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Operations in Dir and Buner

hey guys..its good to see Al-Zarrar tank being used in buner op...i guess it was never used before this in WOT
ISLAMABAD, May 4 (APP): Director General ISPR Major Gen Athar Abbas said on Monday that Taliban militants had taken hostage civilians at gun point in Buner and were using them as human shield for their protection. Talking to PTV, he said Dagar area was under the full control of security forces and Daggar‑Murdan Road had been opened for transport.

He said security forces had also cleared Malandri Road. After consolidation of positions in surrounding areas of Dagar, the operation will be extended to other areas, he said.

Athar Abbas said militants had seized houses at gunpoint and using the inmates as human shield.

He said according to intelligence reports Taliban had made people hostage at Peer Baba and Sultan Was area and were not allowing them to leave the area.

DG ISPR said people had been trapped in these areas and facing difficulties due to activities of Taliban.

Replying to a question, he said from the government side the peace agreement was still intact and it wanted the process to go ahead without further bloodshed.

However, he said militants had been violating the agreement by continuing armed patrolling and indulging in kidnapping and killing people.

“Kidnapping of security offices is open violation of the agreement”, he said.

Athar Abbas said “neither our religion nor our culture allows to kill prisoners and through their bodies on streets.”

“We are monitoring alarming statements of Taliban and up‑dating the government officials about the changing situation. Ball is in their court, we have all shown patience and tolerance for the success of the agreement”.

He said that the militants were not serious in implementing the agreement from day first.
Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Taliban using people as humanshield : ISPR
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If fifty terrorists take one person hostage is that enough to purchase their safety?

Even G-d has trouble with this one. In a famous exchange in the Torah Abraham and G-d argue about the proposed destruction of Sodom. G-d finally agrees to Abraham's proposal that if ten righteous people exist in the city he will spare it.

G-d destroyed Sodom but saved the lives of Lot and his daughters, whom he had offered to the depraved populace to appease its anger.
The population held 'hostage' in Pir Baba alone is estimated to be around 2000 I believe.
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BBC reports it at 2000 people

What animals

This should really change Joe Pakistanis opinion about the Taliban
These coward M F can only kill innocence people. When it come to fight face to face they run like street rats. I would really kick them out from Sawt too why we need them in Swat?
A senior Pakistani official has urged residents to evacuate the troubled Swat valley in the north-west.

Head of local administration Khushal Khan said the authorities were lifting a curfew so that people could leave areas near the main town of Mingora.

Earlier this year, Taleban militants operating in the Swat region agreed a peace deal with the government.

But the deal has been under intense pressure recently with the Taleban expanding operations into nearby areas.

The BBC's Syed Shoaib Hasan in Islamabad says the latest developments are an indication that the authorities are getting ready to launch an operation against the militants in Swat.
The militants fought the army in the region from August 2007 until this year's deal.

Under the deal the Taleban were expected to disarm.

The Taleban say they will not lay down their arms until Islamic Sharia law is fully implemented in Swat.

The Taleban have banned the playing of music in cars and are also using mosques to invite local youth to join them.

They have also started regular patrols in the district.

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Swat residents urged to evacuate


Can somebody please confirm the above, because i have not been able to get confirmation from any other source?

If the above is going to happen, then, May Allah help our Army men to succeed in this operation, inshallah.:sniper:
Is it true that taliban has scaped the deal which was signed between pakistan government and taliban? :what: Had read in news paper, just need to confirm wherther its ture or not
Got one more confirmation this time from Dawn news:

Curfew relaxed as govt tells Mingora residents to leave
MINGORA: The District Coordination Officer (DCO) of Swat Tuesday asked Mingora residents to vacate the city as Taliban told the 46 beseiged security men in the city to lay down their arms, DawnNews reported.

Curfew in Swat has been relaxed from 01:30 p.m. till 07:00 p.m., the DCO said, adding that residents of Mingora city should immeditely start leaving.

On Monday, the Taliban took control of the city of Mingora and reportedly laid siege to a place housing 46 security personnel.

‘This is a clear violation of the Swat peace agreement,’ an official who requested anonymity said. He said militants were patrolling the streets and holding positions at key points and on important buildings.

According to sources, militants on Monday attacked the headquarters of security forces located in the circuit house and a police station in Mingora, but attacks were repulsed.

Subsequently on Monday, the local administration imposed a curfew for an indefinite period after the attacks. Earlier, the curfew was in force from 07:00 p.m. to 06:00 a.m. Clashes between security forces and militants were reported from Shamozai, Matta and Bahrain.

However, no casualty was reported till late night. Police have confined their activities to police stations.

A group of armed Taliban stormed the Rahimabad police station in Mingora on Monday night and blew it up. Local people said policemen had vacated the station just before the attack.

Security forces have also established checkposts and started searching vehicles in the area. Shops and markets in the main Mingora bazaar remained closed for the second day because of fear and tension.

According to a handout issued by the NWFP information department, the Taliban continued their activities despite the peace accord they had signed with the government.

Over the past 16 days, five people were killed and 21 kidnapped by the militants. Three incidents of blasts and several cases of car-snatching, looting and firing, erecting road blockades and armed patrolling by militants had been reported from different parts of the district, the handout said.

Militants blew up a government high school for boys in Tindodag area of Swat on Monday. It was the second government school blown up after the February 16 peace accord. On Sunday, a government high school for boys had been blown up in Nengolai.

Meanwhile, Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan claimed responsibility for the attack on a convoy in Swat on Monday in which one soldier was killed and three others suffered injuries.

He said the attack was a reaction to what he called movement of military forces to positions in violation of the February 16 peace deal. He said the Taliban would carry out such attacks if security forces continued their activities in the valley.

DAWN.COM | Provinces | Curfew relaxed as govt tells Mingora residents to leave


May Allah help Army through their operation, and I pray that minimum casualties take place, already we have lost many innocent souls.:pakistan:
If it's for the safety of the civilians there is no
better option than to evacuate them all,to prevent
civilian casualties.
The fighting there seems really fierce even the Pakistani army
now has a hard time,even with superior firepower.
this operation should only be launched once gov has established her writ in adjoining areas of dir, buner and shangla
this operation should only be launched once gov has established her writ in adjoining areas of dir, buner and shangla

ajpirzada, sir, i think you left your post incomplete as their is no . at the end of it, so if you permit me i would like to complete it by adding the following: "so that these SWAT taliban donot escape into these ajoining areas when the opeartion is carried out."

This is what your post looks when completed with a little input from me, anyway sir, hope you donot mind:rolleyes:

"this operation should only be launched once gov has established her writ in adjoining areas of dir, buner and shangla so that these SWAT taliban donot escape into these ajoining areas when the opeartion is carried out."
ajpirzada, sir, i think you left your post incomplete as their is no . at the end of it, so if you permit me i would like to complete it by adding the following: "so that these SWAT taliban donot escape into these ajoining areas when the opeartion is carried out."

This is what your post looks when completed with a little input from me, anyway sir, hope you donot mind:rolleyes:

"this operation should only be launched once gov has established her writ in adjoining areas of dir, buner and shangla so that these SWAT taliban donot escape into these ajoining areas when the opeartion is carried out."

looolll..... ya thanks for completing it.
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