By doing this, we can reinvent our position in the world as a self centric country that is pro business - pro trade and anti conflict.

Have your say.


@Hyperion @ajpirzada @Irfan Baloch @Oscar @Argus Panoptes @Zarvan @Marshmallow @Armstrong @Xeric @Icarus @muse @Mosamania @Hussein @A-Team @Sher Malang @ghilzai @Pak-one and others.
Quitting Kashmir is death for Pakistan by every possible means recognizing Israel is again certain death and as long as Palestine issue exists no peace in the world can come Mr clash of civilizations would continue and if you want to end Jihads support than do Jihad through Army but you are not a super power so you would have to take help of Mujahideen Mr role in OIC is more important than any other role we have to make it more active yes we have to build military muscle and for that relation with Muslim world is must and quitting Afghanistan you gotta be kidding quitting it means handing over to India our beloved enemy and doing nothing in Muslim world would increase hatred and chaos in Pakistan and finally try to mend problems between Iran and Arabs you can't run away from it
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First of all,we all must admit that yes,we have fought for our so called 'Muslim Ummah' concept..we must follow the legacy of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan,first who made the muslims of India realize.that their golden era has passed.
Second,we also must admit that besides for the sake of muslim ummah cause we have some personal interest too.
Now coming to your post,Sir you have given an excellent suggestion,how ever I think that recognizing Israel is not a good idea.
Not for the sake of Palestine,but for the very reason that we must admit this fact that our interest with Israel are entirely reciprocal,infact in easy words,no matter how much we try to fill the gap,it will never work out,in case if we recognized and allowed Israel to open their embassy,then I consider it as worse mistake,as we are already evident of all damage they have given to Syria,Egypt and other countries,how will they spare us?
Instead I suggest that we should work on to strengthen our relationships with government having similar interest and policies.
Before policy making for any country we must keep following factors under consideration:

-Geographical importance
-The past experience
-The intentions
-The relationship of that country with your friends/enemies
-The possibilities
-The lapses due to which past relationship if went wrong,ie to opposition.If your required country was result of those lapses produced then following steps must be taken:

-Check if dialogues can effect some positive relationship,if it works then move ahead.
-How to make strategies to prevent such incidents in future.
-Check the strategies proposed by your desired country.

Best regards,
Slav Defence
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How does one plan to create an inclusive Pakistani identity , this would mean complete changes in the education system . This would also end up having considerable backlash from the population supporting such an education system.. It would take an entirely new generation which is around 15-20 years to actually develop an National identity .

As for the Kashmir solution i believe the Kashmir solution is ingrained in the hearts and minds of Pakistanis for several decades . A Referendum in Kashmir would be extremely risky if you ended up with a solution of making Kashmir independent . This would be really more than enough for a complete state of Anarchy inside your country ....

What your country desperately needs is a good economy , investment , jobs .... The development of a particular region is directly proportional to terrorism in the region ... Give the people decent jobs , the ability to live a good life and buy what they need , they are not going to think twice about being part any radical organization.. I believe most of these terrorists join just for the money and feeding their families.

I believe you also need to strengthen the democratic institutions and weaken the military hold on Pakistan . The Military should not have the freedom to direct Foreign policy just to suit its needs .... Having a powerful military institution intending one thing and the democratically elected govt. wanting another never helps...

I believe Pakistan should have a completely independent non interventionist attitude when it comes to anything from trade, to energy resources or defense , but considering the strategic location of Pakistan , the building of Gwadar port which will end up with china having a direct pipeline to their country bypassing all sea routes, am pretty damn sure you will have to somehow cope up with America breathing down your throat ....

I agree with rest of the points
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Spot on! An excellent analyses! I agree with your points in their entirety! :tup:

But the question is, would it ever be possible to succeed in laying down and following such policies? The paradigm shift will be too great to handle and the opposition benches would cry foul due to vote bank politics and scoring brownie points especially where Afghanistan and Kashmir are concerned.
If the 'ummah' can't fight for us, we shouldn't even allow them to use a Pakistani chicken for sacrifice!

Mr you have to support Ummah no matter what happens other wise it would be chaos in your country and you would pay the price of betraying the Ummah Sir we can't afford it any more Sir and please allow my first post on this forum too
Disclaimer | This thread is strictly for academic/hypothetical discussion only.


Most of Pakistan's security related issues are a product of our will to 'volunteer' ourselves for every Muslim cause on planet earth, especially in our own region. Most terrorist organizations in Pakistan today started abroad and we allowed them to flourish in Pakistan in the name of 'help'. I-e The Mujahideen, The Taliban were Afghans, Lashkar e Taiba and Hizb ul mujahideen were Kashmiri organizations - we even went as far as sheltering PLO the Palestinian organization.

We have turned ourselves into mercenaries who fight for 'other people' and their freedoms. We fought for Afghans,Kashmiris,Somalis,Saudis,Jordanians,Egyptians,Iraqis,Syrians,Bosnians,Kosovites - It had nothing to do with Pakistan. The most depressing lesson is that they don't even know our name. So i feel obliged to ask the question, 'why do it' ?

Here are a few ideas i am presenting to you guys to discuss and give me your responses. The ideas i think will help Pakistan in its security conundrum as well as help us establish peace in Pakistan. Dear friends, you must understand that Pakistan is in a state of survival - therefore drastic steps would have to be made. This hypothesis bases itself on the sense of security generated out of our Nuclear deterrent, which i believe gives us time to look away from outside and look inwards.

1: 'Quit Afghanistan | Strategic depth is dead'

Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, is a thing of the past. USSR is dead, now if Russians invade again, they would have to invade many C.Asian countries before they get to Pakistan. Moreover in regards to India, Pakistan has nuclear weapons and if our existence is threatened we can vaporise them in response. Therefore they won't mount an invasion of Pakistan, therefore the strategic depth is not needed, therefore Afghanistan is now irrelevant to our strategic calculus as far as a scenario of Indian invasion is concerned.

We should stop ALL interventions in Afghan affairs, allow India to have the transit to Afghanistan and Afghanistan to India in return of full recognition of the Durand line from Afghanistan, and Indian assurances to not using Afghan soil for destabilizing Pakistan. Pakistan should refrain from Afghan affairs, altogether. We should NEVER help them EVER again in case of another invasion, let them fend for themselves. Should the worst case scenario of a hostile Afghanistan and a hostile India at the same time arise, we should focus all of our military assets to defend ourselves through a concentrated effort.

2: 'Referendum in Azad Kashmir'

Imagine if we liberate Kashmir through a military invasion from India. Then we conduct a free and fair referendum in Kashmir. If you are thinking that they will opt for joining Pakistan, you are wrong. Kashmiris will have no regard for Pakistani help, we will be taken for granted and Kashmiris will instead opt for an independent nation. Kashmir counts for 90% of our international diplomatic and security related problems, despite our best efforts we cannot 'win' as the great Muslim liberator as we hope to be.

I suggest, we should conduct a referendum in Azad Kashmir with following choices.

1: Join Pakistan formally - support Pakistani efforts to turn LOC into an international border with India.

2: Become an independant state.

Its a win win situation for Pakistan either way if we stop thinking of Kashmir as a 'Muslim problem/Pakistani problem' because it is not. It is a Kashmiri problem and they are the ones who need to solve it. If they choose the 1st option in a vast majority, we mount serious efforts of peacemaking with India.

If they choose the 2nd option, its a win win for us as we will help them become a new country, UN member, OIC member and then we can leave them alone to deal with the Indians,they would have to worry about the diplomatic/military strife with India, not us. It will become a 'Kashmiri Problem' - and this territory will act as a buffer between us and Indian forces. I would rather have Indian forces patrol Kashmiri streets than patrolling mine. Kashmiri freedom is worth Pakistani blood? - i wonder if it is and how much of it will be enough. We are giving blood since 1947.

3: Isolation from Arab-Iran rivalry.

Pakistan is a nuclear power and cannot be invaded, why should we be fighting as mercenaries for others? - I want no Pakistani boots outside Pakistan for ANY reason, for ANY country. Arab Iranian rivalry has a racist undertone, which Pakistan must not become a part of. We should allow them to solve their differences peacefully or go to war. Pakistan must not take EITHER SIDE, and remain totally neutral.

No Arab/Persian forces have helped us in 1948-1965-1971. It was us who were fighting for them not them fighting for us. We all know what the odds are of any military assistance from Iran or Arabs in any future war with India, don't we? - They won't come to our help, when we need them the most. - Pakistan therefore needs to become neutral -we need not meddle in their affairs nor we allow them to meddle into ours.

4: Recognize Israel

If Kashmir = Palestine than why Arabs and Iranians and Turks are allowed to recognize India while Pakistan is not allowed to recognize Israel? - Why they are allowed to trade with India, but Pakistan is not allowed to trade with Israel? - Pakistan should recognize Israel in return for unrestricted access to American and European markets and preferential trade agreements - as well as Pakistan gets the NSG membership. It will equal out our relations with the Arabs and the Iranians vis a vis Kashmir and India, and will improve our international standing by presenting us as a mature nation.

5: Join SCO

Pakistan should join SCO at all costs - dim its role in the OIC. Focus on China, Russia, C.Asia and India for trade and making the most of our geographic importance.

6: Build and maintain a Military muscle

If we adopt the above policy we need to build a potent conventional military muscle, big enough to provide impeccable national defense - to flush out the terrorist outfits - and small enough that cant be used in attacking any other nation in the world. Pakistan military should ONLY be used to defend Pakistanis. We should not care who's bombing Afghanistan and who's dumping Kashmiris in mass graves. As long as its not us getting killed, it shouldn't affect our military thinking.

7: Apologise to Bangladesh

We need to apologise to Bangladesh for our brutality inflicted upon them in 1971 - in return for free trade agreements and normalization of the bilateral ties.

8: Non intervention in the Muslim world

When was the last time you saw Turks,Indonesians and Malaysians intervening in other countries to 'protect Muslims' ? - NEVER. We need to do the same, we need to learn to ignore what happens in the Muslim world, so we can focus on ourselves. It should not be an issue to us, if Israelis bomb Palestinians,Lebanese and Egyptians, Burmese monks kill Rohingas, Serbs kill bosnians or Indians bomb Kashmiris. We should not intervene - they are not worth a drop of Pakistani blood.

9: Become business minded

Every F.policy favor we render to ANYONE - has to be in return for business favors returned to us. Once we build our economy, we send our kids to schools and universities - than we can think about other goals.

10: Pacifist Pakistan

Pakistan should give up its alliance with the US, normalize its ties with the US as a non aligned nation, bolster ties with China,Russia, India , Brazil and EU. A Pakistan that is indifferent to the security climate in other nations as long as its not us. We should never wage war on other nations-nor become partisans in one.

By doing this, we can reinvent our position in the world as a self centric country that is pro business - pro trade and anti conflict.

Have your say.


@Hyperion @ajpirzada @Irfan Baloch @Oscar @Argus Panoptes @Zarvan @Marshmallow @Armstrong @Xeric @Icarus @muse @Mosamania @Hussein @A-Team [MENoTION=30680]Sher Malang[/MENTION] @ghilzai @Pak-one and others.

First of all you can't quit Afghanistan until you want to hand it over to India until whole Kashmir is liberated their is no question of referendum in Kashmir you can't run away from Arab Iran rivalry you have try to solve it and mediate between them until Palestine issue is solved you can't afford to recognizes Israel it would bring trouble and chaos yes join SCO but have to more active in OIC to can't afford to quit it yes we need to be strongest military force apologized to Bangladesh on what ????????????
you have to intervene in Muslim world issues other wise you would become issue one day sooner or later Ummah concept can't be avoided Mr even Turkey has failed to do so some things are bigger than business and that is Islam and Muslim and yes review relation with USA and have relation with whole world
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